






M.W. Grand Master George Dunlop, on the Throne
R.W. Deputy Grand Master                 Douglas T. Grey
R.W. Assistant Grand Master             Leslie V. Johnston
As R.W. Senior Grand Warden           Michael J. Ward
R.W. Junior Grand Warden                 William J. E. Dukelow
R.W. Grand Registrar                           Arthur D. S. Moran
R.W. Grand Secretary                          D. Barry Lyons
R.W. Grand Director of Ceremonies   William J Dyer
R.W. Senior Grand Chaplain               The Rev. Canon George N. Little
R.W. Junior Grand Chaplains              The Ven. John Murray
The Rev. Selwoode Graham
VW. Senior Grand Deacon                   Noel A. Drain
VW. Junior Grand Deacon Rodney L McCurley
VW. Grand Superintendent of Works   David T. Young
VW. Assistant Grand Treasurer        Arnold J. Smith
VW. Grand Steward                                Douglas Thompson
VW. Grand Sword Bearer                      John O. Dunlop
VW. Grand Steward of Charities            James C. Stanley
V.W. Almoner J. Edward Brownell
VW. Grand Organist                                John N. Rowden
VW. Grand Lodge Standard Bearer      Thomas R. McDowell
V.W. Grand Master's Standard Bearer James Copes
VW. Grand Inner Guard                           Basil Elliott
VW. Grand Secty. for Instruction              Michael J. Ward
VW. Asst. Grand Secty. for Inst.               James McFarland

There were also present:‑ the Provincial Grand Masters of Antrim, Armagh, North Connaught, Down, Londonderry & Donegal, Meath, Midland Counties, North Munster, South Eastern, Tyrone & Fermanagh, Natal, Nigeria and Bermuda; R.W. Bros. Robert S. Hackett, R. Stanley Johnston, Kenneth G. Brislane, Geoffrey G. Ashton, R. Arthur Keppel and Herman A. Mould, Past Provincial Grand Masters; the Provincial Deputy Grand Masters of Antrim, Armagh, North Connaught, South Connaught, Meath, Midland Counties, North Munster, South Eastern, Tyrone & Fermanagh, Wicklow & Wexford and Samuel H. Boyle, Arnold J. Cooke, Donald C. Willson, Raymond A. Leadbeater, Anthony J. Darlison and Cyril F.A. Quigley, Honorary Past Grand Deacons; VW. Bro. Ralph B. McGuckin, Past Grand Superintendent of Works; VW. Bro. M. Ossie Steenson, Past Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies; VW.Bros. Reginald Mack, John Torley and Robert S. Morrow, Honorary Past Grand Sword Bearers; V.W.Bros. Ivor A. Moloney, Trevor Monteith, William J. Johnston, Andrew McFetridge and Samuel J. Patience, Past Grand Stewards of Charities; VW. Bro. Bernard V.A. Woods, Past Grand Almoner; VW.Bros. Robert T. Bashford, Donald H. Finlay, Brian Kearon and Brian Kershaw, Past Grand Master's Standard Bearers; and R.W. Bros. Henry M. Robinson and Andrew W. Coid, Past Grand Representatives. 


The following Grand Lodges were represented:‑ Scotland, Alberta, Quebec, Saskatchewan. Victoria, Western Australia, Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Greece (Nat.), Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Serbia, Spain. Switzerland, Turkey, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Delaware, Hawaii, Idaho, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana. New York, North Dakota, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Chile. Mato Grosso do Sul, Venezuela, Burkina Faso, Gabon, Guinea, Madagascar, Mali, Senegal, The Philippines. Cuba, the Dominican Republic and the Prince Hall Grand Lodges of Colorado, Connecticut. Massachusetts and Ohio.


