




The Westwood Hotel, Dangan, Galway



M.W. Grand Master George Dunlop, on the Throne
R.W. Deputy Grand Master  Douglas T. Grey
R.W. Assistant Grand Master  Leslie V. Johnston 
As R.W. Senior Grand Warden Michael J. Ward
R.W. Junior Grand Warden William J. E. Dukelow
R.W. Grand Secretary   D. Barry Lyons
R.W. Grand Director of Ceremonies  William J. Dyer
R.W. Senior Grand Chaplain The Rev. Canon George N. Little
R.W. Junior Grand Chaplain     The Ven. John Murray
V.W. Senior Grand Deacon   Noel A. Drain
V.W. Junior Grand Deacon Rodney L. McCurley
V.W. Grand Superintendent of Works  David T. Young
VW. Grand Steward Douglas Thompson
V.W. Grand Sword Bearer John O. Dunlop
V.W. Grand Steward of Charities  Diarmuid McNulty
  James C. Stanley
V.W. Grand Organist  John N. Rowden
 V.W. Grand Lodge Standard Bearer  Thomas R. McDowell
V.W. Grand Master's Standard Bearer  James Copes
V.W. Grand Inner Guard Basil Elliott
V.W. Grand Secretary for Instruction Michael J. Ward

There were also present:‑ the Provincial Grand Masters of Antrim, North Connaught, South Connaught, Londonderry & Donegal, Meath, Munster, North Munster, Tyrone & Fermanagh and Wicklow & Wexford; R.W. Brothers Kenneth G. Brislane, Robert S. Hackett and Geoffrey G. Ashton, Past Provincial Grand Masters; the Provincial Deputy Grand Masters of North Connaught, South Connaught, North Munster, South Eastern, Tyrone & Fermanagh and Wicklow & Wexford; R.W.Bro. Cyril R. Foster, Past Provincial Deputy Grand Master; R.W. Brother Allen Megarry, Past Grand Director of Ceremonies; V.W. Brothers Richard H. Gray and Frank R. L. Arnold, Past Grand Deacons; V.W. Bros. Brian Sheridan and Samuel Scott, Hon. Past Grand Stewards; V.W. Bro. James I. A. Davison, Past Grand Steward of Charities; V.W. Brother Bernard V.A. Woods Past Grand Almoner; and V.W. Brothers William J. Dixon and Brian Keaton, Past Grand Master's Standard Bearers.


The following Grand Lodges were represented:‑ Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Saskatchewan, New South Wales, Iceland, Italy, the Netherlands, Slovenia, Alaska, Colorado, Delaware, Idaho, Kansas, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Argentina, Gabon, Madagascar, China and the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio.


Apologies for non‑attendance were received from:‑ M.W. Brother Eric N. Waller, Immediate Past Grand Master; the R.W. Senior Grand Warden; the R.W. Grand Treasurer; the R.W. Grand Registrar; V.W.Bro. The Rev. Selwoode Graham, Junior Grand Chaplain; the V.W. Assistant Grand Treasurer: the VW. Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies; the V.W. Grand Almoners and the V.W. Assistant Grand Secretary for Instruction; the Provincial Grand Masters of Armagh, Down, Midland Counties and South Eastern; R.W.Bro. William W. T. Shortland, Past Provincial Grand Master; the Provincial Deputy Grand Masters of Antrim, the Midlands and Meath: R.W. Brothers Daniel B. Finches. R. Stanley Johnston, Robert J. Thomson, T. Noel Bownes and Charles R. Knipe, Past Senior Grand Wardens; R.W. Brother Michael W. Walker, Past Grand Secretary: R.W.Bro. David McKee. Past Grand Director of Ceremonies; R.W.Bro. Samuel G. Poyntz. Past Senior Grand Chaplain: R.W. Brothers The Ven. R. Clayton Stevenson, the Rev. Canon Richard H. Bertram, the Rev. Charles McCurdy, the Rev. W. Warren Porter and the Very Rev. Philip J. Knowles, Past Junior Grand Chaplains; V.W. Brothers Gordon Morrison, Kenneth Abemethy. John L. Frazer. Arnold J. Cooke and Mervyn Morrison, Past Grand Deacons; V.W. Brother Cecil Taylor, Past Assistant Grand Treasurer; V.W. Brother Michael McWilliam, Past Assistant Grand Secretary; V.W. Brothers Robert H. B. Mills, Arthur White, Samuel H. Boyle and Andrew McFetridge. Past Grand Stewards of Charities, V.W. Brothers David A. R. Lovesy and Victor White, Past Grand Almoners; V.W. Bros. Samuel A. McKenzie and Donald H. Finlay, Past Grand Master's Standard Bearers; and The Representatives of the Grand Lodges of Scotland. Alberta, Canada (Ontario). Victoria, Western Australia, Tasmania, Andorra, Czech Republic. Estonia. Germany, Greece, Latvia. Malta. Norway, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia‑ Hawaii. Louisiana, Michigan, New York, Tennessee, Vermont, Wisconsin, Cuscatlan (El Salvadorl), Mato Grosso do Sul, Sao Paolo, Venezuela, Benin, Burkina Faso, Guinea, Ivory Coast, South Africa, India, Japan, The Philippines, Cuba and Columbia; and R.W. Brothers Herbert Meeke, Douglas Wakefield. Matthew D. Milliken, William McKelvey and Henry Robinson. Past Grand Representatives. 


