Volume 5

Sunday 12/09/2001 9:28:02pm 
Name: gary newberry
E-Mail: newbsbelfast@hotmail.com
Referred By: Friend
Location: Belfast
Comments: very good site .but would prefer quicker response and to be more informative for newly entered brethren

Saturday 12/08/2001 8:38:34pm 
Name: Bro. James H. Birch
E-Mail: jhbirch111@yahoo.com
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Mariners Lodge Cotuit, MA, USA
Comments: Good day to my Bretheren across the sea. My sincere wish that you all have a Merry Chrismas and Happy New Year.

Saturday 12/08/2001 4:06:03pm 
Name: R.M.Dunbar
E-Mail: rmd@richardm64.freeserve.co.uk
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: LONDON

Saturday 12/08/2001 5:58:13am 
Name: Jerome K. Pascoe
E-Mail: JKP@jkpascoe.com
Referred By: E-Mail
Location: Brussels, Belgium
Comments: Congratulations! You have a spectacular site. Fraternal wishes from Chevalier Ramsay Lodge No.4, Brussels, Belgium. Jerry Pascoe, P.M.

Wednesday 12/12/2001 4:05:07am 
Name: Nick Emerton-Court
E-Mail: k.s@virgilio.it
Homepage Title: Keats & Shelley Lodge N° - Rome
Homepage URL: http://www.keats-shelley-lodge.it
Referred By: Web Ring
Location: The Eternal City of Rome
Comments: Dear Web Team,
Congratulations on your revamping exercise to the already well set-up site. It is a great pity that you have not personalised the 'referred' box as there are many who would like to indicate their source and also their Lodge details. Keep up the good work to make good men better.
Fraternal greetings from the English speaking Lodge in the Eternal City of Rome under the Regular Grand Lodge of Italy. http://www.glri.org

Tuesday 12/11/2001 9:31:59am 
Name: bro.gerald t. graves
E-Mail: graves_gerald@hotmail.com
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: sackville lodge#137 in nova scotia/ can.
Comments: just brousing and caught your web sight very masonic.i,ve been a maison since 1988 and have travled to the east 4 times and also DDGM.

Monday 12/10/2001 10:00:26am 
Name: rosemary johnston
E-Mail: rosiepig@hotmail.com
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: i am a female and my dad was a mason. i tortured him to tell me about the goings on at a lodge meeting but he never told me. i want to know why women can not join the lodge?

Saturday 12/15/2001 8:20:46pm 
Name: Roger Turnbull
E-Mail: RogerJuneTurnbull1@bigpond.com
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia
Comments: Very good to come accros an Irish Lodge Home Page. would love to hear from someone in Ireland. Merry Christmas to all Masons in Ireland from the Wor. Master and Brethren of Southern Cross Lodge No. 10, United Grand Lodge of Queensland.

Saturday 12/15/2001 0:08:01am 
Name: John Balikoff
E-Mail: embeekoff@aol.com.au
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Duke of Leinster 363 I.C.
Comments: Fraternal Greetings to all brethren in Ireland,from Australia. I trust that you shall have a happy and prosperous festive season. I enjoyed you new site, it is most informative.

Thursday 12/13/2001 2:44:41pm
Name: Samantha Barichievy
E-Mail: sam@rba.co.za
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: South Africa
Comments: My grandad was a freemason and I have recently become intrigued as to the whole idea of the freemasons. If possible, could you please send me some info regarding your activities? As I am a woman, I may not join a lodge, but I would still like to learn more about your group...your website has impressed me the most and so I decided to adress my questions to you. Thank you and have a warm festive season.

Wednesday 12/12/2001 10:47:03am 
Name: Paul l. Gallant- 32 Degree
E-Mail: paul.l.gallant@power.alstom.com
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Euclid Lodge 109 A.F. & A.M. Suffield CT
Comments: I expect to travel to Ireland as a volunteer for the 2003 Special Olympics World Games.I would like to visit a local lodge during my stay. Please "E" Mail any information I may need.

Monday 12/17/2001 11:35:40pm 
Name: Scott Brobston
E-Mail: scobr@webtv.net
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA 
Comments:My geat, great grandfather, Joseph Brobston, came to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1794 with introductory papers from the lodge of High Knights Templars at Stewartstown in County Tyrone. From the information I have obtained here, I am about to write to the Provincial Grand Secretary in Omagh for any historical information surviving on that lodge

Monday 12/17/2001 11:29:55pm 
Name: Antonio Calzadilla
E-Mail: polansky@prodigy.net.mx
Homepage Title: Lic. Genaro V. Vasquez No. 120
Homepage URL: http://www.geocities.com/genaro120
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: MEXICO
Comments: Os hacemos llegar el abrazo fraterno y el osculo de paz para cada uno de vosotros y de vuestras familias, asi como el de desearos un fructifero año 2002.

Monday 12/17/2001 7:50:56pm 
Name: vicente lopez pascual
E-Mail: viarribas@eresmas.com
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: las palmas de gran canaria (spain)

Monday 12/17/2001 7:01:28pm
Name: Bil Gallagher
E-Mail: bil.g@virgin.net
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: England
Comments: I am in Ampthill Lodge 2490 and would like to wish all members of lodges in Ireland a very merry christmas and a peacefull new year

Sunday 12/16/2001 9:24:35pm 
Name: stephen wilson
E-Mail: stephen@last.org
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: belfast
Comments: I am very pleased to have found this Web site.It has been very informative and will help me a great deal in the future as I am very keen to visit other Lodges in Ireland.Thanks.

Saturday 12/22/2001 9:52:35pm 
Name: Robin Clunie MMM
E-Mail: robin-clunie@rcarchitect.fsnet.co.uk
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Glenrothes, Fife, Scotland
Comments: Fraternal Greetings to all my Irish Brothers in Freemasonry from myself and on behalf of my Mother Lodge, Balgonie, No.764 holding on the Roll of the Grand Lodge of Scotland. Your website is very very good, and I have thoroughly enjoyed my virtual visit. I am hoping to visit Dublin next year and, time permitting, your Grand Lodge.

Friday 12/21/2001 8:21:05am 
Name: W Bro. Micheal A. Breedlove
E-Mail: micheal.breedlove@charleston.af.mil
Referred By: Friend
Comments: Excellent site I look forward to reading more on it

Thursday 12/20/2001 5:47:12pm
Name: Robert Lynn
E-Mail: maureen34@btinternet.com
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: fraternal greetings from the wm., officers and brethern copestone masonic lodge 474 

Wednesday 12/19/2001 9:21:08am 
Name: Gregory L. Mallaley,P.M.
E-Mail: iceman1660@juno.com
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Louisville,Kentucky,U.S.A.
Comments: I am an American Mason of Irish descent, my family originates from county Wicklow. I am very interested in all things concerning masonry,especially Irish and English masonry.

Thursday 12/27/2001 12:33:12am 
Name: james pedley
E-Mail: james_pedley@hotmail.com
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Dublin
Comments: Greetings , I have happened on this by chance and like and am impressed by what i find , well done .

Thursday 12/27/2001 9:42:32am 
Name: Robert Folian
E-Mail: latinroller@hehe.com
Referred By: Web Ring
Location: Pula town, Adriatic Coast, CROATIA
Comments: ..I just want to send my wormest greetings to all the freemasons visiting this great site. Personally, I am not a real freemason, but, at the same time I AM,reading everything I can find here about freem. KNOWLEDGE, which is of great value to me. Thank You a lot. God bless. ROBERT FOLIAN,38 y.o. - Croatia

Tuesday 12/25/2001 1:05:23pm 
E-Mail: davidbateman1959@hotmail.com
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: Congratulations and Best wishes to Most Worshipful Brother Eric Waller on your appointment to high office as our Grand Master and all success during your tenure as Grand Master of Ireland.
Billy Martin, The Scrabo Masonic Lodge 714 Newtownards, Co Down 

Monday 12/24/2001 7:43:09pm 
Name: Paul M Carroll
E-Mail: alarmpmc@centralsignal.com
Homepage URL: http://www.cemtralsignal.com
Referred By: Web Ring
Location: Fidelity Lodge Melrose MA USA
Comments: Like to see how the homeland is faring 

Sunday 12/23/2001 7:37:51pm 
Name: Harold Andrews
E-Mail: sparky18103@yahoo.com
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Allentown Pa.18109
Comments: I am a Past Master of Porter Lodge #284 of Catasauqua Pa. 1993 Just saying Hello and Happy Holidays to you and Yours.

Monday 12/31/2001 1:04:44pm 
E-Mail: jpbrown@blackfoot.net
Referred By: Friend
Location: Philipsburg, Montana, USA, 
Comments: I am a member in good standing of Flint Creek Lodge Number 11, AF&AM, Philipsburg Montana USA 59858

Saturday 12/29/2001 9:48:19pm 
Name: Joseph Wayne Emmanuel-Past Master
E-Mail: emmn982@aol.com
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Bay Minette, Alabama(usa), 36507
Comments: greetings and best wishes from bay minette masonic lodge #498

Saturday 12/29/2001 3:44:42pm 
Name: Jack Ball
E-Mail: jaybee@jaybee9.freeserve.co.uk
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Bolton England
Comments: As W/M of the Duke of Lancaster Lodge 4207 in the GLE I would like to congratulate you on such a ssssssuperb and informative page

Saturday 12/29/2001 8:58:09am 
Name: Mathieu L.Hoeberigs
E-Mail: math@pandora.be
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Comments: Thanks for the information

Saturday 12/29/2001 8:19:12am 
Name: Ian Singleton
E-Mail: ian.singleton@web.de
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Germany
Comments: Fraternal Greetings from all the bretheren of Saxony Lodge 842 in the town of Celle, Northern Germany. An excellent Masonic website! Well done.

Thursday 01/03/2002 9:11:01am 
Name: Dieter Schmitt Eiden
E-Mail: dieter@interbook.net
Homepage Title: magic islands Tenerife/La Gomera
Homepage URL: http://www.bananamagic.com
Referred By: Friend
Location: San Sebastian de La Gomera
Comments: To all my Irish friends:GOD BLESS YOU AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Tuesday 01/01/2002 8:53:51pm 
Name: Rt. Wor. George R. Sachs
E-Mail: grsax@acmerecycling.com
Homepage Title: Acme Metals & Recycling
Homepage URL: http://www.acmerecycling.com
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Springfield, Massachusetts, USA
Comments: I am a District (provicial) Deputy Grand Master in Massachusetts, USA. Planning to visit Ireland March 20, 2002 thru march 27, 2002. Would like to get to visit a lodge if we can coordinate with our trip. Will be traveling with our lodge Junior deacon as well as one non-Mason. 

