Volume 3

Wednesday 01/24/2001 2:56:18am

Name:Elwood L.R. Schmidt


Referred By:Just Surfed In

Location:Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Comments:My home is Prince George, B.C. Lodge #178.
Your WEB site is refreshing....

Sunday 01/21/2001 3:22:36pm

Name: terry parker

E-Mail: trparker@worldnet.att.net

Referred By: Just Surfed In

Comments: greeting for friendship lodge #53 fellowship florida usa. great site, if anyone is interested in sharing news of their lodge and me sharing news from here will be glad to hear from you.

Friday 01/19/2001 5:56:24pm

Name: John Luyting

E-Mail: jluyting@club-internet.fr

Referred By: Just Surfed In

Location: Catllar , (Pyrenées Orientales)France

Comments: Got your whereabouts from the Philalethes USA, andfound a very interesting site. Having visited Ireland several times in the seventies and the eighties, I adore your country.
Now retired in the South of France, I spend much time in surfing on Internet
and looking for masonic sites.
Born Dutch, living in France since 35 years, member of the Lodge 1122 ? Harmnie Solidarité of the Grand Lodge of France. Keep on the good work Brethren
John Luyting

Wednesday 01/17/2001 3:20:43pm

Name: Reginald J. Shier, P/Grand Steward

E-Mail: rshier@sympatico.ca

Homepage Title:Lorne Lodge N0:404 - GLO

Referred By: E-Mail

Location: Harrowsmith, Ontario, Canada

Comments: Just browsing and found your site. Having gone through it I find the site a wonderful acomplishment. Excellent. I had the pleasure of escorting some thirty Masons to Ireland in 1992. We toured the Grand Lodge.. M/W Bro Walker, Grand Secretary was most gracious.

Friday 01/12/2001 10:46:16pm

Name: W.Bro.J.A.Ferguson

E-Mail: jfromerf@netscape.net

Homepage Title:Claude M. Kent #681

Referred By: Just Surfed In

Location: Oakville,Ontario,Canada.

Comments: Fraternal greetings brethern.

Monday 01/08/2001 3:18:46pm

Name:Charles de Jager


Referred By:Just Surfed In

Location:Lodge Leinster # 743 I.C. South Africa

Comments:I love the web site, especially the picture book. I would like to keep in contact with Brethren from around the world. Fraternal Greetings to all Brethren.

Sunday 01/07/2001 8:59:21pm

Name: William James Sheils

E-Mail: billsheils@hotmail.com

Referred By: Search Engine

Location: Dorking Surrey England

Comments: A very interesting and comprehensive site.Congratulations.W.Bro.Bill Sheils Nisi Dominus Lodge No.5517 U.G.L.E.

Saturday 01/06/2001 6:24:32pm

Name: Jonathan McClean

E-Mail: jmcclean@btinternet.com

Referred By: Friend

Location: Banbridge, Co.Down. N.Ireland

Comments: Fraternal Greetings from WM and Brethern of Union Band Masonic Lodge No.336. Love the web site. Hope all the Brethern worldwide live in peace, love and harmony!

Saturday 01/06/2001 12:24:20am

Name: Bro.ThomasMcNab

E-Mail: thomas.eleanor@virgin.net

Homepage Title:J.D. Lodge Union . 244

Referred By: Just Surfed In

Location: Central Scotland

Comments: Fraternal Greetings from the R.W.M. Office Bearers and Brethern All at Lodge Union 244 Stonehouse. It is a pleasure to visit your websight to see how strong our order is worldwide.


Monday 01/01/2001 8:39:22am

Name:Sam Morton


Referred By:Search Engine

Location:Coleraine N.ireland

Comments:Fraternal Greetings and Happy New Year.My mother Lodge is Vow Ferry No 17 .

Sunday 12/31/2000 3:13:52pm

Name: Robert S. Nedimovich

E-Mail: nedostan@wcteltech.net

Homepage URL:http://www.wcteltech.com/~nedostan

Referred By: Just Surfed In

Location: Abbotsford B. C. Canada

Comments: Enjoyed my visit. Thank you for your most gracious hospitality hosting this website!!!

Saturday 12/30/2000 9:02:36pm

Name: W. Bro. James Macdonald

E-Mail: mackat@globalserve.net

Referred By: Just Surfed In

Location: Long Branch Lodge #632 Toronto Canada

Comments: Good work.. . excellent web site. I enjoyed my visit and shall return soon. Sorry to part.

Saturday 12/30/2000 8:39:15pm

Name: Percy E Sudsbury

E-Mail: sgtsuds@bellsouth.net

Referred By: Just Surfed In

Location: Greensboro,NC, USA

Comments: I am very impressed with this site and the detail it provides on Masonry in Ireland. This should be a great help in coordinating a visit on my next trip to NI. I am currently corresponding with a brother from Randalstown and he recently sent a copy of the 2000 Gazette of the PGL of Antrim. Pg. 14 mentions the Irish Lodge of Research
....do they have a publication? Also where might I find information on the Masonic connections during the Rebellion of 1798? Since I am also the Sec. of the Triad Council,AMD I have been searching out information on the Knights of the Red Branch since we also have the Red Branch of Eri as one of the degrees and I would like to give a paper on that subject at a council meeting. Fraternally, Percy Sudsbury

Thursday 12/28/2000 5:28:47am

Name: willy buist

E-Mail: wackersouthafrica@cybertrade.co.za

Referred By: Search Engine

Location: pgl of sa northern

Comments: My first visit to the site and i am pleased to say I am impressed. best wishes from Achill 853 for 2001. hope to see you all in person in june/july.


Wednesday 12/27/2000 4:08:31pm

Name:W.Bro Gary Millar [WM406]


Referred By:Just Surfed In

Comments:Excellent website. Enjoyed the photo tour just as I remembered it from my visit.

Tuesday 12/26/2000 6:15:08pm

Name: W. Bro Gordon Goodfellow

E-Mail: bushmillsman@netscapeonline.co.uk

Referred By: Just Surfed In

Comments: Good luck to all brethren associated with the upkeep of this site.
WM of Farmers Lodge of Friendship No. 978 Ballylesson. Co. Down N. Ireland in the YML 6000

Monday 12/25/2000 11:02:25am

Name: Jirí Hornacek

E-Mail: jiri.hornacek@volny.cz

Referred By: Search Engine

Location: Brno,Czech Republic

Comments: Pozdrav vsem irskym F:.M:.Happy New Year

Sunday 12/24/2000 6:13:42am

Name: W.Bro. Ivan Wolmarans

E-Mail: mwstewol@mweb.co.za

Referred By: Just Surfed In

Location: South Africa, Pretoria

Comments: I would like to wish you all at Grand Lodge all the best for the festive season from myself, the W.M.and brethren of Connaught Lodge No. 361

Saturday 12/23/2000 7:15:50pm

Name: joao bosco ferreira lima

E-Mail: Murikito@yahoo.com.br

Referred By: Web Ring

Comments: This web site very interesting, a lot of great Masonic information. Fraternal greetinings to all from Brasil and Acacia 20 de Agosto – 3256 Lodge.


Friday 12/22/2000 10:34:14pm

Name:kenneth g. rodgers


Referred By:Just Surfed In

Location:kentucky- U.S.A.

Comments:I have found this web site very interesting.thank you for the tour of the grand lodge of irland

Wednesday 12/20/2000 1:31:48am

Name: Jacques Labuschagne

E-Mail: slabusch@mj.org.za

Referred By: Just Surfed In

Location: South Africa

Comments: Season's Greetings to all. Great site, keep up the good work.
From Ulster Lodge 400 I.C. South Africa
Snr Deacon

Monday 12/18/2000 2:54:46pm

Name: Bro. Stewart

E-Mail: mailto:

Referred By: Search Engine

Comments: I would like to draw the brethren's attention to yet another attack upon our esteemed and illustrious order. Yet again it is from a so-called evangelical source and also within our own jurisdiction of Ireland. To view this deceitful site log into www.evangelicaltruth.org.uk

Sunday 12/17/2000 1:34:08am

Name: Robert Nixon

E-Mail: robert1945@aol.com

Referred By: Search Engine

Location: Smyrna Lodge # 532 F&AM Ceres CA USA

Comments: Good site, a lot of great Masonic information. With Respect and Brotherly Love Robert Nixon WM Smyrna # 532

Monday 12/11/2000 4:56:35am

Name: Marty Fackelman

E-Mail: mflst45@cs.com

Referred By: Friend

Location: Round Hill. VA, USA

Comments: Great website. I will be over there in May and hope to visit you then.


