


R. W. Acting Grand Master

Douglas T. Grey, on the Throne

R.W. Assistant Grand Master

Rodney L. McCurley

R.W. Senior Grand Warden

Geoffrey G. Ashton

As R.W. Junior Grand Warden

Michael J. Ward

R.W. Grand Treasurer

Richard Ensor

R. W. Grand Registrar

N. John Hunter

R.W. Grand Secretary

D. Barry Lyons

R.W. Senior Grand Director of Ceremonies

Sam Young

R. W. Junior Grand Chaplain

The Rev. Noel H.L. Regan

V.W. Senior Grand Deacon

Sam Scott

V.W. Junior Grand Deacon

Raymond Mark

V.W. Grand Superintendent of Works

David T. Young

V. W. Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies

Cecil Wellwood

V.W. Grand Steward

W. David Valentine

V.W. Grand Sword Bearer

J. Barry Jenkins

V.W. Grand Stewards of Charities

Leslie Nixon


Diarmuid McNulty


James Kilpatrick

V.W. Grand Almoner

Edward Brownell


T. Albert Wilson

V.W. Grand Organist

John N. Rowden

V. W. Grand Lodge Standard Bearer

William R.T. McClenaghan

V.W. Grand Master's Standard Bearer

John Gault

V.W. Grand Inner Guard

John C. Clarke

V.W. Grand Secretary for Instruction

Michael J. Ward

V.W. Assistant Grand Secretary for Instruction

James McFarland

The following Grand Lodges were represented:‑ Scotland, Alberta, Canada (Ont.), Newfoundland & Labrador, New South Wales, Western Australia, New Zealand, Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Latvia, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Switzerland. Turkey, Arkansas, Colorado. Hawaii, Illinois. Kansas, Maryland. Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska. New Hampshire, New Jersey, Oklahoma, Oregon, Rhode Island. Tennessee. Texas, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, Costa Rica, Mexico (York), Brazil (G.O.), Chile. Sao Paolo, Burkina Faso, Gabon, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Madagascar, Senegal, The Philippines, the State of Israel and the Prince Hall Grand Lodges of Alaska & Jurisdiction, the Caribbean, Colorado, Massachusetts and North Carolina.

Apologies for non‑attendance were received from:‑ the R.W. Senior Grand Chaplain: the V.W. Assistant Grand Secretary for Instruction, Paul Kenny; the Provincial Grand Masters of Midland Counties, North Munster, Wicklow & Wexford and Natal; the Provincial Deputy Grand Masters of Armagh. South Connaught and Natal: R.W. Bros. William T. Shortland, Alan J. Campbell and Harvey Heavener, Past Provincial Grand Masters; R.W. Bro. Michael W. Walker, Past Grand Secretary; R.W. Bros. the Rt. ReN‑. Samuel G. Poyntz, Past Senior Grand Chaplain; V.W. Bro. Ralph B. McGuckin, Past Grand Superintendent of Works: V.W. Bro. Cecil
Taylor, Past Assistant Grand Treasurer; V.W. Bro. Arthur W. White, Past Grand Steward of Charities; V.W. Bro. Jack W.F. Daley, Hon. Past Grand Master's Standard Bearer;
And the Representatives of the Grand Lodges of Saskatchewan. Croatia. Poland, Slovakia, Florida. New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Rhode Island, South Dakota. Prince Hall Teas. Washington. Columbia, China. Japan and the Dominican Republic.

Grand Lodge being opened, the Acting Grand Master referred to the recent deaths of R.W. Bro. Robert J. Armstrong, Junior Grand Warden & Past Grand Deacon: R.1K. Bro. J. David F. McKee, Past Grand Director of Ceremonies & Past Foreign Representative: R.W. Bro. Henry M. Robinson, Past Foreign Representative; V.W. Arthur Lambert, Hon. Past Asst. Grand Director of Ceremonies (322) and V.W. Bro. Noel E. Ashby, Hon. Past Grand Sword Bearer (New Zealand). The memory of our departed distinguished Brethren was saluted in accordance with ancient custom. He also referred to the recent deaths of Joyce Brownell, wife of the Grand Almoner: and June Fincher, wife of the late Dan Fincher, Past Senior Grand Warden and Past Grand King of the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Ireland.

