




M.W. Grand Master Eric N. Waller, on the Throne
R.W. Deputy Grand Master George Dunlop
R.W. Assistant Grand Master William Mawhinney
R.W. Senior Grand Warden Robert Campbell
R.W. Junior Grand Warden James Kirk
R.W. Grand Treasurer Charles W. Olden
R.W. Grand Secretary Michael W. Walker
R.W. Senior Grand Chaplain The Rev. Canon George N. Little
V.W. Senior Grand Deacon Allen G. Megarry
VW. Junior Grand Deacon Norman Humes
V.W. Grand Superintendent of Works David T. Young
V.W. Grand Director of Ceremonies Cecil D. Burns
V.W. Assistant Grand Secretary D. Barry Lyons
VW. Assistant Grand Secretary Michael R. McWilliam
VW. Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies Marcus O. Steenson
V.W. Grand Steward Richard H. Gray
V.W. Grand Sword Bearer William G. Manning
VW. Grand Stewards of Charities Charles A. McCullough
  Samuel J. Patience
  Dennis R. Millen
V.W. Grand Almoners Alan R.G.R. Patterson
  William M. Lee
V.W. Grand Organist John N. Rowden
V.W. Grand Lodge Standard Bearer Winston Patterson
V.W. Grand Master's Standard Bearer William J. Dixon
V.W. Grand Inner Guard Alan R. Crowe
VW. Grand Secretary for Instruction Michael J. Ward
VW. Assistant Grand Secretary for Instruction Robert J. Armstrong

There were also present:‑ the Provincial Grand Masters of Armagh, North Connaught, Londonderry & Donegal, Meath, North Munster and Tyrone & Fermanagh; R.W. Brother Selwyn S. Davies, Chairman of the Metropolitan Board; R.W. Brothers T. Noel Bownes, John Greer and Robert S. Hackett, Past Provincial Grand Masters; the Provincial Deputy Grand Masters of Antrim, Armagh, North Connaught, South Connaught, Down, Londonderry & Donegal, Meath, North Munster, Tyrone & Fermanagh and Wicklow & Wexford: R.W. Brother Charles Hatch, Past Provincial Deputy Grand Master of Armagh; R. W. Brother the Rev. Samuel G. Poyntz, Past Senior Grand Chaplain; R.W. Brothers the Rev. Charles McCurdy, and the Rev. Canon Kenneth W. Cochrane, Past Junior Grand Chaplains; VW. Brothers Robert J. Fleming, Robert J. Thomson, William G. McElwaine, Leslie V. Johnston, George B. Crooks, John N. Millar and John McLean, Past Grand Deacons; VW. Brother Norman H. Jackson, Past Grand Master's Standard Bearer; V.W. Brothers Charles R. Knipe, Arnold J. Cooke and Mervyn W. Morrison, Honorary Past Grand Deacons; V.W. Brother Michael R. Bicknell, Past Grand Director of Ceremonies; V.W. Brothers Robert H.B. Mills, Arthur W. White, James I.A. Davison, Trevor Monteith, William J. Johnston and J. Ardle Agnew, Past Grand Stewards of Charities; VW. Brothers Bernard V.A. Woods, D. Ronald R. Galbraith, William W.T. Shortland, David A.R. Lovesy and Edward C. Smith, Past Grand Almoners; VW. Brother John Torley, Honorary Past Grand Sword Bearer; and VW. Brothers Robert J. Hunter and S. Gordon Leathern, Past Grand Master's Standard Bearers.


The following Grand Lodges were represented:‑ Scotland, Alberta, Manitoba, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Queensland, Victoria, Western Australia, New Zealand, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, France (National), Germany, Iceland, Italy (Regular), Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Alaska, California, Colorado, District of Columbia, Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Costa Rica, Cuscatlan of El Salvador, Argentina, Grand Orient of Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Sao Paulo, Benin, Burkina Faso, Gabon, Guinea, the Ivory Coast, Madagascar, Mali, the Philippines, the Dominican Republic and the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio.