Apologies for non‑attendance were received from:‑ the R.W. Senior Grand Warden; the R.W. Grand Treasurer; the VW. Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies; VW. Bro. Diarmuid McNulty and VW. Bro. Richard Ensor; the R.W. Provincial Grand Masters of South Connaught, Munster and New Zealand ; R.W. Bro. Robert J. Armstrong, Past Provincial Grand Master; R.W. Bros. Robert J. Thomson and T. Noel Bownes, Past Senior Grand Wardens; R.W. Bros. Allen G. Megarry, Michael R. Bicknell and Cecil D. Burns, Past Grand Directors of Ceremonies; R.W. Bros. the Ven. R. Clayton Stevenson, the Rev. Kenneth W. Cochrane and the Very Rev. Philip J. Knowles, Past Junior Grand Chaplains; VW. Bro. Gordon Morrison, Past Grand Deacon; V.W. Bros. Gordon Bradshaw and Mervyn W. Morrison, Honorary Past Grand Deacons; VW. Bro. Ralph B. McGuckin, Past Grand Supt. of Works; VW. Bro. Cecil Taylor, Past Assistant Grand Treasurer; VW. Bro. Samuel Scott, Hon. Past Grand Steward; VW. Bro. Michael R. McWilliam, Past Assistant Grand Secretary; VW. Bro. William T.H. Balmer, Past Grand Almoner; VW. Bro. Arthur W. White, Past Grand Steward of Charities; VW. Bro. S. Gordon Leathern, Past Grand Master's Standard Bearer; the Representatives of the Grand Lodges of New South Wales, New Zealand, Tasmania, Germany (United Grand Lodges), Arizona, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Kansas, Nebraska, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, Ohio, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Vermont, Costa Rica, Mato Grosso, Peru, Sao Paolo, Benin, the Ivory Coast, China and Japan; and R.W. Bros. Douglas Wakefield and William McKelvey, Past Grand Representatives.


Grand Lodge being opened, the Grand Master formally welcomed our distinguished visitors and the Senior Member of each delegation suitably replied.


The Grand Master referred to the recent death of R.W. Bro. William Mawhinney, Past Assistant Grand Master and Representative of the Grand Lodge of India and, in a short eulogy, recalled his distinguished Masonic career. The Grand Master also referred to the recent deaths of VW. Bro. James W.R. Brown, Provincial Deputy Grand Master, Natal and Hon. Past Grand Deacon; VW. Bro. Abraham L. Els, Hon. Past Grand Supt. of Works, S.A.N. and VW. Bro. Henry M. Lowrie, Hon. Past Grand Sword Bearer, Antrim. The memory of our departed distinguished Brethren was saluted.


On the proposal of the R.W. Brother Senior Grand Warden, seconded by the R.W. Brother Junior Grand Warden, the Minutes of the March 8th 2008 Communication of Grand Lodge, which had been circulated, were taken as read, confirmed and signed.


In accordance with Grand Lodge Law No. 43, the Grand Lodge Board of General Purposes nominated the following Brethren to be the Grand Officers for 2009:


Grand Master                               George Dunlop
Senior Grand Warden                  William J. E. Dukelow
Junior Grand Warden                   J. Kenneth Dunne, Past Provincial Grand Master, Midland Counties
Grand Treasurer                           Charles W. Olden
Grand Registrar                            Arthur D.S. Moran
Grand Director of Ceremonies    William J. Dyer
Senior Grand Chaplain                 The Rev. Canon George N. Little
Junior Grand Chaplains              
The Rev. Noel H.L. Regan, Provincial Grand Lodge Chaplain, North Connaught; PM of Lodge 20, Sligo
  The Rev. Richard W. Moore, Provincial Grand Lodge Chaplain Armagh; PM of Lodge 411, Drogheda
Senior Grand Deacon                  Douglas Thompson
Junior Grand Deacon                   John O. Dunlop
Grand Superintendent of Works  David T. Young
Asst. Grand Dir. of Ceremonies  Ivan A. Meldrum
Grand Steward                              Thomas R. McDowell
Grand Sword Bearer                     Basil Elliott
Grand Stewards of Charities        Diarmuid McNulty
  James Stanley 
Grand Almoners                            Richard Ensor
  J. Edward Brownell
Grand Organist                             John N. Rowden
Grand Lodge Standard Bearer     John Dickson, Provincial Grand Registrar, Antrim
Grand Inner Guard                         John A. Graham, Provincial Assistant Grand Master, Londonderry

W.Bro. Peter H. Mullock FCA, Past Master of Lodge No. 395, Dublin, was nominated as the Auditor of Grand Lodge Accounts for the year 2008.


