Grand Master's Address 2009                       

Brethren all,

My Cabinet and I have a special responsibility to promote our Order in the public place. We take every opportunity to do so by appearing in the Media and by making presentations to interested groups, such as Rotary Clubs, Round Tables, Probus Clubs, Church Bodies etc. I recently accepted an invitation from BBC Radio Foyle to an interview on the Sarah Brett Programme and was delighted that Freemasonry and I were well received.

Changing society’s perception of our Order will always be difficult as the tide of public opinion will constantly ebb and flow. Our closed-minded protractors may diminish in number but will forever prevail.

As we reflect on the past year, we acknowledge that it is quite unacceptable that we suffer not only from the enemy without but from the enemy within – a circumstance which should never exist if every Freemason remained true to his obligations, practised brotherly love and fully embraced the Laws & Constitutions of our Order.

Successful Lodges are those whose members look forward and enjoy each meeting and each other and are given the opportunity to contribute to problem solving, conferring degrees and so on. It all tends towards a happy Lodge and retains interest. 

As members, we must accentuate the positives and reject the negatives of Freemasonry.  We must attract quality candidates or face a decline in both numbers and standards.  We must be confident that we will contribute effectively to this challenge and in concert with our peers, confront the problems and develop the solutions to rightly promote and uphold our Order.  Strong Lodges will undoubtedly ensure strong Constitutions!

As to the alleged secret character of the organisation it may be appropriate to quote a statement made some years ago by his Royal Highness the Duke of Connaught, Grand Master of the Free and Accepted Masons of England.  He said: “Be it known to you, that we are loyal, true and faithful to the laws of our country … we have concealed from the eyes of men, secrets which may not be revealed but these secrets are lawful and honourable and not repugnant to the laws of God or man.  They were entrusted in peace and honour to the Masons of ancient times, and having been faithfully transmitted to us it is our duty to carry them unimpaired to posterity.  Unless our craft were good and our calling honourable we should not have lasted for so many centuries, nor would we have had so many eminent Brethren in our Order”.

My activities have been most enjoyable over the past quarter when I visited a number of Lodges and witnessed the excellent working and active commitment given to their growth in membership. Broomhedge Star of the North Lodge No. 335 was a truly exceptional experience on the occasion of their 250 year celebrations and I congratulate them. I had the pleasure of travelling with St. Columb’s Lodge No.640 on a visit to Southport during which I met a number of old acquaintances from the Province of West Lancashire. We attended their Craft Lodge and their Royal Arch Chapter, both No. 640, and were hosted most generously. 

In December, I was accompanied by the Provincial Grand Master of Down on an excellent visit to Lodge 79 Newry on its 250th celebrations.

The Grand Secretary and I visited the United Grand Lodge of Germany in October, during which we had a guided tour to the remains of the Berlin Wall, on an extremely cold day, which caused me to suffer from a most uncomfortable head cold; my movements were restricted for a time because of this: nevertheless, the visit was very successful.

In December, we visited the Regular Grand Lodge of Italy, where I was the most senior Grand Master present and was privileged to receive a Patent and Jewel from the Grand Master, gifting me with Honorary Membership of his Grand Lodge.

Being elected to the office of Grand Master is the highest honour to be accorded to any Brother, bringing with it a feeling of personal accomplishment, a renewed sense of duty and a clear indication of one’s personal worth. We all consider ourselves members of a prestigious society and our actions should constantly endorse this image; especially the need to give support and leadership to Craft Masonry, the root and substance of our being, without which no associated level can grow or survive. 

There is no doubt that we are an organization of mixed loyalties where some members ‘give their lot’ to one or more Masonic units but not to all. HRH the Duke of Kent, Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England, is currently addressing this issue and I wait with interest to hear the outcome. Brethren, I apologise for getting on my ‘Soap Box’ but the matter raised must surely be resolved.

Lastly brethren, I welcome Grand Lodge’s adoption of the custom of reading a synopsis of the 1938 Concordat, made  between the Home Constitutions, which makes clear the principles and tenets by which our Constitutions are bound.
This document must be read at the Installation Communication of every Lodge so that members will be more aware of their duties in this respect.

Brethren, I am truly honoured to serve you as Grand Master and would thank you all for your friendship and support which you exhibit willingly and unselfishly.

May the Great Architect bless and keep you all.


M.W. Bro. George Dunlop
Grand Master