Apologies for non‑attendance were received from:‑ the R.W. Senior Grand Warden; the R.W. Grand Registrar; the R.W. Senior Grand Chaplain; R.W. Brother the Very Rev. Philip J. Knowles, Junior Grand Chaplain; the V.W. Assistant Grand Treasurer; the Provincial Grand Masters of Antrim, Down, Munster and Wicklow & Wexford; R.W. Brothers Daniel B. Fincher, William W. Hughes and Alan S. Watt, Past Senior Grand Wardens; R.W. Brothers the Ven. R. Clayton Stevenson, the Rev. W. Warren Porter and the Rev. Canon Richard H. Bertram, Past Junior Grand Chaplains; V.W. Brothers Gordon V. Bradshaw and Donald Willson, Honorary Past Grand Deacons; V.W. Brother David McKee, Past Grand Director of Ceremonies; V.W. Brother Ralph B. McGuckin, Past Grand Superintendent of Works; VW. Brothers Samuel H. Boyle and Herbert A. Walsh, Past Grand Stewards of Charities; VW. Brother Cecil G. Oakes, Past Grand Almoner; VW. Brothers Robert Jones, Robert T. Bashford and David M. Wright, Past Grand Master's Standard Bearers; the Representatives of the Grand Lodges of New Brunswick, Saskatchewan, New South Wales, Tasmania, Austria, Belgium, Estonia, Poland, Alpina of Switzerland, Turkey, Arkansas, Hawaii, Kentucky, New Jersey, the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Connecticut, Venezuela, Senegal, Japan, the State of Israel and R.W. Brothers Harold R. Ross, Henry M. Robinson and Douglas Wakefield, Past Grand Representatives.


Grand Lodge being opened the Grand Master referred to the recent deaths of R.W. Bro. Hugh Milling, Provincial Grand Master of South Connaught; V.W. Bro.Victor Fitzell, Past Grand Deacon and Past Grand Master's Standard Bearer; R.W. Bro. Ronald I. Robinson, Past Grand Deacon, Past Representative of the National Grand Lodge of France; R.W. Bro. John S. Mawhinney, Past Representative of the National Grand Lodge of Iceland; R.W. Bro. Arthur C. Hinds, Past Representative of the Grand East of the Netherlands; R.W. Brother Anthony J. Marshall, Past Representative of the Grand Lodge of Connecticut; and R.W. Bro. Dr. A. John B. McFarland, Past Representative of the Grand Lodge of Texas, whose memory was saluted.


R.W. Brother William J.E. Dukelow, Provincial Grand Master, welcomed the Grand Master, Officers and Members of Grand Lodge to the Province of Tyrone & Fermanagh. He said that he thought the last time the Grand Master had been in his Province was as President of the Grand Master's Charity Festival some years previously. The Grand Master, in reply, thanked R.W. Brother Dukelow, referring to his contribution during a full term as Provincial Grand Master of Tyrone & Fermanagh and saying that his good work in the promotion of Freemasonry would not be forgotten.



R.W. Brother David H. Weir, Provincial Grand Master Designate, being in attendance, the Grand Director of Ceremonies formed a procession and presented him to the Grand Master for Obligation, Investiture and Installation as Provincial Grand Master of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Tyrone & Fermanagh. Following his Installation, the Grand Master proclaimed R.W. Brother Weir and he was saluted.




On the proposal of the Senior Grand Warden, seconded by the Junior Grand Warden, the Minutes of the Quarterly Stated Communication of Grand Lodge held on June 6th, 2002, as circulated, were taken as read, confirmed and signed.




The Grand Master was invested as Representative of the Grand Lodge of Sweden by the Deputy Grand Master and was saluted. R.W. Brothers A. Gordon Allen, Reginald D. Neill, Frederick Haugh and Brian A.M. O'Byme, being in attendance and having produced their Patents of Appointment, the Grand Director of Ceremonies formed a procession and presented them to the Grand Master for installation and presentation of their Patents of Appointment as Representatives of the Grand Lodges of Quebec, Queensland, Indiana and South Carolina respectively. The newly invested Grand Representatives were conducted to their seats and were saluted.




