Volume 10

Tuesday 04/22/2003 3:04:51pm
Name:                 Grand Lodge Web Master
Referred By:     E-Mail
Location:           Ireland
Comments:       Brethren - full details of our previous Nine Visitors Books may be found on the main web site – Richard H Gray. 

Thursday 04/27/2006 7:09:49am
Name:                 V.W.Bro. Jack Boyd PDGDC
E-Mail:                jboyd@nstu.ca
Referred By:     Search Engine
Comments:       I am a mason in Alexandra Lodge #87 of the Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia. I enjoy visiting other Lodges on line. I much appreciate your pictures of the Grand Lodge of Ireland.
Yours in Masonry

Saturday 05/06/2006 9:35:28am
Name:                 Mike Baker PM
E-Mail:                mbaker31@hotmail.com
Referred By:     Search Engine
Location:           Eaton Rapids Michigan USA

Saturday 05/06/2006 4:43:46pm
Name:                 Paul Weathers
E-Mail:                pwabble@cox.net
Referred By:     Just Surfed In
Location:           Tucson,Arizona USA
Comments:       Greeting to my Brethren of Ireland,
I was Initiated, Passed and Raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason in William Whiting Lodge (Massachusetts Lodges aren't numbered), Holyoke, Massachusetts in 1962. Military for 21 Years, I had the pleasure of a couple of years of fellowship with our Chinese Brothers in Pearl River Lodge, Tainan, Taiwan. A member of Oasis Lodge #52 since late 1980's, my Brothers honored me by electing me to serve as their Master for 2004 and 2005. I'm now serving as the President of The Masters and Wardens Association of Southern Arizona.
I'm delighted to have found your site. I'm always looking for Further Light in Masonry.
Sincerely and Fraternally Yours,
Paul Weathers 

Sunday 05/07/2006 10:04:10pm
Name:                 Jim Masen
E-Mail:                puffinz@mac.com
Referred By:     Search Engine
Location:           philadelphia PA USA
Comments:       very interesting sight. As a Mason myself (lansdowne, pa lodge 711 (Blue Light)), I appreciate the history and information you provided on the website. My wife and I are visiting Ireland for the first time next month. 

Friday 05/12/2006 7:05:30am
Name:                 Serhiy Kolyada
E-Mail:                art@kolyada.com
Homepage Title:        Underground Ukrainian Art
Homepage URL:         http://www.kolyada.com
Referred By:     Search Engine
Location:           Ukraine
Comments:                 Dear Mr. Editor!
I found your email address on your web site and decided to write to you. I am Ukrainian artist and my art is forbidden (underground) in Ukraine. I would like to invite you to my exhibition on the Internet: www.kolyada.com! You could see that I have very original style and technique as well (ball-point pen).
Today even after the democratic Orange revolution in Ukraine our galleries still refuse me to make my art show. Because I use the social and political commentaries. But thanks to democratic US I have my show at "State of the Arts Gallery" in Sarasota, Florida. You can contact David Steiner, the owner, at artsteiner@earthlink.net.
I would like to ask you could you please write about my art in your country. Here, in Ukraine, there were only foreign publishers who wrote the articles about my art and my struggle for a freedom of art. They are on my site. You could really help me and help to develop real democracy in Ukraine.
I don't believe that our Parliament elections will change my situation...
Maybe it’s possible to make a link exchange.
I hope you'll visit my site and answer my letter.
Serhiy Kolyada,
Ukrainian artist- postmodernist.

Friday 05/12/2006 10:14:24am
Name:                 Patrick Radley
E-Mail:                patrick.radley@ps.ge.com

Referred By:     Just Surfed In
Location:           Doha, Qatar
Comments:       Born in Cork City. Think I have past relatives as craft-members but not sure as I am currently doing some genealogy work to find where they came from in England. Can you help?
Currently working in Qatar but residing in Norcross, Georgia, USA. May join craft yet but always travelling. Any Lodge close by in Middle East?

Friday 05/12/2006 10:33:30pm
Name:                 Jeremy Carroll
E-Mail:                jecarrol@gmail.com
Referred By:     Search Engine
Location:           Eagle Rock Lodge #19, Idaho Falls, Idaho
Comments:       Fraternal Greetings!
I'm a Kerry man born and bred but never learned anything about Freemasonry until I left Irelands shores. I was raised to the sublime degree last Wednesday night and am looking forward to being a Travelling Man. I will be looking for a Lodge to visit when I return home in October for a flying visit.

Monday 05/15/2006 10:59:31am
Name:                 Mark A. Watson
E-Mail:                capt.watson@hotmail.com
Referred By:     Friend
Location:           Dublin, Ireland
Comments:                 It is nice to see life.....

Tuesday 05/16/2006 9:39:00am.
Name:                 Patrick B. Perry
E-Mail:                irishvolsc@comporium.net
Referred By:     Just Surfed In
Location:           Rock Hill, So. Car USA
Comments:                 Having visited Ireland 7 times I asked myself "could I sit with some brothers there on my next visit?" I have met Bertie Ahern @ Arbor Hill Church, Dublin. I'm friends with Bernard Brogan, an old footballer from years ago. Why can't I meet some brothers in Ireland. I'd love to correspond with a brother there if at all possible.

Thursday 05/18/2006 7:54:49am
Name:                 Pat Mustard
Referred By:     Just Surfed In
Location:           The steps of the Washington monument
Comments:       13 and 9 are funny numbers. as is 33 .. 

Friday 05/19/2006 11:20:47am
Name:                 James Griffin
E-Mail:                jamesgriffin06@eircom.net
Referred By:     Friend
Location:           Galway
Comments:                 I send you warm wishes from Galway14. Keep up the great work.

Friday 05/19/2006 1:38:11pm
Name:                 Phillip Wall
E-Mail:                waphll381@aol.com
Referred By:               Friend
Comments:                 found site very easy, well presented. 

Sunday 05/21/2006 2:26:37pm
Name:                 Michael Jordan
E-Mail:                warden1003@eircom.net
Referred By:     Search Engine
Location:           Dublin
Comments:       I found your web pages very informative and very well laid out and easy to navigate. Thank you.

Sunday 05/21/2006 5:36:33pm
Name:                 mazza
E-Mail:                paulm@enconcorp.com
Homepage Title:        www.enconcorp.com
Referred By:     Just Surfed In
Location:           NY
Comments:       the website is great, very informative I would like to find a chapter near me, I live in Whitestone NY my cell # is 347-417-2117

Sunday 05/21/2006 5:38:14pm
Name:                paul mazza
E-Mail:               paulm@enconcorp.com
Homepage Title:        www.enconcorp.com President
Referred By:     Just Surfed In
Location:           NY
Comments:       the website is great, very informative I would like to find a chapter near me, I live in Whitestone NY my cell # is 347-417-2117 

Sunday 05/21/2006 5:47:21pm
Name:                 janie linneberger
E-Mail:                dougandjanie@gosolo.com
Referred By:     Search Engine
Location:           Slidell, La.
Comments:                 My husband and I are planning a trip for next summer with 2 of our grand-children and we would like to take them to locations that the free masons created.
My husband is a mason here in the US. We will also be visiting Scotland and will visit in London again.
I guess another question that I have is, is it possible for Doug to sit in on a lodge meeting there?
Looking forward to an e-mail from one of your members.
Thank You and God Bless,
Janie Linneberger

 Monday 05/22/2006 3:20:24am
Name:                 Pressly A. Laird
E-Mail:                palaird@pikenet.net
Referred By:     Search Engine
Location:           Griggsville, Illinois 62340
Comments:                 I am a member of New Salem Lodge Illinois # 218 and Grand Commander of Knights Templar of Illinois. This web page is very interesting.

Monday 05/22/2006 4:06:04pm
Name:                 Frank Drennan
E-Mail:                fdrennan2@aol.com
Referred By:     Friend
Location:           Kinglassie Fife Scotland
Comments:                 Can you please supply me with information regarding Lodge Donoughmore No 671 and any brethren by the name of Drennan associated with that Lodge.
I look forward in anticipation to your reply fraternally Bro Frank Drennan PM Lodge 1183

Monday 05/22/2006 9:53:12pm
Name:                 Dick Conger
E-Mail:                dick2715@juno.com
Referred By:     Search Engine
Location:           Massillon Ohio U.S.A.
Comments:                 With the recent release of the Da Vinci Code American television & websites have been really hammering the Freemasons with all kinds of rumours about satanic worship, trying to link Freemasonry to Jack the ripper,& other ridiculous charges.
I was wondering if the same thing was happening in Ireland.

Thursday 05/25/2006 0:12:59am
Name:                 Joseph O'Rourke
E-Mail:                josephpo2@aol.com
Referred By:     Search Engine
Location:           Oceanside, California, USA
Comments:       Thinking of retiring in Ireland, South Dublin, Dun Leary/Blackrock area. Interester in finding a flat, but not a room in someone's home. Would like to hear from estate agents regarding renting.

Thursday 05/25/2006 11:15:12am
Name:                 HUXLEY JAMES GIFFARD
E-Mail:                HGIFFARD772@BTINTERNET.COM
Referred By:     Friend
Location:           RAINHAM ,ESSEX.. ENGLAND

Thursday 05/25/2006 2:21:04pm
Name:                 Duncan A. Victor
E-Mail:                duncs@email.com
Homepage URL:         http://www.myspace.com/duncanvictor
Referred By:     Web Ring
Location:           Gibraltar / Calpe Lodge 325
Comments:       Fraternal greetings! Excellent site and congrats to all those involved!!

Thursday 05/25/2006 6:54:07pm
Name:                 Glenn Tucker FC
E-Mail:                omegaphoto@msn.com
Referred By:     Web Ring
Location:           894 Freindship and Harmony Bermuda
Comments:                 great site I have learned valuable knowledge and I can’t wait to go further in the craft.

Saturday 05/27/2006 8:52:00pm
Name:                 DANILO VIDAL FERNANDEZ
E-Mail:                danvfernandez_888@yahoo.com
Referred By:     Just Surfed In
Location:           DUBLIN, IRELAND
Comments:       To my Irish DADS, I am a DeMolay have been looking for any lodge that would introduce me to my irish dad masons and my brothers in arms.. the demolays of ireland. I would appreciate it if i would be contacted thru my email address.  

Wednesday 05/31/2006 9:54:37am
Name:                 Jamie Grimsley
E-Mail:                Irish_dragon2001@yahoo.com
Referred By:     Just Surfed In
Location:           Panama City, Fl. (United States)
Comments:       To whom this may reach, Good day;
I have long had a fascination with the brotherhood of the Freemasons and I still have so much yet to learn. However, this website was very informative and easily navigable. In my search I hope that I will find the guidance to membership at a lodge that I can participate in to serve the needs of not only the brotherhood but society as well. In conclusion, I wish the entire Ireland Masonic Order well and thank those of you who took the time to build this informative site.

Wednesday 05/31/2006 5:13:41pm
Name:                 Gerry Lamarra
E-Mail:                fullbloke@hotmail.com
Referred By:     Just Surfed In
Location:           Lanark, Scotland
Comments:                 Fraternal greetings to you all. I am a member of Lodge Hozier 912 of Lanarkshire Upper Ward, under The Grand Lodge of Scotland. Your web site is excellent. Enjoyed my visit.

Monday 06/05/2006 9:07:37pm
Name:                 Shawn M. Young
E-Mail:                kerrsean2124r@yahoo.com
Referred By:     Just Surfed In
Location:           Bartlesville, Ok United States
Comments:       I was just looking at other lodges and thought i would look for any lodges from my grandfathers home country. I'm a brother from lodge 284 in Bartlesville and was looking for any memebers of the Walsh family that might be masons.

Thursday 06/08/2006 8:25:27am
Name:                 P. Barrett
E-Mail:                adamtas1@yahoo.com
Referred By:     E-Mail
Location:           south africa
Comments:       P.Barrett (SW) milnerton 610 ic.
infofmative website.

Thursday 06/08/2006 8:29:38pm
Name:,                michael bauman
E-Mail:,               mastermason222@hotmail.com
Referred By:     Just Surfed In
Comments:                 In search of light.

Saturday 06/10/2006 0:20:44am
Name:                 Jacqueline Beattie
E-Mail:                felinefine@netspace.com.au
Referred By:     Search Engine
Location:           Australia
Comments:       Greetings, I am doing some research on my families history. My brother and I are first line Australians from Irish parents with a long time line of true Irish blood. My fathers line has cross Scottish hence the surname Beattie. My father Adam John(Jack) Beattie was an Irish mason in Belfast and apparently so were some of his family members. My mothers father William O'Hare was also in the Irish Belefast masons I believe also. My mothers family had ties in the Irish Belefast masonry too I think. If anyone knows anything or can help me please feel free to contact me on the above email address as I would really like to know more.
Many thanks

Saturday 06/10/2006 6:39:33am
Name:                 Wor Bro Ron Webb
Referred By:     Just Surfed In
Location:           Sydney Australia
Comments:       Great to see your pages .Was interested to note that you have permanent rooms set up for different orders in your Grand Lodge Building as here we have Craft Lodge set up and redress the room when other orders meet, excepting in the Holy Royal Arch who have their own GL .Keep up the good work

Saturday 06/10/2006 11:32:29am
Name:                 Patrick J Lynch
E-Mail:               pjl767@yahoo.com
Referred By:     Search Engine
Location:           Delaware County Pa USA
Comments:                 Just wanted say to my fellow travelling men

Sunday 06/11/2006 1:44:59pm
Name:                 RWB Junn Manalang GC
E-Mail:                mjunn@hotmail.com
Referred By:     Just Surfed In
Location:           Canada
Comments:                 Fraternal greetings from Capitol Lodge # 136 Grand Lodge of Manitoba

Tuesday 06/13/2006 2:38:14pm
Name:                 W BRO. GEORGE BLASCHE
E-Mail:                gfblasche@msn.com
Homepage Title: mic/internet/ explorer
Referred By:     Just Surfed In
Location:           portsmouth hants

Wednesday 06/14/2006 7:42:21pm
Name:                 alan fox
Referred By:     Just Surfed In
Location:           skiddaw 1002 cumbria england
Comments:       a very informative site enjoyed browsing. a lot of work has gone into this. Well done and good luck. Alan

Friday 06/16/2006 6:18:45am
Name:                 Gavin Rideout
E-Mail:                aussie_under_the_sun@hotmail.com
Referred By:     Just Surfed In
Location:           Australia
Comments:                 Just wanted to say hello to all the brothers in Ireland.

Monday 06/19/2006 5:12:00pm
Name:                 Elsa McCombs
E-Mail:                john_mccombs@bellsouth.net
Referred By:     Search Engine
Location:           Orlando, Florida, USA
Comments:       My grandfather, Guillermo Rodriguez, was a Mason (unsure of which hall\order) in Key West, Florida during the 1950-1970's. The ring he wore on his right had was the exact crest as the Freemasons. I have always been VERY PROUD of my Grandfather and have considered him to me one of the greatest men who ever lived.
My mother-in-law just came back from a trip to southern Ireland where she took a picture of a compass symbol over a doorway. My husband was very excited and shared this with me knowing how much I loved and honored my Grandfather.
My mother-in-law was VERY agetated and appalled that we would think that this compass had ANYTHING to do with the Mason's or FreeMason's. She was REALLY mean.
When my husband and I returned home we discussed the occurance (?) with his mother and we both agreed that we were right. The compass over the the doorway meant more then just a person with masonry skills built the structure. We agreed that it was probably a member of the Mason's or Freemason's.
Thank you for being on the web.
Elsa McCombs
The Proud Granddaughter of Guillermo Rodriguez.