Tuesday 01/01/2002 11:47:12am 
Name: "Jeff Arthur Padraig Pickens (Pickard)
E-Mail: BansheeO'Tyrone@aol.com
Homepage Title: none as yet
Referred By: Friend
Location: Monmouth, Maine USA
Comments: Brethren, I hail from Abner Wade Lodge #207, Sangerville, Maine and also am a Noble of the Kora Shrine Temple here in Lewiston,Maine. I have been in touch with Most Worshipful Brother M.W. Walker, in hopes of sorting this "mess" out. He has a letter on the way,as I cannot reach him by e-mail. If any of my Irish Brethren can help me, I would be eternally grateful. As it stands now, I have been in touch with the Consulate of Ireland in regards to my possible citizenship with Mother Ireland. Should anyone have knowlege of Arthur Padraig Pickard,hailing from Donegal Lodge, please for the love of Mary, get in touch with me. This whole situation has rocked my entire world, and why Clan & Kin have kept this knowlege from me, I know not. What I do need to know is if I have blood in Ireland that is still with me. I need to know desperately before this Agent Orange Lymphoma makes up its mind what to do with this 47 year old "skin suit" I happen to be stuck in at the present. Us Marine Recon\S.E.A.L. kill hard, and I believe this quest is what keeps me going. So in closing Brethren, I apologize for using this WONDERFUL Site as a public format, but if you read between the lines, there's alot of love and peace therin; and It is my sincere wish that the same falls upon each and everyone of you this New Year. Particulars follow...Jeff A.P.Pickens
188 Warren Road Monmouth, Maine 04259 USA 207-933-9118

Tuesday 01/01/2002 8:10:31am 
Name: Samuel J Morton
E-Mail: sam.morton@onmail.co.uk
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Coleraine Co Londonderry
Comments: Fraternal Greetings and best wishes for New Year.I am a member of Albert Edward Lodge 235.

Saturday 01/05/2002 3:28:54pm 
Name: Sammy Dubourdieu
E-Mail: Sammy.dubourdieu@ntl.com
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Lisburn N.Ireland
Comments: Good web site. Thanks to W.Bro A.A.Prentice for my invitation today 05/01/02 to Blaris for the installation of W.Bro  I.C.Martin A good day was had by all.

Saturday 01/05/2002 3:20:35pm 
Name: Kenneth Craig Portley
E-Mail: kmaslec1@cs.com
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Dallas,Texas
Comments: Greetings from The M.W. Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Texas. Peace be unto you as well as all free men and Masons wherever dispersed around the Globe.

Saturday 01/05/2002 6:19:14am 
Name: Bro Robert Durham
E-Mail: robdurham@bigpond
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: melbourne Victoria AUSTRALIA
Comments: Good to see the website just looking at irish freemasons.i see that you have the same problem in ireland with membership as we do in AUSTRALIA

Friday 01/04/2002 4:07:27pm 
Name: T. Jackson Grahame
E-Mail: tjgrahame@maghera11.fsnet.co.uk
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Maghera Co.Londonderry N.I.
Comments: Congratulations on an excellant web site

Sunday 01/06/2002 5:17:22pm 
Name: gary mccrea
Referred By: Friend
Location: markethill 888

Sunday 01/06/2002 2:34:25pm  
Name: donald carnley
E-Mail: donaldcarnley@lycos.com
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: love the site 

Sunday 01/06/2002 9:01:27am 
Name: Peter Donal Lynch
E-Mail: peter@lynchp64.fsnet.co.uk
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Abbeywood, London, England
Comments: Having newly joined freemasonry I am warmed to see how strong it is in Ireland. Your Web Page is very well presented and so easy to browse thru. All the Best for 2002. Peter Lynch. Lodge "Orion in the West" 415 E.C.

Tuesday 01/08/2002 8:27:40am 
Name: Robert Thomas Beckett
E-Mail: thomasbeckett@ukonline.co.uk
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Lisburn Co Antrim
Comments:I just wish to say congratulations on the web site it is excellent.

Tuesday 01/08/2002 2:33:00am 
Name: Christopher Amos
E-Mail: amos@eagle.ca
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Grafton, Ontario, Canada-east of Toronto
Comments: Congratulations on your very "user friendly" site. I was a little disappointed that I could not access more information on the "Branches" of Freemasonry but was otherwise very pleased with my visit. I was very proud to see that Freemasonry is so alive and well in Ireland since I have ancestors who come from both Limerick and Armagh. Our Lodges descend from Militia Regimental Lodges, circa 1812, and as a result our rituals are rather brief (by comparison to Irish ritual) and our use of 'props' is rather limited in our ritual Work. We have Irish Lodges here in Canada and I have been fortunate enough to see a Degree team 'do their stuff' and was very impressed with the detail and quality of the Work. Christopher Amos 

Monday 01/07/2002 9:19:50pm 
Name: Don Finnamore
E-Mail: finnamor@internorth.com
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Yellowknife, NWT Canada
Comments: Haven't looked at the site yet. Am a member here, are there any other Finnamore's in Ireland in AF&AM?

Monday 01/07/2002 5:33:04pm 
Name: Jerome P Rosenthal
E-Mail: Jrose239@aol.com
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: Found your Web Page to be one of the Best Grand Lodge Sites I have visited over the last few years. Jerome P Rosenthal Past Master  Harmony Lodge #241 (New York)

Sunday 01/06/2002 7:50:17pm 
Name: Ian C Martin
E-Mail: icmartin@aol.com
Homepage Title: www.ireland2000.org
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Lisburn, Northern Ireland
Comments: I hadn't visited the GL site since the revamp. I was very impressed with the content and professional layout of the site. It is a credit to freemasonry in Ireland. Those involved in the maintenance and update of the site are to be heartily congratulated.

Thursday 01/10/2002 12:17:11am 
Name: reg milliken
E-Mail: reg.milliken@btinternet.com
Referred By: Friend
Location: P G L of Down
Comments: A very impressive Web site and a credit to the Author/s for a simple but effective source of information on Irish Freemasonry. Hope to see more individual Lodge pages  in the near future.

Wednesday 01/09/2002 7:43:10am 
Name: Jesse J. Beasley
E-Mail: jjbeaz@yahoo.com
Referred By: Search Engine

Tuesday 01/08/2002 5:01:07pm 
Name: K Gadd
Homepage URL: http://www.geocities.com/katnine11
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: wow, great site once you got past that introductory page, it's really nicely laid out (the "up" button is a great idea, I've never seen a page that functions like Windows). I think the introductory page could use a bit of a re-design, it's not really pleasing to the eye...

Tuesday 01/08/2002 12:31:32am 
E-Mail: gmathewsjr20@hotmail.com
Referred By: Search Engine

Tuesday 01/15/2002 6:07:00pm 
Name: Audrey A. Petrie
E-Mail: alnaud@telusplanet.net
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Canmore Alberta Canada
Comments: Looking for any information on James Westropp Brereton 1830 - 1911. Born Dublin , Arrived Canada 1876 and member of the Masonic Lodge in Manitoba and later transferred to Ontario . Wondering if he would have been a Masonic member prior to leaving Ireland. As a great granddaughter , any information would be appreciated. Thank you !

Monday 01/14/2002 2:45:46pm 
Name: Peter mccaughley
E-Mail: petermccaughley@yahoo.co.uk
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Lurgan (ulster)
Comments: a great site, very interesting, because i hope to join the Masons

Sunday 01/13/2002 4:13:45pm 
Name: David M Dorsey
E-Mail: DocD76@Hotmail.com
Referred By: Friend
Comments: I'm looking for the light.

Saturday 01/12/2002 9:04:30pm 
Name: neal r adams
E-Mail: adams213@msn.com
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: colon mich usa
Comments: a member of lodge 73 colon mich, im knight templer in the york.

Friday 01/11/2002 0:40:08am 
Name: WB Henry A. Venzon, PGLI
E-Mail: hvenzon@yahoo.com
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Republic of the Philippines
Comments: It is a very impressive Website you know, without this i would not have communicated with some Brethren from Ireland, for reason that my wife who is a Past Royal Matron of Sampaguita Court No. 2, Order of the Amaranth here in the Philippines. I am also a Past Master of Shariff Kabunsuan Lodge No. 266, Under the Jurisdiction of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of F&AM of the Philippines. My wife is now working with Letterkenny Gen. Hospital assigned at Surgical Two Ward and sometimes in Gyne Ward. There are already Brethren who communicated with my wife like VW Robert Bashford and so with Bro. Basil Fenton i am looking forward that many Brethren and Sisters might visit her in due time and i am very thankful from the bottom of my heart. Thank you very much and may the GAOTU Bless you all. Mabuhay

Sunday 01/20/2002 8:46:26pm 
Name: Todd J. Hawes 
E-Mail: bigdog6598@hotmail.com
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Marion, Ohio
Comments: Great site Brothers! As a newly raised Mason and still searching for more light I send greetings to all Brethren around the world. Member of Sojourners #653 Marion, Ohio.

Sunday 01/20/2002 4:10:02pm 
Name: paul corry
E-Mail: corry_paul@hotmail.com
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: co.meath
Comments: please send me some information on joining the masonic lodge.i am 37 years old, a member of fine gael, and a gm in a large company in Dublin i am originally from northern Ireland but have lived here for over 10 years

Friday 01/18/2002 11:43:04pm 
Name: Donald Cox
E-Mail: dcox@rogers.com
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Canada
Comments: member of Hazeldean Lodge #517, Kanata, Ontario, Canada

Friday 01/18/2002 9:56:36am 
Name: George Allison
E-Mail: g.allison@fielderenfield.com
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: London
Comments: A most informative and user friendly website. I must drop hints with my contacts over there to get an invitation to a meeting. I'm sure it will be a wonderful occasion. Meanwhile, best wishes. 

Tuesday 01/15/2002 6:33:20pm 
Name: Thorsteinn Eggertsson
E-Mail: the@islandia.is
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: Most interesting. Fraternal greetings from Iceland. 

Sunday 01/27/2002 1:00:45pm 
Name: ivan dowling wm pk
E-Mail: idowling@tinyworld.co.uk
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Comments: W.M. city lodge no 686 

Saturday 01/26/2002 7:06:04am 
Name: Carl E Prince
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Fort Myers Florida U.S.A
Comments: Great page

Friday 01/25/2002 5:16:11am 
Referred By: Search Engine

Wednesday 01/23/2002 12:56:21am 
Name: Abner Bryant Cobb, Jr.
E-Mail: abc@ncol.net
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Henderson North Carolina USA
Comments: Warmest Fraternal Greetings. I have found your website veryinformative. I have a special Intrest My Great Great Great Great Grandfather Peter Mark Wycoff was a Master Mason and I have a Master Mason's certificate Issued to him by the Grand Lodge of Ireland. This is a treasure to me as I am a mason amd PAst Master of my Lodge. Hope to visit you many times in the Future.  

Wednesday 01/23/2002 8:47:52am 
Name: Jack D. Caldwell
E-Mail: jdlacaldwell@msn.com
Referred By: E-Mail
Location: Pittsboro, IN. -USA
Comments: Always interested in All Freemasonry

Sunday 01/27/2002 11:33:10pm 
Name: Duleep
E-Mail: duleep@zyberway.com
Homepage Title: Saxena Lodge
Homepage URL: http://www.saxenalodge.com
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Calicut
Comments: W.M - Saxena Lodge 815 IC, Calicut, India.

Sunday 01/27/2002 8:43:59pm 
Name: peter kenny
E-Mail: peterkenny5@eircom.net
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Tipperary
Comments: I'm interested in becoming a freemason and would appreciate your consideration.

Sunday 01/27/2002 4:47:36pm 
Name: Everett Allen Sayre Jr. P.M. M.P.S.
E-Mail: ambushman@earthlink.net
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Scottsburg, Indiana U.S.A.
Comments: Very interesting information good for educational talk F/S Everett A. Sayre Jr. P.M.Six Mile Lodge Hayden ,Indiana

Sunday 01/27/2002 4:47:35pm 
Name: Everett Allen Sayre Jr. P.M. M.P.S.
E-Mail: ambushman@earthlink.net
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Scottsburg, Indiana U.S.A.
Comments: Very interesting information good for educational talk F/S Everett A. Sayre Jr. P.M.Six Mile Lodge Hayden ,Indiana

Sunday 01/27/2002 1:14:30pm 
Name: ivan dowling wm pk
E-Mail: idowling@tinyworld.co.uk
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: dundonald county down n.ireland
Comments: W.M. city lodge no 686

Thursday 01/31/2002 7:48:04pm 
Name: Dick Powell
E-Mail: powllrj@hotmail.com
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Issaquah Washington USA

Tuesday 01/29/2002 8:05:23pm 
Name: Alan James Hetherington
E-Mail: siouxzulu@aol.com
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: A very nice and interesting website I just called in to take a look around I am not a member of the great and famous brotherhood of Freemasons but I have always being very interested in joining, well maybe someday someone will ask me I pray. I send all my best wishes out to the officers and members of the Grand Lodge of Freemasons Ireland. 