The Grand Officers for 2003, as nominated by the Grand Lodge Board of General Purposes at the June Communication of Grand Lodge were elected, along with the Auditor of Grand Lodge accounts for the year 2002:­


M.W. Grand Master

Eric N. Waller

R.W. Senior Grand Warden

James Kirk

R.W. Junior Grand Warden

Robert J. Thomson

R.W. Grand Treasurer

Charles W. Olden

R.W. Grand Registrar

Arthur D.S. Moran

R.W. Senior Grand Chaplain

The Ven. E. Brian Snow

R.W. Junior Grand Chaplains

The Very Rev. Philip J. Knowles


The Rev. Canon George N. Little

V.W. Senior Grand Deacon

Richard H Gray

V.W. Junior Grand Deacon

William G. Manning

V.W. Grand Superintendent of Works

David T. Young

V.W. Grand Director of Ceremonies

Cecil D. Burns

VW. Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies

Marcus O. Steenson

V.W. Grand Steward

Winston C. Patterson

V.W. Grand Sword Bearer

Alan R. Crowe

V.W. Grand Stewards of Charities

Charles A. McCullough


Samuel J. Patience


Dennis R. Millen

V.W. Grand Almoners

Alan R.G.R. Patterson


William M. Lee

V.W. Grand Organist

John N. Rowden

V.W. Grand Lodge Standard Bearer

Winston Patterson

V.W. Grand Master's Standard Bearer

Cecil P. Tilson

V.W. Grand Inner Guard

Gordon Morrison

Immediately following his election, the Grand Master announced that he was re‑appointing R.W. Brother George Dunlop as Deputy Grand Master and R.W. Brother William Mawhinney as Assistant Grand Master. The Grand Master's remarks were greeted with acclamation.

W. Brother Peter H. Mullock, F.C.A., Past Master of Lodge No. 395, Dublin, was elected Auditor of the Grand Lodge Accounts for the year 2002



Grand Lodge approved the following Motion, notice of which was handed in at Grand Lodge in June 2002, in the name of the Grand Lodge Board of General Purposes, to amend Grand Lodge Law No. 5 by inserting after "R.W. Past Grand Secretaries" the two categories "The R.W. Grand Director of Ceremonies" and "R.W. Past Grand Directors of Ceremonies"; and deleting these two categories from their current precedence immediately following "V.W. Past Grand Superintendents of Works".


Grand Lodge further confirmed the recommendation of the Grand Lodge Board of General Purposes that holders of the Honorary Grand Rank of Past Grand Director of Ceremonies be promoted to the Honorary Rank of Past Grand Superintendent of Works.



Notice of Motion to elect two Trustees to The Freemasons of Ireland Medical Research Fund having been handed in at the June Communication of Grand Lodge, Grand Lodge approved the nomination by the Chairman of the Trustees, R.W. Brother R. Eric Fenelon, of W. Brother Dr. Sam Hamilton, Past Master of Lodge No. 357, Dublin, and W. Brother Dr. John McCurdy, Past Master of Lodge No. 511, Dublin, by Resolution.


Grand Lodge approved the election of the Brethren, as nominated by the Grand Lodge Board of General Purposes, to form the Boards of Management of the following Masonic Benevolent Institutions:­