Wednesday 06/21/2006 3:07:03pm
Name:                 Richard K. McCaleb 32 degree
E-Mail:                devildoc165@yahoo.com
Referred By:     Search Engine
Location:           everett, washington, united states
Comments:       Enjoyed the web site. Take care my brothers.

Sunday 06/25/2006 3:24:16pm
Name:                 W.BRO J.E.RENSHAW
E-Mail:                JIMBO1@F2S.COM
Homepage Title:        JAMESRENSHAW4@HOTMAIL.COM
Referred By:     Search Engine
Location:           PLYMOUTH ENGLAND

Monday 06/26/2006 10:34:40am
Name:                 Christopher J O'Brien
E-Mail:                chris@obrienclan.org.uk
Homepage Title:        obrienclan.org.uk
Homepage URL:         http://www.obrienclan.org.uk
Referred By:     Search Engine
Location:           England
Comments:       Have enjoyed your site.
Hello to all Freemasons Everywhere
and god Bless from a brother.

Monday 06/26/2006 2:59:50pm
Name:                 noel obrien
E-Mail:                c9nob@aol.com
Homepage Title:        http:wwwc9nob@aol.com
Homepage URL:         http:wwwc9nob@aol.com
Referred By:     Web Ring
Location:           essex
Comments:       what a great site did enjoy hello to all fellow freemasons
brother o’brien

Wednesday 06/28/2006 9:46:12am
Name:                 Giuseppe De Bortoli
E-Mail:                dbgarpa@tele2.it
Referred By:     Search Engine
Comments:       Un grazie per la buona lettura del vostro sito, sono alla ricerca di musiche rituali per le cerimonie delle logge, bagpipe, canti, organ ecc. Attendo vostri consigli dove cercare.

Tuesday 07/04/2006 7:16:32pm
Name:                 John Peter Brookes
E-Mail:                jpbrookes@clear.net.nz
Referred By:,    E-Mail
Location:           new zealand
Comments:       PM De Burgh Adams Lodge No.446
Visiting for research.

Wednesday 07/05/2006 2:38:16am
Name:                 David Fuller
E-Mail:                david.fuller@blueyonder.co.uk
Referred By:     Just Surfed In
Comments:       Coming to Dublin next week would love to do a visit to a lodge any lodges working this time of year 5th July 06.

Friday 07/07/2006 11:51:45pm
Name:                 Rob Looper
E-Mail:                robert.looper@atf.gov
Referred By:     Search Engine
Location:           Lubbock, TX
Comments:       Gtings Bretheren,
Surfed in looking for a lodge to visit while in Gaborone, Botswana. Found that the GLI had an associated lodge there (Kgale 918). I look forward to contacting your Grand Secretary to obtain contact information for Kgale 918.
Masonic Regards,
Rob Looper (J.S.)
Yellowhouse Lodge #841
Lubbock, Texas USA

Saturday 07/08/2006 1:37:25pm
Name:                 Brother Glenn Tucker
E-Mail:                omegaphoto@msn.com
Referred By:     Friend
Location:           Bermuda
Comments:       Fraternal greetings from Friendship & Harmony No 894 (IC) meeting at Khyber Pass, Warwick on the 1st Thursday. Installation - March Meeting.

Sunday 07/09/2006 2:58:14pm
Name:                 norma mollard
E-Mail:                normamollard@members.v21.co.uk
Referred By:     Just Surfed In
Comments:       found this site very interesting as my father robert pepper was a member of a lodge in loughbrickland and then in the moira area. Also most of my uncles were members in various parts of northern ireland. Needless to say i have many cousins who are now members. I would be grateful if anyone can give me any information about my father's lodge. A very interesting site. My husband is a past master of a lodge (Farfield) in north wales

Sunday 07/09/2006 3:47:52pm
Name:                 Thomas Eric Henry
E-Mail:                T28E11H52@MSN.COM
Referred By:     Just Surfed In
Location:           Coleraine, N Ireland
Comments:       congratulate our Web Master for an excellent Site. I am Proud to be a member of such an excellent Order.
Greetings to all. Eric

Tuesday 07/11/2006 2:34:27pm
Name:,                Paschal Powell
E-Mail:                fara.powell@ntlworld.com
Referred By:     Just Surfed In
Location:           FAREHAM HAMPSHIRE
Comments:                 Congratulations on a excellent site which i found very interesting, I am at present the WM of Fareham lodge in the Provence of hampshire and the Isle of Whight and i look forward to visiting some Irish Lodges in the near future, As my Father in law was a frequent visitor to Lodges in the Belfast area a few years back.
yours Fraternally,
Bro PG Powell.

Thursday 07/13/2006 4:03:31pm
Name:                 Marin
E-Mail:                marin.simic@kr.t-com.hr
Referred By:     Just Surfed In
Location:           Croatia
Comments:       Very interesting site.

Thursday 07/13/2006 9:31:39pm
Name:                 Brother Glenn Tucker
E-Mail:                omegaphoto@msn.com
Referred By:     Web Ring
Location:           Friendship & Harmony (IR) 894 Bermuda
Comments:       Being a Mason has been an adventure and life lesson that I will take with me throughout the rest of my life. I will always be the best Brother I can be and one day hope to attend Lodge in the UK.

Thursday 07/13/2006 11:34:16pm
Name:                 SD Devon Lindsay
E-Mail:                Daycat22@yahoo.com
Referred By:     Search Engine
Location:           jamaica
Comments:       good site my brothers.

Saturday 07/15/2006 7:29:50pm
Name:                 Ruben Nicolas ALFARO
E-Mail:                alfaronic@gmail.com
Referred By:     E-Mail
Location:           Cochabamba- Bolivia-Sud America
Comments:       Me gustaria estar en contacto con ustedes. Soy un miembro de la hermandad universal. I would live to be in touch with you. I am a member of the Broterwood
Gracias y reciban un triple abrazo M:

Monday 07/17/2006 4:22:03pm
Name:                 paul w leidy
E-Mail:                leidyfamily@comcast.net
Referred By:     Search Engine
Location:           usa
Comments:       greetings my brothers from hiram t. dewey lodge 226 atlantic city nj great site i hope to visit some day soon

Tuesday 07/18/2006 6:45:50pm
Name:                 mohammed qayyum khan
E-Mail:                chiefs@hotmail.co.uk
Referred By:     Just Surfed In
Location:           dewsbury
Comments:       wanted more information on joining

Tuesday 07/18/2006 9:37:53pm
Name:                 Josué Toriz
E-Mail:                josue_toriz@yahoo.com.mx
Referred By:     Just Surfed In
Location:           Puebla, Mexico
Comments:       Greetings my Dear Brothers, this mexican Brother just wanna wish you Peace and Prosperity in your Masonic Work. Some day I will visit you. Please excuse my poor english. Sincerely yours. J. T.

Wednesday 07/19/2006 3:59:59am
Name:                 james
E-Mail:                jamesjarkal@yahoo.com
Referred By:     Search Engine
Location:           dublin
Comments:       hello to all masons.. my father was a past master at don lorenzo tan memorial lodge 265 and my mother is an eastern star. im just wondering if there is a mason who is working in the dept of justice in burgh quay, thank you and more power to you all.

Wednesday 07/19/2006 9:09:59pm
Name:                 James L. Kenaley JR.
E-Mail:                james.kenaley@navy.mil
Referred By:     Search Engine
Location:           Oak Harbor, WA
Comments:       I was hoping that there was a lodge here in Washington State. I'm not a member yet, but I truly think this is where I belong. I do not have a set religion, but do believe in a god that takes care of all. Just thought I would take the time to write amd to say in my travels, I will be able to visit one of the lodges in Ireland.
James Kenaley

Friday 07/21/2006 8:36:47pm
Name:                 Christian Metten
Homepage Title:        Toowoomba Lodge 132
Homepage URL:        
Referred By:     Search Engine
Location:           Toowoomba Qld Australia
Comments:        Nice Website ! I have been surfing for a while and checking out the different Mason Sites I can find (to get ideas for our new site which just went online). Loved yours !
Fraternally yours,
Christian Metten

Saturday 07/22/2006 9:28:43am
Name:                 Robert lamar Willis
E-Mail:                lrrn_willis@yahoo.com

Referred By:     Just Surfed In
Location:           Plant City , Florida
Comments:       Hello my fellow Brothers,
My name is Robert Willis and I am traveling out of the Olin S. Wright Lodge #79 in good ole' Plant City Florida. My greatest and most dearest apprication to the Web Master for a most excellent site and wonderful presentation that our Just order so deeply deserves.
I am currently in the process of relocating my family and I back to the Dublin area. My wife is Irish, born and raised in the Malihide co.Dublin area.
If there is any brothers in this area who could offer advice on Lodge acceptence it would be very much welcomed.
I am presently seeking employment in the structural steel industry and would take any advice, help and or direction in this matter.
In Brotherhood and bond,
Robert Willis and family

Saturday 07/22/2006 6:30:31pm
Name:                 John W. Mulligan jr.
E-Mail:                firefighter5417@hotmail.com

Referred By:     Just Surfed In
Location:           Savannah Georgia , United States
Comments:       I would to thank you for what you do,I am just learning about my Irish ansestry and find everything about Ireland and the Freemasonry very interesting.

 Sunday 07/23/2006 10:18:53pm
Name:                 Dennis Brian Westbrook
E-Mail:                brianw@woosh.co.nz

Referred By:     Just Surfed In
Location:           Auclkand
Comments:       I just take a few minutes to admire the good work my brothers are doing, and wonder what else could be done to bring light to the many who through fear or lack of knowledge would be great masons if given the light.

Friday 07/28/2006 8:42:23am
Name:                 John Brown
E-Mail:                John_Brown_2000@hotmail.com

Referred By:     Search Engine
Comments:       I would just like to say hello!

Friday 08/04/2006 6:12:25pm
Name:                 Keith McCarthy
E-Mail:                miadolfan13@gmail.com

Referred By:     Search Engine
Location:           Trilby, Florida - United States
Comments:       Wonderful web page! Beautiful Lodge!

Saturday 08/05/2006 8:19:32am
Name:                 John Reeder
E-Mail:                jrrbear333@yahoo.com

Referred By:     Search Engine
Location:           Hawaii, USA
Comments:       Pleased to meet you, pleased to greet you brothers!

Saturday 08/12/2006 9:21:07am
Name:                 Warnery
E-Mail:                mkwy@bluewin.ch

Referred By:     E-Mail
Location:           Suisse
Comments:       My name is Brethren : Michael Warnery (Grand Lodge Swiss Alpina). I start a research about the part plaid in the history of Ireland - if any - by the regular freemasonry since its foundation. In the 1916 revolution, eventl. in the recent events between Eire & Northern Ireland. What part was plaid by the "Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland" in the matter ?
I intend to write and publish and article about it in the Reaserch Group Alpina's publication : MASONICA
I'd be grateful if you could also recommend me some books about it
Many Thanks. Brotherly Yours.
Michael Warnery

Saturday 08/05/2006 7:04:16pm
Name:                 Scott McCarthy
E-Mail:                scottymac1381@yahoo.com

Homepage Title:        Frederick-Franklin Lodge #14 A.F & A.M.
Homepage URL:         http://www.frederick-franklin14.org

Referred By:     Search Engine
Location:           Connecticut, USA
Comments:       Fraternal greetings from Bristol, CT USA

Wednesday 08/09/2006 6:28:05pm
Name:                 Jacky Foley
E-Mail:                jackyfoley@btinternet.com

Homepage URL:         http://www.mastermason.com/temperance2557
Referred By:     Web Ring
Location:           Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England
Comments:       Been searching through masonic sites, only recently became a MM. Excellent site, I am comming over to Ireland in the future and hope to attend one of your Lodges.The reason for my interest in Ireland, my family history has been traced back to Ireland in the 1800's.
I truly look forward to visiting Ireland and hope to meet with Irish Brothers.
Again Top site keep up the good work.
Bro Jacky MM

Sunday 08/13/2006 5:27:04pm
Name:                 Ray Wilson
E-Mail:                WilsonRA@aol.com

Referred By:     Search Engine
Comments:       I am a descendant of George Wilson who immigrated to the US in about 1820. My research indicates he was a Mason and wondering if there are records that might be reviewed.

Sunday 08/13/2006 7:18:12pm
Name:                 E. Allen Kelly
E-Mail:                eallenkelly@yahoo.com

Referred By:     Just Surfed In
Location:           Bossier City La

Friday 08/18/2006 2:02:47pm
Name:                 Mario Gerada
E-Mail:                monavale@euroweb.net.mt

Homepage URL:         http://monavalemusicbar.com/horizon156
Referred By:               Just Surfed In
Location:           Malta
Comments:       Greetings and salutations from Malta to all brethren.

 Saturday 08/19/2006 5:37:51pm
Name:                 Simon Robinson
E-Mail:                simon.robinson@siol.net

Referred By:     Search Engine
Comments:       Many thanks for an understandable and undiluted guide to the brotherhood. I live in Slovenia and wish to join their lodge but am deprived of information. All the best, SR

Sunday 08/20/2006 5:41:18am
Name:                 Stephen McKee
E-Mail:                stephenmckee434@hotmail.com

Referred By:     Search Engine
Location:           White Plains New York
Comments:       Well laid out web page with a lot of interesting items.

Wednesday 08/23/2006 10:51:32am
Name:                 david whelan
E-Mail:                daveywhelan@hotmail.com
Referred By:     Friend
Location:           ireland
Comments:                 Hello Mullingar , Co Westmeath .
My name is david whelan and I’m interested in joining the freemasons ,i have long since wanted to be apart of the masons but believed my life was not in order at the time ,However i think the time is right now for such actions i am writing to you to enquire about joining , and would appreciate any information you could provide ,thank you .
David Whelan

Wednesday 08/23/2006 4:50:10pm
Name:                 Paul
E-Mail:                paul25665@hotmail.com

Referred By:     Search Engine
Location:           Donegal
Comments:       The site dispelled a lot a preconceptions - all wrong- about Freemasonry. More should be done to let the light shine.

Thursday 08/24/2006 1:12:27pm
Name:                 Jessica Lyle
E-Mail:                jjlion@adelphia.net

Referred By:               Search Engine
Location:           Fallbrook, CA. USA
Comments:      Just stopping by to say hi to my Masonic family. I'm a member of the International Order of the Rainbow for Girls.

Wednesday 08/30/2006 4:18:45pm
Name:                 RON VROOMAN
E-Mail:                VROOMAN@MSN.COM

Referred By:     Search Engine
Location:           OREGON, USA

Thursday 08/31/2006 2:16:13pm
Name:                 Don Olderen
E-Mail:                djo1147@yahoo.com

Referred By:     Search Engine
Location:           Grand Lodge of Massachusetts
Comments:       Wonderful site. Your rooms are truly beautiful. I wish we had a Royal Arch room like yours.
Don Olderen St. John's Lodge Boston
St. Paul's Royal Arch

Thursday 08/31/2006 7:01:01pm
Name:               joel
Referred By:   Search Enginen
Location:         dublim 

Friday 09/01/2006 4:04:54am
Name:               Bill Murphy
E-Mail:              BillM@Bresnan.net

Homepage Title:       Montana Freemasons
Homepage URL:        http://www.MontanaFreemasons.org

Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Billings, Montana, USA
Comments:     Great site - Had to check out what Freemasons were doing in my home country (My Grandmother immigrated here in the early 1900s). Keep up the good work!

