There were also present:‑
M.W. Brother Lord Donegall, Past Grand Master; the Provincial Grand Masters of Armagh, North Counaught, Down, Londonderry & Donegal, Meath, Midland Counties, North Munster, Wicklow & Wexford, Nigeria and Ghana; the Provincial Deputy Grand Masters of Antrim, Armagh. North Connaught, South Connaught, Down, Londonderry & Donegal, Meath, North Munster, South Eastern, Tyrone & Fermanagh and Wicklow & Wexford; R.W. Brothers James E. Weir, Daniel B. Fincher, Kenneth G. Brislane and Robert Campbell, Past Senior Grand Wardens; R.W. Brothers Rev. Canon Richard H. Bertram and Rev. Charles McCurdy, Past Junior Grand Chaplains; VW. Brothers Robert J. Armstrong, Leslie V. Johnston, John R. Hadden, Major E. James Bate, M.B.E., Arnold J. Cooke, Charles R. Knipe, Gordon V. Bradshaw, Major Anthony J. Darlison and John S. Dunlop, Past Grand Deacons; VW. Brother Ralph B. McGuckin, Past Grand Superintendent of Works; V.W. Brother David McKee, Past Grand Director of Ceremonies; V.W. Brothers William J. Moore, Arthur W. White, Trevor Monteith, Samuel H. Boyle and William J. Johnston, Past Grand Stewards of Charities; V. W. Brothers Arthur Lambert, Reginald Mack and Robert S. Morrow, Past Grand Sword Bearers; V.W. Brothers Bernard V.A. Woods, David A.R. Lovesy and Edward C. Smith, Past Grand Almoners; and VW. Brothers Robert J. Hunter and Robert T. Bashford, Past Grand Master's Standard Bearers.
The following Grand Lodges were represented:‑ England, Scotland, British Columbia, Canada in Ontario, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, New South Wales, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece (National), Hungary, Iceland, Italy (Regular), the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Switzerland, Alaska, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Idaho, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin, Cuscatlan of El Salavador, Colombia (Cartagena), Ecuador, Gabon, Guinea, South Africa, China, Japan, the Philippines and the Dominican Republic.
Apologies for non‑attendance were received from:‑ the Provincial Grand Masters of South Connaught, Munster, South Eastern and Tyrone & Fermanagh; the Provincial Deputy Grand Masters of the Midland Counties and Munster; R. W. Brother John Greer, Past Provincial Grand Master of North Connaught; R.W. Brother Rt. Rev. Samuel G. Poyntz, Past Senior Grand Chaplain; R.W. Brothers Rev. Walter Herron, Rev. Canon Kenneth W. Cochrane, the Ven. R. Clayton Stevenson and Rev. Warren W. Porter, Past Junior Grand Chaplains; R.W. Brother Nana Dr. Fredua Mensah, Past Senior Grand Warden; VW. Brother Michael R. Bicknell, Past Grand Director of Ceremonies; VW. Brothers John N. Millar, Arthur T. Pollock, John McLean and Laurie T. West, Past Grand Deacons; V.W. Brothers Robert H.B. Mills, Herbert A. Walsh and Andrew McFetridge, Past Grand Stewards of Charities; VW. Brother Cecil G. Oakes, Past Grand Almoner; VW. Brothers Thomas A.D. Martin, Dr. Norman Jackson and David M. Wright, Past Grand Master's Standard Bearers; and the Representatives of the Grand Lodges of Saskatchewan, South Australia, Estonia, Portugal, the District of Columbia, Mississippi, Colombia, Venezuela, Benin, the Ivory Coast and Senegal; the Prince Hall Grand Lodges of Connecticut and Ohio; and R.W. Brothers Harold Ross and Douglas Wakefield, Past Grand Representatives,
Prior to the opening of Grand Lodge, the Grand Director of Ceremonies escorted R.W. Brother James W. Daniel, PJGW, Grand Secretary of the United Grand Lodge of England, into Grand Lodge. R. W. Brother Daniel was greeted by the Grand Master and conducted to his seat on the dais. Grand Lodge being opened, R.W. Brother Daniel was welcomed by the Grand Master who referred to his impending retirement within the next year stating that this would be the last Stated Grand Lodge Communication at which he would be present in his current Office. R.W. Brother Daniel suitably replied, and was saluted.
