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Sir George Cathcart No. 617 |
William McKinley (1843 - 1901)
Twenty-fifth President of U.S.A.
Term of Office :- Mar. 4th. 1887 - Sept. 14th. 1901. First Lady :- Ida Saxon. Vice Presidents :- Garret A. Hobart. Theodore Roosevelt.
William McKinley was elected on a domestic affairs platform but spent most of his presidency dealing with foreign policy. The last civil war veteran to be elected President McKinley led the U.S. into its only significant flirtation with old - fashioned imperialism.
On Sept 6th. he was shot by an assassin named Leon Czolgosz and died eight days later from his wounds.
Bro. William was a member of Hiram Lodge No. 21 Winchester, Virginia Initiated :- May. 1st. 1865 Passed :- May 2nd. 1865 Raised :- May 5th. 1865
He affilated with Canton Lodge No.60 Canton, Ohio on Aug. 21st. 1867. and demitted from same to become a charter member of Eagle Lodge No. 431.also in Canton. Following his assassination the lodge name was changed to William McKinley Lodge effective Oct. 24th. 1901. Knight Templar 1884.
Stamps Issued :- Turks and Caicos |