UGLB delegation visited Orient Istanbul
On 8 and 9 December, 2011, a delegation of UGLB visited the Grand Lodge of Turkey. The delegation was led by MW Bro. Ivan Sariev and consisted of the W Master of the Rose of Trakia Constituent Lodge, Orient Stara Zagora and Brother from Sila Lodge, member of the Grand Judicial Commission. The delegation was greeted extremely warmly and personally by the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Turkey, MW Bro. Ramsey Sanver and by the Grand Treasurer. Our delegation was a special guest at the work of Yulkyu Lodge № 3 in Orient Istanbul, which performed the ritual of Installation of a new W Master. The ceremony, led personally by MW Bro. Ramsey Sanver, was extremely solemn and was conducted according to the Ancient Rules of the Scottish Rite.