United Grand Lodge of Bulgaria

On the 5th December 1992 has been constituted in Sofia, according to the Bulgarian laws on the associations, the "Grand Lodge of Bulgaria" ("United Grand Lodge of Bulgaria").
Its headquarters are at:
Alexander Stamboliisky, 59
1303 Sofia Bulgaria

The United Grand Lodge of Bulgaria is the sole, independent body of Freemasonry in the whole territory of Bulgarian Republic for the governing of the Degrees of the pure Antient Masonry hereinafter listed:

  • a) First Degree - Entered Apprentice;
  • b) Second Degree - Fellow Craft
  • c) Third Degree - Master Mason

including the Supreme Order of the Holy Royal Arch and Mark.

The United Grand Lodge of Bulgaria totally admits as its own deed of association the text of the five documents approved by the United Grand Lodge of England and hereinafter listed:

  1. "Antient Charges and Regulations",to be read by the Secretary, to the Master-Elect, prior to his Installation into the chair of the lodge, in fifteen articles.
  2. "Aims and Relationships of the Craft", in eleven articles.
  3. "Basic Principles for Grand Lodge Recognition", in eight articles.
  4. “The Charges of a Free-Mason",to be read at the making of new Brethren, or when the Master shall order it, in six paragraphs.
  5. "Statement on Freemasonry and Religion".

The United Grand Lodge of Bulgaria has been recognised by the United Grand Lodge of England and the following Grand Lodges .