58th anniversary of Harmony Lodge, Orient Istanbul and 9 years since becoming Sister-Lodge of the Star of Sofia Lodge, Orient Sofia
On 23 May this year, in Orient Istanbul, Turkey, in the temple of Harmony Lodge, a Constituent Lodge of GL of Turkey, a solemn ceremony was held to commemorate the 58th anniversary of the consecration of Harmony Lodge and the ninth anniversary of the fraternisation between the Star of Sofia Constituent Lodge and Harmony Constituent Lodge. The ritual work was attended by MWGM of Turkey, Bro. Ramsey Sanver, current and Past Grand Officers of GL of Turkey, Past W Masters of Harmony Lodge and W Masters of Lodges of Orient Turkey. 12 Bulgarian Brethren attended, including WM of the Star of Sofia Lodge, WM of Balkan Star Lodge, WM of Alexander von Battenberg Lodge and Brethren Officers, Masters, Fellow Craft and Entered Apprentices from the Star of Sofia Lodge and Alexander von Battenberg Lodge.