Volume 1

Name: Ron Lawrence
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Turlock California USA
Time: 1999-05-02 06:31:55
Comments: you have a great web page thank you for letting me surf it...

Name: Joseph F. Connolly, II
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Belle Isle, Florida, USA
Time: 1999-04-29 14:19:56
Comments: It would be most helpful if Master Masons of Irish descent, or even Irish citizens born and living overseas, such as myself, could affiliate in some manner with your Grand Lodge. For many, again such as myself, this would help strengthen the ties of our common heritage. Joseph F. Connolly, II, MM Composite Lodge #293, F&AM

Name: Asoka Wisumperume
Referred by: Net Search
From: Sri Lanka
Time: 1999-04-29 09:03:39
Comments: I am indeed very happy to visit this web site,which is well presented,and very informative. I am an Irish Freemason of Leinster Lodge-No 115,and was the Worshipful Master of our Lodge in 1995. In fact when the M.W.The Grand Master,visted Sri Lanka in November 1998 together with M.W.Bro.Kenneth Patterson,I was the Installing Master,and Installed our new W.M in the chair,in the presence of a large gathering of bretheren. I hope they are keeping well! Yours sincerely & fraternally Asoka Wisumperume

Name: russell knox
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: new zealand
Time: 1999-04-29 00:04:48
Comments: Can you give me more information on 'freemasonry' can you display the so-called secrety myths or are you guys just a group of people doing common good for the community while enjoying each others comapay.(thats what i think, however a mate of myn has other ideas) yours faithfully, russell

Name: Bill Erickson
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Portland, Oregon USA
Time: 1999-04-28 21:01:40
Comments: As a recently made Entered Apprentice and computer professional, I've enjoyed surfing the web looking for interesting sites on the Craft. This has been one of the better and more informative ones - nice work! My wife and I will be visiting Ireland this summer, and I look forward to visiting the Grand Lodge. Regards, Bill Erickson

Name: eamon gordon
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: australia
Time: 1999-04-28 14:32:58
Comments: from a fellow irishman great site nice to see the irish grand lodge on the net. do you have overseas members if so please let me how to join. all the best for now and the future. eamon

Name: Barrington Henry
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Kingston,Jamaica
Time: 1999-04-25 03:25:38
Comments: Congratulations on a splendid site. it is a pleasure seeing Irish freemasonry on the "net". keep up the good works. fraternally, Barry Henry:emerald lodge#899IC Kingston, Jamaica.

Name: Tony Graham
Website: The Wee Man's Page
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Bangor Co.Down
Time: 1999-04-24 13:13:18
Comments: Greetings from WM and Brethren Neuhaus 946 GLBFG (my mother lodge) and from Agincourt 7172 UGLE within the Province of Surrey. Have been travelling about, for the last eighteen years, looking forward to returning home soon. This site has certainaly has been a pleasure to visit. I wish you well.

Name: Per Olov Svensson
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Thailand
Time: 1999-04-24 10:56:14
Comments: Good Work. Nice to see that Irish Freemasonry is still as open to modern ideas as dedicated to our Anchient Tradition. I believe this to be an excelent way for the general public to get some understanding of what we are all about. And hopefully increase the numbers of our Order to ensure the continued success of the Masonic Tradition. Per Olov Svensson, J.D. Morakot Lodge 945 I.C.

Name: Jeffrey Copeland
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: California, U.S.A.
Time: 1999-04-24 05:02:23
Comments: I am a member of Brea Gateway Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons in Southern California. I have really enjoyed your websight. I had the opportunity to visit your beautiful country last summer. I plan to return and possibly come visit a few of the lodges there. I think it is a great service that you are doing trying to teach others the beauty of our fraternity. Thank you for your hard work. Fraternally yours, Jeffrey C. Copeland MM

Name: Nigel Williamson
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Bangor, NI
Time: 1999-04-24 01:17:26
Comments: Great page, lets people get to read a little about the order, I'm looking forward to going to Grand Lodge in September to get my 3rd. Nigel Williamson William Sefton Memorial 842

Name: William Sewell
Referred by: Net Search
From: Littleton,Colorado
Time: 1999-04-23 06:11:43
Comments: R.W. Brotheren,the Irish Grand Lodge sight is very well put together. I will within the near future like to take an in person look at your grand dwelling of the Irish craft.Kindest of fraternal greetings and best wishes in your benevolent endevers.

Name: John J. Mulligan
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Margate, N.J. USA
Time: 1999-04-23 02:38:36
Comments: Thanks for the visit.

Referred by: From a Friend
From: Cork, Ireland
Time: 1999-04-21 21:05:34
Comments: Great site. I am looking forward to seeing the Provincial pages.

Name: Ronnie Bennett
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Liberty,Texas
Time: 1999-04-20 22:00:42
Comments: Wanted to say hello to my brethren. Your sight is wonderful.

Name: P E Sufferin
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Lisburn, Co. Antrim
Time: 1999-04-20 11:54:43
Comments: An extremely interesting and informative insight into the world of the Freemasons. I enjoyed it very much.

Name: richard warren elms
Referred by: Tripod
From: annapolis, maryland
Time: 1999-04-19 20:05:08
Comments: I enjoyed purusing your excellent site. Nothing has been left to chance. Perhaps I will visit Ireland the next time that the Navy football team plays Notre Dame!

Name: Richard A. Menard, P. M.
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Simi Valley, California
Time: 1999-04-19 05:39:43
Comments: My friend is (Worshpful Brother Bill Nicholl, Past Master of Dunleath Masonic Lodge No. 654. He is Past Provencial Grand Stewart in the Province of Down. He will be visiting his brother who lives here in California and I have invited him to attend our Lodge (No. 806) on May 5, 1999. this will be his second visitation with us and we are looking forward to his visit with great antisapation. In a recent E-mail to me he informed me about your web-site and encouraged me to sign on. I like what I see. From our Lodge (Simi Valley Lodge No. 806 of Free and Accepted Mason) and as Past Master of our Lodge I send you Fraternal Greetings. Richard A. Menard, P.M.

Name: Thomas Casey
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Dallas, Texas
Time: 1999-04-17 06:36:57
Comments: Dear Brethern, you have a wonderful website. I am a member of San Gabriel Lodge #89 in Georgetown, Texas. My best fraternal wishes to you all.

Name: Jackie Conboy
Website: irishrock
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Portumna , Co Galway
Time: 1999-04-16 03:14:39
Comments: great site ,very fast and well put to-gether, keep up the good work

Name: Stephen Bisset
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Dublin
Time: 1999-04-16 02:32:32
Comments: I find my self intersted in freemason culture, due to my own psychic powers. I became interested in magick and aleister crowley, i know he is not much liked byeemasons, but i find him intersting. Also i have read revelations of the golden dawn, and liked it very much, also i read hirams key.

Name: Neville J S Beers
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Hillsborough, Co.Down, N.Ireland.
Time: 1999-04-15 20:43:39
Comments: Fraternal Greetings and Congratulations on a most informitive WebSite. It's great to see Irish Masonary on the Internet. Keep up the good work. Regards, Neville.

Name: Bob Hans
Referred by: NewsGroups
From: Arvada #130, Colorado USA
Time: 1999-04-12 06:26:36
Comments: Great page! Someday I hope to visit your beautiful country and your lodge as well.

Name: Arno Dalwigk
Referred by: NewsGroups
From: München Germany
Time: 1999-04-12 05:35:49
Comments: Dear Bretheren, congratulation for this great Event. I had a lot of fun to see your pages. Especially the photo-tour to your house. The idea to fix it on a floorplan is great. Yours fraternaly Arno Dalwigk "JL Zu den drei Säulen an der Isar" in München Momber of GLL FvD (FO)

Name: A fellow widows son
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-04-12 03:23:58
Comments: Its good to see Masonry so strong in Ireland , Well done to all brethern who helped construct this site your temple looks magnificent. A long lost Brother

Name: Steven A. Biggar
Referred by: NewsGroups
From: Fife,Scotland
Time: 1999-04-11 22:07:38
Comments: Great site, very informative..... My lodge and I are planning a visit to Ireland in September. We hope to demonstrate a working of a degree. I'll post all the details in this book when I get them. In the mean time you you're visting Scotland drop in, we will make you more than welcome... Bro. Steven A. Biggar RWM Lodge St. John Tulliallan 598 SC

Name: Leland Lane
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Hampton,Iowa. U.S.A.
Time: 1999-04-10 04:53:13
Comments: Your web site is great, informative. I will be on tour in your country on22 April. Iam a Mason and would like to attend a lodge meeting while in Ireland. I will be flying into Shannon on the above date. We will be in Ireland about 12 days. Fraternally Leland Lane

Name: Benjamin Parrott McNeese III
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Sumter South Carolina USA
Time: 1999-04-09 18:07:11
Comments: I am a member of Claremont Lodge #64 in Sumter SC USA Iam the JR Deacon in our lodge

Name: Yonus
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-04-08 08:43:33
Comments: Congratulations Bretheren, A magnificant effort - as a brother in SA I'm extremely proud to be associated with such excellent work. This is the "Way Forward" !

Name: W.Bro Phil Thompson
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Esher, Surrey, England
Time: 1999-04-07 20:03:09
Comments: Well done for an informative web site with many interesting facts. Fraternal greetings from the Master, Wardens and brethren of Beverley Brook Lodge No.8137.

Name: W.Bro. Robert J Stewart
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: South Africa
Time: 1999-04-05 21:50:46
Comments: Congratulations with this marvellous web site and Fraternal Greetings from Kendal Franks Lodge No.265 I.C. who this year are celebrating their Centenary. Bob Stewart Secretary: Kendal Franks No. 265 PGDofC PGLSA-N

Name: Brian Patterson
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Dundonald Masonic Lodge No. 303. ( Northern Ireland ).
Time: 1999-04-05 15:58:21
Comments: Richard, I had some help today from my daughter's husband in getting in. Went through all the options and found it most interesting.Regards, Brian.

Name: Geordieboy
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Newcastle upon Tyne
Time: 1999-04-04 23:54:34
Comments: An excellent site, particularly enjoyed the photographic tour. Fraternal greetings to all from geordieland

Name: Geoff Gillam
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Ballyclare
Time: 1999-04-04 14:31:10
Comments: Great site, well done to all those involved,a lot of hard work. It`s great to see that we are moving into the 21st centry with a positive approach. I bring fraternal greetings from the W.M. Officers and Brethren of Albertbridge Masonic Lodge 535 in the province of Down.I will visit again soon.

