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Sir George Cathcart No. 617 |
Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt (1858 - 1919)
Twenty - Sixth President of U.S.A.
Term of Office :- Sept. 14th. 1901 - Mar. 3rd. 1909 First Lady :- Edith Kermit Carrow Vice President :- Charles W. Fairbanks
Theodore Roosevelt was one of the most energetic and engaging of the presidents of the U.S.A. He mixed politics and personality to a degree rarely seen in national leaders.
Like the country he served, Roosevelt was a mix of liberal and conservative. The same man who backed certain unions in their strikes also promoted a revolution in Panama in order to pave the way for his greatest single project, the Canal that joined the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean fleets of the U.S. Navy Always a man of action, when war broke out with Spain, he resigned his position as assistant secretary of the navy and formed a volunteer regiment of cavalry who became known as the "Rough Riders" On July 1st. 1898 Roosevelt led his men in a charge up San Juan Hill in Cuba in one of the most celebrated minor incidents in American military history. He was the president who issued the order changing the name of the "Executive Mansion" to “The White House" dated Oct. 17th. 1901. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1906.
Bro. Roosevelt was a member of Matinecock Lodge No.806
Initiated :- Jan. 2nd. 1901 Passed :- Mar. 27th. 1901 Raised :- Apr. 24th. 1901
When president, Bro.Theodore visited the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvia on Nov. 5th. 1902. for the celebration of the sesquicentennial of Bro. George Washington’s initiation into Free-masonry.
Stamps Issued :- U.S.A. Many |