M.W. Grand Master |
Eric N. Waller, on the
Throne |
R.W. Deputy Grand Master |
George Dunlop |
R.W. Assistant Grand Master |
William Mawhinney |
R.W. Senior Grand Warden
T. Noel Bownes |
R.W. Junior Grand Warden |
Charles R. Knipe |
R.W. Grand Secretary |
D. Barry Lyons |
R.W. Grand Director of
Ceremonies |
William J. Dyer |
R.W. Senior Grand Chaplain |
The Rev. Canon George N.
Little |
R.W. Junior Grand Chaplains |
The Rev. Selwoode Graham |
The Ven. John G. Murray |
As V.W. Senior Grand Deacon |
John R. Hadden |
V.W. Junior Grand Deacon |
Robert J. Robinson |
V.W. Asst. Grand Director of
Ceremonies |
Ivan A. Meldrum |
As V.W. Grand Steward |
Samuel Scott |
V.W. Grand Sword Bearer |
John L. Frazer |
V.W. Grand Steward of
Charities |
Dennis Millen |
V.W. Grand Almoners |
William T.H. Balmer |
. |
Richard Ensor |
V.W. Grand Organist |
John N. Rowden |
V.W. Grand Lodge Standard
Bearer |
Noel A. Drain |
V.W. Grand Master's Standard
Bearer |
Brian Kearon |
V.W. Grand Inner Guard |
Rodney L. McCurley |
V.W. Grand Secretary for
Instruction |
Michael J. Ward |
V.W. Asst. Grand Secretary
for Instruction |
Robert J. Armstrong |
There were also present:‑ the Provincial Grand Masters of Antrim, Armagh, North Connaught,South Connaught, Down, Londonderry & Donegal, Meath, Midland Counties, Munster, North Munster, South Eastern, Tyrone & Fermanagh and Wicklow & Wexford; the Provincial Deputy Grand Masters of Antrim, Armagh, North Connaught, South Connaught, Midland Counties, North Munster, South Eastern and Wicklow & Wexford; R.W. Brother J. Kenneth Dunne, Past Provincial Grand Master; R.W. Brother John Greer, Past Senior Grand Warden; R.W. Brother Michael W. Walker, Past Grand Secretary; V.W. Brother Leslie V. Johnston, Past Grand Deacon; R.W. Brothers Cyril R. Foster and Thomas J. Kidd, Past Provincial Deputy Grand Masters; V.W. Brother Ralph McGuckin, Past Grand. Superintendent of Works; V.W. Brothers Arthur W. White, Andrew McFetridge and Charles A. McCullough, Past Grand Stewards of Charities; V.W. Brother Maurice W. Lee, Past Grand Almoner; V.W. Brother Brian Sheridan, Honorary Past Grand Steward; and V.W. Brother Robert J. Hunter, Past Grand Master's Standard Bearer.
The following Grand Lodges were represented:‑ Scotland,
Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan, New South Wales, Western Australia,
Victoria, Andorra, Austria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece (National), Iceland,
Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal,
Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, Askansas, California, Georgia, Hawaii,
Illinois, Maine, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New
York, Oklahoma, Ohio, Texas, South Dakota, West Virginia, Costa Rica, Cuscatlan
El Salvador, Argentina, Venezuela, Gabon, Ivory Coast, Madagascar, Mali, South
Africa, China, India, the Philippine Islands, the Dominican Republic and the
Prince Hall Grand Lodges of Colorado and Ohio.
Apologies for non‑attendance were received from:‑ the R.W.
Grand Treasurer; the R.W. Grand Registrar; the V.W. Senior Grand Deacon, the V.W.
Grand Superintendent of Works; the V.W. Grand Steward; V.W. Brother Peter H.
Mullock, Grand Steward of Charities; the Provincial Deputy Grand Masters of
Down, Londonderry & Donegal and Meath; R.W. Brother Adam J. McKinley, Past
Provincial Grand Master, Antrim; R.W. Brothers Daniel B. Fincher, William W.
Hughes, Robert Campbell, Stanley Johnston and Robert J. Thomson, Past Senior
Grand Wardens; R.W. Brother The Rt. Rev. Samuel G. Poyntz, Past Senior Grand
Chaplain; R.W. Brothers The Ven. R. Clayton Stevenson, The Rev. Canon Richard H.
Bertram, The Rev. Charles McCurdy, The Rev. W. Warren Porter and The Very Rev.
Philip J. Knowles, Past Junior Grand Chaplains; V.W. Brother Arnold J. Cooke,
Past Grand Deacon; V.W. Brother Gordon Morrison, Honorary Past Grand Deacon; V.W.
Brother Cecil Taylor, Past Assistant Grand Treasurer; V:W. Brothers Samuel H.