Read letter from Lodge No. 651 noting a proposed merger between itself and Lodge No. 257 and requesting permission for the retention of the name of one Lodge, with attendant crest and the number of the other ‑ one Warrant to be returned to Dublin. Confirmed, once vetted and approved by the Provincial Grand Lodge of Antrim.

Read letter from the Grand Lodge of Austria submitting the name of Bro. Alfred Werner, as a suitable Brother to act as our Representative there. Recommended to Grand Lodge. Confirmed.


Read letter from the Regular Grand Lodge of Italy submitting the name of M.W.Bro. Fabio Venzi, Grand Master, to act as our Representative there. Recommended to Grand Lodge. Confirmed.


Read letter from the Grand Lodge of Lithuania submitting the name of R.W.Bro. Linas Didrikas, Deputy Grand Master, to act as our Representative there. Recommended to Grand Lodge. Confirmed.

 Read letter from the Grand Lodge of South Dakota submitting the name of M.W.Bro. Leslie M. Spies, Past Grand Master, to act as our Representative there. Recommended to Grand Lodge. Confirmed. 

Vacancies having arisen in the Representations of the Grand Lodges of Denmark, Alabama, Oregon, Ecuador, Indiana and Saskatchewan the Board recommended that the names of W.Bros. Thomas F. Jamison, Samuel M. Oliver, James Hughes, Robert McKelvey, Alan R. Hopkins and Eric V. Good be sent forward for consideration to act as their Grand Representatives here. Recommended to Grand Lodge. Confirmed.

 The Board considered a request for recognition, and an exchange of Representatives from, the Grand Lodge of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Grand Secretary informed the Board that following its Constitution by the Grand Lodge of Austria in 2005, the new Grand Lodge had met regularly and had, moreover, completed the U.G.L.E. Application for Recognition Form and had sent to us a copy of same. Recognition was granted by U.G.L.E. at its recent March Communication and the Grand Secretary believed it was in order now to follow suit. The Board concurred and recommended to Grand Lodge. Confirmed.

The Board considered a charge of unmasonic conduct brought against a Brother, a member of Acacia Lodge No. 7, Belfast, in that, at Downpatrick Crown Court, he had been convicted on twelve counts of having made indecent photographs of children contrary to Article 3(1) (a) of the Protection of Children (Northern Ireland) Order, 1978.

Read report thereon from the Standing Committee of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Antrim, which, having reviewed all aspects of the case, found the charge substantiated and recommended that the Brother be expelled from the Order forthwith. The Grand Lodge Board so recommends to Grand Lodge. Confirmed.

 The Board considered letters from a number of Brethren of St. Patrick's Lodge, No. 295 and Glittering Star Lodge, No. 322, expressing concern at the proposed use of the Warrant of 295 and recommending its being placed, in the short term, in abeyance. Having considered the circumstances and the status of the Warrant, the Board recommends its immediate return to the Grand Secretary at Grand Lodge, in the short term. Confirmed.

The Board noted the proposed date ‑ 6th. December, 2008 ‑ of the Foundation and Constitution of the Grand Lodge of Ghana; with the total agreement of and in conjunction with the Brethren of both the Provincial Grand Lodge of Ghana, LC. and the District Grand Lodge of Ghana, S.C.; and the explicit and recorded agreement, though not involvement, of the English Brethren in Ghana, who will remain, per agreement of all three Constitutions and by their own wishes, a constituent element, that is to say, the District Grand Lodge of Ghana, E.C., of the United Grand Lodge of England.

