Foreign Representatives


Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter:

R.E. Sir Knight Derek J. M. Moffatt

Grand Council of Knight Masons:

The Rt. Hon. The Earl of Elgin and Kincardine,
K.T., C.D., LL.D.


Grand Council of Knight Masons of the United States of America:

M.E. Sir Knight Bernard V.A. Woods

Grand Council of Knight Masons:

M.E. Sir Knight Douglas L Jordan

New Zealand

Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of New Zealand:

R.E. Sir Knight Robert C. Barnes

Grand Council of Knight Masons:-

M.E. Companion Robert H. Biel


Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Queensland:

M.E. Sir Knight Michael J. Ward

Grand Council of Knight Masons:

M.E. Companion Charles J. Nantes

United Supreme Grand Chapter of Mark and Royal Arch Masons
of New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory:

R.E. Sir Knight Robert C. Barnes

Grand Council of Knight Masons:

R.E. Companion Robert Pettie