R.W. Brother John Dickson, Provincial Grand Master of Antrim, welcomed the Acting Grand Master, Grand Officers and Members of Grand Lodge to Rosemary Street.
The Acting Grand Master in reply, thanked R.W. Brother Dickson for his warm welcome and looked forward to a productive and informative meeting.

It was proposed by the R.W. Senior Grand Warden. seconded b%‑ the acting R.W. Junior Grand Warden and passed unanimously that the Minutes of the Quarterly Stated Communication of Grand Lodge held on June 5th 2014, as circulated. be taken as read. confirmed and signed.

The Grand Secretary announced that, per Grand Lodge Law No. 47, the Grand Lodge Board of General Purposes was submitting one name for the position of M.W.. Grand Master of the M.W. Grand Lodge of Antient Free & Accepted Masons of Ireland for 2015 ‑ R.W. Bro. Douglas Thomas Grey. Deputy Grand Master: This nomination was proposed by the Senior Grand Warden. seconded by the acting Junior Grand Warden, passed with acclaim and R.W. Bro. Grey was declared elected.

The Grand Officers for 2015, as nominated by the Grand Lodge Board of General Purposes at the June Communication of Grand Lodge, were elected:

Senior Grand Warden

S. Gordon Leathern, P.M ofLodge 443, Newtownards

Junior Grand Warden

R. Arthur Keppel, Past Provincial Grand Master. South Eastern

Grand Treasurer

Richard Ensor

Grand Registrar

N. John Hunter

Grand Director of Ceremonies

Sam Young

Senior Grand Chaplain

The Rev. Canon T. Henry Trimble

Junior Grand Chaplains

The Rev. Noel H.L. Regan


The Rev. Richard W. Moore

Senior Grand Deacon

W. David Valentine

Junior Grand Deacon

J. Barry Jenkins

Grand Superintendent of Works

David T. Young

Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies

Cecil Wellwood

Grand Steward

William R.T. McClenaghan

Grand Sword Bearer

John C. Clarke

Grand Stewards of Charities

John Edens, P.M. of Lodge 505, Doagh


Kenneth McClure, P.M. of Lodge 127. Coleraine


James Kilpatrick

Grand Almoners

Kevin Spring, P.M. of Lodge 249, Dublin


James B. McBain, P.M. of Lodge 332, Omagh

Grand Organist

John N. Rowden

Grand Lodge Standard Bearer

David W. Gibson Brabazon, P.M. of Lodge 131. Mullingar

Grand Inner Guard

David Henderson, P.M. of Lodge 775, Ballymena

W. Brother C. Des. Mullock of Lodge No.397, Dublin, was elected as the Auditor of Grand Lodge Accounts for the year 2014.


Immediately following his election, the Grand Master Elect said the following:

Firstly may I say thank you most kindly for granting me the huge honour of being your Grand
Master. I am acutely aware of the responsibilities this brings and I can assure you that I will do my very, best to justify the trust that you have placed in me today.

I am also very aware that to do this job I will need good support from the Deputy and Assistant
Grand Masters and I am delighted to advise that R. W Bro. Rodney McCurley, Assistant Grand Master, has done me the honour of agreeing to be my Deputy. R. W Bro. Rodney has served this Order in many Offices and has vast experience which will be a great support in helping me carry out my duties as well as his own. He is well known to you all and I am looking forward to working as closely with him as I have done over the last two and a half years. To be able to appoint .such an able Brother is very gratifying, but then to have a second Brother who is equally well qualified to act as Assistant Grand Master is just wonderful and I am also delighted that R. W Bro. Leslie Nixon, Past Master of Lodge No. 473, Enniskillen, has agreed to act in that capacity.

