
M.W. Grand Master                                                   Douglas T. Grey
R.W. Deputy Grand Master                                      Rodney L. McCurley
R.W. Assistant Grand Master                                   Leslie J. Nixon
R.W. Senior Grand Warden                                     Geoffrey G. Ashton
As   R.W. Junior Grand Warden                                      Selwyn S. Davies
R.W. Grand Treasurer                                               Richard Ensor
R.W. Grand Registrar                                                N. John Hunter
R.W. Grand Secretary                                               D. Barry Lyons
R.W. Grand Director of Ceremonies                              Sam Young  
R.W. Junior Grand Chaplains                            The Rev. Noel H.L. Regan
  The Rev. Richard W. Moore
V.W. Senior Grand Deacon                                     Sam Scott
V.W. Junior Grand Deacon                                      Raymond Mark
V.W. Grand Superintendent of Works                                       David T. Young
V.W. Asst. Grand Director of Ceremonies                                 Cecil Wellwood
V.W. Grand Steward                                                  W. David Valentine 
V.W. Grand Sword Bearer                             J. Barry Jenkins
V.W. Grand Stewards of Charities Diarmuid McNulty
  Leslie J. Nixon
  James Kilpatrick
V.W. Grand Almoners                                         J. Edward Brownell
  T. Albert Wilson
V.W. Grand Organist                                                 John N. Rowden
V.W. Grand Lodge Standard Bearer                              William R.T. McClenaghan
V.W. Grand Master's Standard Bearer                                       John Gault
V.W. Grand Inner Guard                                           John C. Clarke
V.W. Grand Secretary for Instruction                             Michael J. Ward
V.W. Asst. Grand Secretaries for Instruction                           

James McFaland                                                        
Paul Kenny

There were also present:- M.W. Brother Eric N. Waller, Past Grand Master; the Provincial Grand Masters of Antrim, Armagh, North Connaught, Down, Meath, Midland Counties, Munster, North Munster, South Eastern, Tyrone & Fermanagh and Wicklow & Wexford; and the Chairman of the Metropolitan Board; the Provincial Deputy Grand Masters of Antrim, Armagh, North Connaught, South Connaught, Down, Meath, Midland Counties and Tyrone & Fermanagh; R.W. Brothers R. Wilson Mark, R. Arthur Keppel, J. Kenneth Dunne, Harvey F.J. Heavener and Robert G. Quigley, Past Provincial Grand Masters; R.W. Brother Edward C.W. Smith, Past Provincial Deputy Grand Master; R.W. Brothers Allen G. Megarry and William J. Dyer, Past Grand Directors of Ceremonies; V.W. Brothers Terence O. Read, Robert J. Robinson, John O. Dunlop, T. Robert McDowell, Basil Elliott and Alan Stewart, Past Grand Deacons; V.W. Brother Arnold W.J. Smith, Past Assistant Grand Treasurer; V.W. Brother William J. Johnston, Past Grand Steward of Charities; V.W. Brothers Bernard V.A. Woods and Victor Whyte, Past Grand Almoners; and V.W. Brothers William J. Dixon, Robin E.W. Newenham and Kwesi O-P Ackah, Past Grand Master’s Standard Bearers.

The following Grand Lodges were represented:- Scotland, Canada in Ontario, Newfoundland & Labrador, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Saskatchewan, Western Australia, New Zealand, Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Norway, Romania, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Alaska, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri, Nevada, New Jersey, North Dakota, Ohio, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, Argentina, Colombia (Cartagena), Guinea, Senegal, Japan and Mauritius; and the Prince Hall Grand Lodges of Alaska & Jurisdiction, the Caribbean and Jurisdiction, Colorado, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Ohio, Ontario and Jurisdiction and Texas.

