What do Freemasons do?

Freemason's are deeply involved in helping other people.

They hold Lodge meetings once a month to share each others' company and follow their pursuit of a better way of life.They strive to enjoy the company of other Freemason's, assisting them in times of personal trouble and reinforcing essential moral values.Their most visible Masonic activity is charity, with Freemason's around the world giving away millions of dollars to charities every year. They are also actively involved in a great deal of community volunteer work.

The charitable works of Freemason's are visible throughout New Zealand, as they are in other parts of the world.New Zealand Freemason's are very significant providers of aged care and health facilities provided through Masonic homes and hospitals, through the Masonic Chair of Gerontology and through Fellowships in paediatrics and other disciplines of medicine.

What does Freemasonry stand for?

Every true Freemason:

Freemasons believe these three principles represent a way of achieving higher standards in life.