R. W Bro. Leslie has just completed 10 years of excellent membership of the VJMB Fund including acting as its Chairman. I think you will agree that in these two Brethren we have Officers of the highest quality and I am very excited at the prospect of working closely with both of them.

I am also very pleased that W. Bro. John Boddy, a Past Master of Harmony Lodge 495, Mohill
has agreed to be my Standard Bearer for 2015. W. Bro. Boddy has served this Order, like the vast majority of our members, quietly and efficiently over many years and has always supported Grand Lodge.

Over the last few years it has become increasingly apparent, that our Order creeds to be brought up to date, and in some respects to modernise, without departing from our ancient traditions. However, we are an organisation with a long and distinguished history which has served us very well indeed for the last 289 years and we must always remember those who with their dedication and service have bequeathed to us the legacy which we enjoy today. Notwithstanding, we have to look to the future, for if we only concentrate on our past and keep looking behind, we will not be able to see the way forward. In this spirit we will examine the needs of Freemasonry using the past as our base but adjusting to meet the requirements of survival in today's rapidly changing world. I refer to the modern means of communication and the management of all the processes involved in going into the future with confdence.

I can promise you that any change in our actions will not be done in haste, but will be carefully
examined in all aspects, pros and cons scrutinised before action will be taken. One thing for certain is that we will earnestly strive to ensure that communication will be open and clear and all decisions will be agreed.

It seems trite to state that I am humbled by your decision today but it is certainly true and I can
assure you of my total commitment and dedication and will do my utmost to bring a style of leadership of which we will be proud.

Thank you Brethren. Applause

The Grand Master Elect then continued:
Earlier this year our Grand Master M W. Bro. George Dunlop took time out to consider his health position. At his direction I presided over the March Meeting of Grand Lodge and the Assistant Grand Master R. W. Bro. Rodney McCurley presided at the June Communication. At the latter meeting the Grand Master's letter announcing his resignation was read. We wish M W. Bro, Dunlop every blessing in his retirement and I would ask you all to remember him in your thoughts and prayers at this time. M W. Bro. George Dunlop served this order in every facet of its operations from an ordinary member of his mother Lodge in Moville Co, Donegal to Secretary, Deputy and Provincial Grand Master and practically every office in between.

On his appointment as Deputy Grand Master to M.W. Bro. Eric Waller Grand Master they were rightly considered to be the "Dream Team" and this proved to be true in all aspects of their time in Office. M.W. Bro, George honoured me greatly by appointing me as his Deputy when he became Grand Master and I was encouraged and guided with huge generosity over the last eight years ‑ a fact which will come as no surprise to anybody in Masonry, as it is quite typical of the man. His presence here today is testament to his ongoing support and total commitment to our great Order which has been demonstrated by his dedication over many years to date and which I am sure will continue for many years to come.

Thank you seems to be totally inadequate for such dedication but I know, on your behalf. myself and every member of our Order, not just in Ireland but throughout the world that our thanks is most generously, gratefully and sincerely expressed. Most Worshipful Brother George, we salute you!

On the conclusion of these words the Brethren rose and applauded.

The Grand Director of Ceremonies then formed a procession and presented M.W. Bro. Dunlop to the Grand Master Elect and the Deputy Grand Master Designate, who jointly thanked him and presented him with his Chain and Jewel as the Immediate Past Grand Master of the M.W. Grand Lodge of Ireland. M.W. Bro. Dunlop was conducted to his seat, saluted and acclaimed.

A vacancy having arisen in the representation of the Grand Lodge of Alberta, the Board recommended that the name of V.W. Bro. D. John Cairns, Past Master of Lodge No. 716, Coleraine, be sent forward for consideration to act as their Representative here. Recommended to Grand Lodge. Confirmed.

