Volume 16

December 20th 2013 
04:46:28 PM

What is your name? Milazzo Lorenzo
What is the title of your website: Facebook
How did you find this website? I tried this site on the Internet
Where are you from? Catania Italy
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I am having to make a visit to my son and his family in Dublin for the Christmas holidays, I thought I knew the brothers of Ireland if is possible a triple fraternal embrace Lorenzo Milazzo 3° 33

November 24th 2013 
11:33:54 PM

What is your name? Ann Lloyd
What is the title of your website: I don\'t have one
How did you find this website? Wikipedia
Where are you from? Atlanta, GA, USA
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I have a charter related to the Grand Lodge of Ireland No. 340. It is very difficult to read, but mentions "In the year of Masonry 5846 and a gentleman named William Hally is listed in the upper right hand corner. This was registered on the 10th day of (month is unreadable) year is 1846. All of this is on sheepskin and the back has some handwriting that appears to say: Correct James W Powell ?? Gr Sec ???? State of N.Y Aug 6th 5850 Do you want this? It does not belong to my family or any ancestor.

November 16th 2013 
05:04:45 PM

What is your name? mike and liz reid
What is the title of your website: we dont have one
How did you find this website? after talking to agroup of masons
Where are you from? dublin ireland
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at this time and the way the world is it was fantistis to hear of people who enjoy giving to others.

November 6th 2013 
12:11:35 PM

What is your name? Fernanda B. de Sant\'Anna
What is the title of your website: I don\'t have one
How did you find this website? google
Where are you from? Brazil
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My Grandfather was a Grand Master and my father a Freemason back in Brazil.
I never understood much about it to be honest, but since my father passed away five years ago, I became more 'curious' to know more about the Freemasonry. :-)

November 4th 2013 
12:39:06 PM

What is your name? Lorenzo (larry ) Milazzo
What is the title of your website: http://www.grandeoriente.it/
How did you find this website? on the web
Where are you from? Catania Italy
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I am a Brother . I'll be in Ireland for the period of Christmas and New Year, to visit my son and his family, and having the opportunity of being in Dublin, I wish to visit the Grand Lodge. Is possible to visit the G:. L:.

October 31st 2013 
08:24:51 PM

What is your name? Adrian
What is the title of your website: adrianbradley@hotmail.co.uk
How did you find this website? Via Google
Where are you from? Co Londonderry
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Although I am not a Freemason I have a keen interest in fraternal orders as I am an Orangeman and Sir Knight in the Royal Black Institution.I have visited your Grand Lodge Hall at Molesworth Street Dublin and I must say I was VERY impressed by it especially all the separate meeting rooms for the higher degrees as well as the Blue Lodge.I have also visited the Grand Lodge of England hall although,I only got to see the museum on that occasion,and the Masonic hall in Bath which started out as a Roman Catholic church,then a theatre,before being converted into a Masonic hall.I hope you don't mind me saying but one of the reasons I have'nt joined the Masonic Order,as well as financial and time issues,is that as a Christian who believes nothing should be added or taken out of the Bible I would be concerned that I would be compromising my faith by accepting extra-biblical details about the building of King Solomon's Temple as practised in the first three degrees particulary the third of Master Mason.I hope I have not offended anyone by stating these thoughts as I am not a religious fanatic.I also believe that everyone is entitled to their own religous or non religious belief.God bless to both Masons and non-mason alike.

October 2nd 2013 
06:42:06 PM

What is your name? Yoga Nugraha
What is the title of your website: Welcome to the family
How did you find this website? On Twitter
Where are you from? Yogyakarta, Indonesia
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I'm really love and believe with all about freemasonry. I believe this is my faith to be a part in family.

September 30th 2013 
08:14:20 PM

What is your name? Cornelius Askol
What is the title of your website: www.masonforum.com
How did you find this website? friend suggested good
Where are you from? Raheny
Please enter your comments? I plan on visiting with next year, heard great things. great people. Please take care.
All love,

September 25th 2013 
12:26:11 AM

What is your name? Cian Elliott
What is the title of your website: My facebook profile
How did you find this website? I have been researching for many years to find out how to join my future family.
Where are you from? Glengariff, West Cork, Ireland
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Greetings, My name is Cian Elliott and I've been researching and have been heavily interested in joining the Irish Freemasons for over 3 years now. I'm ready to give anything in order to be a member of the family in which I feel I truly belong. Food has lost it's taste, colours seem dull. I will be coming to the Grand Lodge this year and hope to see everyone there. Please feel free to message me on my Facebook profile provided as I'm always up for a talk to my friends.

September 23rd 2013 
08:19:54 PM

What is your name? Reginald D ********
What is the title of your website: RDW
How did you find this website? Recommendation from a friend
Where are you from? GB
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Wonderful website, incredible use of colours and font. Will be visiting often.

September 20th 2013 
02:23:22 PM

What is your name? William McNamara
What is the title of your website: perso
How did you find this website? irish times 20/9/2013
Where are you from? Dublin/France!
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Just saw Morgan on the Irish Times video there today! What a surprise! I've been looking to get in touch with him regularly on my return visits to Ireland. Have always popped into the Pav on the off chance he or Peadar would be there.
Would love to meet up for a drinky when I'm back the next time. drop an email!

Bill - 1992-1996

August 18th 2013 
08:57:05 PM

What is your name? Anna Tchorzewska Geoghegan
What is the title of your website: Black Box
How did you find this website? google
Where are you from? Poland, living in Dublin last 6 years
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I was visiting Grand Lodge of Ireland fallowing the Heritage Open Week. I am greatly impressed by the Freemasons movement, unfortunately no connections whatsoever. Thank you for showing me a piece of your history.

August 8th 2013 
12:35:18 AM

What is your name? Robbie McLean
What is the title of your website: Bayline Studios Photography and Events
How did you find this website? Masonic Network
Where are you from? Owings Mills, Maryland, USA
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I am a Master Mason form Ionic Lodge #145 in Reisterstown, Maryland, USA. Royal Arch Mason and Knights Templar. I am also an officer of the Grand Lodge of A.F. & A.M of Maryland. My wife and I will be in Dublin next week and am very much looking forward to our visit to the Grand Lodge of Ireland. Cheers!

August 5th 2013 
12:27:59 AM

What is your name? amanda voirol
What is the title of your website: Job\'s Daughers International
How did you find this website? Google
Where are you from? St. Louis, MO
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I am part of a Masonic organization for girls ages 10-20 called Job's Daughters and will be moving to Dublin next year to work on my Master's; would it be at all possible to speak with the Grand Master or any Grand Lodge officer about brining this organization to Dublin?

July 22nd 2013 
03:31:14 PM

What is your name? James Arthur Becker
What is the title of your website: jab109@nc.rr.com
How did you find this website? google search
Where are you from? 10801 Debnam Road, Zebulon, North Carolina 27597, USA
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Master Mason, George Washington Lodge 0143, F&AM of Pennsylvania. Knew you were one of four Grand Lodges at the time of the American Revolution. Interested in your history. My Patriot Ancestor was 76 years when he moved from Lancaster County, PA to Montgomery County, Ohio due to the mob actions of the Anti Masonics in Lancaster, PA. Jacob Becker was born in a getto in Germany.

July 13th 2013 
02:45:09 PM

What is your name? Rommel Panganiban
What is the title of your website: google
How did you find this website? just research because of my mason friend in the Philippines
Where are you from? I\'m Living in Dublin since 2001 and become an Irish Citizen
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It was a great history and achievements that I ever saw in my life, including the famous persons and President around the world, is amazing !!! I was delighted and is very convincing to become a member of this Super Brotherhood Organization around the world....I would like to be a member on this Brotherhood...
Please assist me how to join...thanks a mill

July 11th 2013 
05:28:23 PM

What is your name? John Christenson
What is the title of your website: vikingbrothers.com
How did you find this website? yahoo
Where are you from? wisconsin
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I will be in Ireland from 7/12-7/19. Any sites to see regarding Freemasonry or opportunity to visit? Will start in Dublin, head to Galway, Waterford, Killarney and back to Dublin.

July 11th 2013 
11:27:57 AM

What is your name? Amanda Keeney
What is the title of your website: -
How did you find this website? google
Where are you from? Letterkenny/Ramelton Co.Donegal
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Hello, you have a nice website here. Well I was told by a male business partner that it's a shame I can't join (as I am a woman), he said I would be perfect for the society, he told me to visit this website. Live long and prosper,
Yours sincerely,
Amanda Keeney

July 6th 2013 
08:37:00 PM

What is your name? George Irwin
What is the title of your website: nymasons.org
How did you find this website? Google
Where are you from? Grand Lodge of New York
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I will be visiting Dublin the latter part of October, 2013. Is it possible to arrange a tour of your Grand Lodge building?

July 6th 2013 
06:05:43 PM

What is your name? frank farrell
What is the title of your website: I came and I Saw
How did you find this website? google
Where are you from?
Kansas city, MO
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I had hoped to take lodge at the Grand lodge in Dublin but I found it was closed on Saturday. It is a beautiful building from the outside. Hope next time to take the tour. Lodge 427 Glenwood, MO

June 29th 2013 
12:29:17 AM

What is your name? Mark Hoffman
What is the title of your website: Wilbraham Masonic Building Association
How did you find this website? Google
Where are you from? Westfield,MA
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Looking for Freemason sites of interest in Ireland. Will be in the area in mid-July.

June 15th 2013 
03:24:40 PM

What is your name? Joe O\'Hagan
What is the title of your website: _
How did you find this website? Google
Where are you from? Tipperary, Ireland
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What is the minimum age to join, and how should I go about this?

June 12th 2013 
06:13:57 AM

What is your name? troye e. downs
What is the title of your website: www.na.com
How did you find this website? looking for lodge #441 of the Irish registry 38th foot infantry by j.e. batt - castle william island
Where are you from? Minnesota usa
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i would like to pay respect for what they have done for prince hall

June 3rd 2013 
10:29:49 AM

What is your name? Nathan J Burke
What is the title of your website: Every Son Deserves A Dad
How did you find this website? Link on the UGLQ Website
Where are you from? Brisbane, QLD, Australia
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Dear Brothers,

What a blast from the past to see such a website still exists online - it reminds me of my first project while at University at the end of the 90's.

Having discovered my ancestry hails from Galway and having just taken the first, I am looking forward to venturing to Ireland and visiting many of my ancestral and fraternal brothers in my journey to the east.

Do drop by my website or send me an email should you desire to visit my lodge during your travels Down Under.

Nathan J Burke EA
Lamington Lodge No. 110 UGLQ

May 21st 2013 
10:22:34 PM

What is your name?  Robert Alan lynch
What is the title of your website: NO WEBSITE
How did you find this website? a friend
Where are you from? dublin ireland
Please enter your comments? how does a person become a maison

May 21st 2013 
07:02:02 PM

What is your name? Richie Davidson
What is the title of your website: N/A
How did you find this website? internet
Where are you from? Jordan Lodge in Peabody mass-USA
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April 24th 2013 
02:33:48 PM

What is your name? Christopher
What is the title of your website: N/A
How did you find this website? Google
Where are you from? lodge Nitro #170, West Virgina, United States
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During the second week June 2013 myself and one other masonic brother will visiting Dublin, Ireland while on a buisness trip. We would like visit a few masonic lodges and even possibly attend a meeting. Please, send me a point of contact to schedule the arrangements. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Chris Moran
Nitro #170, West Virginia, U.S.

April 17th 2013 
03:54:34 AM

What is your name? Jack Witz
What is the title of your website: Van Nuys Lodge #450
How did you find this website? www.irish-freemasons.org
Where are you from? Los Angeles
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I am a member of Van Nuys Lodge #450 in Van Nuys, CA and will be visiting Ireland during July 2013--Dublin and parts of southern Ireland. Would like to visit a few lodges on the trip but I know most will be dark during that time.

March 29th 2013 
09:25:50 PM

What is your name? Connor Polson
What is the title of your website: Mebzy Productions
How did you find this website? Google
Where are you from? Norther Ireland
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What is the requirements to become a Freemason?
What do you do in the lodge?

March 26th 2013 
02:35:51 PM

What is your name? sang kiplangat yusuf
What is the title of your website: google
How did you find this website? through google
Where are you from? Tanzania Africa
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its great honor to me to have known more about free mason ,on the other hand i would like to become member of brotherhood please tell me the procedures

March 19th 2013 
11:33:06 AM

What is your name? Peter McCorduck
What is the title of your website: NO WEBSITE
How did you find this website? Traced via a Name seach of McCorduck
Where are you from? Vancouver B.C Canada
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Please forward this Entry to David >C. McCorduck I am trying po find Data on the Family Name Of McCorduck. and how it proliferated in the USA and Will DIE in Canada. MY Branch of the Family Die s with MY Death. please contact me at knighgtwingfire@yahoo.com for more detail. 

March 13th 2013 
09:10:21 PM

What is your name? James Edward Burke
What is the title of your website: The Medinah Shriners
How did you find this website? It is linked from the Shriners International site
Where are you from? Chicago, Illinois, USA
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I am close to retirement age and my life dream has been to spend my remaining years in Ireland which is where my ancestors are from.
I am a Master Mason and Past Master of my Lodge. I am also a Past Excellent High Priest of the Royal Arch, a Past Thrice Illustrious Master of The Cryptic Council (which you seem to refer to as Knight Masons) and a Past Eminent Commander of The Knights Templar Commandery.
I have been awarded The Knights Cross of Honor which now makes me a member of Illinois Priory #11.  I am also a 32nd degree Scottish Rite Mason and a Shriner.
My question is:
If my wife and I were to retire to Ireland would I be considered a Mason in good standing or would I have to start from the beginning?
Thank you for any response which you may offer.
Jim Burke

February 24th 2013 
05:40:59 AM

What is your name? Alonzo Passmore
What is the title of your website: Gmail.com
How did you find this website? I looked up Irish Freemasonry on-line
Where are you from? West Valley City,Utah
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I have a question,but I don't mean it to be inflamitory. Irish Freemasons hold Parades in neighborhoods that are of different religious denominations than them selves. In The U.S. this would be unheard of. What prompts the parades? My Grandmother was from Ireland. I have never been there but hope to some day. I know different places do things differently but I am curious about Irish Freemasonry. I belong to Silver Cord #51,Henderson,Nevada. U.S.A. Fraternal best wishes!

February 16th 2013 
03:28:51 AM

What is your name? Daniel Rowe
What is the title of your website: Sudbury-Manitoulin District, Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario
How did you find this website? Through our Grand Lodge links
Where are you from? Friendship Lodge 691
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Greetings from across the pond. I read your newsletter - loved the Masonic Wife's musings.

February 10th 2013 
11:20:18 PM

What is your name? Jaroslaw Mierzwa
What is the title of your website: 3D VISUALISATION ANIMATION
How did you find this website? google
Where are you from? Pole from Dublin.
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Website with, very interesting content, recommend.

February 9th 2013 
05:50:39 PM

What is your name? paul hogan
What is the title of your website: dont have one
How did you find this website? google
Where are you from? luton .england
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as a master mason ,allied arts 6269 ,meet at u.g.l.e , I would like to visit
and see around ,or do a tour ,of the masonic centre ,or even go to a meeting if one is taken place while I am over there. looking to travel on the 4th oct - 8th

February 5th 2013 
10:27:03 PM

What is your name? Robert Gittens
What is the title of your website: Manny B Productions
How did you find this website? Google
Where are you from? Buford Lodge #292 of Buford, Georgia, U.S.A.
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Visiting Ireland in May and doing a little research on possibly visiting a lodge while there.

February 4th 2013 
12:14:30 PM

What is your name? Liz Tyrell
What is the title of your website: How did you find this website?
I was looking for The Freemasons Hall on Google
Where are you from? Drumcondra
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I was looking up The Freemasons Hall on Google. I want to go and visit it and wanted more information, then it brought me to this site. I am interested in Freemasonary. I have read books on it. But I didn't know there was a Freemasons Hall until I saw it on Tv for Heritage week. I want to go and visit it now. I thought this would be the site to do it.

February 3rd 2013 
02:27:57 PM

What is your name? John Edmund Kenny
What is the title of your website: unk
How did you find this website? Google.
Where are you from? County Kilkenny.
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Interesting website on an interesting topic. I look forward to learning more of the history of the organisation.

February 1st 2013 
12:35:25 AM

What is your name? Richard S Nicholl
What is the title of your website: no title
How did you find this website? Just browsing
Where are you from? County Londonderry
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I was looking around this website and it is most informative and extremely well put together. I am not a member of the brotherhood but I would seriously consider joining.

January 31st 2013 
03:44:49 AM

What is your name? Dennis Sweet
What is the title of your website: unk
How did you find this website? specifically searched for it
Where are you from? Park Hills, Missouri
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I enjoyed your site. Also, my family hailed from there in 1300's, then England until 1548 when they first landed in Massachusetts. I would love to visit Ireland where I hail from and attend a lodge meeting if possible.

January 19th 2013 
05:04:25 PM

What is your name?  Edson Maia
What is the title of your website:  my commercial website
How did you find this website? On linkedin.
Where are you from? Grand Orient of Brasil, PR.
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Lodge "path to truth, 1826"
A triple brotherly hug

January 17th 2013 
01:45:11 AM

What is your name? Stephen Hammond
What is the title of your website: unk
How did you find this website? Looking for it specificaly
Where are you from? Petersham, Massachusetts, USA
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I will be visiting Ireland for the first time with my wife and son in April, and was hoping to visit a Lodge durring a regular Communication.

January 4th 2013 
03:04:54 PM

What is your name? Arnaldo Almeida
What is the title of your website: MAÇONARIA NA WEB
How did you find this website? google
Where are you from? FORTALEZA - CEARÁ - BRAZIL
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excellent website.

January 3rd 2013 
10:17:51 PM

What is your name? R Connolly
What is the title of your website: dont have one
How did you find this website? Google
Where are you from? County Antrim
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Have always been intrigued by the idea of the masons and share the same beliefs and would like to learn more and where is my nearest lodge.