The Grand Master referred to the recent deaths of M. W. Brother the Rt. Hon. the Lord Farnham, Past Pro Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England and Past Senior Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge of Ireland; R. W. Brother Joseph A. Moran, Honorary Past Junior Grand Warden; R.W. Brother Bernard W. Pearce, Past Provincial Grand Master, Natal; VW. Brother Eldon Y. Exshaw, Past Grand Deacon; R.W. Brother Omaru El‑Alawa, Provincial Deputy Grand Master of Ghana; R.W. Brother Harold Gough, Past Provincial Deputy Grand Master of Londonderry & Donegal; R. W. Brother Geoffrey M. Merrey, Representative of the Grand Lodge of Quebec; VW. Brother Barrington Miller, Honorary Past Grand Lodge Standard Bearer, Jamaica; and V. W. Brother Arthur L.T. Campbell, an Elected Member of the Grand Lodge of Instruction. The memory of our departed distinguished Brethren was saluted in accordance with ancient custom.
R.W. Brother Harvey F.J. Heavener, being in attendance and having produced his Patent of Appointment, the Grand Director of Ceremonies formed a procession and presented him to the Grand Master for Obligation, Investiture and Installation as Provincial Grand Master of Wicklow & Wexford. R.W. Brother Heavener's sponsors were R.W. Brother Eric N. Waller, Past Provincial Grand Master and VW. Brother Neil H.H. Fenton. The Chain of Office was borne by VW. Brother Brian Kearon, Provincial Grand Treasurer. Following his Installation, R.W. Brother Heavener was proclaimed by the Grand Master and saluted. R.W. Brother Heavener suitably replied.
R.W. Brother George Miskinunins, being in attendance and having produced his Patent of Appointment, the Grand Director of Ceremonies formed a procession and presented him to the Grand Master for Obligation, Investiture and Installation as Provincial Grand Master of Armagh. R.W. Brother Miskimmins's sponsors were R.W. Brother T. Noel Bownes, Past Provincial Grand Master and R.W. Brother Charles Hatch, Provincial Deputy Grand Master. R.W. Brother Leslie V. Johnston, Provincial Grand Secretary, carried the Laws & Constitutions of Grand Lodge and the By‑Laws of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Armagh in the procession.
Following his Installation, R. W. Brother Miskimmins was proclaimed by the Grand Master and saluted. R. W. Brother Miskimmins suitably replied.
R.W. Brother Selwyn S. Davies, Chairman of the Metropolitan Board, being in attendance, the Grand Director of Ceremonies presented him to the Grand Master who invested him with his Chain of Office. R.W. Brother Davies was conducted to his seat and was saluted, following which he suitably replied.
R.W. Brothers John G. Whittaker, William G. Cullen, William J. Kissack, John L. Frazer, William McLain and the Rev. Charles McCurdy being in attendance and having produced their Patents of Appointment, the Grand Director of Ceremonies formed processions and presented them to the Grand Master for investiture as Representatives of the Grand Lodges of New South Wales, New York, Rhode Island, Hawaii, Guinea and Tennessee respectively. The newly invested Grand Representatives were conducted to their seats and were saluted.
On the proposal of the R.W. Deputy Grand Master, seconded by the R.W. Assistant Grand Master, the Minutes of the Stated Communications of December 7`h and St. John's Day, December 27`h, 2000, were taken as read, confirmed and signed.
The Grand Treasurer, R.W. Brother Charles W. Olden, submitted the Accounts of Grand Lodge which had been recommended by the Grand Lodge Board of General Purposes for Grand Lodge approval. R.W. Brother Olden explained the Accounts in some detail following which there were no questions raised and the Accounts were adopted unanimously by Grand Lodge.
In accordance with Grand Lodge Law No. 67 paragraph 2, the Grand Secretary submitted the list of Warrants surrendered and the names of Brethren expelled, suspended, struck off and restored during the year 2000.
Vacancies having arisen in the Representation of the Grand Lodges of Alberta, New Zealand, Croatia, Denmark (National), Poland (National), Sao Paulo and the State of Israel, the Board recommended that the names of VW, Brother Noel A. Drain, Provincial Grand Secretary of Londonderry & Donegal; W. Brother William S. Cummings, Past Master of Lodge No. 140; VW. Brother Trevor Monteith, Past Grand Steward of Charities; W. Brother Charles Meban, Past Master of Lodge No. 175; W. Brother Captain Gordon A. Thompson, Past :Master of Lodge No. 555; VW. Brother Kenneth Abernethy, Past Provincial Senior Grand Warden of Down; and W. Brother Joseph N. Lewis, Past Master of Lodge No. 820, be sent forward for consideration, respectively, as suitable Brethren to act as their Grand Representatives here. Confirmed.
Read letter from the Grand Lodge of Croatia, submitting the name of V.W. Brother Zeliko Kovacic, Deputy Grand Master, as a suitable Brother to act as our Grand Representative there. Recommended to Grand Lodge. Confirmed.
The Board considered a request for recognition submitted by the State Grand Lodge of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Having received confirmation that the problems concerning the granting of recognition, which had been deferred at the December 2000 Communication, were now resolved, the Board recommended that recognition be granted and an exchange of Grand Representatives agreed. Confirmed.
