Did you know? Masonic Philately

Sir George Cathcart No. 617

Andrew Jackson (1767 - 1845)


General and Seventh President of U.S.A.






Term of Office:- March 4th., 1829 - March 4th., 1837.

First Lady: - Rachel Donelson Robards (died 1828)

Vice Presidents: - John C. Calhoun, Martin Van Buren



In his life and career Andrew Jackson personified the populist spirit of the American people, Jacksons two terms in office ended the period in which every president came either from Virginia or Massachusetts. Jackson was a frontiersman and fighter, a law-breaker as well as a lawmaker. He was highly intelligent and complex, and he brought a vigour and forcefulness to the Presidency that profoundly transformed its character.



The records of Bro. Andrews initiation etc have not been located however there is no doubt that he was a member of St. Tammany Lodge No. 1. Tennessee. Which was the first lodge in Tennessee, organised in 1789, under a dispensation from the Grand Lodge of North Carolina. (The name was later changed to Harmony Lodge No. 1. on Nov.

1st. 1800)

His name is officially listed as a member in the Lodge return to the Grand Lodge of North Carolina and Tennessee for 1805.

On December 27th. 1813, the Grand Lodge of Tennessee was granted its own constitution.


 Bro. Andrew was the sixth Grand Master of Masons of Tennessee, serving from Oct. 7th. 1822  to Oct. 4th. 1824.




Stamps Issued :- U.S.A. 1902   S.G. 308

                                       1938   S.G. 808

                                       1946   S.G. 938

                                       1962   S.G. 1206

                    St. Vincent 1975   S.G. 451