There were also present:‑ the Provincial Grand Masters of Antrim, Armagh, North Connaught, Down, Londonderry & Donegal, Meath, Midland Counties, Munster, North Munster, South Eastern, Tyrone & Fermanagh, Wicklow & Wexford; the Chairman of the Metropolitan Board; R.W. Bros. Charles W. Olden, J. Kenneth Dunne, Harvey F.J. Heavener, R. Arthur Keppel, Robert G. Quigley and R. Wilson Mark, Past Provincial Grand Masters; the Provincial Deputy Grand Masters of Antrim, Armagh, South Connaught, Down, Londonderry & Donegal, Meath, Midland Counties, North Munster and Wicklow & Wexford; R.W.Bros. Edward C.W. Smith and John R. Hadden, Past Provincial Deputy Grand Masters; R.W. Bro. Arthur D.S. Moran, Past Grand Registrar; R.W. Bro. Michael W. Walker, Past Grand Secretary; R.W. Bro. the Right Rev. Samuel G. Poyntz, Past Senior Grand Chaplain; R.W. Bro. Warren W. Porter, Past Junior Grand Chaplain; R.W. Bros. Allen G. Megarry and William J. Dyer, Past Grand Directors of Ceremonies; V.W. Bros. Terence O. Read, Robert J. Robinson, Frank Arnold, John O. Dunlop, Thomas R. McDowell, Alan Stewart and Ivan Gillespie, Past Grand Deacons; V.W. Bros. Ivor A. Moloney, James C. Stanley and William J. Johnston, Past Grand Stewards of Charities; V.W. Bro. Bernard V.A. Woods, Past Grand Almoner; V.W. Bros. William J. Dixon, David Penpraze, Robin E.W. Newenham and Jack F. Daley, Past Grand Master’s Standard Bearers; R.W.Bro. Samuel McConnell, Past Grand Representative; and other Senior Brethren. SISTER CONSTITUTIONS REPRESENTED The following Grand Lodges were represented:‑ Scotland, Canada in Ontario, Quebec, Saskatchewan, Western Australia, Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, France. Germany, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Norway, Slovakia, Spain, Turkey, Arkansas, District of Columbia, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Kansas, Maryland, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Argentina, Brazil (G.O.), Chile, Sao Paolo, Venezuela, Burkina Faso, Gabon, Guinea, Madagascar, Senegal, South Africa, China, Japan, the Philippines, Mauritius and the Prince Hall Grand Lodges of the Caribbean, Massachusetts, North Carolina and Texas. APOLOGIES FOR NON‑ATTENDANCE DELEGATIONS FROM SISTER CONSTITUTIONS The Grand Lodge of Estonia was represented by the M.W. Grand Master. Bro. Anti Oidsalu The Grand Lodge of Spain was represented by the R.W. Grand Chancellor. Bro. Ian Scambler. The Grand Lodge of British Freemasons in Germany was represented by the M.W. Grand Master. Bro. Alan Wainright and the M.W. Past Grand Master, Bro. Michael Cooper. The Grand Lodge of Scotland was represented by M.W. Grand Master Mason. Bro. Charles Ian Wolridge Gordon of Esslemont and R.W. Grand Secretary, Bro. David Begg. The United Grand Lodge of England was represented by R.W.Bro. Major the Hon. Andrew F.C. Wigram, Past Senior Grand Warden, and V.W.Bro. John Hamill, PGSB, Assistant Grand Chancellor OBITUARIES WELCOME MINUTES NOMINATION OF THE GRAND LODGE OFFICERS FOR 2015 "In my letter of 19th January past to the Grand Secretary I indicated that I was undergoing a series of medical investigations in order to gain an accurate picture of my state of health and that, pending the outcome of those investigations, it was in the best interests of Grand Lodge for me stand aside from discharging a number of the duties associated with the role of Grand Master. The outcome of those investigations now leads me to conclude, with much regret, that 1 should resign my office as Grand Master. I therefore intend to vacate office with effect from the beginning of June 2014. Senior Grand Lodge Officers will ensure that all necessary duties are properly discharged until such times as a new Grand Master takes up the reins. I extend my grateful thanks to you all for your support, encouragement and application to your Masonic duties. Every brother can play a constructive part in ensuring a successful future for our great Order and in Freemasonry everyone matters. It is up to all of us to decide on the right mix and balance of our activities to maintain the momentum of Freemasonry for our own benefit and that of future generations. " In deference, therefore, to the Grand Master's desire to resign from next month, the Chairman informed the Board that we were not seeking nominations for his successor at this time, but would be doing so at the September meeting of the Board, and the subsequent Communication, in October, of Grand Lodge. Thus:‑ in accordance with Grand Lodge Law No. 43, the Grand Lodge Board of General Purposes nominated the following Brethren to be the Grand Officers for 2015:
W. Brother C. Desmond Mullock, Past Master of Lodge No. 395, Dublin, was nominated as Auditor of the Grand Lodge Accounts for the year 2014. REPORT OF THE GRAND LODGE BOARD OF GENERAL PURPOSES Read Memorial for a Warrant to establish a Lodge in Athenry, Co. Galway in the Province of South Connaught. The Memorial being in order and the fee being paid, recommended to Grand Lodge. Confirmed. A vacancy having arisen in the Representation of the Grand Lodge of Romania, the Board recommended the name of W.Bro. S. David McGrew, Past Master of Lodge No. 350, Omagh, be sent forward for consideration by the Grand Lodge of Romania as a suitable Brother to act as their Grand Representative here. Recommended to Grand Lodge. Confirmed. A vacancy having arisen in the Representation of the Grand Lodge of Newfoundland & Labrador, the Board recommended the name of W. Bro. Alfred L.J. Reed, Past Master