Apologies for non-attendance were received from:- the R.W. Senior Grand Chaplain; the Provincial Grand Master of Londonderry & Donegal; R.W. Brothers Robert J. Thomson, William W.T. Shortland and Alan Campbell, Past Provincial Grand Masters; R.W. Brother Dennis R. Millen, Past Provincial Deputy Grand Master; R.W. Brother Michael W. Walker, Past Grand Secretary; R.W. Brother the Rt. Rev. Samuel G. Poyntz, Past Senior Grand Chaplain; V.W. Brother W. Warren Porter, Past Junior Grand Chaplain; V.W. Brother Ralph B. McGuckin, Past Grand Superintendent of Works; V.W. Brother Cecil Taylor, Past Assistant Grand Treasurer; V.W. Brother Donald H. Finlay, Past Grand Master’s Standard Bearer; the Representatives of the Grand Lodges of New South Wales, Iceland, Slovakia, Turkey, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Massachusetts, New York, Rhode Island, Texas, Costa Rica, Mexico (York), Mato Grosso do Sul, Sao Paolo, Burkina Faso and Madagascar and R.W. Brother Samuel McConnell, Past Foreign Representative.

Grand Lodge being opened - The Grand Master, M.W. Brother Douglas T, Grey, was proclaimed and saluted.

The Deputy Grand Master, R.W. Brother Rodney L. McCurley and the Assistant Grand Master, R.W. Brother Leslie J. Nixon were proclaimed and saluted.

The Grand Master referred to the recent death of R.W. Bro. Basil French, Past Foreign Representative.
The memory of our departed distinguished Brother was saluted in accordance with ancient custom.

The Grand Master welcomed all Brethren attending Grand Lodge, noting and complimenting the large attendance.

The Grand Master proposed the dissolution of the Grievance Committee, following lengthy consideration of the matter, and the Board concurred. Recommended to Grand Lodge. Confirmed.

The Board considered and granted a request by Masonic Havens Limited to appoint specific nominated Brethren as members i.e. the Assistant Grand Master, the Grand Secretary, the Provincial Grand Master and Provincial Deputy Grand Master of the Province of Meath; and Bro. Richard Graves.
It also granted a request from the same body for Bro. Richard Graves to be appointed a full member of the Board of Governors.

The Board considered an application for a Warrant to establish a Lodge in Sierra Leone and directed the Grand Secretary to request further information.

The Board noted for reporting to Grand Lodge the imminent return of the Warrants of Lodge No. 113, Killyleagh; Look Forward Lodge No. 100, Londonderry; Grosvenor Lodge No. 393, Newtownabbey; Sir Crawford McCullagh Lodge No. 427, Newtownabbey and Holmlea Lodge No. 740, Belfast.

The Board considered requests for dispensation under Grand Lodge Law No. 118 for a Brother to serve as Secretary in two Lodges in 2015 and recommended same to Grand Lodge:-

(a.) 124 & 296, Down                             (b) 688, Down & 960, Antrim

(c)  746, Down & 434, Antrim

The Board considered requests for dispensation under Grand Lodge Law No. 118 for a Brother to serve as Worshipful Master and Senior Warden in two Lodges in 2015 and recommended same to Grand Lodge: -

(a) 607 & 414, Antrim                            (b) 680 & 616, Antrim

(c) 728 & 611, Dublin                            (d) 636 & 162, Antrim

The Board considered a request for dispensation under Grand Lodge Law No. 118 for a Brother to serve as Senior Warden in Lodge No. 636, Antrim and the Internet Lodge No. 2000 in 2015 and recommended same to Grand Lodge. Confirmed.

The Board considered requests for dispensation under Grand Lodge Law No. 118 for a Brother to serve as Senior Warden and Junior Warden in two Lodges in 2015 and recommended same to Grand Lodge:–

(a). 505 & 636, Antrim                            (b) 298 & 107, Sri Lanka


A vacancy having arisen in the Representation of the Grand Lodge of British Columbia, the Board recommended that the name of W. Bro. Joseph C. Byrne, Past Master of Victoria Lodge No. 4, Dublin, be sent forward for consideration to act as their Grand Representative here. Recommended to Grand Lodge. Confirmed.

A vacancy having arisen in the Representation of the Grand Lodge of South Australia, the Board recommended that the name of W. Bro. Michael M. Costello, Past Master of Caxton Lodge No. 511, be sent forward for consideration to act as their Grand Representative here. Recommended to Grand Lodge. Confirmed.