Friday 09/01/2006 6:08:01am
Name:               Stuart Evans
E-Mail:              fltltstuartevans@yahoo.co.uk

Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Aberaeron Ceredigion Wales
Comments:     Have enjoyed the reading unfortunately i have tried for years to join your order without success. Life is not whether you can or cannot join an organisation but to help one another. May the lord be with you all, and may you all be kind and friendly brothers.

Sunday 09/03/2006 5:03:46am
Name:               Aretha
E-Mail:              atjiu77@yahoo.co.uk    
Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Indonesia
Comments:     Send me more information about freemasons, how to join in my country?

Sunday 09/03/2006 5:12:28am
Name:               Aretha
E-Mail:              atjiu77@yahoo.co.uk

Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Indoonesia
Comments:     Can we become a worker if we join?

Wednesday 09/13/2006 6:07:55am
Name:               William Magee
E-Mail:              williammagee273@btinternet.com 
Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Newtownards
Comments:     This is a very enlightening web site dispelling a lot of myth and conjecture and is very user friendly and well constructed. Thank you

Wednesday 09/13/2006 9:45:05pm
Name:               William Mullan
E-Mail:              mullanw@un.org 
Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Haiti
Comments:     Although my home is in Ireland, Newbridge, I work in Haiti. I have considered joining the Masonic order for sometime but i'm always traveling and never seem to get around to it. I know a number of Masons in my field of work.

Friday 09/15/2006 3:54:42pm
Name:               Terry Inch
E-Mail:              tinch@blueyonder.co.uk

Referred By:   E-Mail
Location:         Gloucester
Comments:     My dear father Tommy Inch T HAY East Belfast passed away 2 weeks ago thank you so much for your presence it was so much appreciated

Friday 09/15/2006 9:03:12pm
Name:               Dennis Hughes
E-Mail:              bayline@consolidated.net     
Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Katy Texas. USA
Comments:     I am Past master of Katy Lodge #1439 and Curent Master of Memorial #1298

Saturday 09/16/2006 12:23:24am
Name:               W Bro A,E.Inskip
E-Mail:              albrtinskp@aol.com

Homepage Title:       fraternall greetings from Derbyshire
Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Nottingham England
Comments:     Ibring you fraternall greetings from Dale Abbey lodge 5603 in the province of Derbyshire A.E.Inskip P.M.

Saturday 09/16/2006 2:37:59pm
Name:               gavin b. harrison
E-Mail:              elaineharrison@hotmail.com

Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         sligo
Comments:     intrigued and excited by the brotherhood of freemasonry

Sunday 09/17/2006 9:30:39am
Name:               Mark Cox
E-Mail:              pronettech@yahoo.com        
Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Abilene, Texas USA
Comments:     Brethern I will be moving to Dublin soon and would like to visit your lodge. I am a past Master of Bluff Dale lodge 724 AF&AM in Bluff Dale, Texas USA

Monday 09/18/2006 2:59:42am
Name:               Malcolm S Murdoch
E-Mail:              dandare1854@yahoo.co.uk

Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Dunbartonshire , Scotland
Comments:     Sir & Brethren I bring you fraternal greetings from my R.W.M David Haig and the office bearers of Dumbarton Kilwing Lodge No18.
And from the Royal Arch Chapter of Dumbarton No.53, myself M.E 1st Principle elect, Principles and Companions.

Tuesday 09/19/2006 11:01:26am
Name:               JOHN ELLIS SMITH
E-Mail:              JOHN.ELLIS.SMITH@us.army.mil

Referred By:   Friend
Location:         GERMANY

Tuesday 09/19/2006 4:28:03pm
Name:               Dean Lee PM.1657S.C.
E-Mail:              lychee50@gmail.com  
Referred By:   E-Mail
Location:         Jamaica
Comments:     Many a night I have spent in lodge with the Irish masons on Jamaica and Visited Dublin in 2001 but was unable to do any visiting, enjoyed the site.

Friday 09/22/2006 8:10:42am
Name:               Brother Terry Garrett
E-Mail:              tygarrett@sbcglobal.net        
Referred By:   Just Surfed In      
Comments:     I am a Mastor Mason in the state of Texas; a member of South Plains Daylight Lodge 1443. I would like to know if there would be any advantages in having some type of affiliation with the Grand Lodge of Ireland. My ancestry is Irish and I know that masonic history is rich there. I am always looking for more knowledge of the craft. I truly enjoied your site. It is very user friendly and with good information. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.
Thank you for your time.
Bro. Terry Garrett

Thursday 09/28/2006 6:42:47am
Name:               bro mark jones
E-Mail:              mjones13@tiscali.co.uk

Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         lodge no 3609 chatham kent
Comments:     hello all brethren only joined 1 year ago and really injoy being a mason but can you help me iam off to caribbean december this year looking to vist lodges but dont no were to start ? and weather they have lodges ?
bro mark jones
per mare per terram
lodge no 3609

Saturday 09/30/2006 7:46:55pm
Name:               Guy Laberge
E-Mail:              mmfca@yahoo.com     
Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Vankleek Hill, Ontario, Canada
Comments:     This is a nice site, lots of information.
Guy Laberge JW
St-John`s 21a Vankleek Hill, AF&AM, GRC

Monday 10/02/2006 12:43:25am
Name:               patrick j tydings
E-Mail:              p.tydings@ntlworld.com        
Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         uk
Comments:     just been looking at the new hall in limerick ,wonderful,my grandmother lived in the bishobs palace naxt to it,
i saw it while on a visit recently

Monday 10/02/2006 9:19:38pm
Name:               Leslee Underwood
E-Mail:              Lesnkatie23@netscape.net

Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Richmond Hill, GA
Comments:     I enjoyed the history of your lodge and I am really intrigued by the many different lodges in the world. I was wondering f there might be any way you might be able to send some photos or email ma some of your Lodge. I am currently working on a lecture of the different lodges around the world, and i would love to add your lodge to this lecture. My wife and I hope to someday go to Ireland and see the beautiful country in which you live and I definately plan on making a visit to a Masonic body in that area. Fraternally Yours, Leslee D. Underwood JR. Deacon
Thunderbolt Lodge # 693

Friday 10/13/2006 4:51:37am
Name:               Jason Dezendorf
-Mail:              Shadow_Khan99@juno.com
Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Arizona
Comments:     I enjoyed you web site and have been intrested in Freemasonry for many years. Please send some infomation about possibley joining. Thank you for your time.

Sunday 10/15/2006 1:32:43pm
Name:               Robert P Walsh
E-Mail:              r.walsh@irishrail.ie

Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Swords Co Dublin
Comments:     Regards to all.
I am not a mason but have allways had a mind to try and find out more.
The site is very well laid out and was a great help to me in showing what you all do. May you keep up the good work.

Monday 10/16/2006 10:04:39am
Name:               Henrique Affonso de André Sobrinho
E-Mail:              henriquecebola@hotmail.com             
Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         São Carlos Brazil
Comments:     Loved Brothers, I've just visited your homepage. May the Great Architect of the
Universe bless all you.
Henrique Affonso
ARLS Fraternidade Acadêmica Universitária 3297
São Carlos, Brazil
GOB (Brazilian Great Orient)

Monday 10/16/2006 10:17:39am
Name:               Clarence W. Martin
E-Mail:              cwm10@dejazzd.com
Referred By:   Friend
Location:         1 Kennedy Road, Midlevel H.KComments:     My Fraternal Brothers:
I am presently here in Hong Kong as a visitor from the U.S.A., state of Pennsylvania. I had intended to visit Shamrock#712, however, our flight departs on Wednesday. I am disappointed but pleased to know that, to my knowledge, this is the only active Lodge in China.
Sincerely & Fraternally,
Brother Clarence W. Martin,
33rd degree, P.W.M., P.M.W.M.
Lodge #587 Manheim, Pa
Reading Consistory, Reading, Pa
Supreme Council, Lexingington, Mass.

Tuesday 10/17/2006 4:18:14pm
Name:               Adam Jinks
E-Mail:              firefighterjinks@neo.rr.com   
Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Canton, Ohio
Comments:     I was just looking over some future travel plans to Ireland and thought I would like to see some lodges oversees. Could you send me any information on some lodges?

Wednesday 10/18/2006 11:30:48am
Name:               Ian Martin
E-Mail:              ian@thebobs.plus.com

Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Glasgow
Comments:     fraternal greetings brothers,great site,keep up the good work,regards Bro Ian Martin Neptune Glasgow#419

Wednesday 10/18/2006 12:40:48am
Name:               Eric H. Affsprung
E-Mail:              affsprng@bucknell.edu

Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Lewisburg, PA
Comments:     Member of Watsontown Lodge, Watsontown, PA, USA.

Friday 10/20/2006 4:35:28pm
Name:               Douglas Cochrane
E-Mail:              dcochrane@ns.sympatico.ca
Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Comments:     Brothers
I have just completed my first degree and will be completing my second in two weeks time. It is an honour to become a Mason and I am pleased to be able to extend greetings to my new brothers in the land of my ancestors.
Bro. Mark Douglas John Cochrane
Saint Andrews Lodge # 1 Halifax, Nova Scotia
(Descended from the Cochran(e)s of Antrim)
Friday 10/20/2006 6:30:33pm
Name:               Angel Millar
E-Mail:              angelmillar0@yahoo.com

Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         New York
Comments:     An informative site that allows the reader to see the breadth of Freemasonry in Ireland at a glance.

Sunday 10/22/2006 10:36:42pm
Name:               Bro. Denver Cleo Jones Jr.
E-Mail:              info@jonescsa.com

Homepage Title:       Jones-CSA Insurance
Homepage URL:        http://www.jonescsa.com

Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Jacksonville, North Carolina
Comments:     I'm honored to have found your site. My personal ties to Ireland is, so i'm told is where my family is from. As a Bro of Semper Fidelis Lodge #680 Grand Lodge of North Carolina AF&AM. Please I would like to know more of my brotherhood in Ireland. My 2 sons are Brothers too. We are a masonic family seeking more light from our for-fathers. Thank you and our cable tow is long and waiting.

Tuesday 10/24/2006 11:15:42am

Name:               Wor Bro. Vernon N. Clarke
E-Mail:              vclarke@ibl.bm

Referred By:   Friend
Location:         Southampton, Bermuda.
Comments:     Hello Brethren, just looking in after a long while of contemplating signing the guest book. Just finished a wonderful weekend; entertaining the MW Garnd Master and his charming wife in Bermuda. We hope and pray he had a wonderful time and wish his speedy return on a less pressing visit. In the meantime I would like very much to extend sincere fraternal greetings to the Brethren of Grand Lodge and the all Irish freemasons in general.
S&F. Bro Vernon N. Clarke (P.M./ Prov. Gd. Inner Guard.)

Thursday 10/26/2006 3:21:26pm
Name:               Robert M. Wilson
E-Mail:              bwmw@sbcglobal.net

Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Middletown, Ohio. USA
Comments:     I am Past Master of Jefferson Lodge No. 90 here in Middletown. My great-grandfather, also Robert M. Wilson, was, I understand, initiated, passed, and raised in Northern Star Lodge #438, Grand Lodge of Ireland, Raphoe, Donegal sometime before 1856. He was later Master of the lodge in New Cumberland, West Virginia in 1877, 82, 84, & 86. Any information concerning his labours in Ireland would be appreciated. An email contact or snail-mail address would also be helpful. In omnibus pax, RMW

Thursday 10/26/2006 3:52:48pm
Name:               Gary Stanley
E-Mail:              cmore_2@yahoo.com :        
Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Ireland Navan
Comments:     hello
I just Said I would thank you for the tour of you grand lodge in town durning the summer I really appreciated it Thank you
I cleared up any resignation I was having and I do appolagise for taking so long in getting in touch as I don t have e-mail at home and life up now has been very busy
Thanks again

Friday 10/27/2006 5:43:04am
Name:               lauchlan Munn
E-Mail:              loc.lmindust@iafrica.com  
Referred By:   Friend
Location:         South Africa
Comments:     very nice web page

Saturday 10/28/2006 10:45:16am
Name:               Bro. Benjamin Macauley (MM&AASR 32)
E-Mail:              festinathorpe@aol.com
Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Columbus, Ohio.
Comments:     Great web site keep up the good work.
I am a member of Jerusalem lodge#26F&AM
of Plainfield, New Jersey. USA.

Saturday 10/28/2006 5:42:09pm
Name:               Bro James (Jim) T. Connelly
E-Mail:              jimconn2@bellsouth.net

Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Clarksville, TN USA
Comments:     Excellent site very informative.
Clarksville Lodge 89 F&AM. Clarksville TN.

Sunday 10/29/2006 8:08:52pm
Name:               David Headley
E-Mail:              warhorse@cinci.rr.com

Homepage Title:       none
Homepage URL:        http://none

Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Forest Park, Ohio USA
Comments:     Impressive web page. Hope to visit Ireland in the near future.
David Headley
College Hill-Harry S. Johnson Lodge #641,
Cumminsville Chapter #158 Royal Arch Masons

Monday 10/30/2006 1:24:28am
Name:               Scott C. Plough, 32nd
E-Mail:              splough01@grandecom.net

Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         San Marcos, Texas, U.S.A.
Comments:     "What we have done for ourselve's alone
die's with us: What we have done for
other's and the world remain's and is
immortal." Bro. Albert Pike
Proud member of Kingsbury Lodge #887
Kingsbury, Texas and Austin Scottish Rite Temple, Austin, Texas.

Monday 10/30/2006 11:43:32am
Name:               george hanna
E-Mail:              armitt2004@yahoo.co.uk

Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         belfast
Comments:     no longer a practicing brother just logged in because I do miss my lodges sometimes and the good times enjoyed with my fellow masons.

Tuesday 10/31/2006 10:04:39pm
Name:               litiana
E-Mail:              litiana_lacanivalu@yahoo.co.uk

Homepage Title:       freemasonry in northern ireland
Homepage URL:        http://www.irish-freemasonry.org

Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         suva, fiji
Comments:     good day to u all!

Wednesday 11/01/2006 11:16:32am
Name:               Bro Emmanuel Nethala
E-Mail:              Gracechildrensorphanage@yahoo.com

Homepage Title:       Grace Children's Orphanage
Homepage URL:        http://graceorphanage.org

Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Andhra Pradesh, India.
Comments:     Greetings in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ! I love your website and pray for you daily. I appreciate all that you are doing for the cause of Christ. Peace and Love, "for the Lord God is a sun and shield: the Lord will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly."(Psalm 84:11) our Orphanage in India that supports children who are poor, handicapped physically, and uneducated. This orphanage also is a Home Church where families visit for worship services, and it reaches out in every way possible through God in their area by supporting those who are in need and conveying the Good News. Please pray for us orphans work in India.

