UP |
M.W. Grand Master
George Dunlop
R.W. Deputy Grand Master
Douglas T. Grey
R.W. Assistant Grand Master
Leslie Johnston
R.W. Senior Grand Warden
Charles R. Knipe
R.W. Junior Grand Warden
Adam J. McKinley
R.W. Grand Treasurer
Charles W. Olden
R.W. Grand Registrar
Arthur D. S. Moran
R.W. Grand Secretary
D. Barry Lyons
R.W. Grand Director of Ceremonies
William J. Dyer
R.W. Senior Grand Chaplain |
Rev. Canon George N. Little |
R.W. Junior Grand Chaplains
The Ven. John Murray
The Rev. Selwoode Graham
V.W. Senior Grand Deacon
Frank R. L. Arnold
V. W. Junior Grand Deacon
John L. Frazer
V.W. Grand Superintendent of Works
David T. Young
V.W. Assistant Grand Treasurer
Arnold J. Smith
V.W. Asst. Grand Director of Ceremonies |
Ivan A. Meldrum
V.W. Grand Steward
Noel A. Drain
V.W. Grand Sword Bearer
Rodney L. McCurley
V.W. Grand Stewards of Charities
Dennis R. Millen
Diarmuid McNulty
V.W. Grand Almoners
William T.H. Balmer
Richard Ensor
V.W. Grand Organist
John N. Rowden
V.W. Grand Lodge Standard Bearer |
Noel Simpson |
V.W. Grand Masters Standard Bearer
Brian Kershaw
As V.W. Grand Inner Guard
Richard H. Gray
V.W. Grand Secretary for Instruction
Michael J. Ward
V.W. Asst. Grand Secretary for Instr.
Robert J. Armstrong
There were also present:‑ the Provincial Grand Masters of Antrim, Armagh, North Connaught, South
Connaught, Down, Londonderry & Donegal, Meath, Midland Counties, North Munster,
South Eastern, Tyrone & Fermanagh and Nigeria; R.W. Bros. Kenneth A.B. Fergusson
and Joseph Chiara, Grand Inspectors for Sierra Leone and Gibraltar; R.W. Bros.
Robert S. Hackett, R. Stanley Johnston, Kenneth J. Dunne, Geoffrey G. Ashton,
William J.E. Dukelow and Herman A. Mould, Past Prbvincial Grand Masters of South
Connaught, the Midland Counties, North Munster, Tyrone & Fermanagh and Ghana;
the Provincial Deputy Grand Masters of Antrim, North Connaught, South Connaught,
Midland Counties, North Munster, South Eastern, Tyrone & Fermanagh, Wicklow &
Wexford and Nigeria; the Assistant Grand Inspector for Gibraltar; R.W. Bros.
Cyril R. Foster and Fidel 1. Chiwetalu, Past Provincial Deputy Grand Masters of
North Munster and Nigeria; R.W. Bro. Kenneth G. Brislane, Past Senior Grand
Warden; R.W. Bro. Michael W. Walker, Past Grand Secretary; R.W. Bros. David
McKee, Allen G. Megarry and Cecil D. Burns, Past Grand Directors of Ceremonies;
R.W. Bros. the Rev. Charles McCurdy, the Rev. W. Warren Porter and the Very Rev.
Philip J. Knowles, Past Junior Grand Chaplains; V.W. Bros. Arthur T. Pollock, J.
Noel Millar, Norman Humes, Gordon Morrison and Robert J. Robinson, Past Grand
Deacons; V.W. Bros. Samuel H. Boyle, Major E. James Bate, Arnold J. Cooke,
Donald C. Willson, Raymond A. Leadbeater, Anthony J. Darlison and Cyril F.A.
Quigley, Honorary Past Grand Deacons; V.W. Bro. Ralph B. McGuckin, Past Grand
Superintendent of Works, V.W. Bros. Reginald Mack and R.S. Morrow, Honorary Past
Grand Sword Bearers; V.W. Bros. Ivor A. Moloney, J. 1. A. Davison, Trevor
Monteith and William J. Johnston, Past Grand Stewards of Charities; V.W. Bro.
Emmanuel D. Andrew Jaja, Honorary Past Grand Steward of Charities; V.W. Bro.
Bernard V.A. Woods, Past Grand Almoner; V.W. Bros. Brian Sheridan and Samuel
Scott, Honorary Past Grand Stewards; V.W. Bros. Norman Jackson, S. Gordon
Leathern, Robert T. Bashford, S.A. Mackenzie and Brian Kearon, Past Grand
Master's Standard Bearers; and R.W. Bros. Henry M. Robinson and Andrew W. Coid,
Past Grand Representatives.
