Second international theoretical conference “The future of humanity and Masonic values”​​and “Night of the Sisters”Ceremonial

 From 10 to 12 February, at the Palace Spa Hotel in Velingrad was conducted the Annual February Weekend of Trakia Constituent Lodge, Orient Pazardzhik. Despite of the freezing cold weather and the heavy snow this year it was attended by 236 Brethren and sisters from Bulgaria and Turkey. With a desire to celebrate properly the current 20th Anniversary of UGLB, we, the Brethren from Trakia Lodge, set for ourselves high goals and undertook major responsibilities, as our preparation started late last year. Our guests were Brethren from 18 Member-Lodges of UGLB and 29 Brethren with their sisters from the Lodges: Cekic, Ahenk and Yuklu, which were members of the Grand Lodge of Turkey. For us it was a great honour to welcome the Grand Master of UGLB, MW Br. Ivan Sariev, the Past Grand Masters MW Br. Grigoriy Vazov and Petar Balabanov, RW Brethren Grand Officers, W Masters of Lodges from Bulgaria and Turkey. For the first time in the history of the Bulgarian Freemasonry, the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Turkey visited Bulgaria, which for us, as the hosts, was a great honour. Apart from MW Grand Master Bro. Ramsey Sanver, the event was also attended by the longtime friend of UGLB, the Past Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Turkey, RW Bro. Haluk Sanver and by three Masters of Lodges – members of the Grand Lodge of Turkey.