Grand Lodge regularly receives genealogy enquiries (ancestral research) and is happy to assist in tracing details of relatives who were Scottish Freemasons.

However, beacuse of the way the membership records are kep this is not a straight forward task. The records are held on a Lodge by Lodge basis and are not computerised.

This means that at the very least we need to have a location ideally a specific address for the individual and the time period of spent living at that residence. From this we can examine the membership records of nearby Lodges. This works reasonable well in rural areas where there is usually only one or two Lodges in any given area. However, in large urban areas where there can be dozens of Lodges it is not possible to read through thousands of names in the hope of finding the one in particular.

Ideally therefore the following is required for there to a be realistic chance of finding a given individual in the records:

Date of Birth and Date of Death. This allows us to narrrow the period to be researched. In the absence of these dates an approximate age at death can be helpful.

Places of residence. This allows us to be selective as to the Lodge records places to be searched.

Occupation. This is often helpful when trying to confirm that a particular individual is the one being sought especially when looking for someone with a common name.

When submitting an enquiry please therefore state the person's full name, address(es), DOB & DOD (or age at death) and occupation. Any other information that you have, particularly a Lodge name and number, details from Masonic paperwork (cerificates, membership cards for example) or inscriptions on jewels would be very helpful. In other words please provide as much relevant information as possible!

There is little point in asking: 'Was my Grandfather, Jock Campbell, from Glasgow, a Freemason?" as this is simply insufficient information for a search to be made.

All such enquiries should be sent by email to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please be aware that at certain times of the year (particularly in the summer months) a very large volume of enquires often means that a reply can take several weeks.

Lodges Records

Freemasons' Hall has some Lodge records which have bee deposited here for safekeeping. As space is limited only those of an important and/or historial nature can now be accepted. Access to this material is restricted and can only be examined by members of staff unless an appointment is made in advance to view these records and that such a request is authorised, in writing, by the Lodge Secretary whose property the Lodge records are, is provided. To enquire in the first instance please email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for further information.

Please note that details such as religious faith or political affiliation are Masonically irrelevant and personal details of this nature are not recorded.