Volume 4

Friday 11/30/2001 3:13:19pm

Name:Bro Ian Varty


Homepage Title:St Patrick Lodge No 295 I.C.

Homepage URL:http://stpatricks.lodge.org.uk/295_ic

Referred By:Search Engine


Comments:A fresh new look to the site. I would like to congratulate all of those involved. I am sure it will spread Freemasonry worldwide. Keep up the good work

Friday 11/30/2001 8:29:25am

Name: Charles Owens

E-Mail: chuck958@home.com

Referred By: Just Surfed In

Location: Taylor Michigan, U.S.A

Comments: Hope one day to come and visit and to see the lodge rooms they are beautiful. Golden Ark Lodge # 595 P.M.

Thursday 11/29/2001 1:56:51pm

Name: W.Bro. B.T.M. Ashby

E-Mail: briantrecarne@aol.com

Referred By: Search Engine

Location: Redruth Cornwall U.K.

Comments: I have just found your site,with all information on your lodges, I had the privilege to vist St. Patricks Lodge in Singapore in 1990 where I was made nost welcome, a wonderful evening was had by all members. I will be telling the members of St Day Lodge 1006 of this contact. Keep up the good work. Yours fraternaly. Brian Ashby.

Thursday 11/29/2001 8:11:53am

Name: Herbert Guthrie

Homepage Title:Culmore Lodge 320

Referred By: Just Surfed In

Location: Londonderry And Donegal

Comments: Enjoyed my trip to Dublin to see the new Grand Master and his deputy and assistant installed.Was most impressed with my visit to the musuem. Look forward to seeing the new Grand Lodge Officers when they first visit our province

Wednesday 11/28/2001 8:41:47pm

Name: Brother Marc Wiley

E-Mail: Cntymnty50@aol.com

Referred By: Just Surfed In

Location: Chicago,Illinois

Comments: Hello Fellow brothers just wanted to say greetings, and love the site keep up the good work, and continue to see the light.

Tuesday 11/27/2001 9:19:56pm

Name:wor.bro.mervyn cooper


Referred By:Just Surfed In

Location:county antrim

Comments:congratulations truly a magnificant site bringing world masonary into 21century fraternal greetings kinahan 229.county r.a.c.council 36. MERVYN.

Tuesday 11/27/2001 3:35:55pm

Name: konstantin

E-Mail: Phoenix@tekom.odessa.ua

Referred By: Search Engine

Comments: Perfect site! Dear sir and brother! I'm a Grand Officer of the District of Ukraine.I do contemporary interpritation of masonic graphics.Many Masons of the world have estimated my works. One of them you can see on the cover of Americanmason magazine (November 2001)Articles about my works are to be published in Missouri
Freemason and Cryptic Freemason magazines.Information about me you can see on www.americanmason.com in section "Who we are" and on www.thelodgeroom.com/konstantin.html I have prepared enough works for charity
personal exhibition. Those who is interested in organization of such charity exhibition in your sity or your Loge or if someone could recommend me to the specialist in this directon please contact me . Konstantin.

Tuesday 11/27/2001 5:48:18am

Name: Phil Price

E-Mail: p.price2@ntlworld.com

Homepage Title:Lodge Ireland2000

Homepage URL:http://www.ireland2000.org.uk

Referred By: Friend

Location: Northern Ireland

Comments: Congratulations to all concerned on the revamping of this site, very pleasant to visit

Monday 11/26/2001 6:05:54pm

Name: stephen daunt

E-Mail: sdaunt@iol.ie

Referred By: Search Engine

Location: dublin

Comments: Well done. A very nice revamp with easy navigation. Congrats
Stephen Daunt[prospective member]

Sunday 11/25/2001 6:47:19pm


E-Mail: gbyrne@nzgt.co.nz

Referred By: Search Engine



Saturday 11/24/2001 5:52:35pm

Name:Ralph T. Moore


Referred By:Friend

Location:Moorpark, California

Comments:Will be in Ireland this next week and hope to visit with a Masonic brother either in Dublin or Galway,

Saturday 11/24/2001 5:51:21pm

Name: Ralph T. Moore

E-Mail: Ralphtmor@aol.com

Referred By: Friend

Location: Moorpark, California

Comments: Will be in Ireland this next week and hope to visit with a Masonic brother either in Diblin or Galway,


Tuesday 11/20/2001 10:27:18pm

Name: Mark McTrustry

E-Mail: mmctrustry@yahoo.com

Referred By: Web Ring

Location: Leetonia, Ohio

Comments: Hi, I'm a MM in East Palestine F&AM Lodge #417, located in eastern Ohio. I'm originally from Portadown, Co. Aramgh and I'm desperate to keep in contact with and make new contacts from home. Wonderful site, glad to see the Grand Lodge of Ireland is making some headway promoting Masonry on the "oul sod". Tell those fella's in Armagh to get going with their site though....

Tuesday 11/20/2001 10:26:47am

Name: alan w.joell

E-Mail: awjoell@ibl.bm

Referred By: Friend

Location: Bda Garrison Lodge #580 in Bermuda

Comments: Warm and Fraternal greetings to M.W. Grandmaster, and all Grand Lodge Officers.I am extremely honoured to have servrd under your most wise and fair leadership and we at Bda Garrison Lodge#580 wish you well in your retirement.To the new Grandmaster welcome you and look forward to supporting you as well.I am currently the Wor.Master of the Lodge effective February of this year and have the honour of being asked to fly from Bermuda to install a very good friend in the Chair on January 19th 2002.This I do believe is a first and I look forward to performing this humbling duty. I anticipate that there may be about 8-10 Brethren travelling with me on this Historic occassion.R.W. Bro. Walker I would like to personally like to thank you for your wise and informed guidance during the "trying times", and look forward to meeting you and the M.W.Grand Master William Templeton when we arrive in Dublin. Faithfull and Fraternally Wor Brother Alan W. Joell Wor Master of Bermuda Garrison Lodge #580 G.R.I

Saturday 11/17/2001 4:42:41pm

Name: gerard Pince

E-Mail: gp@freeworldacademy.com

Homepage URL:http://www.freeworldacademy.com

Referred By: Friend

Location: france

Comments: Congratulations for this wonderful site and fraternal greetings

Friday 11/16/2001 11:42:51pm

Name: Scott Lonergan

E-Mail: scottl@look.ca

Homepage Title:Toronto District 3

Homepage URL:http://www.afamtoronto3.ca

Referred By: Just Surfed In

Location: Stouffville, Ontario, Canada

Comments: I convey fraternal greetings from Richardson Lodge No.136 where I am currently the Worshipful Master (for another 12 days anyway). I thoroughly enjoyed the photo tour of Grand Lodge, and commend your Webmaster on the layout of this website. I found it easy to navigate and was surprised at how fast the pages loaded (considering the graphics and images involved).
Our Lodge also has a fine history dating back to pre-Confederation (1860).
I had the pleasure of initiating 5 new candidates into this great fraternal organization during my term in the chair of King Solomon. I will always cherish the memories of my year as Worshipful Master and thoroughly recommend the travel to The East for any aspiring Officer.

Sunday 11/11/2001 1:26:59pm

Name: james robinson

E-Mail: james.robinson9@ntlworld.com

Referred By: Search Engine

Location: belfast

Comments: many congratulations on your website
may i take this chance to thank you on a wonderful day at grand lodge 10-11-2001. and bring you fraternal greetings from the master, wardens and officers of JOHN ARNOTT TAYLOR 314 W/BRO JAMES ROBINSON

Monday 11/05/2001 12:30:43am

Name: kenneth d. warren jr.

E-Mail: netlus80@aol.com

Referred By: Just Surfed In

Location: lufkin tx.

Comments: greetings, I'm a brother out of rocky mt. lodge #63
Overton tx.


Name: Alexander (Alex.) Michael Buerkle


Referred By:Friend

Location:South Africa

Comments:Fraternal Greetings to all Brethren who read the G-Book. - Best wishes from our W.M., our Wardens, Officers and in deed all Brethren of Ulster Lodge 400, I.C., South Africa.
I have visited this magnificent web-site often and it's always a new and good experience to be here.
May the G.A.o.t.U. be with you and yours always........
Alex. - S.W. - Ulster Lodge 400.

Thursday 11/01/2001 2:57:16pm

Name: Derek Marks

E-Mail: marks@netrover.com

Referred By: Just Surfed In

Location: Tilbury Ontario Canada

Comments: Greetings from Naphtali Lodge #413 I love your web page My father-in-law Jack Woods (decd) was a member of our great fraternity for many years in Dublin though his lodge name escapes me fot the moment. Greetings to any brother who may remember my name

Tuesday 10/30/2001 10:43:12pm

Name: Bronno Niemeyer P.D.D.G.M.

E-Mail: bniemeyer@home.com

Homepage Title:P.D.D.G.M. Georgian South District. ONT.

Homepage URL:http://Minerva #304.&.Innisfil #737.

