


M.W. Grand Master Eric N. Waller, on the Throne
R.W. Deputy Grand Master George Dunlop
R.W. Assistant Grand Master William Mawhinney
R.W. Senior Grand Warden John Greer
R.W. Junior Grand Warden T. Noel Bownes
R.W. Grand Treasurer Charles W. Olden
R. W. Grand Registrar Arthur D.S. Moran
R.W. Grand Secretary Michael W. Walker
R. W. Grand Director of Ceremonies Cecil D. Burns
R.W. Senior Grand Chaplain The Rev. Canon George N. Little
R.W. Junior Grand Chaplain The Rev. Selwoode Graham
V.W. Senior Grand Deacon Cecil Tilson
V.W. Junior Grand Deacon Gordon Morrison
V.W. Grand Superintendent of Works David T. Young
V.W. Assistant Grand Secretary D. Barry Lyons
V. W. Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies William J. Dyer
V.W. Grand Steward Kenneth Abernethy
V.W. Grand Sword Bearer Robert J. Robinson
V.W. Grand Stewards of Charities Roger Matthews
  Robert Bankhead
  Robert T. McCaffrey
V.W. Grand Almoners William T.H. Balmer
  Richard Ensor
V.W. Grand Organist John N. Rowden
V.W. Grand Lodge Standard Bearer Frank R.L. Arnold
V.W. Grand Master's Standard Bearer Brian Kearon
V.W. Grand Inner Guard John L. Frazer
V.W. Grand Secretary for Instruction Michael J. Ward
V. W. Assistant Grand Secretary for Instruction Robert J. Armstrong

There were also present:‑ the Provincial Grand Masters of Antrim, Armagh, North Connaught, Down, Londonderry & Donegal, Meath, Midland Counties, Munster, North Munster, Tyrone & Fermanagh, Wicklow & Wexford, South Africa Northern, Nigeria, Ghana and Bermuda; the Grand Inspectors of Gibraltar, Sierra Leone and Botswana; Past Provincial Grand Masters of the Midland Counties, Tyrone & Fermanagh and Bermuda; Provincial Deputy Grand Masters. of South Connaught, Down, Londonderry & Donegal, Meath, North Munster, Tyrone & Fermanagh, Wicklow & Wexford and Nigeria; R.W. Bro. Richard Ensor, Chairman of the Metropolitan Board; R.W. Bro. Selwyn S. Davies, Past Chairman of the Metropolitan Board; R.W. Bros. Daniel B. Fincher, Nana Dr. Fredua Mensah, Robert Campbell, R. Stanley Johnston and Robert J. Thomson, Past Senior Grand Wardens; R.W. Bros. Michael B.S. Higham and Joseph Chiara, Honorary Past Junior Grand Wardens: R.W. Bros. David McKee and Allen G. Megarry, Past Grand Directors of Ceremonies; R.W. Bros. Richard H. Bertram and Warren W. Porter, Past Junior Grand Chaplains; V.W. 'Bros. Terence O. Read and Leslie V. Johnston, Past Grand Deacons; V.W. Bros. Major E. James Bate, Arnold J. Cooke, Charles R. Knipe, Raymond A. Leadbeater, Anthony J. Darlison and Samuel H. Boyle, Honorary Past Grand Deacons; V.W. Bro. Cecil Taylor, Past Assistant Grand Treasurer; V.W. Bro. John Torley, Honorary Past Grand Sword Bearer; V.W. Bros. Ivor A. Moloney, Arthur W. White, William J. Johnston, Charles A. McCullough, Samuel J. Patience and Dennis R. Millen, Past Grand Stewards of Charities; V.W. Bro. Emmanuel D. Andrew Jaja, Honorary Past Grand Steward of Charities; V.W. Bros. Bernard V.A. Woods and David A.R. Lovesy, Past Grand Almoners; V.W. Bros. Brian Sheridan and Samuel Scott, Honorary Past Grand Stewards; V.W. Bros. T.A.D. Martin, Robert T. Bashford, S.A. Mackenzie, D.H. Finlay and William J. Dixon, Past Grand Master's Standard Bearers; and R.W. Bros. Nigel S. Tyney and Henry R. Robinson, Past Grand Representatives.