A vacancy having arisen in the representation of the Grand Lodge of Indiana, the Board recommended that the name of V.W. Bro. Philip Thompson, Past Master of Lodge No. 657. The Mount, be sent forward for consideration to act as their Representative here. Recommended to Grand Lodge. Confirmed.

The Board noted, for reporting to Grand Lodge, the final meeting, and the return of the Warrant of Hilton Lodge. No. 177, Belfast.

The Board considered and recommended a request to reissue the Warrant of Stonnont Lodge No. 560. Belfast and also approved their jewel and by‑laws. Recommended to Grand Lodge. Confirmed.

The Board considered a charge of unmasonic conduct against a Brother of Killarney Lodge No. 360, Southern Cape. Read report from the Provincial Grand Lodge Board sub‑committee set up to hear the inquiry and which recommended suspension of the Brother for a period of two years. Recommended to Grand Lodge. Confirmed.

The Board considered a charge of unmasonic conduct against a Brother of Dimbula Lodge No. 298, Sri Lanka. Read report from the Provincial Grand Lodge Board, and a letter from the Provincial Grand Master, which requested expulsion.
On consideration of the matter the Board recommended suspension for a period of two years.
Recommended to Grand Lodge. Confirmed.

The Board considered a request for recognition from the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Delaware. Recommended to Grand Lodge. Confirmed.

The subject of Leave of Absence for Brethren is to be discussed in detail at the next meeting of the Grand Master's Council, scheduled to take place on 30th October and, subsequently, at the Board of General Purposes.

The Database of Members' Widows was discussed (see minutes of last meeting) with the Assistant Grand Master proposing that the letter on the subject now be sent to all PGMs, along with the allocated memory sticks, which would incorporate the respective Provinces widows' lists. This was formally proposed by Richard Gray, seconded by Frank Arnold and agreed.

The Board approved a request for dispensation under Grand Lodge Law No. 118 for a Brother to serve as Secretary in Lodge Nos. 56 and 218, Antrim, in 2015.

The Board approved a request for dispensation under Grand Lodge Law No. 118 for a Brother to serve as Warden in Lodge Nos. 360 and 608, Southern Cape, in 2015.

The Board approved requests for dispensation under Grand Lodge Law No. 123 for Brethren of Lodge No. 610, Southern Cape and Lodge No. 852, South Africa Northern, to serve as Lodge Secretaries though not yet Past Masters.

The Board approved requests for dispensation under Grand Lodge Law No. 118 for Brethren to serve as Worshipful Masters in Lodge No. 292, Natal and Lodge No. 627, Rossburgh, for a third successive year.

W.Bro. Alfred L.J. Reed, Past Master of Lodge No. 238, Dublin, being in attendance and having produced his Patent of Appointment, the Grand Director of Ceremonies formed a procession and presented him to the Grand Master for Investiture and formal presentation of his Patent of Appointment as Representative of the Grand Lodge of Newfoundland & Labrador.

W.Bro. Samuel D. McGrew, Past Master of Lodge No. 350, Omagh, being in attendance and having produced his Patent of Appointment, the Grand Director of Ceremonies formed a procession and presented him to the Grand Master for Investiture and formal presentation of his Patent of Appointment as Representative of the National Grand Lodge of Romania.

W.Bro. Thomas W. Watt, Past Master of Lodge No. 625, Loughall, being in attendance and having produced his Patent of Appointment, the Grand Director of Ceremonies formed a procession and presented him to the Grand Master for Investiture and formal presentation of his Patent of Appointment as Representative of the Regular Grand Lodge of Serbia.

W.Bro. Edward J. Rea, Past Master of Lodge No. 67, Cork, being in attendance and having produced his Patent of Appointment, the Grand Director of Ceremonies formed a procession and presented him to the Grand Master for Investiture and formal presentation of his Patent of Appointment as Representative of the Grand Lodge of Switzerland (Alpina).