of Lodge No. 238, Dublin, be sent forward for consideration by the Grand Lodge of Newfoundland & Labrador as a suitable Brother to act as their Grand Representative here. Recommended to Grand Lodge. Confirmed. A vacancy having arisen in the Representation of the Grand Lodge of Finland, the Board recommended the name of W.Bro. Joseph J. McCullough, Past Master of Lodge No. 335, Broomhedge, be sent forward for consideration by the Grand Lodge of Finland as a suitable Brother to act as their Grand Representative here. Recommended to Grand Lodge. Confirmed. A vacancy having arisen in the Representation of the Grand Lodge of Michigan, the Board recommended the name of W.Bro. Eric Mackarel, Past Master of Lodge No. 881, Clones, be sent forward for consideration by the Grand Lodge of Michigan as a suitable Brother to act as their Grand Representative here. Recommended to Grand Lodge. Confirmed. The Board considered a request for permission to transfer the Warrant of Mindin Lodge No. 464 from Kanpur to Kellam. Recommended to Grand Lodge. Confirmed. The Board considered and agreed the following proposed wording for a Resolution of Grand Lodge: "that the Assistant Grand Master be a nominated member of the Masonic Havens Ltd. during his service in that Office". Recommended to Grand Lodge. Confirmed. The Board considered and agreed the following proposed wording for a Decision of the Board of General Purposes, a notice of motion to this effect having been submitted by the Assistant Grand Master in February and now proposed by him: "If for any reason the Board of the Metropolitan District or a Provincial Grand Lodge decides that it would not be appropriate for them to deal with a case involving Suspension or Expulsion then they may remit the case to the Grand Lodge Board of General Purposes for consideration. The Grand Lodge Board of General Purposes may, at its discretion, request either another Provincial Grand Lodge or the Board of the Metropolitan District to deal with the case. The Grand Lodge Board of General Purposes will however have the power to deal directly with the case if it feels that this is the correct course." The proposal was seconded by R.W.Bro. Armstrong, Junior Grand Warden. Recommended to Grand Lodge. Confirmed. At the conclusion of the Stated Meeting of the Board, a Special Meeting was held in accordance with Grand Lodge Law No. 66, at which were submitted the Accounts of Grand Lodge for 2013. The Accounts were considered in detail and explanations given by the Grand Treasurer. Following the presentation, the Board agreed unanimously that the Accounts, as presented, be recommended to Grand Lodge for adoption, with special thanks being expressed to Bro. Andrew Lyall, now retired, Colin Forbes and his team. Similarly, the Grand Treasurer gave a short presentation to Grand Lodge and commended the accounts. Their adoption was proposed and seconded by the Senior and Junior Grand Wardens. Confirmed. COMMITTEE OF CHARITY GRAND LODGE OF INSTRUCTION INVESTITURE OF FOREIGN GRAND REPRESENTATIVES W.Bro. Hugh J. Selby, Past Master of Lodge No. 688, Rosetta, being in attendance and having produced his Patent of Appointment, the Grand Director of Ceremonies formed a procession and presented him to the Assistant Grand Master for Investiture and formal presentation of his Patent of Appointment as Representative of the Grand Lodge of Colorado. He was conducted to his seat and saluted. V.W.Bro. David Penpraze, Past Master of Lodge No. 636, Newtownabbey, being in attendance and having produced his Patent of Appointment, the Grand Director of Ceremonies formed a procession and presented him to the Assistant Grand Master for Investiture and formal presentation of his Patent of Appointment as Representative of the Grand Lodge of Minnesota. He was conducted to his seat and saluted. V.W.Bro. T. Albert Wilson, Past Master of Lodge No. 82, Portadown, being in attendance and having produced his Patent of Appointment, the Grand Director of Ceremonies formed a procession and presented him to the Assistant Grand Master for Investiture and formal presentation of his Patent of Appointment as Representative of the Grand Lodge of Missouri. He was conducted to his seat and saluted. V.W.Bro. Samuel Brennan, Past Master of Lodge No. 788, Caimcastle, being in attendance and having produced his Patent of Appointment, the Grand Director of Ceremonies formed a procession and presented him to the Assistant Grand Master for Investiture and formal presentation of his Patent of Appointment as Representative of the Grand Lodge of The Philippines. He was conducted to his seat and saluted.
The Director of Ceremonies presented V.W.Bro. Hamill of U.G.L.E., R.W.Bro. Allen and V.W.Bro. Keith Cochrane to receive their Certificates from the Assistant Grand Master and the Grand Secretary paid tribute to the research assistance provided over many years to Grand Lodge by Bros. Hamill and Cochrane, in their respective capacities. ASSISTANT GRAND MASTER'S ADDRESS & WELCOME TO VISITING BRETHREN R.W.Bro. Anthony M.D. Allen, Grand Inspector for Botswana. Brethren from the Provincial Grand Lodge of the Far East; V.W.Bro. Terence G Hicks, Provincial Grand Secretary; W. Bro. Tommy Cheng, Provincial Assistant Grand Secretary; and W.Bro. Tuck Weng Lai, Provincial Grand Steward. Brethren from Lodge Glittering Star, No. 322 and a number of Brethren from France, including two from our own Lodge, France‑d'Irlande No. 884. He further welcomed visitors from The Great Priory of Scotland: Bros. James Hodge,