
Golf 2010 Results

Annual Golf Competition

Overall Winner - Ken Taylor, Carareagh Masonic Lodge No. 342, (42pts.) Antrim

Prize Winners for each Category
1st. Trevor Bownes, 41 pts. BOT, Lodge 459 Tyrone & Fermanagh
2nd. John Richardson, 41pts BOT, Lodge 134 Armagh
3rd. John Lowry, 41pts BOT, Lodge 598 Antrim
4th. Wesley Hutton, 41pts BOT, Lodge 459 Tyrone & Fermanagh
5th. Raymond Brownlee, 40pts BOT, Lodge 473 Tyrone & Fermanagh
6th. Paul McIntosh, 40pts BOT, Lodge 281 Londonderry & Donegal
7th. David Bowman, 39 pts, Lodge 334 Londonderry & Donegal
8th. David Bratton, 38pts BOT, Lodge 196 Londonderry & Donegal
9th. Ricky Campbell, 38pts BOT, Lodge 235 Londonderry & Donegal
10th. Leslie Graham, 37pts, Lodge 291 Londonderry & Donegal

Team Prize

Trevor Bownes, 41pts, Lodge 459 Tyrone & Fermanagh
Wesley Hutton, 41pts, Lodge 459 Tyrone & Fermanagh
1st. Dave Pollock, 41pts
2nd. Ken Nesbitt, 40 pts
3rd. Glyn Reese, 38pts BOT
1st. Ann Teggarty, 30pts
2nd. May Baxter, 29pts
3rd. Diana McClelland

Prize Giving Images

Presentation of cheque for £3,000 to Emma Gibson, by R.W.Bro. Richard H Gray, P.G.M. of Down & Chairman of the Northern Provinces Committee 2010.
The range of Cavan Crystal prizes to be awarded to the winners of the various categories.
1st Prize Winner (41 pts BOT) - (L-R) M.W.Bro. George Dunlop G.M. and W.Bro. Trevor Bownes, (Temperance Masonic Lodge No. 459 Province of Tyrone & Fermanagh
Grand Master, M.W.Bro. George Dunlop presenting R.W.Bro. John Dickson (P.G.M. Antrim) with a Cup & Decanter as the winning Province.
2nd Prize winner - John Richardson Lodge 134 & the Grand Master
3rd Prize winner (Non-Mason) Glyn Reese with the Grand Master
1st & 2nd Prize Winners ( Ladies) May Baxter & Ann Teggarty
9th Prize Winner - Richard Campbell Lodge 235 & the Grand Master


The Grand Master with visiting Brethren from Finland
Sponsor of the Ladies Prizes - Grand Master & Vivian McKeown (VMK Lmousines- Mullingar) holding a picture of the Portrush Lifeboat, he won in The Grand Draw.


The 11th Annual Grand Master’s Millennium Cup competition organised by the Freemasons of Ireland Golfing Society was held at the Killymoon Golf Club, Cookstown on Friday 27th August 2010

Once again, this popular competition continues to attract growing numbers of Masons, Non-Masons and Ladies from all over Ireland, Scotland, England, Finland and the Isle of Man, this year we had a Masonic Brother, from Germany, Professor Rolf Kalff, Head of Neurosurgical Department Friedrich Schiller University Jena, having seen the entry on the Grand Lodge Web-Site.
Rolf enjoyed the competition and hospitality so much he hoped to come back next year and bring a few others.

The weather was excellent for golf, and with a magnificent array of prizes to the value of £1500, 234 competitors enjoyed the pleasant conditions and returned some excellent scores.

The overall winner was Ken Taylor, of Carareagh Lodge No.374   (Masonic Province of Antrim), with 42 Stableford points.

The team prize was won by Trevor Bownes and Wesley Hutton representing Victory Masonic Lodge No.459 in the Province of Tyrone and Fermanagh with a combined score of 82.

Best gross was won by Killymoon Secretary Manager Norman Weir with an excellent score of 76 gross.

The prize for the best overseas visitor was carried off by Timo Sankari from Finland.

Ladies prizes were won by Ann Teggarty, May Baxter and Diana McClelland.

Non-Mason’s prizes were won by Dave Pollock, Ken Nesbitt, and Glynn Reese.

The day concluded with a great evening of entertainment and prize-giving, well attended by approximately 100 people which included the Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master, Assistant Grand Master, and Provincial Grand Masters and Officers from the Northern Provinces together with their Partners.

The prizes were presented by the Grand Master, M.W.Bro. George Dunlop.

Tributes were paid to the organisers of the event, R.W.Bro. Noel Simpson and his wife, Pauline, and the organising Committee, The Committee would especially thank The Captain, Council and Members of Killymoon Golf Club for their hospitality, the Caterers and the ground staff for having the course in excellent condition. Also, to the many Sponsors who donated a large number of very valuable prizes which were on display on all the tee boxes on the golf course and display boards in the Clubhouse.

The competition raised in excess of £6,000 in aid of Masonic and non-Masonic charities. A cheque for £3,000 was presented to Emma Gibson, Coordinator for the R.N.L.I, by the Chairman of the Northern Provinces Committee, R.W.Bro. Richard Gray, Provincial Grand Master of the Masonic Province of Down.

R.W.Bro. Noel Simpson