How a Mason of Spanish descent discovered his father's extraordinary Masonic roots.

When retired Keswick hotelier Teodoro Lopez, a Spaniard by birth, applied to become a Mason in Derwentwater Lodge, No.6375, in the Province of Cumberland and Westmorland, he was anxious to follow in the footsteps of his late father, Teodoro Lopez Serrano, who had been a Freemason in Spain.

He knew nothing about his father's Masonic career, but was keen for the Lodge to help him trace any background that would help enlighten him, given that Spanish Freemasonry was banned during the dictatorship of General Franco.

The story that was to unfold was remarkable and terrifying, as it transpired that Teo's father was no ordinary Mason. Indeed, following research in England and in Spain, it was revealed that his father had been none other than the Grand Secretary of the Grand Orient of Spain.

Moreover, his father had been sentences to 18 years imprisonment for his Masonic beliefs, and served seven years of his sentence, being released in 1948. During this difficult time the family had been assisted by persons unknown to Teo.

His father, undaunted by his years in prison for his Masonic beliefs, had been proactive in the reintroduction of Freemasonry into Spain, joining the reincarnated Lodge ls Matritense, No.7, of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Casteille, which meets in Madrid. This Lodges itself has a most distinguished history, having been consecrated as Lodge , No.1 in Spain in 1728, but following turbulent times in Spanish Freemasonry, has twice been reorganised. As the current Grand Lodge of Spain is recognised as regular by the United Grand Lodge of England. it seemed appropriate that Teo and other members of Derwentwater Lodge should visit his father's old Lodge in Madrid.

Contact was made with Manuel Calvo, then Master of Lodge la Matritense, No.7, and 14 brethren and three wives flew out to Spain for a meeting last September. A lecture was given at the meeting for the benefit of visitors, who also included a Mason from Cuba and another from Chile.

At the meeting Teo presented the new Master, Brother Primitivo Mendoza, with a wall clock manufactured from Lakeland slate and suitably inscribed with Masonic symbolism and a presentation plaque, a fitting and last tribute to his father. The Master broke with tradition and embraced Teo in open Lodge and presented him with his father's application form and a Lodge tie.

The toast to Absent Brethren included Lionel Nutley of Derwentwater Lodge who, at 100 years of age, thought that the trip would be too much for him. Then the visiting Masons rounded off the evening with a rendition of the Absent Brethren song. For the two Lodges, regular communication now takes place, and Derwentwater Lodge has added Spain to its list of overseas countries it has visited for Masonic gatherings such as: Canada, United States, Thailand and Australia, underlining Masonry worldwide.

The trip was a great success, due largely to the arrangements made by the Master and Immediate Past Master, Manuel Calvo, and one Brother has as a consequence discovered the courage and tenacity of his father.

By Tom Forsyth, Secretary, Lodge Derwentwater Lodge, No.6375 (E.C.)

Reproduced by kind permission of MQ Magazine - the Official Magazine of the United Grand Lodge of England. (Issue 21 / April 2007). For further information visit: