Volume 17

February 21st 2014 
04:40:45 PM

What is your name?
Byron Harris
What is the title of your website:
Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland
How did you find this website?
Ireland webpage
Where are you from?
Glenn Dale, MD, USA
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I am from the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland, USA.
I am a member of the MWPH Lodge #38 in Baltimore, MD, USA where the Worshipful Master is Keith Gardner.
I bid you Brothers greetings from your F&AM brothers in Maryland.

February 26th 2014 
03:53:39 PM

What is your name?
Geoffrey Barry Smith
What is the title of your website:
Grand Lodge of England
How did you find this website?
I googled Grand Lodge of Ireland
Where are you from?
London, England
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Seems very Brotherly and welcoming.

March 3rd 2014 
04:51:21 AM

What is your name?
Elvin E. Evans
What is the title of your website:
Turlock 395
How did you find this website?
Internet search
Where are you from?
Turlock, California USA
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Interesting site. Hope to visit a Lodge when I visit Ireland this Yearku48

March 12th 2014 
07:00:29 PM

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my Son gave it to me
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Excelente. Quisiera poder accesar a mas informaciĆ³n. Mi Hijo PABLO ANTONIO MARSDEN, es un potencial Candidato.
I would like to be able of getting more information related to Freemasonry. in Venezuela

March 17th 2014 
10:44:52 PM

What is your name?
vance spencer
What is the title of your website:
Just vance Spencer at raco14@yahoo.com
How did you find this website?
Masonic Links
Where are you from?
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Very nice website I belong to the Knight Masons in Northern California. I am lookingfor an Irish Research Lodge I could become a member of the CC.

April 6th 2014 
12:06:56 AM

What is your name?
Donald Fitzpatrick
What is the title of your website:
dont have one
How did you find this website?
was a member before i came to Canada
Where are you from?
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I would like to know what happened to Flavelle Lodge no. 502

April 19th 2014 
01:48:00 PM

What is your name?
Marcus Toliver
What is the title of your website:
The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Texas
How did you find this website?
Where are you from?
Houston,Tx, USA
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I sent you great brothers greetings from Texas
May 9th 2014 
09:44:06 PM

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May 19th 2014 
05:09:31 PM

What is your name?
What is the title of your website:
How did you find this website?
on the website
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Nice website

May 20th 2014 
02:54:22 AM

What is your name?
What is the title of your website:
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Where are you from?
Weirton, West Virginia USA
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I hail from Internet Lodge 9659, warranted under the United Grand Lodge of England and under Provincial Grand Lodge of East Lancashire.
I enjoyed visiting your website and look forward to the day I may be able to visit your country and your Grand Lodge.
Raymond Sean Walters

May 29th 2014 
03:58:37 AM

What is your name?
Bappeda Kota Lhokseumawe
What is the title of your website:
Bappeda Kota Lhokseumawe
How did you find this website?
Where are you from?
Lhokseumawe, Aceh - Indonesia
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Peace Gretings From Lhokseumawe, Aceh - Indonesia

July 14th 2014 
09:27:58 PM

What is your name?
Kenneth Lumpkin
What is the title of your website:
St John's 209a
How did you find this website?
searched Internet
Where are you from?
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Note: The email address provided on your website is not valid, according to yahoo.com

Dear Web Master of Grand Lodge of Ireland,
My name is Kenneth Lumpkin, originally an American, now living in Canada. I became a Freemason in 2012, joining St. John's 209a here in London, ON. Our lodge was originally a field lodge with a regiment of British soldiers with Irish officers with a "traveling warrant" from the Grand Lodge of Ireland, originally known as Field Lodge 38. Do you have any extant records of St John's 209a or Field Lodge 38 that I might see or be privy to? I am our lodge's current historian and Masonic Education director. I would appreciate any information you can share.
Kenneth C. Lumpkin
Senior Steward
St John's 209a
London, ON

