Grand Master's Address 2011                       

Grand Master’s Address to Grand Lodge on St. John’s Day 27th December 2011

Brethren all,

Since our last communication I have been as busy as ever in which I, once again, had the great pleasure of involving myself with the excellent and very successful ‘Young Musician of the Year Competition’.  This Competition has been truly embedded in our outward activities and I would especially thank R.W.Bro. John Keeley and his team for the wonderful commitment which they make to its success.

Our activities in the public place must be continued, if not expanded, to demonstrate to the public that we are not an inward-looking organisation, emphasising that we are not a threat to society but rather a private body which cares for the welfare of mankind.

The young musicians who take part are greatly helped to expand their experience and skills in a way which builds their confidence by performing to our audiences and, if winners, playing with the various orchestras in Ireland and the UK.  Already, some of our competitors have been elevated to great heights through exposure to larger audiences and through demonstrating their talents and impressing the various talent scouts who are forever seeking new blood and undoubted skills.

I look forward with much eagerness to next year’s competition in the knowledge that we are on the right track from which much credibility will emerge.

 I presented a number of 50 year medals and certificates this year and was enthralled by the stories of these elderly Freemasons, whose recollections were most interesting and whose love and commitment to our Order was undoubted. May God bless them all in the autumn of their lives and may the great God comfort them at all times. 

Our exposure to society through radio and television is an avenue which we must not ignore as there are many benefits to gain. We cannot lock ourselves behind closed doors and expect to gain public trust yet we must educate ourselves as to ‘what freemasonry is all about’ and to how we can communicate as individuals and convince the public that we are a force for good.  Time will tell!

On 30th October, I had the privilege of a radio interview on Sunday Sequence with Rev. William Clark, which was heard by many, including Masons and Non-Masons for which I received much commendation. Other interviews are currently being arranged for the near future and I would appreciate your comments be they good or bad.

On 5th November I attended the Provincial Grand Lodge of Londonderry & Donegal at which I was well received.

R.W.Bro. Rodney McCurley and I were invited to Stormont where the Samaritans of Ireland had organised a reception to promote help for their Society. We were present because Irish Freemasons had raised £600,000 of which £200,000 was given to the Samaritan Society through the Grand Master’s Charity.

Much credit was gained by our Order, which pleased us very much, even though they were hoping to receive a further donation.  The Grand Master’s Charity is planned on a five year cycle approximately, during which we try to focus on new recipients who need genuine assistance. Any recipient must wait for a reasonable cycle of time before they can secure more funding from the Grand Master’s Charity which only succeeds by the deeds of the Brethren who commit themselves wholly to its success.

The Grand Secretary and I visited the Grand Lodge of Luxembourg on 11th to 13th November and were treated very well. Their working was quite different to ours and English was only spoken when we socialised with the Brethren.

On 23rd November, I visited the Provincial Grand Lodge of Tyrone & Fermanagh in Cookstown and had the pleasure of installing R.W.Bro. Norman Humes as P.D.G.M. and R.W.Bro. Maurice Lee as P.A.G.M.  The communication was most enjoyable and there was a significant number of Brethren present in support of the promoted Brethren including my Deputy Grand Master who was giving his support.

The 24th November was a tremendous day when my Deputy and I attended the official opening of Virginia Home in Co. Cavan. I had a complete tour of the premises, which impressed me significantly and the senior members of the staff truly deserved the compliments which were accorded to them.

I was involved in the official opening and had the pleasure of cutting the tape and making a short speech in conjunction with V.Wor.Bro. David Young, Chairman completing the task. It was nice to have a mixed population which added a special aura to the event.

In early December I visited Groomsport Lodge No. 337 accompanied by the A.G.M. Designate where it was a pleasure to sit in the premises in their 100th Anniversary Year. Their Hall belongs to the local church but the Lodge has a legal arrangement by which they have use of specific rooms each time they hold their stated Communications. They have excellent accommodation and are able to store Lodge furniture in a separate room which is brought out for each meeting.

I visited Loughbrickland Lodge No. 173 on 14th December and enjoyed every minute of it.  I was lifted and laid by V.Wor.Bro. John McKinstry and appreciated very much the help he gave me.

Following the Festive Board, I arose from my chair when my left knee locked and gave me much pain.  Knowing that I would be having the knee replaced on 28th December I decided to return to my hotel rather than socialise into the late hours. I will be out of commission for 2 or 3 months but trust that all will go well and that an early release will occur.

Thank you all for your support and kindness and may 2012 be a special year for all.
God Bless  

M.W. Bro. George Dunlop
Grand Master