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Lodge Meetings

Masons usually gather once a month for a daytime or evening meeting lasting two to three hours.

Like any organisation there’s a business element, with minutes, accounts, and plans for upcoming events to be read and discussed among the members.

But a Lodge meeting is also ceremonial, involving a series of formalised and symbolic presentations which use drama to highlight the codes of conduct by which a Freemason strives to live.

During a Lodge meeting, instruction is also provided to assist in a Mason’s daily life and personal development.

This may be on a range of topics, including public speaking, communication skills, leadership skills, or business management.

The final part of the meeting involves all Lodge members dining together.

With Masons coming from all age groups and from all walks of life, the opportunity to sit down and enjoy a meal with each other provides the perfect chance to "catch up", and yet another forum for an exchange of ideas.

Apart from these meetings, most Lodges organise regular social activities for the entire family.

Theatre parties, sports days, picnics – the holding of these types of events helps develop closer bonds, not just between Masons, but among their families as well.