Our Temple


    Grand Lodge Temple 
    A sacred place for all Armenian Masons around the world to come together, strengthen the bonds of the Brotherhood and work hand in hand for the progress and prosperity of our beloved country and our fraternity.

    Downloads:  2013 Letter  |  Temple Plans

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    My Dear Brethren,

    Ten years ago we accomplished the unimaginable breakthrough of creating the first and only Grand Lodge of Armenia in our Fatherland, the free and independent Republic of Armenia.

    Now is the time to make another glorious historical step by constructing our Grand Lodge Temple, a sacred place for all Armenian Masons around the world to come together, strengthen the bonds of the Brotherhood and work hand in hand for the progress and prosperity of our beloved country and our fraternity.

    About eight years ago, the Grand Lodge of Armenia, through the generous donations of a few of our brethren, purchased three thousand square meters of land in the suburb of Yerevan, at a distance of about fifteen minutes drive from downtown Yerevan (Hraparak). During the last few years, we have brought utility lines and secured our lot with surrounding walls.

    A beautiful preliminary design of the temple, which has been influenced both by Masonic and traditional Armenian architecture, has already been prepared (see link).

    To make history and for the realization of our noble goal, we need the financial help of our brethren and friends, all around the world.

    After meetings, discussions and calculations with our architect, builder and contractor brothers, we come up with an approximate budget of about Five Hundred Thousand U.S. Dollars for the construction cost and about three hundred thousand dollars later on for the Interior finish and furnishing.

    We are planning to start our work as soon as we begin receiving donations from you, by preparing the necessary construction documents and to obtain the required building permits from the authorities. We plan on starting construction activities immediately. The fundraising will continue during the construction process and every brother will be informed about the progress through our website by posting the pictures of the project. So:


    and donate to this noble cause as much as you can. Any amount will take us one step closer to our goal.

    For additional information about how to donate, please contact our Grand Secretary RWB David Akopian by E-mail: glofarmenia@earthlink.net and in the subject box mention “Temple Donation”

    I thank you in advance for all your help, cooperation and generosity.

    Armen Simonian
    Grand Master
    Grand lodge of Armenia

    September, 2012