Referred By: Search Engine

Location: Stroud Ontario Canada.

Comments: You have created an EXCELLENT Web Site. Very much enjoyed traveling through, and very Informative. Keep up the good work my BROTHER, and may GOD BLESS. Fraternal greetings from Stroud Ontario Canada. R.W.Bro. Bronno Niemeyer.P.D.D.G.M.

Tuesday 10/23/2001 11:15:01pm


E-Mail: JeffErinGoBraugh@aol.com

Homepage Title:Working on it comrades!!!

Homepage URL:http://No. But the home page will belong to O'Merrick!!!

Referred By: Search Engine

Location: 188 Warren Rd, Monmouth Maine 04259 USA

Comments: Brethren, whenever I long for home, you are always there. God Bless you All. I am sorry about the "Braugh"... aol is really cramped up. If one of you could send me a 3X5 patch of the flag of the mother country, I'd go to Mass!!! What the need for the patch is all about is the fact I'm trying to put all the patches from a right smart career Marine on a jacket given me by the U.S. Navy Seals many moons ago. As it stands now my Brothers, is I have been fighting Agent Orange induced lymphoma. With the help of the Almighty and the love of Mother Mary, I'm still,with you all. I hail from Abner-Wade Lodge #207, A&FM, Sangerville, Maine. I am also a Noble of the Kora Shrine temple, Lewiston, Maine. Now that I'm settled down with a fine,fine woman (formally a Fitzpatrick, it appears I don't havethe sand I did as a younger man!!! Probably lucky to have my hair. If you lads could help m out with the patch, great. If not I understand. These days, paranoia has set in here badly and for good reason. Like all us snipers said at the end of 'Nam " we've ben kickin' other peoples arses for soooo long, now it's our turn. I don't dare fly the flag of Ireland out here let it be misunderstood!!! Any of you fine people are always welcome here. Please drop a line. You've got a terrified brother out here. I wish you all a grand, soft night. Bless Ireland Yourselves & Family. Anxiously hopingfor a reply of any kind, I remain Fraternally Yours,
Arthur Padraig Pichen

One more thing, My Grandfather left me a design for a tatoo that has been passed down for generations. Mind ya now my Irish is rusty, but what exactly does "Riamh nar Drudid o' Spairrn Lann" mean? it is on my back, right between the shoulders as he asked. He was a Scrapper,my Da. Please raise to himself the parting glass, for if any soul needed rest it is he.
God Bless...

Sunday 10/21/2001 9:31:44pm

Name: John O. Sahakian

E-Mail: johnmegh@attcanada.ca

Referred By: Search Engine

Location: Laval,Que. CANADA

Comments: Fraternel greetings to all!
I enjoyed your site very much thank you,
i`m hoping to have more info on the ritual work or the degree work that is performed in the U.K. i`m out to seek in that knowledge with your assistance. Please e-mail me at your earliest convenience with any further information. With brotherly love and fraternal greetings!


Thursday 10/18/2001 5:47:52am

Name:Bro Chris Louw SD


Referred By:Just Surfed In

Location:South Africa

Comments:A really wonderfull site. I will visit here again.I bring fraternal greetings from Achill Lodge NO 853ic and Capricorn Lodge No 852ic.
Bro Chris Louw SD

Thursday 10/18/2001 2:55:06am

Name: Gordon Barker


Homepage Title:Exsequi Lodge South Africa

Homepage URL:http://www.epnet.co.za/exsequi

Referred By: Search Engine

Location: Johannesburg

Comments: Greetings from Exsequi Lodge No 8994 District of South Africa North.
We have just launched our new web site and would welcome any visitors to our site to sign our guest book and view the many exciting features we have created.

Thursday 10/18/2001 2:09:42am

Name:WB Henry Aquino Venzon, PM


Referred By: Search Engine

Location: Philippines

Comments: I would like to know if there are Brethren or if there is a Lodge located at Letterkenny. My wife just arrived in that particular place to work as a Nurse at Letterkenny Gen. Hospital. Any Brethren who could read this can visit her so she could be guided. Her address is 20 Clochan Mor,Windyhall, Letterkenny Thank You very much for your cabletow May the GAOTU Bless you my Brothers/Brethren. By the way I am a Past Master of Shariff Kabunsuan Lodge No. 266 under the Jurisdiction of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of F&AM of the Philippines. My wife is a Past Royal Matron of Sampaguita Court No. 2, Order of the Amaranth. Thank You very much

Tuesday 10/16/2001 3:23:45pm

Name:Patrick Joseph cooney


Referred By:Just Surfed In


Comments:Great site keep up the good work I will come back again. Greetings from I the Worshipful Master of Ebbisham Lodge Nr 2422 in the province of Surrey England

Monday 10/15/2001 11:01:23pm

Name: W.Bro. Jim Diamond

E-Mail: jdiam10312@aol.com

Homepage Title:Jim Diamond's Personal Web Site

Homepage URL:http://www3.sympatico.ca/jim_and_karen_diamond/

Referred By: Just Surfed In

Location: Glencoe, Ontario, Canada

Comments: Sure and it's grand to be seein' such a well-crafted website as yours! I am a P.M. of Lorne Lodge 282, Glencoe, Ont. (Blue lodge.)

There is an Irish Third coming up in London, Ont., on Friday, Nov. 9, 2001, at St. John's No. 20A, London, Ont. If anyone out there in Cyberland can make it, consider yourself invited. Visit Lorne Lodge's website at http://www.skynet.ca/~lorne282

Sunday 10/14/2001 9:15:27am

Name: W.Bro.A Byars

Referred By: Search Engine

Location: Donoughmore Lodge No 709 Amanzimtoti SA.

Comments: My fraternal greetings and from the brethren of the Lodge.


Saturday 10/13/2001 10:23:17pm

Name:Bro: William J. Welsh


Homepage Title:Great Kills Masonic Lodge #912 F&AM

Homepage URL:http://www.greatkills912.org

Referred By:Just Surfed In

Location:Staten Island, New York USA

Comments:Very nice and interesting web page

Wednesday 10/03/2001 8:35:11am

Name: Tim Bryce

E-Mail: timb001@attglobal.net

Homepage Title:PROUD TO BE A MASON - Internet Petition

Homepage URL:http://www.PetitionOnline.com/proudmas/petition.html

Referred By: Friend

Location: Palm Harbor, FL, USA

Comments: The purpose of this petition is simply a vote of confidence in the
principles of Freemasonry. Since this is being conducted on the Internet, the scope of this petition is international in nature. Please forward this message to all Masons you think would be interested.

Sunday 09/30/2001 11:10:41am

Name: Gary Wormald

E-Mail: Fac.et.Spera@t-online.de

Referred By: Just Surfed In

Location: Germany

Comments: Great site, really enjoyed the tour of G.L. F.G to ALL

Friday 09/21/2001 6:53:49pm

Name: Gordon Cassels

E-Mail: gordon.cassels@tinyworld.co.uk

Referred By: Just Surfed In

Location: Glasgow Lodge Kirkhill 1230

Comments: Very impressed with website glad I just surfed in.

Monday 09/17/2001 9:37:27am

Name: craig j woodruff sw

E-Mail: craig1435@home.com

Referred By: Just Surfed In

Location: berlin,nj,usa

Comments: fraternal greetings from florence #87.gl of nj,http://njfreemasonry.org


Wednesday 09/12/2001 8:14:28pm

Name:Steven K. Dunaway


Referred By:Search Engine

Location:Dallas, Georgia, USA

Comments:Greetings from Buelah Lodge #698, Grand Lodge of Georgia. Great web site, keep up the good work.

Monday 09/10/2001 4:13:40am

Name: colin sutherland

E-Mail: ysutherland@optusnet.com.au

Referred By: Just Surfed In

Location: n.s.w australia

Comments: greetings
my first visit to your most excellent web.
the photo's of the g.l,m.m.&other rooms great.
thank you for giving me the chance to visit the web & i will call again.
colin sutherland secretary parramatta city daylight no 1014 u.g.l of n.s.w &a.c.t.

Saturday 09/08/2001 11:02:26pm

Name: Lawrence A Oakland 3rd

E-Mail: larryoakland81hotmail.com

Referred By: Just Surfed In

Location: Westfield Ma, United States or America

Comments: I glad I came upon your site, I am going to be install as Senior Warden of Mt Moriah Lodge in Westfield Ma. and being an proud Irish American. I hope to hear from any Irish Brethren from your country

Friday 09/07/2001 3:11:01pm

Name: Arne Hilmar Andresen

E-Mail: arnehand@online.no

Referred By: Just Surfed In

Location: Norway

Comments: As a relatively frequent visitor to Abercorn and Leinster Lodges in Malta I have learned to "like" the I.C. way (Maltese Pattern). And I must confess I'm proud to wear the centennial jewel of Abercorn Lodge No. 273 when attending in Lodges in Norway.