Tuesday 01/29/2002 7:05:05pm 
Name: Red1@hotmail.com
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Comments: Best wishes to the new P. G. MASTER of LONDONDERRY & DONEGAL. We look forward to the years ahead with him. Good man, Good leader, Good choice & Good Mason 

Monday 01/28/2002 8:01:02pm 
Name: lonnie powers
E-Mail: lpowers23@home.com
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: 17 elm st. wilder kentucky 41017 
Comments: you brothers have a nice web site .keep up the good work

Monday 01/28/2002 10:09:03am 
Name: Adolfo Alonso
E-Mail: adolfoalonso@derecho-familia.com
Homepage Title: Derecho-Familia
Homepage URL: http://www.derecho-familia.com
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Madrid.-Spain
Comments: I could was at Freemasons hall, in Dublin, visiting in own person the grand lodge. The page its like to bé there, really. Congratulations.

Monday 02/04/2002 11:57:23am 
Name: Han Luchies
E-Mail: h.luchies@home.nl
Homepage Title: www.vrijmetselarij.nl/tubantia
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Hengelo the Netherlands
Comments: Fraternal greetings from Bro Han Luchies Lodge Tubantia nr 81 Enschede the Netherlands. Very good website! I will be in Kilkenny in aug Perhaps viosit the Lodge

Sunday 02/03/2002 9:23:49pm 
Name: Alistair McLeod
E-Mail: almac1947@msn.com
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Edinburgh, Scotland
Comments: Fraternal greetings brethren from Bro. Alistair McLeod D.M. Lodge Waverley No.597 on the roll of the Grand Lodge of Scotland.  Congratulations on producing a first class web site. I will be in Dublin from 4th to 8th  Feb and intend to pay you a visit during this time. Yours Fraternally, Alistair McLeod.

Saturday 02/02/2002 1:01:42pm 
Name: Alexander (Alex.)M. Buerkle 
E-Mail: winmag@iafrica.com
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Johannesburg / South Africa
Comments: Best fraternal greetings to all Brethren reading and searching this "GREAT" site. On behalf of our W.M., our Wardens, Officers and in deed all Brethren of Ulster Lodge 400, I.C., Johannesburg, South Africa, I bring you best greetings again. - This web-site is very informative and easy to navigate; - many thanks to the Brethren who constructed and are maintaining this intresting site. Looking forward to more visits and further contact to Brethren from around the world. Fraternally Alex. M. Buerkle S.W., Ulster Lodge 400, I.C., Johannesburg, South Africa.

Saturday 02/02/2002 12:56:11am 
Name: Ken Fernie
E-Mail: dysart520@home.com
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: Excellent Web Page. Greetings from Lodge St. Clair of Dysart #520 S.C. I lived in Zambia for many years and was privileged to attend Downpatrick and Failte.Am now residing in California God Bless. Ken Fernie

Thursday 01/31/2002 10:30:53pm 
Name: terry foley
E-Mail: tmgfoley@earthlink.net
Referred By: Friend
Location: po box 866 azusa ca 91702
Comments: I am doing research on ancestors. I am trying to find a William Murphy from Londonderry area a Mason in 1855,& James Murphy in Monkstown.I don't know protestant religion to look for data. Just that William lived in the Masonic Temple in Londonderry. Could have been like a cop or guard or an official. I don't know. His Daughter's name was Emily. Any suggestions?

Thursday 02/07/2002 5:12:31pm 
Name: Colin McDonald
E-Mail: registrar439@btinternet.com
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Lisburn
Comments: Just having a browse - like the site. 

Thursday 02/07/2002 2:25:15pm 
Name: Mark W Starrett
E-Mail: mark@starrett68.fsnet.co.uk
Referred By: Friend
Location: Londonderry N. Ireland

Thursday 02/07/2002 2:16:09pm 
Name: Mark W Starrett
E-Mail: mark@starrett68.fsnet.co.uk
Referred By: Friend
Location: Londonderry N. Ireland
Comments: A very nice and well designed site

Wednesday 02/06/2002 4:56:00pm 
Name: W.Bro. Richard Chambers
E-Mail: dickchambers@totalise.co.uk
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Belfast
Comments: Secretary of Sapphire lodge 787 just wanted to wish all brethren well for the future and to browse the site.

Wednesday 02/06/2002 2:14:16am 
Name: Fabrice O'Driscoll
E-Mail: fod@fr.inter.net
Homepage Title: Grande Loge Francaise du R. E. P.
Homepage URL: http://geocities.com/riteecossaisprimitif/index.html
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: France
Comments: Greetings from the "Grande Loge Francaise du Rite Ecossais Primitif" (Early Grand Scottish-France).

Sunday 02/10/2002 5:25:25pm 
Name: Bro. Martin Jackson
E-Mail: martinjax@hotmail.com
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: London UK
Comments: Great site, Love to attend as a guest if possible next time I am over (get over a lot as my girlfriend is from Dublin).

Saturday 02/09/2002 7:45:31pm 
Name: gwright
E-Mail: ghwright@actrix.co.nz
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: new zealand
Comments: very interesting

Saturday 02/09/2002 5:39:47pm 
Name: Charles R Rogers
E-Mail: crmfrogers@clds.net
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Hinesville Georgia USA
Comments: I was looking up information on the reformation and got on to a page on Organeism. Then i got to an Evangical page that was anti-Masonic with a link to you. I have been an American Freemason for 35 years. It is a shame that those people waste so much energy on attacking Masonry. However, i am glad that I found your site. Please keep up the good work

Saturday 02/09/2002 5:13:56pm 
Name: Gordon Dudgeon
E-Mail: dudgeong@btopenworld.com
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Four Winds, Belfast
Comments: I was most interested and impressed with the open nature of the site. My problem is that my lodge is 80 miles from my home.So my attendance I fear is not great.

Friday 02/08/2002 4:21:58pm 
Name: Alan Graham
E-Mail: alan_graham@madasafish.com
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Edinburgh Scotland
Comments: Great site, keep up the good work. Will visit again. Warm fraternal greetings.

Thursday 02/14/2002 12:07:15am 
Name: Bernard Glenn Cole
Referred By: Friend
Location: DeLand, Florida
Comments: Past Master of St. Johns Lodge 37, Free and accepted Masons of Florida. Also past presiding officer of St. Johns Chapter 4, Royal Arch Masons, St Johns Council Royal and Select Masters, and Emmanuel Commandery 36, Knights Templar.

Thursday 02/14/2002 11:19:52am 
Name: Bro Leon Rowland
E-Mail: Leon.rowland@aon.co.uk
Referred By: Search Engine

Wednesday 02/13/2002 1:02:11pm 
Name: Karl G. Waechtler
E-Mail: kwaechtler3@comcast.net
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: 1005 Terrace Dr. SE, Rome, GA 30161 6254
Comments: I congratulate you on your very impressive Website. I would like to visit you on June 3rd.2002 I am a member of 3 Ceders Lodge #328 AF&AM , Stuttgart, Germany and St. Alban's # 38,AF &AM, Guilford, CT, USA Please tell me of your Masonic Hall opening hours, Fraternally yours, Karl G. Waechtler

Tuesday 02/12/2002 11:01:07pm 
Name: Joseph Franklin Conley
E-Mail: JoeandBarb@peoplepc.com
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Lorain, Ohio
Comments: My geneology shows I am a decendent of Henry O'Conghalaigh of County Armagh.  Saw your site and enjoyed the set-up and how it is presented. GREAT JOB! Anyone from County Armagh wishing to correspond with me would be greatly appreciated. My Masonic ties are as follws: I am a member of Lorain Lodge F& AM, Lorain, OHIO Austell Chapter & Austell Council located in Austell, GEORGIA Lorain Commandery Knights Templar in Lorain, OHIO Lorain County Scottish Rite Society  Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite - Valley of Cleveland, OHIO.

Monday 02/11/2002 6:29:14pm 
Name: John Simmons
E-Mail: drjwsimmons@netscape.net
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Memphis, TN
Comments: My wife and I will be visiting Ireland during the first week of March. I am a past master of Oakville Lodge 715, Memphis, Tennessee, USA. I was wondering if I could arrange to visit an Irish lodge while I was there.

Wednesday 02/20/2002 5:57:50am 
E-Mail: nlhumm@global.co.za
Referred By: Search Engine

Tuesday 02/19/2002 11:45:11am 
Name: Michael Casey
E-Mail: duchas_hog@hotmail.com
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: County Galway
Comments: Am interested in knowing more. Would like to e-mail but could'nt find e-mail address in your website when I went to "Contact"

Tuesday 02/19/2002 6:15:57am 
Name: Noel Peck Past Master)
E-Mail: peckoff@bigpond.com
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Montville Lodge No.260 Queensland Aust
Comments: Just thought I'D drop in and say gudday. Love your home page, and wish you all fraternal greetings from Australia.

Monday 02/18/2002 7:51:32pm 
Name: Arron Deegan
E-Mail: arrondeegan@hotmail.com
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: I think it has lots of info just lacking email contacts

Thursday 02/14/2002 12:43:04am 
Name: Wor. Harry B. Gravely
E-Mail: hgravely@hotmail.com
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Richmond, Virginia, USA
Comments: Great site, probably the closest I will get to visiting a lodge in Ireland. I am a Past Master of Manchester Lodge # 14, AFAM, in Richmond Virginia. We are called the "possum lodge" due to our having live possums in the lodge on St. Johns' night on December 27th. 

Saturday 02/23/2002 12:03:33am 
E-Mail: rgarg3@rediffmail.com
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: KANPUR(UP)

Friday 02/22/2002 11:51:18am 
Name: James Mitchell
E-Mail: sheenajim@aol.com
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Montreal
Comments: Very interesting web site. Lots of info.

Friday 02/22/2002 4:23:45am 
Name: Bro.Rhadee Cayman
E-Mail: rhadeeC@netscape.net
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Manila,Philippines
Comments: Great Website.I bring you fraternal greetings from my mother lodge,,,Lodge Perla del Oriente No.1034(SC),Manila Philippines.

Wednesday 02/20/2002 7:03:02am 
E-Mail: angus140@aol.com
Referred By: Web Ring
Location: Scotland
Comments: very interesting have been to your meetings in grand lodge before iam looking for information on St Johns Lodge #632 don't know what constitution yours fraternally BRO A RICHARDSON R.W.M. THE OPERATIVE LODGE OF DUMFRIES #140 SCOTLAND

Wednesday 02/20/2002 5:57:51am 
E-Mail: nlhumm@global.co.za
Referred By: Search Engine

Tuesday 02/26/2002 5:34:48pm 
Name: R. Brian Lackey
E-Mail: SubaruGT@hotmail.com
Homepage URL: http://www.anglefire.com/ga3/mtnpark/
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Mountain Park, Georgia
Comments: Greetings from across the big pond! I Hope to visit a lodge in Ireland as I travel over there in the future.