(i)          Masonic Girls Benefit Fund

B. Bradshaw       S.J.P. Holt            I. Miller

W.T. Brown         J. Honner             P. Mullock

L. Clarke             D. McNulty            D.H. Weir

(ii)          Masonic Boys Benefit Fun

T.H. Beattie        G.E.J. Field          Rev. E. Hunter         T. Monteith

J. Bell                 D.H. Finlay            L. Johnston             T.A. Wilson

R. Ensor            G.F. Ginnelly        D.J. McIntyre           L.N. Woods

L.G. Evans        E.G. Hodgett        T. McNeill


(iii)          Victoria Jubilee Masonic Benevolent Fund

W.T.H. Balmer  D.H. Finlay          D.R. Millen               W.W.T. Shortland

A. Barklie           N. Humes            J.R.P. Mitchell         K. Spring

W. Dickson        C. Humphreys    J.W. Nicholson       J. Stanley

N. Fenton           J. Kelly                R.J. Patterson         R.V. Whyte

J. Finkel             N. McElwee         R.W.J. Robertson  D. Williams


(iv)            Masonic Welfare Fund

K. Abernethy      B.A. Eve             T.C.B. McBain         A. Treadwell

D. Atkinson         I. Gawley            D.R. Millen               D.C. Webster

D. Benson          R.R. Gyles          B. O'Byme               J.F. Wood

J.A.L. Course     J.R. Hadden       A.R.G.R. Patterson B.V.A. Woods

J.I.A. Davison     W.J. Johnston    W.W.T. Shortland




The Board noted for reporting to Grand Lodge the return of the Warrants of Lodges Nos. 293, Ballymacarrett; 833, The Mount; and 878, Benoni, South Africa Northern.


Read letter requesting the issue of a duplicate Warrant for Lodge No. 109, Belfast, the original having been destroyed by vandals who broke into the Rosemary Street Provincial Masonic Hall. Recommended to Grand Lodge. Confirmed.


Read letter from the Regular Grand Lodge of Italy, submitting the name of R.W. Brother Carlo Zappala, Past Grand Secretary and Past Assistant Grand Master, as a suitable Brother to act as our Grand Representative there. Recommended to Grand Lodge. Confirmed.


Read letter from the Grand Lodge of Spain, submitting the name of R. W. Brother Jeffrey Quirk, as a suitable Brother to act as our Grand Representative there. Recommended to Grand Lodge. Confirmed.


Read letter from the National Grand Lodge of Madagascar, submitting the name of R.W. Brother Francis Cadic as a suitable Brother to act as our Grand Representative there.

Recommended to Grand Lodge. Confirmed.


The Board considered requests for recognition submitted by the Grand Lodge of Andorra and the Regular Grand Lodge "Yugoslavia". Having heard explanations from the Grand Secretary as to the provenance of both Grand Lodges and confirmation that the former was already recognized by the Grand Lodge of Scotland and the latter by the United Grand Lodge of England and that assurances had been received at the recent Tripartite Meeting as to their regularity, the Board agreed to recommend to Grand Lodge that recognition be granted to the Grand Lodge of Andorra and the Regular Grand Lodge "Yugoslavia". Confirmed.


The Board considered a request for dispensation under the terms of Grand Lodge Law No. 118 in respect of a Brother serving a principal Office in Lodges Nos. 2 and 511, concurrently in the year 2003. The breach occurs in that the Brother in question is needed to remain in Office, in Lodge No. 2, as Wor. Master for a second year, thereby causing the problem. In view of the facts and explanations received, the Board decided to recommend to Grand Lodge that dispensation be granted. Confirmed.




The Grand Treasurer, R.W. Brother Charles W. Olden, presented for Grand Lodge approval the report of the Auditor of Grand Lodge Accounts for the year ending 31s` December, 2001, as recommended by the Grand Lodge Board of General Purposes. The Grand Treasurer commented on the report drawing attention to the fact that each year Grand Lodge income decreases seriously on account of the large number of Brethren struck off the roll of their Lodge for non‑payment of dues. Following his presentation there were no questions raised from the floor of Grand Lodge and the accounts, as submitted, were unanimously adopted.




Grand Lodge approved the election as members of the Grand Lodge of Instruction of V.W. Brother Henry Erksine, Past Master of Cliftonville Lodge No. 424, Belfast, and V.W. Brother Harold R. Henning, Past Master of Mourne Lodge No. 696, Annalong.