The following Grand Lodges were represented:‑ Scotland,
Alberta, British Columbia. Manitoba, Newfoundland & Labrador, Prince Edward
Island, Quebec, Saskatchewan, New South Wales, Victoria, Western Australia,
Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Greece (Nat.). Iceland, Italy, Latvia,
Lithuania, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey.
Arkansas, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky,
Maine, Maryland. Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana,
Nebraska, North Carolina, Ohio, Rhode Island. South Dakota, Tennessee,
Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Argentina, Venezuela. Burkina Faso, Gabon,
Madagascar, Mali, India, Cuba, the Dominican Republic and the Prince Hall Grand
Lodges of Colorado, Connecticut, Massachusetts and Ohio.
Apologies for non‑attendance were received from:‑ the
V.W. Grand Lodge Standard Bearer: the R.W. Provincial Grand Masters of Munster,
Wicklow & Wexford, New Zealand and Ireland in India; the V.W. Grand Inspector
for Botswana; the R.W. Provincial Deputy Grand Masters of Londonderry & Donegal
and Meath; R.W. Bros. Daniel B. Fincher, Robert J. Thomson and T. Noel Bownes,
Past Senior Grand Wardens; R.W. Bro. Michael R. Bicknell, Past Grand Director of
Ceremonies; R.W. Bro. the Rt. Rev. Samuel G. Poyntz, Past Senior Grand Chaplain;
R.W. Bros. the Ven. R. Clayton Stevenson and Canon Richard Bertram, Past Junior
Grand Chaplains; V.W. Bros. Terence Reid and Kenneth Abernethy, Past Grand
Deacons; V.W. Bros. Gordon Bradshaw and Mervyn W. Morrison, Honorary Past Grand
Deacons; V.W. Bro. Cecil Taylor, Past Assistant Grand Treasurer; V.W. Bro.
Michael R. McWilliam, Past Assistant Grand Secretary; V.W. Bro. John Torley,
Past Grand Sword Bearer; V.W. Bro. Robert Mills, Past Grand Steward of
Charities; V.W. Bro. David A.R. Lovesy, Past Grand Almoner; V.W. Bros. Donald H.
Finlay and Peter D.G. Read, Past Grand Master's Standard Bearers; the
Representatives of the Grand Lodges of South Australia, Tasmania, Andorra,
Denmark, Germany (United Grand Lodges), Alaska, Arizona, District of Columbia,
Georgia, Louisiana, Missouri, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Virginia, Sao Paulo,
Cuscatlan El Salvador; Ecuador, Mato Grosso do Sul, Peru, Benin, Guinea, the
Ivory Coast, South Africa, China, Japan and the Philippines and R.W. Bros.
Douglas Wakefield, Harold Ross and Herbert Meeke, Past Grand Representatives.
Prior to the opening of Grand Lodge, the Grand Director
of Ceremonies escorted delegations from visiting Sister Grand Lodges into Grand
The Grand Lodge of Finland was represented by M.W. Brother Arto Uusitalo, Grand Master
and Antti Uski, Grand Secretary;
The Grand Lodge of Scotland was represented by M.W. Bro. Sir Archibald D. Orr Ewing, Bart., Grand Master
Mason and Bro. David M. Begg, R.W. Grand Secretary;
The United Grand
Lodge of England was represented by R.W. Brother Alan Englefield, Grand
Grand Lodge being opened, the Grand Master formally
welcomed our distinguished visitors and the Senior Member of each delegation
suitably replied.
The Grand Master referred to the recent deaths of M.W.
Bro. the Marquess of Donegall, Past Grand Master and Past Provincial Grand
Master, South Eastern and whose eulogy was delivered by R.W. Bro. Michael W.
Walker, Past Grand Secretary;
R.W. Bro. Arthur E. Gomes, Past Provincial Grand Master
of the Far East and Hon. Past Senior Grand Warden; V.W. Bro. James Stark, Grand
Inner Guard; V.W. Bro. William A. Ingram, Past Grand Steward of Charities; R.W.
Bro. Thomas A.D. Martin, Past Grand Master's Standard Bearer and Past Foreign
Representative; R.W. Bro. Derek R. Stone, Foreign Representative of the Grand
Lodge of New Jersey; R.W. Bro. John R. Falconer, Past Foreign Representative;
V.W. Bro. Akpan A. Udoete, Past Provincial Assistant Grand Master, Nigeria; V.W.
Bro. John M. Goodhall, Hon. Past Grand Steward and V.W. Bro. Sydney W. Pierce,
Hon. Past Grand Organist, The Far East.