Wednesday 11/01/2006 6:38:32pm
Name:               Bro Robert William Crowe
E-Mail:              robert.crowe1@btinternet.com

Homepage Title:       www.r3tenors.co.uk
Homepage URL:        http://www.r3tenors.co.uk

Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Scotland
Comments:     To fellow breathren of my mother lodge Tirmochree 523 Transvaal South Africa I would like to say a big thank you for your help and support in supporting the concert which I organised in Springs SA raising money for Aids Orphans at Daggafontain School. 170 children are fed and educated, we raised 20,000 Rand.
The concert for the Tirmochree which I sang at for Bro Gerry Opperman PM Lodge Tirmochree will also be remembered.
I have learnt the words for the Irish song which was requested and will sing it next year for the brethren.
All the best to Bro Eddie Botha I understand he is in Hospital again this month.
I am joining the Cryptic on the 29th November and Mariners in February Bro Gerry so I look forward to next year. Yours fraternally, Bro RobertW.Crowe MM

Friday 11/03/2006 4:15:00pm
Name:               John Edward Brown
E-Mail:              johnbrow@tesco.net    
Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Dungannon
Comments:     Dear Sir's
I am not a member of the masons, but having seen this web site and the excellent work you do,
along with the honorable holistic life beliefs you hold I find myself compelled to congratulate you. This was an open and honest site which intrigued me, and then urged me on to read each and every page.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish you well with all of your future endeavors and good works for the people of this country.
If it would be at all possible I would very much like to receive further literature on masonry and or information on how it could be possible for me to put myself forward as a prospective candidate to join in my area.
Many thanks
John Edward Brown

Saturday 11/04/2006 8:00:25am
Name:               Mark A Watson
E-Mail:              capt.watson@hotmail.com

Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Dublin.Ireland
Comments:     Hello to all... I would love to hear more...

Saturday 11/04/2006 1:26:47pm
Name:               John Fitzsimmons
E-Mail:              john.j.fitzsimmons@us.army.mil

Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Iowa, USA

Saturday 11/11/2006 10:33:07am
Name:               David Doyle
E-Mail:              david@erneside.com

Homepage Title:       Enniskillen Wiki
Homepage URL:        http://www.erneside.com

Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Enniskillen
Comments:     Came across your site while searching for information about Enniskillen. Congratulations on building a great website, it was a very interesting read, well done.

Monday 11/13/2006 2:01:59pm
Name:               Aidan Lam
E-Mail:              wolffy006@hotmail.co.uk

Homepage Title:       www.msn.co.uk
Homepage URL:        http://Hotmail.co.uk

Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Dublin, Ireland
Comments:     Will definitely be attending a future meeting.

Monday 11/13/2006 8:24:57pm
Name:               James Van Anda
Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Salem, OR USA
Comments:     Greetings from Rickreall #110, Rickreall, OR. Grand Lodge Of Oregon A.F.& A.M.

Tuesday 11/14/2006 6:29:25am
Name:               Roger Karstein Aase
Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         NORWAY
Comments:     Great site.

Tuesday 11/14/2006 3:00:24pm
Name:               Matthew Rainey
Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Tucson Airzona 

Thursday 11/16/2006 3:01:00pm
Name:               Douglas Cochrane
Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Comments:     Greeting from St. Andrew's Lodge in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
I just wanted to say to my brothers in my ancestral home of Ireland that I proudly took the obligation last Wednesday to become a Fellow Craft. I feel honoured to be a member of our fraternity and look forward to obtaining my 3rd degree and everything that comes after. I really enjoy visiting your web site; it is very well done.
Please visit my lodge online at:

Bro. Douglas Cochrane

Tuesday 11/21/2006 2:14:39am
Name:               DON HERISSON
E-Mail:              aokaytransport@msn.com    
Referred By:   Friend
Location:         PORT SHEPSTONE RSA

Tuesday 11/21/2006 7:28:49am
Name:               Kevin McCans
E-Mail:              cl2injector@excite.com

Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Henderson, NV USA
Comments:     Excellent site. I hope one day to visit Ireland and hold communication with my brethern. I would like to extend my thanks to R. W. Hugh Milne(N. Munster/Limerick) in recently assisting me with acquiring a replica of the Baal's Bridge Square.
Silver Cord Lodge #51

Tuesday 11/21/2006 1:28:33pm
Name:               Craig Badley
E-Mail:              craigandanji@tks-net.com

Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Germany
Comments:     Greetings from the Only military & travelling lodge in the World St Patricks 295 ic (1748). If you are ever passing please drop by. A very good site!
Craig Badley S.W.  St. Patricks

Friday 11/24/2006 2:12:00am
Name:               Geofrey
E-Mail:              go_nyasani@yahoo.com       
Referred By:   E-Mail
Location:         Kenya
Comments:     It is nice to be there. Am wishing to be one of you.

Saturday 11/25/2006 2:53:53am
Name:               Joshua Grant Carter
E-Mail:              joshua_carter@yahoo.com   
Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Russellville, Arkansas, United States
Comments:     Just wanted to say hello, I was once an Entered Apprentice memeber of a York Lodge, I lost a dear and close friend who was helping me with my Fellowcraft degree. Thank you for letting me sign your guestbook.

Sunday 11/26/2006 1:00:45am
Name:               Patrick Kilmartin
E-Mail:              kilmartin@telus.net

Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Surrey, British Columbia ,Canada
Comments:     Hello my Brothers just checking my favorite site.Like to wish everyone a marry christmas and a happy new year.

Sunday 11/26/2006 6:43:39am
Name:               tom mcmanus
E-Mail:              tam@mcmanus6054.fslife.co.uk    
Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Scotland
Comments:     love your site would love to hear from brethren from letterkenny as im over there every month

Thursday 11/30/2006 4:54:49pm
Name:               Thomas Arnott Henderson
E-Mail:              tam.henderson7@btinternet.com   
Referred By:   E-Mail
Location:         dumfries Scotland
Comments:     I would like to hear from St John's lodge Dublin, some reading material
Yours Aye

Saturday 12/02/2006 3:54:57pm
Name:               Richard E. Howell
E-Mail:              nightrider57@bellsouth.net

Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         USA Memphis TN.
Comments:     Summer ave lodge 729
Glad to see your page

Sunday 12/03/2006 11:58:48am
Name:               Paulo Roberto Dacoregio
E-Mail:              paulord@terra.com.br

Homepage Title:       Capítulo (Chapter) Luiz Zaguini #151
Homepage URL:        http://www.lzaguini.cjb.net

Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Balneário Camboriú - SC - Brazil
Comments:     Olá tios. Sou DeMolay e só estou passando aqui neste sítio para mandar um abraço a todos!

Tuesday 12/05/2006 6:44:27am
Name:               Arão Bibe
E-Mail:              araobibe@yahoo.com.br

Homepage Title:       http://www.compassosdeluz.org/
Homepage URL:        http://www.compassosdeluz.org/

Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Porto Alegre - Brasil
Comments:     Wanted Brothers; as it is good for seeing that the masonry is universal and it does not have borders between races, peoples and religions. Greetings for three times three. Health, force and union. Arão Bibe 

Wednesday 12/06/2006 2:02:20pm
Name:               HAMISH BALFOUR
E-Mail:              hamishbalfour@btinternet.com       
Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         FOCHABERS,SCOTLAND
Comments:     Fraternal Greetings,From Lodge St.John(operative)193,Rothes. Moray.Scotland.
My thanks to W.Bro.Morgan McCreadie.on my recent visit to Dublin...W.Bro.Morgan, afforded us the time to show my wife and myself through your magnificent rooms.
Wishing you all a Wonderful Festive period, and a Prosperous New Year.
Fraternally.. H Balfour.MM
ps.....On my next visit I will bring my Regalia!!

Thursday 12/07/2006 2:39:16pm
Name:               jason johnston
E-Mail:              jsn_johnston@yahoo.com

Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Oklahoma
Comments:     I am interested in joining.

Thursday 12/07/2006 3:38:30pm
Name:               Emilio Diamantis
E-Mail:              diamanti@bellsouth.net

Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Boynton Beach Lodge #236 Florida,USA
Comments:     Just visiting

Friday 12/08/2006 0:43:00am
Name:               Kenneth J Daggett
E-Mail:              daggettk001@hawaii.rr.com

Homepage Title:      
Homepage URL:       
Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Hawaii
Comments:     My Grandmother was from Ireland and I would like to be able to locate her records,but alas she is gone. I belong to Stelacom Lodge #2 in Washington State but live in Hawaii.Aloha and take care.

Friday 12/08/2006 1:25:28pm
Name:               Albert Edward Inskip
E-Mail:              albrtinskp@aol.co

Homepage Title:       P.M. P.Prov.A.G.D.C
Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Nottingham England
Comments:     I bring you hearty greetings from Dale Abbey Lodge 5603 in the provence of Derbyshire.
Enjoyed my visit, any brother landing at east midlands airport and has time we will welcome you to Dale Abbey Lodge.

Tuesday 12/12/2006 2:37:17am
Name:               Brother Auther Middaugh
E-Mail:              captbigdaddyart@aol.com

Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         covention lodge #188 COVENTION LA.U.S.A
Comments:     looking for Brothers from ireland with same last name , or any Brother who wants to comm.with me.
thank you
Brother Auther Middaugh

Thursday 12/14/2006 7:44:20am
Name:               Walter

E-Mail:              phreaker72@yahoo.com
Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Covington, kentucky
Comments:     Just traveling through.
Latonia lodge 746 Covington, ky

Friday 12/15/2006 9:48:07am
Name:               Ken Holdaway
E-Mail:              kenholdaway@gmail.com      
Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         London
Comments:     I am returning to Southern Africa and probably Zambia in the near future. I was accepted into the Lodge in Lusaka in 1996, however I had to leave Zambia before induction.
I would like to get in touch with the Lodge with a view of re-instating membership?
Many thanks and regards / Ken Holdaway.

Friday 12/15/2006 4:30:23pm
Name:               alan wright
E-Mail:              rangeral1277@hotmail.co.uk
Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         falkirk,scotland
Comments:     fraternal greetings from myself and brethern lodge callendar 588 in scotland

Wednesday 12/20/2006 3:08:14pm

Name:               Gordon Gannon
E-Mail:              gordongannon@gmail.com

Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Cork
Comments:     I began taking interest in Freemasonry after I saw the Masonic temple in Philadelphia in 1995.I have read a lot regarding freemasonry and would like to find out more on how to join.

Wednesday 12/20/2006 3:55:22pm
Name:               J. N. Millar PAGM (Antrim)
Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Ballymena Northern Ireland
Comments:     Dear Grand Master,
Hearty good wishes and congratulations on you recent appointment as G. M. May you have a happy & successful period in your high Office.
Sincerely & fraternally.

Sunday 12/24/2006 1:33:01am
Name:               Nosa
E-Mail:              jansclubng@yahoo.com        
Referred By:   Friend
Location:         Cork, Ireland
Comments:     I was just chating with an american woman who told me more about the lodge although i knew little about it in Nigeria. I want to be furnished with more information on how to be a member. Congratulation on your installation as Grand master.

Monday 12/25/2006 7:14:12pm
Name:               PERRY SCOTT
E-Mail:              pscotteire@aol.com

Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Marrowbone KY. USA
Comments:     Raised May 1975 Southport 170 IN.
now member cumberland 413 burkesville KY. 32 SR&YR

Wednesday 12/27/2006 3:24:22pm
Name:               Bro. Mazen T. Stefanou
E-Mail:              muzzum@gmail.com    
Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Grenada
Comments:     Well informative and neatly organized. Well done. With the all the best wishes for 2007.

Thursday 12/28/2006 11:38:46am
Name:               Pedro Rios
E-Mail:              www.pedrolrios@yahoo.com

Referred By:   Friend
Location:         USA
Comments:     Iam a Master Mason from Indian River Lodge# 90 in Florida USA.I want more info about free masons in ireland about history and traditions. My blessings to all of you at Pedro.

Saturday 12/30/2006 3:10:38pm
Name:               Antti Vilkki
E-Mail:              vilkki@msn.com  
Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Finland
Comments:     Finland's Grand Lodge of Cygnaeus no 145 in Jyvaskyla
I am visiting in Ireland in February but my timetable is very tight.
tuus R.W. Antti Vilkki

Tuesday 01/02/2007 10:52:35pm
Name:               Patrick Coughlan
E-Mail:              commisarpa@msn.com

Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Cork,Ireland
Comments:     Hello everybody.
I would like to complement you all on a very informative and well constructed site. I am interested in joining this historic lodge and would like to be contacted via my email.
My Thanks,

Wednesday 01/03/2007 8:47:45am
Name:               Bro. Dan Wenger
E-Mail:              facewdc@juno.com

Referred By:   Friend
Location:         New Jersey USA
Thursday 01/04/2007 7:02:05am
Name:               Tim Smith
E-Mail:              tangoe7@aol.com        
Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Beverly, Massachusetts USA
Comments:     Member of Liberty Lodge in Beverly, MA chartered in 1824.
Beverly was location of Washington's Navy Base during revolution in 1775.
I would like to hear from the lodges in Ireland.
My grandmother came from County Cork to the US in the early 1900's
Very interested in researching the early Lodges in Europe and the UK

Thursday 01/04/2007 3:13:21pm
Name:               Edward Michael Sinnott
E-Mail:              monchee40@aol.com
Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Saugerties, New York
Comments:     Hello and God Bless, this is very warm and inviting site,thank you.My family hales from Wexford and there abouts.I cannot weight to see the land of my forefathers. thank you, EMS

Saturday 01/06/2007 1:30:25am
Name:               Patrick I. Ryan
E-Mail:              shank7733@yahoo.com

Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Japan

Sunday 01/07/2007 10:44:24pm
Name:               PaulM Carroll
E-Mail:              paul.carrollsr@centralsignalcorp.com

Homepage Title:       Past Master
Homepage URL:        http://www.fidelitylodge.org

Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Melrose Massachusetts
Comments:     like to see what the outher brothers are posting and showing on their web site

Tuesday 01/09/2007 12:22:08am
Name:               Miguel CHAMPALANNE
E-Mail:              mjchmobil@gmail.com
Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Vero Beach, FL - USA
Comments:     God bless everybody who can see the kindness and goals of this site.

Wednesday 01/10/2007 11:19:07pm
Name:               C BRUCE JOHNSON
E-Mail:              CBJSG@MSN.COM

Referred By:   Search Engine
Comments:     Dear Sirs,I am a 50 year Mason & I would like to visit your Grand Lodge while in Dublin in June this year. Do I need to make and special plans? My home lodge is Flagstaff, Arizona Lodge #7, F & A M.

Wednesday 01/10/2007 11:19:24pm
Name:               C BRUCE JOHNSON
E-Mail:              CBJSG@MSN.COM

Referred By:   Search Engine    
Comments:     Dear Sirs,
I am a 50 year Mason & I would like to visit your Grand Lodge while in Dublin in June this year. Do I need to make and special plans? My home lodge is Flagstaff, Arizona Lodge #7, F & A M.

