The Lodge was founded in 1884 with the avowed intention of enqiring into, and investigating, all aspects of the unique institution that is the Craft. Although the Lodge was not formally erected and concerated until 1886 because the founding Master, Sir Charles Warren (1840 - 1927), had been sent to Africa on a diplomatic mission, the Lodge has always been active in researching all aspects of Freemasonry. As a testement to the vision of the founder members the Lodge is due soon to publish Volume No.125 of its annual transactions Ars Quatuor Coronatorum (AQC). Membership is open to anyone interested in making a daily advancement in their Masonic knowledge.

Quatuor Coronati Lodge, No. 2076, meets in Freemasons' Hall, Great Queen Street, London. The Lodge meetings are held on the third Thursday of February, the second Thursdays of May and September, the fourth Thursday of June and the Installation Meeting is held on the third Thursday of November. Members of the Lodge and Correspondence Circle receive advance written notification of the meeting and the subject of the paper to be presented.

Information about the Correspondence Circle and be found by clicking on the previous link. From that page one can also download an application form (with includes information about the Lodge and Privileges of Membership) requires to be completed. The application form can be downloaded by clicking here or on provious links. Please note that this is a .pdf file and requires PDF Reader (free software downloadable from the internet) to open the file. Once downloaded please print the application part of the document and send it (snail mail only I'm afraind) to the address provided. Don't forget to include payment details!

The Lodge now has its' own dedicated web site and this can be accessed by clicking here or on the previous links (including the logo above).