
Golf 2007 Results

Annual Golf Competition

Overall Winner - Robert Jordan - Lodge No. 824 - (47 points)

Prize Winners for each Category
Category 1 - Rodney Hutchinson - Lodge No. 396 - (44 pts) - T&F
Category 2 - Alan Weir - Lodge No. 461 - (41 pts) - Antrim
Category 3 - Nat Drennan - Lodge No. 539 - (41 pts) - Antrim
Category 1 - Sean Canavan - (38 pts)
Category 2 - Cecil Armstrong - (36 pts)
Category 1 - Margaret Gordon - 30 pts)
Category 2 - Eliz Hamilton - (28 pts)

Prize Giving Images

M.W.Bro George Dunlop GM and R.W.Bro John Dunlop PGM of Antrim with the "Overall Winner" Mr Robert Jordan and "Team Prize Winners" Brn. Robert Jordan and David Graham Lodge No 824 Antrim together with their wives.
Deputy Grand Master / Jorma Hamalainen / Jusa Laurila / Olavi Nykanen / Grand Master / Lasse Ruuskanen / Assistant Grand Master / Noel Simpson Comp. Sec. / Tom McClean Chairman.
Gus Donnelly of 'Gus Donnelly Associates' presenting a £100 Voucher for a 'Hole in One' to Uel Henry of Unity Lodge No. 396 in the Province of T&F.

The Grand Master presenting Mrs Margaret Gordon from Armagh with the 1st prize in Ladies Cat. 1.

John Frazer P.A.G.M. of Antrim with wife Elsie ("wee pet") and Mrs Laurene Clarke, (Bill is taking the photo') enjoying the entertainment.

R.W.Bro John Dunlop P.G. Master of Antrim presenting the cheque for £3000.00 to Mr Glen Oakes of Muscular Dystrophy.

The Ferry Family of the Aughintober Pipes and Drums providing Entertainment before the prize giving.

The Workers, Committee members, Albert Warwick, Wesley Hutton and Bobby McDowell, (Leslie Graham was getting the coffee) hard at work marking the score-cards.

Grand King M.E and S Charles R Knipe and Elizabeth, P.D.G. Master Down Cecil Burns and Carol enjoying the company of  R.W.Bro Bob Hackett, R. W. Bro Ted Smyth P.D.G.Master of North Connaught, R.W.Bro Michael W Walker and the D.G.Master R.W.Bro Douglas Grey.

P.G.Master of Tyrone & Fermanagh R.W.Bro Harry Weir, The Assistant Grand Master R.W.Bro Leslie Johnston, his wife Florence, The Provincial Grand Secretary of Armagh R.W.Bro Wilson Mark and his wife Rhoda waiting for Pauline (rear view) to pour the tea.