The following Grand Lodges were represented:‑ Scotland, Alberta, British Columbia, Canada in Ontario, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, Belgium (Regular), Denmark, Finland, France (National), Germany, Iceland, Lithuania, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Yugoslavia, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Louisiana, Maine, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Ohio, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin, Chile, Colombia, Peru, Sao Paulo, Venezuela, Benin, Burkina Faso, Gabon, Ivory Coast, Madagascar, Mali, South Africa, India, the Philippines, Cuba, the Dominican Republic and the Prince Hall Grand Lodges of Colorado and Ohio.


Apologies for non‑attendance were received from:‑ the M.W. Past Grand Master, Lord Donegall; the R.W. Past Deputy Grand Master; the R.W. Provincial Grand Masters of South Connaught, South Eastern and Jamaica and the Bahamas; the R.W; Provincial Deputy Grand Masters of Armagh, Antrim and North Connaught; R.W. Bro. William W. Hughes, Past Senior Grand Warden; R.W. Bro. the Rt. Rev. Samuel G. Poyntz, Past Senior Grand Chaplain; R.W. Bro. the Ven. John G. Murray, Junior Grand Chaplain; R.W. Bros. the Rev. Canon Ken Cochrane and the Very Rev. Philip J. Knowles, Past Junior Grand Chaplains; R.W. Bro. Michael Bicknell, Past Grand Director of Ceremonies; V.W. Bros. Arthur T. Pollock and Norman Humes, Past Grand Deacons; V.W. Bro. Mervyn W. Morrison, Honorary Past Grand Deacon; V.W. Bro. Michael McWilliam, Past Assistant Grand Secretary; R.W. Bro. Charles Hatch, Past Provincial Deputy Grand Master, Armagh; V.W, Bros. Robert H.B. Mills, Andrew McFetridge and Herbert A. Walsh, Past Grand Stewards of Charities, V.W. Bro. Peter D. G. Read, Past Grand Master's Standard Bearer; the Representatives of the Grand Lodges of Newfoundland & Labrador, Saskatchewan, Tasmania, New Zealand, Croatia, Czech Republic, Italy, Latvia, Turkey, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Mississippi, New York, Tennessee, Vermont, Cuscatlan of El Salvador, Argentina and Israel; R.W. Bros. Douglas Wakefield, Herbert Meeke and Thomas G. Anderson, Past Grand Representatives.


Prior to the opening of Grand Lodge, the Grand Director of Ceremonies escorted delegations from visiting Sister Grand Lodges into Grand Lodge:

The National Grand Lodge of Greece was represented by R.W. Brother Andreas Spyropoulos, Assistant Grand Master and R.W. Brother Justinian Corvessis, Grand Secretary; the Grand Lodge of Scotland was represented by the Reverend Canon Joseph Morrow, M. W. Grand Master Mason and Brother C. Martin McGibbon, R. W. Grand Secretary; the United Grand Lodge of England was represented by R.W. Brother the Reverend Canon Neil Collings, PJGW and V.W. Bro. John M. Hamill, PGSwdB.


Grand Lodge being opened, the Grand Master formally welcomed our distinguished visitors and the Senior Member of each delegation suitably replied.

This being the last official meeting of the outgoing Grand Secretary, all three delegates paid tribute to the Inter-Constitutional diplomacy he displayed during his tenure of office and wished him well in his retirement.


The Grand Master referred to the recent deaths of R.W. Bro. W. Charles McCollum, Past Grand Treasurer, Past Provincial Grand Master of Armagh; R.W. Bro. James E. Weir, Past Senior Grand Warden, Past Grand Representative of the Grand Lodge of South Africa; R.W. Bro. Dr. Charles B. Wilson, Hon. Past Grand Deacon, Past Grand Inspector for South East Asia; and V.W. Bro. William J. McElwaine, Past Grand Deacon. The memory of our departed distinguished Brethren was saluted.