Sunday 12/10/2000 6:17:35am

Name:Peter Grabowski


Referred By:Friend


Comments:Just a message for the WM and officers/members of Sephar Lodge No 810.
Thank you for the very warm and fraternal welcome when I visited you on Thursday 7 December. Hoping you will be able to visit my Lodge, Samaritan No 8114,in the New Year.

Friday 12/08/2000 5:32:01pm


E-Mail: julioadr@gcsnet.com.br

Referred By: Just Surfed In

Location: GRETINGS !!!!!!


Thursday 12/07/2000 9:50:54pm

Name: M.'.W.'. Earle J. Hino Jr. 33o PGM--NY

E-Mail: e.hino@worldnet.att.net

Referred By: Search Engine

Location: La Jolla , Calif 92037-8108

Comments: I thoroughly enjoyed your Comprehensive Web Site. Keep up the " good Work ". I'm confident that many of our Masonic Brethren around the World would agree. Best Wishes to you, Your Grand Master and to the Grand Lodge of Ireland

Thursday 12/07/2000 6:28:35am

Name: Nick Xenakis

E-Mail: letstalk@enacs.net

Referred By: Search Engine

Location: Sydney AUSTRALIA

Comments: Fraternal Greetings to all! Lodge Hellenic Arcadia 177 of The Grand Lodge of NSW Australia. continue to enjoy many Masonic things . . .

Saturday 12/02/2000 10:55:07pm

Name: james grady lafferty

E-Mail: jiml_93930@yahoo.com

Homepage Title:jiml_93930@yahoo.com

Homepage URL:http://yahoo.com

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: california

Comments: faternal greetings, i am your grand representative from the grand lodge of ireland to the grand lodge of california. i just recently got a computer and am now online.i found your webpage to be very interesting. for a while i was getting your newsletter,but nothing recently. thanks for the tour.james grady lafferty,pm santa lucia lodge #302 king city,ca 93930


Saturday 12/02/2000 9:14:26am

Name:W Bro R G Dickinson

Referred By:Just Surfed On In

Location:Gainas Lodge (5121) Lincolnshire

Comments:Fraternal greetings from the officers and brethren of my lodge

Monday 11/27/2000 8:50:13pm

Name: Elden D. Gee

E-Mail: eldengee@yahoo.com

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: Hurst,Texas

Comments: Fraternal greetings from Ridglea #1341 Ft.Worth, Texas. I have been visitng many different masonic web sites around the world to find any items of interest that I can utilize in my home lodge to generate greater participation and interest in the craft. Your web site has been an excellent tool in this regard and I thank you kindly for sharing it with me. Fraternally yours, Elden D. Gee SW Ridglea #1341

Sunday 11/26/2000 10:45:18pm

Name: Michael Holmes

E-Mail: ardrigh@seanet.com

Homepage Title:Ard Ri Military Collectibles

Homepage URL:http://www.oz.net/~ardrigh

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: Originally Belfast, Now U.S.A.

Comments: Fantastic site. Fraternal Regards, Michael

Saturday 11/25/2000 8:13:20am

Name: Frank Brooks

E-Mail: macrambo@pnc.com.au

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: Scotland, now Australia

Comments: Thank you for generating an informative and splendid site, It was indeed a pleasure to visit, and I will most certainly return. The site not only does credit to the craft, but Ireland in general. Fraternal Regards Frank Brooks


Friday 11/24/2000 1:24:06pm

Name:Bro. Frank Mooney


Homepage URL:http://www.iphomenet.com

Referred By:Net Search

Location:Birmingham, England

Comments:I am Senior Deacon in the Lodge of Hospitality No. 8325 in Worcestershire. My parents were both born in Dublin and I have many relatives over there. I am presently doing business in Ireland and visit quite frequently. I am amazed from your web site at the splendour of your building and maybe one day I will have the pleasure of seeing it for real. Fraternal Greetings from the WM, W's and B of the Lodge of Hospitality.

Wednesday 11/22/2000 2:56:49am

Name: E. David Martin

E-Mail: JHAGMartin@aol.com

Homepage Title:Mulbrry Key Shop (Locksmiths)

Homepage URL:http://www.mulberrykeyshop.freeservers.com

Referred By: Signing another Guestbook

Location: Lakeland, Florida

Comments: In Niagara Falls, NY, I am a Past Master of Niagara River#785, Past High Priest Niagara Chapter 200 RAM, Past Commander of Niagara Commandary 64 KT, and Past Sovereign Master of Niagara Council 101 AMD, plus a member of many other Masonic Organizations. Like your site and will drop back from time to time. Yours Fraternally, W^E.David Martin

Tuesday 11/21/2000 10:04:43pm

Name: Donald E. Walker

E-Mail: donw@csrlink.net

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: Danville, Pa. U.S.A.

Comments: Great web site. I belong to Mahoning Lodge #516 located in Danville, Pa. U.S.A.. My great-great-grandfather William Campbell Walker was born July 14, 1814 in Lirharran near Garva, Parish of Dasert Lohill, County of Londenderry, Province of Ulster, and the half Barony of Colarine. I don't know the names of his parents or if he had any brothers or sisters. He left Ireland when he was eighteen years old and settled in Danville, Pa.. In 1850 he married Christina Hileman. He expired Nov. 10,1884. Any information about his family will be appreciated.

Monday 11/20/2000 8:56:42am

Name: stewart morris

E-Mail: taffoz@tpg.com.au

Referred By: Net Search

Location: org wales now australia

Comments: was in Ireland july 2000 not long enough met with relitive PM soon to come back i hope from queens lodge 229 sydney oz will look at your page all the time now.

Sunday 11/19/2000 6:56:02am

Name: Tom Macaluso

E-Mail: macalusotom@hotmail.com

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: San Gabriel #89, Georgetown, TX USA

Comments: Fraternal greetings! Enjoyed your site.


Tuesday 11/14/2000 6:09:48pm

Name:Mike Alexander


Referred By:Just Surfed On In


Comments:fraternal greetings to all brothers! our lodge has diminished greatly in numbers of late and we are now only 9 active members,anyway to cut straight to the point i am at present serving my one year as steward and after utilising the net,realise how vast the brotherhood of masonary extends.i would therefore kindly like to ask if any brothers from around the world would like to sent us at OPTIMA LODGE a postcard with greetings from their lodge,i promise to send a postcard in return.The idea is to create one wall on our bar as an international wall of lodge greetings.If you can send us a card,please send it to OPTIMA LODGE 9380ec C/O MIKE ALEXANDER PO BOX 641 ORANJEMUND NAMIBIA AFRICA
Once again,i thank you and you have my word ,to send you a return postcard.. yours fraternaly mike alexander(mm) namibianrock7@hotmail.com

Saturday 11/11/2000 12:34:40am

Name: Bro Norman.M M Simons

E-Mail: norman.simons@ntlworld.com

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: Cardiff S.Wales U.K.

Comments: I found your site very refreshing and informative. I am Master elect in my Craft Lodge and also belong to 7 others Lodges and am progessing in all of them, I am coming over to Ireland next year as my wife has many relatives there, her parents came from Black Rock and Kinsale. May I wish all the Brethren and their families good health and good fortune. God bless you all. Fraternally Norman Simons

Saturday 11/11/2000 2:57:45am

Name: Trevor Beattie

E-Mail: thebeatties1@home.com

Referred By: Yahoo!

Comments: I was delighted to find a web site for the Grand Lodge of Ireland. I now live in Canada and affiliated to Phoenix Lodge #535 in Niagara district B on the Grand Registry of Canada. My mother Lodge is Royal Ulster 274 and I must confess I have not kept in contact with them. Perhaps they will have their own web page soon. I will enjoy visiting this site to keep up to date.
The web site is excellent! keep up the good work. Fraternally yours Trevor Beattie

Friday 11/10/2000 9:54:04pm

Name: Linda Rae Mason

E-Mail: lmason@aicpa.org

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: Lewisville, Texas USA

Comments: Enjoyed the pictures very much. Hope to come to Ireland and also England someday and visit Eastern Star Sisters. We have a very active Lodge and Chapter in our town.


Tuesday 11/07/2000 9:48:03pm

Name: Mrk Riddle

E-Mail: mailto:

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: lodge 521

Comments: I have been surfing and shown a lot of friends this site. They think it is quite good, especially as they are students

Monday 11/06/2000 4:42:41am

Name: Julio César Figueroa Cisneros

E-Mail: ficijuc@aol.com

Referred By: Yahoo!

