587 BC King Solomon's Temple is destroyed.

582 BC Pythagoras is born.

300 BC The Age of Euclid - the Greek mathematician and geometrician who founded a school at Alexandria.

290 BC Emperor Diocletian executes the stonemasons Claudius, Castorius, Sempornians, Nicostratus, and Simplicius (an apprentice) for refusing to carve a statue to the pagan god Aescuplapius. Several years later he also executes the operative stonemasons Severus, Severianus, Carpophorus, and Victorius for refusing to pay homage to the same pagan god. These four become the "Four Crowned Martyrs" - patron Saints of the Operative Craft.
At the time of Christ, there exists in Palestine three religious sects - the Essenes, the Pharisees, and the Sadducees. The Essenes are the strictest with a high moral code, a secret ceremony, and a great similarity in character to the Craft today. It is sometimes argued that Christ was a member of the Essenes in his formative years up to manhood when he commenced his general preaching. He never spoke against the Essenes, but did against the Pharisees and Sadducees .
Upon the fall of the Roman Empire, many Collegia migrate to the island of Como and preserve the Stonemasons' art. They later emerge as the Comocine Builders to construct the many Cathedrals during the Middle ages from 500AD until 1390 AD. This subject is still very much debated.

926 AD Prince Edwin, son of King Athelstan, calls and presides over a meeting of Masons at York.

1088 AD A group of organized operative stonemasons in Germany are  in existence. They are called the Steinmetzen, and some claim  they are the precursors of Freemasonry today.

1136 AD Melrose Abbey Church is in the process of construction. Traveling Masons leave their marks on some of the stones.

1215 AD The Magna Carta is signed by King John, establishing some  basic rights for free and bonded men.

1271 AD The Compagnonnage of France has been in existence for several hundred years. Some suggestions have been made they they are the foundation for modern Freemasonry.

1278 AD The use of the word "lodge" appears in the records of the Vale Royal Abbey.

1350 AD The Statute of Labourers is passed. It regulates the wages of workmen. It also prevents the escalation of wages due to the shortage of experienced workers and the great amount of construction work available. In this statute the words "mason" and "freestone" appear.
A Tracing House is in use at Windsor Castle.

1356 AD London Mason's Regulations are enacted. This regulates the building trades of the period. It contains no mention of organized  groups of workers, but it does have the earliest records of apprenticeships.

1360 AD 13 Sheriffs are ordered by the Crown to send 568 Masons  to work on Windsor Castle.

1370 AD The York Minster Mason's Ordinance is passed. It is written in Middle English and contains the words "Mason" and "Masoun".

1375 AD The Masons' Company of London is represented at the Court of Common Council. It must have been in existence for some years to be entitled to this representation.

1376 AD The Freemason and Mason Company of London is in existence, probably as a craft Guild.
The first known use of the word "Freemason" is recorded in the City of London Letter Book H dated 9th August. The word is later stricken off and replaced with the word "Mason".

1390 AD The Regius Poem, or Manuscript, (also known as the Halliwell Manuscript) is written or copied from older manuscripts. It is written in Middle English, and is said to be based on the Instructions for a Parish Priest or Urbanitas, a book of instruction on deportment and hygiene.

1400 AD The inventory of the Masons' Lodge at York Minster contains two Tracing Boards.

1425 AD The Cooke Manuscript is written. It is the second oldest of the extant ancient manuscripts of Freemasonry.

1429 AD "Masons of the Lodge" is mentioned in the records of Canterbury Cathedral.

1430 AD An ordinance is enacted confirming the ancient form and custom of taking apprentices.

1463 AD A Tracing House is in use at Westminster Abbey.
The Worshipful Company of Masons of the City of London erects its first Meeting Hall.

1471 AD Robert Stowell is appointed Master of Masons at Westminster Abbey.

1479 AD The term "Master Mason" appears after the name of William Orchard at Magdalen College, Oxford.

1487 AD The word "Freemason" appears for the first time in the Statutes of England.

1491 AD A municipal law is passed at St Giles, Edinburgh, establishing the conditions of employment of Master Masons and co-workers.

1534 AD The Act of Supremacy is passed abrogating the Pope's authority and makes the King (Henry VIII) the head of the Church of England.