The Assistant Grand Master read an eight‑point statement from the Mediators' Chairman re the Antrim Dispute, which stated that " Through its essential quality of compromise, mediation has been successful in achieving a mutual solution to all aspects of the dispute ..... " and concluded " It can now be confidently assumed that this dénouement is the definitive closure of the dispute in the best interests of Irish Freemasonry, without fear of any latent negative developments or any interpretation of the compromise achieved as a winner/loser scenario...."


At the conclusion of the Stated Meeting of the Board, a Special Meeting was held in accordance with Grand Lodge Law No. 66, at which were submitted the Accounts of Grand Lodge for 2007. The Accounts were considered in detail and explanations given by the Assistant Grand Treasurer. Following the presentation, the Board agreed unanimously that the Accounts, as presented, be recommended to Grand Lodge for adoption. Grand Lodge approved the adoption of the accounts with special thanks expressed to the Assistant Grand Treasurer and Bro. Andrew Lyall.


Read letter from the Grand Lodge of Instruction seeking Grand Lodge approval for the re‑election of R.W.Bro. Michael J. Ward as Grand Secretary for Instruction and the re‑election of VW.Bro. James McFarland, as Assistant Grand Secretary for Instruction; and also for the election of W.Bros. Paul Kenny and J. Leslie Sibbald, Metropolitan Area, as members of the Grand Lodge of Instruction. Confirmed. The latter were presented with their jewels of membership by the Grand Master. 



The Grand Master, with the concurrence of Grand Lodge conferred the following Honorary Ranks:­