Boyle, William J. Johnston and Herbert A. Walsh, Past Grand Stewards of
Charities; V.W. Brother Bernard V.A. Woods, Past Grand Almoner; V.W. Brothers
Thomas A.D. Martin, David M. Wright, Samuel A. Mackenzie and Donald H. Finlay,
Past Grand Master's Standard Bearers; and The Representatives of the Grand
Lodges of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Tasmania, Croatia, Denmark, Germany,
Poland, Switzerland (Alpina), Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Idaho, Maryland,
Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin, Brazil G.O., Sao
Paulo, Ecuador, Peru, Burkina Faso; the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Connecticut
and R.W. Brothers Harold Ross, Thomas G. Anderson and Douglas Wakefield, Past
Grand Representatives.
Grand Lodge being opened, the Grand Master, Grand
Officers and members of Grand Lodge were welcomed to the Province of North
Connaught by R.W. Brother George Ginnelly, Provincial Grand Master.
The Grand Master referred to the recent deaths of R.W.
Brother Patrick J. Hope, Past Grand Inspector, Far East; R.W. Brother David
Benson, Past Grand Director of Ceremonies and Past Grand Deacon; V.W. Brother
Henry G. Ashton, Past Grand Steward of Charities; V.W. Brother Patrick L.
Kearney, Honorary Past Grand Deacon, South Africa Northern and V.W. Brother
Charles N.D. Ridden, Honorary Past Grand Steward. The memory of our departed
distinguished Brethren was saluted.
On the proposal of R.W. Brother T. Noel Bownes, Senior
Grand Warden, seconded by R.W. Brother Charles R. Knipe, Junior Grand Warden,
the Minutes of the December 1st, 2005, Communication of Grand Lodge, which had
been circulated, were taken as read, confirmed and signed.
The Assistant Grand Master, who had been unavoidably
absent from the Installation of Officers Meeting in December, 2005, was
proclaimed and saluted.
The incoming Grand Master's Standard Bearer, V.W. Brother
Brian Kershaw, also unavoidably absent from that meeting was invested and
It was proposed, seconded and passed unanimously that R.W.
Brothers George Ginnelly and Charles Hatch along with V.W. Brother David T.
Young be elected as the three Grand Lodge Board Representatives on the Grievance
Committee. Confirmed.
It was proposed, seconded and passed unanimously that R.W.
Brothers Dennis R. Millen, G. Ginnelly and D.A.R. Lovesy and V.W. Brothers
Rodney L. McCurley, David T. Young, Brian Kershaw and Alan R. Crowe be elected
members of the Finance Committee for 2006. Confirmed.
It was agreed that the By‑Laws
Committee and the Library Committee would comprise the Assistant Grand Master,
R.W. Brother D. Barry Lyons, W. Brother Morgan McCreadie with Ms. Rebecca Hayes
being a member of the latter. Confirmed.
The Board noted with regret
for reporting to Grand Lodge the return of the following Warrants: Lodges Nos.
36, 378, 406 and 798, Belfast; and 338, 391 and 710, South Africa Northern.
A vacancy having arisen in the
Representation of the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of the Caribbean and Jurisdiction,
the Board recommended that the name of W. Brother Norman T. Reid, Past Master of
Lodge No. 217, Ballina, be sent forward for consideration by the Prince Hall
Grand Lodge of Caribbean and Jurisdiction, as a suitable Brother to act as their
Grand Representative here. Recommended to Grand Lodge. Confirmed.
request received for the
use of the Grand Lodge Coat of Arms on the Masonic Hall in Hong Kong, to be
displayed alongside those of the United Grand Lodge of England and the Grand
Lodge of Scotland, on a stained glass window, was considered. Recommended to
Grand Lodge. Confirmed.
The Board considered a
submission on behalf of Lodge No. 180, Newtownabbey, concerning a breach of
Grand Lodge Law No. 141, paragraph 3. The Grand Secretary was directed to issue
a letter to the Lodge on the matter. ,
The Board considered and
granted a request for Dispensation under Grand Lodge Law No. 123 for Lodges Nos.
360 and 873, Southern Cape, who wished to appoint a Brother as Secretary, not
yet a Past Master.
Designs were submitted for a
jewel and banner on behalf of Munster Past Masters' Lodge No. 1011 and were
approved by the Board.
Approval for the design of a Centenary Jewel by Curragh
Emerald Lodge No. 397 was granted.
R.W. Brother G. Hugh Milne, being in attendance, the
Grand Director of Ceremonies formed a procession and presented him to the Grand
Master for Obligation, Investiture, Installation, Proclamation and Presentation
with his Patent of Appointment as Provincial Grand Master of North Munster. R.W.
Brother Milne thanked the Grand Master for his appointment and was conducted to
his seat and saluted according to ancient custom.
R.W. Brothers James Jones, Harry R.J. Bonner, Robert T.