1539 AD Francis I of France attempts to stamp out all Craft Guilds.

1581 AD The Masons' Company is incorporated at Newcastle and given certain powers and duties. 

1583 AD The Grand Lodge No 1 Manuscript is written. Now in the possession of the United Grand Lodge of England, this is the third oldest of the existing Manuscripts relating to Freemasonry.
These manuscripts are now collectively known under various names (the Gothic Constitutions, the Ancient Charges, the York Constitutions, or the Old Charges) and number over 110. Rather than repeat each one on this page, we have compiled a separate listing of most of the Old Charges along with a few notes of interest.

1598 AD William Schaw, who became Master of the Works in Scotland in 1584 AD, promulgated two sets of rules - the first (in 1598) regulating the Masons of Scotland, the second (in 1599) giving the Lodge of Kilwinning (No 0, GL of Scotland) supervisory powers over the Lodges of West Scotland. It also uses the term "Fellow of the Craft".

1600 AD The first record is made of the admission of a non-operative Mason in a Lodge in Scotland. John Boswell, Laird of Auchinlech, becomes a member of Lodge Edinburgh.
The York Manuscript No 1, commonly called the York  Rolls (now in the possession of York Lodge No 236) contains the word "Freemason"

1617 AD Elias Ashmole is born at Litchfield in England. A famous historian, he is remembered by the Craft because of the entries in his diaries.

1619 AD The Account Book of the London Masons' Company uses the term "Acception" as a description of some members.

1621 AD The records of the Worshipful Company of Freemasons of London indicates that there were "accepted" and "operative" members.

1633 AD John Stow, in his Survey of London, mentions the "Company of Masons being otherwise termed Freemasons".

1634 AD Lord Alexander, Sir Anthony Alexander, and Sir Alexander Strachan are all made Masons at the Lodge of Edinburgh.

1641 AD Sir Robert Moray is initiated by a group of Masons in a Scottish regiment at Newcastle-on-Tyne on 20th May. This is the earliest recorded initiation.

1642 AD The Minutes of Mother Kilwinning Lodge go back to this  year.

1646 AD Elias Ashmole writes in his diary that he was made a "Freemason" on 16th October.

1650 AD The Harleian Manuscript is written about this year. 

1655 AD "The Company of Freemasons of the City of London" changes its name to "The Company of Masons".

1656 AD John Aubrey begins writing A Natural History of Wiltshire in which he states that "the Fraternity of Free-Masons are known to one another by certain signs and watch words, and other significant words", and also described them as "adopted masons" and "accepted masons". His History is not published until 1847.

1660 AD The Royal Society is founded in London with many Freemasons among its members.

1668 AD The hall of the Worshipful Company of Masons of London is rebuilt. It is believed that a speculative Lodge met in this building.

1670 AD The records of Lodge Aberdeen begin. They show that some members were speculative, and others were operative.

1680 AD Dr James Anderson is born in Aberdeen, Scotland.

1682 AD Elias Ashmole writes in his diary that he attends a Lodge meeting at Masons Hall, London.

1683 AD John Desaguliers is born in Rochelle, France.

1686 AD Dr Robert Plot publishes his Natural History of  Staffordhire in which he ridiculed the Society of Freemasons. This gives some proof that a symbolic Lodge was in existence at this time.

1688 AD A Lodge of accepted Masons met at Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland.
Randel Holme III (a Chester genealogist and antiquarian) described an association with members of the "Society called Freemasons".
The "Society of Freemasons" is mentioned in a satirical speech in July at the commencement of exercises of the University of Dublin.

1690 AD The records of the Lodge of Melrose, between this year and 1695, use the term "fellowcraft"
1696 AD The Edinburgh Register House manuscript states that Masons have "words", "a grip", "signs", and "five points".

1698 AD An anti-Masonic leaflet is published warning people against the "Freed Masons".

1702 AD The Haughfoot Lodge minute book commences on 2nd December.

1709 AD Sir Richard Steel publishes and article in "The Tatler" (a famous paper of the day) discussing certain people in which he says "They have their signs and tokens like Free Masons" and "They have some secret intimations of each like Free Masons".

1710 AD The Hon. Elizabeth St Ledger (the famous "Lady Mason") who was supposed to have eavesdropped at a Masonic initiation is given two degrees. She later marries Richard Aldsworth and is also known under that name.

1716 AD A meeting is held in the Apple Tree Tavern in Charles St Covent Garden to discuss revival of the Quarterly Communications and an Annual Assembly.

