Volume 13

January 22nd 2011 02:04:56 AM
What is your name? Bob O'Neill
What is the title of your website: N/A
How did you find this website? Web Search
Where are you from? Ragley, Louisiana , USA
Please enter your comments?
Brothers good day,
I am a member of Moss Bluff Ldge #432 in Moss Bluff Louisiana , USA. I am also of Irish descent. I am very interested in the histroy of masonary especially when it is tied into my families heritage.I am a York Rite, Scottish Rite, Shriner and OES member.
Any information would be helpful. I am also a collector and preservationist for masonic regalia and historical items.
Thank you in advance for your time and may you continue on your journey for more light safely.

January 22nd 2011 12:48:31 AM
What is your name? Dennis Hughes
What is the title of your website: Memorial Lodge 1298
How did you find this website? link from Memorial Lodge of The Grand Lodge of Texas
Where are you from? Houston Texas
Please enter your comments?
I have visited your site many times. I hope to visit Ireland some day.

January 19th 2011 08:26:39 PM
What is your name? Kevin Merrick
What is the title of your website: ****
How did you find this website?
Looking for information on Freemasons as my great-grandfather was a member, although I am not sure where or what level
Where are you from?
Cork, Ireland
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The website is very interesting

January 12th 2011  03:30:55 PM
What is your name? Ronan John Phelan
What is the title of your website: i do not have a website
How did you find this website? i am past master of this constitution
Where are you from? Dublin
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Please tell me how you charge a brother of unmasonic conduct when he is no longer a member and is a member of a non masonic Rosicrucian order?. Please make sense not nonsense as you are doing right now.

January 10th 2011  11:27:00 PM
What is your name? Edward Potter
What is the title of your website: Naylor Wines
How did you find this website? Google
Where are you from?
Red Lion Lodge #649, Red Lion, Pennsylvania, USA
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Thank you for taking part in the Worldwide Exemplification 2011 Lecture Series. As a newly raised brother, I am enjoying the historic view of the faternity around the globe. I hope to visit someday

January 10th 2011  06:55:50 PM
What is your name? Edgar Veloz
What is the title of your website: no tengo web
How did you find this website? Buscando en google
Where are you from? Coahuila, México
Please enter your comments?
Buen día.
Estoy estudiando la posibilidad de ir a estudiar y trabajar a Dublin por un año, por lo que me gustaría estar trabajando en alguna logia de alla, soy del Or.'. de Saltillo, Coahuila, México.
Espero contar con alguna respuesta de su parte.

January 10th 2011 03:14:18 AM
What is your name? Borther Barron
What is the title of your website: No Website
How did you find this website? internet search
Where are you from? South Carolina USA
Please enter your comments?
A wonderful Masonic website. Thank you for including the photographic tour as I researching Masonic furnishings to repair and upgrade our current lodge furnishings these websites are most helpful.
God bless!

January 7th 2011  04:31:40 PM
What is your name? David Allen
What is the title of your website: Stanfield Masonic Lodge #217
How did you find this website? Searching Masonic lodges in Ireland.
Where are you from? Denton, Texas
Please enter your comments?
Very nice and informative. I wished I had found this site before visiting Ireland a couple of years ago. When I visit again, I will stop in and visit. As always, if you have the opportunity to be in Denton, TX, please stop by and visit with us at Stanfield Masonic Lodge #217.

December 30th 2010  10:20:44 PM
What is your name? J.M. Kelley
What is the title of your website: I do not have a website
How did you find this website? Internet
Where are you from? Ft.Worth Texas USA
Please enter your comments?
Do we have Masonic Relations with the Grand Lodge of Ireland. If I am visiting can I attend Lodge. I am of Irish Heritage but we Americans are not well educated on foreign lodges. I am a Master Mason in the Blue Lodge and a member of the Scottish Rite and Shrine. I am a member of a four letter lodge. AF&AM.

December  17th 2010  01:57:21 PM
What is your name?  Lee Willdridge
What is the title of your website: www.richviewmasonicschool.com
How did you find this website? searching for the telephone number to Molesworth Street
Where are you from? 2, Bridgeways,Banbridge, Co. Down. Northern Ireland
Please enter your comments?
As a past pupil of The Masonic Boys School, Dublin and President of the Old Boys' Association, I would like to take this opportunity to direct any old boy to register on the new school website www.richviewmasonicschool.com. We have several hundred past pupils registered and despite the school closing in 1980, the list and website continues to grow. I would also welcome any memorabilia (pictures/ editorial) for the site and would encourage past pupils and their friends to relive those bygone days of yesteryear with the pictures taking you back to the early 1900's. We have boys (and girls from MGS,Ballsbridge) registetred ,who live in all parts of the world - Australia, USA, Canada, UK, Middle East and we can help you trace former colleagues and lost friends from Richview and Ballsbridge.. Meanwhile as I write this email (Dec'10), I am delighted to confirm that Gerald Hill (pp 1961-67) with the support from Alan Martin & myself has just conpleted a sequel to Shop Window To The World" This will be entitled "Farewell To Richview" and covers the last 13 years of Richview from 1967 - 1980. The Book will be launched at our 2011 annual dinner which will be held in Molesworth Street, Dublin on either 28th March or Friday 1st April'11. date TBC All past pupils and their guests are very welcome to attend the dinner when Alastair White will be "Chained" as the new President of the Old Boys' Assocaition. My 3 years as President was a wonderful experience while representing the Assocaition at many functions ,but the highlight of the term was a renuion dinner for past pupils from both the boys and girls school (and their partners) held in the Thomas Prior Room, Bewleys Hotel, Ballsbridge, Dublin on Friday 28th August 2009. An nostalgic evening for all, if only for the location which was formerly the Masonic Girls' School, remembered with fondness by both girls and boys. Seasons Greetings and I look forward to hearing from you. Lee Willdridge.

December 16th 2010 03:58:01 AM
What is your name? James Alfred Miller Jr.
What is the title of your website: Have No Website
How did you find this website? Websearch
Where are you from? Southport, North Carolina, USA
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My great, great grandmother was Mrs. Jane Ann Nixon James, born New Orleans 1820, died Biloxi 1898, married N.O. 1847, the second wife of LtCol Robert Wm. James, 1811-1882, and mother of Capt. Harry Copp James, 1848-1923, Biloxi harbormaster. Capt & LtCol James both Freemasons. Jane's father was 1815 Battle of New Orleans, Adj. Lt. John Nixon (DeJean's 1st Louisiana Militia), born Macguiresbridge (some say Enniskillian), Co. Fermanagh, N. Ireland, April 22, 1787, arrived New Orleans circa 1806, attorney for the city with son-in-law, Peregrine

December 13th 2010  08:36:14 PM
What is your name? Matthew McKelvey
What is the title of your website: n/a
How did you find this website? as below comments
Where are you from? Pietermaritzburg South Africa
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Faternal greetings,I am a fellow craft in the Grand Lodge of South Africa and was searching the web for other Mckelvey,s in Ireland,and was pleased to find William Mckelvey under the Royal Arch in Dublin,and would love to find out more .Kind reards Matthew Mckelvey GLSA Dromaderis 77.

December 8th 2010  10:52:29 PM
What is your name? Shaun Monahan
What is the title of your website: n/a
How did you find this website? Websearch
Where are you from? Castlebar, Co.Mayo, Ireland.
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Im only 17 years old but I have been hearing about Freemasons for many years, I was just wondering what age one has to be to join the masons, how do you go about doing it and where is my closest lodge?
If you could help me out it would be great,

December 5th 2010  10:36:53 PM
What is your name? Bro. Jonathan Graham
What is the title of your website: n/a
How did you find this website? Online search
Where are you from? Dublin, Ireland, Currently in Toronto, Canada
Please enter your comments? I am Irish born and bred and now a Canadian Mason. I look forward to visiting the Grand Lodge in Dublin on my next visit home.
J Graham

December 5th 2010  03:25:14 PM
What is your name? MOSES ADELEKE
What is the title of your website: nil
How did you find this website? freemasons web site
Where are you from? Nigeria but Iam Irish citizen
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I agree with the objective of the Freemasons, so-much-so I would like to join. Could anyone offer me advice or help? It would be greatly appreciated. Many Thanks. Moses

December 1st 2010  01:29:56 PM
What is your name? John Gillan
What is the title of your website: www.johnagillan.com
How did you find this website? Internet serch
Where are you from? Coleraine
Please enter your comments?
very interested to find out more!

November 29th 2010  12:52:53 PM
What is your name? omer tarzi
What is the title of your website: www.mtcf.net ; www.mahmudtarzi.com
How did you find this website? secreteriat of grand lodge of free masonary of Turkiye
Where are you from? Turkiye
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I am very excited and liked the site. I wonder if you can find me information about DOST MUHAMMAD KHAN who was a amir/sultan in Afghanistan during 1826-1863, suppossed to be a mason during one of his trip to India.
my personal regards,
omer tarzi, istanbul, turkiye

November 23rd 2010  12:28:36 AM
What is your name? Tj Brewer
What is the title of your website: Diamond Standard Weddings
How did you find this website? Internet search
Where are you from? Birr Co Offaly Ireland
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This is a great and informative website

November 15th 2010  07:02:45 PM
What is your name? lauchlan munn
What is the title of your website: do not have a web site
How did you find this website? web search
Where are you from? uitenhage south africa
Please enter your comments?
nice website

November 1st 2010  06:53:11 PM
What is your name? Thelma Dolores Mobley Grand Lodge...# 339 Columbus, Indiana Eastern Star...Deceased Husband Russell Mobley 32 degree Mason of same chapter...
What is the title of your website: Confessions of an RX Drug Pusher Author Gwen Olsen /Intnl... Speaker/ Gwen Olsen
How did you find this website? Reading the article of the Well Being foundation founder and the conference...and too the wonderful finding of the
Where are you from? Nineveh, Indiana 46164 1-317-933-9444
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I am of Irish descent via geneology and knowledge from Charles Osborne Great Grandfather ... I wish to have any contact knowledge that would help us to travel to Ireland ...a life's dream for me ...My daughter's ( A Job's daughter ) ! Her website would qualify her with a desire to be a useful part of your now or future conference Keynote Conference speaker or for us to learn the procedures for Me to get the knowledge to couple with our very own mission per the website you may see www.gwenolsen.com So I could Fashion a knowledgeable proposal like the same wonderful and generous (Free Masons .of Ireland ) for OUR FREE MASON BROTHERS AND SISTERS HERE IN THE US...THE SAME ...support of the causes here in the US for the distressed and homeless youth , elderly and children needing care and support here who are currently without homes for care or shelter outside the jails , under bridges and very few unstaffed and proper shelters in time of crisis... I HAVE WISHED AND SET A GOAL BEFORE I DIE TO FORM A FOUNDATION AND REQUEST HELP ...FOR SUCH A PLACE IN THE MEMORY OF MY ???