Referred by: Net Search
Time: 1999-04-03 20:39:28

Name: Terry Draycott
Website: RLSS Notts Branch
Referred by: Net Search
From: Nottingham
Time: 1999-04-03 20:08:45
Comments: Greetings. Your web page is excellent, well done. Yours Fraternally Terry Draycott. Fairham Lodge No. 8002 Province of Nottinghamshire.

Name: James Gardner
Referred by: From a Friend
From: ontario, canada
Time: 1999-04-03 15:51:45
Comments: Fraternal greetings from the Officers and Members of Unity Lodge # 606 G.R.C. and University Chapter R.A.M. # 241 G.R.C. Great site, looking forward to walking through your Grand Lodge, will be in Irland in May/99 and hope to be able to sit with my Brethren in Lodge.

Name: David I. Goldrup, P.M.
Website: Freeport Lodge #23 A.F. & A.M.
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Freeport, Maine, U.S.A.
Time: 1999-04-03 02:04:20
Comments: Fraternal greetings. Our Lodges are now just a click away from each other. How wonderful.

Name: Marcus W Watts
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: The New Forest, Southern England
Time: 1999-04-02 21:27:25
Comments: Fraternal greetings from my mother Lodge Albert Edward No1780, my school Lodge Richard Taunton No7050, Southampton and District Masters Lodge No 9181, and Royal Gloucester Chapter No130 all in the Province of Hampshire & Isle of Wight. Thank you for making Freemasonary so available to everyone worldwide. This is the way foreward we can move with the times and continue into the next Millenium and prove to the world what we are all about and have nothing to hide.

Name: Richard Ember
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Southampton, England
Time: 1999-04-02 12:40:51
Comments: An excellent site, worthy of The Grand Lodge of Ireland. It is refreshing to see The Grand Lodge take such a lead in putting Freemasonry on The Internet. I wish all my Brothers in Ireland 'well' and hope to visit one of your Lodges soon. Richard Ember Gateway Lodge 8474, Albert Edward Chapter 1780, Clausentum Lodge MMM 613, Solent Lodge RAM 63.

Name: Thomas E. Travis
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Billings, Mt.
Time: 1999-04-02 07:30:34
Comments: I toured the photos of your grand lodge, and i must admit they are beautiful. My heart go out to you for i would cherish the day i could step foot in the lodge and lay eyes upon such splender.Thomas E. Travis Grahamville Lodge #707 of Kentucky.

Name: Lou Powderly
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Bude, Cornwall
Time: 1999-04-02 00:26:36
Comments: Fraternal greetings to what might have been my mother lodge. ( I was born in Dublin on St. Patrick's Day.) I hope to be able to get over and visit some day soon. Congratulations on a wonderful website. I wish it all the success that it deserves. Granville Lodge No. 3405 UGLoE Granville Royal Arch Chapter No. 3405 UGLoE Sir Bevil Granville Mark Masons No 1231 Bude, Cornwall (By the way I found the site from an article in Freemasonry Today magazine which was not an option above.)

Name: w.bro. s. wheatley
Referred by: From a Friend
From: belfast
Time: 1999-04-01 15:36:53
Comments: nice to see masonry enter 21st century

Name: Charles E. Gallagher
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Berrysburg, Pa, USA
Time: 1999-03-31 17:15:57
Comments: greeting from your brothers in pennsylvania. i enjoyed the tour of your website, very good job. keep the light of freemasonery shining brightly in ireland.

Name: Letha Ellis
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: richmond va
Time: 1999-03-31 01:05:24
Comments: Hi my name is Letha and i am currently Junior Princess of Bethel 53 of Job's Daughters. My family is distantly from irland and i wold love to visit or even go to college there. our bethel is in danger of closing but we have high hopes. i was wondering if someone could send us some more info about what you do and the Job's Daughters over there. my e-mail might have changed to tweety00@juno.com Jobie Love, Letha Ellis JP, Bethel 53

Name: Henry R J Anderson
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Pierrefonds Quebec Canada
Time: 1999-03-30 21:26:46
Comments: What a first class site.I started masonic life in Cavan 90 but within a year I was in Canada.at one time my father W.Bro John Anderson along with my 4 brothers and my self were all members of Cavan 90.Time has taken its toll.at present I am the W.M of The Royal Edward Nr 90 (Was also in 1994)under the Grand Lodge of Quebec.I am also a Member of Friendship Lodge Nr 165 under the Grand Lodge of Manitoba

Name: Panagiotis Kintas
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Greece
Time: 1999-03-29 20:08:59
Comments: Dear brothers, I am a member of the Grand Lodge of Greece. Your site was very friendly indeed.It gives a great deal of information to the visitor.I will try to pay you a visit this year,since I will study in England. Keep up the good work!

Name: Carlon Barker
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Whitt Lodge,624#, Whitt TEXAS
Time: 1999-03-29 01:38:32
Comments: Great website, greetings from Texas fellow brothers.

Referred by: Clicked on a 'Guestbooks by GuestWorld' Button
Time: 1999-03-28 12:54:03

Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-03-28 12:50:40

Name: Fergus Tomlin
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Vancouver, B.C.
Time: 1999-03-28 09:04:59
Comments: Greetings from Capilano 164,B.C.,Canada.Flipped the keyboard to Freemasonry Ireland and look what I found. What a delightful and informative website. Congrats Brothers. Wishing you all the best on your celebrations set for 2000. Would you consider keeping Grand Lodge of British Columbia (AF&AM) informed of your 2000 plans? (www.bc-freemasonry.com). I'm sure you would have a few B.C. brothers dropping in as a result. On a personal note, I was born & raised in Dublin.I only know one brother in Dublin and he is a WB. If there are any other brothers in Ireland who might remember me do share my e-mail address with them. All the best in 2000. Keep updating the website. The website puts you in the forefront of where all Freemasonry might consider going. A very polished presentation

Name: Philip Hendy
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Lodge 167 Athy, Ireland
Time: 1999-03-25 20:09:51
Comments: Greetings from the W.M of Lodge 167, Athy, Ireland for the second year running and from the Provincial Grand Treasurer of the Midland Counties. The photo section showing The Grand lodge Room does not show the splendour of this fine room. A person included in the picture would give it more perpective. Otherwise, I have enjoyed my visit here as I make arrangements for our Lodge to visit Skibereen Lodge No. 15 next Thursday 1/4/99. A long way to travel but visiting is the heart of Freemasonry and should be encouraged. Regards V.W. Bro. P. Hendy 25/3/99

Name: Bobby Jones
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Twin Falls, IDAHO USA
Time: 1999-03-25 19:43:52
Comments: Go mbeannai Dia annseo! Brethren: Dia annseo isteach, agus Beannachtai na Feile Padraig agat! Is Americeanach o Twin Falls, Idaho me, agus, gabh mo leithsceal, nil moran Gaeilge agam. (The blessing is a week late, but sincere nonetheless...) A wonderful website!! Very informative and entertaining; I especially enjoyed the greeting from the Grand Master and the tour of the Grand Lodge. In fact, I printed the history of the Grand Lodge, as well as the photographs included in the tour. My wife and I are very proud of our Irish heritage, and if we are ever fortunate enough to realize our dream of visiting the Emerald Isle, would love to tour your magnificent facilities. On behalf of my fellow lodge brothers, I extend an open invitation to visit us if ever in the area; our doors are always open to visiting brethern. (I hope that my butchered attempt at Irish does not offend any of our Irish brethern.) Aris, go raibh maith agat; slan agat, agus Beannacht De leat... Mise le meas, Bobby D. Jones Lodge #45, A.F.& A.M. Twin Falls, Idaho USA

Name: ivan lightbody
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: perth western australia
Time: 1999-03-24 13:21:02
Comments: hardy and fraternal greetings from west australia what an exellent site the tour of your lodge was magnificent keep up the first class site

Name: George Ornsbey
Website: Equality Lodge #497
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Newburg,Missouri USA
Time: 1999-03-24 01:22:02
Comments: Good looking site, I am very pleased to find so many Lodges and Grand Lodges on the web. Drop by and say Hi. George Ornsbey Secretary, Equality #497

Name: Eric WL Chew
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Malaysia
Time: 1999-03-23 05:45:55
Comments: Fraternal greetings from the Master and Brethen of Lodge Emerald in the East No 830 I. C. I thoroughly enjoyed the homepage message and the various photographs of the Grand Lodge. However, I am just curious about the Egyptian decor and its relevance to Irish Freemasonry. I would appreciate some enlightment on this matter. Thank-you.

Name: John Manoussakis
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Time: 1999-03-23 05:39:34
Comments: I am a Master Mason of a Victorian Lodge which was originally Warranted by the GL of Ireland last century. This lodge is now known as the Kensington Lodge No. 77 in Victoria. I would love to hear from anyone who could give me some further information of the history of this lodge through it previous connection to Irish Masonry. Regards, John Manoussakis.

Name: Donald A. Wilcoxen
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Stockton, California U.S.A.
Time: 1999-03-23 04:00:54
Comments: Enjoyed the tour. As a American Royal Arch Mason (this years Excellent High Priest) I was curious as to why the Egyptian design of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter Room. As a Knight Templar I fell in love the the Preceptory Room. It's decor passes on a feeling of ancient knighthood and Christianity. I will share this site with others.

Name: Ronald Jack CULSHAW
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Sydney, Australia
Time: 1999-03-22 04:31:44
Comments: A very good site generally. I would suggest that the address of Grand Lodge is put on the first page, it took me some time to find it. I have correspondence to send to your Grand Secretary about forming a Sister Lodge. Fraternally, Jack Culshaw. PM Lodge Sir Joseph Banks No 300. UGL of NSW.

Name: Chris Barnes
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Sand Springs Oklahoma USA /Lodge #475
Time: 1999-03-17 18:22:37
Comments: You have done a very fine job with your website. I'm very impressed with all the information. I hope if any of the masons from the Lodge of Ireland are near Tulsa Oklahoma they drop by Sand Springs Lodge #475.