Prior to opening, the Grand Director of Ceremonies escorted a visiting delegation from Texas into Grand Lodge, represented by M.W. Bro. Reese L. Harrison. Jr., Past Grand Master and Representative for the Grand Lodge of Ireland at the Grand Lodge of Texas and M.W. Bro. Fred E. Allen, Past Grand Master and Representative for the United Grand Lodge of England at the Grand Lodge of Texas.

Grand Lodge being opened, the Grand Master welcomed our distinguished guests, which included a delegation from Hertfordshire, and they were saluted. 


The Grand Master, Grand Officers and members of Grand Lodge were then welcomed to the Province of South Connaught by R.W. Brother Basil Fenton, Provincial Grand Master. 


The Grand Master referred to the recent deaths of R.W.Bro. Ralph D. Seligman, Past Provincial Grand Master of Bermuda; R.W.Bro. Samuel K. Otoo, Past Provincial Deputy Grand Master, Ghana; R.W.Bro. Emmanuel K.K. Nathaniels, Hon. Past Grand Deacon, Ghana; and V.W. Bro. Steven I. Alete, Hon. Past Grand Deacon, Nigeria.

The memory of our departed distinguished Brethren was saluted. 


On the proposal of R.W. Brother Douglas T. Grey, Deputy Grand Master, seconded by R.W. Brother Leslie V. Johnston, Assistant Grand Master, the Minutes of the December 27th 2007, Communication of Grand Lodge, subject to the insertion of a paragraph inadvertently omitted from the printed version which had been circulated, were taken as read, confirmed and signed.



It was proposed, seconded and passed unanimously that R.W. Brothers George Ginnelly and Rodney L. McCurley and V.W. Brother David T. Young be elected as the three Grand Lodge Board Representatives on the Grievance Committee. Confirmed.

It was proposed. seconded and passed unanimously that R.W. Brothers Dennis R. Millen, G. Ginnelly, D.A.R. Lovesy and Rodney L. McCurley and V.W. Brothers David T. Young, Brian Kershaw and Alan R. Crowe be elected members of the Finance Committee for 2008. Confirmed.

It was agreed that the By‑Laws Committee and the Library Committee would comprise the Deputy Grand Master, R.W. Brother D. Barry Lyons, W. Brother Morgan McCreadie with Ms. Rebecca Haves being a member of the latter. Confirmed.

Read letter from the Grand Lodge of Saskatchewan, submitting the name of M.W. Bro. Don Finan, as a suitable Brother to act as our Grand Representative there. Recommended to Grand Lodge. Confirmed.

Read letter from the Grand Lodge of Hungary, submitting the name of V.W. Bro. Robert Schiller, as a suitable Brother to act as our Grand Representative there. Recommended to Grand Lodge. Confirmed.

A vacancy having arisen in the representation of the Grand Lodge of Finland, the Board recommended that the name of W. Bro. David Morgan, P.M. of Amon Lodge No. 613, Belfast, be sent forward for consideration to act as their Grand Representative here. Recommended to Grand Lodge. Confirmed.

A vacancy having arisen in the representation of the Grand Lodge of Mauritius, the Board recommended that the name of W. Bro. R. Kenneth Doherty, P.M. of St. Columb's Lodge No. 297, Moville, be sent forward for consideration to act as their Grand Representative here. Recommended to Grand Lodge. Confirmed.

The Board considered requests for dispensation under the terms of Grand Lodge Law No. 118 ‑

(a) for a Brother to serve the Office of Junior Warden in two Lodges concurrently ‑ Lodge Nos. 124 & 173.

(b) for a Brother to serve the Office of W.M. for a third consecutive year in Lodge No. 846, Durban. Both recommended to Grand Lodge. Confirmed.

The Board considered a request for a Duplicate Warrant for Raphoe Lodge No. 438, the original having been irreversibly damaged in a car accident. Recommended to Grand Lodge. Confirmed. 



R.W. Brother Kevin Spring, being in attendance and having produced his Patent of Appointment, the Grand Director of Ceremonies formed a procession and presented him to the Grand Master for Investiture as the Representative of the Grand Lodge of Kansas. The newly invested Grand Representative was conducted to his seat and was saluted. 


The Grand Master, with the concurrence of Grand Lodge conferred the following Honorary Ranks:‑

Past Grand Superintendent of Works          

V.W. Bro. Ivor R. Tillman       ‑ On promotion from Grand Organist, S.A.N.

V.W. Bro. Norman Smithies  ‑ On promotion from Grand Steward, S.A.N.