October  31st 2010  05:36:51 PM
What is your name? Gary T. Mullen
What is the title of your website: st johns lodge 435 F&AM.org
How did you find this website? Internet
Where are you from? Reading, Pennsylvania
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Fraternal Greetings from St. John's Lodge 435 F&AM; W. Reading, PA where I am presently an officer in the line. I am enjoying your website. As a sub-note my family name is Mullin and for an unknown reason my Grand-Father started writing it as Mullen...one of those ?'s in life.

October 29th 2010  09:38:44 PM
What is your name? Nietzsch, Werner
What is the title of your website: gll-bibliothek@freimaurerorden.org
How did you find this website? Internet
Where are you from? I am the Großbibliothekar of the GLL d. FM.v.Deutschland
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Please send me details of German Books, perhaps you have some in
your Library.
Thank you. and Greetings from Berlin GLL FvD
Brr.Werner Nietzsch

October 27th 2010 04:31:59 PM
What is your name? Mario Sergio Bieda de Freitas
What is the title of your website: -
How did you find this website? Localizando Grande Loja na Irlanda
Where are you from? Umuarama-Parana- Brazil
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Pertenço a Loja Estrela de Umuarama nº 27 jurisdicionada a Grande Loja do Parana-Brazil, sou Past Master Grau 30.
Meu filho esta indo estudar em Dublin, gostei muito de saber que posso contar com irmãos neste lindo pais. Vi as fotos da Grande Loja em Dublim é simplesmente maravilhosa, gostei também do trabalho de caridade e apoio a irmãos e seus familiares.
É através de ações como essas que praticamos a verdadeira maçonaria.
Mario Sergio Bieda de Freitas

October 27th 2010 04:18:18 PM
What is your name? John
What is the title of your website: I do not have one
How did you find this website? irish-freemasons.org
Where are you from? Belfast
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I agree with the ethos of the Freemasons, so-much-so I would find it rewarding to join. Could anyone offer me advice or help? It would be greatly appreciated. Many Thanks.

October 23rd 2010 03:41:20 AM
What is your name? David McCarroll
What is the title of your website: I have no website
How did you find this website? internet search
Where are you from? Puyallup, Washington, USA
Please enter your comments?
I am interested in visiting the land of my ancestors soon. I would like to visit with brother Masons when I come over. I will be sure to seek out a lodge or two.

October 19th 2010  04:51:20 PM
What is your name? kpet
What is the title of your website: http://www.irish-reemasons.org/overseas.htm#Nigeria
How did you find this website? online
Where are you from? lagos nigeria
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how can I become a member?

October 14th 2010 07:39:42 PM
What is your name? hritrcan
What is the title of your website: noutati
How did you find this website? google
Where are you from? romania
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how can i become a member

October 14th 2010 06:49:32 AM
What is your name? Clive Herron
What is the title of your website: Provincial Grand Lodge of Natal I.C.
How did you find this website? Logged on
Where are you from? Durban, South Africa
Please enter your comments?
Always a pleasure to visit your websote - fraternal good wishes to ALL from the brethren of Natal

October 7th 2010 07:16:35 PM
What is your name? Bruce O'Neal
What is the title of your website: i dont have one
How did you find this website? google
Where are you from? alabama, usa
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im attempting to learn more of my O'Neal name. can anyone help? curious about the stone of destiny and hill of tara.

October 1st 2010 04:44:50 PM
What is your name? John Coyle
What is the title of your website: i feel old now,everybody with websites,lol.I have not got one.so i entered this one.hope that is okay.
How did you find this website? I find masonry very interesting and wanted to study so i could talk to mason friends on line ,whats aloud of course.
Where are you from? Im from Kill o the grange in co.dublin
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I find the masonic teachings fascinating and i found that when i study on line i always find the masons that will help me out.They are always very nice people and the teachings they have provided have help me get by hard times in life to come out stronger than ever on the other side.
I just wanted to say thank you and keep up the good work guys.

September 29th 2010 03:59:26 PM
What is your name? danny Fernandez
What is the title of your website: facebook, Pangasinan lodge no. 56
How did you find this website? google
Where are you from? philippines, lives in dublin
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fraternal greetings to all dad masons.. i just want to visit masonic lodges in ireland and meet dad masons.

September 20th 2010 08:53:08 PM
What is your name? Phil Powell
What is the title of your website: n/a
How did you find this website? google
Where are you from? UK
Please enter your comments?
I was trying to find some info on Lodge Harp of Erin NO 567 IC which appears to have been opened in Calcutta in 1924 and transferred to Chennai and whilst looking through the guest book came across a brother who is a member of that Lodge!!
Hopefully I will get a response to my e mail to him

September 19th 2010  01:26:15 AM
What is your name? John S
What is the title of your website: www.google.com
How did you find this website? google
Where are you from? Ireland
Please enter your comments?
This website could do with an overhaul in terms of its aesthetics. It doesn't look modern at all. Nevertheless, I found it informative.

September 13th 2010 02:47:53 AM
What is your name? Frederick L. Palmer Sr. - Past Master
What is the title of your website: boylstonlodge.com
How did you find this website? Google
Where are you from? West Boylston Ma. U.S.A.
Please enter your comments?
I will be traveling to Doublin Ireland May of 2011.

August 31st 2010  09:10:48 PM
What is your name? Bro. Mark T. "Bull" Jones
What is the title of your website: The Bull Speaks!
How did you find this website? Google
Where are you from? Mobile, AL U.S.A.
Please enter your comments?
Fraternal greetings from the sunny & hot coastline of the Gulf of Mexico! Wishing you all the Best,
M.T. Bull Jones
Historian of George U. Potter Lodge, #912, F. & A.M. of Alabama

August 29th 2010 04:38:53 AM
What is your name? Richard Cane
What is the title of your website: NO WEBSITE
How did you find this website? Yahoo
Where are you from? Puerto Princesa City, Philippines
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Fraternal Greetings,
A good wedsite, straight forward and easy to navigate. Hope to visit Ireland next year and will visit Freemasons Hall and attend a lodge if possible.

August 26th 2010 02:56:59 PM
What is your name? Cathy Whelan
What is the title of your website: facebook
How did you find this website? google
Where are you from? Dublin
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I wish it were possible for women to get involved...I have read a number of books on the Mason's and admire the overall philosophy..

August 24th 2010 09:49:17 PM
What is your name? Derek Marks
What is the title of your website: do not have web site
How did you find this website? google
Where are you from? Tilbury Ontario
Please enter your comments?
Interesting web site. I know some of the distinguished brother Masons on the site.

August 21st 2010 03:46:08 PM
What is your name? Ciaran Leonard
What is the title of your website: facebook page
How did you find this website? google
Where are you from? Ireland, Dublin - living in Westmeath
Please enter your comments?
Am interested - on that long search in life. Looking for answers to many issues.

August 20th 2010 03:45:46 AM
What is your name? William Micheal Ferguson Past Master
What is the title of your website: www.facebook.com/micha.ferguson
How did you find this website? google
Where are you from? Indiana USA
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greetings from New Haven Masonic lodge #740 F&AM

August 12th 2010 11:15:37 PM
What is your name? Steve Shipe
What is the title of your website: www.arlingtonlodge.org
How did you find this website? google search
Where are you from? Arlington, Texas USA
Please enter your comments?
nice website - keep up the good work.

August 11th 2010 05:32:56 AM
What is your name? Elliot Rovinsky
What is the title of your website: no website
How did you find this website? internet
Where are you from? Paradise Valley, Arizona
Please enter your comments?
I am a master mason of the blue lodge no. 43 in Scottsdale Arizona. I will be visiting your area in the near future and would be honored to be accepted as a brother when visiting.

August 8th 2010 07:18:44 PM
What is your name? Dr Jaime Cervantes Perez
What is the title of your website: www.jaimecervantes.netfirms.com
How did you find this website? internet
Where are you from? Puebla, Mexico
Please enter your comments?
Please I have been graduate in 1960 as mason I try make relation with this place I am USA cityzen but I live in Puebla, Mexico. I am Medical doctor, I was working in Holyoke Hospital in Holyoke Mass a that time. Thank you so much, my e-mail is jaimecervantes99@yahoo.com

August 2nd 2010 02:05:43 PM
What is your name? jonathan gethings ktj
What is the title of your website: admarcg@yahoo.co.uk
How did you find this website? net
Where are you from? wexford
Please enter your comments?
my wife and i are both knights templar of england and wales and osmth,living
in wexford, hope to get an order up and running in the new year


July 30th 2010 02:14:19 AM
What is your name? Tom Stirling
What is the title of your website: don't have one
How did you find this website? google
Where are you from? Melbourne, Australia
Please enter your comments?
Talking to an Irish friend at our 30th Deg. last night, on finding that we were coming to Dublin on holiday suggested that I make every effort to visit Freemasons Hall. I therefore did some googling this morning & it must be some sort of Masonic secret as the site said yhere was no such place, but gave the address lower down. Great site & I hope to visit in early October.

July 24th 2010 01:02:19 AM
What is your name? Elton Wiseman, PP John B. Garrett #711
What is the title of your website: DO NOT HAVE ONE!
How did you find this website? INTERNET SEARCH
Where are you from? Nashville, TN
Please enter your comments?
I will be visiting in the spring and would like to visit a lodge while there. Would like information.

July 23rd 2010 03:12:18 PM
What is your name? Steve Jenkins
What is the title of your website: Ann Is Awesomw
How did you find this website? God told me
Where are you from? Dublin, Ireland
Please enter your comments?
Im a young exciting business executive researching before joining, iv been considering joining for a while now and this website has increased my interest.