As 'responsible' for the preparation of foreign cases to the Council and the head of the Foreign Committee of the Board of Genereal Purposes I have "surfed by" a lot of freemasonic pages and find your one of the best!

Monday 09/03/2001 5:47:34pm

Name: Charles Noguera Reigning Master

E-Mail: nogi159@gibnynex.gi

Homepage Title:Calpe Lodge 325 I.C.

Homepage URL:http://Calpe Lodge@gibnynex.gi

Referred By: Just Surfed In

Location: Gibraltar

Comments: Great site. Wonderful to be able to have friends across the pond. Keep up the good work. A warm welcome to any brother wishing to visit us here in Gib.


Saturday 09/01/2001 2:50:26pm




Referred By:Search Engine

Location:LIMA - PERU


Thursday 08/30/2001 9:33:15am

Name: BERTIN Georges

E-Mail: georges.bertin1@libertysurf.fr

Referred By: Search Engine

Comments: Hello, broters, I'm Master F.°. M.°. of Grand Lodge of France.
I visited your site which is very well done and interesting.
My daughter is now starting to Dublin University to study during 4 months so i was curious to know how is the FM movement in yours.
Yours fraternally GB

Wednesday 08/29/2001 10:23:45am

Name: Mark L. Mancha (Senior Warden)

E-Mail: Rainbowdad22@AOL.com

Referred By: Search Engine

Location: Las Vegas, Nevada

Comments: Fraternal Greetings from the officers and members of Vegas Lodge #32. You have done an outstanding job with your website. I found it very informative and interesting. Keep up the great work you are doing.

Wednesday 08/29/2001 8:59:15am

Name: George Hall (SD)

E-Mail: georgehall@ntlworld.com

Referred By: Friend

Location: Cruden Bay, Scotland

Comments: Fraternal Greetings from myself and my Mother Lodge, St. Olaf No 1188,Located in the Village of Cruden Bay, Aberdeenshire.
As a brother born and bred in Lisburn County Antrim, I found the Site very informative and a joy to read.

Sunday 08/26/2001 8:18:29am

Name:James McCulloch Ralston M.M.M.

E-Mail:thirds @cathkin67.fsnet co.uk

Referred By:Friend

Location:Bridgeton, Glasgow

Comments:Fraternal greetings from Lodge Union and Crown 103, Bridgeton.

Saturday 08/25/2001 5:29:36am

Name: Mike Lloyd

E-Mail: llymic1@aol.com

Referred By: Search Engine

Comments: Excellent web site, easy and informative.

Thursday 08/16/2001 3:24:28pm

Name: Paulo Roberto Lunardon

E-Mail: growber@avalon.sul.com.br

Referred By: Just Surfed In

Location: Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil

Comments: Congratulation ! It`s a very nice and useful site. Many points about masonry I could clarify reading your site.


Wednesday 08/15/2001 10:20:27am

Name:John Dennis Conwell, Past Master


Homepage Title:Golden Rule Lodge #479

Homepage URL:http://www.calodges.org/no479

Referred By:Friend

Location:San Jose, California USA

Comments:Your web site is superb.

Sunday 08/12/2001 4:10:58am

Name: Daniel Erdmann

E-Mail: DAMALU@web.de

Referred By: Search Engine

Location: Germany

Comments: Dear brothers all around the world, I am trying since a long time to get in contact with local bahamian freemasons in Nassau, Bahamas with hope to get my problem fixed. I would like start working in Nassau to have a chance to live together with my bahamian girlfriend. Therefore I need a work permit and an employment contract. My Vocational Training is called: Business Assistent with focus on foreign language secretariate (office work) and I speak German, English, Spanish fluently and got some basics in French.
I hope that I will have a chance to realize my plans with some fraternal help. Please check if you got a private address of a mason in Nassau or a contact of somebody who might need a worker with my skills.
Please take care everybody and I am looking forward to hearing of you!
Your brother, Daniel

Sunday 08/12/2001 0:17:16am

Name: Mel Brown Jr.

E-Mail: Mel@FuelFiltration.com

Homepage URL:http://www.fuelfiltration.com

Referred By: Search Engine

Location: Manteca, CA USA

Comments: Great web page. I have recently been raised a Master Mason June 14th 2001 Tyrian 349 Manteca, CA, USA (I believe 4th generation) Great Grandfather was Barnett Brown born in Belfast in July 1857, Immigrated into the US in Sept 1887, was a Free Mason in the state of New Jersey at his death.. I'm very interested in finding any Masonic connection in Northern Ireland. His father was Robert Brown also born in Belfast. No masonic connection of this person is known. Thanks in advance for anyones interest.
Mel Brown Jr.

Friday 08/10/2001 6:15:45pm

Name: jesus berlanga

E-Mail: gv2000@nld.bravo.net

Referred By: Just Surfed In

Location: nuevo laredo, tamaulipas, mexico


Thursday 08/09/2001 9:50:07pm

Name: David W. Barrett

E-Mail: DWB1stGA@aol.com

Referred By: Search Engine

Location: Tucker, Georgia USA

Comments: I am a member of Clarkston Lodge No. 492 in Clarkston, Georgia USA. My wife and I were on vacation in June of this year in Ireland when we had the opportunity to visit the Grand Lodge.
We had been on a tour with 12 other people from our country to visit the birthplace of Patrick R. Cleburne, a Confederate General in our War Between the States. Cleburne, after coming to the United States, petitioned Lafayette Lodge No. 16 Ancient York Masons in Helena, Arkansas in 1852.
My wife and I would like to say thank you to your your Tyler and to the Past Master who gave us a personal tour of the Grand Lodge. The pictures that we were allowed to take and the printed information that was given to us by the Tyler will always bring fond memories back of our visit to Dublin.
Thank you,
Worshipful Brother David W. Barrett


Monday 08/06/2001 3:32:25am

Name:okolonji pedro


Referred By:Search Engine


Comments:I.T.N.O.T.M.H.G,T.G.O.T.U,I bring a heartily and fraternal greetings to the Ggand Lodge of Ireland from Prudence Masonic Lodge 884IC under the roll of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Nigeria.
The website is a site you wonder and wonder without getting tried,keep it up.
May the blessings of heaven come down upon the Grand Lodge of Ireland and all brethrens therein.

Friday 08/03/2001 8:30:27pm

Name: Mary Donovan Springowski

E-Mail: mspringowski@peoplepc.com

Referred By: Search Engine

Location: Lorain, Ohio USA

Comments: I'm doing some genealogy research. I'm looking for relatives of William or Robert Gordon Sharman Crawford. I have reason to believe that there may have been a male member of the family that was in tractor sales in the time period of 1890-1901 (roughly). He was from the Down/Antrim area. Unfortunately, he was supposedly killed when a tractor overturned on him around 1898-99. If anyone knows of any way that I might trace the genealogy of this family, I would greatly appreciate it. Linking his name to my grandmother's, Mary Ethel Mc Cormick Donovan, would greatly help. I do know that someone from this lodge was going to help put my granny into the Girls School in Dublin in the early 1900's. Thank you!

Thursday 08/02/2001 11:22:18pm

Name: Thomas Charles West

E-Mail: mot_43@optusnet.com.au

Referred By: Just Surfed In

Location: ELIMBAH QLD AustraliaI

Comments: I am a memberof redcliffe First Ssettlement Lodge 287. under the Banner of the Grand Lodge of Queensland and I do like what I have seen
Thank You.

Thursday 08/02/2001 10:28:01am

Name: Robert A. Dewey

E-Mail: DeweyRob@aol.com

Referred By: Search Engine

Location: Bensalem, Pennsylvania, USA

Comments: I am glad to return to this wonderful site again.
I would like to hear from brethren in the Emerald Isle. I would especially like to hear from any brother in County Kerry, as I would like to visit a Lodge there during my next trip to Ireland.
My Lodge is PILGRIM LODGE NO. 712 F & AM in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania where I am a Past Master and Secretary. Congratulations and best of luck.

Wednesday 08/01/2001 9:21:58pm

Name: Rick Howes

E-Mail: rbhowes@tpg.com.au

Referred By: Just Surfed In

Location: Wyong N.S.W AUSTRALIA

Comments: Fraternal greetings from myself & that of my Lodge,Lodge Wyong Tuggerah Lakes 247, N.S.W. Australia, to the Brethren & Grand Lodge of Ireland.
My name is Rick Howes, I would like to take this opportunity of thanking the Brethren & the Grand Secretary, M.W. Walker & Grand Lodge of Ireland, for the assistance given towards our Travelling gavel project.
I am currently making up 11 books on each of these Gavels.I have been browsing through your terrific website looking for History & information which I can use in my book, as I will have to do with all the other countries, which are--------- England, "IRELAND" Malaysia,New Zealand, World Grand Lodge Gavel (starting in New York U.S.A.,
Canada (Alberta & Ontario)
Australia--Victoria,Western Australia,
N.S.W. (TWO)
I would be most grateful if there is any bro. in this big world, that can give me any information on "Ireland"
that I can include in this book.
Eventually, all the Gavels,Books & 100's of years which I receive back, will be presented to the Masonic Centre


Wednesday 08/01/2001 6:33:22pm

Name:vincent colasanti pm


Referred By:Web Ring

Location:cape island lodge 30 gl of new jersey us

Comments:this is a great site


Wednesday 08/01/2001 0:55:47am

Name:sowaran singh


Referred By: Search Engine

Location: singapore

Comments: greetings brothers, and i am proud to be with the irish lodge

Sunday 07/29/2001 8:27:39am

Name: Des tangs

E-Mail: des_etangs@libero.it

Homepage Title:Des Etangs

Homepage URL:http://digilander.iol.it/DesEtangs/index.htm

Referred By: Just Surfed In

Location: Italy

Comments: Fraternal Greetings from Italy... I like very much your site!!! Marco

Friday 07/27/2001 10:38:23am

Name: William Stanfield

E-Mail: william.stanfield@sympatico.ca

Referred By: Search Engine

Location: Hamilton Ont Canada

Comments: Fraternal greetings from a transplanted brother. Love your website and will visit often. Any R.A.M. wishing to view the site for Grand Chapter ( Ontario) may do so at www.royalarchmasons.on.ca Best of luck


Sunday 07/22/2001 11:55:54am

Name:Samuel E. McCain


Referred By:Just Surfed In

Location:Water Valley, Mississippi, CSA

Comments:Peace be with you..

Sunday 07/22/2001 6:28:17am

Name:Blair Best


Referred By: Friend

Location: DGL Barbados

Comments: A very good site. Sincerely wish you well.

Thursday 07/19/2001 9:13:42pm

Name:WB Henry A.Venzon


Referred By: Search Engine

Location: Shariff Kabunsuan Lodge No. 266, Phil.

Comments:Most Worshipful Sir, Congratulations on the WebSites More Power May the Great Architect of the Universe Bless the Grand Lodge of Ireland and all the Officers and members whithesoever dispersed.


Tuesday 07/17/2001 4:20:51pm

Name:Carman Johnston


Referred By:Friend

Location:Mount Forest Ontario Canada.

Comments:I am a member of StAlbans #200 GRC and am to visit Ireland in September, I would like to contact a brother in the Limerick-Dublin areas to assist me to visit lodge during my stay.

Sunday 07/15/2001 10:20:34pm

Name:W.Bro.Shane Mills, Blyth 157, SAC


Referred By: Search Engine

Location: South Australia

Comments: Great web site. In SA we only have one lodge that works the Irish Ritual, I've never been able to attend due to other commitments. If any members of the Grand Lodge of Ireland would like to e-mail me, I'd be very happy to hear from them.
Fraternally, W.Bro.Shane Mills, PM Blyth 157 & PM Clare Mark 8

Sunday 07/15/2001 1:40:10pm

Name:Rassie Venter


Referred By: Friend

Location: Pretoria, South Africa

Comments: Kendal Franks Lodge No 265 I.C. greets all our fellow brethern and wishes them well.

Saturday 07/14/2001 9:35:22am

Name:Burr Kenneth Hartig P.M.


Referred By: Search Engine

Location: #334 A.F.&A.M. Haskell, Haskell,Okla,U.S

Comments: Near Tulsa Okla.U.S.A.

Sunday 07/08/2001 1:22:52pm

Name: Bro. Andrew Hannah

Referred By: Friend

Location: Scottish Constitution

Comments: As a visitor to your Country it was very interesting to visit your web site.
I bring you fraternal greetings from the RWM and officers and brethern of lodge Polkemmet numbering 927 under the Scottish constitution.

Saturday 07/07/2001 2:26:33pm

Name: Royce G. McGuire

E-Mail: RGBJMc@aol.com

Referred By: Just Surfed In

Location: Sloan, Iowa USA

Comments: Was just surfing the masonic web sites and trying to gain more knowledge of Masonry. I have been a member of the craft for the past 39 years and it seems like I learn something new every time I take the time to do some researching. I am Presently Secertary of Attica Lodge No. 502, AF&AM, Sloan, Iowa also a PM and hold dual membership with Morninside Lodge No. 615, Sioux City, Iowa. Your web site is very well organized and easy to get around. It is very much like the Grand Lodge of Iowa's Web site.

Friday 07/06/2001 11:48:50pm

Name: William Breaux

E-Mail: bbmail@satx.rr.com

Homepage Title:Patterson Masonic Lodge #1177

Homepage URL:http://www.patterson.tx-mm.org

Referred By: Web Ring

Location: San Antonio, Texas

Comments: Brethren, It is a pleasure to visit your fine site and leave my name in the midst of such fine gentlemen as yourselves. May God grant you peace and good will.

Tuesday 07/03/2001 6:16:20am

Name: Keith F McG. CULL

E-Mail: cull@ecn.net.au

Referred By: Friend

Location: Brisbane Qld AUSTRALIA



Sunday 07/01/2001 3:26:58am

Name:José Cantillo


Referred By:Just Surfed In

Location:Barranquilla, Colombia, South América

Comments:Fraternal greetings from a bro at Logia Atlántico Nº 8. Congratulations on a wonderful, interesting and very informative site. Your information on the Secretary's duties was very helpful. I'll visit again.

Friday 06/29/2001 7:32:43am

Name: Eamon Lynch

E-Mail: eamon_l@yahoo.com

Referred By: Just Surfed In

Location: Dublin

Comments: I wanted to find out more about freemasonry in Ireland with a view of possibly joining. I found the site informative and well structured. Thankyou.

Wednesday 06/27/2001 9:24:05pm

Name: Bro James Gallacher

E-Mail: jimgallacher@uk.ibm.com

Referred By: Friend

Location: Greenock Scotland

Comments: Fraternal Greetings From Lodge St John No175 Your Site Is Excellent.

Tuesday 06/26/2001 10:31:19am

Name: Robert James Palmer

E-Mail: robert.palmer1@btinternet.com

Referred By: Friend

Location: Wolverhampton, England

Comments: This is just a quick word tolet you know how I found your website most valuable. Through it I was entertained at a meeting recently of Ramelton Lodge Old, No 407. I was given a rapturous welcome and has confirmed my belief in the value of our order. Once again many thanks to everyone.
I enclose these sentiments from the WM and all the brethren of Castle Lodge, No 1621 in the Province of Shropshire.


Tuesday 06/19/2001 6:58:10pm

Name:Bro.Keith Johnson


Referred By:Search Engine

Location:Lancashire, England

Comments:i am just about to get the office of senior warden in my own lodge having only been in the craft for 5 yrs. i think the site is excelent and as a mason am proud to se that we are slowly mooving into the 21 century instead of hiding in the 15th

Saturday 06/16/2001 11:52:18pm


E-Mail: njdgusa@ao;.com

Referred By: Search Engine

Location: Santa Barbara, California, USA

Comments: Fraternal greetings to all. Currently at the University of California.
I am originally from Marlborough, Wiltshire, England. I am IPM of the Wiltshire Summer Lodge No 9548. I also belong to various degees and orders. I will return to your interesting site again. Nigel Gallimore

Friday 06/15/2001 5:04:26pm


Referred By: Search Engine



Friday 06/15/2001 11:36:16am

Name: Paul McGrath

E-Mail: wjpmcgrath@aol

Referred By: Search Engine

Location: holywood co down

Comments: Fraternal greetings from Square and compasses no.548,great site,the photos of Grand lodge inspired me to go to Molesworth St recently-worth the 200 mile plus round trip keep up the good work.

Thursday 06/14/2001 11:07:26pm

Name: Tony Loyal

E-Mail: t_loyal@yahoo.com

Referred By: Search Engine

Location: Belleville, Illinois, USA

Comments: Fraternal greetings from St. Clair Lodge #24 in Belleville,Illinois. Nice site, keep up the good work! I must admit I was surprised to see such a large Masonic presence in Ireland, what with Catholicism being the dominant religion, etc. More American ignorance, I suppose! I believe my forebearers were Irish and I hope to visit your beautiful country some day.


Wednesday 06/13/2001 6:44:04am

Name:Nicholas Page


Referred By:Search Engine

Location:Oxford (but from York originally)

Comments:It had been some time since I had visited your site but was gratified to see the improvements and enjoyed the section on the PGL of Antrim. As a mason and an organist, I hope to visit a Lodge in Ireland before too long.

Saturday 06/09/2001 4:52:38pm

Name: Jim Currens PM 1591

E-Mail: mailto:

Referred By: Search Engine

Location: Glasgow,Scotland

Comments: Great website a credit to all who helped make it,hope to visit you soon on holiday

Tuesday 06/05/2001 9:47:53pm


E-Mail: CMCCAR 6385 @AOL.COM

Referred By: Search Engine



Sunday 06/03/2001 9:46:57pm

Name: Colin Carberry

E-Mail: sandman_120@hotmail.com

Referred By: Search Engine

Location: Canada

Comments: Good work on the excellent site, I will visit it regularly, I would like to hear from my Irish brothers, I am from Carrickfergus originally, so e-mail me and share the fraternal friendship with me.

Sunday 06/03/2001 3:43:25pm



Referred By:Friend


Comments:Delighted to see Masonic Doors opening at last to interested parties both inside and outside our Order. Fraternal greetings from Garvagh 779;
Harp & Crown No.60 and from Stalwart M.L.96.

Saturday 06/02/2001 0:03:41am

Name: Kelly

E-Mail: charle@epix.net

Referred By: Search Engine

Location: USA

Comments: Greetings from the Bebble family. George Bebble and Bert Bebble were Irish-American brothers and founders of Little League Baseball in 1939.

Thursday 05/31/2001 4:25:20am

Name: BRO. Lee Campbell

E-Mail: leecampbell@bigpond.com

Referred By: Just Surfed In

Location: Nambour Lodge 173 Australia

Comments: An excellent site, informative and easy to navigate.

Wednesday 05/30/2001 4:02:39pm

Name: Robert A. Dewey, PM

E-Mail: deweyrob@aol.com

Referred By: Friend

Location: Bensalem Pennsylvania, USA

Comments: I just got on the internet and I and glad to see a wonderful web page from Ireland. Thankfully I have visited many, many time to Ireland and the next visit I hope to attend a Lodge Meeting in County Kerry. Keep up the good work.
Much good has been done and continues to be done by Masons around the globe. GOD BLESS.

Monday 05/28/2001 8:43:55pm

Name: Ian Kenny

E-Mail: ian@e-f-s.net

Homepage Title:Jersey Freemasons

Homepage URL:http://www.jerseymason.org

Referred By: Search Engine

Location: Jersey, C.I.

Comments: Fraternal greetings from the WM, Officers and Bretheren of St. Aubin's Lodge, No.958, in the province of Jersey. Commendations to R.W. Bro. Alan Campbell on his section on the History of Freemasonry in Kerry. Being born and bred in Tralee, this has proved very interesting, and I hope to visit the bretheren of Salem Lodge No. 62 in due course.


Friday 05/25/2001 4:10:19pm


Referred By:Just Surfed In


Comments:Great Site! Very happy to see that the Brothers are on the Web :)
The webpages are great, more of this is what we need! Hope that I can one day do the Tour for real and hopefuly take some photos. Thankyou

Saturday 05/19/2001 1:14:03pm

Name: Paddy A. Ney

E-Mail: captainsock@hotmail.com

Referred By: Just Surfed In

Location: East Anglia (Suffolk, UK)

Comments: met my first Mason today, a very nice chap and I look forward to joining when I am old enough! i am visiting Ireland this summer with my girlfriend...look forward to it greatly. Good Site. paddy Ney


Saturday 05/19/2001 7:20:54am

Name: R. Gapert

E-Mail: anatomy76@hotmail.com

Referred By: Just Surfed In

Location: Dublin, Ireland.

Comments: Hello,
I just wanted to thank you for this beautifully arranged website. It is very informative and interesting and, I think, a good way to reach people who are interested in freemasonry and potential new members.
I have only one comment to Mr.Malcomson's mentioned website: www.masoniclodge.org.com.
First I did not know what kind of website it is: pro- or anti-masonic but after further reading I saw it is anti-masonic. Secondly I do not know why the mentioned website discusses religion and politics in masonic works as freemasonry states openly to be non-political and non-religious and open to everybody who expresses a belief in a higher being.
So everybody, wether protestan, catholic, muslim, etc is welcome.
This is only what I understand and I am not a mason but very interested in the Irish lodge as I am a German national living in Ireland.
Thanks again and I am looking forward to see more of your website (Irish Lodge). Rene.


Friday 05/18/2001 10:33:54pm

Name:Carl Wesley Overman


Referred By:Friend

Location:T.B. Hunter #1356 Grand Prairie, Texas

Comments:Brother Philip Rundle, an Australian Mason from Duke of Leinster Lodge #363, Irish Constitution, was in Dallas recently and gave a speech about his lodge and it's practices so I wanted to extend faternal greetings to you brothers. Excellent site you have as well.

Thursday 05/17/2001 2:26:42pm

Name: J.F.Jansen

E-Mail: manj@freemail.absa.co.za

Referred By: Search Engine

Location: bloemfontein south africa

Comments: i have visited the site before it is good to have a irish masonic site.keep up the good work and may masonry grow whith the new open approach
fraternally, V.WOR.BRO J.F.JANSEN

Thursday 05/17/2001 1:18:12pm

Name: George Binnions

E-Mail: cindy@binnions.fsnet.co.uk

Referred By: Just Surfed In

Location: St Albans, Hertfordshire, England

Comments: I belong to Gorhambury Lodge, No. 8745 as IPM. My father belonged to a Lodge in Enniscorthy - No. 270 in 1953. Can you confirm that this lodge is still in existence as I would like to visit the lodge when I am in Ireland next month.

Thursday 05/17/2001 0:44:02am

Name: Michael Jacobazzi

E-Mail: maxpwr12@yahoo.com

Referred By: Web Ring

Comments: Really enjoyed the tour of the Grand Lodge. Great website.


Wednesday 05/16/2001 6:22:17am

Name:Terry Taggart


Referred By:Just Surfed In

Location:Lincolnshire England

Comments:An excellent site , i hope one day to visit a lodge in Ireland and i would happily receive e - mail from any bretheren in the Emerald Isle.

Sunday 05/13/2001 5:48:11pm


E-Mail: CHRISTINE@dale1968.fsnet.co.uk

Referred By: Friend


Sunday 05/13/2001 4:35:57pm

Name: Richard D McNamara III

E-Mail: rich.mcnamara@valpo.edu

Referred By: Search Engine

Location: Valparaiso, Indiana USA

Comments: An Absolutly wonderful and informative web site. I was in Ireland 2 years ago and am planning another trip in the future. I hope that I am able to visit several lodges now that I have been raised. Yours in Brotherhood, Richard D. McNamara III
Porter Lodge 137, Valparaiso, Indiana USA

Saturday 05/12/2001 8:08:50am

Name: Pete Ciallella

E-Mail: lodge26@usa.net

Homepage Title:Jerusalem Lodge #26 F & A.M.

Homepage URL:http://home.att.net/~level61/lodge26.html

Referred By: Just Surfed In

Location: New Jersey - U.S.A.

Comments: Very nice page. Fraternal greetings from across the Atlantic.


Wednesday 05/09/2001 9:41:23am

Name:Gopal Madhavan


Referred By:Search Engine


Comments:Surfed on to find some information for my son who was a mason in India and now wants to re-join here in Ireland, where he is permanently settled. Exceedingly nice web-page All the very best Wor. Bro. Gopal Madhavan

Monday 05/07/2001 4:43:29pm

Name: Talaat Agha

E-Mail: TalaatAgha@yahoo.com

Referred By: Search Engine

Location: Lagos - Nigeria

Comments: Fraternal Greetings to all. I was surfing the web looking for an Irish Lodge in London to enable me attend a meeting during my short visit.Your web site well constructed, I am very impressed, and it is well presented page. Yours fraternally & sincerely Talaat Agha PM
Surulere Lodge No. 864
Excelsior Lodge No. 643

Sunday 05/06/2001 10:43:27am


E-Mail: loisjulia@hotmail.com

Referred By: Friend


Sunday 05/06/2001 1:24:59am

Name: Matthew Richey

E-Mail: LaVooM13@aol.com

Referred By: Search Engine

Location: Arlington, Virginia - USA

Comments: Greetings fellow bretherin and non-bretherin. I am a new member at the Cherrydale Lodge #42. I just wanted to state that this is a very good and informative site. I hope to visit there in Ireland one day and admire the beauty of the country as well as visit the lodges.

Sunday 05/06/2001 0:24:29am

Name: Marcello Colombo Barboza

E-Mail: colombobarboza@uol.com.br

Referred By: E-Mail

Location: Brasil

Comments: I am a brother from Brasil. Its a good Home page! fraternal wishes


Saturday 05/05/2001 12:50:33am



Referred By:Search Engine


Comments:I have always been interested in Freemasonry and its history,your site has enlightened me about your fine organisation. Thank you for the welcome given to me through your web site. slan.

Saturday 05/05/2001 3:26:01am

Name: W Bro Nigel J D GALLIMORE

E-Mail: njdgusa@aol.com

Referred By: Search Engine

Location: Santa Barbara, California, USA

Comments: Very interesting site.
I am a member of a lodge under the UGLE - Wiltshire Summer No 9548.
Since December 2000 I live in sunny California where I attend lodge in Santa Barbara.
I hope to get to the Emerald Isle one day.
Adieu for now.

Wednesday 05/02/2001 11:50:51am

Name: Bro. W. Elliot P.M. St. A ndrew 524

E-Mail: anneell@lineone.net

Referred By: Friend

Location: East Kilbride Scotland

Comments: Having just returned from the annual installation of Lodge Bydand 92 please accept my gratitude for the warmth of welcome we received from all of the Brethern of the Province of Antrim.

Saturday 04/28/2001 12:19:54am

Name: W.Bro. Bill Carlyle, P.Pr.S.G.W.,

E-Mail: Optometrist @ Easynet.co.uk.

Referred By: Search Engine

Location: Province of Northants & Hunts, England.

Comments: Love your Website. Very slow to reveal the pages backed in green velvet! But most welcoming, and a fresh-air approach to revealing the value of Masonry to the World at large. Well done.


Wednesday 04/25/2001 11:54:49am

Name:patrick collins


Referred By:Just Surfed In


Comments:welldone on your excelleant sight and greetings from lodge933holy royle archyour fraternaly p collins 18th

Monday 04/23/2001 3:15:58am

Name: Tim Bertram

E-Mail: timbertram0064@cswebmail.com

Referred By: Search Engine

Location: JD, No 348 IC (Auckland, New Zealand)

Comments: Very impressed. My son James (24) was raised 3 weeks ago in Ara 348 and leaves for his "OE" on 25th April to work in Scandanavia for 6 months before travelling to UK and Ireland where he has a 2 yr wk visa. I hope he will get to visit lodges as his work and travels permit.

Sunday 04/22/2001 12:49:36am

Name: Matthew Scanlan

E-Mail: mailbox@biee.demon.co.uk

Homepage Title:www.workingtools.co.uk

Referred By: Search Engine

Location: London

Comments:Dear Brethren
An exciting conference is being held at Freemasons' Hall London, for all master masons, on Saturday 12th May. The day will be hosted by the new Pro Grand Master, Lord Northampton, and best-selling author Bro Michael Baigent will speak on 'The Hidden Mysteries'. Come and hear a new discovery on the origins by myself; Bro Dr Jan Snoek on 'The Lost Secret of the Hiramic Legend'; Bro Professor John Grange on 'Darkness
Visible'; and Clement Saloman on the 'Platonic Academy in Florence'. There will also be an
afternoon Question Time and a demonstration of the Fellowcraft Degree. Tickets include lunch and cost £20. For more details see the Cornerstone Society website: www.workingtools.co.uk. Fraternally, Matthew Scanlan

Sunday 04/15/2001 2:14:36pm

Name: G. K. Murray

E-Mail: mwgkevan@mweb.co.za

Referred By: Search Engine

Location: Beacon Bay, South Africa

Comments: Keep up the good work.Please brag about Famous Irish Masons past and present.


Saturday 04/14/2001 11:16:59pm

Name:Brother Jeff Arthur Patrick Pickens


Referred By:Just Surfed In

Location:Monmouth, Maine USA

Comments:Fraternal Greetings from Abner-Wade Lodge#207, Sangerville, Maine... Also from the Nobles of Kora Shrine Temple, Lewiston, Maine. Beautiful Site!!! Drop a line when you can. I will respond to all.

Saturday 04/14/2001 8:36:16am

Name: John McCullough

E-Mail: JON73@jmccullough.fsbusiness.co.uk

Referred By: Just Surfed In

Location: Newtownards

Comments: Fraternal greetings from Wor. Bro. John McCullough, Groomsport ML337.Enjoyed visiting the site.

Friday 04/13/2001 7:52:53pm

Name: Brett Andrew HUTTON

E-Mail: HUTTO8@bigpond.com

Referred By: Friend

Location: Brisbane,Queensland,Australia

Comments: Brothers, As a recently risen Master Mason it's informititve and interesting to be able to see the depth of our fratenity around the world. Your webpage it certainly one of the better ones. Yours Fraternally, Bro. Brett HUTTON
Vigilance Lodge #494 (Police Lodge)
Brisbane, Queensland

Thursday 04/12/2001 2:20:33pm

Name: Eric Greensmith

E-Mail: ergreensmith@onetel.net.uk

Referred By: Just Surfed In

Location: Shetland

Comments: Fraternal greetings from Lodge 89,
Lerwick,Shetland(Scottish const.)and congratulations on your informative &
well run web site.

Wednesday 04/11/2001 4:58:23pm

Name: Mark w. Shaw

E-Mail: msharkma@aol.com

Referred By: Just Surfed In

Comments: Greetings brothers from boston mass. USA you have a great web site. I hope to visit someday in person.


Tuesday 04/10/2001 3:34:19pm

Name:Alfonso P Duncan


Referred By:Search Engine

Location:Houston, TX

Comments:Great page. I would like to correspond with your Lodge historian if possible.

Tuesday 04/10/2001 1:40:01pm



Referred By: Just Surfed In



Tuesday 04/10/2001 11:39:28am

Name: Robert Ashton

E-Mail: bor@nothsa.fsnet.co.uk

Referred By: Just Surfed In

Comments: I have been living in Weymouth, Dorset, England for 3 years now (formerly of Harare, Zimbabwe (St. Patricks 517I.C.)). I would like to visit Grand Lodge at some stage in the future and am pleasantly surprized to come across this website. Keep up the good work.

Friday 04/06/2001 9:29:35pm

Name: Nigel King

E-Mail: nk6@bt23.fsnet.co.uk

Referred By: Just Surfed In

Location: Belfast, Northern Ireland

Comments: Fraternal greetings from the W.M, Officers and brethren of D.W Girvan 526. Congratulations to all those brethren who helped in the setting up and running of this very informative site. Although relatively new to the craft myself the vast wealth of knowledge at my fingertips never seems to amaze me. My journey has only began. Keep up the good work one and all.

Thursday 04/05/2001 6:58:59pm

Name: Gordon Dalgleish Haine

E-Mail: dalgleishhaine@supanet.com

Referred By: Search Engine

Comments: Fraternal greetings from St Patricks Lodge no 517. Harare Zimbabwe.


Thursday 04/05/2001 12:33:24am

Name: Arshag M. Daiyan

E-Mail: daiyana@state.mi.us

Referred By: Search Engine

Comments: Very impressed with your Grand Lodge Building, very nice website

Tuesday 04/03/2001 10:51:29am

Name: Thomas Anderson

E-Mail: thomas.anderson5@ntl.com

Referred By: Friend

Location: Strathyre SCOTLAND

Comments: Hi what a wonderfull site fraternall greatings from lodge 269 ST kessac comrie perthshire west.

Monday 04/02/2001 7:52:27pm

Name: joao bosco ferreira lima

E-Mail: jotabosko@yahoo.com.br

Referred By: Search Engine

Comments: I am a Member of Lodge Acácia 20 de Agosto 3256. Nice web site. Great pages Congratulations.


Monday 04/02/2001 9:45:45am



Homepage Title:www.glsi.org

Referred By:Search Engine

Location:Coimbatore, South India

Comments:I am a Freemason from India,visiting the Great Britain and the United States. I was impressed with your Web site and bring you hearty and fraternal greetings.

Tuesday 03/27/2001 10:49:39am


E-Mail: hguthrie@freeserve.com

Referred By: Just Surfed In


Comments: Just logged into the site for the first time. Really enjoyed my first visit. Will definitely surf in again.

Tuesday 03/27/2001 2:05:13am

Name: Jeff a. Pickens

E-Mail: badger@ctel.net

Referred By: Just Surfed In

Comments: Greetings Brethren from Monmouth, Maine, USA

Monday 03/26/2001 9:17:50am

Name: J. N. Millar

Referred By: Search Engine

Comments: Well thought out site. Very interesting to Freemasons and Non-Masons alike.

Monday 03/26/2001 7:33:53am

Name: W.Bro. Tony Quinton

E-Mail: anthnychief@aol.com

Referred By: Just Surfed In

Location: Belfast

Comments: Hello Brethren, Came accross this site while surfing the net.I am the reigning master of Belfast City 481. Also an Ex Companion of Falls RAC 226.I wish yopu all well for the future and bring you fraternal greetings from the officers and brethren of Belfast City 481 and also from the Ex King and Companions of Falls RAC 226.
Your fraternaly W.Bro Tony Quinton


Thursday 03/22/2001 7:42:46pm

Name:Worshipful Brother Robert Nichholson Sr.


Referred By:Just Surfed In

Location:Red Bud Illinois (USA)

Comments:Hello Brothers, I enjoyed viewing you web page and especally enjoyed the Grand Lodge Hall pictures, I've been a Master Mason for 18 years and a Past Master in Red Bud Lodge # 427 A.F.&A.M. in Red Bud Illinois (USA), and presently serve as secretary. Good luck and God bless our fraternity.

Sunday 03/18/2001 9:19:02pm

Name: Nick Emerton-Court

E-Mail: emerton@inwind.it

Homepage Title:Keats & Shelley Lodge N° 1 in Rome

Homepage URL:http://www.keats-shelley-lodge.it

Referred By: Search Engine

Location: Rome

Comments: I came through to you from the GLRI Web Site.
As a regular visitor I look forward to the new entries.
It would be worthwhile using your own Guestbook so that the "Referred by" can be personalised for your masonic visitors.
Fraternal Greetings from the English speaking Lodge in Rome

Wednesday 03/14/2001 10:18:14am

Name: Sam Loper

E-Mail: samcloper3@aol.com

Referred By: Search Engine

Comments: Nice, informative web site.

Tuesday 03/13/2001 5:27:24pm

Name: Russell J. GENESE

E-Mail: rj.genese@xtra.co.nz

Referred By: Search Engine

Comments: Fraternal greetings. I am a memebr of Lodge Nelson, No 288, NZC, and Trafalgar Royal Arch Chapter No 157 (SC)
My Grand father was past Master of Lodge Callowhill (IC) hence my interest in Freemasonry in Ireland. I have very happy memories of two visits to Lodge St Patrick (IC)in Dunedin New Zealand some years ago.

Saturday 03/10/2001 7:17:09pm

Name: Frank L Baranyai, PM, Sec.

E-Mail: flbjlb@toolcity.net

Homepage Title:Chief Baranyai

Homepage URL:http://www.toolcity.net/~flbjlb

Referred By: Search Engine

Location: Cochranton Pa. USA

Comments: Good Day Brothers, I enjoyed your web page. My wife and I are planning a visit to Ireland this Sept. Could you sent me a list of the cities and addresses of the Lodges. I hope to visit a lodge or two if time permits. Thank You Frank L. Baranyai, Past Master, Sec Cochranton Lodge 790


Saturday 03/10/2001 9:44:56am

Name:Billy Mclarty


Referred By:Just Surfed In

Location:Greenock Scotland

Comments:Fraternal greetings to all from Lodge Montgomerie Kilwinning Skelmorlie 624, Scottish Constitution. Billy McLarty RWM Lodge MKS 624 Ayrshire, Scotland.

Friday 03/09/2001 3:34:17pm

Name: Arthur Roberts

E-Mail: macnam@btinternet.com

Referred By: Search Engine

Location: Meols, Wirral, England

Comments: Many thanks to all who have sent me information regarding St. Georges Lodge No 633. Your response has been magnificent. I will be making contact with all relevant parties concerning the Masonic Jewels I wish to return. Your web page is a credit to everyone who has had some input into it. The People of Ireland are a credit to themselves in their warm and fraternal assistance. Hopefully I be able to come over sometime. Kindest regards.

Friday 03/09/2001 2:04:50pm

Name: W.Bro. Tom F. Hudson

E-Mail: hudson.tomf@bapco.bls.com

Referred By: Just Surfed In

Location: Columbia, South Carolina, USA

Comments: Glad to surf in, Brothers! My great-grandmother came to the US from Ireland in the late 19th century. My wife & I would love to visit your country sometime and enjoy its beauty.

Thursday 03/08/2001 10:13:42pm

Name: Robert C. Carnahan II

E-Mail: rccarnahan@mcleodusa.net

Referred By: Friend

Location: Ottumwa, Iowa USA Empire Lodge #269

Comments: Great site. At our regular this evening we listened to a presentation of the Grand Lodge of Ireland. I was very interested in finding out if I had ancestors that were members of any of Irelands Lodges. How would I go about finding out this information?

Thursday 03/08/2001 9:29:35pm

Name: Jerry L. Jones

E-Mail: jjones60@swbell.net

Referred By: Just Surfed In

Location: Houston, Texas USA

Comments: Great Work


Thursday 03/08/2001 3:29:45pm

Name:Richard W.Fentner


Referred By:Just Surfed In

Location:East Hartford,Ct.USA

Comments:Brothers, Geetings from "over the pond". I was hoping for some help from Brothers from the Grand Lodge of Ireland in locating information about my family in Ireland.If anyone can it would be greatly appreciated. Three of my grandparents were from Ireland.Middleton,Cork and Sligo area. Family names are Mcguire,Fallon,O'Brien.
If any Brother has an interest and could help I can furnish more information.
Fraternaly, Richard W .Fentner, Senior Deacan, Friendship Lodge#33, Southington,Ct.USA
Grand LOdge of Ct. AF&AM PS.Great Site

Thursday 03/08/2001 0:35:37am

Name: Bro. Shawn R. Dulmage

E-Mail: shawnroy@bcinternet.net

Referred By: Search Engine

Location: Prince George, B.C. Canada

Comments: I wish to extend Fraternal greetings from the officers and members of Vanderhoof Lodge, #119 in the registry of Grand Lodge of British Columbia and the Yukon, A.F. and A.M.
Bro. S.R.Dulmage, I.G.

Wednesday 03/07/2001 8:36:09pm

Name: Robert Breckenridge

E-Mail: BreckenridgeRebel@prodigy.net

Referred By: Search Engine

Comments: I am currently Worshipful Master of Empire Lodge #269 in Ottumwa, Iowa, USA. I came across your web site while researching a presentation on Irish Masonry to give at my March Meeting. Your site is wonderful and I salute you.

Sunday 03/04/2001 9:13:51pm

Name: Irvil

E-Mail: sgwjj@ucnsb.net

Referred By: Search Engine

Location: New Smyrna Beach, Fl.32168 USA

Comments: Your web page is very nice and informative. I am the Junior Warden of New Smyrna Lodge #149 F.& A.M.


Sunday 03/04/2001 4:01:57pm

Name:Arthur Roberts


Referred By:Search Engine

Location:Cheshire, England

Comments:Fraternal Greetings from myself and the members of Hilbre Lodge No 2375 in the Province of Cheshire, England. Glad to have found you. An excellant web site.
Can anyone tell me please if the "Royal St. George Masonic Lodge No.633" - I believe in Belfast, is still going. I have some Past Masters jewels that I would like to pass on. There is a Founder members jewel dating back to 1929, and the Past Masters jewel is 1932. Both were presented to W.Bro George Alec Richardson. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Sunday 03/04/2001 3:06:17pm

Name: Bro.David J Madden

E-Mail: david.j.madden@msdw.com

Referred By: Just Surfed In

Location: London

Comments: Fantastic Site !. Good to see that GLofI is taking the lead in embracing technology to spread its message. May the noble fratermity continue to exist for another thousand years. regards, David Madden,
Lodge of Erin, 2895 ( English Consitution ) - always glad of Irish visitors in London !

Sunday 03/04/2001 12:41:08am

Name: Jón Lúðvíksson

E-Mail: jonl@simnet.is

Referred By: Friend

Location: Iceland

Comments: Very interesting site I will need more than one visit to Browse around for material about Irish Freemasonry. Best wishes, Jón L

Friday 03/02/2001 1:34:37pm

Name: Jack Campbell

E-Mail: tam_campbell@lineone.net

Referred By: Search Engine

Comments: Best wishes to St Columbs 640
Brother Jack Campbell Boswell St James 1011 SC .Hon Member St James Tours FC

Thursday 03/01/2001 10:55:02pm

Name: Wesley Jasper

E-Mail: wesley.jasper@defence.gov.au

Referred By: Just Surfed In

Location: Melbourne, Australia

Comments: Great site, very informative! I love the photos. Congratulations.
Bro W.R Jasper


Thursday 03/01/2001 8:25:00pm

Name:John Mulligan


Referred By:Just Surfed In

Location:Margate New Jersey USA

Comments:Greetings, Yisited your beatiful Country last year.
I'm sorry I didn't allow more time to visit your Grand Lodge.

Tuesday 02/27/2001 6:49:01pm

Name: Bro. Iain Hannah

E-Mail: iain.hannah@btinternet.com

Referred By: Friend

Location: William Shannon 373

Comments: Iwould like to congratulate you on a very interesting and exellantly laid out web site and i will be visiting it more frequently in the future. God Bless

Sunday 02/25/2001 11:28:32pm

Name: Barrie K DENHAM

E-Mail: den.fam@xtra.co.nz

Referred By: Web Ring

Location: Gisborne New Zealand

Comments: Iam a P.M. of Lodge Abercorn- Tuahine No 76, New Zealand Constitution. Our lodge was originally formed in Gisborne, N.Z. on 18 Sept 1886 as Abercorn Lodge No 472 Irish Constitution. A fine website.


Sunday 02/25/2001 4:30:21am

Name:Bernie Blacket pm lodge Integrity 376


Referred By:Just Surfed In

Location:Melbourne, Victoria. Australia.

Comments:Hello from Victoria, Australia.,Impressed with your web site. Greetings to my fello Bretheren. Fraternaly yours, Bernard Blacket.PM.Lodge Integrity 376
Melbourne, Victoria.

Friday 02/23/2001 11:07:52pm

Name: James R. Dillman

E-Mail: jdill@lneti.com

Referred By: Search Engine

Comments: Fraternal greetings to all the brethren in Ireland. Belated congratulations to the Grand Lodge of Ireland for your 275th Anniversary.
I was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason on March 4, 2000. Masonry has had a profound effect on my life and my only regret is that I waited until age 44 to join the greatest fraternity known to man. I am a member of Royal Center Lodge #585, F&AM under the auspices of the Grand Lodge of Indiana, USA. I am honored to be serving as Junior Warden in our lodge and am very much looking forward to my year as Worshipful Master in 2003.
I was recently fortunate to witness a slide presentation presented by a past Grand Master of Indiana who visited Ireland on the occasion of your 275th Anniversary Celebration. It was quite informative and I was quite fascinated with the Irish architecture and the contributions of Freemasons to Irish history. I hope some day to have the time and resources to visit Ireland and see it all in person.
Congratulations are in order for your website as well. I've enjoyed visiting your site and will bookmark it for future reference. You may visit the website for the Grand Lodge of Indiana at http://www.indianamasons.org. I think you will find it to be an informative site as well.
I would enjoy corresponding with any of the brethren who happen to see this. Best wishes to all of the brethren in Ireland. James R. Dillman Logansport, Indiana, USA

Thursday 02/22/2001 2:59:45pm

Name: Moacir Jose Lordello Beltrame

E-Mail: moacir@bioland.com.br

Referred By: Web Ring

Location: Piracicaba, SP, Brasil

Wednesday 02/21/2001 3:10:40pm


Referred By: Just Surfed In

Location: CO. ARMAGH


Tuesday 02/20/2001 3:07:03pm

Name: Ben Okolo

E-Mail: benokolo@hotmail.com

Referred By: Just Surfed In

Location: South Africa....

Comments: I belong to HARMONY LODGE 847 on the roll of the Grand Lodge of Ireland.This lodge is in Lagos, Nigeria.I am happy that we have our own website where we can come to and know what is the latest news in the Grand Lodge. Please keep up the good work. I also believe that this site will offer a lot of the "doubting Thomases' insight into Masonry.


Tuesday 02/20/2001 10:00:43am

Name:cagri goktas


Referred By:Search Engine


Comments:first of all let me express my impression as regards to your web page. this is a very well organised site and the information in it is more than satisfactory. i am a just accepted apprentice under rule of grand lodge of turkey and ý'd like to expand my knowledge due to my degree. i expect to be provided books or other materials, in this respect. i'd very happy, if i am answered.
fraternally yours

Sunday 02/18/2001 7:37:11pm

Name: Robert Gordon

E-Mail: masonic@carstairs.org.uk

Homepage Title:Address Guide to Scottish Lodges

Homepage URL:http://www.carstairs.org.uk/masonic/guide/index.html

Referred By: Friend

Location: Carstairs Village Scotland

Comments: Very interesting site I will need more than one visit to Browse around for material about Irish Freemasonry
Robert Gordon

Friday 02/16/2001 3:23:35pm

Name: Debra G. Kalama_Robinson

E-Mail: justkalama@Aol.com

Referred By: Search Engine

Comments: I am working on family genealogy with the Spelling of "DONAGHU". I am in hopes that William DONAGHU may have been a mason, as we have a long family line of masons. He came to USA in 1846? or there about as he married in 1848. Can you lead me in a dirction that I could fine anyone with this spelling of DONAGHU. Thank you.

Wednesday 02/14/2001 12:04:37am

Name: David Daley P.M.

E-Mail: Masonicpm98@yahoo.com

Referred By: Just Surfed In

Location: Oakdale, California, USA

Comments: Hello to all my Brothers in Ireland. I hope to visit you in Lodge someday. Enjoyed your website.

Wednesday 02/14/2001 2:14:49am


E-Mail: merc56@hotmail.com

Referred By: Just Surfed In




Monday 02/12/2001 5:51:39pm

Name:James P. 'Jim' Voelkle


Homepage Title:Tomball Masonic Lodge No.1096 Homepage

Homepage URL:http://www.geocities.com/jpvoelkle/tomball1096_1main.html

Referred By:Search Engine

Location:Tomball, Texas USA

Comments:I an a Master Mason in Tomball Masonic Lodge #1096 (Tomball, Texas), A.F.&A.M. and I will be in Dublin April 5-6 and Dingle April 7-8, 2001. I plan to visit Grand Lodge in Dublin, and I also would like to visit a Lodge (preferably in/near Dingle). Can anyone provide a contact name/email of a Lodge meeting in Dingle or Dublin when I am there? Fraternal regards, Jim

Monday 02/12/2001 4:59:31pm


Referred By: Just Surfed In



Sunday 02/11/2001 11:45:20am

Name: Derek J Walsh JP

E-Mail: derek.walsh@goodwavesecurity.co.uk

Referred By: Just Surfed In

Location: Leeds West Yorkshire

Comments: A colleague and I visited your lodge in Molesworth street last October and were very warmly received and looked after, We look forward to another visit and can you advise me ref meetings between 13-16 April 2001 either in Dublin or Wicklow. Many thanks, yours fraternally, Derek J Walsh JP, Baildon 1545 - Provence of Yorkshire West Ridings


Tuesday 02/06/2001 11:53:49am

Name:Wor.Bro.R J Fleming


Referred By:Friend


Comments:Fraternal greetings from myself wardens& brethren of Portglenone Masonic Lodge No450

Monday 02/05/2001 9:24:10pm

Name: Ira C. Nickle

E-Mail: inickle@sc.rr.com

Referred By: Just Surfed In

Location: Columbia, South Carolina

Comments: My great-great-grandfather William Nickle or Nickel was born in 1761. He was a member of Lodge 414, Bushmills, County Antrim. I am a member of Earlewood Lodge 317, Columbia South Carolina.

Saturday 02/03/2001 5:41:04pm


E-Mail: cochrane.taylor@ntlworld.com

Referred By: Just Surfed In

Comments: Fraternal Greetings to all Masonic Brethern in Ireland long may our Craft Prosper. Enjoyed browsing your site keep up the good work. Cochrane Taylor PM.Lodge Greenock St.John`s No.175 Scottish Constitution

Saturday 02/03/2001 3:08:55am

Name: Terry Bird

E-Mail: tbird5021@msn.com

Referred By: Web Ring

Location: Charleston, SC USA

Comments: I am a member of Pythagorean Lodge #21 in Charleston. I am the Junior Warden of my lodge this year. Your website is great.

Friday 02/02/2001 2:12:38pm

Name: Billy C. Davis, Jr. W.M.

E-Mail: bcdavis@ipa.net

Referred By: Just Surfed In

Comments: Fraternal Greetings from Fredonia Lodge #229, Bald Knob, Ark. Usa. Great site Brothers!


Thursday 02/01/2001 12:16:14am

Name:Pol Pugès i Latorre


Referred By:Search Engine

Location:Barcelona, Catalonia (Spain)

Comments:Dear Sirs, My name is Pol, and I'm a 23 years old boy from Barcelona who just would like to congratulate you for making such an excellent web-site. As a non-mason citizen (although I hope to become one someday...), I'm very satisfied with all the info. you've selected about your Masonic activities in the Grand Lodge of Ireland, which I've found to be more developed than what I've seen in today's Spanish Masonry. I also hope that to change in the near future...
That's all, forgive my English and feel free to e-mail me any comments about it all.
Best regards from Catalonia!!!

Monday 01/29/2001 4:38:20pm

Name: Michael A Holmes

E-Mail: mikeholmes@eircom.net

Referred By: Just Surfed In

Location: Co. Wexford Ireland

Comments: Fantastic site, very informative,often wondered how one can join?

Monday 01/29/2001 9:54:52am

Name: patrick collins

E-Mail: patrick_collins@hp.com

Referred By: Friend

Comments: fraternal greetings to you all and best wishes to all my brother masons om brother p collins 18 deg rose croix

Friday 01/26/2001 5:32:29pm

Name: Gerard Kelly

E-Mail: taxiweb@ireland.com

Homepage URL:http://www.mamut.com/taxiweb

Referred By: Search Engine

Location: yahoo u.k.& irl

Comments: Excellent site, GREAT presentation, very informative. Makes one want to delve some more into its history and traditions.


Friday 01/26/2001 11:32:10am

Name:Alan Loughnane


Referred By:Search Engine

Location:The Costwolds

Comments:A very informative and well constructed site.

Friday 01/26/2001 11:28:26am

Name: Alan Loughnane

E-Mail: alanloughnane@hotmail.com

Referred By: Search Engine

Location: The Costwolds

Comments: A very informative and well constructed site.

Friday 01/26/2001 9:59:10am

Name: Hill Robinson

Referred By: Just Surfed In

Location: Strabane. Co.Tyrone.

Comments: I have surfed your website for the first
time and am very impressed with the style and quality of the presentation.

Wednesday 01/24/2001 2:56:52am

Name: Elwood L.R. Schmidt

E-Mail: elwood.schmidt@home.com

Referred By: Just Surfed In

Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Comments: My lodge home is Prince George, B.C. Lodge #178. Your WEB site is refreshing