Name: Christopher Paul Barnett
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Eden Lodge No 1530 EC New Zealand.
Time: 1999-03-17 08:19:59
Comments: Greetings from the members of the Eden Lodge No 1530 EC of New Zealand.

Name: Worshipful Brother Layton F. Peck
Website: Lodge of Fidelity
Referred by: Lycos
From: Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA
Time: 1999-03-15 23:25:38
Comments: Looking for some information to present at our lodge meeting on March 16th. It is tradition in the Lodge of Fidelity to have Irish Stew at our March meeting which being the 3rd Tuesday often falls on or near St. Paddy's Day. This year I would like to serve up some Masonic meat(education) with the stew. Thank you for being there brethren. Hand to Hand, Wor. Bro. Layton F. Peck Worshipful Master - Lodge of Fidelity No. 231 GRC Ontario.

Name: David Stewart
Referred by: Net Search
From: McPherson, Kansas, USA
Time: 1999-03-14 20:23:35
Comments: Greetings from across the pond. I am trying to gather history on my family. I have been told about my grandfather John Stewart (Born 1869 (?)) He married Mabel Grace MacKenzie He was a Free Mason, and Past-Master. They lived in the area of Dublin, or Blackrock. Any information would be of great help. Thank you.

Name: W.Bro.John McRoberts McGarel
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-03-14 11:39:19
Comments: Greetings from Kilwaughter Masonic Lodge No. 762, and Larne Royal Arch Chapter No. 615 sitting in Larne Masonic Centre, Mill Brae, Larne. Congratulations on content to date. Keep up the good work.

Name: andrew stewart, edward hess
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: pennsylvania, usa
Time: 1999-03-13 16:09:47
Comments: greetings from your brothers across the pond. enjoyed your web site.

Name: Bro. Paul Jeffery Everingham
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Wyndham Lodge #688 Guelph, Ontario Canada
Time: 1999-03-12 17:00:50
Comments: A very nice page. I enjoy finding these pages as I can learn about other lodges and such without much travelling, as I am both young in masonic terms and in my age, this march 1999 I turned 1 in masonic years and 24. I hope to visit some of your lodges when I go back to your lovely island.

Referred by: Yahoo!
Time: 1999-03-11 19:34:03
Comments: My father Fred Merrick was a member of Harmony lodge #67 in Cork and my fatherinlaw Fred Smye was a member I think it was St Johns lodge in Cork ....I am a Past Master of Zeta Lodge 401 in Toronto,member of Blue Mountain Lodge in Coquitlam British Columbia ,32nd degree Scottish Rite ,Member of Gizeh Shrine .etc. Really glad to be able to get news of Irish Freemasonry ,have given number of talks about Lady Freemason Honble Elizabeth Aldworth, as first Lady Mason,and have copies of other Irish Lodge Histories. Keep up the good work Yours in the Faith Norm Merrick

Name: John McDonald
Referred by: Net Search
From: Dalry Ayrshire Scotland
Time: 1999-03-11 18:52:38
Comments: Fraternal greetings from the R.W.M, Past Masters, Worshipful Wardens and Brethern all, of Lodge Dalry Blair No.290 in the roll of The Grand Lodge of Scotland. Good website brethern. Keep up the good work.

Name: John Day IV
Referred by: Net Search
From: Roseville, CA, USA
Time: 1999-03-09 21:54:54
Comments: I'm a DeMolay from the US and future Mason and I wanted to let you know that I belive freemason to be one of the best organizations around and to see it everywhere in the world speading the ideals of brotherhood and charity is wonderful.

Name: R. G. Quigley
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Londonderry
Time: 1999-03-09 21:30:46
Comments: Congratulations to Richard and the team on a splendid production.

Name: Roy Youngblood
Website: Welcome to Oceanside Freemasonry
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Oceanside, California, USA
Time: 1999-03-09 04:09:45
Comments: I would like information on Prince Masons.

Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Bethesda Md USA
Time: 1999-03-09 02:41:40
Comments: Ex member of SHANDON MASONIC LODGE 701, in the Masonic Province of Down. Now a member of Lodge of The United Sevices 1117 New York City. Fratenal Greetings, and good luck with this terrific Web site

Name: Richard Basil Ramage
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Ballwin, Missouri USA
Time: 1999-03-08 13:58:12
Comments: Delighted to find your page. I am a PM of Polar Star Lodge No. 79, Clayton, MO. and retired from business almost two years ago. Since then, one of my acitivities has been filling in the branches of my family tree. Have traced, to date, back to my great-great-great grandfather, born in Limerick County, Ireland, about 1753, died in the United States (State of Ohio) in 1828. His parents may, or may not, have been a John and Mary Ramage, Family's verbal history, however, speaks of original roots in what is now Scotland. Any Freemasons in Ireland who may be related are fraternally invited to exchange information. Once again, an informative and interesting page. Thank you.

Name: Roderick Peter MacGregor
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Auckland New Zealand
Time: 1999-03-08 13:27:20
Comments: Fraternal Greeting to al the visitors and the brethren that visit this wonderful site. Yes we are at the sharp end of technologe even though we mostly live in the past with our ritual work. I am a member of ARA lodge No 348 IC in Auckland New Zealand the antipodes from Dublin home of our Grand Lodge, yes we certainly are spred all over the Globe Kind regards and Good wishes to you all, Heremai - heremai - heremai... A new Zealand Maori Greeting....

Name: W.Bro. H.Corry Lyttle P.P.G.I.G. Antrim
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Belfast
Time: 1999-03-08 00:58:54
Comments: Delighted to finally sign in. I am very impressed with the site. Good luck with its success.

Name: Louis Breson
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Chicago, IL. / Belfast N.I.
Time: 1999-03-07 22:27:43
Comments: Nice site brothers, I am a member of Wayfarers 1001 USA and Cottown 430 Bangor N.I. Nice to see the brotherhood on the web.

Name: Charles D. Snyder
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Charleston, SC
Time: 1999-03-07 19:30:17
Comments: The friend who recommended your website was the South Carolina Masonic Research Society Newsletter "The Floor." I think you have an outstanding web site. Am glad to see the craft coming into modern times throughout the world. More especially in Ireland as my Maternal great grandparents were Keatings from County Wexeford. Keep up the good work. Charlie Snyder,J.Deacon,Washington #5,AFM,Charleston,SC,USA

Name: A.W. White
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Dublin Ireland
Time: 1999-03-06 20:33:55
Comments: Your website is most interesting. I am a pastpupil of masonic boys Dublin 1939-45. I joined the school with F.D.O Fielding who has only recently signed the visitors book I hope Derek will contact me. Congratulations to the Grand Lodge of Ireland.

Name: V.Scott McGee
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Griffin,Georgia U.S.A.
Time: 1999-03-06 04:12:26
Comments: I enjoyed the Irish Masonic web page,thanks for such good information

Name: Bryan P. Stone
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Port Elizabeth, Southern Cape Province
Time: 1999-03-05 20:45:30
Comments: Thank you for putting Irish Freemasonry into the 21st Century, it feels good to belong. This is a very good site - lots of useful information - I will certainly tell the Brethren of my Lodge 722 Emerald Isle about you.

Name: John Ward
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Hertfordshire England
Time: 1999-03-04 21:31:17
Comments: Fraternal greetings from Three Rivers Lodge No 9078, Great site, well done. IPM

Name: Daren Patterson
Website: Darens Place
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Co. Down, Northern Ireland
Time: 1999-03-04 20:13:31
Comments: Web page layout is good but the quality of the images are poor (lucky for me I have seen it in the flesh a number of times)

Name: Peter Sefton
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Belfast, N.I.
Time: 1999-03-03 14:10:04
Comments: Its good to see Irish Freemasonry getting worldwide exposure.

Name: R.W.Bro.Robert Campbell, Junior Grand Warden.
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Belfast, Northern Ireland.
Time: 1999-03-03 13:55:00
Comments: Best wishes from the Provincial Grand Lodge Of Down.

Name: Gareth J Evans
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Newbridge, Ireland.
Time: 1999-03-03 01:13:55
Comments: Congrats on an excellent web site, I heard about it in open Lodge tonight and decided to check it out. It is a very informative site and it projects the image of Free Masonry in Ireland in a very positive light.I particularly enjoyed the photographic tour of Grand Lodge, an excellent presentation. Regards Gareth J Evans MM 215 United Services Lodge, Newbridge.

Name: Duncan Rimmer
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Banbridge Co Down N.Ireland
Time: 1999-02-28 14:23:27
Comments: It is good to see that Freemasonary is moving into the 21st Century but is still able to hold onto its historic past. I bring you fraternal greetings from the Officers and brethren of Union Band Masonic Lodge 336

Name: Harry A. McKenzie Jr. P.M.
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Edgewood Md. U.S.A.
Time: 1999-02-28 07:45:39
Comments: Well done and franternal greeting to all concerned from Pythagoras lodge 123

Name: F.D.O.(Derek) Fielding
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Ireland originally but Australia since 1961. I am a member of ARA 348 IC and PM of Indooroopilly 155 UGLQ
Time: 1999-02-28 06:29:57
Comments: Very rewarding but I had to look on the Anniversary page for GLI email address. I also could not find the detailed pages about the 175th anniversary. I am a past pupil of the now defunct Masonic Boys' School in Clonskeagh and would be interested to hear from any of my contemporaries, 1939-1947.

Name: Ricky Rigby
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Newtownards
Time: 1999-02-27 19:34:57
Comments: Fraternal greetings from Rockburren Masonic Lodge #699, Great site, well done to all concerned.

Name: Darryl Joubert Bro JD SA IC 368 Excelciur
Referred by: From a Friend
From: South Africa
Time: 1999-02-26 08:07:14
Comments: I met VW BRO Micheal Ward Grand Director of Ceromonies and Grand Secretary to the Grand Lodge of Instruction at a Lodge meeting last night 25/02/1999 ( Excelciur SA IC 368). He told me about the web site. He has been on a visit to South Africa - Cape Town - since Thursday 4th February and is returning on 1st of March to meat his Grand Lodge commitments. All of us in SA hope he had a wonderful trip.

Referred by: From a Friend
From: leinster lodge colombo srilanka
Time: 1999-02-26 06:34:55
Comments: I received an e mail from Mr.Richared Gray on 14/2/99 who was kindly told by the most worshipful the Grand Master Mr.D.H Templeton to send one to me.please convey to the Grand Master and to Mr Gray my thanks and good wishes,kind regards J.A.Setukavalar.