July 23rd 2010 04:22:12 AM
What is your name? Michael D. Gillard, PM:.OPC:.KYCH:.
What is the title of your website: facebook profile page
How did you find this website? Grand Encampment Knights Templar USA link
Where are you from? Noblesville, Indiana - USA
Please enter your comments?
Very impressive introduction to Irish Freemasonry. Commendations to your web master. Good work ~ True work ~ such work as would be approved by the Master Craftsman.

July 18th 2010 03:01:42 PM
What is your name? Wor. Albert J. St.Peter
What is the title of your website: N/A
How did you find this website? Searching for Masonic Sites - linked from PGL of Meath
Where are you from? Agawam, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
Please enter your comments?
Very Nice Site, Informative, I like the design and the links.
I am currently the Presiding Master of Indian Orchard Masonic Lodge A.F.&A.M. located in Ludlow, Massachusetts, USA until 10/23/2010.

July 18th 2010 02:31:47 PM
What is your name? Thom Seymour Past Master Atlanta Lodge 516
What is the title of your website: don't have one
How did you find this website? looking for information concerning Grand Lodge of Ireland
Where are you from? Atlanta, Michigan USA
Please enter your comments?
I will be coming to visit Ireland in September and looking forward to visiting a Lodge in Strabane. My mother's family comes from the and I am looking forward to seeing some of my heritage as well as meeting a few of the brothers from the area.

July 9th 2010 07:13:05 PM
What is your name? Robert Murphy, Past Master 1994 and current Secretary
What is the title of your website: David T. Campbell Lodge
How did you find this website? Searching through the Grand Lodge of Canada Website
Where are you from? The David T. Campbell Lodge No. 706, Whitby, Ontario, Canada
Please enter your comments?
A very informative Website. I enjoyed moving through your different sites.
Thank you and keep up the good work

June 14th 2010 12:03:01 AM
What is your name? John Michael Curry Past Master 2006
What is the title of your website: Anchor Lodge 182
How did you find this website? Billy Thompson
Where are you from? Key West, Florida USA
Please enter your comments?
I am still looking around it is a wonderful web site
I hope you enjoy mine
Anchor Lodge182
and my Widow's Sons Web Site

June 10th 2010 02:26:28 PM
What is your name? maame ama duffie
What is the title of your website: yahoo.com
How did you find this website? my brother is a freemasons i also wt want join the woman freemason in london
Where are you from? ghana
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i luv it b'cos it makes lives better for everyboby is a good place for everyboby to be u wont get lost is a wonderful place

June 10th 2010 05:18:38 AM
What is the title of your website: N/A
How did you find this website? ON GOOGLE
Where are you from? AUSTRALIA
Please enter your comments?

June 8th 2010 07:55:34 PM
What is your name? WM Christopher J O'Brien Imperial Lodge 1694 London
What is the title of your website: The O'Brienclan uk chapter
How did you find this website? Link
Where are you from? London UK
Please enter your comments?
Great web-site very informative
Really enjoyed browsing through. congratulations to you all.

May 28th 2010 12:31:48 PM
What is your name? RAYMOND UZOMA
What is the title of your website: ?
How did you find this website? Searched
Where are you from? Nigeria, Residing in Ireland
Please enter your comments?
Greetings to all!
I'm always interested in the activities of the Freemasons, your supports to Charity organizations and Local Communities are highly commendable. Keep the good work I am PROUD of Freemasons!

May 26th 2010 03:24:53 PM
What is your name? harris
What is the title of your website: saxena lodge 815
How did you find this website? searched
Where are you from? Calicut, Kerala, India
Please enter your comments?
I am a mason from Saxena Lodge 815 IC, Calicut, Kerala, India. Just visiting

May 18th 2010 05:06:30 PM
What is your name? ROBIN
What is the title of your website: www.closeprotionworld.co.uk
How did you find this website? GOOGLE
Where are you from? 917 CATHEDRAL VEIW CO.DOWN
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Fraternal greetings to all from Iraq.

May 17th 2010 04:20:56 PM
What is your name? Kathleen Gregory
What is the title of your website: N/A
How did you find this website? OnLine
Where are you from? Calgary, Canada
Please enter your comments?
Looking for info on my Grandfather and family, Walter James Gregory of 15 Coulson Ave. Dublin 6. Born approx. 1874. I believe he was a Freemason

May 13th 2010 05:32:11 AM
What is your name? Ogden Aranha
What is the title of your website: bing.com
How did you find this website? Bing search
Where are you from? Providence lodge #928; Nassau, Bahamas.
Please enter your comments?
Visited in search of lectures/information to share and/or present at meetings. Looking to expand the knowledge of brethren on Irish Freemasonry.

May 7th 2010 10:26:07 PM
What is your name? RICHARD
What is the title of your website: www.google.com
How did you find this website? online search
Where are you from? NIGERIA
Please enter your comments?
please,i want find out the outline becomming member into freemasonry.

May 6th 2010 06:51:10 PM
What is your name? Tim Harland
What is the title of your website: www.empirelodge63.com
How did you find this website? online search
Where are you from? Canada
Please enter your comments?
Greetings from Empire 63 Edmonton Alberta Canada!
Bro. Tim Harland
Senior Warden / Canadian Rite

May 2nd 2010 04:18:15 PM
What is your name? Ciaran
What is the title of your website: linedin
How did you find this website? I was browsing to see if ther was a lodge in Poland, in Krakow to be exact and sadly there isn't. I'm interested in the activities and the good work that is done by the Freemasons.
Where are you from? I am originally from Dublin, however, I have relocated to Krakow in 2009.
Please enter your comments?
I'm interested in the events and appreciate the activities of the Freemasons, i.e. the support that the Freemasons provide each other with as well the charitable acts the provide to local community is a prime example of generous human nature. I do plan on going back to Ireland, once I've completed my current business, and would be delight to visit the grand lodge.

April 30th 2010 06:53:18 PM
What is your name? Kenneth D. Smith
What is the title of your website: cindyspawn.com
How did you find this website? Facebook
Where are you from? Redland Lodge 300 Redlands CA, York Rite SB CA, Scottish Rite, Valley SB CA, Shriner LA CA
Please enter your comments?
Would love two join your website

April 29th 2010 12:02:18 AM
What is your name? Lauren Bianchi
What is the title of your website: Job's Daughters International
How did you find this website? Google
Where are you from? Chicago, IL
Please enter your comments? Hello!
My name is Lauren and I am a member of Job's Daughters- which is a Masonic Youth Organization for the Daughters of Masons!
Have you ever thought of starting a masonic youth organization in Ireland?
To be a Job's Daughter you have to be related to a Master Mason- so many daughters, granddaughters, neices etc. of Masons join!
We also get a lot of men that join Lodge just so their daughters can join jobies!
I liked your website- take care!
Let me know if Job's Daughters can ever do anything for you!

April 28th 2010 09:24:49 PM
What is your name? James Ayers
What is the title of your website: I have none
How did you find this website? Google
Where are you from? Houston, Missouri, USA
Please enter your comments?
I wanted to say hello. I belong to Texas Lodge #177, Located in Houston, Missouri, Texas County USA.
Wishing all well. You have a great website.

April 28th 2010 09:15:31 PM
What is your name? Erwin C. Arellano
What is the title of your website: I'v none website
How did you find this website? through google
Where are you from? Philippines
Please enter your comments?
My Father is a member of Free Mason in our country (Philippines), i'd like to ask if he comes here for a tourist visit in Ireland, will he be recognized as part of your international brotherhood or anywhere else in the world?

April 27th 2010 07:45:06 PM
What is your name? cynthia miskell
What is the title of your website: I have none
How did you find this website? googleSCAM
Where are you from? St. Louis, Mo..
Please enter your comments?
Is this for real, or a scam?

Grand Secretary, Grand Lodge of Ireland,
Freemasons' Hall, 17 Molesworth Street, Dublin 2,

Distinguished One,

St. Alban's Lodge of the Freemason society of Thomas's Tavern, Dover Street, Piccadilly Has selected you as one of the beneficiaries of our 2010 foundation laying grants and also an optional opening at the round table of the Freemason society.
These grants are issued yearly around the world in accordance with the objective of the Freemasons as stated by Thomas Paine in 1808 which is to ensure the continuous freedom of man and to enhance mans living conditions.

ST.Alban's lodge was founded by brothers who were involved in the London Cleaning Industry in the seventies; The Lodge now has members from many walks of life. They all share the Masonic bonds of friendship and honor and we are dedicated to raising money for charity and having a good time doing it.

The Lodge meets in The Bakers Livery Hall in the City of London. This is a truly wonderful setting, steeped in history and atmosphere and is one of the famous City of London livery halls, many of which date back centuries.

Freemasons are the largest charitable organization in the U.K after the National Lottery

The Lodge draws out yearly grants to individuals/ organizations who we feel in one way or the other are capable of utilizing the grants issued in their names to better the living standards of the common man.This grant which amounts to £950,000.00 will be used to better the lot of man through your own initiative.
The procedures/steps for your grant claim are:

1. Confirmation of your information
2. Issuing of grant certificate
3. Authorization to the bank to release grant to you.
4. Release of grant.

Please furnish us with the following information:

a. Full Names and Address (POSTAL)
b. Photo identification with information)
c. Occupation.
d. Phone Numbers.

Please note that the Purpose of the grant is not to enrich you but for the purpose of helping humanity which you will find great satisfaction in.

R.W. Brother Owen W. David,
Grand Secretary, Grand Lodge of Ireland,
Freemasons' Hall, 17 Molesworth Street, Dublin 2, Ireland.

April 27th 2010 05:10:36 AM
What is your name? Patrick Kilmartin
What is the title of your website: facebook
How did you find this website? search engine
Where are you from? Canada
Please enter your comments?
Greetings from Britsh Columbia Canada,Brothers.