Tuesday 02/26/2002 3:33:06pm 
Name: Orla Kerbey
E-Mail: O_kerbey@hotmail.com
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: NUI, Galway
Comments: I am currently doing a project including a brief look at freemasonry in Ireland and I was finding it very difficult to locate up to date information in books about the craft in Ireland. I found this website very informative and extremly interesting. It is easy to navigate and is very user friendly. Thanks for the help.

Tuesday 02/26/2002 3:05:28pm 
Name: Kevin Smith
E-Mail: ksmith37@worldnet.att.net
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Ocean Grove, NJ, USA
Comments: Greetings, Brethren of Ireland!  Go n'éirí an t-ádh leat! Kevin Smith Senior Master of Ceremonies Asbury-Jordan Lodge #142, Grand Lodge of New Jersey; 32nd degree and Choir Director, Valley of Trenton, Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, US Northern Jurisdiction 

Tuesday 02/26/2002 1:10:38pm 
Name: Mr Thomas Curtis
E-Mail: curtommy@hotmail.com
Referred By: Friend
Location: Larne "N Ireland"
Comments: Seems to fill a need!

Saturday 02/23/2002 6:00:02pm 
Name: W. Leslie Clarke
E-Mail: clarkeles@aol.com
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Belfast
Comments: I'm pleased to find that the order is represented on the Internet. Unfortunately I have been unable to attend my home lodge for several years.

Sunday 03/03/2002 5:25:27pm 
Name: Tony Kennedy
E-Mail: tonykk4@gofree.indigo.ie
Homepage URL: http://tonykennedycork.com 
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Cork
Comments: Hi, I have just been reading the St. John's day address from the Grand Master of Ireland - he mentioned the work of the former Grand Master - would any of the information below be available to read? I would like to get a copy of the the Printed Ritual and the guidlines for the duties of Lodge Officers - are these available?
The publication of a policy document “Programme for Change – The Way Ahead” which will always chart the future direction of Irish Freemasonry. This document must be constantly highlighted. The printed Ritual, information leaflets for the public and booklets providing guidelines as to the duties of various Lodge Officers. Many Thanks Fraternally Yours Anthony Kennedy (JW 3rd Lodge of Ireland)

Saturday 03/02/2002 6:22:41am 
Name: John Wiggins
E-Mail: wigginsjohn@yahoo.com
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Omaha, Nebraska
Comments: Hello to all fellow brethren. You have a wonderful website. I am a member of Clarington Lodge #597 and Papillion Lodge #39. I also belong to the Scottish Rite, Valley of Omaha, Orient of Nebraska.

Friday 03/01/2002 1:31:42pm 
Name: Lorel McMeely
E-Mail: lsmcnee@telusplanet.net
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Lethbridge Alberta Canada
Comments: You have a great web site. thanks for letting me surf it. Say Hi to all the brethren from Charity 67.

Friday 03/01/2002 11:17:30am 
Name: Benjamin P McNeese III
E-Mail: Bpmcneesejr@aol.com
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Sumter ,SouthCarolina,USA
Comments: I am a member of Claremont Lodge #64 York rite mason Beulah Chapter#25 R.A.M Semour council #15 R.&S.M. Sumter Commandery#20 Knights Templar. 

Thursday 02/28/2002 3:57:12pm 
E-Mail: jshughes@mounet.com
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: U.S.A.
Comments: I'm a 32 year old bricklayer who has had the honor to met a many good men who are FREEMASONS AND have just partitiond for my 3degres in my local Blue Lodge. HOPE to be a brother soon

Thursday 03/07/2002 8:10:53am 
Name: robert hampton
E-Mail: roberth@blackstar.co.uk
Referred By: Friend
Location: Belfast

Tuesday 03/05/2002 10:11:00pm 
Name: Brosteanu Gabi
E-Mail: freemason@dualcomp.ro
Referred By: E-Mail
Location: Bucharest, ROMANIA
Comments: what do we have to do to become members?

Monday 03/04/2002 8:41:00pm 
Name: Donald Miskelly
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: Very nice site

Monday 03/04/2002 6:05:33pm 
Name: samuel york
E-Mail: samuel.york@btinternet.com
Referred By: Web Ring
Location: Newtownards
Comments: very well put together.

Monday 03/04/2002 5:23:37am 
Name: Jack.A.Keltie
E-Mail: jack@dcsi.net.au
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Wonthaggi.3995.Victoria.Australia
Comments: My Lodge Powlett661.Rank.PGStd.B.Membership 67.

Monday 03/11/2002 8:12:07pm 
Name: Thomas R Silfies 
E-Mail: tsilfies@webtv.net
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Northampton PA USA
Comments:  Great looking and informative site , Greetings from Chapman #637 N. Catasaqua PA 

Saturday 03/09/2002 3:59:27pm 
Name: Martin Edward Tutty
E-Mail: etutty@eircom.net
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: I enjoyed browsing your site

Saturday 03/09/2002 12:10:51am 
Name: david stephenson
E-Mail: david@ellenson.freeserve.co.uk
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Cockermouth
Comments: a very interesting site, hoping to visit a lodge in Carlow soon.

Saturday 03/09/2002 11:13:08am 
Name: John harrington
E-Mail: johnfharrington@msn.com
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Kent UK
Comments: The site is well laid out and easy to use. 

Saturday 03/09/2002 1:29:49am 
Name: Michael Frye
E-Mail: fryeme100@aol.com
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Comments: Arenta Lodge #3, Salt Lake City. Love the site. I'm interested in Irish Freemasonry, because you don't hear a lot about it in Utah. Your site was very informative, keep up the excellent work!

Sunday 03/17/2002 7:20:52pm 
Name: Brian Donovan
E-Mail: briand@picknowl.com.au
Homepage Title: mail.picknowl.com.au
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Ridgehaven South Australia

Sunday 03/17/2002 4:30:53am 
Name: J Russell Millar
E-Mail: johnrussell@millar4934.freeserve.co.uk
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Larne, Co. Antrim, N. Ireland
Comments: Magheramorne Masonic Lodge No. 514 celebrated their 80th Anniversary in 2001. A Commemorative Jewel was struck to celebrate this occasion. A small number are available for sale @ £36 + P&P. For further information, please email me at the above address.

Saturday 03/16/2002 4:12:38pm 
Name: Brian Riley
E-Mail: briananne@supanet.com
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Poulton-Le-Fylde
Comments: I am W.M.Senatores Lodge of Installed Masters 8966 (Province of West Lancs) Hope to meet some of your Brethren in September. We are hosting the official reading of the Prestonian lecture for 2002 on September 2nd at the Hilton Hotel in Blackpool. It should be an interesting evening! "Anglo-Irish Masonic Connections" If you need any information just email me.

Friday 03/15/2002 5:00:59pm 
Name: Bro. Rico Thompson Luckett Lodge #137 
E-Mail: rickot63@hotmail.com
Referred By: Web Ring
Comments: Dear brethren, please to meet you ,please to greet you, I was just surfing the web and came across your site. Very good information, I'm currently stationed in Fort Knox, Ky U.S. Military, (luckett lodge #137 p.h.a.) of Radcliff, Ky so my brothers may all masons meet together as equals and put aside their power and position in order to gather in harmony. Bro. Thompson (SW).

Wednesday 03/13/2002 5:22:47pm 
Name: Joe O'Rourke
E-Mail: joeorourke@earthlink.net
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Oceanside, California, USA 

Monday 03/18/2002 1:38:15pm 
Name: MW Raymond J. Vanden Berghe, PGM
E-Mail: rayjvan@snip.net
Referred By: Friend
Location: Grand Lodge of New Jersey
Comments: Referred by Brother and Dr. Clarence James, Provincial GL Bermuda. Excellent Web Site. Congratulations to your New Grand Master and new Provincial GM Bermuda. Happy to learn that Hannibal Lodge will be revived. Fraternally MW Raymond J Vanden Berghe, Past Grand Master of New Jersey 1996-97

Monday 03/18/2002 5:51:25am 
Name: Charlotte Pyatt
E-Mail: shakespeare_no1@hotmail.com
Referred By: Friend
Comments: I only really came to this site for my teacher but I think that you are all really interesting. Keep on rocking

Sunday 03/17/2002 11:53:26pm 
Name: Warwick R Roberts
E-Mail: wroberts@clear.net.nz
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Cambridge New Zealand
Comments: I am interested because our Lodge was consecrated By Col. DeBurgh Adams as Alpha N0 449 I.C. in 1863. It did not survive the gold rush to Waihi and the charter was handed back. It would be fascinating to see the Original charter, or a copy of the same. i understand the number was reallocated. You have a very interesting site which is easy to access. Fraternal regards W.Roberts GL 

Saturday 03/23/2002 10:13:02pm 
Name: William L Sherry
E-Mail: Wleesherry@cs.com
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Waverly Lodge #51 Appleton, Wisconsin
Comments: What a wonderful informative page. Keep up the good work. Regards, W.L.Sherry, Past Master

Saturday 03/23/2002 6:40:51am 
Name: Robert Shilliday
E-Mail: rshilliday@hotmail.com
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Melbourne Australia
Comments: My Lodge Comacine-Acanthus # 400. As for me I an a Masthe Mason. AIMS OF FREEMASONRY: Build friendship. Practise universal charity. Foster moral standards. Seek excellence in all pursuits. Provide opportunity for self-development

Wednesday 03/20/2002 9:23:12am 
Name: Michael Bayrak
E-Mail: mbayrak@canada.com
Homepage Title: Ivanhoe Lodge No. 142
Homepage URL: http://freemasons.tripod.com
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Comments: Sending you greetings from Ivanhoe Lodge in Edmonton!

Monday 03/18/2002 10:07:00pm 
Referred By: Just Surfed In

Monday 03/18/2002 4:42:20pm 
Name: C. Wayne Lynch
E-Mail: cwaynelynch@hotmail.com
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Comments: Hello brethren all!  I am a JS and historian at Poyntz Lodge in Hantsport( # 44 ). Looks to be a great site!! I am a direct speaking person, and so am wondering about the activities of freemasons in Ireland... I have a close friend who moved over from Northern Ireland about 20 years ago, and he does not like our brotherhood there. Also I have been told not to wear my masons ring if I go over there!!Any clarification would be appreciated. Sincerely, C.Wayne Lynch

Monday 03/25/2002 6:58:08pm 
Name: gene thomas allen
E-Mail: dzin@iquest.net
Homepage Title: Chicago Double Bass Classical
Homepage URL: http://members.iquest.net/~dzin/
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Muncie, IN,USA
Comments: Very enjoyable Brothers!

Monday 03/25/2002 2:02:48pm 
Name: Keith Kirby
E-Mail: masonry@keithk.demon.co.uk
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: UGLE
Comments: Great site easy to navigate. Will be buying a house in Edgworthstown, Co.Longford. Please could I have details of Edgeworth Lodge? I'm the Chairman of the Strathearn Group of London Lodges and Chapters. (113 of them) PJGD in UGLE Hope to meet some of you before too long!