On the proposal of R.W. Brother John Greer, Senior Grand Warden, seconded by R.W. Brother T. Noel Bownes, Junior Grand Warden, the Minutes of the March 3'd, 2005, Communication of Grand Lodge, which had been circulated, were taken as read, confirmed and signed.


R.W. Brother Leslie G. Evans, being in attendance, the Grand Director of Ceremonies formed a procession, with R.W. Brothers J. Kenneth Dunne and R. Stanley Johnston as sponsors and presented him to the Grand Master for Obligation, Investiture, Installation, Proclamation and Presentation with his Patent of Appointment as Provincial Grand Master of the Midland Counties.


R.W. Brothers David J.L. McNeill, Samuel A. Mackenzie, Derek J.M. Moffatt and William D. Clements, being in attendance, and having produced their Patents of Appointment, the Grand Director of Ceremonies formed a procession and presented them to the Grand Master for investiture and formal presentation of their Patents of Appointment as Representatives of the Grand Lodges of Alaska, Maryland, Washington and South Africa, respectively. The newly invested Grand Representatives were conducted to their seats and were saluted.


In accordance with Grand Lodge Law No. 43, the Grand Lodge Board of General Purposes nominated the following Brethren to be the Grand Officers for 2006:‑

Grand Master Eric N. Walter
Senior Grand Warden T. Noel Bownes
Junior Grand Warden Charles R. Knipe
Grand Treasurer Charles W. Olden
Grand Registrar Arthur D.S. Moran
Grand Director of Ceremonies William J. Dyer
Senior Grand Chaplain The Rev. Canon George N. Little
Junior Grand Chaplains The Ven. Archdeacon John G. Murray
  The Rev. Selwoode Graham
Senior Grand Deacon Kenneth Abernethy
Junior Grand Deacon Robert J. Robinson
Grand Superintendent of Works David T. Young
Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies Ivan A. Meldrurn
Grand Steward Frank Arnold
Grand Sword Bearer John L. Frazer
Grand Stewards of Charities Peter H. Mullock
  Denis R. Millen
Grand Almoners Richard Ensor
  William T.H. Balmer
Grand Organist John N. Rowden
Grand Lodge Standard Bearer Noel A. Drain
Grand Inner Guard Rodney L. McCurley

W. Brother Peter H. Mullock FCA, Past Master of Lodge No. 395, Dublin, was nominated as the Auditor of Grand Lodge Accounts for the year 2005.


 V.W. Brother Daniel Barry Lyons, Past Master of Leinster Lodge No. 141, Dublin and Assistant Grand Secretary, was invested and saluted as R.W. Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Ireland.


Read Memorial for the issue of a new Warrant' to establish a Lodge at Haadyai in South Thailand, to be called Songkhla Lodge No. 936. The Memorial was supported by Lodges Nos. 830, Kuala Lumpur, 765, Singapore and 945, Bangkok, and by the Grand Inspector for South East Asia, R.W. Brother Lau Kee Siong. The Memorial being in order, the Board recommended the issue of a new Warrant. Confirmed.

The Board noted for reporting to Grand Lodge the return of the Warrant of Lodge No. 576, South Africa Northern.

The Board considered a request from Ecclesville Lodge No. 202, Fintona, for the issue of a new Warrant, the original being dilapidated due to age. The Board recommended that a duplicate Warrant be issued at the standard charge. Confirmed.

There being vacancies in the Representation of a number of Sister Grand Lodges, the Board recommended as follows:- for Manitoba, V.W. Brother William Henry Hicks, Past Master of Lodge No. 87, The Mount; for the National Grand Lodge of France, V.W. Brother Robert Wilson Mark, Past Master of Lodge No. 652, Portadown; for Spain, V.W. Brother M. Ossie Steenson, Past Master of Lodge No. 352, Castleblayney and Past Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies; for Delaware, W. Brother John Crozier, Past Master of Lodge No. 747, Lurgan; for The State Grand Lodge of Mato Grosso, Brazil, W. Brother Philip S. Grosse, Past Master of Lodge No. 451, Clogher; for the State Grand Lodge of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, W. Brother Stewart Morrow, Past Master of Lodge No. 108, Ballymacarrett; and for the Grand Lodge of China in Taiwan, V.W. Brother Dr. John W. Patching, Provincial Grand Secretary of South Connaught. Confirmed.