W.Bro. Eric Mackarel, Past Master of Lodge No. 881, Clones, being in attendance and having produced his Patent of Appointment, the Grand Director of Ceremonies formed a procession and presented him to the Grand Master for Investiture and formal presentation of his Patent of Appointment as Representative of the Grand Lodge of Michigan.

W.Bro. William Oliver, Past Master of Lodge No. 941, Castlerock, being in attendance and having produced his Patent of Appointment, the Grand Director of Ceremonies formed a procession and presented him to the Grand Master for Investiture and formal presentation of his Patent of Appointment as Representative of the Grand Lodge of Costa Rica.

W.Bro. Joseph J. McCullough, Past Master of Lodge No. 335, Broomhedge, being in attendance and having produced his Patent of Appointment, the Grand Director of Ceremonies formed a procession and presented him to the Grand Master for Investiture and formal presentation of his Patent of Appointment as Representative of the Grand Lodge of Finland.

W.Bro. Arnold Imrie, Past Master of Lodge No. 488, Dundrum, being in attendance and having produced his Patent of Appointment, the Grand Director of Ceremonies formed a procession and presented him to the Grand Master for Investiture and formal presentation of his Patent of Appointment as Representative of the Grand Lodge of Austria.

The newly invested Grand Representatives were conducted to their seats and saluted.

Grand Lodge approved the election of the Brethren, as nominated by the Grand Lodge Board of General Purposes, to form the Boards of Management of the following Masonic Benevolent Institutions:

To elect the Management Committee of the Masonic Girls Benefit Fund in accordance with paragraph 4(d) of the Scheme for the Regulation of the Charity. The following Brethren are recommended by the Grand Lodge Board:

Michael M. Costello

Samuel T. Mahon

Noel Sufferin

William J. Dixon

Kevin Spring

John Symes

T. Eric Henry

Norman U. Stewart

Dennis Wheavil

To elect the Management Committee of the Masonic Boys Benefit Fund in accordance with paragraph 4(d) of the Scheme for the Regulation of the Charity. The following Brethren are recommended by the Grand Lodge Board:

Albert Bell

Sidney Conn

W. Kenneth McFarland

Shane O'Brien

Gordon Bratten

Walter Craig

Kenneth McClure

Alfred L. Reed

Derek A. Brennan

Robert N Espie

John McKinstry

David R. Williams

Alexander Bryan

David Lyness

Brian Mooney


To elect the Board of Governors of the Victoria Jubilee Masonic Benevolent Fund in accordance with Rule 3(b). The following Brethren are recommended by the Grand Lodge Board:

Lionel C. Clark

Samuel Weir

Cyril J.W. Moore

John V. Magwood

Malachy Ross

Arthur Graham

Philip Greene

Sean Rafferty

James McGookin

Jonathan W. Oakley

Vincent O'Donovan

Philip A.J. Daley

Graham Steenson

David Cleland

Rett W. Gibson

Brian A.M. O'Byrne

Colin Magill

John A. Boddy

Charles M. Smyth

Leslie Sibbald

To elect the Board of the Masonic Welfare Fund. The following Brethren are recommended by the Grand Lodge Board:

J.Edward Brownell

Trevor S. Lovell

G. Arthur Woolsey

Ian McCullagh

John Edens

Barry Brewster

David W. Douglas

Robert Campbell

Andrew Bingham

Ian McDonald

James Houghton

John Hobson

Daniel Wright

Robin Brummit

Peter J. Brassel

Selwyn S. Davies

John Richardson

John Houghton

Michael Hannan



The Grand Treasurer handed in a Notice of Motion, under the provisions of Grand Lodge Law No. 29 to make a donation of €5,000 from Grand Lodge funds to the Masonic Charities /Benevolent Funds.