Sunday 03/24/2002 7:45:18pm 
Name: Devon Fermoyle
E-Mail: devcar@travel-net.com
Homepage Title: St. Andrew's Lodge No. 560 
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Ottawa, Ontario Canada
Comments: On behalf of the Master, Officers, and members of St. Andrew's Lodge No. 560 In the Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario may I take this opportunity to wish all the Brethren of the Grand Lodge of Ireland fraternal greetings. Hopefully I will be visiting your Country in the near future. If so I intend on attending Lodge while on holidays.  Sincerely & Fraternally Devon Fermoyle IPM St.Andrew's Lodge  No 560 GRC Province of Ontario

Sunday 03/24/2002 4:19:43pm 
Name: John Torley
E-Mail: metrob@hotmail.com
Referred By: Web Ring
Location: Kosovo
Comments: Impressed with the new layout and fast downloading. Is there any chance of a link to a page showing which GLs are recognised by our Grand Lodge. This would be of help to travelling masons

Monday 04/01/2002 12:04:13am 
Name: Worshipful John F. Barnes Jr.
E-Mail: jbcoach@earthlink.net
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Living Stone Lodge #255 Colden N.Y.
Comments: Warm and Fraternal greetings to all my Irish Brothers from a "Colonial boy" who has never been to the land of his heritage and the land of all his Grandparents. My dream is to visit and meet some of the relatives I have never met.

Sunday 03/31/2002 5:43:36pm 
Name: basil angelides
E-Mail: basyangel@hotmail.com
Referred By: Friend
Location: robina gold coast
Comments: started joining procedures when i was living in new zealand would like to continue the joining process.

Friday 03/29/2002 5:16:01pm 
Name: Chris overton
E-Mail: coverton@cableone.com
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: clarksdale,Mississippi----USA
Comments: Clarksdale Lodge 286

Tuesday 03/26/2002 5:25:25pm 
Name: Craig Olley
E-Mail: CraigOlley@Hotmail.Com
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Yorkshire, England
Comments: Great web site, the effort put into the site is clearly shown. I am 16 and i wish to join the Freemasons after i leave university because i believe there isnt anyhing better than a group of men with the highest integrity.

Tuesday 03/26/2002 5:45:35am 
Name: Bro Steve Vasey
E-Mail: crazygang@littlepond96freeserve.co.uk
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: Very interesting and very open

Friday 04/05/2002 8:27:59am 
Name: Norman Leslie Littlemore
E-Mail: leslittlemore@ntlworld.com
Referred By: Search Engine

Friday 04/05/2002 2:04:54am 
Name: Rt. Wor. Bro. Bevan Christensen
Referred By: Friend
Location: Montville Lodge No. 260 Qld. Const.
Comments: Interesting excercise- my friends demo. P.S. I am 81 years old, and have been on the square for 54 yrs.Lodge Organist for 38 years.

Wednesday 04/03/2002 8:47:37pm 
Name: Raymond L Poland
E-Mail: rpoland@prodigy.net
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Comments: would like to talk with fellow masons about our great fraternity

Wednesday 04/03/2002 12:28:14am 
Name: Robert Johnston
E-Mail: annbobj@rogers.com
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Kitchener. Ontario. Canada.
Comments: Fraternal Greetings Brothers. I am a Past Master of Concord Lodge #722 of the Grand Lodge of Canada. I found your site to be an excellent presentation and a credit to its founders. I visited Maine Valley Lodge in Cullybackey some years ago when on visit to Ireland, but I lost all of the names of the Officers and Brothers that I met. I have never forgotten the friendship shown during my visit. Congratulations on a first class presentation, and I hope to return to Maine Valley when I retire.

Monday 04/01/2002 8:28:12pm 
Name: John R. Pattison
E-Mail: jrpattison@hotmail.com
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Comments: Greetings, Brethren. I am a PM of Twin City Lodge, #509, G.R.C., owing Masonic allegiance to the Grand Lodge of Canada, A.F.&A.M., in the Province of Ontario. My ancestors originally came from the County Cavan.

Saturday 04/06/2002 7:22:29pm 
Name: Michael W. Sheedy
E-Mail: k4ydk@msn.com
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: South Carolina, U.S.A.
Comments: Looked at your web page- OUTSTANDING! I am currently Worshipful Master of Solomon's #1 in Charleston, SC. I invite any Master Masons visiting our area to meet with us- We meet the first Monday of each month except July and August at 6:45 pm. E-mail me if you are in the area and want to attend- Fraternally, Michael Sheedy, W.M.

Saturday 04/06/2002 4:58:43pm 
Name: Alec Montgomery
E-Mail: patal58@aol.com
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Ballyhalbert , Co. Down
Comments: Most interesting . Formerly 64 Belfast and Lightship Ballywalter . PM : PK

Saturday 04/06/2002 11:27:13am 
Name: Eric Fitzpatrick
E-Mail: h.fitzpatrick@virgin.net
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Whitehaven cumbria uk.
Comments: could you e-mail me with info on how to join

Friday 04/05/2002 9:26:31pm 
Referred By: Search Engine

Friday 04/05/2002 12:19:48am 
Name: David Percival
E-Mail: percivald@logtec.com
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Columbus Ohio, USA
Comments: Hello Brethren, I am the SW of Eastgate Lodge 603, Gahanna, Ohio, USA. of the 14th Masonic District of the Grand Lodge of Ohio. I am interested in any type of special degree's you may do that we don't do here. Currently I'm establishing the Order of the Rusty Nail degree and a Table top Degree. Can you enlighten me on any special degrees you may do that we could adopt? Respectfully, Brother Dave Percival 

Tuesday 04/09/2002 3:47:12pm 
Name: Stan Fisk
E-Mail: stan@stan.homechoice.co.uk
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: London, UK
Comments: Congratulations on your excellent website. I will be visiting Kerry in June 2002 and would love to attend a Lodge meeting whilst there. Any advice would be most welcome. Many thanks, Sincerely & Fraternally, W. Bro. Stan Fisk, WM, Hygeia Lodge 2664, Freemasons Hall, London.

Tuesday 04/09/2002 3:32:29am 
Name: David Booth
E-Mail: blackmagicsweep@ntlworld.com
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Belfast
Comments: Fraternal greetings from W.m Anchor No.128 An excellent step forward by Grand Lodge.

Monday 04/08/2002 7:49:28pm 
Referred By: Friend

Sunday 04/07/2002 0:06:26am 
Name: Charles F. Eaton
E-Mail: cfeaton@chartertn.net
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Bristol, Virginia USA
Comments: I submitted remarks about a certificate issued to my Great, Great, Great Grandfather and asked if you have any information about his membership. I forgot to include his name, which was David Eaton. 

Saturday 04/06/2002 11:38:54pm 
Name: Charles F. Eaton
E-Mail: cfeaton@chartertn.net
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Bristol, VA USA
Comments: I have a certificate from the Grand Lodge in Dublin, Ireland dated May 4, 1802, which was given my Great, Great, Great Grandfather when he left Ireland for the U.S. on the ship Mohawk. Do you have any record of his membership? If so, which Lodge? I am a 45 year Mason and a Past Master. Thanks. I'm enjoying your Web Site.

Sunday 04/14/2002 1:52:52am 
Name: K.Chandra Mohan
E-Mail: burnside@eth.net
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Calicut, Kerala,India
Comments: Received the Grand Lodge News Letter, from which I got the web address. Member of Saxena Lodge 815 IC, PGOrg,. Also of the English Craft, PDyDGDofC. Great to browse thru the pages 2will spend more time soon. Our web site- www.saxenalodge.com 

Saturday 04/13/2002 9:53:21pm 
Name: Gerald Magill
E-Mail: g_magill@hotmail.com
Homepage Title: Groomsport Masonic Lodge #337
Homepage URL: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Lodge337/
Referred By: Friend
Location: Northern Ireland
Comments: Dear sirs, I would like to inform you that #337 is now on the internet. We would be please if you would add a link to our site from yours. Fraternally, Gerald Magill Web-master.

Saturday 04/13/2002 6:28:40am 
Name: Brian J Gourlay
E-Mail: briangourlay10@hotmail.com
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Glasgow, Scotland
Comments: Excellent site, keep up the good work. I am being installed on Saturday 20th 2002 as RWM of Lodge St George Glasgow #333. I'm looking to contact any brethren from Lodge Triune #333 in Limerick. Warm and fraternal greeting from all Masons from Scotland.

Saturday 04/13/2002 3:25:20am 
Name: Terence G L drought
E-Mail: terry@tvcdrought.freeserve.co.uk
Referred By: Friend

Thursday 04/11/2002 2:17:39pm 
Name: Vic Auld
E-Mail: victor@eject.co.za
Homepage Title: District Grand Lodge Natal
Homepage URL: http://www.dglnatal.com
Referred By: Friend
Location: South Africa
Comments: What a pleasure to visit such an informative Website. As an Ulsterman who is the D.G.Lodge Web Master of a Scottish Constitution Website I really enjoyed viewing your very detailed Website. My best regards to Syd Dobbin

Friday 04/19/2002 11:36:45pm 
Name: Peter Nicol
E-Mail: peter@dfengtech.com
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: thanks

Wednesday 04/17/2002 11:05:00am 
Name: Frank C. Collins
E-Mail: frank.collins2@sympatico.ca
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Dunnville,Ontario Canada
Comments: Dear Brethren, I am brother of good standing of Amity #32, of Dunnville, Ontario. I am a Canadian and also have my Irish citezenship and Irish passport. My inquiry is do you have any bursaries for sons of Masons which I might be able to apply for. My son Tyler, has been accepted at Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario for next fall.I would appreciate any information you might have if I meet your by laws. My name and address are: Frank C. Collins 645 Lock Street, Dunnville, Ontario, Canada N1A 1V9 Thank you and look forward from hearing from my brothers.

Tuesday 04/16/2002 3:59:09pm 
Name: RW Allan L.Muxlow DDGM Sarnia Distict 
E-Mail: almux@sympatico.ca
Homepage Title: Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province On
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Sarnia, Ontario
Comments: As DDGM of a large district of 19 Lodges I was quite impressed with your web page. I was looking for messages of past masons in Ireland. Must look further

Monday 04/15/2002 2:51:28pm 
E-Mail: jdfree@telusplanet.com
Referred By: E-Mail
Comments: Excellent web site. I had an opportunity to visit Ireland in June 2000 for 2 weeks. My sister was teaching in Passage East and was able to find the home my ancestors lived. They came to central Canada in about 1835. I did have time to visit the lodge building in Dublin, but our time was short. I saw enough of your country to begin plans for a return visit. The next visit will be for several months, possibly with the intent of working in the country. I am the Senior Warden of my lodge here in Calgary and am committed to the Craft. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to respond to your web page. I believe Freemasonry has the same challenges and successes the world over. Is there a confidential web site used in Ireland to share ideas on the Craft? please advise. 

Sunday 04/14/2002 11:31:05pm 
Name: Zrs Gamboa
E-Mail: perladeloriente@lycos.com
Homepage Title: Lodge Perla Del Oriente, No.1034, SC
Homepage URL: http://perladeloriente.tripod.com
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Manila, Philippines
Comments: Fraternal greetings from Lodge Perla Del Oriente, No.1034, S.C. of Manila, Philippines. Best regards, Bro. Zrs Gamboa Webmaster, Lodge Perla Del Oriente, No.1034, SC http://perladeloriente.tripod.com 

Saturday 04/20/2002 3:15:26pm 
Name: Richard McGlashan 
E-Mail: Richardmcglashan@aol.com
Referred By: Search Engine

Saturday 04/20/2002 7:37:30am 
Name: Frank L Baranyai PM WM
E-Mail: flbjlb@toolcity.net
Homepage Title: Chief Baranyai
Homepage URL: http:/www.toolcity.net/~flbjlb
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Cochranton Pa. USA
Comments: Masonic Greetings My wife and I had plan to visit last Sept, but flying was not the best after the 11th. We hope to try our trip again this summer. And I'm hoping to get some photo's of your Lodge to show back here. Be Safe  Cochranton Lodge 790 Cochranton Pa. 16314 I must say that your new homepage is very well done.