Name: Dale L. Loheide
Referred by: Net Search
From: New Albany, In. U.S.A.
Time: 1999-02-26 04:43:05
Comments: I enjoyed this web site, and do believe that these sites bring our brotherhood ever closer together. P.M. Buckner Lodge #631, Sellersburg, Indiana. U.S.A.

Name: Simon Campbell
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Ballyclare
Time: 1999-02-26 00:58:25
Comments: Appreciated and highly reccommended, with Fraternal greetings......

Name: Jimmy Redmond
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Ireland
Time: 1999-02-25 22:38:09
Comments: developing an interest.

Name: Wor. David H. Colson
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Jacksonville, Florida, USA
Time: 1999-02-23 04:26:05
Comments: I am very impressed with your Home page and presentation. My wife and I will be in Ireland from May 12 to May 24. I have not set up my complete itenerary at this time, I hope to set up a visit with a Lodge during our trip. What specifically will I need to do ahead of time to make a visit to the Lodge? What is the dress required to visit? Do you have any suggestions for our visit? We plan to visit your Grand Lodge in Dublin during our visit to Dublin. My father was stationed in Northern Ireland during the war. I have some of the aprons he brough home with him. I wish he were alive so I could determine the exact Lodge. I will be back in touch with you. David H. Colson Worshipful Master 1996 Albert J.Russell Lodge No 126 F&AM Jacksonvilel, Florida Home address 508 Fruit Cove Road Jacksonville, Fl 32259

Name: Simon Salinas Jr.
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico
Time: 1999-02-23 03:34:23
Comments: Reciban un fraternal saludo y osculo de paz, mio y de mi madre Logia la R.'. L.'. S.'. Hiram Abiff #56 bajo los auspicio de la muy R.'. G.'. L.'. Cosmos del Estado de Chihuahua del R.'. E.'. A.'. y A.'.

Name: Sean Ward
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Dublin but resident in Cork
Time: 1999-02-22 19:43:11
Comments: Very interesting and informative.It is also persuasive in that I accept unequivocally the bona fides of Masonry in regard to its stated objectives.There was a time in my life when I would not but I am now older and,I hope,wiser.

Name: Patrick F. Bailey
Website: Orient Lodge No 15
Referred by: Net Search
From: Green River, Utah, USA
Time: 1999-02-22 07:25:02
Comments: Enjoyed your site and look forward to visiting it again. I am happy to see that Ireland has a web page for us to view. My family came from County Galway Ireland to this county and we a justly proud of our Irish heritage. I am the current Worshipful Master of Orient Lodge No. 15 here in Green River, Utah, USA and I am a Past High Priest of the Holy Royal Arch Chapter and a Past Commander of the Knights Templer. I am currenlty serving in several offices of the Grand York York of Utah and am the Chairman for Public Relations of the same. I produce two web pages, one for Orient Lodge No. 15 and the other for the Grand York Rite of Utah. I would be pleased to correspond with any Brother, Campanion, or Sir Knight that wishes to do so. I wish you all well in Ireland, I Am Yours In Faith -- Patrick Bailey WM

Name: George Fletcher
Referred by: Net Search
Time: 1999-02-22 02:11:07
Comments: Excellent site, when I eventually found it. It's about time we entered the 20th Centuary, never mind the 21st, great work by all concerned. Fraternal Greetings to all from the Worshipful Master, Officers and Brethren of Gibson Masonic Lodge No 87.

Name: JC.Kilpatrick
Referred by: From a Friend
Time: 1999-02-21 23:02:45
Comments: Excellent site. Well done. Thank you for being so open and honest about the Freemason organision.. I will return again and recommend your website to friends

Referred by: NewsGroups
From: Ottawa, Canada
Time: 1999-02-21 20:21:55
Comments: I just finished viewing your fabulous web site. All I can say is that the team who produced thiis web site is to be congratulated for their time and hard work and dedication...what a wonderful effort on behalf of THE GRAND LODGE OF IRELAND.Gordon Clark, PMDalhosie Lodge No. 52 A.F.and A.M.Ottawa, CanadaFeb. 21,1999

Name: John W Crothers
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Redcliffe Lodge No.564
Time: 1999-02-21 16:55:48
Comments: Well done and fraternal greetings to all concerned

Name: Bro Peter McMurtry
Referred by: NewsGroups
From: Carrickfergus
Time: 1999-02-21 13:55:20
Comments: Well done. Hope to see the other branches of the order following your example.

Name: G.T.Bergh
Referred by: From a Friend
Time: 1999-02-21 12:45:51
Comments: Well done brethren Fraternal Greetings Gordon Bergh S.W. Francis Watters # 653

Name: W.Bro. Keith Williamson P.Pr.J.G.D.
Website: Liverpool Gladstone Group of Masons
Referred by: NewsGroups
From: Wirral, Merseyside
Time: 1999-02-21 10:11:14
Comments: I particularly enjoyed the virtual tour of the hall.

Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Lisburn. N.Ireland
Time: 1999-02-20 17:48:29
Comments: Enjoyed the site & will return again. It's about time the Masonic Order stopped hiding it's light under a bushel. Thank's to all the team...

Name: W.Bro. Jim Kilpatrick
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Bangor, Co. Down
Time: 1999-02-19 21:30:52
Comments: Fraternal Greetings from Endeavour Masonic Lodge 829, Holywood, Co.Down. Great to see Grand Lodge finally coming up with a well put together site. Let's hope the other branches of the Order will also want to be represented in as much detail. What a great advertisement for Irish Masonry. Well done to all concerned.

Name: Noel Kenneth Henderson
Referred by: Net Search
From: Dublin
Time: 1999-02-19 01:30:03
Comments: Congratulations from Victory Lodge

Name: Ron Pikker
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Sharman Crawford 608I.C. C.T. R.S.A.
Time: 1999-02-18 23:11:17
Comments: I have arived home after a most enjoyable working at St. Patricks Lodge Where we initiated a new brother. I was informed by Wor. Bro. Michael Ward. G.L.I.who is on an oficial visit to us, of this exciting web site. I will certainly be a regular visitor.Wor. Bro. Michael Ward is working hard here in Cape Town. The Bretheren are taking great advantage of his wealth of knowledge. PEACE, LOVE, and HARMONY to G.L.I. and all Bretheren. Ron Pikker. S.W. Sharman Crawford 608.I.C. Cape Town South Africa.

Name: Motola Mauro (I, R:.L:. Aleph, Gran Loggia d'Italia)
Referred by: Net Search
From: Italy
Time: 1999-02-18 08:37:54
Comments: Dear Brothers, I'm glad to find you. I'm interested about the history of the the Free Mansory in Ireland before 1717 E:.V:. I will thank you for every suggestion and information you will kindly give to me. Hoping to have soon news from you I send you my best regards Motola Mauro

Name: G. Andrew Carnson
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Crawfordsburn, Co. Down, N. Ireland
Time: 1999-02-17 23:24:41
Comments: Very good site. Congratulations to those Brethren who are responsible for it.

Name: Bro. Pieter Nootenboom
Website: Grand Lodges
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Philippines/ Hong Kong
Time: 1999-02-17 00:34:43
Comments: Dear Brother Webmaster I have added your site to the Grand Lodges listing today see http://www.chaumont.com/GrandLodges.html Fraternally yours Bro.Pieter Nootenboom

Name: Bo. Pieter Nootenboom
Website: Int'l Guild of Masonic Webm@sters
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Philippines/Hong Kong
Time: 1999-02-17 00:21:07
Comments: Dear Brother Webmaster, I recieved a message from Bro. Jay Joshi Webmaster GL India saying you would like to join the IGMW, so I did send you a invitation to join, but have not recieved any reply therefor I am wondering if you got the e mails that I sent? Fraternally yours. Bro. Pieter Nootenboom Assistant Secretary IGMW Replied to by Webmaster

Name: Annesley Brown
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Belfast
Time: 1999-02-16 15:16:42
Comments: This is an excellent site and all those who were envolved in its construction are to be congratulated.

Name: Jim McGookin
Referred by: NewsGroups
From: Ballymena
Time: 1999-02-16 09:46:51
Comments: Picked up your web address from the Lodge of Research. A very good idea and should especially encourage our youthfull brethren. Thank you.

Name: James Q. Tyree, Jr.
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Limestone, TN. USA
Time: 1999-02-16 04:45:19
Comments: Brothers I have enjoyed viewing your web-site. I am the Worshipful Master of Arcana Lodge #489 F&A.M. Limestone, TN. I roam through the internet and try to find interesting information to share with my lodge. Thank You. James Tyree W.M.

Name: Paul
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Surrey
Time: 1999-02-15 15:22:57
Comments: I would like to email the Grand Lodge as I am preparing a paper to present at my local Lodge Bramstom Beach 2101 UGLE on freemasonry in South Africa. I would like to know the details of the oldest lodges in your districts in South Africa ie Lodge Roll No. , Name and when consecrated and in which district it meets. I am sorry to use your guestbook but there is no other email address evidnt on your website. I thank you in advance for any help given, which will be gratefully received. Yours Fraternally Paul Kristensen PM

Name: John D. Stiteler
Referred by: Lycos
From: Shelby, Ohio U.S.A.
Time: 1999-02-15 11:25:37
Comments: Past Master of Mansfield # 35 F&AM, Mansfield,Ohio. Past High Priest of Shelby Chapter #178 Royal Arch Masons Of Ohio, Shelby, Ohio. A member of the Ohio Grand Council, Order of High Priesthooh. Principal Conductor of the Work, Mansfield #94 Grand Council Royal & Select Masons of Ohio. Caption General, Mansfield Commandry #21 Knights Templar. Scribe, Shannon Council #28 Knight Masons of Dublin, Ireland. Ancient Accepted Scottish Rits Valley of Columbus, Columbus, Ohio. Rizpah Chapter #154 , Order of Eastern Star

Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-02-15 03:04:03
Comments: I have been a free mason and my father and his before me. We were all of Irish Decent. I looked you up on the Interenet and thought I would say helloI

Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-02-14 21:14:43

Name: Robert Stimpson PM
Website: Madison Lodge 87
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Madison Connecticut USA
Time: 1999-02-14 18:22:25
Comments: Warmest fraternal greetings to all brethren in Ireland from the officers and brethren of Madison Lodge 87. I can't tell you how proud and glad I am to see your presence here!!! I actually found your site by accident and I was very much pleased. I will make sure and add your site as a link from my lodge's site. Lastly, a warm hello to GM Templeton, Gr Sec. Walker and Bro. Anthony Marshall of Dublin. BEST WISHES TO ALL! , Sincerely, Bob Stimpson Gr Rep of the GL of Ireland near the GL of Connecticut

Name: William M. HamiltonII 2*
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Decatur, ILLinois
Time: 1999-02-14 09:17:05
Comments: I am greatly interested in finding out some information about an old military traveling lodge formed under the Irish Grand Lodge. Do you have anyway this can be researched?

Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-02-14 07:16:09

Name: Steve Sells, F&AM
Website: Kyotokai Dojo
Referred by: NewsGroups
From: Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA
Time: 1999-02-14 03:10:05
Comments: Nice layout. I wish our Blue Lodge were as nice

Name: Wor.Bro George H. Childs
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Belfast
Time: 1999-02-13 12:39:49
Comments: Very interesting and enjoyable site.

Name: james david travis
Website: go
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: arnold,mo
Time: 1999-02-13 00:07:50

Name: Ian M. D. Murphy
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Sunny Barbados
Time: 1999-02-12 23:22:09
Comments: Excellent presentation. Barbados at one time had an Irish Provincial Grand Lodge! Perhaps history can be repeated? With all best wishes.

Name: gordon murdock
Referred by: From a Friend
From: bangor co down
Time: 1999-02-12 17:05:24
Comments: very interesting indeed will pay another visit to the masonic hall at a future date God willing.

Name: James Sheahan
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: United states
Time: 1999-02-12 11:21:30
Comments: Being an Irish ancestor and being born in america I really would like a chance to visit the Island. This site has brought me closer than i imagined i willl be here ofton

Name: Niall O' Connell
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Dublin 8
Time: 1999-02-12 05:53:40
Comments: Impressive site, i toured the grand lodge a number of years back when it opened to the public for two days. I would like to enquire are such tours available now? Also would anybody know where i could obtain information on the sources of masonic symbolism? THANK YOU Niall O'Connell

Name: John C. Kneiszel
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Wauwatosa Lodge No.267 F.& A.M. of Wisconsin ,USA
Time: 1999-02-12 01:42:39
Comments: Very interesting site. Well done and informative. I hope to be making a trip to Ireland with my Wife next Year. Perhaps I would be able to tour some of your sites. I am a Past Master of my Lodge and A member of the Scottish Rite here in Milwaukee Wisconsin.

Name: Derrick McKoy
Website: Provincial Grand Lodge of Jamaica
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Jamaica
Time: 1999-02-11 02:32:40
Comments: Fraternal Greetings from Jamaica! We have waited a long time for this site and we are very pleased with the result.

Name: Treasa McCabe
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: 59 Summerfield Rise, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15.
Time: 1999-02-10 17:38:25
Comments: I think that your web-site is great . It is the first time I have felt even a little connected to the Irish Freemasons. Your organisation is one of great amazement to me and one which I would love to be part of , and always have. Unfortunately this cannot be possible for me in Ireland as I am a lady and there are no ladies lodges . If any information is available or if the organisation has any intention of allowing ladies join I would love dearly to hear from you. Keep up the good work . Treasa.

Name: Bro David Martin
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Crumlin
Time: 1999-02-09 22:15:27
Comments: Excellent web site very informitive and useful to all Freemasons

Name: William Stevenson
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: St Johns Operative Lodge No 347 Grand Lodge of Scotland
Time: 1999-02-09 21:26:12
Comments: Good to see your site. I have been resident in Ickenham Middlesex since 1977 but not been active in England. Would like to take up again preferably within a lodge with Scots/Irish leanings. Fraternally Bill Stevenson

Name: Henning Dines Krogh
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Denmark
Time: 1999-02-09 21:22:59
Comments: Dear Brothers. I send hereby my best regards to all brothers,- br. Henning lodge. 826 br. nr. 150

Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-02-09 20:59:09

Name: Bro .G.May & Bro.J.R.Macnab
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Perth. Western Australia
Time: 1999-02-09 11:23:55
Comments: Fraternal Greetings, Thank you for sharing your lodges with us. We are two Scottish Masons who are interested in other constitutions and their history. We look forward to hearing from our Irish Brethren

Name: Bobbie Smith
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Alexandra 371
Time: 1999-02-07 14:05:41
Comments: Good Provincial meeting at Balmoral 6/2/99

Name: Jagdev Singh/Adam Alexandrowicz
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Bedford N.S.
Time: 1999-02-07 00:26:18
Comments: Salutations from the Atlantic Lodge 103. Halifax Nova Scotia. A very informative and interesting site. We look forward to visiting you again. Regards. Bros. Jagdev& Adam

Referred by: From a Friend
Time: 1999-02-06 12:34:02

Name: H. Raymond Scott
Website: Welcome to the web.
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: District of Down
Time: 1999-02-06 08:33:48
Comments: Best wishes to Phil and all the team working to put freemasonary on the web. Looking forward to visiting this page in the future. I was talking to R.W.Bro Jim Kirk and I sit with E.Com.Phil Price.

Name: Stewart Love
Referred by: From a Friend
From: 367 Downpatrick
Time: 1999-02-05 22:43:22
Comments: "Well done" to those involved. This is an excellent website. I am sure it will be widely read and enjoyed. Look forward to further developments.

Name: Robert Purnell
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Dekalb, Illinois, USA
Time: 1999-02-05 05:32:28
Comments: Greetings to all, from Dekalb Lodge 144 AF & AM, Dekalb, Illinois, USA

Name: W.Blackwood
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: CoDown
Time: 1999-02-04 23:47:31
Comments: Excellent site, great to see Irish masonary on the net. Greetings from the Wardens and Brethern of StPauls 142.

Name: Eric Samson
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Belfast, Northern Ireland
Time: 1999-02-04 14:15:51
Comments: Fraternal greetings from The W.M., Officers and Brethren of Cherryville Masonic Lodge No. 695 and Leslie Thompson R.A.C. No. 61 - both in the Province of Down and working under the Irish Constitution. Congratulations to all concerned with the establishment and maintenance of a very informative WebSite - keep up the good work!!!

Name: herbert mailey
Referred by: NewsGroups
From: sydney australia (formerly antrim town)
Time: 1999-02-04 09:47:24
Comments: excellent site .it was good to see irish freemasonry on the web.lots of interesting items.photo tour reminds me of my visit there in april 1998.i will be there in 2000.fraternal greetings to all brethern especially wor.bro russell mailey (ipm antrim no.28) from nsw.

Name: Kenneth Adams
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Murfreesboro,Tennessee
Time: 1999-02-04 04:43:56
Comments: Great page.I was raised Jan.26th. AL.5999. would like to hear from all worthy brothers.

Name: David R. Patrick
Website: Florissant Lodge No. 668, A.F.&A.M.
Referred by: From a Friend
From: St. Louis, MO - USA
Time: 1999-02-03 21:03:32
Comments: Fraternal greetings from Florissant Lodge No. 668, A.F.&A.M. What a wonderful web page you have. I especially enjoyed the tour. The various rooms are beautiful. How wonderful to have such a rich heritage. May your year be filled with all the success that Freemasonry so richly deserves. F&S /s/ David R. Patrick, Jr. Warden

Name: Richard Lee Summerville
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Dyer,Indiana,U.S.A.
Time: 1999-02-03 19:37:45
Comments: My father had died recently as a Free Mason in the United States of America. I was wishin to know more about the Order on a private level. Any reply will be greatly appreciated. Thank you, Ricky Summerville

Name: Stuart Danker
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Antrim
Time: 1999-02-03 16:12:17
Comments: Most interesting and enlightening visit to the web page well done to all envolved

Name: Barry McQueen
Website: Derrycorry Purple Guards Temperance Loyal Orange Order Lodge No. 52
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Loughgall, N. Ireland
Time: 1999-02-03 11:40:38
Comments: Congratulations on your web site. I am not a mason but I have a deep interest in your order. I belong to organisations which originally stemmed from the masonic, namely the Orange Order, the Royal Arch Purple and the Royal Black Institution.

Name: Tom Brown
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Crossle Masonic 132 Province of Down
Time: 1999-02-01 23:32:25
Comments: Good to see Irish Masonry has made it onto the Internet,well done to all involved in the project.

Name: Henry Brennan
Referred by: SimpleNet
From: Tipperary Lodge 201 ic
Time: 1999-02-01 14:29:57
Comments: great to see Irish Freemasonry holding its head up! I enjoyed my virtual tour of Grand Lodge, congrats. to all concerned. How about news from the Provinces?

Name: Grand Master
Referred by: From a Friend
Time: 1999-01-31 15:49:04
Comments: Iam pleased to give my congratulations and thanks to all who worked on this web page. I have enjoyed browsing the web and I am sure our Brethren will find it very interesting and those who have not yet approached the light of freemasonry will also find many things of interest. I look forward to meeting many of you at our 275th celebrations in the year 2000 in Dublin.

Name: W.Bro. W.Auterson
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Bessbrook.
Time: 1999-01-31 15:00:52
Comments: Congratulations on a great site and Fraternal greetings from Union Masonic Lodge No. 23 Newry

Name: Matthew F. Flynn
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Scranton, Pennsylvania, USA
Time: 1999-01-30 19:56:45
Comments: Sirs, As an Irish-American and a Freemason I enjoyed my visit to your Home Page. It is my understanding that the Grand Lodge of Ireland and Pennsylvania Masons have much in common. Someday I hope to visit Dublin and the Grand Lodge. I wish every Irish Mason good cheer and extend fraternal greetings from King Solomnon Lodge #584 of Dunmore, PA Should any of the Brethren come to our area and visit, please, contact us, we would enjoy offering a hand of friendship. Fraternally Matthew F. Flymnn, PM, Treasurer

Name: James Chambers
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Co Antrim
Time: 1999-01-30 16:53:58
Comments: Great to see Irish Freemasonry on the net. Keep up the good work.