Location: México

Comments: Me parecen muy impresionantes las instalaciones que tienen.
En México, somos más austeros. Los felicito. En Masonería Azul Pertenesco a la Resp Log Simb Salvador Allende N° 10, de la Muy Resp Gran Log Valle de México. Soy masón de grado 23 del Rito Escocés, miembro del Supremo Consejo de México, con cede en Puente de Alvarado N° 90. Además soy Venerable Patrono del Capítulo Azteca N° 2 de la Orden de la Estrella de Oriente. Reciban un ósculo de paz y fraternidad.

Saturday 11/04/2000 11:07:33pm

Name: lewis young

E-Mail: lyoung3257@aol.com

Homepage Title:lodge dalkeith kilwinning no 10

Homepage URL:http://no10lodge.bizland.com

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Comments: excellent website keep up the good work


Thursday 11/02/2000 7:55:29pm

Name: Joseph Hall

E-Mail: joseph@4management.fsbusiness.co.uk

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: Chorley, Lancashire, England

Comments: Fraternal Greetings
I am the Master of Blainscough Lodge 8532 in the register of the Grand Lodge of England. I am interested in trying to establish a "twinning" type relationship with other lodges in other countries, if anyone else is interested in such a relationship then contact me and I can supply a profile of our lodge, our town and other information to help find a "twin".

Friday 11/03/2000 3:18:00pm

Name:Tom Archer


Referred By:Yahoo!

Location:Kingman, Kansas USA

Comments:What a great site. I plan to visit back often. I would enjoy corresponding with any Irish Mason on the subject of Freemasonry, or any other subject. Fraternally yours
Tom Archer, PM Ninnescah Lodge #230 AF & AM

Tuesday 10/31/2000 4:53:08pm


E-Mail: aapelbaum@hotmail.com

Referred By: Clicked on our Banner Advertisement

Location: rio de janeiro-brazil

Comments: Beloved Brethren May the almighty GOD,brings you and your families ,good health peace and harmony. Artur Apelbaum -W:.M:. - lodge Nova Era - Great Orient Of Brazil

Tuesday 10/31/2000 1:15:07am

Name: James Gary Taylor

E-Mail: jamesretnav@aol.com

Referred By: Net Search

Location: Wilmington, Delaware, USA

Comments: A beautiful Web Site. Be proud of it. Looking forward to my visit to Ireland 1st thru 8th of April 2001 for Lodge Degree work.

Sunday 10/29/2000 3:00:58am

Name: George A. Stephens, Jr. PM

E-Mail: gastephjr@apl.com

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: Falls Pa. United States

Comments: Fraternal greetings to my brothers in Ireland, I just got hooked up to the internet and I am enjoying the Masonic information available. I am a Past Master of Factoryville Masonic Lodge #341 in the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania. I was raised in 1976.


Saturday 10/28/2000 12:36:12am

Name:Ian Varty


Referred By:From a Friend

Location:Co Durham England

Comments:A very enjoyable and well put together site.

Friday 10/27/2000 11:19:42am

Name: Delah Parker-Mann

E-Mail: D35pkiss@hotmail.com

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: Ut,for now then on to Ca.

Comments: I've been looking for anything Irish, Plus infor on my Sr. name Mann. I love this site and will bookmark it. I'll be back..bless it be de

Thursday 10/26/2000 8:54:47pm

Name: John W Hess

E-Mail: jhess@mokandistr.com

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: Liberty MO USA

Comments: Brethern, I have enjoyed your web page. Keep up the good work. Fraternally John W Hess Grand Orator, Grand Lodge of Missouri

Thursday 10/26/2000 4:37:51am

Name: AD Baggett

E-Mail: adbag3193@aol.com

Referred By: From a Friend

Location: Prattville, Alabama - USA

Comments: Greetings from Hampden Sidney Lodge #67, of the Grand Lodge of Alabama. You have a wonderful and informative web site that is easy to use.


Wednesday 10/25/2000 3:22:26am

Name:Elden D. Gee


Referred By:Just Surfed On In

Location:Ft. Worth,Texas

Comments:I've been looking at web sites from around the United States and the World. I am looking for ideas from other lodges that I can use to promote masonry in my own community. Your web site is one of the most helpful that I have encountered so far. It is no wonder that you have received the awards you have. Excellent work!!! Fraternally yours, Elden Gee SW Ridglea #1341 FT. Worth, Texas

Monday 10/23/2000 5:51:14pm

Name: Edwin L. Brawley

E-Mail: brawley6@home.com

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA

Comments: Very nicely done site.

Saturday 10/21/2000 8:15:08pm

Name: Adrian Don

E-Mail: adrian@adrian-don.co.uk

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: Tynemouth, England

Comments: Great site. Puts United Grand Lodge of England website to shame! Fraternal greetings. (Priory Lodge No.1863, Province of Northumberland)

Saturday 10/21/2000 7:55:21pm

Name: Russell Smith

E-Mail: None

Referred By: Yahoo!

Location: Altus, Oklahoma USA

Comments: I have really enjoyed exploring your web page. I know no Freemasons from here, but am interested in meeting people of the order. Great website!


Thursday 10/19/2000 7:16:05pm

Name:Derrick George Barthus MM


Referred By:From a Friend

Location:Natal, South Africa

Comments:I was amazed by your outstanding website. It was interesting and very informative. I am a member of Hybernia Lodge in Natal,South Africa. I wish all brethern worldwide the best of luck.

Wednesday 10/18/2000 10:31:28am

Name: Tom Brunt

E-Mail: mailto:

Referred By: From a Friend

Location: Trillick, Co Tyrone, N. Ireland

Comments: Fraternal greetings from the W.M., Officers and Brethern of Castlemervyn Masonic Lodge 58, Trillick Co Tyrone to all brethern on the www. Superb site.

Sunday 10/15/2000 5:56:06pm

Name: Wayne M Loughrey

E-Mail: Wayne.M.Loughrey@aus.dupont.com

Referred By: Viewing another Guestbook

Location: Perth, Western Australia

Comments: Fraternal greetings from Western Australia to All. I was just looking through various Masonic web sites to see if there were any other Loughrey's in the craft in other countries and I found this wonderful site. Seeing that somewhere way back when, my fathers people ( who I believe were masons) came from Ireland and as we all get older we seem to want to know whee our roots lie. I thought this might be a good starting point as I am a 3rd generation mason here in Australia. I want to congratulate those responsible for creating such a site, it does so much for the good of fremasonary to be able to communicate not only through actual visiting but now throught the WWW. Fraternaly Bro Wayne Loughrey

Sunday 10/15/2000 5:43:39pm

Name: Radomir Jelic

E-Mail: radica@neobee.net

Referred By: Net Search

Location: Yugoslavia, Vojvodina, Novi Sad

Comments: This is very good organizate web-site, and for me very interesting. As You know, in Yugoslavia, past Milosevic-regime was unfriendly for a masonic work, but now, when is finished with them I hope that masonic word will come to Yugoslav nation.

Saturday 10/14/2000 9:18:21am


E-Mail: enyi@tbwt.com

Referred By: Yahoo!

Location: NIGERIA

Comments: I learnt a lot from this web page.I am a freemason from Nigeria-LODGE MERIDIAN #1742 ON THE ROLL OF THE GRAND LODGE OF SCOTLAND.Keep it up.I would love to hear from regular masons round the world.


Friday 10/13/2000 9:53:43pm

Name:W N Knox


Referred By:From a Friend


Comments:Fraternal Greetings from all the Brethern at Castlemervyn 58 Trillick Co Tyrone.

Tuesday 10/10/2000 8:10:33pm


E-Mail: aboracci@optonline.net


Homepage URL:http://www.americanmason.com

Referred By: Just Surfed On In


Comments: You have a wonderful site which is missing only one thing - having AMERICAN MASON's E-MAG appear on it free of charge every day and every month. AMERICAN MASON - the world's first AND ONLY all-electronic Masonic magazine - as a regular feature on your web site. You know, it might triple or quadruple the number of visitors to your site. Good reading, too. Check us out at www.americanmason.com. If you like what you see, link on free of charge. . Or call me, Andrew Boracci, Editor and Publisher, at 631-725-1860

Tuesday 10/10/2000 6:26:31pm

Name: Seppo Penttinen

E-Mail: seppo.penttinen@htm.fi

Homepage Title:Portti

Homepage URL:http://www.saunalahti.fi

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: Finland

Comments: You have very nice and usefull webb-pages. I am a member of Finnish FM-team from Tampere comeing to Dublin to morrow the 11th october. Yours Seppo Penttinen

Tuesday 10/10/2000 8:40:15am

Name: Andrew Williamsen

E-Mail: andyf150@prodigy.net

Homepage Title:Andrew's World

Homepage URL:http://www.webspawner.com/users/andyf150/infex.html/

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: Austin, Texas USA

Comments: I think you have a great webpage. Keep up the good work!!!