1717 AD The first Grand Lodge is formed on 24th June (St John the Baptist's Day) in London by four Lodges meeting in the City of Westminster. The Grand Lodge of England (GL of E)

1719 AD Rev Bro John Theophilius Desaguliers is elected Grand Master of the GL of E.

1721 AD John, Duke of Monta
gu, is elected Grand Master of the GL of E. This election bought much publicity and prestige to the Craft.
On 24th June, the GL of E adopts a regulation that all regular Lodges are required to secure a Charter from the Grand Lodge.

1723 AD Dr James Anderson publishes the first edition of The  Constitutions of the Free-Masons
1724 AD The Gormogons, an anti-Masonic group, makes its first appearance.
The Committee of Charity formed by the GL of E.

1725 AD The Grand Lodge of Ireland is formed. (GL of I)

1730 AD Prichard's Masonry Dissected is published. It is the first expose of Masonic ritual, and is of great value in studying the development of rituals used today.
Martin Clare publishes his Defense of Freemasonry in answer to Prichard's book.
The Grand Secretary of the GL of I, John Pennell, publishes his version of the Book of Constitutions.

1732 AD The first traveling military Lodge is formed by the GL of I. 

1733 AD Freemasonry appears in Italy, and persecutions follow in the city of Florence.

1734 AD The Grand Lodge of Scotland is formed. (GL of S)

1737 AD A Warrant is issued by Lord Derwentwater for the formation of a Lodge in Sweden.
On 6th September, the first Lodge meets in Germany.

1738 AD Dr James Anderson publishes the second edition of The  Constitutions of the Free-Masons.
A new edition of Masonry Dissected is published by Prichard.
Pope Clement XII issues his Papal Bull  In Eminenti on April 28th. This is the first official edict of the Roman Catholic Church against the Craft.

1739 AD Dr James Anderson dies.
A committee meets in London to discuss proposed changes for Freemasonry.  This committee eventually developed into the Antient Grand Lodge.

1740 AD Members of an English Lodge in Madrid are imprisoned.

1741 AD The Grand Lodge of Germany is formed. (GL of G

1743 AD Freemasonry is introduced into Denmark. A duly constituted Lodge, however, does not meet until 25th December 1745 when a Warrant is issued by the GL of E.
John Coustos is questioned and tortured by the Inquisition in Portugal because he is a Freemason.

1744 AD Fifield Dassigny publishes A Serious and Impartial Inquiry into the Cause of the Present Decay of Freemasonry in the  Kingdom of Ireland. It contains the oldest printed reference to Royal Arch Masonry.

1746 AD John Coustos publishes The Sufferings of John Coustos for Freemasonry, giving a first hand report of the methods of the Inquisition. 

1749 AD On 17th January, Joseph Torrubia (a Roman Catholic priest living is Spain) secures permission from the Pope to become a Freemason so as to find out who and what are Freemasons. As a result of his joining the Order he complied a list of who belonged to the Order.
1751 AD In March, Torrubia gives a list of 97 Lodges to the Grand Inquisition, which caused the arrest and punishment of members by the Inquisition. Pope Benedict XIV issues his Papal Bull Providas on May 18th, against the Craft.
On 2nd July, King Ferdinand VI suppresses the Order in Spain.
The Antient Grand Lodge of England (AGL of E) is formed on 17th July. This was formally called a "schism" of the 1717 GL of E. It is formed by a group of Masons opposed to the proposed changes to the Landmarks. The GL of E becomes known as the "Moderns".

1752 AD Laurence Dermott becomes Secretary of the AGL of E.

1754 AD First known use of the term "Sublime Degree of a Master Mason" in a certificate drawn by the GL of I.
Alexander Slade publishes The Freemason Examin'd which is a expose and claims the Craft's ritual is based on the Tower of Babel. Six editions are published in five years
1756 AD Laurence Dermott publishes Ahiman Rezon - the constitution of the Antients.

1758 AD "Strict Union" reached between the GL of I and the Antients.

1767 AD First Lodge is established in China by the GL of E. 

1772 AD William Preston publishes Illustrations of Free Masonry which goes through seventeen editions by 1861.
1773 AD "Strict Union" reached between the GL of S and the Moderns (GL of E).