Thursday 01/11/2007 3:05:42pm
Name:               I O S I F __ P O U R S A N I D I S
E-Mail:              poursanidis@mail.gr    
Homepage URL:        http://www.poursanidis.tripod.com

Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         GREECE - HELLAS
Comments:     My best wishes for a happy 2007 to all brothers in Grand Lodge of Ireland. Also i would like to give attention on the global meaning of freemasonry.
Iosif Poursanidis
Member of National Grand Lodge of Greece

Saturday 01/13/2007 1:55:46am
Name:               Brian Buchanan
E-Mail:              briansbulldogs@charter.net
Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Klamath Falls Or
Comments:     I will in Ireland the month of March 2007 and would like to attend lodge while there. I'll be near Dublin the first and last week of the month.
Monday 01/15/2007 6:12:51am
Name:               James R. Stout
E-Mail:              irishstout@kc.rr.com    
Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Lee's Summit, Mo. USA
Comments:     Great site Gentlemen. Always a pleasure to visit Masonic Brothers inspite of Oceans of distance.

uesday 01/16/2007 12:51:46am
Name:               STEPHEN CROOKS
E-Mail:              stephencrooks@hotmail.co.uk
Referred By:   Friend
Location:         Cookstown
Comments:     funky web site, easy to follow

Tuesday 01/16/2007 7:50:04pm
Name:               Kenneth R. Osborn
E-Mail:              ddgm14@cdsinet.net  
Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Arrow Rock, MO, USA
Comments:     Hello to my fellow Brothers. Enjoyed your web site.

Wednesday 01/17/2007 11:42:24am
Name:               Br. K.S.Nordberg
Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Norway
Comments:     Happy new year to all my Brothers in Ireland.

Friday 01/19/2007 4:25:48pm
Name:               Alton B. Lanier
E-Mail:              altonl@mscaa.com

Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Arlington, Tennessee USA
Comments:     I am the immediate past master of Arlington Lodge No.641, F&AM in Arlington, Tennessee, a small city 25 miles northeast of Memphis. I visited the Grand Lodge in Dublin on October 3rd (2006) and enjoyed the hospitality of the Grand Lodge. It is a beautiful and inspiring building every Mason should see! I only wish you had not sold out your supply of blue neckties with the green shamrocks and the one square and compass; I would love to have one. The best to Ireland and Irish Masons in 2007! Your country is fantastically beautiful, wonderful, and friendly beyond expectations and one day I am coming back to visit again and buy another bottle of Patty.

Saturday 01/20/2007 3:50:24pm.
Name:               Daniel O Connell
E-Mail:              danny@perfal.com

Homepage Title:       Performance Audio & Light
Homepage URL:        http://www.perfal.com

Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Limerick
Comments:     Just Installed as W.M of Triune Lodge 333 Limerick. Im in the process of arranging a visit to grand lodge for lodge members in the province of north Munster. Hope to see you soon. Pay a visit to our website www.freemasonsnorthmunster.com

Tuesday 01/23/2007 7:53:05am
Name:               Brandt W. Becker
E-Mail:              bwbecker1965@hotmail.com         
Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Topeka, Kansas, USA
Comments:     Past Master, Seabrook Lodge #385 (Topeka, Kansas), presently member of Golden Rule Lodge #90 (Topeka, Kansas) upon demise of the former in 2002. Fraternal Greetings from mid-America.

Tuesday 01/23/2007 10:47:06pm
Name:               Sid Sicoff
E-Mail:              sidney4re@aol.com     
Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Calabasas CA USA
Comments:     Planning on a vacation to Ireland in May of 2007 would like to visit Grand Lodge while touring your beautiful country. Greetings to all my Brothers.

Tuesday 01/23/2007 10:59:39pm
Name:               Michael Johnston
E-Mail:              wmj2k1@yahoo.com

Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Columbia, SC 29223

Saturday 01/27/2007 6:21:49pm
Name:               Arthur Forbes
E-Mail:              arthurforbes1954@hotmail.co.uk

Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Glasgow, Scotland
Comments:     it would be beneficial if your site could supply more information on regailia, memorabilia and also if there is a yearbook available.

Sunday 01/28/2007 12:21:59am
Name:               IAN STUART PM 566 SC
E-Mail:              JOCKSTUART@HOTMAIL

Referred By:   Search Engine    

Sunday 01/28/2007 8:49:31pm
Name:               Bob Rawley
E-Mail:              brawley65@msn.com

Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Barnegat,NJ USA
Comments:     Greetings from Mariners Masonic Lodge #150 in Barnegat,NJ USA. Great site. I think the site is very complete. I will visit the site again. I hope to visit a Lodge in Ireland one day.

Monday 01/29/2007 8:04:02am
Name:               Ali C. Kanouni
E-Mail:              ali.kanouni@gmail.com

Homepage Title:       Grande Loge du Maroc
Homepage URL:        http://www.glm.ma

Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Morocco
Comments:     Dear Br:.
Rich and informative.
Clear and quick and easy to surf. Good job.
I will be in Dublin fro 12 to 23 FEb 2007, and would love visit a lodge.
Fraternal Greetings from Morocco.

Wednesday 01/31/2007 5:47:13pm
Name:               Bro:. Uzezi Dia
E-Mail:              u.dia@orange.nl

Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         The Netherlands
Comments:     Congratulations on this beautiful website... And my warm greetings to all the Brethren at large.

Thursday 02/01/2007 7:23:42am
Name:               claire courtney
E-Mail:              bewitched1974@hotmail.co.uk

Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         uk

Saturday 02/03/2007 1:21:08pm
Name:               Brian Thomas O'Neill M.A. PProv AGstb
E-Mail:              brian1812@blueyonder.co.uk        
Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Province of Northumberland UK
Comments:     Just a few lines to say a thankyou to W/Br Morgan who took a deal of his time to give my wife and I a splendid tour of your wonderful building Wed 31st Jan.Sincere and fraternal thanks.

Monday 02/05/2007 3:30:24am
Name:               Chris Marcucci
E-Mail:              ibez06@gmail.com      
Homepage URL:        http://www.grandlodge-italy.org/en/en_index.html

Referred By:   Friend
Location:         Bologna-Italy
Comments:     Hello, nice website good work
Fraternal Greetings from Italy

Tuesday 02/06/2007 2:34:32pm
Name:               Harold Engstrom
E-Mail:              gem4ny@aol.com

Homepage Title:      
Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         New York state USA
Comments:     Greetings and fellowship from Westerchester Lodge 702 of the second Westchester Putnam District of the Grand Lodge of the State of New York, USA.

Wednesday 02/07/2007 9:24:25pm
Name:               Todd Hainsworth
E-Mail:              insanefabworkz@yahoo.com

Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Mira Loma, CA USA
Comments:     Great site. I would love to visit the lodge when my wife and i make the venture out that way sometime around 3-17-08. I am becoming an entered apprentice on 2-16-07. Looking foward to becoming brothers.

Thursday 02/08/2007 1:44:27pm
Name:               WB JOHM GRAY         
Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         ENGLAND

Sunday 02/11/2007 10:49:29am
Name:               Them Larsen
E-Mail:              them@larsen.mail.dk    
Referred By:   Search Engine
Comments:     Very good and informative homepage ýou have here. I am going to Dublin tuesday feb. 13. Can you tell me when there is a lodgemeeting a week from that date. I am a knigths mason from Denmark

Sunday 02/11/2007 3:10:57pm
Name:               Jeremy Burgess
E-Mail:              spmtllc@earthlink.net   
Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         United States

Sunday 02/11/2007 3:44:55pm
Name:               Cory Bieber
E-Mail:              cbieber@kc.rr.com       
Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Kansas City, Missouri
Comments:     I wanted to see if any of my ancesters from limerick ireland were freemasons or not (john Raleigh)

Sunday 02/11/2007 9:01:44pm
Name:               Robert S. Nedimovich
E-Mail:              Cadabra@MyWay.com

Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Abbotsford, B.C. Canada
Comments:     Hello to all. It seems I was here before and lost this page, probably in a PC crash. I was searching my family name for fun and found myself here again. While I am here I thought I should at least say hello and update my email addy. It's a great site. Cheers and best wishes to all brethren on behalf of myself and the brethren of Abbotsford Lodge No. 70.

Monday 02/12/2007 8:01:48am
Name:               William Daniels P.M.
E-Mail:              billydaniels@tiscali.co.uk       
Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Glasgow Scotland
Comments:     I,am a Past Master of lodge Neptune Glasgow No419 this is a great web site you
have keep up the good work we need more web sites like this.

Wednesday 02/14/2007 10:26:52am
Name:               Brian D. Neal
E-Mail:              nealbd@oro.doe.gov

Homepage URL:        http://None
Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Oak Ridge, Tennessee
Comments:     I enjoyed your website and have a good day...

Wednesday 02/14/2007 10:30:27am
Name:               Brian D. Neal
E-Mail:              nealbd@oro.doe.gov

Homepage URL:        http://None
Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Oak Ridge, Tennessee
Comments:     I enjoyed your website and have a good day...

Thursday 02/15/2007 6:44:25am
Name:               Andrei SAVESCU
E-Mail:              andy_savescu@yahoo.com

Homepage URL:        http://under construction
Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Sibiu, ROMANIA
Comments:     Fraternal greetings from a Romanian brethren

Friday 02/16/2007 4:46:40pm
Name:               keith smith
E-Mail:              keith.smith80@tiscali.co.uk   
Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         liverpool england
Comments:     very good site.

Friday 02/16/2007 11:50:13pm
Name:               William Strawn
E-Mail:              wdstrawn@yahoo.com

Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Dixie Lodge #109 Blountstown, FL , USA
Tuesday 02/20/2007 1:12:18am
Name:               John Miller
E-Mail:              fiji@connect.com.fj       
Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Fiji islands
Comments:     came in lookin from the south pacific.
this a grand thing your doing.

Thursday 02/22/2007 1:38:37pm
Name:               Alexandre B...
E-Mail:              alexandre75@hotmail.fr

Homepage Title:       Grande Loge Unie de France
Homepage URL:        http://www.gluf.org

Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Paris -France
Comments:     A Excellent and informative website, my lodge is Union des Acacias N°5 of Grande Loge Unie de France.
Fraternal Greetings,
Alexandre B…

Sunday 02/25/2007 1:41:24pm
Name:               Pieter
E-Mail:              osiris@cscape.co.za    
Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Bloemfontein. South Africa
Comments:     Fraternal Greetings from lodge Thistle No.942 S.C.

Sunday 02/25/2007 3:02:08pm
Name:               Anthony Graves
E-Mail:              graves.mmch@ntlworld.com 
Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Macclesfield, Cheshire, England
Comments:     Interesting and informative website. As an English Mason who has never visited a Lodge in Ireland despite regular trips to both Dublin and Belfast l look forward to attending and even joining a Lodge.

Tuesday 02/27/2007 0:10:11am
Name:               Ronald D. Croy
E-Mail:              rcroys@consolidated.net      
Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Charleston, Illinois U.S.A.
Comments:     I have enjoyed your site this evening and will be returning. Searching for information before I make a planned trip to Ireland and hoping to meet some of the brethren there during our stay in March.

Thursday 03/01/2007 4:34:29pm
Name:               Larry Adams
E-Mail:              ladams11@comcast.net

Homepage Title:       Unity 146 Masonic Lodge
Homepage URL:        http://www.unity146.org

Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Front Royal, Virginia USA
Comments:     I am interest in visiting your country and your Grand Lodge. I am the Sr. Warden of Unity 146 and a member of the Grand Lodge of Virginia in the United States of America. I am also a Grand Lodge of Virginia Committee member.

Sunday 03/04/2007 1:18:32pm
Name:               Eugene A. Kelly
E-Mail:              eakbjk@bentcom.net

Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Washington Pa Sunset Lodge 623
Comments:     It was a great find ,for me at least ,to find this site. So many things I want to learn about Ireland and its people. One day sooner than later I hope to ship the Harley over and ride through County Mayo. Who knows maybe I can find a brother to help me along and take a ride with.

Sunday 03/04/2007 9:52:01pm
Name:               Joshua Williams
E-Mail:              Rebel0431@yahoo.comReferred By:    Search Engine
Location:         USA
Monday 03/05/2007 11:36:25am
Name:               R Russell
E-Mail:              rusty932@hotmail.com:
Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Clacton-on-Sea ESSEX
Comments:     I want to send fraternal greetings from the R.A.O.B. I am a R.O.H. Brother from the Coronation Lodge 8631 Grand Lodge of England.

Tuesday 03/06/2007 11:37:36am
Name:               Jim Davidson
E-Mail:              jimdavidson@eircom.net

Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Dalkey Lodge 261
Comments:     Very good site my best wishes to all our brothers.

Tuesday 03/06/2007 5:50:21pm
Name:               Mervyn Laing
E-Mail:              ethel@telusplanet.net

Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Calgary, alberta, canada
Comments:     very interesting havent had time to read much yet
internet lodge of research, calgary, ab
St. marks lodge, calgary ab.

Friday 03/09/2007 1:50:22pm
Name:               Paul M. Carney II
E-Mail:              pauliiz@yahoo.com

Referred By:   Friend
Location:         Colorado U.S.A.
Comments:     I was just browsing to find a lodge I might join & just felt the need to say hello to
the folks of my ancestors land-so, Hello! Hopefuly before I get much older I'll be able to visit the Emerald Isle of Eire as did my uncle Timothy Mulholland many years ago. Thank you. Sincerely, Paul "Paulie" Carney

Friday 03/09/2007 11:10:41pm
Name:               Bryan Caldwell
E-Mail:              hecatesown333@yahoo.com

Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Murfreesboro, TN. ,U.S.A.
Comments:     Faternal greetings from Sam Davis Lodge #661 F&AM in Smyrna, TN.

Saturday 03/10/2007 6:01:50pm
Name:               Hogan Courrier
E-Mail:              hogan@marmoramasons.com

Homepage Title:       Madoc / Marmora / Tweed
Homepage URL:        http://www.marmoramasons.com

Referred By:   Friend
Location:         Marmora, Ontario, Canada
Comments:     Fraternal greetings from Lodge #48 Madoc /Marmora / Tweed
You have a very nice site

Sunday 03/11/2007 11:13:00pm
Name:               Mark Moriarty
E-Mail:              leo187mmm@aol.com

Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Minneapolis, Minnesota U.S.A.
Comments:     I found your site interesting. I am trying to find out if any of my relatives were masons like me. I don't know if there is anybody there that I would be able to contact that would be able to help me with my search. My Family was from Co. Kerry. Thanks.

Saturday 03/17/2007 12:08:21am
Name:               Thomas E. Crawford, Sr.
E-Mail:              legaliis@optonline.net

Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Mineola, New York
Comments:     Excellent web site. Best Wishes to one and all!

Saturday 03/17/2007 12:58:03am
Name:               Walter Wasnieski
E-Mail:              locktight2125@aol.com         
Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Wantagh, New York
Comments:     Greeting Brothers, Saw your web site and wanted to say hello. Kepp searching for more light!

Wednesday 03/21/2007 9:52:13am
Name:               Antonio Ayong Nguema
E-Mail:              antonioayong@yahoo.es:     
Referred By:   E-Mail
Location:         Equatorial Guinea Bata Western Africa
Comments:     What should I do to become a francmason member.
I m sure that this it is the way to achieve my goal.
Thanks a lot
Antonio Ayong

Wednesday 03/21/2007 9:56:33am
Name:               Antonio Ayong Nguema
E-Mail:              antonioayong@yahoo.es

Referred By:   E-Mail
Location:         Equatorial Guinea Bata Western Africa
Comments:     What should I do to become a francmason member.
I m sure that this it is the way to achieve my goal.
Thanks a lot
Antonio Ayong 

Wednesday 03/21/2007 6:53:47pm
Name:               Michael Cassidy
E-Mail:              mike_45324@yahoo.com

Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Fairborn, Ohio, USA
Comments:     Happy Belated St Patricks Day from an Irish decendent. Great Web Page!
Michael Cassidy
WM, Fairborn Lodge
#764- Fairborn, Ohio

Thursday 03/22/2007 1:22:11pm
Name:               Alex Coleman
E-Mail:              acoleman58@charter.net

Referred By:   Web Ring
Location:         Accomack #243 Chincoteague Island, VA.
Comments:     Just want to say if I ever get to Ireland, I would like very much to attend Lodge and see about some of my long lost relatives. I can only go back 6 generations of Colemans whom all have been Masons in good standing.
Best of Luck and God Speed!