Past Grand Steward

V.W. Bro. John Harmse        ‑  Past Prov. Senior Grand Warden, S.A.N.

V.W. Bro. Andries Volschenk ‑ Hon. Past Prov. Junior Grand Warden, S.A.N.

Past Grand Lodge Standard Bearer

Bro. Craig S.A. Badley         ‑ W.M., Lodge No. 295, The Royal Dragoon Guards 


The Grand Master, in the course of his quarterly address, said : We are delighted to be in Galway on this special anniversary of 275 years of Premier Lodge No. 14 and I thank the Provincial Grand Master, R.W.Bro. Basil Fenton and his Brethren for their kind invitation to Grand Lodge.

I was pleased to meet with the Mayor of Galway and his representatives earlier this morning, in "the smallest Lodge room in Ireland", on Prospect Hill and to exchange tokens of appreciation and to mark, with them, this keynote day in the life of Lodge 14.


Brethren, you all remember the previous Grand Master's Festival at the end of the last millennium where we raised over €600,000 for Alzheimer's sufferers and their carers. It was indeed a major success, and sent out a clear message that we are very much part of society.

Freemasons were active in running many money raising functions in their neighbourhoods and by virtue of this, promoted the Order by giving the public a chance to meet with them and discover that they were normal members of society with nothing more sinister to hide.

The present Festival is aimed at the Samaritans and Children's Hospices; very worthy causes, by which we will give of our best and trust that both cure and comfort will result.

These projects are undertaken by us as an act of humility in which we do not seek plaudits but rather seek to illustrate to society that we care for the welfare of mankind; that we are not a body of men intent on seeking their own self interests but an inclusive society, embracing those wonderful principles of brotherly love, relief and truth.

My sincerest thanks go to R.W.Bro. Richard Ensor, Overall Festival Chairman, R.W.Bro. Rodney McCurley, Northern Chairman and R.W.Bro. Basil Fenton, Southern Chairman. I wish them and their respective committees every success in their endeavours.

A recent report described the cooperative action of Cork City Council and the PGL Munster in marking Heritage Week when our premises in Cork were opened to the public.

The Masonic Hall, Tuckey Street, was used for the official opening and the formal reception at which the Lord Mayor of Cork, the Provincial Grand Master of Munster and many Brethren were present. Over 400 local people visited the Hall and many commented on the favourable impression which they formed.

The highlight of the last quarter was the dedication, in February, of the new Masonic Hall in Ballintoy, Co. Antrim. On the day I was delighted to accompany R. W. Bro. John Dunlop and his Officers in the Dedication Ceremony.

The Ballintoy Brethren have laid new physical foundations in the building of this magnificent temple which I am sure will stand as a symbol of Freemasonry for time immemorial. Ballintoy is a particularly old Lodge which will celebrate 250 years of working in 2013. We wish them well. 

On a broader front, we are all greatly saddened by the pending closure and sale of the Rosemary St. building in Belfast, headquarters of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Antrim. I was at their recent meeting in the hall on 23rd February and it was heart rending to think that there was no return.  I would wish the Provincial Grand Master every good fortune for the future and, hopefully, may the provisional arrangements be short‑lived and that a recognised centre emerges, in the fullness of time. 

I am in no doubt that I have an excellent team at Grand Lodge consisting of my Deputy, R.W.Bro. Douglas Grey, and Assistant R.W.Bro. Leslie Johnston, R.W.Bro. Charles Olden, R.W.Bro. Barry Lyons and VW. Bro. David Young who respectively oversee GL Finances, GL Administration and Hall Maintenance and continue to give an excellent service. 

My thanks also go to V.W. Bro. Arnold Smith, Bro. Andrew Lyall and Janet for the good work they do in the boiler‑house of the Finance Office, and the ever‑reliable Heather, Maureen and Rebecca, in the Administrative section; and not forgetting of course, Janice and Jenny in our Charities section, backed up by Fiona and Jane travelling the length and breadth of the island, on our behalf. 

The Assistant to the Grand Secretary, W.Bro. Morgan McCreadie, plays a major part in the general running and everyday things of Grand Lodge and does a wonderful job. 

We miss Paddy at the door ‑ he served us so well for over twenty‑five years and we would wish him every comfort and blessing as he copes with his serious illness.

It is said that the best leader is one who has enough sense to pick good people to do his will and enough self‑restraint to keep from interfering with them, while they do it. May I be blessed with that virtue. Thank you Brethren.


The Grand Master concluded by thanking W. Brother John Patching, Provincial Grand Secretary, and the many Brethren involved in helping with the arrangements for the meeting and the weekend's events to celebrate the anniversary of Lodge No. 14.


The Charity Collection amounted to €1,138.48 ‑ after which the M.E. Great Chief, R.W. Brother Bernard V.A. Woods presented a cheque to the Grand Master for the Festival, the result of a collection taken at his Installation Meeting in January last. 


Grand Lodge Closed, following which an Emergency meeting of Lodge No. 14 was held and a subsequent dinner‑dance, later that evening.