

M. W. Grand Master
R. W. Deputy Grand Master
R. W. Assistant Grand Master
R.W. Senior Grand Warden
R. W. Junior Grand Warden
R.W. Grand Treasurer
R.W. Grand Secretary
R. W. Senior Grand Chaplain
R.W. Junior Grand Chaplains

V.W. Senior Grand Deacon
V.W. Junior Grand Deacon
V. W. Grand Superintendent of Works
V. W. Grand Director of Ceremonies
V.W. Assistant Grand Treasurer
V.W. Assistant Grand Secretary
V.W. Assistant Grand Secretary
V. W. Ass. Gnd Director of Cerem.
V. W. Grand Steward
V. W. Grand Sword Bearer
V. W. Grand Stewards of Charities

V.W. Grand Almoners

V. W. Grand Organist
V.W. Grand Lodge Standard Bearer
V.W. Grand Master's Standard Bearer
As        V.W. Grand Inner Guard
V. W. Grand Secretary for Instruction
V.W. Ass. Gnd Secy for Instruction
Eric N. Waller, on the Throne
George Dunlop
William Mawhinney
R. Stanley Johnston
James Kirk
Charles W. Olden
Michael W. Walker
Ven. E. Brian Snow
Very Rev. Philip J. Knowles
Rev. Canon George N. Little
Allen G. Megarry
Norman Humes
David T. Young
Cecil D. Bums
Cecil Taylor
D. Barry Lyons
Michael R. McWilliam
Mucus O. Steenson
Richard H. Gray
William G. Manning
Charles A. McCullough
Samuel J. Patience
Alan R.G.R. Patterson
William M. Lee
John N. Rowden
Winston C. Patterson
William J. Dixon
John S. Dunlop
Michael J. Ward
Robert J. Armstrong

There were also present:-
M. W. Brother Lord Donegall, Past Grand Master; R. W. Brother R. Eric Fenelon, Past Deputy Grand Master; the Provincial Grand Masters of Antrim, Armagh, North Connaught, Down, Londonderry & Donegal, Meath, Midland Counties, Munster, North Munster, Tyrone & Fermanagh, Wicklow & Wexford, Nigeria, Ghana and Bermuda and the Chairman of the Metropolitan Board; the Provincial Deputy Grand Masters of Antrim, Armagh, North Connaught, South Connaught, Down, Londonderry & Donegal, Meath, Midland Counties, Munster, North Munster, South Eastern, Tyrone & Fermanagh, Wicklow & Wexford and Nigeria; R.W. Bros. James E. Weir, Daniel B. Fincher and Alan S. Watt, Past Senior Grand Wardens; R.W. Bros. Rev. Chutes McCurdy and Rev. W. Warren Porter, Past Junior Grand Chaplains; V.W. Bros. Leslie V. Johnston, John R. Hadden, J. Noel Millar, Charles R. Knipe, Mervyn W. Morrison, Arnold J. Cooke, Donald C. Willson, E. James Bate and Anthony J. Darlison, Past Grand Deacons; V. W. Brother Ralph B. McGuckin, Past Grand Superintendent of Works; V.W. Brother David McKee, Past Grand Director of Ceremonies; V.W. Bros, Bernard V.A. Woods and David A.R. Lovesy, Past Grand Almoners; V.W. Bros. Robert J. Hunter, Samuel A. Mackenzie and Donald H. Finlay, Past Grand Master's Standard Bearers; R.W. Bros. T. Noel Bownes and Robert S. Hackett, Past Provincial Grand Masters; R.W. Bro. Charles Hatch, Past Provincial Deputy Grand Master; and V.W. Bros. Arthur Lambert, Reginald Mack, John Torley and Robert S. Morrow, Past Grand Sword Bearers.


The following Grand Lodges were represented:- England, Scotland, Alberta, Canada in Ontario, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Victoria, Western Australia, New Zealand, Tasmania, Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, District of Columbia, Delaware, Georgia, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Jersey, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Rhode Island. South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Cuscatlan of El Salvador, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Sao Paulo, Benin, Gabon, Madagascar, Mali, Senegal, South Africa, China, Japan, the Philippines, the State of Israel, the Dominican Republic and the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio.