A vacancy having arisen in the Representation of the Grand Lodge of Western Australia, the Board recommended that the name of W. Bro. Alan F. Harrisson, Past Master of Garrison Lodge No. 730, Dublin, be sent forward for consideration to act as their Grand Representative here. Recommended to Grand Lodge. Confirmed.

A vacancy having arisen in the Representation of the Grand Lodge of the Czech Republic, the Board recommended that the name of W. Bro. Robert T.A. Abernethy, Past Master of Scott Lodge No. 300, Coalisland, be sent forward for consideration to act as their Grand Representative here. Recommended to Grand Lodge. Confirmed.

A vacancy having arisen in the Representation of the Grand Lodge of Mississippi, the Board recommended that the name of W. Bro. Robert J. Dickson, Almoner of Unity Lodge No. 396, Cookstown, be sent forward for consideration to act as their Grand Representative here. Recommended to Grand Lodge. Confirmed.

A vacancy having arisen in the Representation of the Grand Lodge of Texas, the Board recommended that the name of W. Bro. Henry D. Friar, Past Master of Mourne Lodge No. 823, Strabane, be sent forward for consideration to act as their Grand Representative here. Recommended to Grand Lodge. Confirmed.

A vacancy having arisen in the Representation of the Grand Lodge of Venezuela, the Board recommended that the name of W. Bro. Kenneth W. Vance, Past Master of Festival of Zion Lodge No. 597, Belfast, be sent forward for consideration to act as their Grand Representative here. Recommended to Grand Lodge. Confirmed.

A vacancy having arisen in the Representation of the Grand Lodge of Delaware, the Board recommended that the name of V.W. Bro. J. Henry Blackburn, Past Master of Harmony Lodge No. 352, Castleblayney, be sent forward for consideration to act as their Grand Representative here. Recommended to Grand Lodge. Confirmed.

Read letter from the Grand Lodge of Kentucky submitting the name of W. Bro. Wilson K. Wilder to act as our Grand Representative there. Recommended to Grand Lodge. Confirmed.

Read letter from the Grand Lodge of Ghana submitting the name of M.W. Bro. Otwasuom Osae Nyampong VI to act as our Grand Representative there. Recommended to Grand Lodge. Confirmed.

The Board considered a charge of unmasonic conduct against a Brother of Lodge Nos. 247 & 265, South Africa Northern, in that a sub-committee of the Provincial Grand Lodge of South Africa Northern, found him, by a majority verdict, guilty of misappropriation of Masonic funds and recommended expulsion from the Order.
In the light of the majority, as opposed to a unanimous, verdict the Board recommends suspension, at the pleasure of Grand Lodge. Recommended to Grand Lodge. Confirmed.   

The Grand Master announced that he was re-appointing all Provincial Grand Masters (except those of the Midlands, North Munster and New Zealand, whose Provincial Grand Masters were retiring in 2015) and all Grand Inspectors, who were saluted.

The Grand Director of Ceremonies formed a procession and presented R.W. Brother S. Gordon Leathem to the Grand Master for investiture as Senior Grand Warden. R.W. Brother Leathem was installed and was saluted.

The Grand Director of Ceremonies formed a procession and presented R.W. Brother R. Arthur Keppel to the Grand Master for investiture as Junior Grand Warden. R.W. Brother Keppel was installed and was saluted.

The following were then invested or proclaimed, and saluted, as the Grand Officers for 2015:-

R.W. Grand Treasurer                                    Richard Ensor
R.W. Grand Registrar                                     N. John Hunter
R.W. Grand Secretary                                     D. Barry Lyons
R.W. Grand Director of Ceremonies           
Sam Young
V.W. Junior Grand Chaplains                       The Rev. Noel H.L. Regan
  The Rev. Richard W. Moore
V.W. Senior Grand Deacon                          
W. David Valentine
V.W. Junior Grand Deacon                           J. Barry Jenkins
V.W. Grand Superintendent of Works         David T. Young
V.W. Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies 
Cecil Wellwood
V.W. Grand Steward                                       William R.T. McClenaghan
V.W. Grand Sword Bearer                              John C. Clarke 
V.W. Grand Steward of Charities                 John Edens
  Kenneth W. McClure
  James Kilpatrick
V.W. Grand Almoners                                     Kevin Spring
  James B. McBain
V.W. Grand Organist                                       John N. Rowden
V.W. Grand Lodge Standard Bearer            David W. Gibson-Brabazon
V.W. Grand Master’s Standard Bearer        John A. Boddy
V.W. Grand Inner Guard                                David Henderson