The memory of our departed distinguished Brethren was
On the proposal of R.W. Brother Charles R. Knipe, Senior
Grand Warden, seconded by R.W. Brother Adam J. McKinley, Junior Grand Warden,
the Minutes of the March 15th 2007 Communication of Grand Lodge,
which had been circulated, were taken as read, confirmed and signed.
R.W. Bro. Thomas Charles Brodie McBain, Deputy Provincial
Grand Master South Eastern, being in attendance, the Grand Director of
Ceremonies formed a procession and presented him to the Grand Master for
Obligation, Investiture and Installation as Provincial Grand Master of South
Eastern. R.W. Bro. McBain's sponsors were R.W. Bro. Arthur Keppel, Past
Provincial Grand Master and V.W. Bro. John Mitchell, Provincial Grand Director
of Ceremonies, South Eastern.
Placing him in his seat the Grand Master proclaimed as
follows : `Brethren, I hereby proclaim that this day R.W. Bro. Thomas Charles
Brodie McBain, Provincial Deputy Grand Master, has been duly Obligated, Invested
and Installed as R.W. Provincial Grand Master of the Provincial Grand Lodge of
South Eastern. Brethren assist me to salute our newly installed Provincial Grand
Master.' R.W. Bro. McBain was saluted.
V.W. Brother Maurice W. Lee, being in attendance and
having produced his Patent of Appointment, the Grand Director of Ceremonies
formed a procession and presented him to the Grand Master for Investiture and
formal presentation of his Patent of Appointment as Representative of the Grand
Lodge of Illinois. The newly invested Grand Representative was conducted to his
seat and saluted.
In accordance with Grand Lodge Law No. 43, the Grand
Lodge Board of General Purposes nominated the following Brethren to be the Grand
Officers for 2008:‑
Grand Master
George Dunlop
Senior Grand Warden
Adam J. McKinley
Junior Grand Warden
William J. Dukelow, Past Provincial Grand
Master, Tyrone & Fermanagh
Grand Treasurer
Charles W. Olden
Grand Registrar
Arthur D.S. Moran
Grand Director of Ceremonies
William J. Dyer
Senior Grand Chaplain
The Rev. Canon George N. Little
Junior Grand Chaplains
The Ven. Archdeacon John G. Murray
The Rev. Selwoode Graham
Senior Grand Deacon
Noel A. Drain
Junior Grand Deacon
Rodney L. McCurley
Grand Superintendent of Works
David T. Young
Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies
Ivan A. Meldrum
Grand Steward
Douglas Thompson
Grand Sword Bearer
John O. Dunlop, Provincial Assistant Grand
Master, Antrim
Grand Stewards of Charities
Diarmuid McNulty
James Stanley, Deputy Chairman VJ MBF
Grand Almoners
Richard Ensor
Edward Brownell, Deputy Chairman Masonic Welfare
Grand Organist
John N. Rowden
Grand Lodge Standard Bearer
Thomas R. McDowell, Provincial Grand Steward of
Charities, Annagh
Grand Inner Guard
Basil Elliott, Past Master of Lodge Nos. 859 &
473, Enniskillen
W. Brother Peter H. Mullock FCA, Past Master of Lodge
No. 395, Dublin, was nominated as the Auditor of Grand Lodge Accounts for the
year 2007.
The Board noted for reporting to Grand Lodge the return
of the Warrant of Lodge No. 822, Mbabane, Swaziland, in the Province of South
Africa Northern.
The Assistant Grand Master reported on the findings of
the sub‑committee chaired by himself, set up to consider the creation of an
additional Grand Lodge Office. The proposal was for an additional Grand Steward
of Charities Officer to be shared on a rotational basis between Antrim and Down
in the first instance but also, if merited, with potential nominees from the
other Provinces. Recommended to Grand Lodge. Confirmed.
The Assistant Grand Master reported on the findings of
the sub‑committee chaired by himself, set up to consider complaints between
Brethren in Antrim and Senior Provincial Grand Lodge Officers in Antrim. The
sub‑committee proposed that the dispute be referred to mediation and the Board
approved the proposal, the Deputy Grand Master to facilitate this.
The Board noted the contents of a letter from Trinity
College Lodge No. 357, Metropolitan Area critical of the new Candidate
Application Forms.
Read letter from St. Patrick's Lodge No. 295 proposing to
use its travelling Warrant throughout Germany, and elsewhere, for meetings and
visits. It was agreed that this could only be approved under the conditions set
out by, and following invitations from, the host Grand Lodges and having been
previously arranged through the Grand Secretary's Office.
