To those who died in the name of our motherland we owenot only words of appreciation, but also deeds. (“MAStAr”2012)

During the Third MastaAr Festival, held in 2012, there was an initiative from the Lodges of UGLB to financially support the efforts of the Plovdiv Citizens Club to commemorate the Bulgarian soldiers who died in the First World War during one of the most epic battles in the Balkans at that time.
The heroes from the 5th Infantry Regiment of Bdin, part of the 13th infantry army from Lom and two foot-company regiments from Pleven infantry, fought so selflessly for the Red Wall of the Baba Mountain(Pelister) near Bitola, nowadays Macedonia. The military chroniclers call that battle ‘the second, or Macedonian, Shipka’. The soldiers who died in that battle trying to resist the army of French and Serbian troops, are buried in the village Tsappari, which is 12 kilometres from Bitola.