V.W. Brother Philip Thompson, Past Master of Lodge No. 657, The Mount, being in attendance and having produced his Patent of Appointment, the Grand Director of Ceremonies formed a procession and presented him to the Grand Master for investiture as Representative of the Grand Lodge of Indiana.

W. Brother Andrew Lyall, Past Master of Lodge No. 25, Dublin, being in attendance and having produced his Patent of Appointment, the Grand Director of Ceremonies formed a procession and presented him to the Grand Master for investiture as Representative of the Regular Grand Lodge of Italy.

The newly invested Representatives were conducted to their seats and saluted along with the Representatives of all Foreign Grand Lodges with which the Grand Lodge of Ireland is in amity.

The following Brethren were then presented to the Grand Master for presentation with their Certificates of Past Grand Rank:-

R.W. Bro. Geoffrey G. Ashton                -           Past Senior Grand Warden
V.W. Bro. Sam Scott                                 -          Past Grand Deacon
V.W. Bro. Raymond Mark                        -           Past Grand Deacon
V.W. Bro. John Gault                               -           Past Grand Master’s Standard Bearer
V.W. Bro. Diarmuid McNulty                   -           Past Grand Steward of Charities
V.W. Bro. Leslie J. Nixon                        -           Past Grand Steward of Charities
V.W. Bro. J. Edward Brownell                -           Past Grand Almoner
V.W. Bro. T. Albert Wilson                       -          Past Grand Almoner


The Grand Treasurer proposed a Motion that Grand Lodge make a donation of €5000 to the Masonic Benevolent Institutions. The Motion was seconded by the Assistant Grand Master and was passed unanimously.

The Grand Secretary submitted the Returns of Officers of subordinate Lodges and the names of Representatives on the Grand Lodge and Metropolitan Boards of General Purposes, for approval. 
Grand Lodge approved the Returns, all of which had been submitted, checked and found to be correct bar two, for which retrospective approval has now been given.

The Grand Master delivered his address, the details of which will appear in the Annual Report for 2014.

Past Grand Superintendent of Works
V.W. Bro. Foo Kean Oo                         -    On promotion from Hon. Past Grand Steward

Past Grand Steward
V.W. Bro. Andre B. Smith                    -    Provincial Grand Treasurer, Jamaica & The Bahamas
V.W. Bro. Nigel G. Chen-See              -    Provincial Grand Secretary, Jamaica & The Bahamas
V.W. Bro. James J. Worton                -    Provincial Grand Chaplain, Jamaica & The Bahamas
W. Bro. William L. Shagoury               -    Provincial Grand Supt. of Works, Jamaica & The Bahamas
Past Grand Almoner
V.W. Bro. Kenneth R. Pentecost         -    Past Provincial Junior Grand Warden, New Zealand
V.W. Bro. Errol L. Tuffery                     -    Past Provincial Senior Grand Warden, New Zealand
V.W. Bro. John L. Dormer                    -    Past Provincial Junior Grand Warden, New Zealand

Past Grand Lodge Standard Bearer
V.W. Bro. Indran Venga                        -    Provincial Junior Grand Chaplain, South East Asia
W. Bro. Brian J. Wilson                         -    Past Master of Lodge No. 295, The Royal Dragoon Guards

The Grand Master announced that he was donating the Charity Collection to the Salvation Army in the South and the Society of St. Vincent de Paul in the North.

The Collection amounted to €1,557.49.

Also in light of the recent renewed appeals to help the homeless, following the death of a man on Molesworth Street, the Grand Master pledged an additional €2,000 to the Salvation Army.

Grand Lodge closed, following which 75 Brethren lunched in Freemasons’ Hall, where the Deputy Grand Master proposed a toast to the health of the Grand Master.