Bashford and Victor E. Bownes, being in attendance and having produced their
Patents of Appointment, the Grand Director of Ceremonies formed a procession and
presented them to the Grand Master for Investiture as Representatives of the
Grand Lodges of Estonia, Iceland, Portugal and New Hampshire, respectively. The
newly invested Grand Representatives were conducted to their seats and were
Read report from the Grand
Lodge Committee of Charity recommending a grant of €700 to the wife of a Brother
of Sphinx Lodge No. 107, Sri Lanka and Grand Master's Lodge, Dublin, the
Committee having already awarded the maximum permissible of €500. Confirmed.
The Grand Master with the
concurrence of Grand Lodge also conferred the following Honorary
Past Grand Deacon | |
R.W. Bro. William L. Buist - | on promotion from Hon. P.G. Supt. of Works |
R.W. Bro. Colin J.A. Clarke - | on promotion from Hon. P.G. Supt. of Works |
V.W. Bro. Franco L. Forte | on promotion from Hon. P.G. Supt. of Works |
V.W. Bro. Thomas M. van Blommestein | on promotion from Hon. P.G. Supt. of Works |
R.W. Bro. Abbas Y. Khairulla | on promotion from Hon. P.G. Steward |
R.W. Bro. Sridhar S. Phadke | on promotion from Hon. P.G. Steward |
V.W. Bro. Sudhakar R. Dighe | on promotion from Hon. P.G. Steward |
Past Grand Supt. of Works | |
R.W. Bro. Dara E. Driver | on promotion from Hon. P.G. Steward |
R.W. Bro. Nandkumar N. Naik. | on promotion from Hon. P.G. Steward |
V.W. Bro. Sunand G. Rele | on promotion from Hon. P.G. Steward |
V.W. Bro. Adi M. Choksi | on promotion from Hon. P.G. Steward |
V.W. Bro. Moiz A. Hoosein | on promotion from Hon. P.G. Steward |
Past Asst. Gd. Dir of Ceremonies | |
R.W. Bro. Johannes H. Kotze | Past Provincial Assistant Grand Master, S.A.N. |
Past Grand Steward | |
W. Bro. Jayamohan Nambiar | Past Master of Lodge No. 830, Kuala Lumpur |
W. Bro. Kean Oo Foo | Past Master of Lodge No. 830, Kuala Lumpur |
W. Bro. Jamshed M. Darbary | Past Master of Lodge No. 465, Poona |
W. Bro. Rajiv Dave | Past Master of Lodge No. 648, Mumbai |
W. Bro. Percy Wadia- | Past Master of Lodge No. 771, Mumbai |
W. Bro. Rakesh Garg | Past Master of Lodge No. 464, Kanpur |
Past Grand Sword Bearer | |
W. Bro. Sumanpal J. Mahimkar | Past Master of Lodge 648, Mumbai |
Past Grand Steward of Charities | |
W. Bro. Suresh Sitlani | Provincial Grand Chaplain, Ireland in India |
W. Bro. Koyikkal K. Varma | Provincial Grand Steward, Ireland in India |
Grand Master, in a short report, detailed various Masonic events he had attended
since the last Grand Lodge meeting including the Installation in January of the
new Provincial Grand Master of Antrim, John S. Dunlop.
pointed out that the Freemasons' of Ireland Medical Research Fund had resumed
its funding activities and the most recent recipients, Professor Edward J. Johns
and his research Assistant, Miss Flanagan, from the Department of Physiology,
University College Cork, had just issued their first report, dealing with
Chronic Renal Failure.
Grand Master also mentioned the concert he had recently attended as a guest of
the Austrian Ambassador at the National Concert Hall and drew attention to the
two Mozart concerts Grand Lodge would be hosting on November 10`h and 11th this
year at Freemasons' Hall on behalf of the Austrian Embassy, as part of the 250h
Anniversary celebrations of Mozart's birth.
further pointed out that for various technical reasons he was delaying the
proposed start of the Grand Master's Festival and would return to the topic in
due course.
Grand Master then called on the Deputy Grand Master, who gave a resume of the
upcoming concert schedule planned by Events GLI Ltd., of which he is Chairman,
and which he hoped would be supported by the Brethren and their friends.
He also mentioned the recent, successful Andy
Stevens‑supported concert at the Waterfront Hall from which he was able to
nominate, on behalf of Irish Freemasons, the Ulster Cancer Foundation as a
Finally the Grand Master thanked R.W. Brothers Ginnelly
and Smith; and V.W. Brother David McNeill, Provincial Grand Secretary and the
many Brethren involved in helping with all the arrangements over the weekend
incorporating the Grand Lodge Communication and the lunch, which was to follow.
The Charity Collection amounted
to €1,450.
Grand Lodge closed following which one hundred and ninety‑two Brethren
and their
wives or companions dined.