April 26th 2010 06:33:12 PM
What is your name? Terry Beagan
What is the title of your website: Loop studios
How did you find this website? Website
Where are you from? Dublin
Please enter your comments?
Im am also intrested in your views of goodwill and integrity, tolerant of the beliefs of others, charitable in disposition and striving to achieve high moral standards in every aspect of ones daily life.
If at all possible could I arange a tour off your Lodge.
Kindest Regards,
April 20th 2010 12:48:56 PM
What is your name? Conor
What is the title of your website: Facebook
How did you find this website? Internet search
Where are you from? Co. Mayo, Ireland
Please enter your comments?
I am very interested in the organisation's foundations and rituals/ activities that have stemmed from it's predecessors. I would love to visit the Grand Lodge or any other Lodges located around the country. Are the more in Ireland?

April 19th 2010 10:52:00 PM
What is your name? Odhran Gorman
What is the title of your website: ??
How did you find this website? looking for how to join
Where are you from? Co.Offaly
Please enter your comments?
Very interested in Freemasonry

April 18th 2010 11:22:38 PM
What is your name? joe wilson
What is the title of your website: no web site
How did you find this website? internet
Where are you from? calgary ab
Please enter your comments?
i am going to be travelling in ireland 4-15 june 2010. i might wish to visit a masonic hall during my stay. i am going to be in nenagh from 8-11 june.i am a member of calgary lodge #23 on the register of the grand lodge of alberta. any help would be greatly accepted

April 14th 2010 06:16:41 AM
What is your name? denise mcclure-latimer
What is the title of your website: no website
How did you find this website? i have a strong intrest in ireland since i am irish
Where are you from? california
Please enter your comments?
this site is very informative, quite interesting and makes become even more eager to visit. thank you so much for giving me the opportunity of getting to become more familiar with such a beautiful place!

April 7th 2010 02:18:43 AM
What is your name? david cregan
What is the title of your website: no site
How did you find this website? web search for information
Where are you from? cork city
Please enter your comments?
an excellent site and most informative

March 24th 2010 12:56:40 AM
What is your name? Linda Lamson
What is the title of your website: The Ohio Eastern Star Home
How did you find this website? Bing
Where are you from? Mansfield, Ohio USA
Please enter your comments?
I have family relationships to Ireland and to the Masons. I'd like to find out what Lodge my grandfather belonged to in Belfast or Antrim Co.

March 23rd 2010 06:59:42 AM
What is your name? Andrew E. Calderaro
What is the title of your website: Jephtha Lodge
How did you find this website? Through the George Washington Masonic Memorial web site
Where are you from? New York, United States of America
Please enter your comments? Hello Brethren and All,
I'm just browsing your web page. Greetings from America and from the Brethren of Jephtha Lodge #494 F & AM in Huntington, New York.
Oil of Joy for all.
Bro. Calderaro

March 21st 2010 02:40:29 PM
What is your name? Rodney Blair, Past Grand Superintendant of Works
What is the title of your website: No Website
How did you find this website? Looking for family
Where are you from? Guelph Lodge No. 258, Ontario, Canada
Please enter your comments?
Looking for family named Ellis, Henery, McDowell, County Cavan, Killeshandra. We left Ireland in 1802 and 1810. We were chased out by the Roman Catholics and came to Canada
William Ellis born 1776 maybe in Killeshandra
David Ellis born 1789, Killeshandra
James Henery born 1802, Killeshandra

March 20th 2010 11:44:23 PM
What is your name? Diarmaid O Conarain
What is the title of your website: everybody has a website? lol
How did you find this website? i searched for it on google
Where are you from? ireland,dublin
Please enter your comments?
hi im just wondering do you need to specifically know a member to become one? not that i know enough about the organisation to fully want to become a member at the moment,but im just curious.whats involved in being a member.......to put it another way......why would i take part?
do you have meets? is this a sort of social/spiritual intellectual group?
also i only ask about the member part because through a couple of people i could meet a mason but if i did want to become a member it would be a fair bit of hassle to come in contact with this mason, nor would i know him personally thus he may refuse.if you could get back to me i would appreciate it.

March 18th 2010 09:56:35 PM
What is your name? rwm ian mackenzie
What is the title of your website: the oswald of dunnikier
How did you find this website? knew about it
Where are you from? scotland
Please enter your comments?
congatulations on a very imformative website

March 16th 2010 10:47:38 PM
What is your name? Robert William Crowe RWM Lodge St John 174 SC
What is the title of your website: myspace.com/r3tenors
How did you find this website? I knew about it!
Where are you from? Scotland
Please enter your comments?
I attended the Cherryville lodge 695 for its Installation this year, Many thanks to the WM and Brethren for the warm welcome and wonderful time I had in the Lodge. These thoughts bare no refection on the Brethren of the Cherryville Lodge but I hope that the Brethren concerned in Belfast take this on board. My thoughts go out to the family of Brother Jimmy Greenaway PM Tirmochree 523 who has past to the Grand Lodge above and the shoddy way he was welcomed back into Belfast by the Grand Lodge of Ireland showing no respect for the offices he held in South Africa including a founder membership of Tirmochree RA and his work in the Province of the Transvaal. As a Provincial Grand Officer in Scotland and having been initiated into the craft 34 years ago by Bro Jimmy Greenaway this Brother deserved more than this from the GL of Ireland . Bro Robert W Crowe WM

March 12th 2010 08:14:04 PM
What is your name? william.bundy
What is the title of your website: blairhoyle
How did you find this website? google
Where are you from? city of stirling scotland
Please enter your comments?
nite weeb im a past master of lodge blairhoyle 792 which is my mother lodge all so.PM of lodge abercromby 531

March 10th 2010 06:06:22 PM
What is your name? Nigel King
What is the title of your website: St Georges Masonic Lodge No 166
How did you find this website? regular visitor
Where are you from? Newtownards
Please enter your comments?
Site is getting more detailed every visit, keep the good work up Bill and thanks again, as always for your invaluable advice and assistance on updated both my Craft Lodge and Chapters websites up to date and so promptly.
March 8th 2010 04:13:03 PM
What is your name? Paul Casey MM 32^ ......J:.W:. Sam P Cochran 1335 Texas
What is the title of your website: Sam P Cochran 1335 Dallas, Texas
How did you find this website? google
Where are you from? Dallas, Texas
Please enter your comments?
Were going to drop in at the Grand Lodge of Irland on Fri....March 12 2010..............Nice Web Site.....go see ours..... sampcochran1335.org

March 5th 2010 07:43:36 PM
What is your name? Ryan
What is the title of your website: Oliver Strong Sculptures
How did you find this website? searched it
Where are you from? england
Please enter your comments?
I am writing a book on the freemasons and would like to ask you some questions about the back ground of your organisation. Opposition , history ,founding, beliefs, events, members that have had a worldly impact in any thing and so on. Any help I would gladly apreciate it thank you This book is going to be purely fiction, with some true parts where the free masons help in a race against time to save the world from the illuminati. who have some way (have not quite worked that bit out let) are trying to wipe out the christian race in general and plant themselves as the apparently true christian group.

March 1st 2010 07:20:01 PM
What is your name? Martin Grossman, P.M.
What is the title of your website: Grossman Graphics
How did you find this website? I specifically looked for it.
Where are you from? Solomon's Lodge No. 3, F. & A.M., Philadelphia, PA, USA and also Harbor City Lodge No. 318, F. & A.M., Melbourne, FL, USA
Please enter your comments?
I visited Lodge No. 728, Chris Burnby, and wanted to express my gratitude to Bro. Chris and all the Brethren of Lodge No. 728. I and my fellow Masons were received into Lodge with Fellowship. My thanks to my Irish Brethren.

February 21st 2010 07:27:00 PM
What is your name? Dean Cunningham
What is the title of your website: Great interest in masonry
How did you find this website? google
Where are you from? Ardee Co.Louth
Please enter your comments?
I have been doing a lot of research into masonic beliefs and many are similar to beliefs of my own .
I am just wondering ... how old do i have to be to apply to become a mason in irelands grand lodge.
please get back to me as soon as possible .
many thanks

February 12th 2010 11:42:29 PM
What is your name?  Michael D. Gillard
What is the title of your website: New Burlington Indiana, Whitney Masonic Lodge
How did you find this website? through facebook
Where are you from? Indiana, U.S.A.
Please enter your comments?
Fraternal greetings from Whitney Lodge No. 229 F.&A.M. New Burlington, Indiana. I'm Irish - great, great, great, great, great, grandfather immigrated to the U.S. prior to the American civil war. Have requested membership in your "Irish Freemasonry," facebook forum.
Fraternally in the bonds of our ancient Order, Michael D. Gillard, PM:.OPC:

February 12th 2010 01:11:05 PM
What is your name? Wallace
What is the title of your website: not applicable
How did you find this website? I searched
Where are you from? Nigeria a_minute.past_midnight@yahoo.com
Please enter your comments?
I was Just wondering if it there is any strech of possibility that I could be a Mason (probably, guided to one of the Lodges under the Irish Jurisdiction here in Nigeria)...
It's difficult to explain my reasons because they are thetered to the deepest reverence with which I hold the highest regard for light of Masonry...
I may not be the best of candidates for the craft and I may be a little less than unworthy, but I am the more convinced that as it is a previlege, this humble heart-felt solicitation will enjoy the awesome judgement of the brotherhood.
This request may or may not be satisfied but I could strike my chest in ardent defence of the truth that should everyone live like masons do, the world will become so much as perfect that even heaven may become unnecessary.
Thank you for understanding!

January 30th 2010 11:03:50 PM
What is your name? Carl Kurtz, desendant of Byrne Family County Louth
What is the title of your website: I do not have one
How did you find this website? researching family and masonic history
Where are you from? Currently living in Fort Worth Texas
Please enter your comments?
I recently made contact with family and have learned of my Irish roots. I am a former US Marine and am interested in learning more about our craft abroad.

January 29th 2010 09:54:22 AM
What is your name? Patrick Kilgallon
What is the title of your website: kilgallo@yahoo.ie
How did you find this website? Google
Where are you from? Mayo originally. I now live in Kilkenny.
Please enter your comments?
I am intrigued by the ancient mysteries of free masonry. As a stone mason I was drawn to the masons. Excuse me for my act of curiosity, but I feel I was called. I would definitely like to pursue my interest further.
Regards, Patrick Kilgallon.

