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    Ontario Mason Magazine - 2014 Issue 2 - Spring


    Front Cover - Photos of all 76 Ontario Grand Masters, 1867 - 2014

    From The Editor - W. Bro. Dan Dignard

    The Seventy Six Grand Masters - R.W. Bro. Garnet Schenk

    St. George's Lodge No. 15, Celebrating 200 Years - W. Bro. Richard Green and W. Bro. Mark-Anderson McGaw, W.M.

    A Masonic Biography, Bro. Douglas Myles Wilson, Myrtle Lodge No. 337

    News from Brant Lodge No. 662 - Bro. Roy Cummings

    Masons in our Communities Making a Difference, Bro. C. Ryan Edgar, Lorne Lodge No. 375

    New Lectern Presented, St. Clair Lodge No. 135

    Leadership, A Way to the Future - V. W. Bro. Craig Alderson and R. W. Bro. Bill Bowick.

    New Working Tools Presented, 150th Anniversary, Goodwood Lodge No. 159

    50 Years a Past Master, W. Bro. Jack Hogarth, Bankroft Lodge No. 482

    Special Presentations, Kilwinning Lodge No. 64

    Masonic Degree Team Directory

    Celebrating 100 Years, Mount Sinai - Pillars Lodge No. 522

    Masonic Foundation Bursary Award, London

    Realignment ofMasonry North of the Severn River - R.W. Bro. Garnet E. Schenk

    Gileadites Prevail in Annual Ammonitish War, Corinthian Lodge No. 96 - W. Bro. James K. Chisholm

    Masonic Blood Donors Blood Donor Presentation, 200 Units, Bro. William Grieg, Eureka Lodge No. 283

    Are you a Masonic Researcher?

    Grand Lodge 159th Annual Communication, Wednesday, July 16, 2104, Information

    Ontario Mason Magazine, Submissions

    Whence Come You? And Whither Are You Travelling - An address delivered before the Masonic Lodges of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Nov. 15, 1937

    2014 Sankey Lecture, Brock University, Dr. Renée Lafferty & The Brock University Partnership - R.W. Bro. Gareth Taylor

    Back Cover - Attend the Grand Lodge 159th Annual Communication

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    Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario
    363 King Street West
    L8P 1B4
    Work +1-905-528-8644
    Fax +1-905-528-6979