


The Ashdown Park Hotel, Gorey, Co. Wexford.


M.W. Grand Master Eric N. Waller on The Throne
R.W. Deputy Grand Master George Dunlop
R.W. Assistant Grand Master William Mawhinney
R.W. Senior Grand Warden John Greer
R.W. Junior Grand Warden T. Noel Bownes
R.W. Grand Treasurer Charles W. Olden
R.W. Grand Registrar Arthur D. S. Moran
R.W. Grand Secretary Michael W. Walker
R.W. Director of Ceremonies Cecil D. Buns
R.W. Senior Grand Chaplain

Rev. Canon George N. Little

R.W. Junior Grand Chaplains Rev. Selwood Graham
V.W. Senior Grand Deacon Cecil P. Tilson
V.W. Junior Grand Deacon Gordon Morrison
V.W. Grand Superintendent of Works David T. Young
V.W. Assistant Grand Secretary D. Barry Lyons
V.W. Assistant Director of Ceremonies William J. Dyer
V.W. Grand Steward Kenneth Abernethy
V.W. Grand Sword Bearer Robert J. Robinson
V.W. Grand Stewards of Charities Roger Matthews
. Robert Bankhead
. Robert T. Caffery
V.W. Grand Almoner Richard Ensor
. William T. H. Balmer
V.W. Grand Organist John N. Rowden
V.W. Grand Lodge Standard Bearer Frank R. L. Arnold
V.W. Grand Master's Standard Bearer R. Brian Kearon
V.W. Grand Inner Guard John L. Frazer
V.W. Grand Secretary for Instruction Michael J. Ward
V.W. Asst. Grand Secretary for Instruction Robert J. Armstrong

There were also present:‑ the Provincial Grand Masters of Antrim, Armagh, North Connaught, Londonderry & Donegal, North Munster, South Eastern and Wicklow & Wexford; R.W. Brother William W.T. Shortland, Past Provincial Grand Master, South Connaught; R.W. Brother Gerard W. Bean, Past Provincial Grand Master, Bermuda; the Provincial Deputy Grand Masters of Antrim, Armagh, North Connaught, South Connaught, Down, Londonderry & Donegal, Meath, Midland Counties, North Munster, South Eastern, and Wicklow & Wexford; R.W. Brother Cyril R. Foster, Past Provincial Deputy Grand Master, North Munster; R.W. Brother The Very Rev. Philip J. Knowles; Past Junior Grand Chaplain; VW. Brothers Norman Humes, Leslie V. Johnston, Past Grand Deacons; V.W. Brother Charles R. Knipe, Honorary Past Grand Deacon; V.W. Brother Cecil Taylor, Past Assistant Grand Treasurer; VW. Brother Michael R. McWilliam, Past Assistant Grand Secretary; V.W. Brothers Andrew McFetridge and Charles A. McCullough, Past Grand Stewards of Charities; and V.W. Brother Robert J. Hunter, Past Grand Master's Standard Bearer.


The following Grand Lodges were represented:‑ Scotland, Canada in Ontario, Manitoba, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Saskatchewan, New South Wales, Western Australia, Andorra, Austria, Belgium (Regular), Iceland, Lithuania, Malta, the Netherlands, Slovenia, Sweden, Alaska, District of Columbia, Florida, Hawaii, Idaho, Kentucky, Maine, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, South Dakota, Washington, Cuscatlan of El Salavador, Ecuador, Gabon, Madagascar and Mali.