Past Grand Deacon  
W. Bro. Robert I Hart                         Past Master of Lodge No. 592, The Mount
W. Bro. Adam L Carson           Past Master of Lodge No. 597, Belfast
R.W. Brother William G G Gough  On promotion from Hon. Past Grand Steward (New Zealand)
R.W. Bro. Gideon D Swanepoel   Provincial Assistant Grand Master, Natal
VW. Bro. William Beveridge  
 On promotion from Hon. Past Grand Supt. of Works (Natal)
VW. Bro. Alan R P Byars      On promotion from Hon. Past Grand Supt. of Works (Natal)
VW. Bro. Gerald Newby     On promotion from Hon. Past Grand Steward (Natal)
VW. Bro. Milroy S Perera   On promotion from Hon. Past Grand Steward (Sri Lanka)
VW. Bro. Kwesi Aggrey  On promotion from Hon. Past Grand Supt. of Works (Ghana)
VW. Bro. Osei Asamoa Bonsu  On promotion from Hon. Past Grand Supt. of Works (Ghana)
VW. Bro. Osei Asante   On promotion from Hon. Past Grand Steward (Ghana)
VW. Bro. Elias Gaba  On promotion from Hon. Past Grand Steward (Ghana)
R.W. Bro. Charles W Stanley‑Pierre District Grand Master of Ghana, Scottish Constitution
Past Grand Superintendent
of  Works
V.W. Bro. Arthur F R De Jong  On promotion from Hon. Past Grand Steward (Sri Lanka)
VW. Bro. Jayendran A Setukavalar  On promotion from Hon. Past Grand Steward (Sri Lanka)
VW. Bro. Foli R Kangni Past Master of Lodge No. 866, Ghana
VW. Bro. Frank 0 Lamprey Past Master of Lodge No. 882, Ghana
VW. Bro. Kweku Maani      Past Master of Lodge No. 843, Ghana
W. Bro. Ewa B Ekeng  Past Master of Lodge No. 197, Nigeria
Past Grand Steward
VW. Bro. Alister G Cooke  Past Master of Lodge No. 899, Jamaica & The Bahamas
W. Bro. Waduge M Weerasooriya Past Master of Lodge No. 107, Sri Lanka
W. Bro. Nadarajah Veerasingham  Past Master of Lodge No. 298, Sri Lanka
W. Bro. Athula C B Bowatte  Past Master of Lodge No. 298, Sri Lanka
VW. Bro. Samuel O Tettey Past Master of Lodge No. 876, Ghana
VW. Bro. Con‑Jan A de Souza  Past Master of Lodge No. 866, Ghana
VW. Bro. Nicholas A de Heer Past Master of Lodge No. 867, Ghana
VW. Bro. Alex Amanfu  Past Master of Lodge No. 841, Ghana
W. Bro. Kenneth J Fish  Past Master of Lodge No. 922, Nigeria
W. Bro. Clement A Ezeumeh Past Master of Lodge No. 884, Nigeria
W. Bro. Lazarus O Enwereuzor Past Master of Lodge No. 908, Nigeria
Past Grand Sword Bearer
W. Bro. John P Brookes   Past Master of Lodge No. 446, New Zealand
W. Bro. Dudley M Burrows     Past Master of Lodge No. 446, New Zealand
W. Bro. Geoffrey L Grenfell   Past Master of Lodge No. 348, New Zealand
VW. Bro. Bernard M Wong   Past Master of Lodge No. 907, Jamaica & The Bahamas
W. Bro. Edward R A Norman Past Master of Lodge No. 922, Nigeria
W. Bro. Chukwuemeka Ogugua     Past Master of Lodge No. 885, Nigeria
Past Grand Stewards of Charities
W. Bro. Sunday A Campbell   Past Master of Lodge No. 885, Nigeria
W. Bro. Emmanuel Awoye‑Suku Past Master of Lodge No. 902, Nigeria
Past Grand Almoner
W. Bro. Gabriel O Osaigbovo  Past Master of Lodge No. 857, Nigeria
W. Bro. Golden O Tamuno    Past Master of Lodge No. 828, Nigeria
Past Grand Lodge Standard Bearer
V.W. Bro. Percy E Tomlinson Past Master of Lodge No. 390, Jamaica & The Bahamas
Past Grand Inner Guard
VW. Bro. Richard G Knoesen Past Prov. Grand Director of Ceremonies, Natal
Past Master of the Irish Constitution
Bro. Stanley F Pearce     Lodge No. 454, New Zealand
Bro. Serrano Kitson   Lodge No. 926, Jamaica & The Bahamas
Bro. Hilton McDavid   Lodge No. 926, Jamaica & The Bahamas
Bro. James R Bain  Lodge No. 928, Jamaica & The Bahamas
Bro. Brendon C Watson  Lodge No. 928, Jamaica & The Bahamas
Bro. Emmanuel E Osadebay Lodge No. 928, Jamaica & The Bahamas
Bro. Levonne E Moxey   Lodge No. 928, Jamaica & The Bahamas
Bro. Benjamin H Rahming  Lodge No. 928, Jamaica & The Bahamas
Bro. John C Fuller Lodge No. 928, Jamaica & The Bahamas
Bro. Joseph R Curry Lodge No. 928, Jamaica & The Bahamas
Overseas District Grand Rank
W. Bro. Philippe W S N Woo Kai Fong Past Master of Lodge No. 925, Mauritius



The Grand Master, in the course of his quarterly address, said I begin on a very sad note by referring, once again, to the sudden death of R.W. Bro. William (Bill) Mawhinney, P.A.G.M. who died on the 9th April. We both served under the Immediate Past G.M., Most W. Bro. Eric Waller and were privileged to be on the same team led by a most capable Grand Master.

As a person, Bill was a very good friend and a joy to know; he had a greeting for everyone and had a friendly disposition at all times. He will be sadly missed and I would tender my heartfelt sympathy to his dear wife Kate, to Michael, Joanne and their families. May God sustain and comfort them at this time. His Obituary will be published in the autumn issue of Grand Lodge News.

Since the Grand Lodge Communication in Galway, I have been busy with Lodge visitations and various events, the most important of which was the Installation of R.W. Bro. Richard Gray as Provincial Grand Master of Down.