The Board noted with regret, for reporting to Grand Lodge, the decision of the Brethren of Lodge No. 786, Natal, to return the Warrant.
The Warrant of Morakot Lodge No. 945, Bangkok, having been suspended for a period of sir, months in December 2000, on the recommendation of the Grand Inspector, R.W. Brother Koh Thian Swee, the Board recommended that the suspension be lifted and that the Lodge recommence labour. Confirmed.
The Board considered a request for the lifting of the suspension imposed upon a Brother of Tyre Lodge No. 724. Having considered correspondence from the Lodge and also from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Down, the Board recommended that Grand Lodge lift the suspension. Confirmed.
The Board considered a charge of unmasonic conduct brought against a Brother of Thomas Valentine Lodge No. 21, relating to the fact that on divers dates between 15th July 1997 and 1st October 1997, the Brother conspired with persons, not before the Court, to rob an employee of Royal Mail Cashco of £337,414 or thereabouts, in money and stock, contrary to Section 8 (i) of the Theft Act (ICI.) 1969 and Article 9 (i) of the Criminal Attempts and Conspiracy (ICI.) Order 1983. On his plea of guilty, the Brother was convicted and sentenced to five years imprisonment. Read report thereon from the Standing Committee of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Antrim which met on Tuesday October 3rd 2000, to hear the Charge, and, on fording it proven, recommending that the Brother be suspended during the pleasure of Grand Lodge. The Board recommended that the Brother be expelled. Confirmed.
The Board considered a charge of unmasonic conduct brought against a Brother of Lodge No. 211, Magherafelt, in that on June 4th 1999, the Brother fatally wounded his wife, by means of a firearm, during a domestic dispute at the family home. At the Crown Court Session at Omagh on December 17th 1999, the Brother pleaded guilty to "manslaughter by way of provocation". He was sentenced to five years imprisonment to be followed by a probation period of a further year. Read report thereon from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Londonderry & Donegal which met on April 25th 2001, to consider the case of unmasonic conduct and, finding it proven, the Provincial Grand Lodge Standing Committee recommended that the Brother be expelled. Recommended to Grand Lodge. Confirmed.
The Board considered a charge of unmasonic conduct brought against a Brother, former Treasurer of Lodge No. 240, Ballymacarrett, for alleged misappropriation of Lodge funds. Read report thereon from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Down which met to consider the case on Wednesday May 2nd 2001. In the event, the Provincial Grand Lodge Board found that the charge of unmasonic conduct was substantiated and recommended that the Brother be expelled. Recommended to Grand Lodge. Confirmed.
The Board considered a charge of unmasonic conduct brought against a Brother of Corlea Lodge No. 790, Belfast, in that at the Crown Court Sitting at Londonderry on September 5th 2000, the Brother was indicted and, on his plea of guilty, sentenced to three years imprisonment and eighteen months on probation, following release, in connection with gross indecency and assaults on children. Read report thereon from the Provincial Grand Lodge Standing Committee of Antrim which met on Monday January 22nd 2001, to hear the Charge which, having been found to be substantiated, the Standing Committee recommended that the Brother be expelled. Recommended to Grand Lodge. Confirmed.
The Board considered a breach of Grand Lodge Law No. 119 by Lodge No. 59, Belfast, in that the Officers of the Lodge were installed without having received Leave to Install from Grand Lodge. Leave to Install had not been issued because there was an outstanding debit balance on the Lodge Account amounting to £31. The Board recommended that, in the circumstances, Grand Lodge impose a fine amounting to the same amount that was outstanding, namely, £31. Confirmed.
Read letter from the Masonic Trust Company requesting Grand Lodge approval for the election of R.W. Brother Charles W. Olden, Grand Treasurer, as a member of the Masonic Trust Company. Recommended to Grand Lodge. Confirmed.
The Board received a verbal report on the situation in Bermuda where it was noted that the efforts being made to achieve a resolution of the impasse there appeared to be having some positive effect and it was hoped that this would be speedily effected. The Deputy Grand Master reported that applications had been received from 14 of the 15 suspended Brethren asking for their suspension to be lifted. Following considerable discussion, the Board recommended that should the fifteenth suspended Brother submit a written application to have his suspension lifted prior to the June 7th Quarterly Communication meeting of Grand Lodge and that irrevocable agreement had been received to discontinue the action pending in the Supreme Court of Bermuda, Grand Lodge would lift the suspension on all 15 suspended Brethren of Hannibal Lodge No. 224. Confirmed.