Saturday 04/20/2002 7:10:38am 
Name: Kieran Adlum
E-Mail: kieran_adlum@btopenworld.com
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Billericay, England

Saturday 04/20/2002 7:02:18am 
Name: Alan E O'Brien
E-Mail: alaneobrien@blueyonder.co.uk
Referred By: Friend
Location: London, England
Comments: Very good website, easy to use and very clearly laid out. I came here for a specific purpose but I cannot find what I need; perhaps someone can help me. I have been trying to find an Irish Lodge that meets in London or Surrey - either under Grand Lodge of England or Ireland. There are plenty of Welsh and Scottish Lodges and I am surprised at the lack of Irish Lodges. The only one I found was the London Irish Rifles and I can't find my rifle! I would be pleased to know of any Irish Lodges I could visit... any offers? Alan

Saturday 04/20/2002 4:51:29am 
Name: Graham Nosworthy
E-Mail: gnos@freemail.absa.co.za
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: South Africa
Comments: I am trying to trace my family tree. My fathers fathers father was a freemason and I am trying to trace my heritage can you assist with any info Thanks Graham

Sunday 04/21/2002 4:33:15pm 
Name: Achim Rotermund
E-Mail: rotermund@ifeho.de
Homepage URL: http://www.ifeho.de/droithumain
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Germany / Freiburg (Black Forrest)
Comments: Nice and interesting Pages. Wish you good luck. Achim Rotermund Secretary

Sunday 04/21/2002 2:57:41pm 
E-Mail: frodo1529@aol.com
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: uk
Comments: hello, could you please help me, as i am interested in being a freemason. but i cant seem to find any address. could you help me please? thank you for your time & nice web site, mr jamie peter cole, uk

Sunday 04/21/2002 11:41:44am 
Name: Larry Bowling
E-Mail: bowling@midmo.com
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Camdenton, Missouri USA
Comments: I am currently junior steward of Linn Creek Lodge #152. Fraternal greetings to our Irish brethren

Sunday 04/21/2002 10:52:33am 
Name: Michael W. Alcorn
E-Mail: alcorn@humboldt1.com
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Eureka California
Comments: Greetings from Six Rivers Lodge #106 F&AM Located in Arcata, California.

Sunday 04/21/2002 0:48:20am 
Name: sean o'mahony
E-Mail: somahony@chartertn.net
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: usa
Comments: Dalton, GA Sumach lodge 55

Sunday 04/28/2002 2:24:00am 
Referred By: E-Mail

Thursday 04/25/2002 9:26:37pm 
Name: Bob Hannell
E-Mail: bobhann@powerup.com.au
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Sunshine Coast Queensland Australia
Comments: Interesting site. I am looking for an Irish Royal Arch site. Is there one? Greetings from Bretheren of Mooloolah Lodge No. 334, UGLQ. 

Tuesday 04/23/2002 11:51:32pm 
Name: Ed Zamora Paredes
E-Mail: edzparedes@hotmail.com
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Manila, Republic of the Philippines
Comments: Dear SIRS and Brethren, I would just like to bring the warm Fraternal Greetings of the Brethren of my Mother Lodge, COSMOS No.8 undwer the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of the Philippines and of Lodge Perla Del Oriente No.1034, Scottish Constitution. We wish you Health, Strength and Stability! Fraternally, Bro. ED ZXAMORA PAREDES Past Master No.8, GLP '96

Tuesday 04/23/2002 11:09:17pm 
Name: Robert Bridgman Jr
E-Mail: sarcastic1972@yahoo.com
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: San Diego Ca
Comments: I found out my Grandfather, Ballard Pate Bridgman, was a Free Mason at his funeral in 1998 or 1999 and was interested in what that meant.

Tuesday 04/23/2002 2:22:52pm 
Name: warnock aitken
E-Mail: warita@sympatico.ca
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Kitchener,Ontario, Canada
Comments: Hello, As a Past Master & Secretary of the old Cenntenial Lodge #117 I felt almost back home looking at the views of Molesworth St. I am looking forward to the opportunity of leading a group of Canadian Masons into the Grand Lodge room on September 19th, as the group are visiting England Scotland and Ireland. It will be a peak of my Masonic Career, now that I am retired and have become Secretary of my adopted Lodge Twin City Lodge #509 here in the Province of Ontario.

Wednesday 05/01/2002 2:07:49pm 
Name: Brad Kershaw
E-Mail: brad@essex1.com
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: Member Erie lodge 667 AF&AM Erie Il. U.S.A.

Wednesday 05/01/2002 9:59:54am 
Referred By: Search Engine

Tuesday 04/30/2002 12:13:57am 
Name: bill roberts
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: great site. Can I visit. greetings from myself and all the brethren from south Wales eastern division and the province of Monmouthshire.

Sunday 04/28/2002 3:57:53pm 
Name: Francis John Sullivan
E-Mail: fransullivan@talk21.com
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Hampshire & Isle of Wight
Comments: I bring you greetings from the Master and Wardens of the Saint Hubert Lodge 1373 Hants (Senior Warden)

Sunday 04/28/2002 2:24:30am 
Referred By: E-Mail

Tuesday 05/07/2002 3:56:05pm 
Name: Michael A. Porada
E-Mail: PORADAW@aol.com
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Cincinnati OH (Cheviot #140)
Comments: A wonderful Web site!! In Ohio on April 27, we raised 7,500 new Master Masons on our Grand Master's One Day class, which was held in 10 locations throughout the state of Ohio!!! The interest in our fraternity is definitely there. Best wishes to our Irish brethren !!!

Tuesday 05/07/2002 1:59:39am 
Name: David L. Dunsmore
E-Mail: smokey@ksc.th.com
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Bangkok

Monday 05/06/2002 2:45:12pm 
Name: Garrett O'Sullivan
E-Mail: osullivan@freenet.de
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Germany
Comments: Interesting site.

Saturday 05/04/2002 5:08:39am 
Name: Roald Atle Furre
E-Mail: roald@furre.com
Homepage URL: http://masons.start4all.com
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Oslo-Norway
Comments: Great web you are included in the http://masons.start4all.com the largest masonic link collection ever. Roald Atle Furre Oslo-Norway

Wednesday 05/01/2002 11:21:21pm 
Name: jrdeacon116
E-Mail: jrdeacon116@yahoo.com
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: corinth,ms. USA
Comments: as someone of Irish decent, iam proud to see Freemasonry alive and well in Ireland. my last name is Grimes and I'm a junior deacon and 32 degree Scottish Mason

Saturday 05/11/2002 12:32:25am 
Name: R H Montgomery
E-Mail: Ronaldrhm@aol.com
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Newtownabbey, N.Ireland
Comments: Is it possible to find details of my fathers lodge, John Nevin Montgomery: Belfast, N. Ireland. When he died my brother and sister were both educated at the Masonic School in Dublin. My brother was in the cricket team approx 1935; R C B Montgomery. He attended from 1929 until 1935. I have a photograph of him taken with the team?

Thursday 05/09/2002 1:37:08am 
Name: Jack.A.Keltie
E-Mail: jack@dcsi.net.au
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Wonthaggi.Victoria Australia.3995
Comments: My Lodge is Powlett.661 Wonthaggi. At the present time am a Past Grand Standard Bearer. Must congratulate on your excellent Home Page.

Wednesday 05/08/2002 2:24:07pm 
Name: Bro Chris Smith.
E-Mail: chrissmith2001uk@yahoo.com
Homepage Title: Ebbisham Lodge 2422 Surrey
Referred By: Friend
Location: Colchester, Essex.
Comments: Great Site keep up the good work. I will be back.

Wednesday 05/08/2002 11:01:11am 
Name: Pamela Lubina (Hogan)
E-Mail: garnet@mn.rr.com and silveridor@hotmail.com
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Hibbing Minnesota
Comments: I was curious about many of my relatives that were members, and just what membership was all about. I was a JOBST Daughter in Hibbing Minnesota for my High School years but never did the chairs and regret not becoming more involved. Do you know how I would be able to find what chapters my relatives were members of? To mention a few: Garth Hogan from Hoyt Lakes, MN Garnet Sundquist, Hibbing MN -Guild/Star Edward Silver, Ely MN  I thank you for your time.  God Bless, Pamela Garnet Hogan

Tuesday 05/07/2002 5:22:51pm 
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: I have visited your page many times now and I find it very good. I am not a member of the Order but I have developed an interest in it over the past couple  of years. I have expressed this interest to several friends of mine who are members of lodges in Londonderry and Limavady and one of them is considering inviting me to join. 

Wednesday 05/22/2002 1:17:01pm 
Name: Barrie Blake
E-Mail: jackie.blake@telus.net
Homepage Title: Fancy pegs
Homepage URL: http://www.cribpeg.com
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Canada
Comments: A big hello to my brothers in Ireland from Canada. A very nice web site. keep up the good work Well done.

Wednesday 05/22/2002 9:33:46am 
Name: Angelo Romano
E-Mail: angeloromano@libero.it
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: bye from Naples, Italy

Tuesday 05/21/2002 7:22:37am 
Name: Don Cresswell
E-Mail: doncresswell@flysaa.com
Referred By: Friend
Location: South Africa Northern
Comments: It is nice to be able to get IRISH news here in South Africa. Keep up the good work.

Monday 05/20/2002 1:21:37pm 
Name: Bro. Scott Ruch
E-Mail: scot.ruch@roche.com
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: New Jersey, USA
Comments: I am a brother from Mariners Lodge #150 in Barnegat, NJ. I have seen many Masonic webpages and enjoy learning about Masonry in foreign countries. Great website, brethren.

Monday 05/13/2002 3:57:38pm 
Name: Gordon K. Webster
E-Mail: LA04@innovex.com
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Forfar & Kincardine No. 225, Dundee
Comments: What a pleasure to visit this site. As a friend of 14, I am sure that this site will bring in many new brothers.

Sunday 05/26/2002 5:10:09pm 
Name: Warren E. Farmer III
E-Mail: wefarmer@hotmail.com
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: West Virginia
Comments: I am glad I was able to find such an informative website. I have been interested in the Freemasons for a while now and today was able to find the information I was looking for. I hope to be able to call myself a brother to you all soon. Sincerely, W.E.Farmer III

Saturday 05/25/2002 10:28:40am 
Name: John Wills
E-Mail: John.Wills3@btopenworld.com
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Larne, Co. Antrim  N.I.
Comments: Fraternal Greetings and Regards from CARNLOUGH 216. Congrats on a very informative Site. Johnny Wills.

Thursday 05/23/2002 6:11:09am 
Name: Riaan de Beer
E-Mail: riaan@albarrie.co.za
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Kildare lodge, South Africa
Comments: Hi I am from South Africa and i am looking forward to my life as a free mason and what I can offer to the cause.

Wednesday 05/22/2002 8:12:09pm 
Name: James F. Wolling, Bethpage Lg #975 F&AM
E-Mail: jimmytel@yahoo.com
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Farmingdale, New York, U.S.A.
Comments: I just found your web-site 24 hrs before I am leaving on a tour of Ireland. I brought up a list of Dublin lodges and realized that I should have attempted to make contact sooner. 

Wednesday 05/22/2002 6:28:27pm 
Name: Meineri Massimiliano
E-Mail: mmeineri@tiscalinet.it
Referred By: Friend
Comments: As an Italian freemason it was a pleasure and an honor to feel the warmth and the purity of our common brotherhood throughout your web site. Regards Massimiliano Meineri

Tuesday 05/28/2002 5:04:26pm 
Name: Allister Mulholland
E-Mail: ajmspyder@btopenworld.com
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Ballymoney.
Comments: Greetings from Buckna 194. I enjoyed the visit. Keep it up.