I congratulate Bro. Gray on achieving this significant point in his Masonic career, of which he has every right to feel proud in that he follows in his late father's footsteps. I know that the Province is still in safe hands and I am confident that Richard's drive and enthusiasm will achieve much during his period of office. I wish him well and thank his predecessor, R.W. Bro. Robert Armstrong for his diligent overseeing and vigorous stewardship during his tenure at the helm

In early May, I attended the World Conference of Masonic Grand Lodges in Washington DC., entitled `Universal Fraternity in Action'. The event was exceptionally well attended, especially by Grand Masters and delegates from every corner of the world and the venue was most appropriate. R.W. Bro. Tom Jackson. Executive Secretary of the Conference, skillfully preserved the continuity of the Conference and summarised specific and general presentations most professionally.

The Almoner's Conference held in April was very successful and I would thank the R.W. Assistant Grand Master for organising it. The work of the Almoner is a most important function, requiring Brethren with special skills to meet the needs of the beneficiaries. I thank them all.

I attended a meeting of the GMF Committee in the North and appreciated the tricky problems and important decisions they have to make. Their commitment to the task was truly laudable as is that of the Brethren in general : for instance I was most impressed by the determination of three Brethren who are undertaking a sponsored `Long Run Down' from Belfast to Dublin and then taking part in the Dublin marathon. They have the support of many other runners and I would appeal to local Brethren along the way to assist them in whatever way they can.  Also, The Millennium Golf Competition Committee, led by R.W. Bro. Noel Simpson and his wife, has already shown significant generosity for which I thank them. 

Looking to the future, our Provincial Grand Lodge of Ghana plans to merge with their Scottish counterparts in forming a Grand Lodge of Ghana. We readily support them and will, in cooperation with the Grand Lodge of Scotland, conduct the Ceremony of Constitution which is expected to happen before the end of the year.


New Charity Legislation is being tabled by the ROI Government; a draft Bill is in preparation and the Cabinet has been considering the potential consequences (if any) for our respective Funds when the amended law is adopted.

Thanks to R.W.Bro. Jack Dunlop, PAGM of Antrim, I have commissioned a documentary on `Irish Freemasonry' through an independent producer, whose work we will monitor closely to ensure that we do not suffer another `witch‑hunt'. It will take about a year to complete and be sold to the main Television Channels. 

We continue to welcome meetings with the media, churches and other community groups and greatly value the input from our PR Officer, V.W.Bro. Trevor Hanna, whose ready access to the press affords us opportunities to reassure the public of the true nature of our Order. Thus, I have recently received a request to meet with the `Hard Gospel' group of the Church of Ireland and have appointed a Masonic group to meet with them later this month.

 We constantly strive to correct the public's misperception of Freemasonry and acknowledge that secularism is a real and growing threat to the moral standards which we embrace.

 As Freemasons, we must accentuate the positives of Freemasonry. We are privileged to be members of this prestigious Order and we should see that all our actions and associations constantly endorse this image.


The Grand Master welcomed Brethren from overseas who were attending including R.W.Bros. Alabo T. O. Graham‑Douglas, Michael Gwynn and St. Clair Brinkworth Tucker, Provincial Grand Masters and Nana Herman Mould, Past Provincial Grand Master. He also welcomed the Provincial Deputy Grand Master of Bermuda and members of Abercorn Lodge No. 123 to whom he presented a Centenary certificate and one of whom, in turn, made a presentation to him.

The Grand Master, in welcoming the annual large delegation from Glittering Star Lodge No. 322, referred to the Lodge's celebration of its 250th Anniversary next year.


Bro. Thomas Bradley, the Provincial Grand Master of Fife and Kinross, along with two English Brethren, was present as a guest of one of our members.


There was also in attendance, and for his first visit, R.W. Bro. Peter Gobel, our Representative at the United Grand Lodges of Germany; and four Finnish Brethren who had travelled to participate in a Masonic golf charity outing the following day.


The Charity Collection amounted to €1,519.01


Later that evening over one hundred Brethren and their companions enjoyed a buffet supper at the conclusion of which the Grand Master made a short address.