Welcome to the website of the Grand Lodge of Andorra. Here you will find information about the regular masonry in the Principality of Andorra. We will provide you with information on the principles and precepts of Freemasonry, the history and the Lodges of the Grand Lodge of Andorra.
Please use the navigation buttons on the left to look around our website, or use the site map. All areas of this site are available to public view, including those pages intended for the use of Freemasons.
If you are not a Mason, we invite you to browse the web site, and then contact us should you have any questions or comments, we would be pleased to hear from you.
(If you are a Freemason, please send any question, in the first instance, to your Lodge Secretary.)
Brethren who are not members of the Grand Lodge of Andorra should direct all correspondence through the Grand Secretary of their own Obedience. All replies will be sent through their Grand Secretary. Brethren are reminded that communication through their own Grand Lodge can establish that a brother is in good standing and can be vouched for.
Grand Secretary's Office:
Boîte Postale 202 Poste Française
AD502 Andorra la Vella - (Principality of Andorra)
Phone: (+376) 833 484
Fax: (+376) 833 485