Vacancies having arisen in the Representations of the
Grand Lodges of New Zealand, Kansas and North Dakota, the Board recommended that
the names of V.W. Bro. James H. McClurg, W. Bro. Kevin Spring and W. Bro. Sydney
Graham, be sent forward for consideration to act as their Grand Representatives
here. Recommended to Grand Lodge. Confirmed.
Read letter from the Grand Lodge of India submitting the
name of R.W. Bro. Girish Shastri, Regional Grand Master of Eastern India to act
as a suitable Representative there. Recommended to Grand Lodge. Confirmed.
Read letter from the Grand Lodge of Prince Edward Island
submitting the name of V.W. Bro. Allison Coles to act as a suitable
Representative there. Recommended to Grand Lodge. Confirmed.
At the conclusion of the Stated Meeting of the Board, a
Special Meeting was held in accordance with Grand Lodge Law No. 66, at which
were submitted the Accounts of Grand Lodge for 2006. The Accounts were
considered in detail and explanations given by the Assistant Grand Treasurer.
Following the presentation, the Board agreed unanimously that the Accounts, as
presented, be recommended to Grand Lodge for adoption. Grand Lodge approved the
adoption of the accounts with special thanks expressed to the Assistant Grand
Treasurer, Bro. Andrew Lyall and Ms. Janet Smith.
Read letter from the Grand Lodge of Instruction seeking
Grand Lodge approval for the re‑election of R.W. Brother Michael J. Ward as
Grand Secretary for Instruction and the election of V.W. Brother James
McFarland, member of the Grand Lodge of Instruction, as Assistant Grand
Secretary for Instruction; and also for the election of W. Bro. J. Arthur
Davison of City Lodge No. 686 as a member of the Grand Lodge of Instruction.
The Grand Master, with the concurrence of Grand Lodge,
conferred the following Honorary Ranks:
Past Grand Deacon
R.W. Bro,. Tjaart L. Adlem
Provincial Assistant Grand Master, S.A.N. On
V.W. Bro. Samuel Opara
On promotion from Past Grand Inner Guard
V.W. Bro. Peter L. Ntor
On promotion from Past Grand Steward
V.W. Bro. Peter K. Opoku
On promotion from Past Grand Supt. of Wks.
V.W. Bro. David O. Andah
On promotion from Past Grand Steward
V.W. Bro. Sanvi G. Byll-Cataria
On promotion from Past Grand Steward
V.W. Bro. Kwaku Baah
On promotion from Past Grand Steward
Past Grand Superintendent of Works
V.W. Bro. Albertus L. Pretorius
On promotion from Hon. Past Grand Steward
W. Bro. Sylvester B. SanaMonsi -
Past Master of Lodge No. 828, Nigeria
W. Bro. Kwadwo Kwarteng
Past Master of Lodge No. 850, Ghana
W. Bro. Kwesi O. P. Ackah
Past Master of Lodge No. 912, Ghana
V.W. Bro. Justice C. Blankson
Provincial Grand Chaplain, Ghana
Past Grand Steward
V.W. Bro. Andrew Wong
Provincial Grand Treasurer, The Far East
W. Bro. Terence G. Hicks
Provincial Asst. Grand Secretary, The Far East
V.W. Bro. Graham S. Leathes
Provincial Assistant Grand Master, Zimbabwe
V.W. Bro. Johannes F. Jansen
Past Provincial Grand Lodge Chaplain, S.A.N.
Bro. Maxwell E. Ujubuonu
Member of Lodge No. 864 & 885, Nigeria
W. Bro. Amobi D. Nwokafor
Past Master of Lodge No. 847, Nigeria
V.W. Bro. Godson K. Adadevoh
Provincial Grand Chaplain, Ghana
V.W. Bro. Israel A.G. Adjei
Provincial Grand Chaplain, Ghana
V.W. Bro. Ekow Bentsi-Enchill
Provincial Grand Secretary, Ghana
V.W. Bro. Koffi Georges de Souza
Provincial Grand D. of C., Ghana
Past Grand Sword Bearer
W. Bro. Igwe Dike
Past Master of Lodge No. 838, Nigeria
Past Grand Steward of Charities
W. Bro. Beneth N. Nwakalo
Past Master of Lodge No. 828, Nigeria
W. Bro. Hakim Abina
Past Master of Lodge No. 643, Nigeria
Past Grand Almoner
W. Bro. Ejimofor Amadi-Oyioma
Past Master of Lodge Nos. 828 & 902, Nigeria
Past Grand Master's Standard Bearer
W. Bro. Henry S. Corscadden
Past Master of Lodge Nos. 692 & 40
Past Grand Lodee Standard Bearer
W. Bro. Kosmos Ntemuse
Past Master of Lodge No. 886, Nigeria
W. Bro. Chuka Ifejika
Past Master of Lodge No. 885, Nigeria
Past Grand Inner Guard
W. Bro. Joseph B. Vipene
Past Master of Lodge No. 902, Nigeria
W. Bro. Donald Siminialayi
Past Master of Lodge No. 908, Nigeria
W. Bro. Aloysius C. Asike
Past Master of Lodge No. 908, Nigeria
The Grand Master in his Address to Grand Lodge made the
following points:
Brethren, since my last address at our very successful
March Communication in Enniskillen, 1 have visited nine Lodges, three European
Grand Lodges, a Provincial Grand Lodge of the English Constitution, attended an
International Conference on the History of Freemasonry and performed the
Ceremony of Laying the Foundation Stone.