Apologies for non-attendance were received from:- the R.W. Grand Registrar; V.W. Bro. Dennis R Millen, Grand Steward of Charities; V. W. Bro. Alan R. Crowe, Grand Inner Guard; the Provincial Grand Masters of South Connaught and South Eastern; R.W. Bro. Rt. Rev. Samuel G. Poyntz, Past Senior Grand Chaplain; R.W. Bro. Rev. Kenneth W. Cochrane, Past Junior Grand Chaplain; R.W. Bros. Robert J. Thomson, William W. Hughes and John Greer, Past Provincial Grand Masters; V.W. Bros. George B. Crooks, Albert Topping, Leslie G. Evans and Emmanuel Markin Past Grand Deacons; V.W. Bro. Michael R. Bicknell, Past Grand Director of Ceremonies; V.W. Bros. Arthur W. White, William J. Johnston, Trevor Monteith, Andrew McFetrldge and Herbert A. Walsh, Past Grand Stewards of Charities; V.W. Brother Cecil G. Oakes, Past Grand Almoner; V. W. Bros. Thomas A.D. Martin, Robert T. Bashford and David M. Wright, Past Grand Master's Standard Bearers; the Representatives of the Grand Lodges of Saskatchewan, New South Wales, Estonia, Greece, Norway, Turkey, Hawaii, Mississippi, Missouri, New Hampshire, New York, Ohio, Grand Orient of Brazil, Burkina Faso, Guinea, the Ivory Coast and the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Connecticut; and R.W. Bros. Harold Ross and Henry M. Robinson, Past Grand Representatives.


Prior to the opening of Grand Lodge, the Grand Director of Ceremonies escorted delegations from visiting Sister Grand Lodges into Grand Lodge. The Grand Lodge of Estonia was represented by M. W. Bro. Raido Ruutel, Grand Master; the National Grand Lodge of Togo was represented by R. W. Bro. Joseph K. Kpelly‑Hukporti, Deputy Grand Master; the Regular Grand Lodge of Italy was represented by M. W. Bro. Fabio Venzi, Grand Master; the Grand Lodge of Scotland was represented by Bro. Archibald D. Orr Ewing, M.W. Grand Master Mason and Bro. C. Martin McGibbon, R.W. Grand Secretary; and the United Grand Lodge of England was represented by R.W. Bro. David Williamson, Assistant Grand Master and V.W. Bro. Robert Morrow, Grand Secretary.


Grand Lodge being opened, the Grand Master formally welcomed our distinguished visitors, on whose behalf R.W. Bro. David Williamson, Assistant Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England, suitably replied.


The Grand Master referred to the recent deaths of R.W. Bro. Capt. Sam B. Aga, Provincial Grand Master of Ireland in India; R.W. Bro. Gabriel D.H. Pieterse, Past Provincial Grand Master, South Africa Northern; R.W. Bro. Rev. Matthew G. Evans, Past Junior Grand Chaplain; V.W. Bro. Noel J. Gibson, Pest Grand Deacon; V.W. Bro. Kenneth B. Pride, Honorary Past Grand Deacon, Natal; V.W. Bro. William P. Apps, Honorary Past Grand Director of Ceremonies, the Far East; R.W. Bro. Frederick R Kane, Past Representative of the Grand Lodge of Chile; and V.W. Bro. Joseph Gordon, Elected Member of the Grand Lodge of Instruction. The memory of our departed distinguished Brethren was saluted in accordance with ancient custom.


On the proposal of the R.W. Deputy Grand Master, seconded by the R.W. Assistant Grand Master, the Minutes of the Stated Communication of Grand Lodge held on Saturday March 2"°, 2002, which had been circulated, were taken as read, confirmed and signed.


R.W. Brother Basil French, being in attendance and having produced his Patent of Appointment, the Grand Director of Ceremonies formed a procession and presented him to the Grand Master for investiture as Representative of the Grand Lodge of Chile. R.W. Brother French was conducted to his seat and was saluted.


