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Sir George Cathcart No. 617 |
Warren Gameliel Harding (1865 - 1923)
Twenty - ninth President of U.S.A.
Term of Office :- Mar. 4th. 1921 - Aug. 2nd. 1923. First Lady :- Florence Kling De Wolfe Vice President :- Calvin Coolidge
Warren Harding is generally regarded as one of the weakest and least effective of the presidents. A genial and "presidential- looking" man, Harding lacked the motivation to be a true chief executive. When he died in 1923 his administration was almost completely discredited, although there was still some residual popular sentiment for Harding himself.
Bro. Harding was initiated June 28th. 1901 in Marion Lodge No. 70 Marion Ohio.
Because of some personal antagonism Bro. Hardings advancement was hindered until 1920, by which time he had been nominated for President. Friends persuaded the opposition to withdraw the objection, and on Aug. 27th. 1920. Nineteen years after his initiation, Bro. Harding achieved the sublime degree of Master Mason. in Albert Pike Lodge Washington D.C. Royal Arch Chapter Degrees in Marion Chapter No.62 Knights Templar in Marion Commandery No.36 in 1921 Scottish Rite and Shrine in 1921. At his request, Bro. Harding took the Oath of Office of President of U.S.A. upon the same bible as was used by Bro. George Washington for the same purpose on April 30th. 1789.(the alter bible of St. Johns Lodge No.1 New York City)
Stamps Issued :- U.S.A. Many |