Welcome to Grand Lodge of Denmark
Of Ancient Free & Accepted Masons

The purpose of the freemasonry is to create a better world for all people and to teach every member of a lodge to be a freemason. To comply with this purpose the freemasons helps where they are able to do so and tries to improve themselves. We name ourselves freemasons because the freemason should have a mental activity free of prejudices, and because we use symbols taken from construction of buildings to describe matters that cannot be expressed by words. To be a real freemason is an ideal, a final purpose if I may say so, that no man on earth can achieve.
Grand Lodge
Grand Lodge of Denmark of Ancient Free & Accepted Masons were originally constituted april 14. 1929 as a cooperation between "Stororienten af Danmark og Norden" (Grand Orient of Denmark and Scandinavia "Den Danske Stororient af Gamle Frie & Antagne Murere" (The Danish Grand Orient of Ancient Free & Accepted Masons).
The Grand Lodge of Denmark was reconstituted november 15. 1932 in Copenhagen. Grand Lodge of Denmark of Ancient Free & Accepted Masons" is working in accordance to "De Gamle Landemærker" (The Ancient Landmarks). This means among others, that:
- The possibility to be a freemason is open to every man of mature years and good morality, without consideration of his nationality, race, religion, political observance and position or employment in the society
- The mason is obliged to obey the moral law, and if he rightly understand the art he will never be a stupid atheist nor an irreligious libertine
- The masons work is dedicated "The Great Architect of The Universe"
- The mason is obliged to aleays to obey the laws in the country in which he may reside
"Grand Lodge of Denmark of Ancient Free & Accepted Masons" has at the moment no officiel cooperation with "Den Danske Frimurerorden", which works in accordance to a Swedish, purely Christian rite.
Higher Degrees
Grand Lodge of Denmark of Ancient Free & Accepted Masons allow its members to participate in higher degrees, as long as the higher degrees not claim influence on the ruling of lodges under Grand Lodge og Denmark of Ancient Free & Accepted Masons. As an examble of a higher degree we can mention "Stororienten af Danmark af Gamle Frie & Antagne Murer" (Great Orient), which works in accordance to the Scottish 33. degree system.

Grand Lodge of Denmark is working in accordance to the old English York Rite and to day has relations to Grand Lodges all over the world. The Grand Lodge of Denmark is a member of the international cooperation of grand lodges C.L.I.P.S.A.S.