Monday 10/09/2000 9:38:15am

Name:David Black


Referred By:Just Surfed On In

Location:Victoria, Australia

Comments:W.Bro David Black WM - Lodge Humanitas 840 A,F & A Masons of Victoria. Great Homepage! Nice graphics, informative and easy to navigate. It was a great pleasure visiting.

Friday 10/06/2000 1:09:42pm

Name: Donald O'Collaugh Kelly

E-Mail: donkelly@engineer.com

Homepage Title:DublinGenWeb

Homepage URL:http://www.rootsweb.com/~irldub/index.htm

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: Oregon

Comments: I recognize the Masonic emblum as the same as that found on a ring owned by my great grandfather Doctor Jesse R. Kelly. His great grandfather came to Virginia before 1750. He was a blacksmith, but seems that Freemasonry ran in the family down to my grandfather. I enjoyed visiting your website and will return for more. Don Kelly

Thursday 10/05/2000 3:52:54am

Name: James L. Murphy P.G.M. Utah

E-Mail: jnhmurph@aol.com

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: UTAH

Comments: I am 48yrs. a MM. I was Grand Master of Masons in Utah in 1995. My tenure as a Mason has been the most rewarding time of my life. I would very much like to visit Masonry in Ireland.

Sunday 10/01/2000 9:11:25pm

Name: André Larssen

E-Mail: an.lars@online.no

Referred By: Net Search

Location: Hammerfest, Norway

Comments: Dere har en fantastisk hjemmeside. Jeg har brukt en time og lest meg gjennom en masse int. stoff. Jeg skal besøke dere igjen.

Saturday 09/30/2000 11:30:07pm

Name: mark weir

E-Mail: sparky14leo@aol.com

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: Irvine Aryshire (290)

Comments: well displayed & informative keep up the good work ,will visit again.


Thursday 09/28/2000 11:35:22pm



Referred By:From a Friend

Location:Londonderry N.Ireland

Comments:I have just started and still a bit backward at using the net

Wednesday 09/27/2000 11:19:43am

Name: Edley Roberts

E-Mail: cindyr59@1won.com

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: Cleveland 202 Shelby,N.C. USA

Comments: Excellent photos of your Lodge. Excellent information on the Craft. I've been rather lax on attending my own Lodge recently, but have regained interest now. Thanks for such an warm hearted site.

Monday 09/25/2000 8:58:04am

Name: Robert Banford

E-Mail: rbanford@dowco.com

Referred By: Net Search

Location: Vancouver, B.C.Canada

Comments: Brethren, I extend fraternal greetings to you on behalf of The Worshipful Masters, officers and brethren of Meridian Lodge #108, (daylight) King Solomon #17, and Vimy #97. A.F.& A.M. I must commend you for a superlative job in putting your website together so smoothly. I will visit again. fraternally, W.Bro.Robert Banford, secretary of #17, 97, and #108.

Friday 09/22/2000 1:35:08pm

Name: Richard L. (Dick) Crawford

E-Mail: DickCraw4d@aol.com

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: Vineyard Haven, Massachusetts. USA

Comments: Greetings,Brethren, Thank you for the opportunity to visit your website;I especially enjoyed the photographic tour of the Grand Lodge of Ireland Building. Fraternally yours, Richard L. Crawford, P.M.

Friday 09/22/2000 1:34:48pm

Name: Richard L. (Dick) Crawford

E-Mail: DickCraw4d@aol.com

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: Vineyard Haven, Massachusetts. USA

Comments: Greetings,Brethren,
Thank you for the opportunity to visit your website;I especially enjoyed the photographic tour of the Grand Lodge of Ireland Building. Fraternally yours, Richard L. Crawford, P.M.


Friday 09/22/2000 2:07:49am

Name:Wor. Eugene F. O'Neill


Referred By:Just Surfed On In

Location:Old Orchard Beach, Maine United States

Comments:Great Site. Hope to vist you some day.

Wednesday 09/20/2000 1:01:02am

Name: Bro Mike Inglis

E-Mail: Mike@smiddyside.freeserve.co.uk

Homepage Title:Mike@smiddyside

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: Aberdeenshire,Scotland

Comments: Learned a lot about Irish Freemasonry, a very good site indeed.Keep up the good work.

Sunday 09/17/2000 2:51:35am

Name: Edward L. Lawson Jr.

E-Mail: edosan7@yahoo.com

Referred By: Clicked on a 'Guestbooks by GuestWorld' Button

Location: Bristol, CT. U.S.A.

Comments: A few years ago I had the pleasure of sitting in Supreme Grand Chapter, in Molesworth Street. I was met and was treated with the warmest brotherly love, and hospitality. I met R.W.B.Michael Walker,and a host of others. On our visit to Ireland, I tried without success, to locate the names of my great grandfather, Patrick Lawson, who came to America in the 1850s. I DID,however find a number of fine Brother Masons whoenriched me with their knowledge, sincerity,and openness to a visiting Brother . I had missed your Grand Lodge session by two weeks, but Grand Chapter certainly was no disappointment. I am a life member of Far East Lodge #1, Yokohama Japan, and am the Chaplain/Historian of Franklin Lodge #56, Bristol, CT. USA. I was looking through the "bookmark" section of my computer, and felt compelled to drop you a line. I congratulate you on your 275th anniversary, and wish I could think of an excuse to visit you again! In the 37 years of my Masonry, I have travelled a bit, and have left Masonic memorials in many mountain ranges-- Kilimanjaro, Everest Base, Mt Fuji, the Japan alps, and recently on the high passes along the Tour du Mont Blanc, in France, Italy,and Switzerland. When we climbed Carrantoul, I did not leave any medallion on the summit, since I would not want to offend, should discovery be by one not sympathetic to the Craft. I did, however, recite a Masonic prayer, and Kiplings "Mother Lodge" , as I have done on so many other climbs. Sorry for the length of this message, but I became most nostalgic when I dropped in to your site. Warmly and Fraternally, Bro. Ed Lawson. Far East #1, Franklin #56

Friday 09/15/2000 3:44:04am

Name: Jerry Gibbons

E-Mail: templar@net-link.net

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: Dowling, Michigan USA

Comments: Brother Secretary & to other interested Brethern, I have found a very large glassed in wooden picture frame holding a very old Membership Certificate (or is it a Charter?), including a picture of a Brother Mason wearing a Masonic sash, and the sash itself is included with a considerable amount of designs, icons, and symbols. The Certificate states that it is from the Grand Lodge of Ireland, Orange Lodge No. 1106. The Masonic sash looks almost red in color today but it was probably orange many years ago. The signatures and printing are very hard too read on the Certificate because of its age. This article hangs on a wall of the 3rd floor of the Masonic Temple, 133 East Michigan Avenue, Battle Creek, MI 49014 USA. Have you any knowledge about Orange Lodge No. 1106 in your records? It is probably well over 100 years old. It might be interesting to scan the old black & white picture, Certificate, or simply take a digital picture of the whole thing for you to see. Fraternally & Sincerely Yours, Jerry Gibbons Education Officer, Ira A. Beck Lodge #503, Grand Lodge F&AM of Michigan Membership Chairman, Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Michigan

Monday 09/11/2000 8:16:34pm

Name: Wor.Bro.Roger Gill

E-Mail: Roger@lynway.fsnet.co.uk

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: Richhill, Armagh

Comments: My congratulations on an excellant web page.Keep updating regularly.


Monday 09/11/2000 2:43:28pm

Name:Robert Warholm


Homepage Title:Free Masonry

Homepage URL:http://www.warholm.nu/Masonlinks.html

Referred By:Just Surfed On In


Comments:Your website is very nice. I was wondering about the shield with three yellow crowns on a blue field. That is a very old symbol for Sweden and its a part of the Swedish Coat of Arms. Could somebody tell me what it symbolizes on your site?

Tuesday 09/05/2000 3:40:10pm

Name: Arthur Vosatka

E-Mail: art.vosatka@att.net

Homepage Title:2nd Westchester-Putnam Masonic District

Homepage URL:http://www.2wp.org

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: NYC - USA

Image descriptionThis is a wonderful Masonic Web Site!

Monday 09/04/2000 8:04:40pm

Name: Gerald R. Jenkins

E-Mail: grjark@juno.com

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: Garfield, Arkansas, U.S.A.

Comments: My wife and I had the pleasure of visiting Ireland about three years ago. I am the Worshipful Master of Pea Ridge Lodge No. 119, Bright Water, Arkansas. It has been a pleasure to visit your website.