Notice of Motion having been handed in at the previous Communication of Grand Lodge to amend Grand Lodge Laws Nos. 43, 47, 49, 119, 121 and 148, and the appropriate amendments having been circulated with the notice for this Communication of Grand Lodge, and since there was no disapproval voiced, on the proposal of the R.W. Deputy Grand Master, seconded by the R.W. Assistant Grand Master, the amendments to the above Laws, as set out below, were approved.

No. 43   In line 5 for "October" substitute "June"; and in line 12 for "December" substitute "October".

No. 47   In line 2, after the word "Fraternity' delete as far as "be not approved" in line 6; and in line 8 for "some other" substitute "a suitably qualified"

No. 49   In line 7, after the word "summon" insert the words "a meeting of the Grand Lodge Board of General Purposes to be followed by an Emergency"; and also in line 7, after the words "Grand Lodge" insert the words ", if deemed expedient,".

No. 119 In line 5 for "on St. John's Day" substitute "in December". No. 121 In line 7 for "on St. John's Day, 27'° December" substitute "in December". No. 148 In line 12 for "27'" December" substitute "30" November"



In accordance with Grand Lodge Law No. 43, the Board nominated the following Brethren as the Grand Officers for 2003:

Grand Master                                          Eric N. Waller
Senior Grand Warden                            James Kirk
Junior Grand Warden                             Robert J. Thomson
Grand Treasurer                                     Charles W. Olden
Grand Registrar                                      Arthur D.S. Moran
Senior Grand Chaplain                           Ven. E. Brian Snow
Junior Grand Chaplains                         Very Rev. Philip J. Knowles
                                                                  Rev. Canon George N. Little
Senior Grand Deacon                             Richard H. Gray
Junior Grand Deacon                             William G. Manning
Grand Superintendent of Works           David T. Young
Grand Director of Ceremonies              Cecil D. Burns
Ass. Grand Director of Ceremonies     Marcus O. Steenson
Grand Steward                                        Winston C. Patterson
Grand Sword Bearer                              Alan R. Crowe
Grand Stewards of Charities                Charles A. McCullough
                                                                 Samuel J. Patience
                                                                 Dennis R. Millen
Grand Almoners                                      Alan R.G.R. Patterson
                                                                 William M. Lee
Grand Organist                                       John N. Rowden
Grand Lodge Standard Bearer              Cecil P. Tilson
Grand Inner Guard                                  Gordon Morrison

W. Brother Peter H. Mullock FCA, Past Master of Lodge No. 395, Dublin, was nominated as Auditor of Grand Lodge Accounts for the year 2002.


Read Memorial for the issue of a new Warrant to establish a Lodge at Deno, Ghana, to be called Omega Lodge No. 927. The Memorial was recommended by Lodges Nos. 866, 887, 890, and by the Provincial Grand Master and Provincial Deputy Grand Master of Ghana. The documentation being in order and the fee having been paid, the Board recommended the issue of anew Warrant. Confirmed.

Vacancies having arisen in the Representation of the Grand Lodges of Finland, Quebec, Queensland, Illinois, Indiana, South Carolina and the York Grand Lodge of Mexico, the Board recommended that the names of W. Brother Alan Rankin, Past Master of Lodge No. 628, Belfast; W. Brother Gordon Allen, Past Master of Lodge No. 620, Dublin; W. Brother Reginald D. Neill, Past Master of Lodge No. 426, Dublin; W. Brother Ivan Meldrum, Past Master of Lodge No. 220, Pettigo; W. Brother Frederick Haugh, Past Master of Lodge No. 168, Ballymacarrett; W. Brother Brian O'Byrne, Past Master of Lodge No. 25, Dublin; and W. Brother Mervyn A. Dowling, Past Master of Lodge No. 432, Belfast, be sent forward, respectively, for consideration by those Grand Lodges as suitable Brethren to act as their Grand Representatives here. Confirmed.

Read letter from the National Grand Lodge of France, submitting the name of R.W. Brother Nathaniel Granstein, Assistant Grand Master, as a suitable Brother to act as our Grand Representative there. Recommended to Grand Lodge. Confirmed.

The Board considered applications from the Prince Hall Grand Lodges of Colorado and Pennsylvania for the granting of recognition thereto. These Prince Hall Grand Lodges both being recognized by the State Grand Lodge with jurisdiction in the States of Colorado and Pennsylvania, respectively, and both being already recognized by the United Grand Lodge of England, the Board recommended the granting of recognition to the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Colorado and the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania. Confirmed.