The Grand Treasurer, R.W. Brother Charles W. Olden, handed in Notice of Motion to amend Grand Lodge dues, fees and fines. It had been some years since Grand Lodge dues were last increased and it was necessary, in any case, to make appropriate changes with the Irish currency changing to the Euro standard as from January 1st , 2002.
Read letter from the Grand Lodge of Instruction seeking Grand Lodge approval for the reelection of VW. Brother Michael J. Ward as Grand Secretary for Instruction and V.W. Brother Robert J. Armstrong as Assistant Grand Secretary for Instruction in succession to the late V. W. Brother James E. McKeag. Confirmed.
VW. Brother Robert J. Armstrong, being in attendance, the Grand Director of Ceremonies presented him to the Grand Master for investiture as Assistant Grand Secretary for Instruction. The Grand Master thanked Brother Armstrong for taking on this further onerous and important Office. VW. Brother Armstrong was saluted.
The Grand Master welcomed the Provincial Grand Master of Nigeria, R. W. Brother Atabo T.O. Graham‑Douglas and his accompanying Brethren from Nigeria; the Provincial Grand Master of Ghana, R.W. Brother Nana Herman A. Mould, and his accompanying Brethren from Ghana; and VW. Brother Major E.J. Bate, M.B.E., along with accompanying Brethren from Glittering Star Lodge No. 322, in the Worcestershire & Sherwood Foresters Regiment and St. Patrick's Lodge No. 295, in the Royal Dragoon Guards. R.W. Brother Graham‑Douglas, R.W. Brother Nana Herman Mould and V.W. Brother Major E. James Bate suitably replied amidst acclamation.
The Grand Master with the concurrence of Grand Lodge conferred the following Honorary Ranks:
Past Grand Deacon |
V. W. Brother Mervyn W. Morrison |
- Great Chief of the Grand Council of Knight Masons |
VW. Brother Solomon I. Ibidapo |
- on promotion from Past Grand Inner Guard, |
Nigeria. |
V. W. Brother Leonard M. Quartey |
- on promotion. |
VW. Brother Jacob W. Bossoh-Kpohanu |
- on promotion. |
V. W. Brother Harry Reynolds |
- on promotion. |
VW. Brother John A. Kufuor |
- Past District Grand Warden (E.C.) |
V. W. Brother Douglas A. Welden |
- on promotion, South Australia. |
V.W. Brother Alan F.A. Finch |
- on promotion, South Australia. |
Past Grand Superintendent of Works |
V.W. Brother Anthony M.D. Allen |
- Past Master of Lodge No. 918, Botswana. |
Past Grand Director of Ceremonies |
VW. Brother Gaetan L. Law son |
- Past Prop incial Assistant Grand Master, Ghana. |
Past Grand Steward |
VW. Brother Nana Peter Appiah |
- Past Master of Lodge No. 844, Ghana. |
V. W. Brother Kwaku Baah |
- Past Master of Lodge No. 896, Ghana. |
Past Grand Steward of Charities |
VW. Brother Richard J. Reid |
- Past Metropolitan Steward of Charities. |
Past Grand Almoner |
V.W. Brother Justice Emmanuel O. Goodwill |
- Past Master of Lodge No. 902, Kono, Nigeria. |
Following the conferral of Honorary Grand Ranks, the Grand Master referred to the long and valuable contribution to Freemasonry during his service as Provincial Grand Master of Nigeria and previously, which had been made by R.W. Brother Chief Meppi A. Ivon‑Jarrett. To mark his esteem and approval, the Grand Master conferred the rank of Past Junior Grand Warden on R.W. Brother Ivon‑Jarrett and presented him with his Certificate of Honorary Rank. This announcement was greeted with acclamation. V. W. Brothers Mervyn W. Morrison and Richard J. Reid, being in attendance, the Grand Director of Ceremonies presented them to the Grand Master for presentation with their Certificates of Honorary Rank which also met with acclamation.
A group of Brethren from the Londonderry area who were touring Ireland on motorbicycles to raise money for Meningitis Research and the Masonic Charities, headed by Wor. Brother Kenneth Hamilton were presented to the Grand Master and handed over a plaque bearing the Arms of Londonderry City which was received by the Grand Master who thanked them for their fund‑raising efforts and wished them well as they continued on their way.
The Charity Collection amounted to £680.
Before closing Grand Lodge, the Grand Master, M.W. Brother Darwin H. Templeton, announced his retirement and his intention to install his successor at an Especial Communication of Grand Lodge to be held on Thursday, November 22nd 2001. The Grand Master pointed out that he had now completed twenty years of continuous service since his installation as Grand Treasurer in 1981; and that he felt this was an appropriate time to retire from active Grand Office.
Grand Lodge closed following which some 120 Brethren and their wives attended a most enjoyable buffet supper in Freemasons' Hall.