Blue Lodges


Tanana Lodge #3 F. &. A. M.
P.O. Box 70170
Fairbanks, AK 99707-0170
Phone # (907) 452-2886 / 456-4016
W.B. David Worel, Worshipful Master

Chartered in 1908 as # 162 under the Grand Lodge of Washington,  This is the Oldest, Farthest North Lodge in North America, and has the largest membership in the Grand jurisdiction.  We meet every Wednesday at 7:30 PM, the second Wed. being our Stated Meeting with dinner at 7:00, Stated at 8:00 PM .  The Lodge is dark during June, July and August, except for Stated Meetings.  Commemorative coins and lapel pins are available from the Secretary.
Elected Officers

Senior Warden   W.B. Kevin Tennant, PM
Junior Warden   Bro. Kevin McKinley
Treasurer   R.W.B. Sam Medsker, SGW
Secretary   W.B. John Johnson, PM

Fairbanks Lodge # 12, F. & A. M.
3801 S. Cushman St. Suite #5
Fairbanks, AK 99701
907 452-5808

W.B. Mike Starkey, Worshipful Master

Chartered in 1977  as #308 under the Grand Lodge of Washington.  Our Lodge has moved to the second floor of 3801 S. Cushman.  We meet on the first and third Thursdays at 7:30 PM, with the third being our stated meeting.  A meal is served at stated meetings at 6:30. PM.  The lodge is dark during June, July and August, except for Stated Meetings.  Commemorative coins and lapel pins are available from the Secretary.

Elected Officers
Senior Warden Carlton Haenel
Junior Warden Mike Leroux
Treasurer   V.W.B. Doug "Windy" Ooms, PDDGM
Secretary   W.B. Clifford Benshoof, P.M.

North Pole Lodge # 16, F. & A. M.
P.O. Box 56661
North Pole, AK 99705-6742

Chartered in 1985.    Our meetings are held at the Grange Hall in North Pole.  We meet on the first and third Mondays at 7:30 PM, with the third being our stated meeting.  A meal is served at stated meetings at 6:30. PM. 


North Pole Lodge now has a "New" redesigned lapel pin. The cost is $5.00.  If you would like to place an order please contact Bro. Paul Brodale at


Elected Officers:


  • W. Bro. Joe Anderson,, Master
  • Bro. Jeff Elliott, Senior Warden
  • Bro. Michael Harper, Junior Warden
  • W. Bro. Rex C. Hasty, Secretary
  • W. Bro. Carl Amundsen, Treasurer

  • Return to Masonry in Fairbanks  


    Last updated on March 18, 2008