Tuesday 05/28/2002 6:21:46am 
Name: John Coulter
E-Mail: henryjo7@hotmail.com
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Randalstown 598
Comments: Great web site, and looking forward to Grand Lodge on 6th June 2002. 

Monday 05/27/2002 7:03:55pm 
Name: Jimmy Edgar
E-Mail: J111HHE@aol.com
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Lodge Troon Navigation No86
Comments: Fraternal greetings from across the water an excellent site and very informative 

Monday 05/27/2002 6:26:42am 
E-Mail: chrystalrage@hotmail.com
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: just a quick revise I hope I don't give the wrong impression reference to my own blood is in no way to disrespect any other nationality I'm proud of my Irish decent but love and respect all walks of life

Monday 06/10/2002 9:01:51pm 
Name: michael D. Scribner
E-Mail: mdscribner@sent.net
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: u.s.a ct

Tuesday 06/04/2002 8:19:41pm 
Name: luis camacho
E-Mail: h n i c 13187@aol.com
Referred By: E-Mail
Location: nj
Comments: good luck of everything u do and not gave out secert aight peace and one love from h n i c13187

Friday 05/31/2002 3:24:08pm 
Name: Edward Kelly
E-Mail: edward014@symaptico.ca
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Toronto, Canada
Comments: Just dropped in to view the site. All the best from Caledonia Lodge #637.

Wednesday 05/29/2002 10:17:15pm 
E-Mail: NONE
Referred By: Friend

Wednesday 05/29/2002 9:22:15am 
Name: Dr. Ronald R. Harris
E-Mail: counsel@ris.net
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Canon City, Colorado, USA
Comments: Excellent page an greeting to fellow brethren of the craft from Bro. Harris MM, Mt. Moriah Lodge #15, A.F. & A.M., Canon City, Colorado, USA

Thursday 06/13/2002 11:05:37pm 
Name: Paul Foster
E-Mail: pefaptyltd@optushome.com.au
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Sydney, Australia 
Comments: Although I 'Just Surfed In,' I did so intentionally. I am a Past Master of the Lodge Star of Southern China, No. 2013 E.C., which is situated at Hong Kong. I remember with great fondness and affection the happy times I spent in fellowship with Irish Freemasons and in particular with the Provincial Grand Master, Arthur Ernest Gomes, a wonderful man. I note that he is still PGM. I sat in other Orders with Arthur and was privileged to be present when the Province was consecrated. I well remember the erudite speech given by Michael Walker and our conversation after the Festive Board. What a night! 

Thursday 06/13/2002 1:03:03pm 
Name: Niall Stoddart
E-Mail: stoddartn@yahoo.co.uk
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Kildare lodge no 323
Comments: Fraternal greetings from Kildare lodge no 323. A truly wonderful website.

Wednesday 06/12/2002 6:20:49pm 
Name: Joseph Gallagher
E-Mail: jgallag3@nd.edu
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Mishawaka IN, USA
Comments: I came to the site to learn a little about your organization. The site did well in providing me with much information, thank you.

Wednesday 06/12/2002 10:22:40am 
Name: James R Stout
E-Mail: highlanderjames@kc.rr.com
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Lee's Summit Missouri, USA
Comments: Greetings. Being an Irish American I really am proud to see your site. Keep up the good work brothers.

Tuesday 06/11/2002 1:02:33pm 
Name: BRO Frederik Bergen
E-Mail: www.gmta_101@yahoo.com
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Aruba, W.I.
Comments: Excellent web site, fraternal greetings to all Irish brothers. Member of the Lodge El Sol Naciente No.113 under the jurisdiction of the grand east of the Netherlands

Monday 06/17/2002 0:07:16am 
Name: daniel gaines jr
E-Mail: dlgainesjr@lowcountry.com
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: cottageville, sc usa
Comments: greetings from mariner #2 

Sunday 06/16/2002 9:05:29am 
Name: David Turner
E-Mail: van_crusha@hotkey.net.au
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Tasmania/Australia
Comments: Just Dropped in as I was surfing the net. Don't know much about the Free Masons and their history. Very professional site. Kind Regard David

Saturday 06/15/2002 11:11:37pm 
Name: don FitzPatrick
E-Mail: donfitz@telus.net
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Vancouver, Canada
Comments: Greetings from Prince David Masonic Lodge in Vancouver, British Columbia. I am a past Master from Flavelle Lodge No. 502 Dublin, Moved to Canada in 1975. Now very active in My New Lodge here. Again Greetings to all my old friends in Ireland

Friday 06/14/2002 11:52:59pm 
Name: Wilfred L Archer
E-Mail: wlarcher@gohighspeed.com
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Weston Oregon USA
Comments: Past Master Pacific 51 AF&AM, York Rite Mason, KT Have an Irish Family History. Enjoying your site

Friday 06/14/2002 5:47:08am 
Name: Chris Louw
E-Mail: chris.louw@sandviksmith.com
Referred By: Web Ring
Location: South Africa
Comments: I bring fraternal greetings to all of the brethren who read this book and all brethren in general. Achill lodge no 853 and Capricorn Lodge No 852 Bro Chris Louw JW

Sunday 06/23/2002 9:56:04pm 
Name: Dan Reilly
E-Mail: kjr81@comcast.net
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Egg Harbor Township,New Jersey,USA
Comments: Just found your site and figured I would send greetings from across the Atlantic

Sunday 06/23/2002 6:48:46am 
Name: Karl Grube
E-Mail: karlgrube@hotmail.com
Homepage Title: Masonic Tutorials
Homepage URL: http://www.gamesbygrube.com/page57.html
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Ann Arbor Michigan USA
Comments: Brothers: My complements to the creativity and design team for your site. It is bookmarked and will be shared with my Brothers and numerous Michigan Lodges. My Lodge: http://aaf262.lodges.gl-mi.org/ S & F Karl Grube, Masonic Education Officer of Ann Arbor Fraternity Lodge No. 262

Saturday 06/22/2002 7:54:08pm 
Name: jonathan duncan
E-Mail: jay_duncan@vol.com
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: usa dixon,ky
Comments: just thought I would look at what you had. 'm in the USA in a little town called Dixon ky. I'm a 2nd degree in masonry. Your site is very great. keep up the good work. Jay Duncan

Saturday 06/22/2002 6:32:27pm 
Name: alan elliott
E-Mail: andilyn@ozemail.com.au
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Adelaide South Australia
Comments: Hello from Glenelg Lodge 117 South Australia and Bonaccord Mark Lodge 48 to all my fellow Irish brethren.

Tuesday 06/18/2002 12:03:23am 
Name: Robert GLEN Brown
E-Mail: RobglenBrown@aol.com
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Edinburgh Scotland
Comments: Enjoyed my first visit to this Web site. Warm and fraternal greetings. RGB. M.L.482 K-M,S.C.

Wednesday 06/26/2002 7:52:38pm 
Name: Rev'd Bro Thomas R Wilson
E-Mail: trw@minister.com
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Scotland
Comments: A very user friendly and well designed site. Informative, informal - yet dignified. Hopefully, the next time I come over to Ireland I will be able to visit a sister lodge and share in the harmony of a great tradition. Rev'd Bro. Thomas R Wilson Lodge St John Whiteinch, No. 683  Glasgow, Scotland Master Mason and Royal Arch 

Wednesday 06/26/2002 12:42:23am 
Name: phillip quinn
E-Mail: phillip.quinn1@ntlworld.com
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Comments: I am a MM I bring you greetings from the worshipful master and brethren of Stranton lodge 1862 Hartlepool.

Tuesday 06/25/2002 10:03:57pm 
Name: David J. Billinga
E-Mail: djbillings@adelphia.net
Referred By: Friend
Location: Kennebunkport, Maine USA
Comments: Past Grand Commander of Knights Templar Presently Grand King of Royal Arch Masons in Maine

Tuesday 06/25/2002 9:07:28pm 
Name: Richard D.Scavola Sr. PM
E-Mail: ScavFam@aol.com
Referred By: Friend
Location: Philadelphia,Pa.19147-5619
Comments: God Bless and keep you will. Best to all my brethren in Ireland.

Monday 06/24/2002 7:18:30pm 
Name: Ron O'Kane
E-Mail: ron@okanefamily.net
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Centennial, CO, USA
Comments: Very nice site. I am a member of Highlands 86, the oldest lodge in Denver, Colorado.

Monday 07/01/2002 2:57:02am 
Name: joan maria rigby
E-Mail: jherbst@pentapub.co.za
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Johannesburg South Africa
Comments: I was searching the web to find out if any of the Rigby's were connected to the Knights Templar. I am doing research on my ancesters and I am fascinated by the Knights Templar. I came across an entry in your visitors book Vol 1 from a Ricky Rigby. Our nickname for the male members of our family are also Rick or Ricky. I would very much appreciate feedback.

Sunday 06/30/2002 3:11:29pm 
Name: Thomas David Miller
E-Mail: tdmiller@cinci.rr.com
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Comments: member J. B. Covert Lodge #437 F.&A.M. Withamsville, Ohio

Sunday 06/30/2002 12:50:19am 
Name: V.W.Bro. Norman McEvoy
E-Mail: dnyboy@telus.net
Referred By: Friend
Location: Victoria B.C. Canada. 
Comments: I was raised in Belfast 257 in April 1956 and left for Canada shortly after. I am now a Past Grand Steward of the G.L of B.C.& Yukon and Secretary of my Lodge Victoria Columbia #1. I have enjoyed my trip through your website and congratulate you on your efforts. You may enjoy looking at our website. www.http://members.shaw.ca/victoria-columbia-lodge S&F & may God Bless.

Saturday 06/29/2002 8:14:21pm 
Name: Alan murray
E-Mail: alphax@ireland.com
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Dublin
Comments: Just hit on the website trying to gain some insight, Found the site very professional and useful indeed

Thursday 06/27/2002 3:10:00am 
Name: Brian Scott McGuire
E-Mail: mcg664@alltel.net
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Chatsworth,GA. U.S.A
Comments: I am a MASTER MASON in good standing, and a member of Chatworth Lodge #664 in Chatsworth, GA.It would be a dream come true to visit where I consider to be the true homeland of my fore- fathers and sit in an IRISH MASONIC LODGE. GOD willing, maybe someday I will make such a journey, and maybe also find and meet some blood kin. Fraternally, Brian McGuire

Wednesday 07/03/2002 5:57:00pm 
Name: christopher Osirius Iler
E-Mail: cjchica1225
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Charleston, SC, USA

Wednesday 07/03/2002 2:54:11pm 
Name: Barry A Lucas
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Lexington, South Carolina, USA
Comments: Greetings Irish Brothers.

Tuesday 07/02/2002 9:41:26am 
Name: markhenry
E-Mail: markhenry@lineone.net
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: I've just visited your website and I am very impressed by it. I'm originally from N. Ireland and would like to know if there are any affiliated lodges from the GL of Ireland in England. I look forward to your reply.

Monday 07/01/2002 3:51:52pm 
Name: Kenneth Crossan
E-Mail: kencrossan@lineone.net
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Newtownards
Comments: The Grand Secretary, Freemasons Hall, Dublin. I am pleased to inform you that the regalia and Lodge jewels etc were not harmed except for a little smoke, in the malicious fire which damaged Rosemary Street Masonic Hall, Belfast. Unfortunately, others were not so lucky. Yours fraternally K Crossan Secretary Zion 700

Monday 07/01/2002 2:51:52pm 
Name: David Naughton-Shires
E-Mail: naughton_shiresdavid@hotmail.com
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: County Clare
Comments: Found the site of great interest. I have been interested in the Freemasons and Knight Temlars for many years and got fed up of reading so called TRUE stories of covert happenings in the lodges around the world. I decided to hear it from the horses mouth and am glad I did. Unlike stories from the likes pf Baigent and Knight I believe the Masons to be honest and charatible people with the universal good of others in their minds.