Apologies for non‑attendance were received from:‑ the R.W. Assistant Grand Master; R.W. Brother The Rev. Selwoode Graham, Junior Grand Chaplain; the V.W. Grand Superintendent of Works; the V.W. Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies; V.W. Brother Robert Bankhead, Grand Steward of Charities; VW. Brother William T.H. Balmer, Grand Almoner; the V.W. Assistant Grand Secretary for Instruction; the Provincial Grand Masters of the Midland Counties, Munster and Tyrone & Fermanagh; the Provincial Deputy Grand Masters of Antrim and Tyrone & Fermanagh; R.W. Brother William J.E. Dukelow, Past Provincial Grand Master, Tyrone & Fermanagh; R.W. Brothers Daniel B. Fincher and Robert J. Thomson, Past Senior Grand Wardens; R.W. Brother Michael R. Bicknell, Past Grand Director of Ceremonies; R.W. Brother The Rt. Rev. Samuel G. Poyntz, Past Senior Grand Chaplain; R.W. Brothers The Ven. R. Clayton Stevenson, The Rev. Canon Richard H. Bertram, The Rev. Charles McCurdy, The Rev. Canon Kenneth W. Cochrane, The Rev. W. Warren Porter and The Rev. Walter Herron, Past Junior Grand Chaplains; V.W. Brothers Gordon V. Bradshaw, Arnold J. Cooke and Mervyn W. Morrison, Honorary Past Grand Deacons; V.W. Brothers Robert H.B. Mills, Arthur W. White, William J. Johnston, Herbert A. Walsh and Dennis R. Millen, Past Grand Stewards of Charities; V.W. Brother Bernard V.A. Woods, Past Grand Almoner; V.W. Brothers Thomas A.D. Martin, Robert T. Bashford, David M. Wright. and Samuel A. Mackenzie, Past Grand Master's Standard Bearers; and The Representatives of the Grand Lodges of Alberta, New Brunswick, Victoria, Western Australia, Tasmania, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Norway, Poland, Switzerland, Arkansas, Connecticut, Georgia, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, Argentina, Sao Paulo, Costa Rica, Burkina Faso, Guinea, the Ivory Coast, India, The Philippines, the State of Israel; the Prince Hall Grand Lodges of Colorado, Connecticut and Ohio; and R.W. Brothers Clarence Bamford, Norman H. Lush, S.J. Patience and Douglas Wakefield, Past Grand Representatives.


Grand Lodge being opened, the Grand Master, Grand Officers and members of Grand Lodge were welcomed to the Province of Wicklow & Wexford by R.W. Brother Harvey F.J. Heavener, Provincial Grand Master. R.W. Brother Heavener welcomed the Grand Master back to his Masonic roots, confirming that the Provincial Grand Lodge of Wicklow & Wexford dated from the year 1870 and that Brethren from Harmony Lodge No. 228, Gorey, had been present at that Constitution Ceremony. The Grand Master replied saying how saddened he had been by the vandalism and arson attack on the Lodge premises in the town which he noted, with pleasure, had been made right for the Lodge meeting on the previous evening which had been attended by the Deputy Grand Master. The Grand Master praised the Lodge's activities and its integration and acceptance within the local community.


The Grand Master referred to the recent deaths of R.W. Bro. Sun Chung Ta, Past Grand Inspector, South East Asia; R.W. Bro. The Rev. Canon William N.K. Amamoo, Honorary Past Junior Grand Chaplain, Ghana; V.W. Bro. Joseph K. Ayekpa, Honorary Past Grand Deacon, Ghana; V.W. Bro. Frank G. Asamoah, Honorary Past Grand Superintendent of Works, Ghana; and R.W. Bro. Robert J. Clinton, Honorary Past Grand Steward of Charities, Past Grand Representative. The memory of our departed distinguished Brethren was saluted.


On the proposal of R.W. Brother John Greer, Senior Grand Warden, seconded by R.W. Brother T. Noel Bownes, Junior Grand Warden, the Minutes of the December 2"a, 2004, Communication of Grand Lodge, which had been circulated, were taken as read, confirmed and signed.


R.W. Brother Basil Fenton, being in attendance, the Grand Director of Ceremonies formed a procession and presented him to the Grand Master for Obligation, Investiture, Installation, Proclamation and Presentation with his Patent of Appointment as Provincial Grand Master of South Connaught. R.W. Brother Fenton thanked the Grand Master for his appointment and assured him of the loyalty of the Brethren of the Province of South Connaught.