July 31st 2014 
06:50:34 AM

What is your name?
Stuart Mitchell
What is the title of your website:
How did you find this website?
Link from United Grand Lodge of Queensland
Where are you from?
Brisbane, Australia
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Greetings to all of you in Ireland. I will be moving to Kilkenny sometime in the next 6-8 weeks and I look forward to meeting many of you.
I would be pleased to hear from anyone via my email.
Fraternal regards
W.Bro. Stuart Mitchell
PM Mt Pleasant No 361, UGLQ
Member of Camp Hill No. 388, UGLQ
Ill. Bro (30th) Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite in Australia
PMWS Alma Mater Rose Croix Chapter No. 176
Member Wynumm Sovereign Council No. 13

August 8th 2014 
12:07:39 PM

What is your name?
Joseph, Ruiz
What is the title of your website:
How did you find this website?
Looking up different information on Freemason's
Where are you from?
Holland, Ohio, U.S.A.
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I am new to the Freemason's as a Fellocraft and trying to learn as much as possible about Freemason's.

September 1st 2014 
11:05:53 PM

What is your name?
Joseph Blancett
What is the title of your website:
How did you find this website?
Online Searching
Where are you from?
California, USA
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I am glad to see fellow Masons having fun in brotherhood and sisterhood and keeping true to fraternity. The web page is informative and a positive experience.
We are One under the Creator.
From Masons in America to you, Have a Great Day, always living the virtues of the Masonic Fraternity.

September 26th 2014 
12:13:56 AM

What is your name?
Amar Goundory
What is the title of your website:
How did you find this website?
Where are you from?
Ireland, Co. Loais
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Hello to all the Mason brothers,
Ive been looking for some spiritual answers all my life which took to Muslim from Hindu to Catholic to Christian. to be honest I’m not happy at all the way they teach things cause i believe there's more than this to learn.
im a very ambitious,determine and focus in my life but struggling so much last few years, seeking help with various religion s and books which drag me backward in life. Today I'm broke with no jobs, no money and no perspective.
i've been reading a lot about mason since i knew about it and I'm fully ready to be among Mason brothers. I will be glad if someone can show me a way to the light. what should i do to be back home.

September 28th 2014 
12:58:26 AM

What is your name?
Jose Elisomar da Silva Cardoso
What is the title of your website:
I have not website
How did you find this website?
I found it in UGLE
Where are you from?
I am from Recife, Brazil
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Hi,my loved Brothers,
I am from Recife, Brazil, my Lodge name is Luiz Gonzaga do Nascimento, 4191,Grand Orient of Brazil-GOB.I am so glad to get know about your site. I would like to make contact my brothers.Apologize for my bad English.


October 1st 2014 
07:23:24 AM

What is your name?
William Wood
What is the title of your website:
How did you find this website?
I was visiting Ireland in 2009
Where are you from?
Downey United Masonic Lodge #220 Downey California
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Greetings Brethren ! Would you know if there is a lodge in Templemore, Tipperary?

October 7th 2014 
02:50:53 PM

What is your name?
What is the title of your website:
Duke of Leinster Masonic Lodge Brisbane
How did you find this website?
Divine inspiration
Where are you from?
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Fraternal greetings from Brisbane's oldest Irish Masonic Lodge. The Duke of Leinster Lodge is celebrating 150 years of Irish Freemasonry in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.

October 28th 2014 
06:40:22 PM

What is your name?
What is the title of your website:
Duke of Cambridge
How did you find this website?
Where are you from?
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Fraternal greeting from USA' oldest Ulter/Irish America' Masonic Lodge
of George Washington (Williamsburg, Virginia) celebrating over 150(+)
years' southern jurisdiction affiliation of the Irish Freemasonry....in the
United States' and, Great Britain /or London / English Lodge......UK*

December 23rd 2014 
08:17:46 PM

What is your name?
What is the title of your website:
antonio cesar rangel
How did you find this website?
searching the internet
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I liked the site and the information, I am researching various things about Ireland, because I am thinking of living outside Brazil. I like the history and culture of Ireland, also climate.
A Fraternal embrace

December 27th 2014 
08:54:50 PM

What is your name?
What is the title of your website:
Concord Lodge 625
How did you find this website?
Where are you from?
United States
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I have acquired a historical certificate (1904) from the Lodge of St. John no. 144 at an Antique shop. The certificate claims that the lodge was under your jurisdiction but I can find nothing about this lodge online. I am researching it out of curiosity and was hoping you could provide some information about this lodge. If anyone has any information please contact me via email. Thanks.
Bro. Victor