Monday 09/04/2000 10:34:31am

Name: alan davidson pm 1630 sc

E-Mail: mailto:

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: scolanda


Sunday 09/03/2000 4:38:30pm

Name: Derek Mairs

E-Mail: derek@ramm64.fsnet.co.uk

Referred By: Yahoo!

Location: Belfast, Northern Ireland

Comments: Fraternal greetings from Crossle Masonic Lodge No. 132.Great site ! Well laid out and very informative. Enjoyed it very much.


Thursday 08/24/2000 3:48:45pm

Name:derek marks


Referred By:Just Surfed On In

Location:tilbury ontario canada

Comments:greetings from naphtali lodge nunber 413. I came to canada 25 years ago and joined our great fraternity in this area I wonder if anyone remembers the late Jack Woods who was an involved mason during his life and a good example of what a
mason should should represent he was my father-in-law

Wednesday 08/23/2000 8:29:24pm

Name: Peter Garland

E-Mail: PandJGarlandonQE2@btinternet.com

Homepage Title:Trivia of QE2

Homepage URL:http://www.angelfire.com/oh4/queenelizabeth2

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: Enoch Lodge Xi - P.M.London

Comments: Keep up the great work


Saturday 08/19/2000 5:05:07pm

Name:steve black


Referred By:Just Surfed On In

Location:(h)Caithness/ (w)Inverness

Comments:Fraternal greetings from Lodge John o' Groat 1333.
Great web site , full of useful info - keep up the good work

Friday 08/18/2000 6:18:40am

Name: Jerry W. Loman, Sr.

E-Mail: jwloman@aol.com

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: Greensboro, North Carolina USA

Comments: Hello, I just surfed on in. I so glad to be able to say hello to all my brothers in another country, from which I think I have few gens in my bloodline from. I hope this finds everything going good for yours lodges ours are having a hard to of getting members. Will so long and have a nice day A brother mason Lodge #714 Liberty, N.C. USA

Monday 08/14/2000 2:34:23pm

Name: peter wilkinson

E-Mail: norm1960@yahoo.com

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: sydney, australia

Comments: Fraternal greetings. I am senior warden of Lodge Centenary With Honour, Bondi Temple. I am always interested to see how other lodges set up their lodge rooms. Spectacular designs and colours. Enjoyed the site.

Sunday 08/13/2000 7:23:59pm

Name: Mark Fuller

E-Mail: fuller@bandsman.freeserve.co.uk

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: Chippenham, wiltshire, UK

Comments: Warm fraternal greetings from the Staple Hill Lodge (6043) in the province of Gloucestershire UK. An excellent websire, that i found interesting and informative. Keep up the good work.

Thursday 08/10/2000 6:29:12pm

Name: Robert Palmer

E-Mail: r.j.palmer@talk21.com

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: Wolverhampton, England

Comments: Hearty greeting from the WM, his wardens and all the brethren of Castle Lodge No.1621 ( Shropshire). I have very much enjoyed your site and on my visit to Donegal later in the year perhaps I could meet some of your brethren.


Wednesday 08/02/2000 7:17:25pm

Name:robert plunkett


Referred By:From a Friend

Location:belfast northern ireland

Comments:greeting to all fellow brother masons from the worshipful master and brethren of cambridge masonic lodge 727 belfast

Tuesday 08/01/2000 10:06:51pm

Name: Joe Acton

E-Mail: pappapjo@stargate.net

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: Monongahela, Pennsylvania

Comments: I really enjoyed browsing your web page. It is really interesting and informative. I am a Past District Deputy in the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania having served ten and one half years, and I am interested in Masopnry around the world. Best of luck to the Grand Master and Grand Lodge of Ireland. Erin Go Bragh!

Tuesday 08/01/2000 1:11:58am

Name: Stanley A. Witkowski

E-Mail: pa.-haggis@mail.com

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: Mohnton, Pennsylvania

Comments: Fraternal Greetings, Enjoyed Your Web Site Very Much.

Monday 07/31/2000 2:07:08am

Name: L. Raymond O'Steen

E-Mail: OSTEENandcompany@AOL.com

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: MIAMI, Florida USA

Comments: I am the JUNIOR WARDEN of West Dade Lodge #388 F&AM. Always
interested in any O'Steens ?

Saturday 07/29/2000 5:47:42pm

Name: Cyril Martin

E-Mail: jmartin@eltrax.co.za

Referred By: Lycos

Location: South Africa

Comments: Brotherly greetings from the founder of Wexford Lodge IC 916, past G L S D, with two fifty year stars. I was a guest for the 250th anniversary, and hosted by the Earl of Donoughmore. Best wishes to all for the 275th, and for the future. Yours fraternally - Cyril Martin.


Monday 07/24/2000 8:03:55pm

Name:James P. Voelkle


Homepage Title:Tomball Masonic Lodge No.1096 Home Page

Homepage URL:http://www.geocities.com/jpvoelkle/tomball1096_1main.html

Referred By:Net Search

Location:Tomball, Texas USA (near Houston)

Comments:Best wishes to my Irish brethren! Visitors are always welcome at our Lodge. Fraternal regards, R:W: James P. Voelkle District Deputy Grand Master Grand Lodge of Texas (I also am Secretary of Tomball Masonic Lodge- contact us at tomball1096@hotmail.com)

Saturday 07/22/2000 2:03:57pm

Name: Bro Hylton Robson

E-Mail: hyltonrr@globalnet.co.uk

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: Lodge Stepps 1213 Glasgow

Comments: An exciting webb page. best of luck to all our Irish Brethren.

Saturday 07/22/2000 0:52:08am

Name: Deb Nowell

E-Mail: alleyne@canadawired.com

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: Vancouver Canada

Comments: Thanks for your informative site on Fremasonry in Ireland. Iam searching for warrant 36 from Ireland, active in 1801, consisting of RSM of 36th Regt of Worcestershire Rgt, 50 officers of various regts on the Ireland and my ancestor, James Allen (RSM). You have given me some ideas of how to go about locating this. Thanks and anyone interested can contact me about this ancestor's handwritten autobiographyat alleyne@canadawired.com.

Saturday 07/15/2000 8:19:21am

Name: Paul Jordan

E-Mail: jordan@paradise.net.nz

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: Wellington, New Zealand

Comments: Fraternal greetings from Pacific Leinster Nr 2. in Wellington, New Zealand. Brilliant web site, I am from Londonderry originally (where my Father is still a mason), so it's good to see such an innovative step from the Irish Grand Lodge.


Monday 07/03/2000 10:18:52am

Name:Jim Wallbanks


Referred By:Just Surfed On In

Location:Adelaide South Australia

Comments:as a pm in adeliade duke of lienster 363,im happy to find a page i can read and understand

Monday 07/03/2000 10:04:39am

Name: Marvin B.Murphy

E-Mail: murphy m@ntsrev01.newtonk12ga.us

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: Porterdale,Georgia USA

Comments: Congratulations on a excellent site,I enjoy looking at your lodge its a grand loge indeed.Will be back soon,May good fortune smile on your grand lodge and all the brothers in all the lodges in ireland.Fraternal regards from a brother Mason My Lodge is Pace lodge #558 Porterdale Georgia USA.

Saturday 06/24/2000 0:41:00am

Name: Clifford Gray

E-Mail: purpledawg@home.com

Homepage Title:Thomas B. Hunter Lodge # 1356 AF & AM

Homepage URL:http://community.dallasnews.com/dmn/thomasbhunter/

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: Grand Prairie,Texas USA

Comments: Just found your page. So I put a link off our Website to your Website. Thought you would like to see a Website that is in Texas USA.Yours in Masonry Brother Clifford Gray PM

Tuesday 06/20/2000 3:10:18pm

Name: kent McCandless

E-Mail: kentmc@ida.net

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: Idaho Falls, Idaho USA

Comments: I will be back to do some more reading about the Irish Grand Lodge and Freemasonry in Ireland. You have some beautiful furnishings in your Grand Lodge. I would hope someday that I would be able to visit at least one of your lodges. One of your American Brothers, Kent, Eagle Rock Lodge #19 AF&AM under Grand Lodge of Idaho


Monday 06/19/2000 6:50:09am



Referred By:Just Surfed On In



Saturday 06/17/2000 10:41:09pm

Name: M.Germishuys

Referred By: Yahoo!

Location: Jhb.S.Africa

Comments: Fraternal greetings from Shannon Lodge IC729. Keep up the good work.

Tuesday 06/13/2000 5:16:24am

Name: Roy E. Quinn III

E-Mail: vedici1@aol.com

Referred By: Net Search

Location: Pitman, NJ U.S.A.