1775 AD William Hutchinson publishes Spirit of Freemasonry - the first book on Masonic philosophy expressing the view that the Craft is a Christian association.

1776 AD Masonic Hall is dedicated on Great Queen St, London, England.

1784 AD The GL of E issues a Charter to African Lodge No 459 on 29th September. This is an African-American Lodge.

1788 AD The Royal Masonic Institution for Girls is established in England.

1792 AD The first Masonic journal in England, The Sentimental and  Masonic Magazine, is published monthly.

1797 AD John Robison, a professor of the University of Edinburgh, publishes Proof of a Conspiracy against all the Religions  and Governments of Europe carried on in Secret Meetings of the Freemasons, Illuminati, and Reading Societies,  Collected from Good Authorities.

1798 AD The Royal Masonic Institution for Boys is established in England.

1799 AD The English Parliament passes the Unlawful Societies Act. Freemasonry is exempted from its provisions. 

1802 AD The Irish Masonic Female Orphan School is founded.

1809 AD The Lodge of Promulgation is formed in England (and lasts until 1811) to report on the differences between the ritual of the Moderns and Antients. The "schism" has now be in existence for 58 years.

1813 AD The Moderns and Antients become reconciled and form "The United Grand Lodge of Antient, Free, and Accepted Masons of England" on 27th December (St John's Day) - UGL of E. 

1814 AD The UGL of E, the GL of I, and the GL of S sign the "International Compact" in which they agree on basic points of Freemasonry. 

1815 AD The new Book of Constitutions is issued by the UGL of E. 

1816 AD The Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland is formed.

1817 AD The union of Royal Arch Chapters in England occurs.

1818 AD William Preston dies. He left a substantial sum to the Benevolent fund and also established a fund for the giving of an annual lecture - still given England and called the Prestonian Lecture. 

1820 AD "Australian Social Mother Lodge No 260" is warranted in Sydney by the GL of I on 6th January. Now known as Lodge Antiquity No 1 - UGL of NSW & ACT. 

1821 AD Pope Pius VII issues his Papal Bull Ecclesiam on Sept 13th, against the Craft.

1823 AD The Grand Lodge of Wigan is formed by 4 erased Lodges in Lancashire. It constitutes 6 lodges during its short existence which ceases in 1866.
The Irish parliament passes the Unlawful Oaths Act. It is directed at many organizations, but 10 months after it is passes an announcement is made that it is not intended to cover Freemasonry.

1824 AD King Ferdinand VII of Spain decrees on 1st August the death of all Freemasons without trial.
"Lodge Leinster Marine No 266" is warranted in Sydney by the GL of I on 12th August. Now known as Lodge Leinster Marine No 2 - UGL of NSW & ACT. 

1825 AD Pope Leo XII issues his Papal Bull Quiograviora on March 13th, against the Craft.

1828 AD "Lodge Australia No 820" is warranted in Sydney by the UGL of E on 21st June. Now known as The Lodge of Australia No 3 - UGL of NSW & ACT. 

1829 AD Pope Pius VIII issues his Papal Bull Traditi on May 21st, against the Craft.

1832 AD Pope Gregory XVI issues his Papal Bull Mirari on August 15th, against the Craft.

1836 AD The first Book of Constitutions is issued by the GL of S - 102 years after it was formed. 

1837 AD The Grand Lodge Library is founded by the UGL of E.

1838 AD The Benevolent Institution is founded for the aged and needy Masons in England. It is the third charitable project of the Grand Lodge. 

1839 AD James Halliwell discovers the Regius Manuscript in the British Museum.

1840 AD Inaugural meeting of "Maitland Lodge of Unity No 804" UGL of E on 4th November. Now known as The Maitland Lodge of Unity No 4 - UGL of NSW & ACT. It was the first country Lodge in NSW. 

1842 AD First Lodge formed in New Zealand.

1845 AD Albert Mackey publishes A Lexicon of Freemasonry. After many editions this develops in the Encyclopedia of  Freemasonry. 

1846 AD Pope Pius IX issues his Papal Bull  Qui Fluribus on Nov 9th, against the Craft.

1849 AD Pope Pius IX issues his Papal Bull  Quibus quantisque Malis on April 20th, against the Craft.

1857 AD "Sydney - St Andrews Lodge No 358" is warranted in Sydney by the UGL of S on 4th August. Now known as Lodge St Andrew Twilight No 7 - UGL of NSW & ACT. 