The Grand Treasurer, R.W. Brother Charles W. Olden, handed in Notice of Motion to subscribe €2500 to the Masonic Charities under the Provisions of Grand Lodge Law No. 29.




The Grand Master, with the concurrence of Grand Lodge, conferred the following honorary ranks:­

Past Grand Deacon

V.W. Bro. Samuel H. Boyle ‑ on promotion from Past Grand Steward of Charities.

V.W. Bro. Marthinus Kriel ‑ Provincial Asst. Grand Master, South Africa Northern.

Past Grand Superintendent of Works

V. W. Bro. Theophilus O.S. John ‑ on promotion from ODGR, Sierra Leone.

V.W. Bro. Dirk C.J. Lourens ‑ Past Provincial Grand Warden, South Africa Northern

V.W. Bro. Thomas M. van Blommestein ‑ on promotion from Past Grand Steward

Past Grand Steward


VW. Bro. Lau Kee Siong ‑ Assistant Grand Inspector, South East Asia

VW. Bro. William Beveridge ‑ Provincial Grand Treasurer, Natal

VW. Bro. Alan R.P. Byars ‑ Provincial Grand Secretary, Natal

V.W. Bro. Percy Marvey‑John ‑ on promotion from ODGR, Sierra Leone


Past Grand Inner Guard


V. W. Bro. Ralph I.A. Aubee ‑ on promotion from ODGR, Sierra Leone.




VW. Brother Trevor Morrow reported on the work of the Annuities Funds; VW. Brother Leslie Johnston reported on the work of The Masonic Girls Benefit Fund and The Masonic Boys Benefit Fund; R.W. Brother Kenneth Abernethy reported on the progress of The Masonic Welfare Fund; and R.W. Brother Dennis Millen, Chairman, reported on the winding up of the Grand Master's 2000 Appeal and announced final disbursements from the proceeds. The reports of these Brethren will be printed in the Annual Report of Grand Lodge for the year 2002.


The Grand Master in his personal report to Grand Lodge referred to his first visit to the United Grand Lodge of England which took place earlier this year in June. In particular, he referred to his visit to Royal Alpha Lodge which he had subsequently received an invitation to join as a full member. He also referred to his visit to Lodge of Erin No. 2895 (EC) which had been celebrating its centenary at the same time. Lodge of Erin is one of three English Lodges in the London area which cater mainly for Brethren with Irish connections, the other two being the Ulster Lodge No. 2972, and Trinity College Dublin Lodge No. 3153.

The Grand Master also referred to the upcoming meeting of the Grand Master's Council due to take place on October 17th which would be chaired by the Deputy Grand Master; and he reminded Brethren that the Installation Communication of Grand Lodge will be held on Saturday December 7`h at 12 noon followed by the usual Installation Luncheon at 2 p.m. He indicated that his Annual Report, on that occasion, whilst marking major items in the year 2002 would look forward and hopefully map out important projects in the year ahead.

Finally he indicated that the March 2003 meeting of Grand Lodge would be held in the Cabra Castle Hotel, Kingscourt, Co. Cavan, in the Province of Meath on Thursday, March 6th.


At the end of his report, the Grand Master welcomed W. Brother Derek Fielding, a member of Ara Lodge No. 348, Auckland, New Zealand, and a Past Master of Lodge No. 155, Brisbane, of the United Grand Lodge of Queensland. Brother Fielding had been a pupil at the Masonic Boys School from 1939 to 1947. The Grand Master also welcomed W. Brother Duleep Sahadevan, W. Master of Saxena Lodge No. 815, Calicut, in our Masonic Province of Ireland in India. W. Brothers Derek Fielding and Duleep Sahadevan briefly responded to the Grand Master's greeting.


The Grand Master thanked V.W. Brother Norman Humes and the many Brethren involved in helping with the arrangements for lunch and the Grand Lodge Communication.


The Charity collection amounted to €1,705.

Grand Lodge Closed.