Thursday 03/22/2007 4:07:05pm
Name:               Lee S Cooke
E-Mail:              cooke_lee@hotmail.com      
Referred By:   Search Engine    
Comments:     Hello brethren, keep up the good work and please accept fraternal greetings from myself and my lodge Longscarr 6203 in Hartlepool

Sunday 03/25/2007 7:09:04pm
Name:               Martin Epeloa Indart
E-Mail:              martinepeloa@yahoo.com.ar

Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         La Plata, Argentina
Comments:     I just wanna say Hi!!! and send you my greetings and best auguries

Monday 03/26/2007 2:38:29pm
Name:               Burton E.Collins P.M.
E-Mail:              genec68@cox.net

Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         N..Las Vegas Nevada
Comments:     I will be visiting Dublin from June 29 to July 7.I will be in need of a hotel or other accomodations for June 29 and 30th. I will be meeting the rest of my party on July 1 I will have a letter of recommendation from the Grand Lodge of California.

Thursday 03/29/2007 1:32:56pm
Name:               Stacy Gordon Cameron
E-Mail:              stacygcameron@yahoo.com
Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         El Dorado Springs, Missouri USA
Comments:     My name is Stacy Cameron and I just went through my 3rd degree as a master mason. My lodge is the Clintonville Lodge #482 in El Dorado Springs, Missouri in the USA. My mothers maiden name is Fenimore. I saw a movie once where the scene was in Dublin and there was a street sign that read Fenimore. I hope one day to gat to visit Ireland and all Her beauty. My wifes maiden name is McNeece, but we are having trouble establishing whether they came from Ireland or Scotland.We had a son born Jan. 10, 2007 and named him William Fenimore Cameron.I hope to get to correspond with fellow brethren there in Ireland. I love being a Mason.

Friday 03/30/2007 6:49:43pm
Name:               normanjohnaustin
E-Mail:              normanjohnaustin@msn.com
Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         winchburgh scotland
Comments:     it is a excellant web site very informative in what is happening in irish freemasonry if possible can you send me any info on the almoners duties i am at present the pga of linlighgowshire

Sunday 04/01/2007 8:52:50am
Name:               RW Bro. John P Small
E-Mail:              josmall@tartannet.ns.ca

Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Nova Scotia, Canada
Comments:     I have been given a Travelling Warrant for Brother Samuel Cann of Lodge # 23, Newry, Co. Down. It is dated 17th day of February, 1853 and is signed by G. Sec. J. William ??? and D.G.Sec. Fowler. Any further info that might be available on this Brother would be appreciated. There were a few Irish arrived in this area around this date and my GG Grandfather, Patrick Delaney, was one of them. S&F, John Small

Sunday 04/01/2007 9:13:30am
Name:               John Pimm
E-Mail:              john.pimm@homecall.co.uk

Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Chelmsford, England
Comments:     Very interesting histories for some of your older lodges.
I am a memebr of Lodge Nyasa No 956 Scottish Constitution in Blantye, Malawi, Babergh Lodge No 8122, in Sudbury, Suffolk and East & Central Africa Lodge no 5466 in London.
Having visited losges in several countries, I hope to be able to visit one in Ireland one day.

Thursday 04/05/2007 11:26:15am
Name:               Bradley Capson
E-Mail:              paradigme2@cableone.net   
Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Blackfoot, Idaho, USA
Comments:     Hail brothers

Thursday 04/05/2007 3:59:20pm
Name:               Nuíquer Sousa Castro Filho
E-Mail:              sousacastro@gmail.com       
Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Comments:     I´m Master Mason in Grande Oriente do Brasil, and also celtic-portuguese, that’s why my interest in visiting the Irish Free-Masonry (GLI); my lodge is Aliança Fraternal #3779 (you should say Brotherhood Alliance); i´m secretary on my lodge; emulation rite of york; our adress is Ana Costa Ave #177 in Santos Brasil, where we expect your visitors.

Saturday 04/07/2007 1:14:09pm
Name:               Bro Farmer
E-Mail:              Ghostman@inbox.com

Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Mississippi, USA
Comments:     Hey brothers, I am planning a trip to Ireland this summer. I was looking at your sight to get some info on visiting a lodge while there. Your sight was very helpful, and the history is remarkable. I look forward to my visit and meeting on the level.

Wednesday 04/11/2007 7:39:32am
Name:               W.Bro.K.Reddiar
E-Mail:              ktemp.reddiar@gmail.com

Homepage Title:       Lodge of Unions 256
Homepage URL:        http://mastermason.com/lodge-of-unions/

Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         London, United Kingdom
Comments:     Very impressive. Fraternal Greetings from the Lodge of Unions 256. 

Friday 04/13/2007 1:44:01pm
Name:               Bro. Adrian Campodonico
E-Mail:              villacampi@optonline.net       
Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         New York, Unithed States of America
Comments:     I am a Brother in Spartan Lodge #956 in Baldwin, New York. Your site is wonderful, and informative of your history. I will be planning to visit it the future.

Saturday 04/14/2007 7:53:31am
Name:               PHIL ATKINSON
E-Mail:              philjen@philjen.demon.co.uk

Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         manchester
Comments:     Always interested in seeing masonry working around the world. It cheers me up when the news seems ridden with conflict and misery.
Phil Atkinson
Provincial Grand Lodge East Lancashire

Saturday 04/14/2007 6:09:27pm
Name:               Jamie Flynn
E-Mail:              shavebush@hotmail.com                
Referred By:   E-Mail
Location:         Waterford
Comments:     How Do I Join This Great Organisation?

Wednesday 04/18/2007 11:55:56am
Name:               Hannu A. Nummi
E-Mail:              hannu.nummi@gmail.com     
Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Finland
Comments:     Very nice sites You have. I'm just a newcomer in masonry (6th year) in Finland and now surfing around these sites. With best regards.

Thursday 04/19/2007 6:23:20pm
Name:               Brother Gerard F. Kiely
E-Mail:              kiely33@charter.net

Homepage Title:       Mount Holyoke Lodge
Homepage URL:        http://www.mountholyokelodge.org

Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         South Hadley, Massachusetts USA
Comments:     Great web site. Very informative. I am new to Masonry and found this site to be a real treat. Especially because of my Irish heritage

Sunday 04/22/2007 2:11:55am
Name:               Michael Hammell
E-Mail:              Hammell@island.net

Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Campbell River, British Columbia, Canada
Comments:     As a Canadian Freemason, with Irish roots,Past Master, Discovery Lodge #149 BC&Yukon, am researching ancient roots of Irish Freemasonry for a paper in Allied Masonic Degrees. I am impressed with your website.

Tuesday 04/24/2007 9:46:50am
Name:               Covaci Bogdan
E-Mail:              covaci.office@gmail.com

Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Braila, Romania
Comments:     Very interesting site.

Friday 04/27/2007 3:12:28am
Name:               Christopher Harvey
E-Mail:              christopher.harvey@gmx.de

Homepage Title:       www.myspace.com/christopherharvey69
Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         LSA Anaconda, Balad, Iraq
Comments:     Fraternal Greetings Brothers,
It is always good to see Masonry alive and strong around the world. You have a wonderful site here. There is a lot to your Masonic history to be proud of. Travel Light my Brothers! May the G.A.O.T.U. bless you and keep you safe.
Christopher Harvey
Sons of Light #197
LSA Anaconda, Balad, Iraq

Monday 04/30/2007 8:08:26pm
Name:               William G. Morrw
E-Mail:              morrowwg@cs.com

Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Nipomo Califomria
Comments:     I have been searching for information about my Great Grandfather. He was in the ballieborough and Oldcastle Lodges. Rebecca Hayes was very helpful in identifying his records at the Ballieborough Lodge. This site has been quite helpful.
Bill Morrow

Tuesday 05/01/2007 12:39:18am
Name:               Mark Crockford
E-Mail:              mark.crockford1@btinternet.com

Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Bray, County Wicklow, Ireland

Tuesday 05/01/2007 7:52:08pm
Name:               Per-Ola Larsson
E-Mail:              ulrikagatan@yahoo.se

Homepage URL:        http://www.frimurarorden.se
Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Stockholm Sweden
Comments:     Twenty years ago I visited Your wonderful house and a reception in the first degree in one of Your craft-lodges.
When I now found Your homepage and could see the different rooms I should like to come back.
By the way: A month ago I had the opportunity to visit a Royal Arch Chapter in Edinburgh, Scotland.
With fraternital regards
Per-Ola Larsson

Wenesday 05/02/2007 4:59:11am
E-Mail:              chrysodo@cytanet.com.cy

Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         cyprus
Comments:     Pathern
excellent work

Friday 05/11/2007 2:19:54pm
Name:               Paul A. Cataldo
E-Mail:              pac8412@aol.com

Homepage Title:       Mount Holyoke Lodge
Homepage URL:        http://www.mountholyokelodge.org/

Referred By:   E-Mail
Location:         South Hadley, Massachusetts,USA
Comments:     Your sight was truly informative.
Wor. Paul A. Cataldo
Mount Holyoke Lodge

Saturday 05/12/2007 8:42:26am
Name:               Samuel Kelly
E-Mail:              sammyk1@verizon.net 
Referred By:   E-Mail
Location:         Maine USA
Comments:     Wonderful Web Site
Samuel Kelly
Grand Chaplain
Grand Lodge Of Maine, USA

Saturday 05/12/2007 5:34:56pm
Name:               Donald A. King
E-Mail:              gtmodad@comcast.net
Referred By:   FriendLocation:         Macclenny, Florida, USA
Comments:     Raised at Caribbean Naval Lodge, U. S. Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
Fraternal greetings to all.

Sunday 05/13/2007 6:39:21am
Name:               Clive Herron
E-Mail:              freemasons@mweb.co.za

Homepage Title:       Provincial Grand Lodge of Natal - Irish
Homepage URL:        http://www.freemasons.co.za

Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Durban South Africa
Comments:     Fraternal Greetings - Once again I thoroughly enjoyed the visit to the site

Wednesday 05/16/2007 8:20:33am
Name:               DESMOND MCMULLAN

Homepage Title:       DOAGH UNION NO 317
Homepage URL:        http://SAME

Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         BELFAST

Wednesday 05/16/2007 2:41:14pm
Name:               W.Bro. Robert C.A. Murphy
E-Mail:              campbelllodge706@rogers.com

Homepage Title:       David T. Campbell No. 706, Whitby, ON
Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Canada
Comments:     Very nice site - Easy to move around in this site.

Wednesday 05/16/2007 2:42:37pm
Name:               EA Michael L. McGuire
E-Mail:              mlmcguire@earthlink.net

Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Charlottesville Virginia USA
Comments:     Greetings from a traveler and Brother Mason 

Thursday 05/17/2007 7:49:50am
Name:               Bro Jeff Royle
E-Mail:              j.royle1@btinternet.com        
Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Horsham West Sussex UK
Comments:     Aviation & Combined Services Lodge No' 8504. Excellent Site.

Friday 05/18/2007 1:03:55pm
Name:               Isaac Moore'Devine
E-Mail:              isaacmooredevine@gmail.com      
Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         New York New York
Comments:     Just stopping by to spread the love and brotherhood.
I will be visiting Dublin in the fall and I am very much looking forward to visiting your fine lodge.
Keep the shiny side up!
Bro. Isaac Moore'Devine
Franklin 447 F.& A.M.
New York City

Sunday 05/20/2007 1:11:19pm
Name:               Francis C. O. Davies
E-Mail:              fcodavies@yahoo.com
Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Freetown, Sierra Leone

Saturday 05/26/2007 12:16:48am
Name:               harold middleton
E-Mail:              hm001k2485@blueyonder.co.uk

Homepage Title:       home
Homepage URL:        http://mine

Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         at home
Comments:     it was nice to see your provincial grand master at blackpool

Sunday 05/27/2007 7:26:55pm
Name:               Steve Bray
E-Mail:              steve@brayfamily.co.uk        
Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Shropshire, UK
Comments:     Fraternal greetings from the UK. Looking to attend a Lodge in Cork, feel free to email me with some info.

Monday 05/28/2007 7:01:43am
Name:               ivan jennings
E-Mail:              ijennings@skillsoft.com

Referred By:   Friend
Location:         Dublin, Ireland

Monday 05/28/2007 9:18:46am
Name:               Marius Neculau
E-Mail:              mariusneculau@yahoo.com  
Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Galway 

Tuesday 05/29/2007 5:03:30pm
Name:               Benjamin Smith
E-Mail:              b.a.s._76@hotmail.com

Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Muncie Indiana USA
Comments:     Would love to visit and attend lodge

Thursday 05/31/2007 6:22:51am
Name:               pierluigi
E-Mail:              pierluigi166@libero.it   
Referred By:   Web Ring
Location:         cagliari
Comments:     A TFA

Saturday 06/02/2007 0:21:01am
Name:               Bro Tim Bertram, ProvGAlm, PGLNZ (GLI)
E-Mail:              bertram.tj@gmail.org

Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Auckland, New Zealand
Comments:     I often visit the GLI site - its great! But haven't signed in before.

Sunday 06/03/2007 8:38:01pm
Name:               Edward Tierney
E-Mail:              edtierney@gmail.com

Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Athboy
Comments:     Just having a look, take care. Ed

Monday 06/04/2007 5:21:27pm
Name:               Jeremy Dickison
E-Mail:              jeremydickison@yahoo.com

Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         P.R.,San Juan
Comments:     I have been in a family of Masons for over (6)generations.I am not a m.m. yet,but I am hoping to be soon.

Tuesday 06/05/2007 0:07:01am
Name:               Bro Carl Green
E-Mail:              carlshere69@yahoo.co.uk

Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Edinburgh
Comments:     Warm fraternal greetings from all at the Edinburgh Defensive Band Lodge No. 151

Monday 06/11/2007 12:20:08am
Name:               Anil M. Fernando
E-Mail:              anilmf@bellmail.lk

Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Sri Lanka
Comments:     I am the immediate Past Master of Sphinx Lodge No. 107 and the Sitting Master of Dimbulla Lodge No. 298. It is a priviledge to visit your very infomative web site.
Keep up the good work.
Please accept fraternal greetings and all good wishes from the Brethren of Dimbulla Lodge No. 298 and myself.
Wor. Bro. Anil M. Fernando
WM - Dimbulla Lodge No. 298

Sunday 06/17/2007 1:40:29pm
Name:               Brian Edward Whaley
E-Mail:              bryanwhaley@o2.ie

Referred By:   Friend
Location:         Mullingar
Sunday 06/17/2007 11:24:52pm
Name:               Dr. J.M.I. Sait
E-Mail:              drjmi.sait@gmail.com

Homepage Title:       Minchinites
Homepage URL:        http://dglmadras.org.in/minchin

Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Chennai (Madras), South India
Comments:     An excellently organized site. As a member of Irish Constitution (Lodge Harp or Erin, #567 IC) I would like to have on line access to the Book of Constitution and GL Rulings etc. Hope this could be provided.