The Grand Secretary reported to the Board that the Chief Constable of the PSNI had recently issued General Order No. 08/2005 with regard to registration of notifiable memberships. This new General Order along with the associated Guide Lines had been passed to our Solicitors and Queen's Counsel in Northern Ireland for consideration and, on their advice, coinciding with that of the Grand Registrar, it was decided that General Order 08/2005 was in compliance with the Police (NI) Act 2000 and the Human Rights Act 1998. In the circumstances, it had to be accepted that Form IIB 1, for completion by serving members of the PSNI, gave scope for them to use their discretion and conscience to either declare their membership or otherwise. The Grand Secretary was requested to write accordingly to the Provincial Grand Secretaries of the five Provincial Grand Lodges affected by this matter.


At the conclusion of the Stated Meeting of the Board, a Special Meeting was held in accordance with Grand Lodge Law No. 66, at which were submitted the Accounts of Grand Lodge for 2004. The Accounts were considered in detail and very full explanations were given by the Grand Treasurer. Following his presentation, the Board agreed unanimously that the Accounts, as presented, be recommended to Grand Lodge for adoption. To this end in Grand Lodge, they were proposed by the Deputy Grand Master, seconded by the Assistant Grand Master and passed unanimously.


Read letter from the Grand Lodge of Instruction seeking Grand Lodge approval for the re‑election of R.W. Brother Michael J. Ward as Grand Secretary for Instruction, V.W. Brother Robert J. Armstrong as Assistant Grand Secretary for Instruction and for the election of W. Brothers Thomas Higginson and Peter FellowsMcCully as members of the Grand Lodge of Instruction. Confirmed.


The Grand Master, with the concurrence of Grand Lodge, conferred the following Honorary Ranks:

Past Grand Deacon  
V. W. Bro. Nana Osae Nyampong VI - on promotion from Past Grand Steward, Ghana
V.W. Bro. Joseph K.A. Ayeh - on promotion from Past Grand Steward, Ghana
V.W. Bro. Prince Benjamin A. Mabadeje - Nigeria
V.W. Bro. Emmanuel D. Andrew-Jaja - Nigeria
V.W. Bro. Igbikibiebo C. Iniabere - Nigeria
V.W. Bro. H.R.H. Steven I. Alete - Nigeria
V.W. Bro. Solomon Y. Ibidapo - Nigeria.
V.W. Bro. Stephen A. Nonju - Nigeria
V.W. Bro. Gilbert A. Eke - Nigeria
Past Grand Superintendent of Works  
V.W. Bro. William L. Buist - on promotion from Past Grand Steward, South Africa Northern
V.W. Bro. Prof Kwesi A. Haizel - Past Provincial Grand Warden, Ghana
V.W. Bro. Peter K. Opoku - Past Provincial Grand Warden, Ghana
V.W. Bro. Kwasi A. Sasu - Past Provincial Grand Warden, Ghana
Past Grand Steward  
V.W. Bro. Dela Charles Ashiabor - Past Provincial Grand Warden, Ghana
V.W. Bro. Sanvi G. Byll-Cataria - Past Provincial Grand Warden, Ghana
V. W. Bro. Seth O. Aniniagyei - Past Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, Ghana
Past Grand Steward of Charities  
V.W. Bro. Charlesye D. Charles - Nigeria
Past Grand Lodge Standard Bearer  
V.W. Bro. Peter C. Okonjo - Nigeria
Past Grand Inner Guard  
V.W. Bro. Daniel C.D. Anyian - Nigeria


A number of Brethren who had just been conferred with Honorary Grand Rank, being in attendance were presented to the Grand Master for formal presentation with their Certificates. These newly promoted Brethren were conducted to their seats and were saluted.


