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    Concordant Bodies

    Scottish RiteFor over two centuries the Scottish Rite has been the medium for many Master Masons to reflect on their understanding of their relationship in their faith, to their fellow man and themselves. It enables Master Masons to add to their Masonic knowledge and to witness colourful Scottish Rite 'degrees' which are dramatic presentations portraying the philosophy of Freemasonry.

    The Scottish Rite (ritual) delves further into Masonic teachings and is meant to provide more insight into living a more meaningful way of life for a Master Mason and his family. It also includes enjoying the friendships and association with a larger and wider cross-section of like-minded men and their families.

    In Canada the Scottish Rite, through their Scottish Rite Charitable Foundation, provides generous research grants and bursaries toward the finding of causes, prevention and treatment of all forms of the Puzzles of the Mind i.e. Dementia, Alzheimer’s and Dyslexia which is being confronted by our Learning Centres for children spread across Canada.

    Concordant Bodies

    Other Organizatons
    Note: Each of these organizations are governed by their own Constitutions and are their own jurisdictions

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    Contact Us

    Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario
    363 King Street West
    L8P 1B4
    Work +1-905-528-8644
    Fax +1-905-528-6979