Monday 06/18/2007 10:54:42am
Name:               russell
E-Mail:              russell8699@msn.com

Homepage Title:       talktalk
Homepage URL:        http://talktalk

Referred By:   Just Surfed In

Friday 06/22/2007 0:12:54am
Name:               james paul strachan
E-Mail:              jpstrachan@shaw.ca    
Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         langley B.C, Canada
Comments:     compelling

Sunday 06/24/2007 9:56:02pm
Name:               Lawrence a Oakland
E-Mail:              freemason2003@comcast.net

Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         westfield massachusetts united states
Comments:     Greetings Brethren, I am a pastmaster of Mount Moriah Lodge in Westfield Ma. About year ago today my daughter was finishing up seven week student internship in the Dublin area. she also worked and lived by where you are currently located. One day she notice your beautiful home of your grand lodge as she was walking from where she worked to where she was staying at the time. what caught her attention was the square and compass on the front doors not knowing at the time it was the grand lodge she just thought it was a regular masonic lodge because of the square and compass on the door that is why she knocked on the front door and a brother came to this door and my daughter inform this brother that her father was a past master of a lodge in United States and was wondering what this building was and to her surprise it was the Grand Lodge of Ireland According to my daughter, That when this Brother heard what she had to say at first he began to challenged her at that door by asking her questions because of the knowledge that she obtain by being involved in the masonic youth organization for young women(International order of Rainbow for girls)in the united states. my daughter was able to answer the questions that was put forth to her by this Brother. That this Brother felt that her answers where good enough that her welcomed her inside and made her feel welcome. I tell you Brethren that when she came home back to the United States told me what happen and what she experience was by being welcomed by her Father's Fraternity in a different country was heart warming to her as it is to me. thank-you for giving her such a wonderful experience.

Thursday 06/28/2007 2:31:02pm
Name:               Brad Ziegenbusch
E-Mail:              greycelt@gmail.com    
Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         San Bernardino, CA USA
Comments:     Very nice web-site. From the pictures, I can tell that you have a Grand Lodge to be proud of. I am being Passed to the Degree of Fellow Craft today in San Bernardino Lodge #178, F.&A.M. of California, USA. I hope to someday visit Ireland and would be honored to also visit your Grand Lodge. Do you accept visitors? Thank you for your time.
In Light,
Brad Ziegenbusch

Monday 07/02/2007 6:10:05pm
Name:               Dan Cromwell
E-Mail:              dancromwell@sbcglobal.net

Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Mustang Lodge #407, Mustang, OK, USA
Comments:     I found the site very user friendly and easy to use. My wife and I are planning a visit to Ireland next May and I hope to visit a lodge during our trip.
Sincerly Yours,
Dan Cromwell

Friday 07/06/2007 1:02:01pm
Name:               Patrick .A.T. Cole
E-Mail:              cole.p@sl.celtel.com

Referred By:   Web Ring
Location:         Donoughmore Lodge 920 IC
Comments:     I am a MM of Lodge Donoughmore numbred 920 IC Freetown Sierra Leone West Africa, I am love the Irish way of Freemasonery.

Friday 07/06/2007 7:38:43pm
Name:               Wbro. Merv Dyer PJGD Victoria Australia
E-Mail:              pickford@bigpond.net.au

Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         australia
Comments:     looking world wide forThe Victorian Lodge #403 Constitution unknown to return a Lodge commerative 80 year jewel.

Name:               Mark Benedict
E-Mail:              mcb2751@comcast.net        
Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Sewickley Pa. USA
Friday 07/06/2007 11:17:51pm
Comments:     Very nice Brothers!!

Friday 07/06/2007 11:44:42pm
Name:               Thomas Lindow
E-Mail:              Cabletow679@aol.com

Homepage Title:       Creasy Proctor Lodge #679 AF&AM
Homepage URL:        http://www.creasyproctor679.com

Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Fayetteville, North Carolina
Comments:     Fraternal Greetings Brethren. Just a note to say Hello and I enjoyed your web site. We have a link to your GL on our web site.

Saturday 07/07/2007 1:31:24pm
Name:               tc fletcher
E-Mail:              tc_fletcher@btinternet.com   
Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         wales                              
Comments:     very informative easy to use

Sunday 07/08/2007 3:47:36pm
Name:               Jason Burns
E-Mail:              jasonrburns@yahoo.com      
Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Ashburn Virginia U
Comments:     My name is Jason Burns. I am a MM from the United States. I belong to Ashburn / Sterling Lodge No 288 in Ashburn VA. My WM is Kevin Harp. I am writing today to see if any of the brothers would like to correspond with a brother from the states. I was raised to MM at the end of May. I would love to see if anyone would like to correspond. My email is jasonrburns@yahoo.com. Thank you for your time.

Monday 07/09/2007 11:20:10am
Name:               Brian W.Baldwin
E-Mail:              pn5139@tiscali.co.uk

Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Prestatyn . Clwyd, North Wales
Comments:     I enjoyed reading about a costitution about which I know very little. However from my own researches into the two Grand Lodges in England, I know that we owe a great deal to the original founders of the Antients Grand Lodge, who brought Irish ritual and ceremonial to England and that this formed the basis of the ritual we work today. Unfortunately there are those within the English constitution who wish to "modernise" and thus destroy tradition.

Tuesday 07/10/2007 5:09:06pm
Name:               nicholas videtich
E-Mail:              viday_24@hotmail.com
Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Corpus Christi, TX
Comments:     I truly enjoyed your informative and interesting website. i appreciate the opportunity to learn about your way of life.

Wednesday 07/11/2007 2:58:08pm
Name:               Proinnsias Mac Risteard
E-Mail:              paddy.richards@ashcoin.ie

Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Dublin
Comments:     Hello there. I am very interested in becoming a Freemason. Your website is very helpful and informative.
Kind Regards

Monday 07/16/2007 10:48:51am
Name:               Mike Agin
Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Circleville, Ohio (Pickaway County)
Comments:     Very nice website. I am a MM from Pickaway Lodge #23 in Pickaway County, OH. Nice to see brethren around the world spreading the good will of Freemasonry!

Monday 07/16/2007 1:42:08pm
Name:               Mark Abdon
E-Mail:              markabdon85@yahoo.com   
Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Kentucky
Comments:     My Grandfather was a mason in Ulster and then moved to Ky. Great Site

Tuesday 07/17/2007 8:57:38am
Name:               David Morty
E-Mail:              mortyd@iafrica.com     
Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Durban, South Africa
Comments:     I am a member of Lodge Blythswood No 731 SC in S Africa.I am trying to find info on my great grandfather Alexander Burns who farmed at Augmahoe? near Derriaghy in the 1870's and who I am told was a Mason. Any help would be appreciated. A very nice website.

Friday 07/20/2007 9:40:10am
Name:               Dirk Eberhard
E-Mail:              eberhard@lantic.net

Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Tzaneen, South Africa
Comments:     Fraternal greetings from Tzaneen Irish Lodge 773. I loved the insight into Free Masonry by our Grand Master. If everybody lived to his belief the world would indeed be a better place to be.
Loved the site. 

Monday 07/23/2007 3:12:05am
Name:               brian vaughan
E-Mail:              vaughanbrian@hotmail.com

Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         massachusetts
Comments:     expelliarmus

Thursday 07/26/2007 10:56:05am
Name:               Tim Boyle
E-Mail:              timboyle@embarqmail.com  
Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         South Hill # 297 Virginia USA
Comments:     Hope to sit in lodge with you someday.

Friday 08/03/2007 2:53:43am
Name:               Graham Boyce
E-Mail:              gboyce@bigpond.net.au

Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         New South Wales, Australia.
Comments:     Hope to get to Ireland to visit and enjoy your Freemasonry.

Friday 08/03/2007 5:45:54am
Name:               Peter
E-Mail:              ulsterman@mail2world.com

Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Australia
Comments:     One day I shall visit Donaghadee, To confirm that my GGGrandfather Greer was a member of the Donaghadee lodge.

Saturday 08/04/2007 6:08:28pm
Name:               Mr.C .bridgewater
E-Mail:              mahalalel1@yahoo.co.uk

Referred By:   Search Engine    
Comments:     always wanted to join --need guidance from above -etc-but need to know more

Saturday 08/04/2007 6:09:43pm
Name:               Mr.C .bridgewater
E-Mail:              mahalalel1@yahoo.co.uk

Referred By:   Search Engine    
Comments:     always wanted to join --need guidance from above -etc-but need to know more

Tuesday 08/07/2007 10:46:02am
Name:               Martin Jan Scarff
E-Mail:              jan.scarff@pearce.co.uk       
Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         England
Comments:     Dear Sirs, I am desperately trying to contact Lodge Erin No 463 in Hong Kong so as to inform them of the passing away of my father Worshipful Brother Noel Scarff, it was his parent lodge but all attempts so far have been in vain. Could someone help me to contact them or get them to contact me. Many Thanks

Tuesday 08/07/2007 8:54:57pm
Name:               kenneth uduehi
E-Mail:              kennethuduehi@msn.com

Referred By:   Friend
Location:         Dublin
Comments:     I would love to know more about the freemason and also like to be a member.

Tuesday 08/07/2007 10:11:25pm
Name:               Matthew Barrie Herbert Eastwood
E-Mail:              m3astwood@hotmail.com     
Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Blackpool, UK
Comments:     Am trying to research my grandfathers membership within the Grand Masonic Lodge of Ireland.. and would appreciate any info on this please.. my Grandfathers name was Herbert Eastwood he was a photographer for the daily mirror in N.I. around the 70's.
Thank you
Matthew Eastwood

Thursday 08/09/2007 5:48:29pm
Name:               Clarence Henry Hinnant IV
E-Mail:              chadhinnantvoa@yahoo.com

Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Virginia USA
Comments:     My family ancestry is Walsh on one side and Livingston on the other side. Both relating directly back to Scottland and Ireland. I am glad to find your website to learn more about the Irish History of Freemasons. I have been a Scottish Rite Mason since 1996 and a York Rite Shrinner since 2000. Keep up the good work you do and thanks! Chad.

Friday 08/10/2007 7:23:05am
Name:               Reza Macdougald
Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Naas Kildare
Comments:     Just droping in to find out when a meeting is held close to me,and say hello,also raised 800 for barretstowngang this year and I will Try to Keep doing it with my art every year,Regards Reza,No 14 St Johns Grove ,Johnstown.

Friday 08/10/2007 5:18:18pm
Name:               LeRoy Korinek
E-Mail:              leroykorinek@wah.midco.net
Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         312 7th st. s. Breckenridge MN, 56520
Comments:     I am interested in joining please send some info.

Saturday 08/11/2007 10:00:58am
Name:               Joshua Braunstien
E-Mail:              jtsky112601@aol.com 
Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         memphis tn
Comments:     the freemason have been the back bone to this country for the longest time and i would do any thing to join i dont know were there is one around here and dont know anyone in it as well.. I wouldnt be just a game for me it would be an honor to be one please contact me at your earlyest thank you

Monday 08/13/2007 7:07:30am
Name:               Ross Williams
E-Mail:              rosslucan@hotmail.com

Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Dublin
Comments:     As both my father and grandfather were masons,And went to the Royal Masonic School in Bushey, Herts, in England, I just checking out the site.However, I an not a mason myself, as yet.
I moved from North Wales in 2000, and I am based in Dublin now.
Great site, really informative.
Ross Williams

Thursday 08/16/2007 11:13:03am
Name:               Tony DeWesee Jr

E-Mail:              william.dewesee@weatherford.com        
Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Wyoming U.S.A.
Comments:     I found your site to be very helpful. It answered most of the questions I had. I have been reading about the Masons for a little over a year and did not know where to begin when considering joining. I work with a couple of men who are Masons and feel much more comfortable asking them questions now. Thank you

Thursday 08/16/2007 8:01:51pm
Name:               Michael Douglas Zanardi
E-Mail:              mike.zanardi@gmail.com

Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Manhattan, Kansas
Comments:     I am very impressed with your site, my grandfather was a mason in Girard, Kansas and because he past away before I was born I never had the opportunity to discuss my interest in becoming a freemason with him.
Mike Z

Friday 08/17/2007 8:09:54am
Name:               Bro Thomas Murray .I.P.M.
E-Mail:              castlekeyper@hotmail.co.uk

Homepage Title:       Lodge St Peter No 331        
Referred By:   Friend
Location:         Barr Castle, Galston, Ayrshire, Scotland
Comments:     Not been yet but would like to visit Grand Lodge Of Ireland. Lodge St Peter is an old castle dating back to the 11th and 12th Century. If you wish a visit to the castle please have no hesitation in e-mailing me.

Friday 08/17/2007 10:54:31am
Name:               Jakub Bebelski
E-Mail:              jakub.be@gmail.com

Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Dublin
Comments:     It is very well presented website. Easy to navigate and full of helpful information. I will defiantly back again.

Sunday 08/19/2007 3:15:56pm
Name:               Edgar S. Linganay
E-Mail:              vertuldos@yahoo.com

Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Comments:     To all Most Worshipful Sirs, Right Worshipful Sirs, Very Worship Sirs Worshipful Sirs and Brethren, I am an asian national and a member of the craft since 1998. I am very happy knowing that freemasonry exists in Ireland. I wish to meet you one of this days at your most convenient time. I am presently staying in Swords, Co. Dublin.

Monday 08/20/2007 11:28:03am
Name:               M. Edward McClenny
E-Mail:              tedmc29@yahoo.ca     
Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Ontario, Canada
Comments:     As a Past Master and 50 year member of The Rising Sun Lodge #129 GRC in the Province of Ontario, I bring you greetings from all the Brerthren. While I visited Northern Ireland in 1996 I did not have the pleasure of attending your Lodge or meeting with any of your Brethren. I would hope that one day in the not too distant future I would have the pleasure of visiting again.

Thursday 08/23/2007 1:46:14am
Name:               Salim
E-Mail:              salim_an78
Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Tanzania
Comments:     please accept

Thursday 08/23/2007 7:47:24pm
Name:               James Anthony Kelly
E-Mail:              kellyanthonyjames@yahoo.ie
Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Waterford
Comments:     It would be nice to join, but I am not sure if I would possess the qualities required. Being involved in something where a person could help others in need, quitely and discreetly would be rewarding.

Saturday 08/25/2007 3:58:31am
Name:               Justin Donaghho
E-Mail:              justin.donaghho@gmail.com

Homepage URL:        http://none
Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Colorado springs
Comments:     I am interested to know about freemasonry.

Sunday 08/26/2007 9:49:08am
Name:               W. Scott Graf
E-Mail:              wilsgraf@yahoo.com    
Referred By:   Friend
Location:         Ann Arbor Michigan USA
Comments:     In the next few years i am going to be coming to Ireland with my family. We still have some family in Ireland but know very little about them. I am a MM from the Ann Arbor - Fraternity Lodge 262 and when I am there would like to meet some of my fellow brothers. I would also like to take this time to let you know that your web sit is wonderful and very easy to use. I look forward to talking with you.

Tuesday 08/28/2007 11:49:51am
Name:               Warren F. Hunter PM
E-Mail:              mac.hunter@stratixcorp.com
Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Porterdale, Ga USA Lodge 558

Saturday 09/01/2007 8:54:15am
Name:               Jose V. Valenzuela
E-Mail:              valejov1219@yahoo.com      
Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         San Rafael, Bulacan, Philippines
Comments:     This is a very informative website about freemasonry. I have been looking for reading materials about freemasonry for almost 3 years since I knew about this brotherhood. Thank you so much for this website.