Tuesday 07/09/2002 8:40:59pm 
Name: Maurice A. Barstow
E-Mail: jbarstow@maine.rr.com
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Portland, Maine USA
Comments: Beautiful pages well said Grand Master

Monday 07/08/2002 1:07:51am 
Name: Gary M. Millwood
E-Mail: garymillwood@hotmail.com
Homepage Title: South Carolina Lodge 390 I.C.
Homepage URL: http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Oracle/4572/history.html
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Kingston, Jamaica
Comments: Very happy to be a mason in general. Thrilled to be a Irish Mason in particular. This is a wonderful site and I enjoyed my visit.  I bring greetings to Brethren of all Constitutions and wish you very well from South Carolina Lodge 390 I.C. in Jamaica.

Sunday 07/07/2002 5:42:39pm 
Name: rastoll
E-Mail: stephrastoll@hotmail.com
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: I'm Master mason in France, in GODF, and a "companis" of my Lodge come in your country in July, for holidays, i'd like you invite him for a fraternity moment. Thank you and sorry for my English language!!!

Thursday 07/04/2002 9:54:49pm 
Name: Paul Martin PM AA11-7
E-Mail: silverfox@acronet.net
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Kenosha, Wis. U.S.A.
Comments: I send you greeting and best wishes from the Masons of the Grand Lodge of Wisconsin. I must say it is very educational to see web sites from all over the world. God bless you and yours keep up the good work. 

Thursday 07/04/2002 6:10:54am 
Name: Peter-Davin O' Connor
E-Mail: peterdavinoconnor@yahoo.com
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Dublin, Ireland
Comments: Just a note to congratulate on your website. I would be very interested in learning more about your organisation. One of your articles ,"How to Join", refers to e-mailing your request for membership but unfortunately I have not been able to locate an e-mail address to write to you on your website. I would be very appreciative if you could send me an address to write to.

Sunday 07/14/2002 9:56:05pm 
Name: Arthur David Serry
E-Mail: danamarineservice@dccnet.com
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Ancient Light 88. Ladner BC. Canada
Comments: Great site folks, and real glad to be in this most wonderful of fraternities. In Fact some relatives of mine are in the Irish lodge around Belfast

Thursday 07/11/2002 11:56:21pm 
Name: Michael Robertson
E-Mail: michaelrobertson1@juno.com
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: A very nice site.

Thursday 07/11/2002 8:53:45pm 
Name: Lawrence A Oakland
E-Mail: larryoakland81@hotmail.com
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Comments: I want to say hello to all the Irish Brethren. As an Irish American is interested in learning about my Irish Heritage and Also as an member of this Great Fraternity and about to become Master of the Lodge I belong to in The United States which is Mount Moriah Lodge in Westfield Massachusetts. I am definitely looking forward learning more about the the Irish Masonic Fraternity

Thursday 07/11/2002 0:59:07am 
Name: Emiliano S.
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Comments: Congratulations for your web page!

Wednesday 07/10/2002 4:42:12am 
E-Mail: peter.stickland@bigpond.com
Referred By: Friend
Location: 126/2462 Albany Hwy, GOSNELLS. W.A. 6110
Comments: A beautiful site, I shall be visiting Ireland in mid-October this year, & I hope to visit an Irish Lodge then also. Many thanks.

Saturday 07/20/2002 9:59:36pm 
Name: Robert W. Hamilton, Jr.
E-Mail: robert1601@cox.com
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Council Bluffs, Iowa, USA
Comments: Being new to the computer I am just now learning how to get on line and search for items of interest to me. I have been a Mason for 42 years and have always been interested in Masonic History and its workings in other parts of the world, especially Ireland, Scotland and England. My "Hamilton" ancestor was born near Londonderry, 1793. I do hope to visit your homeland in another year and I would love to visit an Irish Lodge. Thank you for such a wonderful Web site and I will pass the word on to other Masons of my acquaintance.

Saturday 07/20/2002 1:18:26am 
Name: Geoffrey Graeme Noble Thompson
E-Mail: ggnthomp@bigpond.com.au
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Victoria Australia
Comments: Fraternal Greetings , Have been following your site since I visited Northern Ireland in 1995 next time I intend to catch up with  a visit to your grand Lodge  

Wednesday 07/17/2002 7:21:45pm 
Name: james gregory
E-Mail: jim772002@yahoo.com
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Johnstone Renfrewshire Scotland
Comments: very good, i was looking for a royal arch page also. best wishes from lodge Houston st johnstone 242.  james gregory pz 109 sir william wallace r.a.c. 

Wednesday 07/17/2002 2:02:25pm 
Name: Simon Burgess
E-Mail: sibur@zamnet.zm
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Zambia, Downpatrick Lodge 785
Comments: I found the site excellent. It is good to see a new vitality in Freemasonry.

Monday 07/15/2002 10:44:30pm 
Name: District Grand Lodge of North Island NZ 
E-Mail: DGL-NINZ@xtra.co.nz
Homepage Title: District Grand Lodge
Homepage URL: http://www.freemasons.org.nz
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Auckland - New Zealand
Comments: Fraternal greetings from the English Brethren of the District Grand Lodge of North Island, New Zealand under the United Grand Lodge of England. A great site!

Tuesday 07/30/2002 7:21:34am 
Name: Wes Jester
E-Mail: wjester@bigfoot.com
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Orlando, Fl.
Comments: Masonic greetings to my brothers in Ireland. I am Past Master of Composite 293 F&AM and a charter member of Mt. Moriah 400 here in Orlando. Any brother form Ireland who would like to vist should e-mail me for particulars. I visit Ireland often as my wife is from Nenagh, Co. Tipperary, but have not had the chance to attend lodge there as our visit is usually in the summer months. I hope to rectify that situation this fall (2003). Wes

Sunday 07/28/2002 5:52:38pm 
Name: Bruce Robert Black
E-Mail: brvb@pacbell.net
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Los Angeles, California U.S.A.
Comments: Brothers one and all. I am writing an article about Masonic research for a couple of genealogical societies I belong to. As you can judge by those signing your guest book many of us in America are the children of your country and yearn to make a connection. My John McIntire came from county Tyrone in 1712. There is a kinship and fraternal tie of which I am very proud. B Black, Daylight Lodge 232 Seattle, Washington.

Saturday 07/27/2002 1:11:11pm 
Name: J. Edmond (Ed) Higgins
E-Mail: n9fmc@aol.com
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: New Carlisle, Indiana, USA
Comments: Looking forward to visiting your fair Isle in October and hopefully to meeting some of the Brethren Ed

Friday 07/26/2002 12:10:07am 
Name: Robert WT Hughes HIgley Pruitt
E-Mail: thumperp@msn.com
Homepage URL: http://www.the-alchemistic-dragon.com
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Comments: Was searching for lodges in Ireland as my wife and I are planning a trip to Ireland and would like to visit the local masonic establishments. Our visit is scheduled for summer 2003. Your web site is very informative and well made. Keep up the good. If anyone will be visiting here in Salt Lake City, UT, we would pleased to welcome any brother at lodge. I am part of Argenta Lodge #3 and we meet at the Salt Lake Masonic Temple on the first Tuesday's of every month (except July and August) at 7:30 p.m. MST. Until then, please have a nice day and may the wind always be at your back to aid you on your journey.

Wednesday 07/24/2002 0:25:45am 
Name: Robert D. Lowery
E-Mail: thelowery@aol.com
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Tucson, Arizona, USA
Comments: Dear Sirs, I came hoping to find a clue to the origins of my patriarchal line. My 7th great-grandfather, one Lazarus Lowry c.1688-1755 of Derry and Donegal, was an early Mason in Pennsylvania (arrived 1729). I had hoped to find some mention of the family name in your early records.  Yours Aye...Robert Lowery 

Friday 08/02/2002 6:31:37am 
Name: Anne Ammundsen
E-Mail: Arbil44@aol.com
Referred By: Friend
Location: Sevenoaks, Kent
Comments: I am doing some research into General Sir Charles Asgill, who played a part in the Irish Uprising of 1798. I am wondering whether anyone can give me some information regarding events which surround this particular General. Someone commented to me the other day that he didn't leave Ireland "smelling of roses" as it were, and so I am trying to establish exactly what events lead to this remark. I am not after an entire history of the Uprising, simply information regarding General Asgill. Any help will be much appreciated. I was told to put this question to John Hammil, but I can find no link to this name. Many thanks, Anne Ammundsen

Thursday 08/01/2002 4:56:13am 
Name: Prometheus Pyrforos
E-Mail: lightbringerer@yahoo.gr
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Athens, Greece
Comments: Fraternal greetings from Greece

Tuesday 07/30/2002 6:53:37pm 
Name: Prometheus
E-Mail: ephesus_64@yahoo.com
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Istanbul, Turkey
Comments: Hi Sirs,This is an excellent site I've seen ... Congratulations it is a pleasure to use the site. I hope that you'll be able to tell me more about free masons ... Keep up the good work. Best wishes,

Tuesday 08/06/2002 1:36:40pm 
Name: Bro Eamon Gordon
E-Mail: tarem@bigpond.com
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: South Australia
Comments: Great site for us Irish born brothers living overseas. Like to see more info on regional lodges. especially Gorey 228. Keep up the good work and spreading the masonic message.

Monday 08/05/2002 10:40:51am 
Name: Ernest Ezike
E-Mail: ernestezike@yahoo.com
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Lagos-Nigeria
Comments: An impressive site and good for our public image.

Monday 08/05/2002 10:32:51am 
Name: Ujubuonu Anthony
E-Mail: ad_c2@yahoo.com
Referred By: Friend
Location: Lagos , Nigeria
Comments: A beautiful site fresh in organisation and style. I am proud of my Irish masonic heritage.

Friday 08/02/2002 1:22:39pm 
Name: Dave Legault
E-Mail: dave.legault@sympatico.ca
Homepage URL: http://www.mountzionnumber28.com
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Kemptville, Ontario, Canada
Comments: A very well presented and organized web site - you should be proud. Dave Legault

Friday 08/02/2002 9:06:10am 
Name: Brother Jay Cosby
E-Mail: Jaydarja@aol.com
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Comments: As a Canadian brother with Irish roots it would great to start speaking online to any of you who would take the time to send me mail.

Tuesday 08/06/2002 1:36:40pm
Name:Bro Eamon Gordon
Referred By:Search Engine
Location:South Australia
Comments:Great site for us Irish born brothers living overseas. Like to see more info on regional lodges. especially Gorey 228. Keep up the good work and spreading the masonic message.

Monday 08/05/2002 10:40:51am
Name:Ernest Ezike
Referred By:Search Engine
Comments:An impressive site and good for our public image.

Monday 08/05/2002 10:32:51am
Name:Ujubuonu Anthony
Referred By:Friend
Location:Lagos , Nigeria
Comments:A beautiful site fresh in organisation and style. I am proud of my Irish masonic heritage.

Friday 08/02/2002 1:22:39pm
Name:Dave Legault
Homepage URL:http://www.mountzionnumber28.com
Referred By:Just Surfed In
Location:Kemptville, Ontario, Canada
Comments:A very well presented and organized web site - you should be proud.