Referred by: From a Friend
From: Prov of Antrim
Time: 1999-01-30 14:19:51
Comments: Congratulations and Fraternal Greetings from St. George's Masonic Lodge No.1016 CARRICKFERGUS. This is a first class web site. Keep up the good work. IT'S GREAT TO SEE IRISH FREEMASONRY ON THE WWW.

Name: W.Bro Colin Nagle
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Prov. of Down
Time: 1999-01-30 13:07:02
Comments: Very informative site. Keep up the good work. Congratulations and fraternal greetings from Coronation 305

Name: Alfredo Sanchez Villanueva
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Cd. Victoria, Tamaulipas, Mexico
Time: 1999-01-30 02:45:18
Comments: Felicidades por ese esfuerzo que realizan, reciban un saludo y abrazo fraterno, de todos los miembros de mi logia, que trabaja todos los miercoles a las 8:30 de la noche, en el siguiente P:.G:. R.L.S. "VICTORIA LUZ" No. 81 17 Hidalgo y Juarez # 128 sur 87000, Cd. Victoria, Tamaulipas, Mexico

Name: Bro. R Beach
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Saphire Masonic Lodge No.787
Time: 1999-01-29 01:43:19
Comments: Fraternal greetings and congratulations on an informative website.

Name: W.Bro james smyth
Website: x-streamcentral
Referred by: From a Friend
From: province of down
Time: 1999-01-28 22:00:00
Comments: Fraturnal greetings from the W/M and breathren of Sherborne Masonic Lodge

Referred by: Clicked on a 'Guestbooks by GuestWorld' Button
Time: 1999-01-27 18:54:00
Comments: Good luck with the further developments of the web page, from Lodge Two Dublin and also from Lodge 2 Leinster Marine New South Wales. The oldest lodge in Australia, celebrating 175years working Feb 1999. It goes without saying that we in Dublin are the oldest continued working lodge in Irish Freemasonary..Lodge Two Sec

Name: Martin Hazen
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Orient Lodge #51, AF&AM Topeka KS
Time: 1999-01-27 17:25:00
Comments: What a wonderful page! I was really thrilled to find it. 3 of my Grandparents were from Ireland. I was wondering how the relations were between the GL of Ireland and the Catholic Church were there? Are the majority of the Brothers Catholic or Protestant? I was the 4th Catholic Master of my Lodge. I hope to get over there some day. I would be very pleased to correspond with any Brothers there in your Jurisdiction. Fraternally, W:. Martin Hazen Past Master, Orient Lodge #51, AF&AM

Name: G. J. Kerlen
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Lodge
Time: 1999-01-27 00:31:27
Comments: I reckon we should use this powerful new medium to further the goal of establishing the Brotherhood of Man. I have seen examples of it to work very well. Dia ghuit, my Bre.

Name: John Rowan
Referred by: From a Friend
From: St Pats 295
Time: 1999-01-26 21:50:00
Comments: Well done, I'm sure we the brethren of St Pats will find this extremely helpful whilst on our travels

Name: Dan Wilson
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Campbell River B.C. Canada
Time: 1999-01-26 03:20:49
Comments: Great page you have done a wonderful job

Name: John Torley
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Dorset
Time: 1999-01-25 23:10:06
Comments: Hearty greetings and congrats on a great site from St Pats 295.

Name: Ron Gee
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Evesham, Worcs UK
Time: 1999-01-25 20:54:30
Comments: An excellent site on all accounts. I only found it from a reference on the UK Mason List! Anyway congratulations to the development team and fraternal greetings from Lodge Glittering Star #322. We get everywhere.

Name: Hector D. Watson
Referred by: Net Search
From: Bermuda Garrison Lodge, No. 580, GRI
Time: 1999-01-25 20:14:22
Comments: Fraternal greetings and congratulations on an excellent website. The development team have done an wonderful job. In Bermuda, Irish Freemasonry is thriving and we recently celebrated the 10th anniversary of our Provincial Grand Lodge with a week of activities which included an official visit by the Deputy Grand Master and the Grand Secretary. This site will undoubtedly further enhance our image and aid in our efforts to promote the craft. I have already sent out the address of the site to several brethen and can assure you that we will be frequent visitors.

Name: George Edwards
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Bellingham, Washington, U.S.A.
Time: 1999-01-24 22:28:34
Comments: I think you nave done a superb job on this web site. I will be coming back for more information and visuals. Many thanks. In many ways it is to bad that we here in the U.S. are not under one Grand Lodge but as you can imagine, none of the individual state G.L.'s will give up their "soverien" status. Oh well, life goes on!!!!!! George Edwards PM Pierre B. Cornwall #289 F.& A.M. of Washington Bellingham, WA, U.S.A.

Name: W Bro William Brennan
Referred by: From a Friend
Time: 1999-01-24 20:32:37
Comments: I found the webpage to be informative and comprehensive. Well done to all concerned.

Name: John Michael Hendy
Referred by: AOL
From: Ellesmere Port, Cheshire
Time: 1999-01-24 16:58:36
Comments: I would like to send a welcome to some relatives who live in the Timolin Area As you see I am still a member of the UGLE and would be very pleased to hear from you - if you are indeed on the net.

Name: John Hagart
Referred by: NewsGroups
From: Harmony Lodge 555 Cork & Lodge 68 Youghal
Time: 1999-01-24 16:20:24
Comments: It has taken a while, but well done to all concerned, an excellent Web Site. My only critisism is, I only found out we had a Web Page through the UK Masons List, I have heard no mention of it in any GLOI communications.

Name: Simo EW Laine
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Finland
Time: 1999-01-24 15:17:50
Comments: Congratulations for excellent pages. Sorry to be "only" the second Finn (after Bro. Jorma) signing your guest book. Received your URL from the UK-MASONLIST and will forward it to 165 Finnish brethren belonging to closed list "Nettimuurarit" (= "Net-Masons"). - Only yesterday one Bro. asked me information about masonry in Dublin - aren't I proud to give good answer to him - thanks to your informative pages!

Name: D. Scott Ellis
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Uruguay, South America originally
Time: 1999-01-24 13:38:20
Comments: Although I am originally from Montevideo, Uruguay where I was P.M. of Silver River Lodge # 3389 under the Grand Lodge of England, I am now in Reston, VA. U.S.A. I found your address in an e-mail I received from a bro. over the UGLoE net. Congratulations on a nice job. Fraternally, Scott

Referred by: From a Friend
Time: 1999-01-24 11:57:47

Name: H.McKeag (Jnr.)
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Newtownards,Co.Down, N.Ireland
Time: 1999-01-23 23:53:43
Comments: I am proud to be a member of the Provice of Down's fastest growing Lodge (Quality & Quanity)...Scrabo 714 Newtownards, Co.Down, N.Ireland. Best wishes for the future success of the web site, and an excelent job. Lay foundations for the future and we can build on our past success and history. Best wishes from W Bro. James.P.Kelly Endevour Lodge 829 (Hollywood Co.Down) ( just surffing along with us)...He says "Dont' forget the work of Our charities" Fraternal Greetings from W.Bro.HMcKeag (Snr.)(keeping an eye on the precedings)...30 years on the square, another 30 to come.(hopefully !!) Best Regards, Bro.H.McKeag MM(Jnr.)(714) Down W.Bro.J.P.Kelly P.G.S.C.Down (829) W.Bro.H.McKeag (Snr.)P.P.J.G.D.Down (714)

Name: W. Bro. Ed McGookin
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Bangor, Co. Down N.Ireland
Time: 1999-01-23 12:33:43
Comments: V. W. Bro. Richard Gray was Guest of Honour at our ( Moat Masonic Lodge No.546, Donaghadee ) Installation Evening last night 22/1/99, and he made reference to this new site during his address. As Secretary of above Lodge and someone who uses computers a lot, I was very interested and delighted to hear the news .... although I had the distinct impression that the majority of his audience had little or no idea what a web page is or how to view one !! Best wishes, Ed McGookin

Name: Wor Bro Jim Reidy
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Queensland, Australia
Time: 1999-01-23 12:23:31
Comments: Congratulations on a wonderfull Web Site, I have been trying to find out about the Masonic Fraternity in Ireland for several years now and now Iv'e found it. I am originally from Dublin and migrated to Australia with my family in 1978. I am W/Master of Landsborough Lodge No:458 of the U.G.L of Queensland and have been W/Master of South Burnett Lodge on two occasions. I am also T.I.M. in the Cryptic series of Degrees. Best wishes for the future and I hope to visit your Grand Lodge in the new year Jim Reidy

Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Gulfport, Ms.
Time: 1999-01-23 00:14:06
Comments: God bless all masons.

Referred by: From a Friend
Time: 1999-01-22 19:57:16

Name: Bro Pieter Nootenboom
Website: Freem@sonry
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Philippines/Hong Kong
Time: 1999-01-22 13:15:25
Comments: Great Web Site!!! Look forward visiting again.

Name: Lillian Patterson
Referred by: AOL
From: Lisburn
Time: 1999-01-21 21:35:36
Comments: I am very impressed with the information contained on your website

Name: James D. McDade
Referred by: Lycos
From: Carnmoney Co. Antrim
Time: 1999-01-20 19:06:37
Comments: I was not aware site existed until fellow brother told me today. Will visit more often. J.McDade Lodge 619 Sure & Stedfast Prov. of Antrim

Name: William Shane Haire
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Austin,Texas;USA
Time: 1999-01-20 17:46:01
Comments: A well presented and informative site! Dear Sirs - I have recently been made a mason at Onion Creek Lodge#220 of A.F&A.M. (Austin,TX)and I am enjoying my study of the Entered Apprentice Degree. I am of Irish decent; my surname is Haire and my paternal grandmother was an O'Donnell; who was born in Ireland and came to America just prior to World War II. I am very interested in Masonry and would like to gain any information available as to Masons who have the Haire and/or O'Donnell name. To whom may I direct this intention? Thank You, Shane Haire; E.A.

Name: Bro. S. Ewing.
Referred by: Net Search
From: Newtownards, Co. Down. N. Ireland
Time: 1999-01-20 08:32:55
Comments: Greetings from Freedom Masonic Lodge No. 394, W.m, Officiers & Brethern. It is good to see an old organisation using high tech.