1861 AD J.G.Findel publishes A History of Freemasonry, the first English edition of which appears in 1865.

1864 AD Between 21st and 24th May, Guiseppe Garibaldi unites all Masonic groups on Italy.
Pope Pius IX issues his Papal Bull Quanta Cura on Dec 8th, against the Craft.

1865 AD Pope Pius IX issues his Papal Bull Multiplires Intern on Sept 25th, against the Craft.

1866 AD A Lodge is formed in Japan by the UGL of E.

1869 AD Pope Pius IX issues his Papal Bull  Apostolicae Sedis on Oct 12th, against the Craft.

1873 AD Pope Pius IX issues his Papal Bull  Esti Multa on Nov 21st, against the Craft.

1880 AD Gould's History of Freemasonry is published.

1884 AD Pope Leo XIII issues his Papal Bull Humanum Genus on April 20th, against the Craft. This is the last Papal Bull directed against Freemasonry. Over a period of 146 years a total of 13 Bulls were issued. 

1886 AD Quatuor Cononati Lodge No 2076 (UGL of E) is constituted. It is to become the premier research Lodge in the World. Its first  Transactions were published in 1888, and have been published yearly ever since. 

1888 AD The United Grand Lodge of NSW is formed.
1894 AD Pope Leo XIII establishes an Anti-Masonic Bureau.
Edward Conder publishes Records of the Hole Crafte and Fellowship of Masons in London.

1899 AD Leader Scott (Lady Lucy Baxter) publishes The Cathedral  Builders in which she tries to show the missing link between the Masons of ancient times and the Freemasons of her day.

1914 AD Bro Rev Joseph Fort Newton writes The Builders for the Grand Lode of Iowa - a copy of which is given to all new Masons. This book is still popular today.

1923 AD On 13th Feb, the Grand Fascist Council issues its first resolution against Freemasonry.

1926 AD The Salvation Army issues a "confidential" communication to its officers expressing opposition to secret societies.
The Fascists confiscate property of the Craft in Italy.

1929 AD The Lateran Treaty is made between the Pope and Mussolini.
Bro Eugen Lennhoff publishes The Freemasons which was translated into English in 1934.

1931 AD The Portugal Police order that all Masonic meetings are prohibited.

1938 AD King George VI of England invested as Past Grand Master of the UGL of E.
Knoop, Jones, & Hamer publish The Two Earliest Masonic Manuscripts.
Knoop, Jones, & Hamer publish An Introduction to  Freemasonry.

1940 AD Knoop & Jones publish A Short History of Freemasonry  to 1730.

1947 AD Knoop & Jones publish The Genesis of Freemasonry.

1949 AD The Spanish Government includes an item in its budget to spend over $100,000 for the maintenance of a special tribunal to suppress Freemasonry.

1950 AD Bernard E. Jones publishes A Freemasons Guide and Compendium.

1951 AD The January issue of the English magazine Theology publishes are article entitled "Should a Christian be a Freemason?" by the Rev Walton Hannah. The article creates a storm within the Anglican Church.

1953 AD The Grand Lodge of the State of Israel is consecrated by the GL of S on 20th Oct.

1954 AD The Rev Walton Hannah publishes the anti-Masonic book  Masons by Degrees.
Pick & Knight publish The Pocket History of Freemasonry.
Freemasons are imprisoned in Spain.

1955 AD Dr Mauro Baradi (PGM of the Philippines) is opposed by the Roman Catholic Church from holding public office on the grounds that he is a Freemason.

1956 AD The Feb 23rd issue of the Christian Science Monitor- has a long favorable article about Freemasonry.
The High Synod of the Greek Orthodox Church petitions the Minister of the Interior to withdraw government recognition of Freemasonry.
The Church of Nazarene states that it is opposed to Freemasonry.
The Oct 8th issue of Life magazine is devoted almost entirely to Freemasonry.

1957 AD The Grand Lodge of Japan is formed.
A court in England rules that Freemasonry is not a religion.
The Lutheran Church fails to achieve unity at a meeting due to the opposition of one group of its members to membership of Lodges by members of the Church.
Bernard E. Jones publishes The Freemason's Book of the Royal Arch.
Paul Nettl publishes Mozart and Masonry.