The Board considered a request for travelling facilities within the islands of Malta and Gozo to be granted for the Warrant of Lodge No. 906, and, in view of the reasons put forward by the Grand Inspector, R.W. Brother Joseph Cordina, recommended that Grand Lodge approve the granting of travelling facilities to the Lodge. The Board, having considered the reasons put forward, recommended that Grand Lodge approve the granting of travelling facilities to the Lodge. Confirmed.

The Board considered a request for dispensation under the terms of Grand Lodge Law No. 118 for a Brother to serve the Office of Wor. Master in Lodges Nos. 44, Clonmel, and 426, Dublin, concurrently. In view of the arguments put forward, the Board recommended that Grand Lodge approve the de facto situation, in retrospect. Confirmed.

The Board considered a charge of unmasonic conduct brought against Brother Michael Magowan of Chichester Lodge No. 313, Carrickfergus, in that on the ninth day of February 2000, at the Crown Court in Belfast, he was convicted, on his plea of guilty, of intention to pervert the course of public justice. Brother Magowan was sentenced to one year's imprisonment. The Standing Committee of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Antrim met on Tuesday Much 19't, 2002, to hear the charge finding that a prima facie case had been established. A subsequent meeting of the Standing Committee was held on Monday, May 13`h, 2002, at which Brother Magowan attended, accompanied by his Solicitor. Read report thereon from the Standing Committee of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Antrim finding that the charge of unmasonic conduct was substantiated and recommending that Brother Magowan be suspended for a period of at least one year. The Board so recommended to Grand Lodge. Confirmed.


Read letter from the Grand Lodge of Instruction seeking Grand Lodge approval for the reelection of V.W. Bro. Michael J. Ward as Grand Secretary for Instruction and V.W. Bro. Robert J. Armstrong as Assistant Grand Secretary for Instruction. Confirmed.


The Grand Secretary, on behalf of the Grand Lodge Board of General Purposes, handed in Notice of Motion to amend Grand Lodge Law No. 5 to amend the precedence of the Grand Director of Ceremonies. Details of the Motion will appear on the notice for the October Communication of Grand Lodge.


The Grand Secretary, on behalf of the Trustees of the Grand Lodge of Freemasons of Ireland Medical Research Fund, handed in Notice of Motion to appoint two new Trustees at the October Communication of Grand Lodge.


The Grand Master with the concurrence of Grand Lodge conferred the following Honorary Ranks:-

Past Junior Grand Chaplain - R .W. Bro. Rev. Canon William N.K. Amamoo on promotion from Past Grand Deacon.

Past Grand Deacons

V.W. Bro. David Lai Kim Hem, R. W. District Grand Master of the Middle East, (S.C.).
V. W. Bro. Peter C. Vanniasingham, R. W. Past District Grand Master of the Middle East, (S.C.).
V.W. Bro. Terrence W. de Beer, on promotion from Past Grand Steward.
V. W. Bro. Gaetan L. Lawson, on promotion from Past Grand Director of Ceremonies.
V.W. Bro. Joseph K. Ayekpa, on promotion from Past Grand Steward.
V.W. Bro. Sas George, on promotion from Past Grand Steward.
V.W. Bro. Gokeola O. Ekisola, on promotion from Past Grand Director of Ceremonies, Nigeria.
V.W. Bro. Rowland H. Amaewhule, on promotion from Past Grand Lodge Standard Bearer.

Past Grand Superintendent of Works

V. W. Bro. William K. Mann, Past Master of Lodge 849, Obuasi, Ghana.
V.W. Bro. Steven I. Alete, Past Master of Lodge No. 828, Port Harcourt, Nigeria.
V. W. Bro. Vincent B. Nyana, Past Master of Lodge No. 893, Lolia‑Okrika, Nigeria

Past Grand Director of Ceremonies

V. W. Bro. Igbikibiebo C. Iniabere, Past Master of Lodge No. 828, Port Harcourt, Nigeria. 
V. W. Bro. Friday E.S. Ugheberio, Past Master of Lodge No. 857, Benin City, Nigeria. 
V. W. Bro. Patrick A. Ogoegbunam, Past Master of Lodge No. 885, Onitsha, Nigeria.

