GM Standard

Grand Master


On Friday 28th November 2014 the Grand Lodge of Ireland Installed the 44th Grand Master, Most Worshipful Brother Douglas T. Grey. The ceremony took place at Freemasons’ Hall the Grand Lodge Room being filled to capacity. The Grand Masters of 21 sister Constitutions were in attendance, with accompanying senior Brethren. The Assistant Grand Master, R.W.Bro. Rodney McCurley took the chair as Grand Master, and prior to opening Grand Lodge all visiting delegations were received, taking their seats on the dais.

DTGreyGMGrand Lodge was opened, and Masonic Courtesies were accorded to distinguished guests. The Pro Grand Master of England, M.W.Bro. Peter Lowndes responded on behalf of the visitors, commenting that it was a happy occasion at which we confirm the Masonic unity of our Constitutions.

The Communication being solely for the purpose of Installing the Grand Master, no other business was on the agenda. A procession was formed for the presentation of the Grand Master Elect the Chair having been taken by R.W.Bro. Michael Ward, Past Senior Grand Warden, Grand Secretary for Instruction, as Installing Officer.

The Grand Master Elect entered Grand Lodge, escorted by W.Bro. Michael Troughton-Smith and W.Bro. Trevor Boate. Having taken the Obligation at the altar, the Grand Master was conducted to the dais, where R.W.Bro. Michael Ward vacated the Throne. The Grand Master was Installed with dignity, and invested with the Chain of Office, borne by V.W.Bro. David Young.

The Grand Master’s Banner, borne by W.Bro. John Boddy, was unfurled and admired. The banner depicts the Three Castles of Dublin, with a roundel above encircling the Arms of County Leitrim; two silver streams representing the Rivers Liffey and Shannon; the background is St. Patrick’s blue.

The Director of Ceremonies called upon the Brethren to rise, and the newly installed Grand Master was saluted in accordance with Antient Custom.

The Grand Master spoke of the honour conferred on him, and his intention of serving the Brethren who had so honoured him to the best of his ability.

The next business was the Installation of the Deputy Grand Master, R.W.Bro.
Rodney McCurley, who was duly Obligated and Saluted. The Assistant Grand Master, R.W.Bro. Leslie Nixon was likewise Obligated and Saluted.

There being no further Regular business, the Grand Master addressed the Brethren, and made special reference to his pleasure in having such a distinguished gathering from other Constitutions present, wishing all Brethren a pleasant evening at the Banquet.

Grand Lodge closed, and those attending the Banquet proceeded to the Round Room at the Mansion House, the official residence of Dublin’s Lord Mayor, where
many observed the Three Castles of Dublin emblazoned on the railings and building. A drinks reception preceded the Banquet, and Brethren and Guests sat down to dine.

The Grand Master entered, accompanied by his wife Georgine, and the meal commenced. The evening proved to be informal and enjoyable, a splendid setting in which to re-affirm fidelity to our Fraternity.