January 27th 2010 05:49:10 PM
What is your name? Jay
What is the title of your website: Eureka Lodge #10, A.F. & A.M, G.R.A.
How did you find this website? Search
Where are you from? Alberta Canada
Please enter your comments?
Hope to meet with some of you when I am in Ireland in August.

January 26th 2010 12:38:44 AM
What is your name? terence sweeney
What is the title of your website: intrested in free masion
How did you find this website? im intrested in history / religion / nights templers / free masions ect
Where are you from? bansha co tipperary
Please enter your comments?
found web site to be well done and intresting, but now im even more intrested in the free masions, would love to read more about it, if anyone can point me in the right direction i would be greatfull regards and best wishes for the future terence

January 25th 2010 12:05:04 AM
What is your name? Steve
What is the title of your website: Mascot Lodge #738 F & AM of Tennessee
How did you find this website? Shriners International
Where are you from? Mascot, Tennessee
Please enter your comments?
Fraternal Greetings to my Irish Brethren. I hope to travel to Ireland with my wife soon, and would love to visit a Lodge.

January 19th 2010 07:16:19 PM
What is your name? Evan Mendell
What is the title of your website: Concord Lodge 117
How did you find this website? Surfed in
Where are you from? California USA
Please enter your comments?
Hello brethren! I will be coming over to Dublin at the end of May to the beginning of June. What lodges should I visit?
We will be going to Cavan too.
Also, I have been looking for an Irish designed mason ring? Can anyone point me to a website that has Irish masonic rings and jewelry? Or perhaps a shop I can stop by when I an in town?
Brother Evan Mendell
Concord Lodge 117
Natoma Lodge 64

January 17th 2010 03:21:19 PM
What is your name? Louis
What is the title of your website: www.glsa.co.za
How did you find this website? Google
Where are you from? South Africa
Please enter your comments?
I'm a Master Mason from South Africa (GLSA) ,will be joining our local Irish Lodge in February of this year as affiliated member.I'm also a decendant of the o'Farrell clan from Longford County ,thus I believe joining the distinguished Irish Constitution will take me closer to my roots.Best wishes for the new year to all fellow brethren

January 13th 2010 04:46:13 PM
What is your name? JOE KEOUGH
What is the title of your website: www.porterlodge137.com
How did you find this website? GOOGLE
Where are you from? KOUTS, INDIANA. USA
Please enter your comments?

January 10th 2010 06:57:56 AM
What is your name? Kasey E. Conder
What is the title of your website: Progress Lodge #22 F&AM of Utah
How did you find this website? Google
Where are you from? Salt Lake City, Utah, United States of America
Please enter your comments? Warm Fraternal Greetings from Mark A. Short Worshipful Master of Progress Lodge #22 Free & Accepted Masons of Utah located in Salt Lake City.
Very much so enjoy your website and also am delighted to be informed about Freemasonry in Ireland.
Thank you brothern.
Kasey E Conder
Progress Lodge #22 F&AM of Utah

January 6th 2010 11:29:57 PM
What is your name? mark bradley
What is the title of your website: n/a
How did you find this website? search engine
Where are you from? dublin ireland
Please enter your comments?
i am interestead in every thing freemason would love to be a member sure u hear that alot what would one do to become a member

January 6th 2010 02:42:24 PM
What is your name? karl clynes
What is the title of your website: n/a
How did you find this website? search engine
Where are you from? dublin
Please enter your comments?
Your order is one of intrigue and wonderment. We, on the outside are constanlty looking in through a murky window, however i wonder how crystal the window is from your side?
Good day.

January 6th 2010 01:11:19 AM
What is your name? Sascha
What is the title of your website: I Have none
How did you find this website? Research on the Internet
Where are you from? Born in Germany, Living in Eire since 2006
Please enter your comments?
This is a very informative Web Site well presented! I hope it will help to bring your Fraternity out of the Dark shaddows of misconceptions and conspiracy theories it was dragged into back into the Light of understanding and acceptance. Maybe and hopefully one day i'll be cosidered worthy of being a member.
Kind Regards

January 5th 2010 04:21:56 AM
What is your name? Cheung Chi Yung
What is the title of your website: no title
How did you find this website? From Zetland Hall Hong Kong Website
Where are you from? Hong Kong
Please enter your comments?
I am a ordinary people from Hong Kong, but I want to join the mason!

January 3rd 2010 04:55:55 PM
What is your name? Cliff Hartmier
What is the title of your website: Royal Arch Masony in Manitoba Canada
How did you find this website? Superb
Where are you from? Canada
Please enter your comments?
Masonry is Great

January 3rd 2010 02:21:08 AM
What is your name? Serina
What is the title of your website: facebook
How did you find this website? google
Where are you from? Dublin
Please enter your comments?
I am very interested in becoming a member and would like to know how one goes about joining...... I would really appreciate if someone could let me know how
thanking you in advance

December 30th 2009 05:03:03 PM
What is your name? Pam Hulse
What is the title of your website: http://www.
How did you find this website? Google
Where are you from? USA
Please enter your comments?
Happy New Year all!
My Irish roots have led me to search more unlikely resources in hopes of locating my paternal gggrandfather from Cork Ireland (not sure whether city or county). His name was William Lyons, son of Jeremiah and Margarett. Born @1813+/-. According to US census reports he was a stonemason by trade. He came to this country approx. 1844-48, lived in New London, Ct. (1850) prior to settling in Sag Harbor, NY (1860)
Any chance there are records dating back to that time - either in the US or in Ireland? Any suggestions for other avenues to search are always welcome.
Again, Happy New Year!

December 29th 2009 02:33:54 PM
What is your name? Brother Kenneth J. Reihl
What is the title of your website: Nutley masonic Lodge #25 F&AM
How did you find this website? Search on net
Where are you from? USA
Please enter your comments?
Good Morning Brothers,
Just want to say hello from your brothers in the USA. I am the Chaplain of Nutley Masonic Lodge #25 F&AM and a member of Corinthian Lodge of Royal Arch.
My wife and I traced my family back to Ireland. My Great Grandparents were from County Cork and County Roscommon. So I want to wish you all and your families a Blessed New Years.
God Bless,
Brother Ken Reih

December 26th 2009 06:40:16 PM
What is your name? Donald M Maguire
What is the title of your website: Dysart520
How did you find this website? linked
Where are you from? Scotland
Please enter your comments?
Fraternal greetings , from all at Lodge St Clair of Dysart 520 , on the roll of the grand lodge of Scotland. Visitors are welcome to sign our guest book , and view our lodge , on our new web site (as above). Should any brother be in Scotland on either a 2nd or 4th Thursday , you will be very warmly welcomed . We tyle at 7.30pm.Donald IPM 520.

December 18th 2009 04:36:56 PM
What is your name? WB Paul Weathers
What is the title of your website: N/A
How did you find this website? Web searching
Where are you from? Oasis Lodge #52, Tucson, Arizona, USA
Please enter your comments?
Master Mason since 1962, initiated, passed and raised in William Whiting Lodge, Holyoke Massachusetts, twice elected Lodge Master of Oasis Lodge in Tucson, Scottish and York Rite Mason, Shrine Mason, member of Eastern Star and Scottish Rite Research Society. I am also a contributer of Masonic writings, some of which may be found by web searches of WB Paul Weathers or Paul Weathers, PM.

December 12th 2009 10:52:45 AM
What is your name? Ian Michael O'Connor
What is the title of your website: Royal T Jewelry
How did you find this website? Because my eye is wide open.
Where are you from? Ind(IAN)apolis, Ind(IAN)a
Please enter your comments?
I'm greatful for my Grassroots, for the power of the Sham-Rock!

December 9th 2009  10:30:07 PM
What is your name? Darren Smyth
What is the title of your website: manormills
How did you find this website? Firefox Search Engine
Where are you from? Dublin, Ireland
Please enter your comments?
I am interested in becoming a member of the Free Masons but I'm unsure as to how to go about joining

December 8th 2009 01:40:39 PM
What is your name? vergel pascual
What is the title of your website: yahoo.com
How did you find this website? interesting
Where are you from? Philippines
Please enter your comments?
Im interested in joining and want to know more about Freemasons, Im from the Philippines and working in Dublin Ireland. Hoping a response from your office good day and God bless.

December 5th 2009 11:30:16 AM
What is your name? Bro. Les Thomas, 32*
What is the title of your website: www.springfieldlodge4.org
How did you find this website? search engine
Where are you from? Springfield, Illinois, USA
Please enter your comments?
Greetings to the brethren of Ireland from your brothers at Springfield Lodge No.4!

December 4th 2009 03:19:42 AM
What is your name? my name is G. Harte
What is the title of your website: www.sonsofthewidow.ie
How did you find this website? I looked
Where are you from? Dublin
Please enter your comments?
Hello, can one join easily or does one need to meet a brother and become accepted?

November 27th 2009 08:18:23 PM
What is your name? Colin Kirwan
What is the title of your website: n/a
How did you find this website? Through the Grand Lodge homepage
Where are you from? Glasnevin /Finglas - North Dublin
Please enter your comments?
Please keep up the great work in Ireland. In the dawning of the new day the sun will shine on you all. May God be with you all.

November 23rd 2009 03:01:44 AM
What is your name? Brother Kenneth Reihl
What is the title of your website: http://www.nutleylodge25.com/
How did you find this website? Search Engine
Where are you from? Nutley Lodge #25 F&AM - Nutley NJ USA
Please enter your comments?
Hello Brothers,
Just wanted to wish you a Blessed holiday season from your Brothers from the US.
God Bless,
Bro. Kenneth Reihl
Nutley Lodge #25 F&AM

November 19th 2009 07:17:53 AM
What is your name? WBro. Phill Reynolds
What is the title of your website: Hermanus Lodge 7015 EC
How did you find this website? linked from http://www.freemasonrycape.net - our new District website
Where are you from? Hermanus, South Africa
Please enter your comments?
Great site Brethren - chech out our site too!