R.W. Brothers Andrew McFetridge, Brian A. Eve and Richard Hill, being in attendance and having produced their Patents of Appointment, the Grand Director of Ceremonies formed a procession and presented then to the Grand Master for investiture as Representatives of the Grand Lodge of Andorra, the Regular Grand Lodge of Belgium and the Grand Lodge of Florida, respectively. The newly invested Grand Representatives were conducted to their seats and were saluted.


R.W. Brother Cecil P. Tilson, being in attendance, the Grand Director of Ceremonies formed a procession and presented him to the Grand Master for Obligation, Investiture, Installation, Presentation with his Patent of Appointment and Proclamation as Provincial Grand Master of Meath. R.W. Brother Tilson, having thanked the Grand Master for his appointment was conducted to his seat and was saluted.


The Board received a detailed report from the Assistant Grand Master who had been asked by the Deputy Grand Master to chair a Committee to receive applications for the Office of Grand Secretary. Following his detailed report on the procedures adopted and implemented, the Assistant Grand Master indicated that he had submitted the Committee's recommendation to the Grievance Committee which had unanimously forwarded to the Grand Lodge Board of General Purposes the name of V.W. Brother D. Barry Lyons, Assistant Grand Secretary, for recommendation to Grand Lodge. This recommendation was accepted and unanimously approved by the Grand Lodge Board for recommendation to Grand Lodge. Confirmed.

The Board noted, with regret, for reporting to Grand Lodge, the return of the Warrant of Lodge No. 323, Benoni, South Africa Northern.

The Board noted a submission for the erection of a Provincial Grand Lodge of Sri Lanka, submitted by the Grand Inspector, R.W. Brother Colonel R. Harindran. The Board recommended, for Grand Lodge approval, that should the Brethren in Sri Lanka decide to proceed with the erection of a Provincial Grand Lodge, that this be approved. Confirmed.

Read Memorial for the issue of a new Warrant to establish a Lodge at Maypen, in the Island of Jamaica, to be called Erin Lodge No. 932. The Memorial being in order and supported by Lodges Nos. 390, 921, and 907, and by the Provincial Grand Master and Provincial Deputy Grand Master of the Province of Jamaica & the Bahamas, the Board recommended that a new Warrant be issued. Confirmed.

Read Memorial for the issue of a new Warrant to erect a Lodge at Virginia, in the Provincial Grand Lodge of Meath, to be called St. Johns Lodge of Past Masters No. 933. The Memorial being in order and supported by Lodges Nos. 90, 244, and 796, as well as by the Provincial Grand Master and Provincial Deputy Grand Master of Meath, and the fee being paid, the Board recommended that a new Warrant be issued. Confirmed.

Following on the Constitution of the Sovereign Grand Lodge of Malta by the Grand Lodge of Ireland in November, 2004, the Board recommended that formal recognition be granted so that the name can be added to the list of those Grand Lodges with which we exchange Grand Representatives and whose Lodges may be visited by Brethren of the Irish Constitution. The Board recommended that recognition be granted and that an exchange of Representatives he agreed to. Confirmed.

There being vacancies in the Representation of the Grand Lodges of Oklahoma, The Philippines, the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Connecticut, South Africa, Portugal, Alaska, Malta, Turkey, Maryland and Hungary, the Board recommended that the names of W. Bro. Israel Abernethy, P.M. of Lodge No. 637, Ballyclare; W. Bro. John Dickson, P.M. of Lodge No. 326, Ballindeny; W. Bro. John McCullough, P.M. of Lodge No. 45, Glenarm; W. Bro. William D. Clements, P.M. of Lodge No. 16, Kilrea; V.W. Bro. Robert T. Bashford, P.M. of Lodge No. 280, Moyarget; VW. Bro. David J.L. McNeill, Provincial Grand Secretary, North Connaught; R.W. Bro. Michael W. Walker, Grand Secretary; V.W. Bro. William G. Cairns, P.M. of Lodge No. 296, Banbridge; V.W. Bro. Samuel A. Mackenzie, Past Grand Master's Standard Bearer; and W. Bro. Reginald D. Atkinson, P.M. of Lodge No. 619, Newtownabbey; be sent forward, respectively, to the Grand Lodges concerned, for consideration as suitable Brethren to act as their Grand Representatives here. Confirmed.