Comments: try the book "The Hiram Key" by Christopher Knight & Robert Lomas. It can be found at Barnes & Noble. Thank You for having an absolute killer page! Rock On Brothers!

Sunday 06/11/2000 2:29:26am

Name: Bobby Priest , PM

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: Bewleyville, Kentucky , U.S.A.

Comments: Fraternal Greetings from Bewleyville Lodge#228 F&AM Bewleyville, Kentucky,U.S.A.

Saturday 06/10/2000 10:35:47am

Name: neil beaufort lynch

E-Mail: nblynch@iig.com.au

Referred By: Yahoo!

Location: Cairns North Queensland Australia

Comments: I Have Masonic attachments through my ancestry in Ireland, originating in Lodge 76 Longford. I wish to correspond with this Lodge if still Chartered Neil Lynch PM Bentley Park Lodge No 311 UGLQ (Secretary)

Friday 06/09/2000 2:05:21am

Name: Ernest Huggins

E-Mail: e.huggins@sympatico.ca

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: Ontario, Canada

Comments: Fraternal greetings from Tecumseh Lodge, #144, Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario. Tecumseh Lodge,was so named in honour of the great Indian warrior, a Brother, who gave his life in the defense of Upper Canada in the War of 1812. The lodge is located in the city of Stratford in Southwestern Ontario.We in Tecumseh always welcome visitors.

Thursday 06/08/2000 0:36:48am

Name: R.Grimmer P.J.G.W.

E-Mail: civicone@poweruo.com.au

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: Australia

Comments: Fraternal Greetings from Rosslyn Lodge No.102 U.G.L.Q. Our G.M.is at present visiting your Aniversary celebrations. May they be successful and rewarding for your fraternity. All the best from a Mason from Down Under.

Monday 06/05/2000 4:13:17am

Name: william c. mallion

E-Mail: wmallion@cs.com

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: Hawaii U.S.A.

Comments: past master of Kona Lodge ,love the craft and enjoy visiting via the web . spent Christmas leave in Dublin 1945 serving in the Canadian army .Hope to visit again in the near future .GOD bless ireland .Aloha


Sunday 06/04/2000 8:53:29pm



Referred By:Just Surfed On In

Location:Bolton Lancashire

Comments:Fraternal Greetings,Very interesting page, I am the S/W of the Duke of Lancaster Lodge 4207 we meet at Manchester England.If posible I would like some advise,Our next Ladies Evening will Be On the 17th March 2001 The Master Elect (PRESUMTIVE) Wife Was Born In TRIM Co MEATH And We Would Welcome Ideas for Ladies Gifts With A IRISH Theme YOURS IN ANTICIPATION J.BALL

Saturday 06/03/2000 9:58:51pm

Name: Bro. Steven A. Biggar IPM 598 SC

E-Mail: WebMaster@tulliallan598.co.uk

Homepage Title:St. John Tulliallan 598 Web Site

Homepage URL:http://www.tulliallan598.co.uk

Referred By: From a Friend

Location: Fife, Scotland

Comments: Great page ..very informative ..hoping to visit some of your Lodges soon, Fraternal greetings Bro. S. A. Biggar IPM 598, 167

Tuesday 05/30/2000 10:27:55pm

Name: Alfonso P. Duncan

E-Mail: apduncan@hotmail.com

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: Houston, TX

Comments: Great page!!!

Tuesday 05/30/2000 5:23:06pm

Name: Greg Bramlett

E-Mail: Ek2121@AOL.COM

Referred By: AOL

Location: Greenville South Carolina USA

Comments: Hello Brothers . My name is Gre I am a member at Taylors lodge 345 in the US. Your web site is very nicely done.

Sunday 05/28/2000 9:27:56am

Name: W.Bro. William Somerset

E-Mail: william.somerset@ntlworld.com

Referred By: From a Friend

Location: Belfast, N.Ireland.

Comments: Fraternal greetings from Felicitas Masonic Lodge No760, Park Road, Belfast, Co Down. And congratulations on a very good site and also to the Brethren who set it up well done.


Friday 05/26/2000 5:58:27am

Name:Michael Holmes


Homepage Title:Ard Ri Military Collectibles

Homepage URL:http://www.oz.net/~ardrigh

Referred By:Just Surfed On In

Location:Originally, Belfast

Comments:Great Site. Michael D. Holmes Peninsular Lodge #95 F&AM of Washington State. Research Chapter U.D. Washington State. Everett Council #8 Washington State.
Palestine Commandry #11, Knight Templar

Friday 05/26/2000 4:19:47am

Name: David L. Dunsmore

E-Mail: smokey@ksc.th.com

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: Bangkok, Thailand

Comments: Greetings and slautations from Morakot Lodge 945. I.C. Bangkok, Thailand to all Brethren throughout the world. I am happy to see technology creeping into the Cratf, and that the web is a success. Keep up the good work. May Brotherly Love prevail and every moral virtue cement and unite us.

Thursday 05/25/2000 11:21:22pm

Name: Vincent N Kempton (Lodge D.C.)

E-Mail: daltyre@netwales.co.uk

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: Cardiff Province of S.E. Wales U.K.

Comments: As newly appointed information officer for my Lodge (THE BUTE LODGE 960). I have been surfing the net for ideas for our web page under construction also a lodge newsletter. Very impressed with your very profesional site congrats etc. Fraternal greetings from all at Bute Lodge. Our Lodge History can be seen on www.freemasons.freeuk.com

Thursday 05/25/2000 3:17:33pm

Name: Don FitzPatrick

E-Mail: donfitz@direct.ca

Referred By: From a Friend

Location: Vancouver, Canada

Comments: Best wishes for your celebrations froma past master of Flavelle Lodge No. 502 Dublin

Monday 05/22/2000 10:41:46pm

Name: Robert Garrett

E-Mail: EngInt Corp@aol.com

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: Osnabrück,Germany

Comments: Congratulations on two-hundred and seventy-five wondourful years - Doric 886 GC in the Orient of Osnabrück/Germany


Monday 05/22/2000 12:41:47am


E-Mail: afam22@hotmail.com

Referred By: Just Surfed On In


Comments: A vote of thanks for having the opportunity to find your website I am from LODGE PERLA DEL ORIENTE No.1034,ON THE ROLLS OF THE GRAND LODGE OF SCOTLAND
Come July I will be migrating to Wellington,New Zealand and would like to inquire
where to find an Irish lodge in the area and what are the requirements for a possible affiliation. Fraternally yours,Cris B. Alip

Saturday 05/20/2000 6:17:57am

Name:David Ashton


Referred By:AOL

Location:Erlanger, Kentucky

Comments:Congratulations to my Irish Brethern on your 275th anniversary. May this year be a great one for the Craft.

Friday 05/19/2000 6:28:04pm

Name: Rene A Theriault

E-Mail: theriaultra@hotmail.com

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: Ottawa, Onatrio, Canada

Comments: Fraternal greetings. And yes, correspondance would be accepted openly.

Thursday 05/18/2000 10:14:50pm

Name: Mr Berry Dix

Referred By: From a Friend

Comments: nice lodge you have, i loved the clark windows


Sunday 05/14/2000 2:32:05am

Name:Scott Wilbur


Referred By:Just Surfed On In

Location:Evansville, Indiana

Comments:I have been looking at your website and you have a beautiful lodge. I wish I could visit your wonderful country and sit beside my brethren in Ireland. Regards Brother Scott Wilbur Lessing Lodge #464 Evansville, Indiana

Friday 05/12/2000 5:04:30pm


E-Mail: gallagher@tri-county.tec.ma.us

Referred By: Net Search

Location: Forestdale(Sandwich)Massachusetts,USA

Comments: Great job on your site !! I hope to visit Ireland soon.Best Regards,Yours in the Craft,Wor.Bro.Jim Cawnacome Sunshine Lodge AF&AM 77 Valley Bars Road Monument Beach,Ma.USA

Friday 05/12/2000 10:39:51am

Name: Brian J. Gourlay

E-Mail: briangourlay10@hotmail.com

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: Glasgow

Comments: I would like to convey fraternal greetings to all brethren at The Grand lodge of Ireland and to congratulate them on their 275 th anniversary. Very informative website. Brian J. Gourlay W.J.W Lodge St. George Glasgow #333

Thursday 05/11/2000 6:24:17pm

Name: Harvey Willard

E-Mail: jhharvey@voicenet.com

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: Pennsylvania, USA

Comments: I knocked at your door last Sunday, sorry I missed you. I will review your information. I pictures are available of your interior rooms please advise hoe I can obtain copies. I am also interested in the purchase of an old apron, if any are available please e-mail me. Harvey Willard, SW of Lodge 620 Pennsylvania

Thursday 05/11/2000 2:55:21pm

Name: Honey McGeorge

E-Mail: honeymmcgeorge

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: London, UK

Comments: Am looking for great uncle Joseph Preston, born London moved to Sydney, Aus after WWII. Was a mason in Sydney 1940's/1950's. Any news or links gratfully received. honeymmcgeorge@hotmail.com


Thursday 05/04/2000 2:48:20am

Name:Brother John R. ( Rex) Sohn


Referred By:Net Search

Location:Indianapolis, Indiana

Comments:Greeting Fellow Brother Masons, This is an outstanding webpage, very well done. Brother Rex Sohn- Cumberland Lodge #726 Cumberland, Indiana, Indianapolis Valley of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, Indianapolis/Fort Harrison Chapter #66 of the National Sojourners Inc.