November 19th 2009 01:24:34 AM
What is your name? Manuel (Manny) Blanco
What is the title of your website: Socalmasons
How did you find this website? Internet Search Engine
Where are you from? Moreno Valley, California
Please enter your comments?
Fraternal Greetings from Moreno Valley Masonic Lodge # 804, Moreno Valley, Ca. Grand Lodge of California

November 12th 2009 09:36:26 PM
What is your name? Andrew Warnock
What is the title of your website: Lodge Anima Glasgow 1223
How did you find this website? link
Where are you from? Glasgow Scotland UK
Please enter your comments?
just a note to let the Brethern know that we have updated our site please feel free to visit and leave a comment in our new guestbook

Your Fraternal brother from Lodge Anima Glasgow 1223 bro. Andy Warnock

November 12th 2009 02:37:05 AM
What is your name? WM Bro Christopher O'Brien Imperial Lodge (1694) London England
What is the title of your website: United Grand Lodge of England
How did you find this website? Google
Where are you from? London
Please enter your comments?
Hello Brethren,
I would like to say hello, from The Imperial Lodge (1694) Great Queen Street London.

November 11th 2009 10:16:27 AM
What is your name? steven
What is the title of your website: n/a
How did you find this website? google
Where are you from? limavady, co derry
Please enter your comments?
i would like to become a member, but not quite sure how to set the ball in motion.

November 10th 2009 07:56:34 PM
What is your name? David
What is the title of your website: Have no website
How did you find this website? Google
Where are you from? Louth
Please enter your comments?
Recently while studying history I came across a reference to masonry and I decided to find out more..... I am completely blown away!
It seems all my preconceptions about Masons were wrong, I had believed that they were a secret society consisting of society's elite....
Am very interested about learning more about Masons and what they do!

November 3rd 2009 05:36:55 PM
What is your name? L. Matthews
What is the title of your website: n/a
How did you find this website? personal research
Where are you from? Jacinto Lodge #216 Jacksonville, Ark./ AASR Valley of Little Rock, Orient of Arkansas
Please enter your comments?
Hello Brethern and Greetings for Arkansas, U.S.A

November 1st 2009 04:20:56 PM
What is your name? michael watterson
What is the title of your website: Do not have a website
How did you find this website? Personal research on the internet
Where are you from? Bangor, NI
Please enter your comments?
A nice simplistic and informative site that goes some way to dispelling some of the old myths

November 1st 2009 08:25:08 AM
What is your name? billy clark
What is the title of your website: excelvent@hotmail.com
How did you find this website? googled
Where are you from? london
Please enter your comments?
i am J.W. at my lodge in london but am currently working in tbilisi georgia and found this site while trying to find a lodge here, but i think there are none.i have always loved ireland and the irish people and hope to visit soon.

November 1st 2009 01:41:21 AM
What is your name? Mark Ford
What is the title of your website: NONE.COM
How did you find this website? Search engine
Where are you from? Bailieborough, Co. Cavan
Please enter your comments?
Thank you for an informative site. Interested in discovering more

October 31st 2009 03:09:08 PM
What is your name? Cathal
What is the title of your website: N/A
How did you find this website? Intrest in your organisation
Where are you from? Tallaght
Please enter your comments?
I enjoyed reading your website and am very interested in your organisation

October 29th 2009 08:36:42 AM
What is your name? Michael Whaley
What is the title of your website: N/A
How did you find this website? Surfing
Where are you from? Duke of Leinster Adelaide South Australia #363
Please enter your comments?
Hi I would like to say I enjoyed your site it is well presented & very informative.
Would you please clarify for me whether the Brother Tyler is considered an Officer of the Lodge, in the Craft, Mark & Chapter.

October 25th 2009 03:10:20 AM
What is your name?  John Neely
What is the title of your website: n/a
How did you find this website? Did a search on Ireland Masons
Where are you from? Oklahoma City, Oklahoma USA
Please enter your comments?
I am a Master Mason for Albert Pike Lodge 162 in Guthrie Oklahoma. I will be traveling in Ireland (Dublin) from Octer 29-Nov 7, 2009 and would like to come by. Is that permissable?

October 20th 2009 02:45:47 PM
What is your name? Jonathan Gray
What is the title of your website: i do not have my own websitebut you can verify my position and name by going to www.kings college madrid spain
How did you find this website? general search
Where are you from? I am Irish but I live and work in Madrid, Spain.
Please enter your comments?
I was hoping if you could help me regarding my late father who was a mason in Dublin many years ago. I would like to know if his name appears on any of your old records and, if possible, could I find out what position he held, if any and general information regarding his membership. His name was Arthur Gordon Gray and he was a member during the years the 1960s and the 1970s (approximately). I do hope you can help me in this matter and that it is not a troublesome inquiry. Thanking you in advance. Jonathan Gray.

October 19th 2009 12:47:45 AM
What is your name? Robert Myers
What is the title of your website: I don't have one
How did you find this website? Used Google
Where are you from? United States
Please enter your comments?
I was wondering if the Free MAsons exist in Ireland. I am a Fellowcraft and will go through the Master Mason ritual Nov. 9th. Also, my grandfather was John A. McCormack and his mother was Elizabeth McGettigen and his father was James McCormick.

October 18th 2009 06:43:29 PM
What is your name?  Brian Whelan
What is the title of your website: Almara Accommodations Dublin (free finder)
How did you find this website? Recommended by Freemason in London
Where are you from? Dublin / Ireland
Please enter your comments?
Masons in Ireland seem to be very welcoming, I'll look forward to learning more.

October 14th 2009 07:08:33 PM
What is your name? ALEJANDRA
What is the title of your website: I dont have
How did you find this website? links of other site
Where are you from? montevideo-URUGUAY
Please enter your comments?

October 14th 2009 03:53:42 PM
What is your name? Dara Redmond
What is the title of your website: hotmail
How did you find this website? I googled it
Where are you from? Kildare
Please enter your comments?
Very interested in Freemasonry

October 11th 2009 12:32:24 PM
What is your name? Dave Ball
What is the title of your website: farmtrader.ie
How did you find this website? google
Where are you from? Ireland
Please enter your comments?
HI , great website.
As there are a lot of misconceptions about the organization its great to find so much honesty in a website and also factful and extremly interesting.
I would be interested in mebership if you are looking for new members, many thanks

October 10th 2009 09:58:39 PM
What is your name? James Henry
What is the title of your website: N/A
How did you find this website? Google
Where are you from? Dublin
Please enter your comments?
Interesting website, I like the emphasis that is placed upon a man's need to develop through his integrity his inner value and worth and the resultant good such actions can have for the greater good of society, even in a small way. Nowadays, it's so rare that men publicly hear these values being discussed

October 10th 2009 11:56:46 AM
What is your name? shane finnie
What is the title of your website: No web site
How did you find this website? google
Where are you from? Dublin ireland
Please enter your comments?
very good site. would like to learn more about Masons in Ireland

October 8th 2009 10:02:58 PM
What is your name? shane mcloughlin
What is the title of your website: do not have one
How did you find this website? google search
Where are you from? hospital , limerick
Please enter your comments?
a very good site , easy to navigate . the guest book is a good idea , very intersting to read through the posts. as a non member i found the site interesting and informative, keep up the good work

October 6th 2009 10:09:29 AM
What is your name? Bennett Byrd
What is the title of your website: none at this time
How did you find this website? web surfing
Where are you from? Goose Creek Lodge 401 AFM, Goose Creek, South Carolina
Please enter your comments?
Just a friendly " Ha Ya"ll . Hope to visit your beautiful country very soon.

October 5th 2009 01:48:30 AM
What is your name? Brother Brian Reynolds
What is the title of your website: www.ilafam583.org
How did you find this website? Looking up Masonic info
Where are you from? Highland Logde # 583
Please enter your comments?
Hello Brothers from accross the pond. I was just looking around the web and found your site. I hope to visit Ireland one day to see were my grandfather lived and find out some family history. I also hope to be able to attend a lodge meeting while there. Great site keep up the good work.

October 3rd 2009 04:27:49 PM
What is your name? Brother Angus Gillis
What is the title of your website: i do not have a website
How did you find this website? research
Where are you from? Ottawa Canada
Please enter your comments?
I am in the process of researching a subject on the "origins of the Grand Lodges of Ireland, England, and Scotland for the College of Freemasonry and I came upon your website. I look forward to the day i can travel to Ireland with my wife (who is a Hennessy) and attend Lodge with my Brothers in Ireland.
S & F
Bro Angus Gillis, Historian
St. Andrew's No. 560
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

September 30th 2009 08:50:24 PM
What is your name? Laurance Meade
What is the title of your website: Xeon gaming/Media
How did you find this website? Through personal interest
Where are you from? North Dublin
Please enter your comments?
I have been very interested In the freemason brotherhood for a long time. The ideals of charitable disposition, Tolerence of beliefs and high moral values in life is something I personally aspire to achieve. Knowing such a socioty exsists in such close local to myself is an uplifting thought. The guestbook is a great touch.

September 25th 2009 09:38:12 PM
What is your name? PATRICK TINGLE
What is the title of your website: I DO NOT HAVE ONE
How did you find this website? SURFING THE WEB
Where are you from? MISSISSIPPI
Please enter your comments?

September 23rd 2009 06:03:24 AM
What is your name? Bro. Mark T. "Bull" Jones
What is the title of your website: The Bull Speaks!
How did you find this website? Through Masonic World
Where are you from? Mobile, ALabama, USA
Please enter your comments?
Greetings, Brothers! I hope to visit a few Lodges in beautiful Ireland next year

September 22nd 2009 01:46:19 PM
What is your name? mark
What is the title of your website: easy-go-gas@bigpond.com
How did you find this website? google
Where are you from? nth ireland
Please enter your comments?
i have a hand writtenbook dated 1825 as to your ceromoneys that where held in nth ireland,it includes the clothing ceremony,it comes from my grt,grt grt grandfather and was handed to my father in ballynahinch nth ireland, upon his death i found this book and wondered if anyone is interestde in it,i am willing to type small passages from it to prove its origin.