Name: Michael Day
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Pollock Pines, California USA
Time: 1999-01-20 02:19:27
Comments: Greetings to the Grand Lodge of Ireland and congratulations for an informative and well done web page!! My son, Shane, a recently raised Master Mason in Tucson, Arizona, told me about your web site and his enthusiasm was well deserved. Shane also put me in touch with one Richard Gray who responded to his inquiry and I e-mailed Richard yesterday, Januay 18, 1999. I am hoping that Richard can put me in touch with some of the brethren in Clonmel, County Tipperary so that I might correspond with them in an attempt to locate family whom I believe to live in that area. My Great Grandfather was from there and his name was O'Dea. I would invite all of the brethren to visit the Web Page of my lodge, El Dorado #26 located in Placerville, California USA which was produced by Brother Michael Baker PM at: http://users.cwnet.com/bakermp/mason.htm Placerville (in the Sierra Nevada Mountains) is eight miles from Sutter Mill where the gold rush began in 1849 and was know as "Old Hangtown". I'm looking forward to hearing from some of the brethren in Clonmel and once again, congratulations to the Grand Lodge of Ireland for a "job well done" and thanks for the opportunity to sign your guest book. Michael Day (ancestors were O'Dea) day@inforum.net California, USA

Name: Bro. James C. Doran
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Greenwich ,CT.,U.S.A.
Time: 1999-01-19 21:42:15
Comments: Greetings brethren and congratulations on a great site.I am the Senior Deacon of Acacia Lodge No. 85 A.F.& A.M. Greenwich Connecticut ,U.S.A. .You're doing a wonderful job presenting Masonry to the world.

Name: Gordon Allen
Referred by: Yahoo!
Time: 1999-01-19 20:07:09
Comments: Lodge 620 in Metropolitan Area meets 5.45pm and not 6.45pm as shown in the web page. Otherwise the site is excellent and a credit to the Order. Gordon Allen PM 620.

Referred by: From a Friend
Time: 1999-01-18 20:22:22

Name: Julian Perry
Website: United Grand Lodge of England
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Freemasons' Hall, London
Time: 1999-01-18 15:39:59
Comments: Well done to all concerned for launching a very impressive and informative web page indeed which is an example to us all. Keep up the great work!

Name: Kenneth Adams
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Murfreesboro,Tennessee
Time: 1999-01-18 14:48:44
Comments: Great page,I will be raised Jan.26th.Have really found a WONDERFUL world since becoming a canidate.

Name: W. Bro. John Nesbitt
Referred by: From a Friend
Time: 1999-01-17 21:05:50
Comments: Fraternal Greetings and CONGRATULATIONS on an excellent web site, Irish Freemasonry has now truly made its mark throughout the world. Keep up the good work!

Name: r. wor. bro. david c. riek
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: st. louis, missouri usa
Time: 1999-01-17 18:01:09
Comments: warm fraternal greetings from a fourth generation missourian freemason! welcome to the great world of universal communication where the light of freemasonry must spread. beautiful web page. a prosperous new year to you.

Name: Thomas J Thompson
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Ballymena, Co.Antrim
Time: 1999-01-16 23:43:07
Comments: Myself a P.M.Carnlough 216....I thought it was great at last to have a web page of our own Grand Lodge...keep up the good work....

Name: Mr. Dennis A. Coltart, Jr.
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Brownsburg
Time: 1999-01-16 20:49:44
Comments: Very nice web page. My grandfather was a past member of Royal Blue Lodge #404 back in the early part of the century. He left there around 1920 and moved to America. Not sure if he reaffiliated with a lodge in the US.

Name: Alexander (Alex.) Michael Buerkle
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Johannesburg, South Africa
Time: 1999-01-16 20:37:36
Comments: Most distinguished Brethren of the Grand Lodge of Ireland; With great joy I found your wonderful and excellent web-page. I have affiliated to many masonic forums on the net, but was always in search for a Irish related site. You have a inspiring set of pages which give good, responsible insight to masonry general and the Irish Lodge specifically. Many thanks for a GREAT job done. I was already printing some of your pages out, to bring to our Lodge, so Brethren who are not on the net, have the pleasure of sharing this information. I will visit very regular to digest the fine information in more detail. From the W.M., Wardens, Officers and all Brethren of ULSTER LODGE 400, Irish Const., Johannesburg, South Africa, best, fraternal greetings to you all. May the G.A.o.t.U. guide you at all times. Fraternally Alex. M. Buerkle ( J.W., Ulster Lodge 400, JHB., South Africa).

Referred by: Yahoo!
Time: 1999-01-16 10:52:44
Comments: Excellent job

Name: Wor Bro R.T.I.McConnell
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Belfast.
Time: 1999-01-15 23:04:39
Comments: Fraternal Greetings, and Congratulations, on bringing Irish Freemasonry into the 21st Century. This is a magnificent web site to all of us who are really interested in Fremasonry. I belong to Springfeild Masonic Lodge No.628 R.A.C. Redfern Kelly 324 and Belvue Council of Knight Masons. I will be advising my brethern to visit this site. Once again congratulations. Yours Fraternally, Robert McConnell.

Name: W. Bro. Bob Moore
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Lodge 547 Newtownstewart, Province of Tyrone & Fermanagh
Time: 1999-01-15 22:57:37
Comments: Congratulations to all concerned. An excellent window to the world for Freemasonry in general and Irish Freemasonry in particular. The creation of this Web site represents a giant leap forward in our policy of openness and is a timely initiative as we approach the new Millennium.

Name: w/bro.cavan weir ldg.21
Website: Extracare the charity older people in ireland
Referred by: From a Friend
From: belfast
Time: 1999-01-15 10:09:48
Comments: Congratulations on an excellent and informative web site. Extra Care is currently attempting to expand its services for older people to Dublin. If any Brother can help with identifying suitable office accommodation we would very much appreciate his help.

Name: Igor Ponomarev
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Moscow, Russia
Time: 1999-01-15 07:25:52
Comments: In 1988 I've managed to visit your temple on Molesworth St. in Dublin. Since then I was initiated and installed as a member of a large family of free masons. But it was Irish Grand Lodge where I've received first unbiased information about masonry. Now I'm pleased to visit you Grand Lodge once more, now virtually. Warmest congratulations, you've made really great page! Brotherly, Igor.

Name: Shane Day
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Tucson, Arizona
Time: 1999-01-15 02:48:12
Comments: Greeting's Bretheren, I am a 3rd generation Master Mason from Marion McDaniel Lodge #56 in Tucson, Arizona. My lodge happens to be the same one John Wayne was raised in in the early 70's. My Father is SW in El Dorado Lodge #26 in Placerville California. We hope to visit Ireland in the future, especially Clonmel where my great-great Grandfather was from. We also hope to visit a Lodge in Ireland. This is a great site and very well done. Fraternally Yours,

Name: Don Neilson
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Kingston, Jamaica
Time: 1999-01-14 16:00:13
Comments: Fraternal Greetings, Congratulations on your website, I am a Past Master of Lodge Seville 530S.C. St. Ann's Bay, Jamaica I have been looking for an Irish Grand Lodge website for a some time

Name: Ray Dennis Lazaro
Website: Urdaneta Lodge #302 F. & A. M.
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: New Zealand
Time: 1999-01-13 09:54:33
Comments: Congratulations brethren for a wonderful web site. Keep up the good work and let the Masonic light glow brighter

Name: Bryan Whiteley
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Highland New York
Time: 1999-01-12 05:45:05
Comments: Dear Bro. you have have a very cool web page!!!! i'm about to start my 2nd degee on Jan 25 thanks for you're time!!! Bryan Whiteley Adnai Lodge # 718 F&AM

Name: Edwin Kellett
Website: London Lunchtimers
Referred by: Clicked on a 'Guestbooks by GuestWorld' Button
From: Whitehaven Cumbria England
Time: 1999-01-11 19:51:52
Comments: Hi,All, I have enjoyed the format of your home page!! Regards Edwin Kellett

Name: Andrew Small
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Hong Kong
Time: 1999-01-11 12:36:30
Comments: Warm fraternal greetings from Hong Kong. Congratulations on a fine, well constructed and informative site. I will spread the word to the rest of our lodge that they might have the pleasure of a visit. It is also a great way for your overseas brethren to keep in touch and up to date . Andrew Small, Senior Deacon, Foochow Lodge 1912EC, Hong Kong.

Name: Greg Wilson
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
Time: 1999-01-09 00:23:29
Comments: Greetings Bretheren, I am a Master Mason in Fort Garry Lodge #130 Grand Lodge of Manitoba in Winnipeg, Canada. I am interested in finding some history of Shanes Castle Lodge #539. My Grandfather Samuel Wilson became a member of this Lodge in 1904 before he came to Canada. I found his Master Mason Certificate after the recent passing of my Aunt. This find made me want to find out more about Freemasonry and lead to me becoming a Mason. It was a decision that I have never regretted so, I thought it would be a good idea to find out a little about where it all started for my family. Kindest Regards, Greg Wilson Winnipeg

Name: Todd Wilkinson
Website: Solomon Lodge No. 271, AF & AM
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Springfield, Missouri USA/Grand Lodge of Missouri
Time: 1999-01-08 20:11:08
Comments: Very impressive site--it's good to see Irish Freemasonry on the internet. I enjoyed reding about the history of the Grand Lodge of Ireland--I didn't know that Daniel O'Connell was a brother. I would like to correspond by e-mail with brethren from Ireland about Freemasonry. please e-mail me at the above address. Fraternal greetings from the Worshipful Master, officers and brethren of Solomon Lodge No. 271, AF & AM! Todd Wilkinson, Senior Warden and Webmaster

Name: Wor. Hank Peirce
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Somerville, Mass. usa
Time: 1999-01-08 19:50:26
Comments: I am so pleased to see that the GL of Ireland has their own web page, and a wonderful one at that. I hope that you link your page to the many Irish tourist pages and history pages out there. As someone with a long history of Irish masonry in my family it is great to see such a well prepared and evenly presented history of the Blue lodge in Ireland. Best wishes Wor. Hank Peirce Master Amicable Lodge Cambridge, MA. USA A.F.&A.M.

