There were also present:‑
the Provincial Grand Masters of Antrim, Armagh, North Connaught, South Connaught,
Down, Londonderry & Donegal, Midland Counties, Munster, North Munster, South
Eastern, Tyrone & Fermanagh, Wicklow & Wexford and South Africa Northern; the
Grand Inspector of Gibraltar, R.W. Brothers Adam J. McKinley, Kenneth J. Dunne,
Geoffrey G. Ashton and William J.E. Dukelow, Past Provincial Grand Masters of
Antrim, the Midland Counties, North Munster and Tyrone & Fermanagh; R.W. Brother
Selwyn S. Davies, Past Chairman of Metropolitan Board; the Provincial Deputy
Grand Masters of Antrim, Armagh, North Connaught, South Connaught, Down,
Londonderry & Donegal, Meath, Midland Counties, Munster, North Munster, South
Eastern, Tyrone & Fermanagh and Wicklow & Wexford; the Assistant Grand Inspector
of Gibraltar; R.W. Brother Cyril R. Foster, Past Provincial Deputy Grand Master
of North Munster; R.W. Brothers Kenneth G. Brislane, Robert Campbell and R.
Stanley Johnston, Past Senior Grand Wardens; R.W. Brother Michael W. Walker,
Past Grand Secretary; VW. Brothers David McKee, Michael R. Bicknell and Cecil
Burns, Past Grand Directors of Ceremonies; R.W. Brothers Rev. Canon Richard H.
Bertram and Rev. W. Warren Porter, Past Junior Grand Chaplains; V.W. Brothers
Arthur T. Pollock, Albert Topping, Terence O. Read, Leslie V. Johnston, J. Noel
Millar, Arnold J. Cooke, Gordon Bradshaw, Anthony J. Darlison, Mervyn Morrison
and Samuel H. Boyle, Past Grand Deacons; V.W. Brother Ralph B. McGuckin, Past
Grand Superintendent of Works; V.W. Brother Cecil Taylor, Past Assistant Grand
Treasurer; VW. Brother M. Ossie Steenson, Past Assistant Grand Director of
Ceremonies; VW. Brothers Robert H.B. Mills, Arthur W. White, William J.
Johnston, J. Ardle Agnew, Samuel J. Patience and Richard J. Reid, Past Grand
Stewards of Charities; V.W. Brothers Bernard V.A. Woods and David A.R. Lovesy,
Past Grand Almoners; V.W. Brother Samuel Scott, Past Grand Steward; VW. Brother
Robert Morrow, Past Grand Sword Bearer; VW. Brothers Robert J. Hunter, S. Gordon
Leathern, T.A. Derek Martin, Donald H. Finlay and Brian Kearon, Past Grand
Master's Standard Bearers; and R.W. Brothers A.W. Coid, D.J. Long, G.A.
Lovegrove, J. McDermott and H.M. Robinson, Past Grand Representatives.
The following Grand Lodges
were represented:‑ Scotland, Alberta, British Columbia, Canada in Ontario,
Manitoba, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Victoria, Western
Australia, Austria, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Lithuania,
Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Arkansas,
California, District of Columbia, Delaware, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois,
Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Nebraska, Oklahoma,
Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin, Chile, Ecuador, Mato Grosse Do Sul, Burkina
Faso, Gabon, Madagascar, Mali, India, Japan and the Prince Hall Grand Lodges of
Colorado, Massachusetts, Ohio and the Caribbean & Jurisdiction.
Apologies for non‑attendance
were received from: M.W. Brother Lord Donegall, Past Grand Master; R.W. Brother
T. Noel Bownes, Senior Grand Warden; V.W. Brothers Peter H. Mullock and Dennis
R, Millen, Grand Stewards of Charities; V.W. Brother Michael J. Ward, Grand
Secretary for Instruction; the Provincial Grand Masters of Meath, New Zealand,
India, Natal and Southern Cape; the Grand Inspector of Botswana; R.W. Brothers
John Greer, Robert Hackett and Meppi Ivon‑Jarrett, Past Provincial Grand
Masters; R.W. Bro. Daniel B. Fincher, Past Senior Grand Warden; VW. Bro. Michael
McWilliam, Past Assistant Grand Secretary; the Representatives of the Grand
Lodges of Saskatchewan, Poland and South Dakota.
All Brethren except those in
the Grand Master's procession being previously seated, the Grand Master's
procession entered Grand Lodge and subsequently Visiting Delegations from the
Grand Lodge of Estonia, the Grand Lodge of Croatia, the Regular Grand Lodge of
Italy, the National Grand Lodge of Poland, the United Grand Lodges of Germany,
the Grand Lodge of Finland, the National Grand Lodge of France, the Symbolic
Grand Lodge of Hungary, the National Grand Lodge of Greece, the Grand Lodge of
Pennsylvania, the Grand Lodge of Scotland and the United Grand Lodge of England,
were presented and received individually.