V. W. Brother Leslie Nixon reported on the work of the Victoria Jubilee Masonic Benevolent

V.W. Brother Eddie Brownell reported on the work of the Masonic Welfare Fund.

V.W. Brother Kevin Spring reported on the work of the Masonic Girls Benefit Fund and the Masonic Boys Benefit Fund; and, on behalf of W. Bro. John Haynes, the work of Masonic Havens Limited.

(All the Charity Reports will be printed in the Annual Report of Grand Lodge for the year

The Grand Master Elect thanked the Chairmen and their respective Committees for their diligent work over the previous twelve months.

The Grand Master Elect with the concurrence of Grand Lodge, then conferred the following Honorary Ranks:‑

Past Grand Junior Warden:


V.W. Bro. John Bugeja -

On promotion from Past Grand Deacon

Past Grand Deacon:
R.W. Bro. Anton H.G. Alsemgeest -

On promotion from Past Grand Inner Guard

V.W. Bro. Joseph L. Cruz -

On promotion from Past Grand Steward

Past Grand Superintendent of Works:


V.W. Bro. Gerard Laguea -

On promotion from Past G. L. Standard Bearer

Past Grand Lodge Standard Bearer:

Provincial Senior Grand Warden, The Far East

V.W. Bro. Ian R. Hasell -
V.W. Bro. Edward Tai Hay Wen -

Provincial Junior Grand Warden, The Far East

V.W. Bro. Victor Sai Hee Ng -

Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies

W. Bro. Arthur L. Wink -

On promotion from O.D.G.R Gibraltar

Past Grand Inner Guard:
V.W. Bro. Gordon J. Robie -

Provincial Grand Secretary, Southern Cape

V.W. Bro. Gurbachan Singh -

Provincial Grand Secretary, South East Asia

V.W. Bro. Abuthahir A. Gafoor -

Provincial Grand Treasurer, South East Asia

Today, we have heard from the Chairmen of our Charity Committees and I wish to place on record the most grateful thanks to every member of those committees whose dedication to their task serves us very well indeed. As Deputy Grand Master I have on occasion visited the various committees and seen at first hand the wonderful work they have done on our behalf Not only has the attendance record been in the 90% range but they have rightly been very generous with our hard earned contributions in many well deserving cases but if in any doubt they have been equally critical of cases where there may have been some doubt.

We owe them a huge thank you for the excellent work they do. Also, to our visitors, who meet face to face with the people whose difficult circumstances require us to assist them. On occasion, these meetings can be very distressing and our visitors bear the brunt of the stress of these people. We are also well served by our staff who support the committees and visitors and I thank them on behalf of us all.

The summer is usually the time when Masonic Duties recede a little into the background but this year has been busier than usual. I visited Scotland with the Grand Secretary for the annual tripartite meeting with the OGLE and the Grand Lodge of Scotland where the main topic was, as you heard at our June Meeting, the reinstatement of the Grand Lodge Nationale Franeais, which was re‑recognised having fulfilled all the necessary conditions. I have to say that we are very pleased indeed that this episode is now closed and we look forward to resuming excellent relationships with our Brethren in France.

Now that we are back in full flow again I am looking forward greatly to our Young Musician of the Year Competition next week and have no doubt that the young talent will be of the same very high standard as we have seen in previous competitions. I wish to thank on your behalf the organising committee under the chairmanship of M.W. Bro. Eric Walter for their excellent work and am pleased to confrm that we will continue to sponsor this world class event for two more years.

Brethren all, as I said earlier, thank you for entrusting me with the office of Grand Alaster. I look forward to serving each and every one of you to the best of my ability and carrying this great Order forward with your support into the coming years. Thank you.


The Grand Master Elect also made a special welcome to senior members of other Masonic Orders within Ireland and thanked the Brethren of Antrim and in particular V.W. Bro. Ivan Gillespie, for the excellent arrangements for the lunch and the meeting.

The Charity Collection amounted to €1,605.46