Name: Michael O'Leary
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Cork
Time: 1999-01-08 11:39:15
Comments: Wishing the Grand Lodge of Ireland every happiness, success and peace for the new millenium. Michael O'Leary PPGI and Provincial Historian

Name: St.FinBarr's Lodge No.8
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Cork Ireland
Time: 1999-01-08 00:10:24
Comments: On behalf of the Worshipful Master, Wardens and Brethern of the Lodge we would like to send our congratulations on the opening of the Web Site and how we appreciate the woke that has has gone into to its development. S&f Michael A.Ellard. Sec. St.FinBarr's Lodge No.8 Cork

Name: Joe Stephens
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Cork
Time: 1999-01-06 20:38:54
Comments: Congratulations! your website is excellent and a credit to the Order

Name: W. G. Ian Ritchie
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Banbridge, Co. Down, N. Ireland
Time: 1999-01-06 11:10:21
Comments: Congratulations to all involved in the development of this excellent Web Site. It very informative and interesting. I have no doubt that it will play a major part in the promoting of Irish Freemasonry to Masons throughout the world and to the general public.

Name: I C Martin
Referred by: AOL
From: Lisburn, Northern Ireland
Time: 1999-01-05 01:23:19
Comments: I have just read through nearly 50 entries from guests who have visited the site. The comments and sugestions have really impressed and to a degree humbled me to the breadth to which our order extends. Best Wishes to all for a happy, peaceful and prosperous 1999 Ian

Name: Dermod O Brien
Referred by: From a Friend
From: St. Fin Barre's No.8 Cork
Time: 1999-01-05 00:02:32
Comments: Congratulations to the team for an excellent site. I like the layout and the pages load quickly. I see a number of well known correspondents amongst the guest book signatures already. I am convinced that this presentation will do much to dispel doubts about our objectives in the public mind and it will encourage further study by members and non-members alike.

Name: Heather Sweetnam
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Cork
Time: 1999-01-04 22:28:11
Comments: I found your site very interesting and informative. Would that I knew 25 years ago all that I know now - when I was a pupil at Masonic Girls School, Ballsbridge!! Regards to all Heather Sweetnam (nee Veitch)

Referred by: From a Friend
From: Belfast
Time: 1999-01-04 19:30:43
Comments: Congratulations i am enjoying the visit

Name: Frank Hartley
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Lisburn
Time: 1999-01-04 00:49:55
Comments: My congratulations to all on the team who have set these Web pages up. A brilliant job very professional indeed.

Name: David Reid
Website: Easa & Papamoa Pages
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Scotland - New Zealand (now)
Time: 1999-01-02 20:47:06
Comments: Great Page and I particularly liked the photographic tour. I last visited Molesworth Street in 1956, prior to leaving for New Zealand. Our visit must have impressed my friend from Bangor, as he went home and joined up a couple of years later! My mother Lodge is Lodge Robert Burns 440 (SC) and I have belonged to Lodge Te Puke 261 (NZC) in the North Island of New Zealand, our nearest Irish Constitution is in Thames, and I have visited it a few times ......... Good wishes for the future of your web page!

Name: Julian Smith
Referred by: NewsGroups
From: Kent, England
Time: 1999-01-02 12:07:08
Comments: An excellent site, particularly liked the "Grand Lodge Tour", it brought back fond memories of the 1998 Irish GL meeting. I'll be back! Julian Smith, PM & Secretary, Southend-on-Sea Lodge No 6484, Essex. SW, Adams Lodge, 3122, London

Name: Jon Clarke
Website: Hong Kong Masonic Web Site (all Irish and other Lodges in Hong Kong)
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Hong Kong, SAR - District of the Far East
Time: 1999-01-02 06:57:45
Comments: I greet you well from the Hong Kong Masonic Web Site here in Hong Kong. It is nice to the GL has their web pages up on the air. Well done. Please if you get a moment put a link to all the Irish lodges and other Irish orders working here in Hong Kong. Our Address is Hong Kong Masonic Web Site Best Regards Jon Clarke Ara # 348 IC St. David #903 IC WebMaster HK Masonic Web Site

Name: Wilf Hogg
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Calgary, Canada
Time: 1999-01-02 03:48:14
Comments: Having been away from Ireland for 30 years, I was wondering if the Masonic Boys' School in Dublin is still operating. I was there from 1954 - 1960, my brother was also there before me and if that isn't enough; my Dad was there in 1915. I think my brother & I were part of a new generation. Would appreciate any info on the school's present status and if they have an Email Address.

Name: Larry Alan Whinery
Referred by: Net Search
From: Huntington, Indiana, USA,
Time: 1999-01-01 02:20:31
Comments: Good Day Brethren! I am very pleased to find you on the net. It is even more pleasing that you chose our 40th wedding anniversary to open your web Page. We are diligently searching (seek and ye shall find...) for clues to the life of Hugh McCalpin [McAlpine, etc] of Belfast from at least 1885 until 1933. He is my wife's greatgrandfather. Family Lore states that Hugh was a Mason, and that the Order helped him regain his job with the White Star Line after he was discharged as a result of some supposed dereliction of his duties as a "sailor"; of what rank, we know not. Hugh and his family lived in the Ballymacarrett section of Belfast from about 1885 until at least 1894, the time of the death of his wife and newborn son. His three daughters came to America with an Aunt and Uncle about 1900, and we lose the track of Hugh until the Uncle, on a business trip to Ireland in 1933, reports that he had seen "Hughie Boy" briefly. It is believed that Hugh died about 1935, probably in Belfast. Can you help us find the correct records that can help us in our quest? It would be GREATLY appreciated. Meantime, congratulations on your new website, and may it promote understanding and brotherhood, two commodities that are in too short supply. Fraternally, Larry A. Whinery King Lodge #246, F&AM Warren Indiana, USA

Name: Michael O'Sullivan
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Bangkok , Thailand
Time: 1998-12-31 02:36:09
Comments: I think this is a well presented site , I congratulate the founders of it and hope it continues to grow and provide much need info to whoever is interested. I will pass this site on to all the other members of Morakot Lodge No. 945 I.C. Bangkok Thailand.

Name: Ian C Martin
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Lisburn, Northern Ireland
Time: 1998-12-31 00:19:54
Comments: Congratulations to the team for a very educationa and informative presentation which presents are beloved order in a good light. Keep up the good work

Name: Michael Ellard
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: St.FinBarr's Lodge No 8
Time: 1998-12-30 19:16:08
Comments: Delighted to see IC has now got its own webpage

Name: Stan Crawford
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Belfast, Northern Ireland
Time: 1998-12-30 14:46:01
Comments: Congratulations to all concerned on the construction of the web site - well done!

Name: Don Martin
Referred by: NewsGroups
From: South Australia
Time: 1998-12-30 10:09:27
Comments: I am a member of Naracoorte Lodge No: 42 in the South Australian Constitution. The Naracoorte Lodge was founded in 1896 under the Irish Constitution, but changed after a very brief pause in meetings, (brought about by a lack of suitable premisses). I thank you for the opportinity to visit. How did I find you? UKMason. S & F Bro. Don Martin JW December 1998.

Name: Kristopher Stevens
Referred by: From a Friend
From: North Bay, Ontario, Canada
Time: 1998-12-29 17:13:54
Comments: The site looks great! Fraternal greetings and happy holidays from the Worshipful Master and all of the brethren of Nipissing 420 and the Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario.

Name: Tony Kennedy
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Glenville Co.Cork
Time: 1998-12-29 17:05:02
Comments: I am delighted with the website. It gave me a lot of infomation I was looking for. I was very impressed with the Lodge in Dublin and how well it was presented. Good Luck in all your endeavours....Tony Kennedy

Name: Ben McDowell
Referred by: NewsGroups
From: Cork
Time: 1998-12-29 14:01:15
Comments: A superb idea and well done! Irish Freemasonry has been behind the times somewhat. Congratulations on an excellent site. I'd eventually like to see a full list of subordinate lodges (as per the calendar) and maybe a newsgroup but for now - well done! Ben.

Name: Christopher R Trotman
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Limerick
Time: 1998-12-29 13:07:46
Comments: This I believe is one of the best and inovative projects that Free Masonry has undertaken, It will clear the way for the sceptics to view us privatly, and dispell some of thier concerns.

Name: Jim Barr
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Lodge 98, Belfast
Time: 1998-12-29 12:41:24
Comments: So good to see our Grand Lodge Represented on the web - Excellent site. Fraternal Greetings from WM (myself), Officers and Brethren of Lodge 98, Belfast - Keep up the good work Found address via UK Mason List of which I am a Suscriber

Name: KJG Patterson
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Grand Lodge of Ireland
Time: 1998-12-29 10:15:18
Comments: I am very impressed with the quality and style of the web site. I will in due course give you some info on the charity proposals well done

Name: Tim Keefe
Referred by: NewsGroups
From: Southwell,Notts,UK
Time: 1998-12-29 07:44:15
Comments: Excellent site. Hearty Good Wishes from the Master & Brethren of the Porchester Lodge 4907 (Notts).

Name: Michael Hammell
Referred by: From a Friend
From: British Columbia, Canada
Time: 1998-12-29 04:25:19
Comments: As a Canadian Freemason with Irish Roots, I am most pleased to finally see such a site. I was very impressed with the format and content of your site. As current Master of our local Lodge in Campbell River, British Columbia, and contributor to our Lodge Bulletin, I hope you will permit me to "quote" some of the interesting and valuable information which you have posted at your website. I will be back. I congratulate you on a great start to a most useful medium for dissemination of masonic knowledge.

Name: Kieron Lawlor
Referred by: NewsGroups
From: Dalkey Lodge #261
Time: 1998-12-29 01:09:21
Comments: Guys, it's great news that someone finally got around to doing an Irish masonic website. The site is a great start. Just noticed some typos such as 'sojurn' instead of 'sojourn' and the international dialling code for Dublin is +003531 not +00441. Also the pictures in the tour are scanned at too low a res and then blown up to make them look very blocky. Also, are you missing a picture of the Knight Mason's room? Overall it's great and I hope you go on from strength to strength, sincerely and fraternally, Bro. Kieron Lawlor J.W. Dalkey Lodge #261 DLIADT Network Administrator

Name: David Catten
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1998-12-29 00:31:51
Comments: Fraternal Greetings from DeWitt Clinton Lodge, Sandwich, Massachusetts, Grand Lodge of Massachusetts David Catten Past Master