Sunday 09/02/2007 8:24:09pm
Name:               Thomas L. Hewitt Past Master 28 years
E-Mail:              bostonflag@yahoo.com

Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Franklin, Massachusetts USA
Comments:     Jr. Warden West Roxbury / Dorchester Lodge Westwood, MA
Fraternal greetings from the USA great website good luck with membership in the worlds greatest fraternity.

Sunday 09/02/2007 8:24:46pm
Name:               Thomas L. Hewitt Past Master 28 years
E-Mail:              bostonflag@yahoo.com

Location:         Franklin, Massachusetts USA
Comments:     Jr. Warden West Roxbury / Dorchester Lodge Westwood, MA
Fraternal greetings from the USA great website good luck with membership in the worlds greatest fraternity.

Monday 09/03/2007 3:23:19am
Name:               Janet Nettleton Bacon
E-Mail:              janknit_us@yahoo.com
Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         USA
Comments:     This is a very nice site, I am looking for a ggg grand father (Benjamin Nettleton born 1801)he was born in Antrim Ireland, all of the men in the family were masons. Who do I contact to find this information? Sincerely, Janet Nettleton Bacon.

Tuesday 09/04/2007 3:31:59pm
Name:               william rhinehart
E-Mail:              billrhinehart082067@hotmail.com

Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Comments:     I have been interested in the Freemasons four many year just never knew who to talk to or to ask about them.

Friday 09/07/2007 6:45:10am
Name:               Alex Chinwuba Asigbo
E-Mail:              alexasigbo@yahoo.com

Homepage Title:       Irish Masons
Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Nigeria
Comments:     I think Freemasonry is a noble and intriguig Brotherhood. It certainly deserves further exploration.

Monday 09/10/2007 5:08:42am
Name:               DON E. RILEY
E-Mail:              DRILEY002@hawaii.rr.com

Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         HONOLULU,HAWAII

Wednesday 09/12/2007 3:29:11pm
Name:               Łukasz
E-Mail:              Tomeeek1@interia.pl

Homepage Title:       Śmieszne filmy
Homepage URL:        http://www.niach.plReferred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Poland
Comments:     Fajnie tu , Serdecznie Pozdrawiam

Wednesday 09/12/2007 5:25:57pm
Name:               nick bagley
E-Mail:              nib6773@blueyonder.co.uk

Referred By:   Web Ring
Location:         livingston, scotland
Comments:     good site, very informative, am thinking of trying to become a freemason, the site helped me a lot.

Saturday 09/15/2007 7:33:08pm
Name:               Declan Sexton
E-Mail:              sionnach_007@yahoo.com

Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Walkerton,Ontario, Canada
Comments:     Fraternal greetings from Saugeen Lodge #197 in Walkerton Ontario.
Gentlemen, I am a native of Ennis Co.Clare and I now reside in Canada.
I have just been raised to the 3rd and as I am now free to visit other lodges I would like to visit the nearest lodge to Ennis. I assume Limerick might be the place.
I would like to know what you would require from my lodge or I before I visit.I would expect to go home to Ireland in 2008.
Thank you.
Bro. Declan Sexton MM

Thursday 09/20/2007 5:39:20am
Name:               MichaelManaloLazo
E-Mail:              MichaelMLazo@Torontonian.co

Homepage Title:       MichaelManaloLazo
Homepage URL:        http://www.michaelmanalolazo.go.cc

Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Philippines & Canada.
Comments:     MichaelManaloLazo
It's 17:43 on Thur Sep 20, 2007 in Santiago(City approx 10 minutes drive NE of Cordon). Isabela (Province approx 8 hrs drive NE of Manila, Metro Manila),Philippines.
My site is at http://www.michaelmanalolazo.go.cc

Thursday 09/20/2007 8:31:28am
Name:               edward patrick waugh
E-Mail:              patrickwaugh2001@yahoo.com

Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         bamberg, germany
Comments:     i was wondering what i have too do to join your brotherhood, my grandfather was a native Irishman I am looking to kinder my roots my getting to know my people.

Thursday 09/20/2007 8:45:26am
Name:               THOMAS KYALO STEPHEN
E-Mail:              tomchalo@yahoo.com 
Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         nairobi- kenya
Comments:     wonderful work.i am a business man in nairobi and i have been looking for ways
on how to join but i really do not have any contacts.please help me.

Tuesday 09/25/2007 8:39:46pm
Name:               Lawrence W. Dunn
E-Mail:              lwd4mayz@rochester.rr.com
Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Rochester, NY USA
Comments:     Ancestors came from Ireland

Tuesday 09/25/2007 8:41:02pm
Name:               Lawrence W. Dunn
E-Mail:              lwd4mayz@rochester.rr.com

Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Rochester, NY USA
Comments:     Ancestors came from Ireland
Right Worshipful Brother, Grand Lodge of New York.

Saturday 09/29/2007 1:11:34am
Name:               Paul Trusten
E-Mail:              trusten@grandecom.net        
Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Midland, Texas, United States
Comments:     Dear Irish Brethren,
In June 2008, I plan to visit Ireland for the first time. I have no Irish ancestry, just interest. It is a journey I have wanted to make since childhood and youth. I have especially wanted to make this visit since I first discovered the works of James Joyce many years ago. I look forward to retracing Joyce's steps in Dublin during "Bloomsday" week (week including 16 June), and to visit Kilmainham Jail, Clontarf, and Vinegar Hill. But, certainly, I hope to enjoy meeting brother Masons. I am a pharmacist (chemist) at a hospital in Midland, Texas, USA (www.midland-memorial.com). I know that making a post like this is a shot in the dark, but one Mason knows another in the dark as well as in the light, and I hope that this will be a starting point for new friendships across the pond.
Paul Trusten
member (since 1980), Monument Lodge No. 96 AF&AM Houlton Maine USA
member, Midland Centennial Lodge No. 1448 AF&AM Midland Texas USA
Past Master (1990), St. Andrew's Lodge No. 56 F&AM Portsmouth, New Hampshire USA

Saturday 09/29/2007 3:45:18pm
Name:               Bob Gordon
E-Mail:              bob.gordon2@sympatico.ca

Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Alexandria Ontario Canada Lodge 439
Comments:     Greetings from the Alexandria Ontario Canada Lodge 439. Grand Lodge of Ontario.

Monday 10/01/2007 12:29:21am
Name:               Angus Cook
E-Mail:              aberdeen851@hotmail.com 
Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Daventry England
Comments:     My Grandfather was a mason, sadly he passed away before I was born.I would like to know more about the Mason's. I have watched the program on the mason's on TV and found it very intresting. Please could somebody contact me,in refrence to joining the mason's. I know I have to be invited into the mason's. With Thanks.

Thursday 10/04/2007 7:34:58am
Name:               Alex Cummings
E-Mail:              hantsghs@hotmail.com

Referred By:   Web Ring
Location:         Portsmouth
Comments:     Grand site

Thursday 10/04/2007 5:31:25pm
Name:               V . W. Bro. C. Forbes Neale
E-Mail:              cneale1636@rogers.com     
Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Barrie Ontario, Canada
Comments:     Hello. Very interesting site. I am at present a Grand Steward in the Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario. WM of Kerr Lodge #230 in Barrie 2002-2003. Great Granparents on father's side immigrated from County Claire in 1845.

Saturday 10/06/2007 4:44:18am
Name:               Gordon W T Hynd
E-Mail:              gordon.hynd@btinternet.com

Homepage Title:       PGRACFAK
Homepage URL:        http://pgracfak.org.uk

Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Fife Scotland
Comments:     Great informative site , well presented. Great credit to your webmaster

Saturday 10/06/2007 11:24:51am
Name:               MANTE
E-Mail:              jamante@wanadoo.fr

Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         VALENCE france
Comments:     Greetings from the Grande loge nationale française .
aymard le Dauphin n 914 à l'orient de CREST

Tuesday 10/09/2007 12:39:19am
Name:               Bro. D. Casey O'Donovan
E-Mail:              caseyodonovan@yahoo.com
Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA
Comments:     Warm wishes from across the sea.

Wednesday 10/10/2007 2:04:21am
Name:               Niall Delaney
E-Mail:              niall.delaney@topmail.ie

Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Dublin
Comments:     Very interesting and informative site. Would love to join, but am afraid to ask! Take care.

Saturday 10/13/2007 11:46:55am
Name:               Martin J. Grossman
E-Mail:              marty@grossmangraphics.com

Homepage Title:       Solomon's Lodge No. 3, F. & A.M.
Homepage URL:        http://www.solomons3.org

Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Melbourne, FL
Comments:     Fantastic website. Visited Lodges in Dublin and also Galway. It is really a good feeling to know that Masonry is alive and well in Ireland. Everyone was extremely hospitable. Try visiting my Lodge's Website at www.solomons3.org.

Thursday 10/18/2007 11:36:33am
Name:               Jon Linville
E-Mail:              jplinville@hotmail.com

Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Ohio, USA
Comments:     My wife and I are planning a trip to Ireland in the next year to look up our heritage and visit origins of Ireland which our ancestors came. As a fellow Mason, I am interested and excited about visiting some Lodges in the area. I will be contacting someone in the future as the dates for my visit become more concrete.

Thursday 10/25/2007 4:47:29pm
Name:               Yannick SEGARD
E-Mail:              ysegard@cegetel.net

Referred By:   Web Ring
Location:         Arras, France
Comments:     I will visit you hopefully in the future

Thursday 10/25/2007 8:10:57pm
Name:               Jason Baker
E-Mail:              jasonbb@fuse.net

Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Kentucky, USA
Comments:     Greeting from the great commonwealth of Kentucky!

Friday 10/26/2007 10:47:02am
Name:               Sandra Martin
E-Mail:              santony@nex.net.au

Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Australia
Comments:     I was surfing the web to find if Lodge 529 still existed. My Father - Samuel Murdock belonged to 529 back in the early 50's .He came to Australia in 1972 and passed away in April 2004. I am trying to trace a relation who my Dad proposed in Dec. 1959 - Bro. Patrick Alan Smiley. If anyone can help - please write to the above email address. Thank you!

Saturday 10/27/2007 4:18:56pm
Name:               Geoff Williams

E-Mail:              gwizwilly@telkomsa.net
Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Durban South Africa
Comments:     A fantastic and informative website. CongratulationsYours fraternally
Bro Geoff Williams

Saturday 10/27/2007 5:15:52pm
Name:               Alfredo Sanchez V. (Past Master)
E-Mail:              victorialuz81@gmail.com

Homepage Title:       Gran Logia de Tamaulipas
Homepage URL:        http://granlogiatamaulipas.com.mx/

Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Cd. Victoria, Tamaulipas. Mexico
Comments:     Espero que el idioma no sea una limitante para poder expresarles el saludo y la felicitación por el mantenimiento de esta página. En el mes de septiembre los mexicanos celebramos el aniversario de nuestra independencia nacional, y cada año recordamos al siempre heroico y valiente Batallon de San Patricio conformado por soldados Irlandeses que pelearon cuerpo a cuerpo por la soberania de nuestro país.
Reciban el saludo y el abrazo de nuestra R:.L:.S:. "Victoria Luz" No. 81

Saturday 10/27/2007 5:28:52pm
Name:               Rick H. Reyburn
E-Mail:              rhreyburn@aol.com      
Referred By:   Friend
Location:         Las Vegas, NV, USA
Comments:     I found the freemasons symbol on my relatives gravestones. They came from IRE and were born in the 1830's somewhere around Monaghan. I never knew what the symbol meant until today. It makes me happy to know they were members of such a good society.
In addition I wanted to see if the lodge kept historical records which could lead me to my ancestorial connections in IRE.

Monday 10/29/2007 2:19:20pm
Name:               Mr Obiesie Chidiebere
E-Mail:              obisgeorge@yahoo.co.uk

Homepage Title:       How to join
Homepage URL:        http://Yes

Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         South Eastern Nigeria
Comments:     How do i join the Freemason in South Eastern Nigeria.

Tuesday 10/30/2007 6:59:46am
Name:               Grzegorz Karol Hreniak
E-Mail:              greg@dublin.ie

Referred By:   Friend
Location:         dublin
Comments:     in what month is start new group.

Tuesday 10/30/2007 2:40:19pm
Name:               Bro Darrell K.T. English
E-Mail:              Squarecompass.al6006@yahoo.com

Referred By:   Web Ring
Location:         North Adams,Massachusetts USA
Comments:     Hell My Brothers:From the 30th District

Tuesday 10/30/2007 2:43:10pm
Name:               Bro Darrell K.T. English
E-Mail:              Squarecompass.al6006@yahoo.com     
Referred By:   Web Ring
Location:         North Adams,Massachusetts USA
Comments:     Sorry My Brothers it was to read Hello

Tuesday 10/30/2007 4:56:52pm
Name:               ovdiem
E-Mail:              parseghian@hotmail.com      
Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         stirling
Comments:     nice website brothers

Monday 11/05/2007 10:43:32pm
Name:               JEREMY FRUEH
E-Mail:              CRAZY_J_21@YAHOO.COM

Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         MICH.

Wednesday 11/07/2007 9:13:34am
Name:               W.M.Hanibal Ayoub
E-Mail:              hanibal_ayoub@hotmail.com
Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Lebanon
Comments:     I am writing to express an interest in joining the G.L.IRELAND with my brothers I feel I may have some thing to contribute. I would appreciate the opportunity to have mutual relations.

Wednesday 11/07/2007 6:56:15pm
Name:               Bro.imoh clement uquang
E-Mail:              uquang2001@yahoo.com

Referred By:   Friend
Location:         port-harcourt,nigeria,west africa
Comments:     brethren,thanks for providing the opportunity to communicate with you guys.i wish u well.

Saturday 11/10/2007 11:56:49pm
Name:               Bro Jeff Bankes
E-Mail:              berger67@hotmail.com         
Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         London Ontario Canada
Comments:     Greetings from across the big water

Thursday 11/15/2007 11:12:58am
Name:               Eric Jarrell
E-Mail:              ebjarrell@gmail.com    
Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Crumlin
Comments:     I like the site overall but didn't find a link to email the grandmaster as instructed for membership consideration.

Thursday 11/15/2007 7:29:05pm
Name:               Brian Nestor
E-Mail:              cabbell.807@ntlworld.com    
Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         Norwich , Norfolk , UK
Comments:     Thank you, one of our members is from Kinsale and wanted to know more

Monday 11/19/2007 12:29:47am
Name:               Abdo
E-Mail:              a.ibrahim338@gmail.com

Referred By:   Just Surfed In
Location:         Dublin - Ireland
Comments:     I would like to know alot about freemasonary.

Wednesday 11/21/2007 10:32:12am
Name:               Thomas Barne
E-Mail:              twrbarnes@gmail.com

Referred By:   Search Engine
Location:         America - State of Tennessee
Comments:     I was recently told my great-grandfather who was from Ireland was a freemason there. Both my mothers parents migrated here as children in the early 1900's. My mother; a lover of family history had just revealed this particular piece of info to me as I annouced my plans to join the freemasons here. Great site, and may you be blessed in all your endeavors there. P.S. I am planning upon retirement to make my home there (If not sooner) and would love to continue in the freemason work. I had the pleasure of visiting your beautiful country during my military & college careers and fell in love with the land & people.