Most of my visits were prompted by the desire to
celebrate Lodge centenaries and other landmarks as well as to honour Brethren
who had reached their 50th year as members of the Order and a few who
had served much longer. Some visits were truly exceptional such as Lodge 40
where Bro. Harry Corscadden, just like V. W. Bro. Cyril Quigley, reached his 100th birthday and 75 years membership and is still an active member.
Similarly, at King David's Lodge No. 820, I presented
R. W Bro. Harold Ross with his 50 year membership jewel and certificate and was
pleased to see him installed in the chair of Worshipful .Master for the second
I also visited Glittering Star ‑The Worcestershire &
Sherwood Foresters Lodge No. 322, meeting in Birmingham in March.
In Europe I accepted invitations to visit the Grand
Lodges of Spain, Finland and Italy, all of which were most delightful and
enjoyable. The Grand Secretary and I attended the Grand Lodge of Spain, in
Barcelona, which was celebrating 25 years since its reconstitution, following
the demise of General Franco's government. We next visited Finland and 1 am so
pleased that the Grand Master, MW Bro. Arto Uusitalo, Grand Secretary VW Bro.
Antti Uski and their wives are with us today. In Italy the Grand Master, MW Bro.
Fabio Venzi treated my Deputy and I so well, I doubt that we can ever match his
generosity and kindness.
I also fulfilled an invitation to the Provincial Grand
Lodge of West Lancs., the largest province in the English Constitution where I
was accompanied by R. W. Bro. Noel Simpson. It was a wonderful occasion and I
renewed old acquaintances, met some Irish Brethren and played golf at Royal
Lytham St Anne's.
A major Conference on the History of Freemasonry was
held in Edinburgh and attended by myself along with the Pro Grand Master of UGLE
and the Grand Master Mason of Scotland. Many papers, which had particular
significance for specific interests, were presented over three days by both
masons and non‑masons.
On 11th April, I performed the Ceremony of
Laying the Foundation Stone in Ballintoy, with the Provincial Grand Master of
Antrim, following a similar ceremony at Portrush earlier in the year.
Looking to future events.
You will have read in the Grand Lodge News of
the very positive public relations we gained from the participation of Events
GLI in the Veronica Dunne International Singing Competition, most of which was
held in this magnificent Grand Lodge Room.
The Competition ran over three days and I congratulate
the Operations Management Team of Events GLI and staff from Freemasons' Hall,
whose dedication and commitment ensured such a successful outcome.
Leading on from this success, I am pleased to say that
Events GLI will again co-operate with the Veronica Dunne International
Competition, (including RTE Lyric FM), by
bringing the international winners of the competition for their first
re‑appearance in Ireland, to the National Concert Hall on Saturday September 22nd.
The success of these public events in promoting our image depends on a mixed
audience of both the general public and members of our Order from all of its
branches. Events GLI have listened carefully to comments, that some previous
events may have been 'too heavy', 'too expensive' or 'not at the weekend' and
have hopefully solved them all.
Finally, I would thank all the Provincial Grand
Masters for their effective oversight of their districts and look forward to
developing meaningful strategies for growth and consolidation. I especially
thank our outgoing Provincial Grand Master of South East, R W Bro. Arthur Keppel
for his successful stewardship of that area and wish him health and happiness in
the days to come. I welcome R. W. Bro. Tom McBain and look forward to working
with him in his new and important position. Lastly, I would especially thank my
Deputy, my Assistant and the Grand Secretary for all the day to day work they do
and all other officers and administrators for the ongoing support which I
The Charity Collection amounted to €1,908.32
Later that evening one hundred and forty Brethren and
their companions enjoyed a buffet supper at the conclusion of which the Grand
Master made a short address |