The Grand Master addressing Grand Lodge said ‑ "the Charity Concert promoted by our company, Events GLI Ltd. took place at the Point Theatre, Dublin on Wednesday March 9'h when an audience in excess of four thousand enjoyed a superb performance by the World's leading tenor Placido Domingo supported by Ana Maria Martinez, Soprano and Eugene Kohn, Guest Conductor of the RTE Concert Orchestra: It was a truly magical experience, very well described by R.W. Bro. George Dunlop, Deputy Grand Master in his report of the evening published in the current issue of the Grand Lodge News. The success of the event reflected great credit on the Operations Committee to whom we are greatly indebted. As I mentioned at the March meeting of Grand Lodge, a financial report will be presented at the October meeting confirming the amounts which will have been paid to the ten non‑Masonic Charities throughout Ireland which we chose to support.

On April 5th I travelled to Gibraltar accompanied by my wife and R.W. Bro. Michael Walker, Grand Secretary, to join with our Grand Inspector, R.W. Bro. Joseph Chiara and the Brethren of our two Lodges, Calpe Lodge and Irish Masters Lodge in a dedication ceremony for a new banner for the Irish Inspectorate in Gibraltar. At noon on Wednesday April 6`s the Mayor of Malta, Clive Beltran graciously hosted a civic reception to welcome us. That evening we attended a reception at the very impressive Masonic Centre where we met ladies and Brethren of all three Constitutions. On Thursday morning we rehearsed the dedication ceremony which took place at an excellent meeting later that afternoon. Ritual was excellent and the Banner is a great credit to our' Brethren in Gibraltar. During my visit I gave two press interviews and a television interview which received wide coverage in the media. We are very grateful to everyone who made such a great effort to make our visit such an enjoyable experience.

The Freemasons' of Ireland Medical Research Fund has agreed to support a research project being undertaken by Professor Edward Johns of the Department of Physiology at University College Cork. The project is an investigation of how gene therapy may be used to slow the progression of chronic renal failure associated with obesity and diabetes type II which are increasing at an alarming rate in Ireland and most developed countries.

The Freemasons' of Ireland Medical Research Fund is part of the Order's ongoing commitment to support a variety of medical research projects throughout Ireland thereby making a positive and relevant contribution to Irish society."


The Grand Master welcomed Brethren from overseas who were attending including:‑ R.W. Bro. Cecil F.M. Bates, PGM of South Africa Northern; R.W. Bro. Alabo T.O. Graham‑Douglas, PGM of Nigeria and members of his Province; R. W. Bro. Nana Herman Mould, PGM of Ghana and members of his Province; R. W. Bro. St. Clair B. Tucker, PGM of Bermuda (who made a special presentation to the Past Grand Secretary); The Provincial Grand Wardens and Brethren from the Province of Jamaica and the Bahamas; R.W. Bro. Ralph D. Seligman, Past PGM of Bermuda; R.W. Bro. Kenneth A.B. Fergusson, Grand Inspector for Sierra Leone and accompanying Brethren; R.W. Bro Anthony M.D. Allen, Grand Inspector for Botswana; R.W. Bro. Joseph Chiara, Grand Inspector for Gibraltar and accompanying Brethren; R.W. Bro. Michael B.S. Higham, Honorary PJGW; V.W. Bro. Major E. James Bate MBE and members of Glittering Star Lodge No. 322, Warwickshire; V.W. Bro. John Torley and V.W. Bro. Reginald Mack of St. Patrick's Lodge No. 295, Royal Dragoon Guards ‑ all of whom suitably replied.


The Charity Collection amounted to Î1,510.19.


Later that evening 130 Brethren and their companions enjoyed a buffet supper after which the Grand Master, on behalf of Grand Lodge and the Lodges, made a presentation to R.W. Bro. Michael W. Walker, Past Grand Secretary, as did representatives of our visiting Brethren from Overseas. The Grand Master thanked the Past Grand Secretary for his wonderful service to Grand Lodge over the previous twenty‑four years and his remarks were greeted with acclamation. Bro. Walker suitably replied.