
Duke of York Lodge

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The Lodge was first warranted in 1733 in Youghal, County Cork, where it met for some time.  The Warrant later passed into the possession of  another Lodge in County Cork, where it remained until that Lodge became extinct in 1823.  Other Warrants were issued during the 19th century, but from 1839 until 1853 no lodge was working under a Warrant No. XXV.  On 4th November 1853 a new Warrant No. XXV was issued in Dublin and it is under this Warrant that the Lodge works today.   As with most Lodges, the fortunes of Lodge XXV rose and fell with membership reaching a low of 3 in 1865.  At that time Sir Charles Cameron, seeking to revive the Lodge, affiliated to XXV and in this, he succeeded.  In 1902 when the Lodge hosted a dinner attended by the Grand Master of England, numbers had risen to almost 180.  In recent years the membership has been fairly constant at around 40.  

The Lodge is looking forward to the challenges of the new millennium and to playing its part in creating a greater public awareness of Freemasonry in Ireland and its continuing activities in the charitable field. 

The Lodge meets in Freemasons' Hall on the third Tuesday of each month from September to April inclusive. Stated communications commence at 19:30.