Following the opening of Grand
Lodge, the Grand Master welcomed all present and then made reference to each of
the Visiting Delegations, .in reverse order of seniority. The Representatives of
our visiting Sister Grand Lodges were as follows:‑ the Grand Lodge of Estonia,
M.W. Brother Arne Kaasik, Grand Master; the Grand Lodge of Croatia, R.W. Brother
Bojan Sober, Grand Secretary; the Regular Grand Lodge of Italy, M.W. Brother
Fabio Venzi, Grand Master; the National Grand Lodge of Poland, M.W. Brother
Marek Zlotkiewicz, Grand Master, M.W. Brother Tadeusz Cegielski, Past Grand
Master and R.W. Brother Jacek Klocek, Assistant Grand Master; the United Grand
Lodge of Germany, R.W. Brother Rudiger Templin, Deputy Grand Master; the Grand
Lodge of Finland, R.W. Brother Heikki Kukkonen, Deputy Grand Master and R.W.
Brother Risto Rydman, Grand Secretary; the National Grand Lodge of France, R.W.
Brother Jean‑Claude Tardivat, Assistant Grand Master; the Symbolic Grand Lodge
of Hungary, VW. Brother Mark Walton, Grand Orator; the National Grand Lodge of
Greece, M.W. Brother Dimitrios Kontensis, Grand Master, R.W. Brother Dimitris
Mamas, Deputy Grand Master and VW. Brother Alexandros Panokis, President of the
Board of General Purposes; the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, R.W. Brother Tom
Jackson, Past Grand Secretary; the Grand Lodge of Scotland, Brother Sir
Archibald Orr Ewing, M.W. Grand Master Mason and Brother David Begg, R.W. Grand
Secretary (and the R.W. Provincial Grand Master of Renfrewshire, Brother
Alexander Galbraith); the United Grand Lodge of England, M.W. Brother the Most
Hon. the Marquess of Northampton, Pro Grand Master and VW. Brother John Hamill,
Past Grand Sword Bearer.
The Pro Grand Master of the
United Grand Lodge of England, M.W. Brother Lord Northampton, thanked the Grand
Master and Brethren for their welcome and conveyed greetings on behalf of all
the Delegations present.
The Grand Secretary read the
Convening Notice, announcing that an Especial Communication of the Grand Lodge
would be held at Freemasons' Hall, Dublin on Thursday the 23d day of November,
2006, at the hour of two thirty o'clock p.m. precisely, to install R.W. Brother
George Dunlop as M.W. Grand Master; and announced that R.W. Brother Dunlop was
without Grand Lodge, awaiting the Grand Master's pleasure. The Grand Master
directed the Grand Director of Ceremonies to form a procession and retire in
order to introduce the Grand Master Elect. The procession consisted of the Grand
Director of Ceremonies, the Grand Deacons, the Grand Master's Standard Bearer,
the Senior Grand Chaplain bearing the Volume of the Sacred Law, the Grand
Secretary bearing the Laws & Constitutions of the Grand Lodge of Ireland, the
Grand Sword Bearer, the Grand Master's sponsors, R.W. Brother Robert G. Quigley,
Provincial Grand Master of Londonderry & Donegal and R.W. Brother Michael W.
Walker, Past Grand Secretary and the Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies. W.
Brother Noel McLaughlin, son‑in‑law of the Grand Master Elect acted as Chain
Bearer. On the re‑entry of the procession, the Grand Master Elect was
perambulated three times before being obligated, invested, installed, proclaimed
and saluted as M.W. Grand Master.
The Grand Master then made a short address to Grand
The M.W. Brother Archibald Orr
Ewing, Grand Master Mason of Scotland, offered congratulations and best wishes
to the new Grand Master on behalf of all Delegations present at the ceremony.
The Grand Master called on the
Grand Director of Ceremonies to form a procession and present the Deputy Grand
Master Designate for Installation. The procession consisted of the Assistant
Grand Director of Ceremonies, the Grand Deacons, the Deputy Grand Master's
sponsors, R.W. Brother Geoffrey Lovegrove, Past Foreign Representative of
Arizona and W. Brother John Keeley, Hon. Past Master of the Irish Constitution;
and R.W. Brother D. Bang Lyons, Grand Secretary as Chain Bearer. The Deputy
Grand Master Designate, R.W. Brother Douglas T. Grey, was conducted to the foot
of the throne for presentation and was thereafter obligated, invested,
installed, proclaimed and saluted.
The Grand Master then called
on the Grand Director of Ceremonies to form a procession and present the
Assistant Grand Master Designate, whose procession was the same as for the
Deputy Grand Master, and whose sponsors were R.W. Brothers Hang Weir, Provincial
Grand Master of Tyrone & Fermanagh and George Miskimmins, Provincial Grand
Master of Armagh; W. Brother Joe Rodgers, acted as Chain Bearer. The Assistant
Grand Master Designate, R.W. Brother Leslie V. Johnston, was obligated,
invested, installed, proclaimed and saluted.
The Grand Secretary reported
on receipt of congratulations from a number of foreign Grand Lodges unable to be
present; and expressions of loyalty from our Provinces whose Provincial Grand
Masters were unable to attend and from Irish Freemasons Overseas.
There being no further
business, Grand Lodge closed and the Grand Master, accompanied by M.W. Brother
Eric N. Waller, Past Grand Master, R.W. Bro. William Mawhinney, Past Assistant
Grand Master, the Officers of Grand Lodge, the Provincial Grand Masters and
Visiting Delegations from Sister Grand Lodges, retired in procession.
Later that evening some 350
Brethren, their ladies and friends, attended a Celebratory Banquet in the
Davenport Hotel nearby.