Wednesday 05/03/2000 9:51:05pm

Name: Danny Strutt

Referred By: From a Friend


Comments: Great site with plenty of information - keep up the good work

Wednesday 05/03/2000 2:46:04am

Name: tony pierkowski

E-Mail: freemason109@hotmail.com

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: ct usa

Comments: warmest faternal greetings from brother pierkowski, sr deacon euclid 109 suffield ct. i married a fine irish girl, and hope to visit ireland soon. may we meet on the level soon.

Wednesday 05/03/2000 1:13:46am

Name: Nelson C. McLarkey

E-Mail: NelsonMcLarkey@Gateway.net

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: London, Ohio

Comments: Greetings from the Master of Chandler Lodge No. 138, London, Ohio. I have not really explored this site yet, so no comments. May be travelling to Ireland Next Year (2001) Will visit More.


Tuesday 05/02/2000 0:48:18am



Referred By:Yahoo!



Saturday 04/29/2000 5:57:53pm

Name: Gordon Haworth

E-Mail: gordon@haworth3.fsnet.co.uk

Referred By: Net Search

Location: Chorley,Lancashire,England

Comments: Fraternal greetings to all my Irish Brethren. Congratulations on a truely magnificent web page. I enjoyed reading the messages. I would be delighted to receive an e-mail from Irish Brthren. Keep up the good work. SMIB. Sincerely and freternally, Bro Gordon.

Saturday 04/29/2000 4:05:40pm

Name: syd

E-Mail: mailto:

Referred By: Net Search

Location: qv294 belfast

Comments: nice to see the order staying abreast of the times and making use of modern technology. fraternal greetings from the m,w's and members of 294 in this our centenary year.

Saturday 04/29/2000 2:13:27am

Name: R. Scully MM

E-Mail: rscullyieng@redhotant.com

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: Lincolnshire, UK

Comments: Fraternal Greetings - Wanstead Park Lodge (6718)

Friday 04/28/2000 2:26:26pm

Name: Thomas H. James

E-Mail: james1942@hotmail.com

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: Fairfield, Texas USA

Comments: Warmest Fraternal Greetings from Worshipful Master, Wardens, Officers, and Members of Fairfield Lodge No. 103, Fairfield, Texas. Great site. I will visit often to see updates.


Monday 04/24/2000 0:20:26am

Name:Stefan Aa. Hansen


Homepage Title:www.geocities.com/Athens/Atlantis/4552/

Referred By:NewsGroups


Comments:My fraternal Greetings. I´m a MM in the lodge "De Tre Hamre nr. 15" under The Grand Lodge of Denmark

Friday 04/21/2000 11:58:49pm

Name: bradley johnston ashlar #3

E-Mail: bradar@telusplanet.net

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: ft. macmurray alberta canada

Comments: liked your site,thanks.g.g.g.grandfather was scot-irish from ulster

Friday 04/21/2000 2:49:57pm

Name: James E. Trick

E-Mail: jiggs66@msn.com

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: Haverhill,MA. USA

Comments: Dear MW This is a very good site. Bro. Jim

Wednesday 04/19/2000 8:11:33pm

Name: John Mackie

E-Mail: john.mackie@bosinternet.com

Referred By: Net Search

Location: Orkney Islands, Scotland UK

Comments: Thank You for a very informative Site. Sites like yours can do much to help lift the suspicion and mistrust with which non - masons often view the craft. Keep up the good work ! John Mackie M.M.M. Lodge St Andrew Military No 668 Lodge Kirkwall Kilwinning No 38/2 Grand Lodge of Scotland

Monday 04/17/2000 8:06:45pm

Name: Michael Donne

E-Mail: mike@donnem.freeserve.co.uk

Referred By: From a Friend

Location: Coxhoe, Co. Durham, England

Comments: An excellent web site. I have made my daily advancement in masonic knowledge. I wish you every success in your 275th anniversary celebrations and may Irish Freemasonry continue to flourish. W.Bro Mike Donne, P.M. Flambard Lodge No.6874, P.P.G.Swd.B. Province of Durham, English Constitution.


Saturday 04/15/2000 11:13:41am

Name:Frederick R. Kaiser


Referred By:Just Surfed On In

Location:Michigan, USA

Comments:Splendid web page. Very informative.

Thursday 04/13/2000 4:13:23am

Name: Edward A. Peacock, Sr.

E-Mail: dustymoonrise@hotmail.com

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: Mississippi, U.S.

Comments: I am a Past Master of Hyland Lodge #113, Vicksburg, MS and presently Worshipful Master of Natchez Trace Lodge #609, French Camp, MS. In this day and age when Freemasonry is coming under attack from so many different sources, it is truly a blessing to come across such a positive and informative web site! I will be visiting this site very often!

Wednesday 04/12/2000 7:57:50pm

Name: Dave Wilding

E-Mail: david@wilding76.freeserve.co.uk

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: Essex, South of England

Comments: I found your webb page very interesting, congratulations form the W.M.and brethren of Hall Place lodge 7136 West Kent.


Wednesday 04/12/2000 12:58:40am

Name:Per Thykjaer Jensen


Homepage Title:PTJ paa Multimedieakademiet

Homepage URL:http://staff.aabc.dk/petj

Referred By:From a Friend


Comments:Do you know the adress of the Limerick lodge? Hello brr.:, In week 23 there is a computing conference i Limerick, and in the evening when wee are off duty I would like to visit an Irish masonic lodge. If you know the adress / email please send me a mail. - And then I would like to say, that this website is among the finest masonic websites I have seen. It is very interesting to look at the rooms of the grand lodge!! With brotherly rgds., Per Thykjaer Jensen, VI. Denmark Member of: St. Clemens, nr. 506 (I-III. degree) De 4 soejler (IV-V. - VI. degree) Corr. member of the Danish reseach lodge. Co-editor of the danish masonic webpages http://www.ddfo.dk

Monday 04/10/2000 0:03:40am

Name: Raymond Collette


Referred By: From a Friend

Location: Ashlar-Aspetuck #142 Easton, CT, USA

Comments: Greetings brothers, It is indead a pleasure to see this web page. My regards to the designers as you have all the information a visiter might want. The pictures of the Grand Lodge rooms are beautiful, I will most definately make a stop there on my trip to Ireland in Oct of this year. Great work brothers....Fraternally Bro. Raymond Collette

Sunday 04/09/2000 3:54:36am

Name: Peggy O'Neill

E-Mail: Sregon@aol.com

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: United States, Eureka, California

Comments: I am looking for genealogical information on Henry O'Neill born in Ireland on May 26, 1753. Henry was a school teacher and a Mason. He was married to Nancy Lee.

Friday 04/07/2000 8:33:47pm

Name: Melrin K. Thompson

E-Mail: merlin@4cs.net

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: Vancouver, WA

Comments: I am a EA for the Washington Lodge #4 district 19

Friday 04/07/2000 5:38:17am

Name: Bro. Don Brennan

E-Mail: DBre531275@aol.com

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: Macedonian Lodge Quincy MA.

Comments: Great page keep up the good work Bro. if you find your self in the state of Massachusetts last Tuesday of the month dinners on me


Wednesday 04/05/2000 7:45:28pm

Name:Travis Chandler


Referred By:Yahoo!

Location:Chanute, Kansas, USA

Comments:I am doing a report on the Masonic organization (and also plan to join, when I am of age) for my High School History Class. The focus of my paper will be the charities of the Masons, as well as how America has benefitted from Masonic generosity. Any background info or charity info you could provide would be most appreciated! Thank You!!

Wednesday 04/05/2000 11:06:56am

Name: r.w. f.j. lodder p.g.s.w.