1959 AD 21 Freemasons are imprisoned in Spain, without trial, under the 1st March 1940 law.

1960 AD A further 14 Freemasons are imprisoned in Spain.
H.V.B.Booth publishes The Royal Order of Scotland.

1961 AD The Grand Lodge of India is formed by the UGL of Em the GL of I, and the GL of S.
Harry Carr publishes Mother Kilwinning Lodge.
Robert L. Duncan publishes The Reluctant General - a biography of Albert Pike.
1962 AD Liberty Lodge No 70 formed in Biaritz, France as a travelling Lodge to serve Spanish Freemasons.
H.C.Ronins-Landon publishes Mozart and the Masons -  new light on the Lodge of Crowned Hope.
Harry Carr (editor) publishes Minutes of the Lodge of  Edinburgh (Mary's Chapel)

1963 AD Knoop, Jones, & Hamer publish Early Masonic Catechisms (2nd ed).
H.L.Haywood publishes Masonic Essays.

1964 AD On 29th Dec, Bishop Mendez Arceo of Mexico, expresses his view at Vatican II that Roman Catholics should make peace with the Freemasons of the World.
Harry Carr (editor) publishes Collected Prestonian  Lectures.
Alec Mellor (a Roman Catholic) publishes Our Separated Brethren - The Freemasons. He later becomes a Freemason and a member of Phoenix Lodge of Research No 30 (GLNF).
Discussions were held in England as to whether to modify the ancient penalties of the Craft degrees.

1965 AD The BBC presented a program entitled Freemasonry - The Open Secret purporting to be an expose of Freemasonry.

1967 AD The UGL of E celebrated its 250th anniversary, and publishes Grand Lodge:1717-1967.

1968 AD Bro Harry Carr meets with Cardinal Heenan in London on 8th March to discuss the relationship of Freemasonry and the Roman Catholic Church. As a result of these discussions, the anti-Masonic tracts sold in Roman Catholic churches in London are removed from the stacks.  

1969 AD The Masonic Book Club is formed in Bloomington, Ill, USA and publishes its first book in 1970 - a facsimile of the Regius Poem.
A Pocket History of Freemasonry by Pick, Knight, & Smith is published

1971 AD Bro Harry Carr has several more conferences with Cardinal Heenan. This leads to a friendly relationship developing between the Craft and the Roman Catholic Church. On 26th April it is rumored that the Church is about to change its rule about barring Masonic membership to its members.
King Solomon's Temple in the Masonic Tradition by Alex Horne is published.
Early French Exposures by Bro Harry Carr is published.
Mozart's opera The Magic Flute, which is generally believed to contain Masonic themes, is examined by Jacques Chailley and his comments published. 

1972 AD A Register of Grand Lodges Active and Extinct by George  Draffen is published. 

1973 AD A Commentary on Masonic Ritual (2nd Edition) by E.B. Cartwright is published, with comments by Bro Harry Carr.
Emulation - A Ritual to Remember by C.F.W.Colin is published.

1974 AD The Sacred Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith (as the Roman Inquisition was renamed by the Pope in  1965) sends a letter to the various Episcopal Conferences on 19th June informing them that Cannon 2335 prohibiting its members from joining Freemasonry is to be interpreted to apply to such groups as are opposed to Church. 

1976 AD A Freemason at Work by Bro Harry Carr is published.

1977 AD Several Prince Hall Lodges in South Africa give up their Charters from the USA and join the regular Craft in South Africa.
Quatour Coronati Lodge publishes in facsimile the 1723 and 1738 editions of Anderson's Constitutions in one volume.
• 600 Years of Craft Ritual by Bro Harry Carr is published.

1978 AD • The Craft in the Far East by Bro Christopher Haffner is published.
The York Legend in the Old Charges by Alex Horne is published.
Prince Hall, Life and Legacy by Dr Charles Wesley is published and reviewed in AQC vol 90, pp 306-322.

1979 AD Pope John Paul II visits Chicago while the Grand Lodge is in session. The Grand Master and Grand Wardens, by special invitation, attend a Mass conducted by the Pope in Grant Park.
Freemasonry is banned in Iran. Several Arab nations assume an anti-Masonic stance under the erroneous belief that the Craft is controlled by the Jews.

1980 AD Rose Croix - A History of the Ancient and Accepted Rite for England and Wales by A.C.F. Jackson is published.