The Board considered nominations from the Grand Lodges of New South Wales & ACT, New Jersey, The Caribbean & Jurisdiction (Prince Hall) and the Sovereign Grand Lodge of Malta, nominating suitable Brethren, respectively, to act as our Grand Representatives there. For New South Wales, R.W. Brother Robert E. Peattie, Deputy Grand Master; for New Jersey, R.W. Brother Richard H. Williamson, Grand Marshal; for the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of the Caribbean, M.W. Brother Lionel Greenidge, Past Grand Master; and for the Sovereign Grand Lodge of Malta, M.W. Brother Joseph Cordina, Grand Master. Recommended to Grand Lodge. Confirmed.

The Board considered a request from the Trustees of the Grand Lodge of Freemasons of Ireland Medical Research Fund, to appoint W. Brother David St.C. Baird F.R.C.S. as a Trustee of the Fund; and recommended same to Grand Lodge for approval. Confirmed.

The Board considered a request and recommended same for approval by Grand Lodge for a Brother to serve a Principal Office in Lodges Nos. 70, Dromore and 349, Belfast, concurrently in the year 2005. Confirmed.


The Grand Secretary sought and received Grand Lodge approval for a special grant from the Grand Lodge Charity Fund to the widow of a Brother of Lodge No. 249, Dublin, consequent on the Committee of Charity approving an initial grant at its next meeting when a Memorial would be submitted on behalf of the applicant.


The Grand Master with the concurrence of Grand Lodge conferred the following Honorary Ranks:

Past Grand Steward  
V.W. Bro. John Bugeja - on promotion from Overseas District Grand Rank, Gibraltar
V.W. Bro. Joseph Cruz - on promotion from Overseas District Grand Rank, Gibraltar
Past Master of the Irish Constitution  
W. Bro. Andrew E. Mannes - Past Master of Lodge No. 119 (Quebec) affiliated to Lodge No.390, Jamaica


In his quarterly report, the Grand Master referred initially to the retirement of the Assistant Grand Secretary for Charity, V.W. Brother Michael McWilliam after some sixteen years as Secretary of the Masonic Benevolent Institutions. The Grand Master then referred to meetings between the Representative Church Body and himself, accompanied by the Grand Secretary, in December 2004 and again in January 2005. He confirmed that the meetings had taken place in a most friendly atmosphere and a very open manner. The Grand Master also referred to a book‑ launch which had been held in Freemasons' Hall to launch a book by a politician at which many senior political figures were present including the Taoiseach and the Minister for Finance.

The Grand Master went on to detail his various attendances at Masonic functions since the last Grand Lodge meeting ‑ mostly to subordinate Lodges with significant anniversaries etc. ‑ but also the Holocaust Memorial Service on January 30'h' and a visit to the Provincial Grand Lodge of Down which was held at the Balmoral Centre, Belfast.

The Grand Master ended his report by drawing attention to the Placido Domingo Concert being promoted by Events GLI in the Point Theatre, Dublin, on the following Wednesday, March 9`h. Brethren were encouraged to attend the Concert but, in the event that they couldn't, it was hoped that a small donation could be made to the event by purchasing a Concert Programme. The Grand Master indicated that the June meeting would be too taken up with visitors to report on the Concert, but it was hoped that a report would be presented at the October Communication of Grand Lodge.

In concluding his report, the Grand Master welcomed R.W. Brother Dr. Gerard W. Bean, Past Provincial Grand Master of Bermuda and Honorary Past Junior Grand Warden. The Grand Master also welcomed W.. Brother Dennis Eve, Past Provincial Deputy Grand Registrar of the Province of Middlesex (E.C). Our visiting distinguished Brethren were saluted.


The Grand Master thanked V.W. Brother David Valentine, Provincial Grand Secretary, and the many Brethren involved in helping with the arrangements for lunch prior to the meeting and the Grand Lodge Communication.


The Charity Collection amounted to €1160.