September 22nd 2009 12:23:13 AM
What is your name? John R Casey
What is the title of your website: Do not have a web site. My Grand Lodge has one but I do not have it in front of me.
How did you find this website? Searching the web for Masonic Lodges in Ireland.
Where are you from? Warrenton Virginia, USA
Please enter your comments?
I am a Master Mason and an old Irish man who has never been to Ireland. I hope to vist Ireland sometime in the next 2-3 years. Must save and plan for the trip.
John R Casey, MM

September 13th 2009 03:48:26 PM
What is your name? Nigel Hulse
What is the title of your website: I do not have one
How did you find this website? Search engine
Where are you from? Johannesburg, South Africa
Please enter your comments?
I am a member of Clara Lodge No.288 I.C.and am looking into the history of the Lodge.
I was told that the Lodge was named after the wife of a Grand Master?
The earliest entry that I have in the attendance book is 20-5-1910,
Could you please tell me who the Grand Master was, after whose wife the lodge was named?
Many thanks

September 9th 2009 04:24:20 AM
What is your name? Worshipful Einor T. Nordeng, Jr P.M.
What is the title of your website: www.none
How did you find this website? search engine
Where are you from? Jacksonville, Florida U.S.A.
Please enter your comments?
Great website

September 5th 2009 03:00:50 PM
What is your name? Ryan Dardis
What is the title of your website: Aspiring Freemason
How did you find this website? Referred by a Freesmason friend
Where are you from? Athboy,Meath,Ireland
Please enter your comments? Hello there!
My name is Ryan, I've been interested in Freemasonry for years ever since I met a Freemason in my locality. I'm hoping to join the Freemasons when I'm old enough, unfortunately I'm only 16! I immensely look forward to experiencing the solidarity and brotherhood between the Freemasons, and knowing that I can experience this without the topic of religion or politics being discussed sends chills of excitement through my body! I have always believed in the Grand Architect of the Universe, not because that was the way I was raised, but because a Universe of such beauty, grandure and vast expanse could not possibly be created by anything less than a Higher Power.
Best regards to all Freemasons and aspiring Freemasons,
Ryan Dardis

September 3rd 2009 08:33:36 AM
What is your name? Roy Kurka
What is the title of your website: Cleveland Lodge #781
How did you find this website? google
Where are you from? Cleveland, Ohio - United States
Please enter your comments?
I really like your webiste. I will be in Ireland in June of 2010 and would love to come take a look at your lodge building so I can share my experience with my Brothers here in the states! Please let me know if this is a possibility!
Roy Kurka

August 31st 2009 02:17:26 PM
What is your name? Musa Yahya
What is the title of your website: Grand Lodge Of The West Indies
How did you find this website? links of Bonisteel Library
Where are you from? South Florida
Please enter your comments?
Great site! I love to see how other brothers across the globe set up there websites for there lodges etc.

August 18th 2009 12:15:01 AM
What is your name? Mohammad .
What is the title of your website: I dont have .
How did you find this website? By internet and my good luck .
Where are you from? jordan - middle east
Please enter your comments?
Very nice web site , Its intersting to learn about Freemasonry in Ireland , Im not a Freemason Unfortunately , but I try to learn from the masonic web sites and get education , and I really hope that some day god will help me to join .
Thank you Sir .

August 13th 2009 11:33:01 PM
What is your name? T.G. (TOM) Bayless, PM
What is the title of your website: Moore Masonic Lodge, AF&Am
How did you find this website? AOL
Where are you from? Past Master of Moore Masonic Lodge #539, Moore, OK USA
Please enter your comments?
My wife and I will be in Ireland in JUN on 2010 for our 40th anniversary. And I would love to vist your Grand Lodge Building as well as several Lodge while I am in your Country. I will bring a passport from my Grand Lodge. I am also a member of two other Masonic Lodge's here in Oklahoma, and a Grand Lodge committeeman. Plus I am the Grand Rep to the Grand Lodge of NSW, Australia.

August 12th 2009 05:04:01 AM
What is your name? Mike Lafferty JW
What is the title of your website: Lonnie Irvine Daylight Lodge #1309 A.F. & A.M.
How did you find this website? Google
Where are you from? San Antonio, Texas USA
Please enter your comments?
Brethren, a couple of other brothers and I will be visiting Dublin at the end of October. We look forward to touring the Grand Lodge of Ireland building and hopefully attending a lodge meeting

August 10th 2009 03:19:39 AM
What is your name? Richard Gibbons
What is the title of your website: Richard Gibbons Law Office
How did you find this website? google
Where are you from? Canada
Please enter your comments?
very interesting and informative; I plan to visit Dublin in the near future and would like to tour the Grand Lodge Building and perhaps meet a mason on two; I am a Grand Lodge officer in my Jurisdiction. please accept my best fraternal wishes.


August 6th 2009 08:48:19 PM
What is your name? Per Qvindeslandr
What is the title of your website: Don't have one
How did you find this website? Google
Where are you from? Living in Newbridge
Please enter your comments?
I have been for many years reading and always very keen on joining the freemason order, I feel that i have a very clear understanding of what the freemasonry is all about through my studies and talks to freemasons and I now feel ready to take the last step it has been a very long and interesting path to follow before i did feel ready to join.
My question is do how do I join? I did email office @ freemason.ie 2 months ago but no reply (or am I just to impatient?) could any one please help me?
Kind regards
Per Qvindesland

August 5th 2009 02:06:28 PM
What is your name? BRIAN JOHNSTONE
What is the title of your website: N/A
How did you find this website? I HAVE BEEN AWARE OF THE SITE FOR SEVERAL YEARS
Where are you from? CAPE TOWN SOUTH AFRICA
Please enter your comments?

July 20th 2009 11:05:03 AM
What is your name? Israel O'kuoimose
What is the title of your website: I have no website
How did you find this website? Google
Where are you from? Nigeria, but I've been living in Ireland for 9 years.
Please enter your comments?
Sir, by chance this morning while going through the online version of NEWSWATCH one of Nigeria's most popular and respected news magazine, I came across an extensive coverage on Freemasons. I'm a Christian of many years, and as in the faith, I've got a very hazy idea on the subject Freemansonry. But haven read about so many international personalities (especially Africans) of great stature being members of the Freemasonry Brotherhood, I'm very much interested to know more about this honourable organisation. And I sincerely hope my request would merit the benevolence of your kind reply soonest. Thanks.

July 15th 2009 01:05:57 PM
What is your name? Paul Dower
What is the title of your website: I don't have a web site.
How did you find this website? google
Where are you from? Waterford City
Please enter your comments?
Very informative web site and very interesting I liked what I saw!!

July 9th 2009 02:24:40 AM
What is your name? Kevin J Valente Past Master
What is the title of your website: Livonia Lodge #586
How did you find this website? Google
Where are you from? Westland Michigan USA
Please enter your comments?
I am coming to Ireland for the first time in March 2010 I would Like to meet some fellow brothers wile I am in town and visit your Grand Lodge and a Local Lodge and possably attend a meeting

July 6th 2009 10:41:15 PM
What is your name? gordon
What is the title of your website: www.gordonG.com
How did you find this website? history research
Where are you from? Cork
Please enter your comments?
I'm Interested in joining the lodge in Cork.A friend told me that my birth date of July 16th 1970 is of importance for some reason.He advised me to make contact.

June 21st 2009 10:15:00 PM
What is your name? Charles Kennedy
What is the title of your website: I have no website.
How did you find this website? google seach
Where are you from? Waynesboro PA
Please enter your comments?
I will be in Ireland 29 July to 5 August 2009 mainly for family history search. My wife and I have private tour on arrival in Shannon and will go from there to Tipperary County with many stops in between and finally end at Dublin for visit to Edinburgh Scotland and England. I currently am secretary of Frederick Scottish Rite, a 32* KCCH, and also York Rite member and secretary/recorder of Frederick York Rite, both located in Frederick, MD, where I was raised to MM in Columbia Lodge 58. If possible I would like to meet some of the Irish brethren while there. I can be emailed at listed address. Charles Kennedy

June 19th 2009 06:07:54 PM
What is your name? dennis farabee
What is the title of your website: yahoo
How did you find this website? yahoo
Where are you from? excelsior springs, mo. usa
Please enter your comments?
I am always happy to greet my brothers.

June 18th 2009 01:37:47 PM
What is your name? Ciaran
What is the title of your website: I HAVE NO WEBSITE
How did you find this website? google searh
Where are you from? North of Ireland
Please enter your comments?
very informative site indeed. I was just doing some personal research on the order. I was quite surprised, as the order is nothing like i imagined, or was lead to believe. maybe some day i too will become a brother of the order.

June 6th 2009 06:19:44 PM
What is your name? Ross Dayton
What is the title of your website: Newton Hair Design Surrey B.C.
How did you find this website? Google search
Where are you from? Surrey British Columbia Canada
Please enter your comments?
I've recently received information at a regular lodge meeting of how amazing,in particular,the Grand Lodge of Ireland was for a Brother visiting from Vancouver B.C,Canada!The substance of this web-sight is further indication of the creative talent the Masons of Ireland hold,well done.

June 1st 2009 12:25:58 AM
What is your name? Leon Andersen
What is the title of your website: Award Winning Magician
How did you find this website? Google
Where are you from? Limerick
Please enter your comments?
I would like some more info about joining you meeting. i have being trying to promote limerick and have being helping children from disadvantaged ares of limerick build confidence in my magic school.i have thought in kings island, south hill, moyross, thomandgate and castle connell and would love to become a member of the masons in limerick...

May 31st 2009 05:26:15 PM
What is your name? Edward J O'Brien
What is the title of your website: www.freemason.org/
How did you find this website? Google search
Where are you from? Lake Forest Lodge 672, California
Please enter your comments?
Very nice website. I look forward to visiting your Lodge on my travels in the years to come. If you are ever in Southern California please visit our Lodge. God Bless
EA, Edward J. O'Brien

May 26th 2009 04:06:41 PM
What is your name? Susan McKendry
What is the title of your website: Job's Daughters International
How did you find this website? searching the internet
Where are you from? Hebron, Indiana, USA
Please enter your comments?
Wonderful website! Our ancestors are from Ireland. I am a member of the Eastern Star and Job's Daughters. I have a daughter in Job's Daughters, who dreams of seeing Job's Daughers in Ireland. God bless and keep you all!

May 25th 2009 03:45:08 PM
What is your name? frederick
What is the title of your website: www.naijastyle.com
How did you find this website? Internet
Where are you from? Nigeria
Please enter your comments?
Please i will like to become a mason. I need a valuable information as to becoming a member. Please can any one help?

