The Principles of Freemasonry

The Principles of Freemasonry can be discussed quite freely and openly – there is no secret about them. The so–called Masonic secrets relate only to the means of recognition between Freemasons. Freemasonry amplifies the duty owed to God, to a neighbour and to the member himself. It requires the practice in every-day life of every virtue, it neither competes with nor is a substitute for religion. Freemasonry has no part whatsoever in politics – indeed topics of  

Annual Communication of District Grand Lodge was held on 19th March 2016.

Collect the Masonic Calendar & Journal 2016-17 from your Lodge Secretary or write to the DGS’s Office for a soft copy.

From: District Grand Secretary

Annual Convocation of District Grand Chapter was held on 18th March 2016.

From: District Grand Scribe E

The Beginning …..

To understand the beginning and growth of Freemasonry in East Africa it is helpful to look at the history of the three East African countries. Until the latter part of the 19th Century the mainland territories of East Africa were virtually unknown to the outside world. On the other hand, for several centuries before that, Zanzibar was well known as a trading station and was visited by dhows from Oman and ships plying between Europe and India and beyond. It was also the centre for the slave trade from Eastern Africa.

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United Grand Lodge of England

Supreme Grand Chapter of England

Quatuor Coronati

Freemasonry Today

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Masonic Golfing Society

East Africa Masonic Fund

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Mentoring Guidance Notes

Mentoring Report Form

Mentoring - Entered Apprentice

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Mentoring - Master Mason

Read More Read More Freemasons’ Hall, Nairobi - Kenya

Thursday 25th August to Saturday 27th August 2016

White Sands Hotel, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Chief Guest: The MW Pro Grand Master

A unique milestone in English Freemasonry will take place in 2017, when our Order celebrates the Third Centenary of the formation of the United Grand Lodge of England, the Mother of all Grand Lodges in the world.

We have been honoured by Grand Lodge to host these Celebrations on their behalf for the whole of Africa.

Registration Forms including payment details can be downloaded from the links below.

Air Bookings are now being facilitated through a designated Travel Agent. Contact your Lodge Secretary for details.  

Tercentenary Celebrations Preferred : ONLINE REGISTRATION (If you have a problem registering online, use this Registration Form)

© District Grand Lodge of East Africa, Freemasons’ Hall, Nairobi - Kenya

District Grand Lodge

Of East Africa

District Grand Chapter

Of East Africa


In keeping with the policy of the District to go paperless, hard copies of most documents are not required. A soft copy where possible or a clearly scanned copy by email is now the preferred method of receiving documents from Lodges and Chapters. Registration Form(s) for Candidates can initially be sent through email and a hard copy can follow thereafter. Contact the District Secretariat if you require clarification.

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