E-Mail: eddiejack@hypermax.net.au

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: kaye 234 q.l.d. australia

Comments: hello, we found this site very interesting, hope to visit in person one day.
Regards r.w. fred lodder..76 year jewell. 97 years young,still in office in lodge,kaye234

Wednesday 04/05/2000 8:17:49am

Name: Colin R. Irwin

E-Mail: colin@hotlinks.net.au

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: Sydney, AUSTRALIA.

Comments: It has been a pleasure to visit your web site. It gives a good impression of Freemasonry. I am of Irish background my great-great-great grandfather coming from Ballygally in 1750 approx. He was a blacksmith by trade and I believe also a Freemason. I am the I.P.M. of Lodge City of Bankstown No. 543 U.G.L of N.S.W. - Please visit us if in Australia.

Tuesday 04/04/2000 4:33:48pm

Name: Andrew R McCafferty

E-Mail: russ1510@aol.com

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: Scotland

Comments: Fraternal greetings brothers from a MM of Lodge Old Monkland St James No. 177 Grand Lodge of Scotland.


Sunday 04/02/2000 9:51:53pm



Homepage Title:www.builders-site.co.uk

Homepage URL:http://www.builders-site.co.uk

Referred By:Just Surfed On In

Location:Cardiff. S. Wales.

Comments:Great site Brethren I'll be back

Saturday 04/01/2000 7:23:19pm

Name: Roger B-A

E-Mail: copper@music.com

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: Lebanon

Comments: In the name of the great engineer of all time, my brothers in the East, my brother in the West, a salut to all of you, nice web page, .
knight cavaleri of the red cross . .

Wednesday 03/29/2000 10:38:46pm

Name: Jorge Prazeres M:. M:.

E-Mail: jorge_prazeres@hotmail.com

Referred By: Yahoo!

Location: From Portugal.

Comments: Dear Brothers, it is a great pleasure to visit your site. I am from Portugal, i lived most of my life in France Where i was teached in the Art under the Grand Lodge of France Rite, I've been travelling for a while: Now i live in Mexico. I wish you Strength, Freedom and Hope to all of you my brother. And hope you'll keep this site. It is a beautiful window of the Order.

Tuesday 03/28/2000 11:25:23pm

Name: a pierkowski

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: somers ct usa

Comments: warmest fraternal greetings from your brother anthony pierkowski, euclid lodge 109 suffield ct.

Sunday 03/26/2000 12:03:10am

Name: Kevin Lynch

E-Mail: K_C_Lynch@yahoo.co.uk

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: Ashby-de-la-Zouch

Comments: Fraternal Greetings from Derbyshire! Good luck in the future, Bro. Kevin Lynch, Carnarvon 1739. UGLE


Thursday 03/23/2000 5:00:39pm

Name:Justin Thomas Russell


Homepage URL:http://www.oilslick.net

Referred By:Just Surfed On In

Location:Satellite Beach, Florida

Comments:Brothers, Greetings from the Brothers of Vero Lodge #250 in Vero Beach, Florida (USA). I hope to be travelling to Ireland in the near future and look foward to meeting some of my Irish bretheren. I just wanted to say also how impresive your web site is.

Thursday 03/23/2000 7:55:17am

Name: Robert Allwardt

E-Mail: allwardt3@altinet.net

Homepage Title:Criminal Forensics

Homepage URL:http://www.criminalforensics.com

Referred By: From a Friend

Location: Dallas, Texas USA

Comments: Brothers, I am most pleased to sign your guest book. In tracing my family heritage I have found a short time ago that my mothers family was Irish, (Tierney). On contacting the family and eventually meeting the extended family they have traced family members back to Ireland as far as the mid 1200's. And yes I am proud of my Irish heritage. My blue lodge is in Hutchins, Texas, (Hutchins #1154). I am also a member of the YOrk Rite, Tancred Commandary #82 in Dallas, Texas. I would be most interested in hearing from any brothers in Ireland, most especially any of the Tierney family that may be a member of the order. Fraternally, Robert M. Allwardt

Monday 03/20/2000 2:12:20pm

Name: Neville hewlett

E-Mail: nevh@zdnetonebox.com

Homepage Title:nevhs dr who page

Homepage URL:http://www.geocities.com/area51/shadowlands/8400

Referred By: Net Search

Location: australia

Comments: Greeting from Australia, I am MM from The Lodge of Goodwill 449 Grand Lodge of Victoria Australia, I send Fraternal greetings to all Bretheren in Ireland and throughout the World. Great Site

Saturday 03/18/2000 2:04:24am

Name: Andrew Stewart

E-Mail: stews@lmf.net

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: Pennsylvania USA

Comments: Warmest fraternal greetings from across the pond. Happy St. Patricks Day. We enjoyed the virtual tour of your grand lodge. We extend welcome to any of our brothers who would sojourn among us in our country. Andrew Stewart, and Edward Hess of Mt. Lebanon lodge #226 Lebanon Pennsylvania, USA.

Friday 03/17/2000 7:04:11pm

Name: Ken R Evans

E-Mail: kievans@aol.com

Referred By: From a Friend

Location: Stockton, California

Comments: very well done site - look forward to returning often for updates


Tuesday 03/14/2000 3:53:13pm

Name: thomas lusk

E-Mail: m1t2@hotmail.com

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: lubbock, texas,usa

Comments: fantastic website. my blue lodge is Lubbock lodge #1392 commandery is Lubbock #60 consistory is Lubbock Scottish Rite Temple shrine is Kiva Amarillo,Texas
I look forward to meeting you brothers personally,soon.

Wednesday 03/15/2000 1:02:44am

Name:Howard Meek


Referred By:Just Surfed On In

Location:Fall River, Nova Scotia, Canada

Comments:Would be thrilled to travel to Ireland and visit if (when)I win the lottery.

Tuesday 03/14/2000 7:40:44pm

Name: Robert Henry Fowler

E-Mail: bobfowlr@infochan.com

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: Jamaica

Comments: As I plan to visit Ireland for the 275 th. anniversary celebrations I thought that I should surf ahead first to familiarize myself with events and terrain. Your web site and the map have been very useful.

Sunday 03/12/2000 3:02:45pm

Name: Jim Allen

E-Mail: jimallen@cwws.net

Referred By: From a Friend

Location: Stockton, California, USA

Comments: I am Chairman of a new group called The Council of Concordant Bodies of Stockton, California. The purpose of the group is to utilize the resourses of all the Masonic connected groups in our area for the benefit of all. The council has members from the Blue Lodges, OES, Amaranth, Shrine, Sciots, Scottish Rite, York Rite, Rainbow, DeMolay, Jobs Daughters and even The Prince Hall Masons and the black Eastern Star. We have a
monthly publication that we would be happy to share in exchange for your publication. We will also share what we are doing so you can start your own group. Send request to jimallen@cwws.net or Jim Allen, P.O.Box 8887, Stockton, CA 95208.

Saturday 03/11/2000 6:59:20pm

Name: peter lindsay

E-Mail: petlin@lindsay33.freeserve.co.uk

Referred By: From a Friend

Location: Castlerock. Co.Londonderry

Comments: An excellent site--a very informative experience.


Saturday 03/11/2000 2:05:59pm


Referred By:Clicked on a 'Guestbooks by GuestWorld' Button



Saturday 03/11/2000 0:03:52am

Name: Joseph A. Joyal

E-Mail: joejoyal@msn.com

Referred By: Viewing another Guestbook

Location: Atlanta, Georgia USA

Comments: Member Mt Zion Lodge #327 West Plains, Missouri, USA

Monday 03/06/2000 7:50:32pm

Name: Leonard Cowieson

Referred By: From a Friend

Location: Co.Armagh

Comments: An excellent site,those who did the work are to be congratulated,keep up the good work.

Monday 03/06/2000 7:49:15pm

Name: Leonard Cowieson

E-Mail: lenny.ballymac@cwcom.net

Referred By: From a Friend

Location: Co.Armagh

Comments: An excellent site,those who did the work are to be congratulated,keep up the good work.

Monday 03/06/2000 6:55:03am

Name: Glen Symons

E-Mail: stevesvending@yahoo.com

Referred By: Yahoo!

Location: Oanabrock,ND,USA

Comments: Being Irish, I enjoyed reading the short history of the Grand Lodge of Ireland. God bless. Glen


Saturday 03/04/2000 10:45:32pm

Name:Brian Anderson


Referred By:Just Surfed On In

Location:Whickham, Newcastle upon Tyne

Comments:Have been visiting N.I on business over the past two years and have taken the opportunity of visiting Lodges in Bangor, Belfast and Newry and on each occasion have received a warm welcome and indeed one lodge is now sending me a summons on a regular basis.

Saturday 03/04/2000 12:51:06am



Referred By: From a Friend