May 13th 2009 05:18:50 PM
What is your name? Michael Hammell
What is the title of your website: www.freemasonry.bcy.ca
How did you find this website? from Grand Lodge of BC & Yukon
Where are you from? Discovery Lodge # 149 Campbell River, BC Canada
Please enter your comments?
My wife and I will be traveling to Ireland for a bus tour from Sep 10 to 26th, starting off in Dublin and doing a circle tour around the Island, departing from Dublin. I would like the opportunity to visit a lodge or 2 during this time. I have a letter of introduction from the Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon, who has given me a list of the lodges in Ireland.

May 12th 2009 01:30:43 PM
What is your name? Bruce Williams
What is the title of your website: gasket guy
How did you find this website? google search
Where are you from? Daytona Beach, Florida Lodge #270
Please enter your comments?
greetings Brothers,
My wife and I will be in Dublin tomorrow and I would like to pay a visit.
We will be there for about a week.

May 11th 2009 11:01:09 PM
What is your name? PATRICK J CANAVAN
What is the title of your website: COMCAST.NET
How did you find this website? JUST ENTERED GRAND LODGE IRELAND
Where are you from? USA
Please enter your comments?

April 20th 2009 07:50:12 AM
What is your name? Peter J Downey
What is the title of your website: 'under construction'
How did you find this website? search
Where are you from? Cardiff - South Wales. ( Eastern Division)
Please enter your comments?
i am visiting Ireland at the end of this month. (28 29 30)
are there any brothers with meeting available for me to attend.
have e-mailed Grand Lodge.
Lets see what happens
Bro Pete J Downey
Senior Deacon
Sure & Steadfast 8991

April 16th 2009 03:01:02 AM
What is your name? Celso Goncalves
What is the title of your website: aasp
How did you find this website? google
Where are you from? Brazil
Please enter your comments?
Parabens pelo site. Favor entrarem em contato com meu filho Ricardo que encontra-se em Cork - Irland e necessita de ajuda, seu tel: 308 79634913, esta no país para estudar e trabalhar, sou MM ocupo o cargo de secretário na Loja Fé, Equilibrio e Paz - 667 - GLESP (Grande Loja Maçonica do Estado de São Paulo) - Brazil, aos irmãos que puderem nos socorrer, agradeço com um Triplice e Fraternal Abraço e que o Grande Arquiteto do Universo a todos nos ilumine e guarde. Celso.`

Congratulations for the site. Favor to enter in contact with my Ricardo son who meets in Cork - Irland, this in the country to study and to work, I am MM I occupy the position of secretary in the Store Faith, Balance and Peace - 667 - GLESP (Great Maçonica Store of the State of São Paulo) - Brazil, the brothers who will be able helping in them, I am thankful with a Triplice and Fraternal Abraço and that the Great Architect of the Universe to all illuminates in them and keeps. Celso. `.
April 13th 2009 11:17:47 PM
What is your name? James FitzGerald McDermott
What is the title of your website: Hesperia Lodge No. 411 - Chicago, Illinois, USA
How did you find this website? The MW Grand Lodge of the State of Illinois
Where are you from? Chicago, Illinois, USA
Please enter your comments?
"Had I the Heaven's embroidered cloths,
Enwrought with golden and silver light,
The blue and the dim and the dark cloths,
Of night and light and the half light,
I would spread the cloths under your feet,
" William Butler Yeats
It is due to justice that we are as God to one another and not wolves." Bacon
We should speak to one another more often in the languages of music and kindness.

April 7th 2009 09:01:41 AM
What is your name? Tony Pool ( Bannon ) family
What is the title of your website: Antigo Free Masons of Wisconsin USA
How did you find this website? Grand Lodge Search
Where are you from? Antigo Wisconsin USA
Please enter your comments?
Hello Brothers, My name is Tony Pool, I am Junior Warden of Lodge 231 in Wisconsin. My family are planning in the next few years to have a holiday trip to Ireland To see the Sites Talk to the People maybe come to a Lodge meeting in Ireland and stay with Brothers willing to be Extended Family :) If there is a Brother that wishes to become friends please email me. I have always loved Gaelic Music and Art work. Maybe even get our lodges in regular communications we would be glad to send a gift to your lodge.
Thank You My Brothers
Hope to hear from you.
God Bless
Tony Pool
J.W. Antigo Free Masons

April 7th 2009 01:22:49 AM
What is your name? Paul Bynre
What is the title of your website: www.none.com
How did you find this website? google
Where are you from? Dublin Ireland
Please enter your comments?
I was very surprised wih the site ,easy to navigate and informative a job well done.

April 5th 2009 07:42:58 AM
What is your name? Paul Hussey
What is the title of your website: A to Z of Pets, Sports and Animals on English Art by artists from 1680-1950s
How did you find this website? google
Where are you from? Havant, UK
Please enter your comments?
I must say your website is getting better and better every time I visit.
Keep up the excellent work-FAB!!

April 3rd 2009 05:00:33 AM
What is your name? thomas kimmitt
What is the title of your website: Don't have one
How did you find this website? Doing an ancestor search
Where are you from? Edmonton Aberta Lodge Avonglen 170
Please enter your comments?
My grandfather John Unwin Kimmitt (jack) son of Rev Edward and Mary Unwin Kimmitt came to Canada in 1911 Was an accountant for board of health in Belfast I am in possession of his apron and would like to find out anything about his masonic background . Thank you for any help Regards Tom Kimmitt(MM) Oh! my dad was born in Donagadee in 1904

April 2nd 2009 11:24:21 PM
What is your name? kEVIN McCullagh
What is the title of your website: i dont have a website
How did you find this website? I am a Mason
Where are you from? Dublin
Please enter your comments? Hi George,
Nice photo and i hope you enjoyed the 25th Anniversary in Barcelona.
Remember we met briefly in the hotel,the very tall Irish man.when are you going to visit the barcelona lodge?
Una brazo fraternal!

April 1st 2009 06:02:30 PM
What is your name? Wor Bro. David Perry
What is the title of your website: I dont have one
How did you find this website? google
Where are you from? Northern Ireland
Please enter your comments?
Great new format on site, keep up the good work.

March 28th 2009 02:52:16 AM
What is your name? PAULO MAURER BANDEIRA
What is the title of your website: www.lojaapariciomariense.org.br
How did you find this website? google
Where are you from? Brasil
Please enter your comments?
Parabens pelo site. Por favor entrem em contato!
Paulo Bandeira
Iº Vigilante da Loja Aparicio Mariense da Silva - Cidade de São Borja - Grande Oriente do Brasil - Brasil - America do Sul.
Congratulations for the site. Please they enter in contact! Pablo Flag Vigilant Iº of the Store Aparicio Mariense Da Silva - City of Is Borja - Great East of Brazil - Brazil - South America.

March 24th 2009 03:52:36 PM
What is your name? kwame offei-darko
What is the title of your website: OFFEI DARKO
How did you find this website? on the website of UGLE
Where are you from? ghana
Please enter your comments?
the website is educative. keep it up

March 23rd 2009 07:19:30 AM
What is your name? ibrahim omotola
What is the title of your website: www.ibrahimomotola.com
How did you find this website? magazine
Where are you from? Nigeria
Please enter your comments?
i would love to be a member anyone who can put me through and help me get to the ireland

March 20th 2009 01:51:34 PM
What is your name? DAVIES
What is the title of your website: idont have any
How did you find this website? search
Where are you from? mombasa kenya
Please enter your comments?
its a very educating web

March 14th 2009 01:22:17 PM
What is your name? Thomas J. Hannon PM
What is the title of your website: I don't have one
How did you find this website? Search on aol.com
Where are you from? Connecticut / Indiana
Please enter your comments?
Very nice website, I will pass this on to others who will enjoy it a lot

March 11th 2009 10:38:51 PM
What is your name? Johnnie Gladden
What is the title of your website: mwphglcal.org
How did you find this website? Web
Where are you from? Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of California U.S.A
Please enter your comments? Great website, very informative, continue the outstanding work.

March 8th 2009 08:22:59 PM
What is your name? Jay P van Vuuren
What is the title of your website: www.melmar.co.za
How did you find this website? google.com
Where are you from? Pretoria Leinster Lodge No 743 I.C. - South Africa
Please enter your comments?
Visiting your site has been a privilege. Hope to visit you during a possible vacation in Ireland.

March 8th 2009 04:09:33 PM
What is your name? Arthur A. Prentice
What is the title of your website: arthuraprentice.com
How did you find this website? under favourites
Where are you from? Lisburn Co. Antrim Northern Ireland
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By far the best web site on Freemasonry I have seen to date. Very informative and congratulations to the Web Master for putting in the time and effort into making this site easy to follow.

March 5th 2009 01:27:32 AM
What is your name? gerry toolin
What is the title of your website: backintime antiques
How did you find this website? search
Where are you from? summerville south carolina
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forgot to mention to visit our lodge at www.summervillelodge.org

March 5th 2009 01:19:16 AM
What is your name? gerry toolin master mason in summerville south carolina usa
What is the title of your website: backintime antiques
How did you find this website? search
Where are you from? summerville south carolina usa
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thank you so much for the privledge to view your sight im hopeing to visit a lodge in ireland when i vacation there on my anniversary thanks agian and god bless

March 4th 2009 01:20:45 AM
What is your name? BART BALTEROCRUZ
What is the title of your website: bartbc2002@yahoo.com
How did you find this website? google search engine
Where are you from? from the Philippines, but now in Cork.
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'Tis nice to visit your website, as i am a senior DeMolay back home. i guess wiLL just have to visit the Lodges in cork and hopefully in dubLin as well.
aLL the best to the fraternity.

March 3rd 2009 03:19:03 PM
What is your name? Webmaster, Grand Lodge of Ireland
What is the title of your website: irish-freemasons.org
How did you find this website? Personal Recommendation
Where are you from? N. Ireland
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Welcome to the revised site for the Home of Irish Freemasonry. It is a development of the Grand Lodge of Ireland web site which was first introduced on St. John's Day, December 1998. The new site has been developed to include all branches of Irish Freemasonry, under the one umbrella. Please have a look around the Site and as always, I would welcome constructive feedback. Looking forward to hearing from you.