Past Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies

V.W. Bro. Arthur J. Lambert, on promotion from Past Grand Sword Bearer. 
V.W. Bro. Charles E. Shrimpton, on promotion from Past Grand Sword Bearer.

Past Grand Steward

V.W. Bro. Charles Amissah-Aidoo, Past Provincial Senior Grand Warden, Ghana.
V.W. Bro. Kobla French Cudjoe, Past Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, Ghana.
V.W. Bro. Nana Osae Nyampong VI, Honorary Past Provincial Junior Grand Warden, Ghana.
V.W. Bro. Usen J.U. Eka, Past Master of Lodge No. 892, Uyo, Nigeria.

Past Grand Sword Bearer

V.W. Bro. Gbogboade Akitoye, Past Master of Lodge No. 838, Ibidan, Nigeria.

Past Grand Inner Guard

V. W. Bro. Ekpema D. Ikpe, Past Master of Lodge No. 892, Lye, Nigeria.

Past Master of the Irish Constitution

V. W. Bro. Geofrey Adjin Lartey, Past Master of Lodge No. 1522 (S.C.) Achimota, Ghana.
V.W. Bro. Edmond Kotokou Anthony, Past Master of Lodge No. 1677 (S.C.) Togo.


V.W. Bro. Rowland H. Amaewhule and V.W. Bro. Arthur J. Lambert, being in attendance, the Grand Director of Ceremonies presented them to the Grand Master to receive their Certificates of Honorary Grand Rank as Past Grand Deacon and Past Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies, respectively.


The Grand Master welcomed RW. Bro. Alabo T.O. Graham‑Douglas, Provincial Grand Master of Nigeria, and his party; R.W. Bro. Nana Herman A. Mould, Provincial Grand Master of Ghana; V.W. Bro. Major E. James Bate MBE and members of Glittering Star Lodge No. 322; V.W. Bro. Major Don Willson and members of St. Patrick's Lodge No. 295, Royal Dragoon Guards; and R.W. Bro. Stanley A. Lates, Past Provincial Grand Master of Warwickshire (E.C.); along with any other Brethren from overseas or who had travelled long distances to be at the Communication of Grand Lodge.


The Grand Master expressed his thanks to the Provincial Grand Master and Brethren of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Munster for the excellent arrangements which had been made for the March Communication of Grand Lodge in Cork. Everything had gone according to plan and the whole weekend had proved a most enjoyable and rewarding experience.

The Grand Master confirmed that since the March Communication of Grand Lodge he and the Grand Secretary had visited the Regular Grand Lodge of Belgium, in Brussels; and the Regular Grand Lodge of Italy, in Rome, for the Installation of a new Grand Master on both occasions.

The new Grand Master of the Regular Grand Lodge of Italy, M.W. Brother Fabio Venzi, was present, on this occasion on a reciprocal visit; and the Grand Master of the Regular Grand Lodge of Belgium, M.W. Brother Alexandre Cleven, planned to visit us next year. Visits to both European Sister Grand Lodges had been most useful and successful occasions.

The Grand Master reported on a visit to the Northern Provinces with a Gala Dinner at the Balmoral Conference Centre which had attracted much positive media attention and comment. This was followed up by a visit to the Provincial Grand Lodge of Antrim, meeting at Lame, where he had received a most enthusiastic welcome.

In closing, the Grand Master reported that he along with a number of the Trustees of the Grand Lodge of Freemasons of Ireland Medical Research Fund had visited Belfast City Hospital where the Fund is supporting a research project into cochlear transplants for profoundly deaf children, and others, over a three year period. The consultant, Mr. J.G. Toner, and members of his staff, had reported on progress with the research, which was most positive, and indicating that they would be happy to acknowledge the support given by the Order when presenting lectures at professional Conferences and in professional medical publications detailing the research findings.


The Charity Collection amounted to E 1,070.

Grand Lodge closed, following which some 125 Brethren and their partners, including our Distinguished Visitors from Sister Constitutions, attended a most enjoyable buffet supper in Freemasons' Hall later that evening.